2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-75
Muhamad Yusup ◽  
Nurlaila Suci Rahayu Rais ◽  
Yunita Kartika Sari

Writing this article made to modern society who want program market products easier, efficient, effective and practical, in search for a information and obtained a products, the community generally maximize a means of communication equipped the internet, with the progress communications device equipped internet facilities, the community spoiled by forms application supported under the internet, through technological progress media instagram so provided facilities in the form of display visualizations interesting, easy to remember and easy to use. The method in use very simple, using just electronic devices such as pc computer, smartphone, and tablet ordinary use a day in day by modern society, because the device easy access it with visualization display features a feature provided. Through the instagram, held in public offering find the kind of product products, get reference style fashion, kinds of food, locations to visited tourism, forms of information actual and factual can be found.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 01-08
Safira Salsabila ◽  
Dian Kasoni

Abstract— Microcontroller is a hardware in which there is a processor, input and output, RAM, ROM, System Bus, Contol Unit, Shift Register and Aritmatic Logic Unit. Microcontroller is able to activate some electronic devices such as led, buzzer, motor, lighting and so on. Currently, at the home of the writer has many light switches in each room and often causes the user to become disoriented when turning on the light and the condition of the gate in the yard was that close to the roads often led to congestion when it would either open or close the house gates. The activation method of lights and other electronic devices still use manual method, so it is inefficient and causing excessive cost of electricity. For that built a system to activate every device in every room at the house based internet of things which will be activated by a website display on the internet so that the lights in each room and other device will activate.. With the creation of this system is expected to reduce the cost of electricity on writer’s house and as a first step to realize the smart home in the utilization of technological progress, especially in the field of microcontroller.   Intisari— Mikrokontroller merupakan sebuah perangkat keras yang didalamnya terdapat sebuah processor, input dan output, RAM, ROM, System Bus, Contol Unit, Shift Register dan Aritmatic Logic Unit. Mikrokontroller ini mampu mengaktifkan beberapa perangkat elektronika seperti led, buzzer, motor, lampu penerangan dan sebagainya. Saat ini, di rumah pribadi penulis memiliki banyak saklar lampu di setiap ruangan dan sering mengakibatkan setiap pengguna kebingungan saatmenghidupkan lampu dan gerbang di halaman rumah memiliki jarak yang dekat dengan jalanan seringkali menimbulkankemacetan saat akan membuka ataupun menutup gerbang rumah. Metode pengaktifan perangkat lampu dan alatelektronik yang lain masih menggunakan cara manual, sehingga tidak efisien dan menimbulkan pengeluaran biaya listrik yangberlebih. Untuk itu dibangun sebuah sistem untuk mengaktifkan setiap perangkat yang ada di ruangan rumah penulis berbasisInternet of Things yang akan diaktifkan oleh sebuah tampilan website melalui internet sehingga secara otomatis lampu disetiap ruangan dan perangkat lainnya akan aktif. Dengan dibuatnya sistem ini diharapkan dapat mengurangi pengeluaran biaya listrik di rumah pribadi penulis dan sebagai langkah awal mewujudkan smart home dalam pemanfaatan kemajuan teknologi, terutama dibidang mikrokontroller.

Nuke Lulu Ul Chusna

The internet can be used as a way to transfer knowledge from teachers to students. Learning that utilizes the development of technology and information, namely the internet, one of which is the e-learning learning system. E-learning is a form of conventional learning that is transferred in digital format through internet technology, not only to present subject matter on the internet but also must be in accordance with the principles of learning.The e-learning learning model results in changes in learning culture in the context of learning. Learning becomes very flexible, because it can be adjusted to the availability of time from students in learning the material provided by the teacher.The teacher determines the success of students in learning, therefore teachers are required to have the ability to adapt to technological progress. Keywords: ICT,e-learning, e-learning learning

Jing Liu ◽  
Khairul Manami Kamarudin ◽  
Yuqi Liu ◽  
Jinzhi Zou

Background: An infectious disease can affect human beings at an alarming speed in modern society, where Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has led to a worldwide pandemic, posing grave threats to public security and the social economies. However, as one of the closest attachments of urban dwellers, urban furniture hardly contributes to pandemic prevention and control. Methods: Given this critical challenge, this article aims to propose a feasible solution to coping with pandemic situations through urban furniture design, using an integrated method of Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and Analytic Network Process (ANP). Eight communities in China are selected as the research sites, since people working and living in these places have successful experience preventing and containing pandemics. Results: Three user requirements (URs), namely, usability and easy access, sanitation, and health and emotional pleasure, are determined. Meanwhile, seven design requirements (DRs) are identified, including contact reduction, effective disinfection, good appearance, social and cultural symbols, ergonomics, smart system and technology and sustainability. The overall priorities of URs and DRs and their inner dependencies are subsequently determined through the ANP-QFD method, comprising the House of Quality (HQQ). According to the theoretical results, we propose five design strategies for pandemic prevention and control. Conclusion: It is demonstrated that the incorporated method of ANP-QFD has applicability and effectiveness in the conceptual product design process. This article can also provide a new perspective for pandemic prevention and control in densely populated communities in terms of product design and development.

