scholarly journals Hutabolon Village Community Behavior in Overcoming Health Problems

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-43
Rholand Muary ◽  
Agung Suharyanto ◽  
Onggal Sihite ◽  
Wiflihani ◽  
Jamilah Nasution

The behavior of the Hutabolon Village community in overcoming the problem of diseases that occur or that they experience is still relatively moderate. The community is already aware of the importance of health, but because there are insufficient facilities or health facilities, it makes the community still have a little difficulty in getting treatment. The research method used is qualitative with a descriptive approach, through this research method researchers get information about the types of diseases that often occur, modern and traditional medicine carried out by the people in Hutabolon Village as a behavior in overcoming health problems. The results of the study concluded that the types of diseases that often occur in Hutabolon Village are eight such as flu or respiratory infections, fever, rheumatism, diarrhea, wounds or vulnus, cavities or toothache, acute respiratory infections, and stomach acid. Behavior of the people of Hutabolon Village To overcome the problem of the disease is to use modern medicine or medical services coupled with traditional medicine.

Audrey Runtukahu ◽  
Ferdinand Kerebungu ◽  
Yoseph Santie

The problem in this study is about the perception of pinokalan village community regarding the assistance of Kota Tanpa Kumuh Program (KOTAKU) where they are concerned about the inability of the opportunity to receive this assistance and the purpose of this research is to know and describe the perception of pinokalan village community in the implementation of KOTAKU program. In this study using qualitative research method with observation and interview data collection techniques. And the results of this study show that the perception of the people of Pinokalan Village that we do not receive assistance kotaku program from the government when our environment is organized and not worth our stay because of the densely populated conditions and only a few residents of our village who get assistance in the form of home improvement, roads and drainage but it is an assistance from PNPM not from KOTAKU and the government only chooses milih residents for i kut in socialization therefore we as other pinokalan community do not know and only know from others that socialization has been implemented about KOTAKU in Pinokalan Village. In the PROGRAM KOTAKU Pinokalan village is used as a companion village when compared to other villages that get assistance from KOTAKU Pinokalan Village can be said to be more eligible to get assistance from this KOTAKU program

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Reza Fauzi Dwisandi ◽  
Diana Hernawati ◽  
Egi Nuryadin

<p class="E-JOURNALHeading1"><em>Palm vinegar is one of the processed products from a type of plant from the Arecaceae family, namely Arenga pinnata. </em><em>Arenga</em><em> vinegar is used by the people of the Kuta traditional village as a traditional medicine to treat a disease or prevent disease, this is based on folk knowledge, experience and ancestral traditions passed down from generation to generation in using plants as medicine. However, their utilization practices have not been published, identified and documented. Therefore, this study aims to describe the stages of making </em><em>arenga</em><em> vinegar and the practice of using it as a traditional medicine in Kuta Traditional Village. This research was conducted in Kuta Traditional Village, Tambak Sari District, Karangpaningga</em><em>l</em><em> Village, Ciamis Regency, in January-February 2021. This research is qualitative research </em><em>study </em><em>using </em><em>the</em><em> phenomenological </em><em>method</em><em>, the data collection technique used in this study </em><em>are </em><em>passive participation and active participation</em><em> observation</em><em>, semi-structured interviews with 4 people, </em><em>namely</em><em> 3 men and 1 woman</em><em>, and</em><em> document studies</em><em> were carried out</em><em>. The results showed that the </em><em>arenga vinegar making stages</em><em> in Kuta Traditional Village includes the process of lodong</em><em> sterilizer</em><em>, tapping </em><em>arenga juice</em><em>, filtering </em><em>arenga juice, </em><em>storing and fermenting</em><em> arenga juice</em><em>. As for its use, </em><em>arenga </em><em>vinegar is believed to be a traditional medicine such as types of fever, aches, liver, diabetes, stomach acid and external wounds.</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 47
Hazi Kurniva Sari

