scholarly journals Formação continuada numa perspectiva da educação para a inteireza: uma necessidade do professor de creche

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (9) ◽  
pp. 232
Dinorá MEINICKE ◽  
Andréia Mendes dos SANTOS

RESUMOO presente texto compartilha implicações que emergiram de uma pesquisa qualitativa de abordagem hermenêutica, cujo propósito foi compreender como as Ações de Formação Continuada - FC ofertadas ao Professor de Creche, pela Secretaria Municipal de Educação – SME de Florianópolis/SC, no período 2013-2015, instigavam uma formação na perspectiva de uma Educação para a Inteireza. Os achados desse estudo desvelaram que: as concepções de FC que sustentaram as ações ofertadas pela SME foram sendo aprimoradas ao longo do período; ao serem pensadas, as ações de FC, não contemplavam as dimensões constitutivas do SER no seu planejamento, contudo, embora a Secretaria não tenha concebido tais ações com esse propósito, entende que essas dimensões permearam o seu desenvolvimento e reconhece a importância de viabilizar a FC nesta perspectiva, porém, assinala fragilidade acerca do entendimento do assunto, aponta necessidade e interesse de investir em estudos que possibilitem aprimorar a compreensão da FC na perspectiva da Educação para a Inteireza. Professores de Creche. Formação Continuada. Educação para Inteireza.Continuing education from the perspective of Education for Integrality: a need of the Kindergarten Teacher ABSTRACT This paper shares implications that emerged from a qualitative research with a hermeneutic approach, whose purpose was to understand how the Actions of Continuing Education - CE offered to the Kindergarten Teacher, by the Municipal Secretary of Education - SME of Florianópolis / SC, in the period 2013-2015, instigated training in the perspective of an Education for Integrality. The findings of this study revealed that: the CE conceptions that supported the actions offered by the SME were being improved over the period; When thinking about CE actions did not contemplate the constitutive dimensions of SER in its planning, however, although the Secretariat did not conceive such actions for this purpose, it understands that these dimensions permeated its development and recognizes the importance of enabling CE in this perspective. However, it points out fragility about the understanding of the subject, points out the need and interest to invest in studies that enable the understanding of CE to be improved from the perspective of Education for Integrality. Kindergarten Teachers. Continuing Education. Education for Integrality.  Formazione continua dal punto di vista dell'educazione alla integrità: una necessità per gli insegnanti di asilo RIASSUNTO Il presente testo condivide le implicazioni emerse da una ricerca qualitativa sull'approccio ermeneutico, il cui scopo era comprendere come le azioni di formazione continua offerte all'insegnante di scuola materna, dal Segretariato per l'educazione municipale de la cittá di Florianópolis / Sud del Brasil, nel 2013-2015, ha istigato una formazione nella prospettiva di un'educazione per il tutto. I risultati di questo studio hanno rivelato che: le concezioni della formazione continua. Le azioni offerte dalle secreterie de insegno sono state migliorate nel corso del periodo pero non hanno contemplato le dimensioni costitutive del ESSERE nella sua pianificazione. Sebbene il Segretariato non abbia concepito tali azioni a tale scopo, queste dimensioni permeano il suo sviluppo e riconosce l'importanza di abilitare con una fornazione continua. In questa prospettiva, tuttavia, sottolinea la fragilità della comprensione della materia, la necessità e l'interesse a investire in studi che consentano di migliorare la comprensione di questa formazione dal punto di vista dell'Educazione per essere completo. Insegnanti di scuola materna. Formazione permanente. Educazione per la completezza.  La educación continua desde la perspectiva de la Educación para la Integralidad: una necesidad del maestro de jardín de infantes RESUMEN Este artículo comparte las implicaciones que surgieron de una investigación cualitativa con un enfoque hermenéutico, cuyo propósito era comprender cómo las Acciones de Educación Continua - CE ofrecieron al Maestro de Kindergarten, por la Secretaría Municipal de Educación - SME de Florianópolis / SC, en el período 2013-2015, instigó la capacitación en la perspectiva de una Educación para la Integralidad. Los resultados de este estudio revelaron que: las concepciones de CE que respaldaron las acciones ofrecidas por las PYME se mejoraron durante el período; Sin embargo, al pensar en las acciones de CE no contempló las dimensiones constitutivas de SER en su planificación, aunque la Secretaría no concibió tales acciones para este propósito, entiende que estas dimensiones impregnaron su desarrollo y reconoce la importancia de habilitar CE en esta perspectiva. Sin embargo, señala la fragilidad sobre la comprensión del tema, señala la necesidad y el interés de invertir en estudios que permitan mejorar la comprensión de la CE desde la perspectiva de la Educación para la Integralidad. Maestros de Kindergarten. Educación continua. Educación para la integralidad.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Suharyanto Suharyanto

