Arif Moelia Edie

This study aims to analyze the policy context of Local Regulation 16/2012. Data are collected through interviews, observation and documentary study. In term of context of policy, the political will of the government cannot be implemented due to strong patron-client relation among the actors who channelize their economic interest. Good governance and public consultation is not well institutionalized. Many deviances are committed by the program implementers. Responsiveness of bureaucracy and local parliament is still low, thus not sufficiently contribute to the policy implementation. Keywords: Policy Implementation, Public Transportation Arrangement

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 197-214
Basri Effendi ◽  
Sufyan Sufyan

Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis capaian program legislasi daerah dari aspek politik hukum. Program tersebut dilaksanakan setiap tahun lembaga eksekutif dan legislatif sebagai bentuk legal policy dalam menyusun suatu program, yang mana setiap program tersebut membutuhkan landasan hukum yang konstitusional. Hal ini juga menjadi salah satu indikator tercapainya good governance dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan daerah. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis empiris dan análisis data kualitatif, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa tingkat keberhasilan pembahasan Program legislasi daerah di Aceh hanya 24,66% per/tahun. Ada pelbagai kendala yang menghambat pelaksanaan program legislasi daerah di Aceh, diantaranya adalah anggaran yang minim, political will yang tidak kuat, terbatasnya sumber daya manusia dengan waktu yang tersedia, serta tidak realistisnya antara jumlah qanun usulan Prolegda dengan kemampuan penyelesaian. Pemerintah dan DPR harus lebih realistis dalam menetapkan jumlah target legislasi daerah tiap tahun.  Achievement of Aceh Legislation Programs This study aims to analyze the achievements of the regional legislative program from the political law aspects. The program is carried out annually by the executive and legislative bodies as a form of legal policy in developing a program where each of which requires a constitutional legal basis. This is also one indicator of the achievement of good governance in the administration of regional government. Using empirical juridical research methods and qualitative data analysis, this study found that the success rate of discussion of the regional legislative program in Aceh was only 24.66% per year. There are various obstacles that hamper the implementation of the regional legislation program in Aceh, including a minimal budget, insufficient political will, limited human resources and time, and an unrealistic number of Prolegda's proposed qanuns and the ability to resolve the proposal. The government and Parliament should be more realistic in setting the target number of regional legislation each year.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 25
Muhadjir Suni ◽  
Muh. Zainuddin Badollahi

This study aims to determine and analyze the Diversification Strategy of Cultural Attractions in Support of Tourism Development in Wakatobi Village. This research method is qualitative research. The determination of the informants in this study was obtained by purposive sampling. The informants are community leaders and traditional leaders who are key informants. The results show that the opportunity for Wakatobi Regency to become a cultural tourism destination can be opened, because it is supported by the exoticism of local communities with their cultural diversity. The strategy that can be prioritized in the development of Wakatobi village tourism is the diversification of cultural attractions that are organized through institutions or Tourism Awareness Groups initiated by the community and funded by the local government and acting as an active facilitator. It seems that the political will and political commitment of leaders to maximize local government efforts need to be supported by tourism stakeholders from the government, private sector and the wider community, this is a weakness that needs to be covered so that the strategy in developing Community Base Tourism (CBT) tourism in Wakatobi provides a diversification of attractions. tour which is actually quite interesting to witness. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa Strategi Diversifikasi Atraksi Budaya Dalam Mendukung Pengembangan Wisata Desa Wakatobi. Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Penentuan informan penelitian ini diperoleh secara Purposive sampling. Adapun informan yaitu tokoh masyarakat dan tokoh adat yang merupakan informan kunci. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peluang kabupaten wakatobi menjadi destinasi wisata budaya dapat terbuka, karena didukung oleh eksotisme komunitas lokal dengan keberagaman budaya yang mereka miliki. Strategi yang dapat diprioritas dapat dalam pengembangan wisata desa Wakatobi adalah  diversifikasi atraksi budaya yang terorganisasi melalui kelembagaan atau Kelompok Sadar Wisata yang diprakarsai masyarakat dan didanai oleh pemerintah daerah serta berperan sebagai fasilitator yang aktif. Tampaknya political will dan political comitment pemimpin untuk memaksimalkan upaya pemerintah daerah perlu di dukung oleh stekholder pariwisata dari pihak jajaran pemerintah, swasta dan masyarakat luas hal merupakan kelemahan yang perlu ditutupi agar strategi dalam pengembangan wisata Community Base Tourism (CBT) di Wakatobi menyajikan adanya diversifikasi atraksi wisata yang sesungguhnya cukup menarik untuk disaksikan.