Muslims believe that marriage is the best way to have children and maintain self-respect. In the Compilation of Islamic Law Article 3 paragraph (1) it is explained: the purpose of marriage is to realize a sakinah, mawaddah, warohmah household life. There are many ways to form a family, but the people of Ngabar Village, Siman District, Ponorogo Regency, and also other people do not know how to form a harmonious family. This study aims to (1) determine the understanding of the Ngabar Village community towards Law Number 11 of 2009 concerning Social Welfare, (2) to determine the role of KUA Siman District in the formation of a sakinah family in Ngabar Village, Siman District, Ponorogo Regency. This type of research is Field Research. A descriptive approach is used in this study. The results of this study indicate: The people of Ngabar Village do not understand the meaning of social welfare even though the employees of the Siman District Religious Affairs Office have socialized Law Number 11 of 2009 concerning social welfare. As a result, the formation of a sakinah family in Ngabar Village has not been carried out as much as expected.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
Fereshteh Golfakhabadi ◽  
Zeinab Zaheri Abdevand ◽  
Mojgan Tansaz

Objective: Today Infertility and its complications is one of the largest problems because it would impose economic burden and psychological pressure on the people. One of the infertility reasons in most Iranian Traditional medicine (ITM) manuscripts is focused on Nafkhat-ol-rahem. Methods: In this study, the Ibn Abbas theories in kamel al- Sina'ah about Nafkhat-ol-rahem, causes, reasons and treatment were investigated. To achieve recent studies, searches were performed in the databases with the keywords including vaginal flatus, vaginal flatulence and pelvic floor weakness. Results: This disease is caused by bad cold temper, hit and obstruction of cervix, etc. Traditional medicine considered the bloating of uterus (Nafkhat-ol-rahem) the cause of some miscarriages and infertility, because dense gas that accumulated in the uterus, preventing implantation and establishment of the embryo. In ITM, treatment involves the use of warm and mohallel riyah (gas dissolvent) herbal medicines in the form of oral, poultice (topical ointment), Forzajeh and Homol (vaginal suppository). Conclusion: Nafkhat-ol-Rahem is a highly prevalent disease in women, but because of the shame, the patient does not speak with her doctor. Bloating of uterus and vaginal flatulence seen in the pelvic floor muscle relaxation, which can be harmless or associated with major complications such as rectovaginal fistula and infection of the uterus.

EkoPreneur ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 185
Dewi Gunherani

Bundesma empowerment is the  process of developing a village's economy. This program took the initiative to start a process of Social Economy activities that could improve the economic situation and conditions of the village community in Sukabumi, especially in the Warungkiara. In the  Empowerment activities, the participation of the Bundesma and the village community as a driving force for economic development is overseen by the Government.  The main objective of empowering Bundes and Bundesma is an independent village. This activity intends that rural communities in the Warungkiara area can turn their village into an independent village. The definition of an Independent Village is a village that is able to manage the economy of each citizen without the assistance of other parties. The creation of this condition reflects the strong willingness of the people of the village to move forward, the village that produces their products / works that are proud of and the ability of the village to meet their needs. In empowering Bundes and Bundesma  there are several problems that hamper them including; Difficulties in product marketing, financial limitations and limited human resources (HR).  In this study, the researchers used qualitative naturalistic methods. Qualitative naturalistic is a method that is carried out in the actual conditions that occur at the research location. This research method offers convenience and freedom for researchers to obtain accurate information from informants in the warungkiara sub-district. The results showed that in Warungkiara sub-district there were 12 Bundes in 12 villages and 2 Bundesma.  Keywords : Empowerment, Bundes, qualitative, marketing, financial, HRD  

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 194-210
Laode Muhammad Fathun

This research is conducted to discuss about the Cooperation between Indonesia and Iran in oil and gas energy sector period 2015-2017. This research uses qualitative research method with descriptive approach type. The purpose on this research is to explain the shape of cooperation between Indonesia and Iran in oil and gas energy sector. This research also uses bilateral cooperation theory, national interest theory, and energy security concept. From this research, According to the result from this research, the cooperation between Indonesian and Iran in oil and gas energy sector in the period of 2015-2017, the first is Purchasing of Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) and Crude Oil form Iran with Competitive Price, second, Oil Refinery Development located in Situbondo (East Java) and the last is Management of Ab-Teymour and Mansouri field. With this cooperation, Indonesia has achieve national interest because the production of oil and gas in Indonesia is increased and the people requirement of oil and gas can be fulfilled. Then in this research, it is also known that the cooperation between Indonesia and Iran in the energy sector will continue even in the wider sector again.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 180-187
Agus Rianto ◽  
Eka Wildanu ◽  
Dikhorir Afnan