Result kindergarten teacher supervision is found in teaching teachers have to plan daily activities, so that learning activities are not effective. For that, it is necessary guidance to teachers in order to increase their competence in planning daily activities. The purpose of this study was to determine the increase kindergarten teacher competence in planning daily activities through ongoing guidance in the TK Dharma Wanita District of Tembarak 2015.Who is the subject of this research is all kindergarten teachers in the district Tembarak Dharma Wanita, amounting to 18 teachers. With schools, action research is expected 75% of kindergarten teachers are able to plan daily activities properly. Acts done in two cycles each cycle there are three meetings which consist of four stages, namely: planning, action, observation, and reflection. Results of the action from the first cycle to the second cycle increased aspects of kindergarten teacher competence in planning daily activities properly in TK Dharma Wanita District if the year 2015 in the first cycle there are 6 teachers or 33% increase to 15 teachers or 83%. While activity has increased from 65% in the first cycle to 79% in the second cycle. It can be concluded that through continuous guidance can improve the competence of kindergarten teachers in planning daily activities in TK Dharma WanitaTembarak District of Waterford District 2015.

Luis Alejandro Romero Miranda

El presente artículo recoge los principales resultados de la investigación cualitativa denominada “Representaciones e implicancias de la prisionización en un grupo de exreclusos del sistema penal chileno”, desarrollada entre noviembre de 2016 y abril de 2018, como parte del plan anual de trabajo del Programa de Investigación y Análisis Delictual de la Universidad La República. La muestra está compuesta por 16 expresidiarios varones de recintos penitenciarios estatales de la región metropolitana y Valparaíso. Como principales hallazgos, los relatos muestran hitos o vivencias recurrentes que permiten plantear una secuencia común en la génesis y estructuración de la prisionización (fases). Esta última está mediada por la trayectoria vital, la adherencia a la normativa institucional/subcultural, la posición de entrada en la jerarquía subcultural y la capacidad del sujeto para moverse o acomodarse dentro de ella.   Abstract This article presents the main results of the qualitative research entitled "Representations and Implications of prisonization in a Group of Former Convicts of the Chilean Criminal System", developed between November 2016 and April 2018, as part of the annual work plan of the Program of Investigation and Delictual Analysis of the Universidad La República. The sample is composed by 16 male ex-convicts from state prisons in the metropolitan region and Valparaíso. As main findings, the interviews show recurring milestones or experiences that allow us to propose a common sequence in the genesis and structuring of prisonization (phases). The latter is mediated by the life trajectory, the adherence to institutional / subcultural norms, the entry position in the subcultural hierarchy and the capacity of the subject to move or settle within it.  

2011 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 417
Francieli Adams ◽  
Francisco Carlos Pinto Rodrigues

ABSTRACTObjective: to identify as the nursing professionals they use and they understand the light technologies in the nursing assistance Methodology: this is about a descriptive qualitative research with the participation of nursing professionals who act in a unit of intensive therapy (UTI) in the period of March the April of 2010 for collection of data it was used to the simple, daily comment of field and questionnaire with open questions and for analysis of data used it content analysis, the research had approval of the Committee of Ethics of the Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões, registered under the n. 111-4/PPH/09. Results: it can be evidenced that the nursing professionals understand and value the light technologies for the improvement of the assistance to the health and although the light technologies to be identified to mechanics moments are creating its space in the daily one of the nursing Conclusions: the necessity appears to produce spaces of quarrels on the subject with different professionals, making possible the reaming of the practical and action Descriptors: nursing; units of intensive therapy; cares of nursing.RESUMOObjetivo: identificar como os profissionais de enfermagem utilizam e compreendem as tecnologias leves na assistência de enfermagem Metodologia: pesquisa qualitativa descritiva com a participação de profissionais de enfermagem que atuam em uma unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI) no período de março a abril de 2010, para coleta de dados foram utilizados à observação simples, diário de campo e questionário com questões abertas e para análise de dados utilizou-se a análise de conteúdo, a pesquisa teve aprovação do Comitê de Ética da Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões, registrado sob o n. 111-4/PPH/09. Resultados: constatou-se que os profissionais de enfermagem compreendem e valorizam as tecnologias leves para a melhoria da assistência à saúde e apesar de identificarem-se momentos de mecanicidade as tecnologias leves estão criando seu espaço no cotidiano da enfermagem Conclusão: surge a necessidade de produzir espaços de discussões sobre o tema com diferentes profissionais, possibilitando o redirecionamento de suas práticas e de suas ações, Descritores: enfermagem; unidades de Terapia Intensiva; cuidados de Enfermagem.RESUMENObjetivo: identificar como los profesionales de cuidado que utilizan y entienden las tecnologías ligeras en la ayuda del oficio de enfermera Metodología: investigación cualitativa descriptiva con la participación de los profesionales del oficio de enfermera que actúan en una unidad de la terapia intensiva (UTI) en el período de marcha el abril de 2010, para la recogida de datos fue utilizado al comentario simple, diario del campo y el cuestionario con preguntas abiertas y para el análisis de datos lo utilizó la análisis del contenido, el estudo fue aprobado por el comité de ética de la universidad regional integrada del alto uruguay y das misiones – Campus Santo Ângelo/RS, protocolo 111-4/PPH/09. Resultados: puede ser evidenciado que los profesionales del oficio de enfermera entienden y valoran las tecnologías ligeras para la mejora de la ayuda a la salud y aunque las tecnologías ligeras que se identificarán a los momentos de los mecánicos están creando su espacio en el diario del oficio de enfermera Conclusiones: la necesidad aparece producir los espacios de peleas en el tema con diversos profesionales, haciendo posible escariar del práctico y de la acción Descriptores: oficio de enfermeria; unidades de la terapia intensiva; cuidados del oficio de enfermeria.

