2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 62-70
Helmawati ◽  
Yurhagusfiani ◽  
Rini Dian Anggraini

This research aimed to improve the learning process and improved the student’s mathematic achievement through the implementation of problem based learning. The research was the classroom action research with two cycles. The research was conducted in student of class VII3 SMPN 4 Pekanbaru in odd semester of the 2018/2019 academic year with the subject is 38 students. The research instruments  consist of learning devices and data collector instrument. Learning devices consists of the syllabus, lesson plan and student worksheet. The data collector instrument consists of the observation sheet and mathematics test. Technique of data analysis is analysis of narrative descriptive and analysis of statistical descriptive. The result of the research show that the learning process has improved and the student’s mathematic achievement has improved after applying the problem based learning model. The percentage of student who achieve minimal completeness criteria on first cycle was 68,42% and the second cycle was 78,94% which greater than the percentage of student who achieve minimal completeness criteria before implementation of problem based learning that only 44,73%. Therefore, the problem based learning can be used as an alternative in learning.

Romlah .

IMPLEMENTASI MODEL PEMBELAJARANPENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM DENGAN PENDEKATANKONTEKSTUAL SEBAGAI UPAYA MENINGKATKAN KUALITASPEMBELAJARAN DI SMP NEGERI 13 KOTA MALANGOleh :Romlah *)Fakultas Agama Islam UMMABSTRACTIslamic Education teaching and learning process considerably applied traditional teaching modelsresulting low student’s interest in the subject. It influenced the internalization of Islamic Educationvalues to students. According to the above background, contextual approach was assumed to create amore meaningful and effective teaching and learning process. The study revealed that most teachersdeveloped instructional material merely based on Teacher Association for Islamic EducationReference, a discrepancy between lesson plan and the implementation was found due to insufficienttime and too-much material, and a problem in applying various methods was found due to student’sbasic competence diversity ranging from the 75-80% to 20-25% mastery creating less conduciveatmosphere for effective teaching and learning process. Accordingly, Islamic Education teachersneeded to review the previous materials using questioning technique and point particular students toanswer the questions during the review time to attract more attention.Keywords: Implementation of IslamicEducation Teaching Model, ContextualApproach, Improving the Teaching andLearning Process

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 46
Yulia Isnaini

This study was aimed at finding out Speech Acts Analysis on Teaching andLearning Process used by the Teacher in MAN 2 Mataram in Academic year 2016/2017. The method of this research is qualitative research The data of this research were the utterances performed by the Teachers of MAN 2 Mataram. The research instrument was the researcher himself. Participant is the subject from which the data obtained (Arikunto, 2010: 172)The Researcher’s participant actively classification speech act by the Teachers on teaching and learning process.T he instrument of data by using video camera and observation. To analyze the data Based on Louis (2005:181). This study used observation and video recording as an instrument of data collection, the researcher applied coding system. In this research, there are two validity principles applied by the researcher. The results of the research show that there are three classifications of speech act performed by the Teachers in the aching and learning process . The results of the research show that there are three classification of speech act performed by the Teachers in the aching and learning process. they are 4 data of locutionary act , 30 data of Illucotionary act, 7 data of Perlocutionary act . So the total of data were 41 data of speech act are used By the Teachers in MAN 2 Mataram.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-91
Hindun Hindun