Kvasha Oksana

Effective counteraction to corruption at all levels is not possible without the symbiosis of such components as influencing the causes and conditions of corruption, creating systemic anti-corruption legislation, its effective application to all without exception manifestations of corruption in all levels of state power. However, such a symbiosis can only produce a positive result if the political will of the state leadership is available. I would call it a "conditio sine qua non" (a condition without which there is) overcoming corruption in the country, because in Latin "conditio sine qua non" means "a necessary condition", a necessary condition for the result. Political will in combating corruption is not only the will of the political leader (head of state) as an individual, but also the will of individuals from his immediate environment. Only political will is capable of ensuring the effectiveness of all other necessary components of counteracting corruption. The political will of the leadership of the state is a conditio sine qua non of minimizing corruption in the country, that is, a condition without which effective counteraction to corruption and corruption crime in Ukraine is impossible. The presence of political will is a prerequisite in the chain of others who are not capable of effectively preventing the spread of corruption in the absence of political will of the government. No other political conditions, economic, social or legislative levers will succeed in reducing corruption. Therefore, a promising direction for further research on this issue is the development of a scientifically sound mechanism for political influence of the government on the effectiveness of anti-corruption measures in Ukraine.

2017 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 61 ◽  
Tri Pranadji

<strong>English</strong><br />Gotong royong is social capital found in most of Indonesian sub-cultures. In gotong royong instituion we find social values, collective spirit, mutual collective trust, and organization aimed at common progress. Roles of gotong royong are significant in alleviating Indonesian from undeveloped economy of basic needs and foreign dominance. Gotong royong institution revitalization is necessary to involve people through deep participation in order to implement good governance. Upper aspect of gotong royong is norms. It is possible to improve social structure through gotong royong both at local and national levels. Collective, focused movement of this institution enables the government to establish self-reliance society based on social justice. Therefore it needs political will from all stakeholders both at regional and central levels. <br /><br /><br /><strong>Indonesian</strong><br />Gotong royong bukan saja merupakan kekayaan sosio-budaya, melainkan juga ”modal sosial” yang hampir secara merata dijumpai pada setiap sub-kultur masyarakat Indonesia. Dalam kelembagaan gotong royong terkandung unsur visi nilai kehidupan sosial (”ideologi”), spirit perjuangan kolektif, semangat saling menghargai (mutual collective trust), dan keorganisasian kerjasama yang kompatibel terhadap kemajuan masyarakat (bangsa). Tanpa kekuatan kelembagaan gotong royong, mustahil masyarakat Indonesia dapat melepaskan diri dari keterpurukan ekonomi kebutuhan dasar, dominasi bangsa asing, serta penjajahan politik dari bangsa lain. Revitalisasi kelembagan adat gotong royong dapat dijadikan wahana untuk meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat secara menyeluruh (deep participation) dalam rangka mewujudkan penyelenggaraan pemerintahan yang bersih dan baik (clean and good governance). Aspek hulu dari kekuatan gotong royong adalah tata-nilai yang hidup dan berkembang pada masyarakat adat. Jika terhadap tata-nilai adat-istiadat dapat dilakukan pengembangan melalui prekayasaan sosio-politik yang terarah, maka melalui kelembagaan gotong royong dapat dibangun kompetensi SDM yang lebih baik, perubahan struktur masyarakat (ke arah yang lebih egaliter; tidak polaristik), manajemen sosial yang lebih sehat, serta kepemimpinan sosio-politik yang merepresentasikan kemajuan bersama baik dalam tingkat komunitas lokal maupun nasional. Gerakan kolektif dalam penguatan kelembagaan gotong royong secara terarah akan memudahkan bagi penyelenggaraan pemerintahan dalam rangka mewujudkan kemandirian (masyarakat) bangsa yang dilandaskan pada keadilan sosial. Berkaitan dengan itu dibutuhkan dukungan kemauan politik (”political will”) yang kuat dari kalangan elit kepemimpinan pemerintahan, partai politik, masyarakat adat, serta masyarakat bisnis di tingkat daerah dan pusat.

Bo Rothstein

This article argues that good governance is a concern if a society is in possession of the political, legal, and administrative institutions which make it possible to enact and implement policies that can broadly be understood as public goods. It suggests that, in many cases, good governance does not only refer to certain qualities of government institutions, but also to governments' interaction with the various sections of the private sector, and that it can be produced by the government alone, but that in many cases there is a need for collaboration with business and/or voluntary organizations. The article concludes that good governance is based in a normative theory which gives some orientation for what should be regarded as good.