2018 ◽  
Vol 35 (2) ◽  
pp. 193-207
Ângelo Francklin Pitanga

Uma documentada crise é defendida por pesquisadores de renome internacional, que trazem em comum o argumento que o colapso vivido não é de natureza ecológica, mas sim social. Estes alertam para a chegada de um possível estágio catastrófico da modernidade. Com vistas às preocupações acima, este artigo tem como objetivo investigar o entendimento de professores universitários sobre a crise ambiental. Encaminhados pelos fundamentos da pesquisa qualitativa, seis docentes foram entrevistados a respeito do tema. A análise dos resultados permitiu inferir a predominância de um entendimento pragmático do processo de crise, marcado pela presença de elementos caraterísticos de uma visão epistemológica racionalista, onde as principais preocupações estão relacionadas com: gestão de recursos, conscientização dos alunos, desenvolvimento de tecnologias substitutivas e formação de mão de obra qualificada. A documented crisis is defended by internationally renowned researchers who share the argument that the collapse is not of an ecological nature but of a social one. These warn of the arrival of a possible catastrophic stage of modernity. In view of the above concerns, this article aims to investigate the understanding of university professors about the environmental crisis. Based on the fundamentals of qualitative research, six teachers were interviewed about the subject. The analysis of the results allowed to infer the predominance of a pragmatic understanding of the crisis process, marked by the presence of characteristic elements of a rationalist epistemological vision, where the main concerns are related to: resource management, student awareness, development of substitutive technologies and Training of skilled labor. Una documentada crisis es defendida por investigadores de renombre internacional, que traen en común el argumento que el colapso vivido no es de naturaleza ecológica, sino social. Estos advierten para la llegada de un posible estadio catastrófico de la modernidad. Con respecto a las preocupaciones arriba, este artículo tiene como objetivo investigar el entendimiento de profesores universitarios sobre la crisis ambiental. En el marco de la investigación cualitativa, seis docentes fueron entrevistados sobre el tema. El análisis de los resultados permitió inferir la predominancia de un entendimiento pragmático del proceso de crisis, marcado por la presencia de elementos caraceristicos de una visión epistemológica racionalista, donde las principales preocupaciones están relacionadas con: gestión de recursos, concientización de los alumnos, desarrollo de tecnologías sustitutivas y formación de mano de obra cualificada.

2020 ◽  
pp. 233-253
Margareth Eilifsen

We understand our lives through narratives, and the form of the narratives is appropriate for understanding the actions of others, says MacIntyre. Meanwhile, narratives and understanding of narratives also apply to understanding our self and our own actions. Through stories from the field of practice in the study program for kindergarten teachers, students describe serious and important stories from an everyday life with children. These stories have had an impact on student’s development in becoming teachers. Through reflective work with life stories from teaching students, various perspectives on life management from children aged 2–8 years are outlined. The stories are told through the students’ voices, and they are reflected over in hindsight with the subject teachers from the program. The article deals with the students’ ways of telling stories and reflecting on them retrospectively. Phenomenological hermeneutic method lay as a basis for analysis of stories as Lived Experience Descriptions (LED) in this article (van Manen). The main result is the importance of listening to and reflecting on narratives in order to understand and alter actions and become a reflective kindergarten teacher.