Olena Solodka ◽  

As a result of the study it was found that the issue of determining the components of information sovereignty of Ukraine and their legal nature can be considered from two main approaches: the separation of functional areas (aspects) of information sovereignty or the separation of its system elements. In particular, the information sovereignty of Ukraine as a complex category of information law, the elements of which reflect various forms of information and areas of its manifestation in modern society, in the most general form includes the following functional aspects: information-humanitarian and information-technological. The information-humanitarian component of information sovereignty includes three aspects: national (people's), state and personal, and is primarily related to the informational identification of a person, nation and state and the establishment of information links between them. These aspects can be detailed through cultural, ideological, spiritual components and so on. The information-technological component is realized through the concept of digital sovereignty and is associated with cyberspace – environment resulting from the interaction of people, software and services on the Internet using technological devices and networks connected to them, which does not exist in any physical form. But to identify the components of information sovereignty in terms of its system elements, identifying information sovereignty with information policy or in particular with information security, we consider it impractical, because the relevant elements – information resources, information processes and their subjects, etc. are components of the information sphere.

2020 ◽  
pp. 89-101
Katarzyna Borzucka-Sitkiewicz ◽  
Karina Leksy

The technological progress and unlimited access to media create new possibilities of self-presentation in the public domain nowadays, especially for the young generation. The article presents a part of a broader research project which was aimed at defining the characteristics of behaviors shown in cyberspace by Polish students of upper-secondary schools and also at determining potential social and health consequences of such behaviors. The chosen fragment of the study mainly focuses on those actions that were considered as a sign of social exhibitionism on the Internet, such as uploading photos and videos, sharing private information about oneself and informing about current activity. The research was conducted in accordance with a quantity paradigm. It was of diagnostic and verification nature and a method of diagnostic survey with the use of questionnaires was applied.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 32
Lukis Alam

Abstrak: Teknologi  informasi  dan  komunikasi  yang  berkembang  saat  ini, telah  menciptakan  perubahan  pada  banyak  hal.  Terlebih  dengan kehadiran  internet,  berbagai  keunggulannya  semakin  menambah keunggulan  dalam  dinamika  kehidupan  modern.  Ratusan juta manusia di seluruh dunia mengakses internet setiap harinya, dan jumlahnya terus bertambah dari waktu ke waktu. Hal ini berdampak pada penggunaan internet untuk kegiatan dakwah.Secara umum dakwah dilaksanakan secara konvensional. Namun, seiring perkembangan teknologi informasi, bermunculan dakwah yang menggunakan internet, yang biasa disebut dengan cyber dakwah. Terkait dengan hal tersebut, penelitian ini berupaya untuk melihat keterkaitan keduanya dalam konstruksi keberagamaan, yang karenanya media internet memberikan kemudahan dalam penyebaran informasi kepada masyarakat. Adapun jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif, dengan menggunakan metode field work yang dipadukan dengan studi kepustakaan.Diharapkan penelitian ini akan membuka ruang diskusi baru mengenai studi keislaman kontemporer yang lebih integratif dengan isu-isu kekinian. Selain itu, untuk memperkaya cakrawala terhadap diskursus perkembangan media yang menjadi bagian dari wacana keislaman global dan masyarakat modern. Abtsract: Information and communication technology that has developed at this time has created changes in many things. Especially with the presence of the internet, various advantages have added to the dynamics of modern life. Hundreds of millions of people around the world access the internet every day, and the number continues to increase from time to time. This has an impact on the use of the internet for da'wah activities.In general, preaching is carried out conventionally. However, along with the development of information technology, da'wah has sprung up using the internet, commonly referred to as cyber da'wah. Related to this, this study seeks to see the relationship between the two in religious construction, which is why internet media makes it easy to disseminate information to the public. The type of this study is qualitative, using the field work method combined with library studies.It is hoped that this research will open up new discussion space regarding contemporary Islamic studies that are more integrative with current issues. In addition, to enrich the horizon of the discourse of media development which is part of a global Islamic discourse and modern society.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Ikka Puspitasari

