Udaya Madjid

This research discuses about effect of the placement officer of organization’s performance Tanggamus Regency DPRD secretariat and how the placement strategy officer. Design in this research using descriptive analysis with quantitative approach, which involved 78 respondents from the Legislative Secretariat officials Tanggamus regency, which is determined by using sampling techniques saturated. While the strategy in the placement of employees using SWOT analysis. From the results of the research revealed that this can influence the performance of employees against the organization secretariat DPRD Tanggamus regency determinan coefficient with a value of (r2) of (0.869)2 or (75.50%) which can meant that the Organization Secretariat Performance Legislative Tanggamus regency influenced by the placement of employees. Strategy in the placement of employees based on the SWOT analysis, namely (1) Develop a system of planning and management of employee career employees based on the needs of the organization, (2) Develop and maintain the Quality of Life work that condition, (3) To re-orientation education and training activities through the identification of Training needs for the organization, (4) To update the analysis of the position, work load analysis and analysis of job placement of employees as a basis. Keywords: performance organizational, placement of employee

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 247-266
Dede Nurkamilah ◽  
Aep Kusnawan ◽  
Dewi Sa'diah

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: untuk mengetahui (1) perencanaan              (2) pengorganisasian, (3) pelaksanaan, (4) pengawasan dan evaluasi pelatihan dakwah  di Pondok Pesantren Al-Ihsan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, penerapan manajemen pelatihan dakwah dalam meningkatkan mutu SDM santri dan pondok pesantren,               (1) Perencanaanya: analisis kebutuhan pelatihan, tujuan pelatihan, peserta pelatihan, anggaran biaya yang diperuntukan untuk fasilitas peserta, sarana dan prasarana peserta dan pelatihan, waktu dan jadwal kegiatan pelatihan, penentuan pemateri dan kurikulum pelatihan. (2) Pengorganisasiannya: penyusunan struktur kepanitiaan, penataan kebutuhan pelatihan dan pembagian kerja. (3) Pelaksanaannya: merealisasikan program yang telah dibuat dan disepakati.(4)Pengawasan dan evaluasinya: melibatkan pembimbing, dan pengurus dalam setiap kegiatan pelatihan. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan manajemen pelatihan dakwah di UKS FOSDAI telah dilakukan dengan baik dan dapat meningkatkan mutu SDM santri dan pondok pesantren. Kata Kunci : Penerapan Manajemen; Pelatihan dan Mutu SDM The Purpose of this study is: to find out (1) planning, (2) organizing, (3) implementing, (4) supervising and evaluating da’wah training at Al-Ihsan Islamic Boarding School. The method used is this study is a qualitative descriptive method. Based on the result of the study, based on the results of the study, the application of da’wah training management in improving the quaity of human resouurces of santri and islamic boarding school, (1) Planning: analysis of research needs, research objectives, trainees, budget for participants facilities, facilities and infrastructure of participants and training, time and schedule of training activities, determination of speakers and training curruculum. (2) Organizing: organizing committee structures, structuring training needs, and division of labor. (3) Implementation: realizing the program that has been made and agreed upon. (4) Supervision and evaluation, invloving supervisors, and administrators in each training activity. It can be concluded that the implementation of the da’wah training management at UKS FOSDAI has been carried out well and can improve the quality of human resources of santri and islamic boarding schools. Keywords : application of management; training, and Quality HR

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-49
Layli Mustari ◽  
Dian Indihadi ◽  
Elan Elan