Elementary school level, basic skills, reading, writing and arithmetic are given on the subjects of mathematics and Indonesian language.Math and Indonesian lessons are very useful and fundamental lessons.But the condition of learning in class III SDN 07 Pinang Sebatang Barat these two subjects have not achieved maximum results.This is evident from the results of mathematics and Indonesian replication given only 10 students (42%) of 32 students the total number of students in class III SDN 07 pinang a western trunk that get the value in accordance with KKM.Berarti than 50% of students' mathematics learning results are still below minimum completeness criteria (KKM), which has been determined by the school.The KKM has been determined by the school for mathematics ≥ 60, while the Indonesian language is ≥ 65 Based on the identification and analysis of the above problems found many problems: 1) is giving task method can improve learning outcomes of mathematics to the subject of simple fractions in Class III SD Negeri 07 Pinang Sebatang Barat Kecamatan Tualang in Academic Year 2015/2016? 2) Does the process skills approach can improve learning outcomes Indonesian Listen to the story on the subject of the third grade students of SDN 07 Pinang Sebatang Barat Kecamatan Tualang in academic year 2015/2016? As subject in this Classroom Action research is a third grade students of SD Negeri 0 7Pinang SebatangKecamatan Tualang Siak in the academic year 201 5/201 6 with the total number of students 32 people consisting of 18 male students - male and 18 female students with ability to understand the different subjects.This study uses learning tools consisting of: syllabus, learning implementation plan (RPP), Student Worksheet (LKS), and further training. The conclusion that: 1) Application of the method of assignment in the learning process can improve the results of teaching and learning mathematics at third grade students of SD Negeri 07 Pinang Sebatang Barat Kecamatan Tualang in academic Year 201 5/201 6, with the average results of students in cycle 1 reaches 63, 78 and in cycle 2 reaches 70.78. 2) Implementation other Method in the learning process can improve student Indonesian learning outcomes at third grade students in SD Negeri 07 Pinang Sebatang Barat Kecamatan Tualang in academic year 2015/2016, with the average student learning outcomes in cycle 1 reached 64.06 and in cycle 2 reaches 71.71.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 121-136
Zainal Arifin Ahmad

This research aims at investigating the pattern of Islamic learning process at Yogyakarta-based Islamic senior  high  school-3 from holistic learning perspective.  The research adopts qualitative approach. The research shows  that the pattern of the  Islamic learning  process at the Islamic senior  high  school implemented  in  the  unity of  Islamic  education  curriculum with three  main inseparable  components,  i.e.  intra-curricular,  extracurricular  and hidden-curricular,  has accommodated holistic  learning  principles. The accommodation can be evaluated from the implementation of basic holistic learning principles comprising of interconnectedness, wholeness and being.  In spite of this accommodation, the research has found some weaknesses in the Islamic learning processs. First, the  development  of  the five-level of  learners  potencies   as envisioned in  holistic learning, i.e.  personal, community, social, planetary and cosmic, has  not been formulated  explicitly  in  the  curriculum  and lesson  plan.  The  existing  formulation  only  respects to  the development  of  six  dimensions  of  learners  potencies,  i.e. physical, emotional, intellectual, social, aesthetic,  and spiritual. Second, the intra-curricular learning process is  still more oriented to teaching  for  the  test and less oriented to teaching  for the whole task. Third, the subject matter of Islamic learning curriculum,  i.e. al-Qur’an-Hadis,  Akidah-Akhlak, and Fikih have not been integrated as a single unit.  The three subject  matters still  stand on their own  theme, and have not been integrated as a single unit.  The research  has successfully mapped out  the  characterizing  pattern  of  quality development  of Islamic  learning process  seen from  the perspective of holistic learning at the madrasah.[Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan pola pembelajaran agama Islam di MAN 3 Sleman Yogyakarta ditinjau dari perspektif pembelajaran holistik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil  penelitian menunjukkan bahwa  proses pembelajaran agama Islam  di MAN 3 Sleman Yogyakarta yang diimplementasikan dalam  kesatuan program pembelajaran intrakurikuler,  ekstrakurikuler,  dan hidden curricular  secara umum telah mengarah kepada pola pembelajaran holistik. Dikatakan demikian karena dalam penerapan kesatuan tiga program pembelajaran tersebut ditemukan adanya penerapan tiga prinsip dasar pembelajaran holistik yang  meliputi connectedness, wholeness, dan  being.  Hanya saja,  dalam proses pembelajaran agama  Islam  tersebut  masih terdapat beberapa kelemahan. Pertama, secara konseptual, pengembangan lima level potensi peserta didik (personal, komunitas, sosial, planetari, dan kosmis) sebagaimana dicanangkan dalam pembelajaran  holistik  belum  terumuskan  secara  eksplisit dalam kurikulum maupun dalam perencanaan pembelajaran agama Islam. Rumusan yang ada hanya berkenaan dengan pengembangan enam dimensi potensi  peserta  didik  (fisik,  emosi,  intelektual,  sosial, estetika, dan spiritual). Kedua,  proses pembelajaran agama Islam intrakurikuler masih lebih dominan berorientasi pada teaching for the test dan kurang berorientasi pada teaching for the whole task. Ketiga, materi pelajaran agama Islam intrakurikuler  yang meliputi Akidah-Akhlak, al-Qur’an-Hadis, dan Fikih masih merupakan materi  pelajaran yang berdiri sendiri-sendiri dan belum terintegrasi sebagai satu kesatuan untuk dapat memberikan kemampuan kepada peserta didik dalam melakukan tugas-tugas yang bersifat kompleks dan menyeluruh (whole task). Penelitian ini memberi kontribusi dalam  memetakan karakteristik  pola  proses pembelajaran agama Islam di madrasah ditinjau dari perspektif  pembelajaran holistik.]