1989 ◽  
Vol 31 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 1-22 ◽  
Mats Lundahl

…widespread social evils are seldom unconnected with the selfish and brutal behavior of powerful groups and individuals…(Andreski, 1966)Most economic models do not explicitly incorporate the “state” or the “government” into their analyses. Instead, this entity is viewed as a deus ex machina which plans and directs economic policy according to notions of efficiency, growth, distributional justice, and so on, that form the central concepts of the models. Unfortunately, the same naive thinking permeates a good deal of public policy analysis. This is the case, for example, with issues of development and underdevelopment. Here, attention is concentrated on “technical,” or “economic,” solutions, while taking for granted, either implicitly or explicitly, the existence of the political will necessary to implement them.

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 213
Mohamad Hatta Karuniawan ◽  
Luluk Fauziah

The purpose of this study was to describe the process of Implementation Local Regulation number 6 of 2009 on the Spatial Planning related to conversion of paddy fields in the Wonoayu District, Sidoarjo regency, describe the role of actors and its inhibiting and supporting factors. This research used qualitative descriptive methods. The result study showed that Policy Implementation of Local Regulation number 6 of 2009 the Spatial Planning related to conversion of paddy fields in the Wonoayu District, Sidoarjo regency wasn’t run yet. Thus, it resulted a chance for certain stakeholders to more concerned of profitable personal and group interests than society interests. Some of the actors that are involved in this policy implementation among other investors, communities, and governments have each role and synergize with each other. However, in reality this policy implementation was not independent of the supporting factors such ideal and good human resources and legal sanctions for violators of the rules. In addition inhibiting factors included the lack of communication that exists between the government and the landowners as well as supervision only as formality.

2008 ◽  
Vol 39 (4) ◽  
pp. 583
Yves-Louis Sage

Since 2004, the political situation in French Polynesia has been marked by chronic instability. Waves of electoral reform initiatives undertaken by the government in order to improve political life have not been successful. This is not surprising since these reforms have been adopted without appropriate consultations with the population and often against the wishes of the local assembly. As a result, these reforms have in fact accentuated the problems they were supposed to resolve. This situation, criticised by a large majority of Polynesian voters, is the result of the violation by the principal political actors in French Polynesia of the principles of good governance developed by the United Nations Development Programme in 1997 and by the Pacific Islands Forum in the Pacific Plan 2006-15. Yet, these are not unsolvable problems should the political actors show the will to tackle them efficiently.

Olayemi Adedayo Ezekiel ◽  
Oshatimi Omowumi Olanike

Corruption is one of the evil confronting the development of Nigeria. It is a cankerworm that has eaten deep into the fabrics of the Nigeria system. Various measures have been adopted by various governments and administration at all levels to combat the ugly menace. This paper assesses the effects of treasury single account (TSA) policy on corruption in Nigeria. The study found that the treasury single account (TSA) policy was introduced to block financial leakages, reduce corruption, promote transparency and prevent mismanagement of government's revenue in public sector organizations. The paper revealed that the major challenges hampering the effective and efficient implementation of the treasury single account (TSA) policy include: Inability of federal government to remit appropriately to the various agencies, uncertainties underlying federal government inactions and actions, bottlenecks/bureaucracy, internet platform delays, inefficient human capital development and time wasting in the banks and payment points. The policy will also enable the government at the centre to know its cash position at any given time without any hindrance. Therefore, it is recommended in the paper that the federal government must demonstrate the political will to ensure the sustainability of TSA policy and also tenaciously pursue its implementation by states and local governments in the country. KEYWORDS: Treasury Single Account (TSA), Corruption, Public Sector, Organizations, Nigeria

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 470-492
Hafidz Putra Arifin

The 1945 Constitution contain a ruling obligating the government to protect and preserve all cultural objects, manifestation of the nation’s culture, as cultural heritage.  It is conceded that the political will as reflected in regulations made from time to time on the protection of the nation’s cultural heritage are oriented towards preservation of the Indonesian identity and furthering social welfare. In reality however, cultural heritage objects are vulnerable to looting, willful destruction or lack of care. Using a juridical normative method, the author shall examine existing rules and regulation regarding protection of cultural heritage.  One important finding from this research is that low quality of cultural heritage protection is the result of low societal understanding of the importance of cultural heritage in the making of the national identity.

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