<p>Perkembangan teknologi informasi yang sangat pesat telah mempengaruhi seluruh aspek kehidupan termasuk aspek hukum yang berlaku. Kemajuan teknologi informasi tersebut antara lain ditandai dengan maraknya penggunaan media elektronik mulai dari penggunaan handphone hingga komputer yang semakin canggih. Internet yang berkembang demikian pesat sebagai kultur masyarakat modern, karena melalui internet berbagai aktivitas di dunia maya seperti berpikir, berkreasi, dan bertindak dapat diekspresikan didalamnya, kapanpun dan dimanapun. Tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa kemajuan teknologi dan pengetahuan ini juga berdampak pada berkembangnya tindak kejahatan. Pelaku kejahatan tidak mengenal tempat atau dengan cara apapun selama bisa dijadikan tempat melakukan kejahatan. Kejahatan yang terjadi di dalam Internet dikenal dengan istilah Cyber Crime (kejahatan dalam dunia maya).</p><p><em>The development of rapid information technology has affected all aspects of life including law aspects. Information technology advances, among others, is marked by the rampant use of electronic media ranging from the use of mobile phones to increasingly sophisticated computer.</em> <em>The Internet is growing so rapidly as modern society culture, because through various internet activity on cyber as thinking, creating, and act can be expressed therein, whenever and wherever. It is undeniable that techonology and knowledge also have an impact on the rise of crime. The perpetrator of any crime does not know the place or in any way as long as it can be used as a place of crime. Crimes that occur in the Internet known as Cyber Crime (crime in cyberspace).</em><em></em></p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 174
Untung Rahardja ◽  
Qurotul Aini ◽  
Made Bunga Thalia

Sistem informasi pembayaran saat ini sudah menggunakan sistem berbasis modernisasi atau online, yang sangat dibutuhkan pada era globalisasi ini. Peranan transaksi online menjadi sangat penting bagi masyarakat modern. Seperti E-Commerce yang menjadi referensi dalam pengembangan form menu konfirmasi pembayaran pada sistem pembayaran online perguruan tinggi, dari sistem yang sebelumnya masih berjalan manual atau tidak online. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengimplementasikan form menu konfirmasi pembayaran online guna meningkatkan pelayanan kepada mahasiswa perguruan tinggi dalam hal memberikan informasi pembayaran yang tepat dan akurat kepada mahasiswa, serta memberikan akses mudah bagi mahasiswa Perguruan Tinggi Raharja dalam hal konfirmasi pembayaran. Selain dapat memberikan kemudahan bagi mahasiswa, sistem ini juga dapat memberikan kemudahan untuk bagian keuangan dalam pengecekan transaksi yang sudah masuk. Sistem yang diimplementasikan pada Perguruan Tinggi Raharja untuk form menu konfirmasi pembayaran ini ialah website goplus. Website goplus ini dibangun dengan menggunakan yii2 framework, dimana sudah banyak diterapkan sebelumnya pada sistem informasi akademik lainnya di Perguruan Tinggi Raharja. Pada yii2 framework terdapat fitur CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) yang dapat mempermudah dalam membuat suatu form.The current payment information systems already use-based systems modernization or online, which is much needed in this era of globalization. The role of online transactions is becoming very important for modern society. Like the E-Commerce as a reference in the development of the payment confirmation menu form on the college online payment system, from a system that previously still runs manually or not online. The purpose of this research is to implement online payment confirmation menu form to enhance services to college students in terms of providing payment information which is precise and accurate to college students, as well as providing easy access for students College Raharja in terms of payment confirmation. In addition to providing convenience for students, the system is also able to provide convenience to the financial section in checking of transactions already entered. The system is implemented on College Raharja to form this payment confirmation menu is goplus website. Goplus website was built using the yii2 framework, which already implemented earlier in other academic information system in College Raharja. In the yii 2 framework there are features of the CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) which can make it easier to create a form.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. 1853-1858
Lesko Natalia Vladimirovna Et al.

The features of the Internet as a leading institution of information law in the XXI century have been studied in the article. It has been determined that a characteristic feature of the Internet is that geographical boundaries do not play any role here. The Internet space is an electronic information space of communications for which there are no borders. That is why it is difficult to ensure effective legal regulation of the Internet, as there is no systematic legislation regulating the relevant types of relations on the World Wide Web, besides, there are objective features of the Internet functioning. It has been stated that an important point of solving the problems of using the Internet is the adoption of the Laws: "On the protection of freedom on the Internet", "On e-democracy", "On distance learning on the Internet". It has been noted that in modern society, the Internet has made it possible to influence greatly the life of every person. As a result of globalization processes, the World Wide Web performs the function of forming a person's world-view. Unfortunately, standards that do not conform to the ideas of humanism are often promoted on the Internet. New forms of communication on the Internet have led to the separation of the culture function of this means of mass communication, as a result of which a specific information culture is being formed. Thus, an important factor in building a global information society is the formation of the individual new information culture on the Internet network.

Metals ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 144
Ilhwan Park

Metals are a finite resource that are necessary to maintain living standards in modern society, due to their countless applications, such as transportation vehicles, building and construction, household appliances, electronic devices, etc. [...]

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