Abstract - 2020 is the most severe and concerning year for countries in the world, including Indonesia. At least there are more than 200 countries that are battling the corona virus outbreak with the death toll reaching hundreds of thousands of people. In humans, coronaviruses cause generally mild respiratory infections, such as colds, although some forms of disease such as SARS, MERS, and Covid-19 are more lethal. The author uses a qualitative or descriptive research method approach. Research is intended to find the truth or justify the truth. The results and discussion of this research are that sociologically the approach taken by the Lurah Village Government in an effort to fight Covid-19 is by socializing about the dangers of the Covid-19 outbreak, giving an appeal to always maintain a healthy and clean lifestyle, to spraying disinfectants into homes the citizens. Changes in community behavior in the village of Lurah before and when the Covid-19 virus became very apparent. For example, the habit of residents to wash their hands. If previously residents were indifferent to personal hygiene and the environment, now they look more concerned. In conclusion, the Government of the Village of the Lumbar District of Plumbon, Cirebon Regency is considered quite successful in educating, inviting, and changing people's behavior, especially in implementing a healthy and clean lifestyle. Abstrak – Tahun 2020 merupakan tahun paling berat dan memprihatinkan bagi negara-negara di dunia, tak terkecuali di Indonesia. Setidaknya ada lebih dari 200 negara yang tengah berjuang melawan wabah virus corona dengan jumlah korban meninggal dunia mencapai ratusan ribu orang. Pada manusia, koronavirus menyebabkan infeksi saluran pernapasan yang umumnya ringan, seperti pilek, meskipun beberapa bentuk penyakit seperti SARS, MERS, dan Covid-19 sifatnya lebih mematikan. Penulis menggunakan pendekatan metode penelitian kualitatif atau deskriptif. Penelitian dimaksudkan untuk menemukan kebenaran atau lebih membenarkan kebenaran. Hasil dan pembahasan penelitian ini yaitu bahwa secara sosiologis pendekatan yang dilakukan Pemerintah Desa Lurah dalam upaya melawan Covid-19 adalah dengan sosialisasi tentang bahaya wabah Covid-19, memberikan imbauan agar selalu menjaga pola hidup sehat dan bersih, hingga melakukan penyemprotan disinfektan ke rumah-rumah warga. Perubahan perilaku masyarakat di Desa Lurah sebelum dan pada saat virus Covid-19 mewabah sangat kentara. Misalnya saja kebiasaan warga untuk mencuci tangan. Jika sebelumnya warga acuh tak acuh terhadap kebersihan diri dan lingkungannya, sekarang mereka terlihat lebih peduli. Kesimpulannya, Pemerintah Desa Lurah Kecamatan Plumbon Kabupaten Cirebon dinilai cukup berhasil dalam mengedukasi, mengajak, dan mengubah perilaku warga terutama dalam menerapkan pola hidup sehat dan bersih.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 93
Rikhardus Haman ◽  
I Ketut Darmana ◽  
Aliffiati .

One of the traditions that is still preserved today in the village of Gurng Liwut is the wuat wa'i tradition. The procession of the Wuat Wa'i tradition emphasizes the participation of the local community. The preservation of the tradition of wuat wa'i is based on community behavior which upholds the value of solidarity and integrity towards an innovative society in advancing and prospering social life.  The formulation of the problems in this study include (1). How is the function of wa'i in the community of Gurung Liwut Village, Borong District, East Manggarai Regency? (2). What is the existence of the Wuat Wa'i tradition in the people of Gurung Liwut Village? This study aims to determine the function of the Wuat Wa'i tradition and explain the meaning of the Wuat Wa'i tradition for the people of Gurung Liwut Village. This research uses functional theory from Bronislaw Malinowski and Giving from Marcel Mauss. The method used is a qualitative research method. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews, and literature study. The analysis used is descriptive qualitative.  The results of this study reveal that in the tradition of wuat wa'i there is a relationship between moral values, economic improvement, and improvement in formal education. The implementation of the Wuat Wa'i tradition is a social movement that raises funds to finance formal education and increase capital for someone who goes abroad, both at home and abroad. There are various processes in carrying out the tradition of wuat wa'i, namely the deliberation of the event organizers, determining the good day, the completeness of the event material.  The conclusion of this research is that the tradition of wuat  wa'i is a clear proof of the motivation of the local community for the importance of learning through formal education and desires to improve the community's economy through experience gained in the land of thechain.