Bruno Ortigara Dellagerisi ◽  
José Paulo Schneider dos Santos

Resumo: Este trabalho, a partir da proposta fenomenológica hermenêutica, procura entender como o objeto em estudo é apresentado pela doutrina e como se manifesta na prática. Partindo da pesquisa qualitativa, trabalhar-se-á tanto explorando o objeto de pesquisa quanto descrevendo-o. Isso porque, ao fazer a comparação entre aquilo que é fixado pela doutrina e realizado na prática, mediante aferição dos casos Shell Nigéria e Ford Brasil, entende haver a combinação desses dois objetivos na pesquisa. Como procedimento técnico haverá a convergência de aspectos da pesquisa bibliográfica, pelo qual se apresentará o desenvolvimento teórico sobre o objeto de estudo, a saber, a (in)constitucionalidade do PLC 30/2015, antigo PL 4330, e a não contribuição da terceirização da relação de trabalho para se alcançar o desenvolvimento sustentável, bem como eleger-se-ão dois casos práticos em que a terceirização gerou dumping social e ambiental, impediu a responsabilização da empresa matriz e ocasionou concorrência desleal. Abstract: This work is based on the phenomenological hermeneutic approach and intends how the object under study is presented by the doctrine and how it manifests itself in practice. Through a qualitative research, this paper will explore the object of research and describe it as well. By making a comparison between what is set by the doctrine and what is accomplished in practice, through Shell Nigeria and Ford Brasil standardization cases, this work supposes that there is a combination of these two objectives. A convergence of literature aspects will be presented as a technical procedure. Through this procedure, it will be discussed the development of the subject, the PLC 30/2015 (the former PL 4330) unconstitutionality and the non contribution of outsourcing to reach sustainable development; furthermore it will be chosen two studies cases in which the outsourcing has generated social and environmental dumping, prevented the head-office company accountability and caused unfair competition. 

Emi Br Bukit ◽  
Berlin Sibarani ◽  
Rika Rika

This study aims at describing how the teachers teach reading comprehension of narrative text to the tenth grade students in Sibolangit and revealing the underlying reasons of why do they do that way. This study was conducted by using qualitative research design. The subject of this study were two english teachers who taught at tenth grade students of two SMA in Sibolangit they are : SMA Negeri  1 Sibolangit  and SMA RK Deli Murni Bandar Baru in academic year 2016/ 2017. The data were analyzed by using Miles and Huberman data analysis technique. The  technique of collecting the data was recorded from the classroom process in teaching reading comprehension of narrative text. The findings of the study show that most of teachers’ ways are not yet focusing on teaching reading comprehension but rather focusing teaching the knowledge of genre. The underlying reason of the teachers’ ways in teaching reading comprehension did not facilitate reading comprehension. It was due to the misperception of the concept of teaching reading comprehension.  Keywords : Teaching,Reading Comprehension,Narrative Text.

Lindayana ◽  
Arifuddin ◽  
Halus Mandala

This study was conducted aiming at examining: (1) the divergent principles of politeness in students’ directive speech act (2) factors affecting politeness and impoliteness in verbal and non-verbal directive speech act produced by students at grade X in Senior High School 1 Mataram in the learning process. The subject of this study are teachers teaching Bahasa Indonesia, English, Economy, History, Math, Religion, Civic, and Science, and all students at Grade X of Science 1, Science 3 and Social 2 in Senior High School 1 Mataram. This study is a descriptive qualitative research. The data source in this study is the number of utterances produced by students and teachers in the learning process. The data were collected through observation. This study revealed that: (1) there were divergent principles of politeness in participants’ directive speech act namely single and multiple divergent principles of politeness affected by speaker intentionally accused addressees, intentionally uttered by neglecting the context, was protective to other arguments, showed emotional feeling, given critiques in impolite words and mocked at other; and (2) there were factors affecting politeness and impoliteness in verbal and non-verbal directive speech act produced by students in learning process namely linguistic factor and non-linguistic factor.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 78
Junita Junita ◽  
Zainuddin Zainuddin ◽  
Ibnu Hajar ◽  
Rahma Muti’ah ◽  
Marlina Siregar

This study aims to obtain a concrete picture of the effectiveness of the application of the principles of teacher Islamic communication in fostering the character of tenth grade students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Rantauprapat. The communication process in education is not only understood as a one-way knowledge transfer process, however, there must be a serious effort on the part of the educator / teacher, as a communicator, to be able to provide good role models. Qualitative research methods try to understand a phenomenon as the understanding of the respondents studied, with an emphasis on the subjective aspects of one's behavior. Qualitative research provides an opportunity for researchers to understand the way respondents describe the world around them based on the way they think. The researcher tries to enter the conceptual world of the subject under study to capture what and how things happen. Data collection techniques used in this study were interviews in this study researchers used a semi-structured interview (semitructure interview), namely: interviews in the category of in-depth interviews. Data about the application of teacher Islamic communication and the communication character of tenth grade students, data analysis used in this study during the field using the Miles and Huberman Model, namely the activities in qualitative data analysis are carried out interactively and continue continuously until completion, so that the data is already saturated.

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