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 239-247

  In essence, every learning process will always be related to the emphasis on mastering certain competencies by students through learning experiences. This implies that in the learning process, learning experiences should be created that are activating students and innovative learning. On the one hand, learning outcomes as a component in learning assessment are not only seen from the number of numbers, but also related to the learning process. If the learning process can run well, the learning outcomes of students can also be better. The results of this Classroom Action Research with two cycles have shown that the application of Problem Based Learning is proven to be able to increase the activity of students which leads to an increase in learning outcomes of Islamic Religious Education and Morals, especially in the Basic Competence of Understanding the Meaning of Manners, Courtesy and Shame in Students. Class IX D SMP Negeri 5 Ponorogo Academic Year 2021 / 2022 . This is based on observations of the learning process which has increased student activity from cycle-1 to cycle-2 and also an increase in student learning outcomes so that classical completeness can be achieved from cycle -1 by 50% to cycle-2 by 88%. ABSTRAKPada hakekatnya setiap proses pembelajaran akan selalu berkaitan dengan penekanan terhadap penguasaan kompetensi tertentu oleh peserta didik melalui pengalaman belajar. Hal ini mengandung pengertian bahwa dalam proses pembelajaran hendaknya diciptakan pengalaman belajar yang bersifat mengaktifkan peserta didik dan pembelajaran yang inovatif. Di satu sisi hasil belajar sebagai salah satu komponen dalam penilaian pembelajaran tidak hanya dilihat dari adanya deretan angka , tetapi juga terkait dengan proses pembelajarannya. Jika proses pembelajaran dapat berjalan dengan baik maka hasil belajar peserta didik juga dapat menjadi lebih baik. Hasil Penelitian Tindakan Kelas dengan dua siklus ini telah menunjukkan bahwa penerapan Problem Based Learning terbukti dapat meningkatkan keaktifan peserta didik yang bermuara pada peningkatan hasil belajar Pendidikan Agama Islam dan Budi Pekerti terutama pada Kompetensi Dasar Memahami Makna Tata Krama, Sopan Santun dan Rasa Malu pada Peserta Didik Kelas IX D SMP Negeri 5 Ponorogo Tahun Pelajaran 2021 / 2022 . Hal ini didasarkan pada pengamatan proses pembelajaran yang mengalami peningkatan keaktifan peserta didik dari siklus-1 ke siklus-2 dan juga adanya peningkatan hasil belajar peserta didik sehingga ketuntasan secara klasikal dapat tercapai dari siklus -1 sebesar 50 % ke siklus – 2 sebesar 88%.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 27
Aldial Suryantopo ◽  
Waluyo Waluyo

<p>The purpose of the study was to improve the learning results of bump pass basic motion of mini volleyball game toward the fifth grade students of SD Djamaatul Ichwan Surakarta in the academic year of 2017/2018.<br />This research was a classroom action research (CAR). It was conducted in two cycles where each cycle consists of four stages namely as planning, action implementation, observation, and reflection. There were 29 students from the fifth grade of SD Djama’atul Ichwan as the subject of the research. The sources of the research were taken from the students, the researcher, and the teacher as a collaborator. In collecting the data, the researcher conducted tests and observation. Triangulation data was used to check the validity of the test. The data analysis used in this research was descriptive qualitative technique based on the analysis of the qualitative percantage.<br />According to the pre-cycle result, it was found that only 9 students who were completed or only about 31.03% and there were 20 students who were not completed or about 68.97%. In the cycle I, it was obtained that the learning results of the students who were completed as many of 14 students (48,28%) and there were 15 students who were not completed (51,72%) where the affective average was (75,86%), the psychomotor was (31,03%), and the cognitive was (79,31%). In the cycle II, it was found that the learning results of students who were completed as many of 23 students or about 79.31% and there were 6 students who were not complete or about 20,69% where the affective average was (93.10%), the psychomotor was (72.41%) and the cognitive was (79.31%). According to the analysis of cycle I and cycle II, it showed the significant improvement and in accordance to the target achievements.<br />Based on the results, it could be concluded that: modified ball in learning process could increase the learning results of bump pass basic motion in mini volleyball game toward the fifth grade students of SD Djamaatul Ichwan Surakarta in the academic year of 2017/2018.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Maisyarah Maisyarah