Indah Aqilah Febriani ◽  
Muhammad Khainur Fahlawi ◽  
Menara Yosua Parluhutan

Pembatasan pemberlakuan kegiatan masyarakat is one of the government's programs in tackling and breaking the chain of covid-19 spread that continues to grow in Indonesia. Covid-19 is rapidly developing and becoming a global issue that impacts all lives in different countries. This makes the government both central and village level must think about various strategies in an effort to prevent its spread. In addition to strategic from the government, participation from the community is also indispensable in efforts to prevent its spread. In addition, we also found participation from the people of Kecamatan Banjarwangi, Kabupaten Garut who participated in the prevention of Covid-19 by implementing policies that have been set by the government. The purpose of this research is to know in detail the form of community participation in the handling of Covid-19 in Kecamatan Banjarwangi, Kabupaten Garut. The research method is descriptive and uses qualitative methods. Meanwhile, for data collection is used library studies derived from data sources derived from scientific journals, book literature, and official websites that are then described through analysis that describes the application of government policies, namely with Pembatasan pemberlakuan kegiatan masyarakat (PPKM) in the response to the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak in Kecamatan Banjarwangi, Kabupaten Garut. The results of this study explain that the application of government policies through PPKM in the district of Banjarwangi, Garut includes participation in planning, participation in the implementation, with the use of masks when traveling, restrictions on community activities without clear purpose, and restrictions on the operating hours of vehicle activities and business activities (shops). The implementation of PPKM activities in countering the Covid-19 pandemic in Kecamatan Banjarwangi, Kabupaten Garut seems to have been running effectively. With the involvement of the village community is very petrified this government program in tackling Covid-19, because the villagers are very understanding of the situation and conditions of the community in the environment. After the involvement of other agencies such as the TNI / POLRI is also very helpful smoothly this program with the creation of security and order during the activities. The purpose of restrictions on the implementation of community activities is to suppress and stop the positive number of Covid-19 in Kecamatan Banjarwangi, Kabupaten Garut. Keywords: Effectiveness: Restrictions on Community Activities; Kabupaten Garut

Our Nature ◽  
1970 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 82-99 ◽  
S. Bhattarai ◽  
R.P. Chaudhary ◽  
R. SL Taylor

Despite new advances in modern medicine, the cultural use of plant in traditional medicine continues from ancient time to this day all over the world. The present research seeks to explore ethnomedicinal plants used by the local people of Nawalparasi district for primary healthcare. Local healers were interviewed regarding the detail uses of plants. When convenient a jungle or forest walk was also conducted, accompanying local healers for plant collection and detailed information gathering. A rich and unique diversity of 94 ethnomedicinal plant species belonging to 49 families under 86 genera were documented. In Nawalparasi, the expense of modern medical treatment combined with the poor economic status of indigenous people and a strong belief in the traditional medicine and traditional medical practitioners are the main reasons for the persistence of the traditional healing system. In addition, we have also documented a lack of continuation and flow of indigenous knowledge from the elders to the younger generation. Youth tend to be attracted by the wave of modernization and do not appreciate the importance of conservation of traditional knowledge. The use of plants in Nawalparasi is an old tradition and the exploration of such unique cultures should be completed thoroughly so that the oral traditions are not lost forever. Immediate conservation and management approaches of valuable medicinal plants with the involvement of local indigenous people of Nawalparasi district will encourage the sustainable conservation of both biological and cultural diversity.Key words: Traditional medicine; Local healers; Healthcare; Conservation; NawalparasiDOI: 10.3126/on.v7i1.2555Our Nature (2009) 7:82-99

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