Kemampuan matematis yang baik oleh guru matematika tentu akan berimplikasi terhadap kemampuan matematis peserta didiknya. Kemampuan matematis merupakan kemampuan dalam pemahaman, penalaran, koneksi, pemecahan masalah dan komunikasi dalam matematika. Hasil supervisi kelas terhadap guru matematika dalam proses pembelajaran utamanya di kegiatan inti diperoleh 85,71% dengan kualifikasi cukup. Hal demikian tentu masih jauh dari yang diharapkan oleh pengawas pembinanya. Salah satu alternatif usaha yang dilakukan dengan bimbingan berkelanjutan yang implementasi perkembangannya dicermati melalui supervisi kelas oleh pengawas madrasah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan guru matematika dalam proses pembelajaran dan kemampuan matematis guru matematika tersebut. Penelitian ini dirancang menggunakan PTS/PTKp dengan 2 siklus. Dilaksanakan pada Semester Genap Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019. Subjek penelitian adalah guru matematika. Objek penelitian, yaitu proses pembelajaran dan kemampuan matematis guru matematika. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, diskusi, observasi (supervisi kelas), dan tes. Teknik analisis data menggunakan statistika deskriptif dan deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian: (1) proses pembelajaran pada Siklus I, nilai 70 dengan kualifikasi cukup, dilanjutkan ke Siklus II, nilai 85 dengan kualifikasi baik; (2) kemampuan matematis guru matematika pada Siklus I nilai 68 dengan kualifikasi cukup menjadi 89 pada Siklus II dengan kualifikasi baik sekali. Peningkatan kemampuan guru matematika dalam proses pembelajaran sejalan dengan peningkatan kemampuan matematisnya. Kata Kunci: Kemampuan Matematis, Proses Pembelajaran, Supervisi Kelas Abstract: A good mathematical ability by mathematics teachers will certainly have implications for the mathematical abilities of their students. Mathematical ability is the ability in understanding, reasoning, connecting, solving problem and communicating in mathematics. The results of classroom supervision of mathematics teachers in the main learning process in core activities were obtained 85.71% with sufficient qualifications. This is certainly still far from what is expected by the supervisor. One alternative effort that can be carried out is ongoing guidance in which the development observed through classroom supervision by the madrasah supervisor. This study aims to improve the ability of mathematics teachers in the learning process and mathematical abilities of the mathematics teacher. This research was designed using PTS / PTKp with 2 cycles. Held in the even semester Academic Year 2018/2019. The subject of the research is the mathematics teacher. The objects of research are the learning process and mathematical ability of mathematics teachers. Data collection techniques through interviews, discussions, observations (class supervision), and tests. Data analysis techniques used are descriptive statistics and quantitative descriptive. The results of the study: (1) learning process in Cycle I, 70 with sufficient qualifications, continued to Cycle II, 85 with good qualifications; (2) mathematical ability of mathematics teachers in Cycle I is 68 with sufficient qualifications to be 89 in Cycle II with very good qualifications. Increasing the ability of mathematics teachers in the learning process is in line with the improvement of their mathematical abilities. Keywords: Mathematical Ability, Learning Process, Class Supervision

2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Muhamad Yutam Soleh ◽  
Slamet Santosa ◽  
Meti Indrowati

<p>The purpose of this research are to determine the differences result in Sciences Process Skills (SPS) with using Problem Based Learning and guided inquiry of X grade students at SMA Negeri 3 Boyolali  in 2013/2014 academic year. This research was quasi experiment research which used Posttest Only With Nonequivalent Control Group design by using the experimental 1 class (application of Problem Based Learning) and experimental 2 class (application of guided inquiry). The population studies are all X class students of SMA Negeri 3 Boyolali in academic year 2013/2014. Sampling technique is using cluster sampling, the classroom that is chosen are X.1 as the experiment 1 class and X.3 as the experimental 2 class. The techique of collecting data is using essay test for measuring of SPS classifying, using tool and material, hypothesizing, formulate ways of working, predicting and communicating. Non-test technique is using methods of documentation and observation methods for measuring of SPS using the tool and material, observing and experimenting. The data were analyzed by t-test assisted SPSS 16. The result of this research concluded that there are differences results between Problem Based Learning and guided inquiry toward student’s sciences process skills of X grade students at SMA Negeri 3 Boyolali.</p><p align="center"> </p><p>Key Words: Problem Based Learning, Guided Inquiry, Science Process Skills</p>

2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 31
Ulya Granit Pramudita ◽  
Riezky Maya Probosari ◽  
Sri Widoretno

<p>This study was aimed to improve the students’ analytical thinking ability of biology subject in X MIA 6 of SMA  MTA Surakarta academic year 2013/2014 through the implementation of Problem Based Learning.  This research is a class action research which consists of three cycles. Each cycle contains planning, implementing, observing and reflecting. The subject of this research is the students in X MIA 6 of SMA  MTA Surakarta academic year 2013/2014. The data colecting techniques of this research are using observation, interview and documentation. The data validation of this research is using triangulation method. The data result of observation, interview and documentation are analyzed by using qualitative analysis which is done in three components, they are: data reduction, data presentation and drawing the conclusion or verification. The research procedure is using spiral method. The results show that students analytical thinking ability is increased in Pre-cycle, Cycle I, Cycle II and Cycle III. The average of students analytical thinking ability increase from 21,45 % to 47,51%. Identifying elements aspect increase from 22, 42% to 53, 33%. Grouping and describing elements in categories aspect increase from 23, 64% to 46, 67%. Describing process aspect increase from 21, 21% to 46, 06%. Interpreting simple series of data aspect increase from 20% to 49,09%. Expressing information in simple tables or graphs aspects increase from 20% to 42,42%.  This research’s conclusion is the implementation of Problem Based Learning can improve analytical thinking ability of the student in X MIA 6 class at SMA SMA  MTA Surakarta.</p><p align="center"> </p><p class="0jTULISANKATAKUNCIKEYWORDS">Key Words: problem based learning, analytical thinking</p>

Dr. Kanchan Wani

The COVID-19 is an ongoing global pandemic, caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The virus was first identified in December 2019 in Wuhan, China. The COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 resulted in the abrupt shutting of all the educational institutions (schools, colleges, and universities) in India. This resulted in dramatic changes in the education system with the distinctive rise of e-learning, whereby teaching is undertaken remotely and on digital platforms. Online learning is a competent and contactless method of teaching to remotely located students. Geography is a branch of science which deals with the study of the earth’s surface and the relationships between people and their environment. Geographers explore both the physical properties of the earth’s surface and the human societies spread across it. The subject matter of Geography containing different theory papers and practical papers cannot just be effectively taught in a classroom or laboratory but best enlightened on the field. For the effective learning process in the subject of Geography, students require on-ground observations, laboratory analysis, projects and dissertations, field surveying, computer mapping and analysis, field trips and excursions, etc. It helps the budding Geographers to acquire not only theoretical knowledge but also practical skills. But the COVID-19 pandemic situation confronted the education system, forcing the educators in the field of Geography to shift to an online mode of teaching, leaving them with no option. During this crisis, the educators have given their best in teaching the subject matter of Geography to the students by using various open-source teaching aids by overcoming the issues like lack of training and professional technical support. This altered the traditional teaching and learning process in the field of Geography, which essentially affects the students of Geography. Thus, a case study was undertaken to assess the online teaching in the subject of Geography at the undergraduate level during the academic year 2020-21 from the student’s perspective.

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