Writing skills are important to be trained from an early age. Writing skills training needs to consider several important things, one of which is the development and age of the child and training that is fun for the child. The importance of practicing writing skills is related to the importance of paying attention to the quality of children's writing. In assessing children's writing skills, they can use a standard level of child development achievement, especially children aged 4-5 years. these standards are used to observe children's writing skills. There are 3 indicators of assessment namely recognizing symbols, making meaningful scribbles, and imitating writing. The observations show that children's writing skills in recognizing symbols are 83%. This value shows the writing skills of children aged 4-5 years in recognizing the symbols are in the developmental range very well developed and the skill to make meaningful scribbles shows the value of 66% means that children have the writing skills in making strokes are in developmental development as expected. Skill imitating writing shows a value of 83%, `the value is in the range of very well developed development. On average the writing skills of children aged 4-5 years are at 77%. This value shows the development of children's writing skills on the criteria of developing very well or writing skills of children aged 4-5 years are in accordance with the standard level of achievement of children's development. This means that children's skills have been shown to develop very well. However, writing skills in children are expected to be maximally improved. Keterampilan menulis penting untuk dilatih dari sejak dini. Pelatihan keterampilan menulis perlu mempertimbangkan beberapa hal penting salah satunya perkembangan dan usia anak serta pelatihan yang menyenangkan bagi anak. Pentingnya melatih keterampilan menulis berkaitan dengan pentingnya memerhatikan kualitas tulisan anak. Dalam menilai keterampilan tulisan anak bisa menggunakan standar tingkat pencapaian perkembangan anak khususnya anak yang berusia 4-5 tahun. standar tersebut digunakan untuk mengamati keterampilan menulis anak. Terdapat 3 indikator penilaian yaitu mengenal simbol-simbol, membuat coretan bermakna,dan meniru tulisan. Hasil pengamatan menunjukan bahwa keterampilan menulis anak dalam mengenal simbol-simbol berada pada nilai 83%. Nilai tersebut menunjukan keterampilan menulis anak usia 4-5 tahun dalam mengenal simbol-simbol berada pada rentang perkembangan berkembang sangat baik dan keterampilan membuat coretan bermakna menunjukan pada nilai 66% artinya anak memiliki keterampilan menulis dalam membuat coretan berada pada perkembangan berkembang sesuai harapan. Ketrampilan meniru tulisan menunjukan nilai 83%, ` nilai tersebut berada pada rentang perkembangan berkembang sangat baik. Secara rata-rata keterampilan menulis anak usia 4-5 tahun  berada pada 77%. Nilai tersebut menunjukan perkembangan keterampilan menulis anak pada kriteria berkembang sangat baik atau keterampilan menulis anak usia 4-5 tahun sudah sesuai dengan standar tingkat pencapaian perkembangan anak. Artinya keterampilan anak sudah menunjukan pada perkembangan berkembang sangat baik. Namun, keterampilan menulis pada anak diharapkan bisa ditingkatkan secara maksimal.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 37
Riono Riono ◽  
Suparno Suparno ◽  
Adi Bandono

ABSTRAK In carrying out its main duty as a guardian of the territorial water sovereignty republic Indonesia, the strength of the Navy is directed as a strategic force developed under the SSAT. The strength of the Navy can be measured by the arsenal and the quality of the personnel who are responsible for it. The performance, quality of personnel is strongly influenced by the work load it receives. Measurement of personnel workload in Indonesian Warship to determine the class of his current position using the Factor Evaluation System (FES) method that is more oriented on the volume of work and work time. While the mental workload has not been accommodated in the measurement of workload using this method. In this research will carry out the measurement of mental workload of Indonesian Warship personnel for each type of work when the Indonesian Warship operates, using the NASA TLX method integrated with the Fuzzy method. The questionnaire data collection was obtained from 82 respondents Indonesian Warship personnel. From the research results obtained data that of 11 (eleven) types of work in Indonesian Warship at the time of operation, Main Engine Operators work is the work that has the highest mental workload with a value of 74.33. While the type of work that most low-level mental work is to electronics Operators with a value of 58.83.  Keywords: Workload, NASA TLX, FUZZY Method, FES

2020 ◽  
Maihilza Wiwi Fauziah

Educational supervision holds teacher learning which ultimately results in high student learning achievement. Improving the quality of learning needs to be done continuously as the development of science, technology, and the community. The approach to improving teacher professionalism can be done with supervision techniques, fostering a culture of learning organizations, and training activities. By using this approach, the performance of the institution can be done through continuous improvement of teacher professionalism, both individually and in groups.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-122
Ahmad Muchlisin Natas Pasaribu

Abstract   The purpose of this Community Service activity is to provide physical condition training to novice athletes, training programs for physical trainers at Padepokan Judo Ksatria Bhayangkara (PJKB). This training needs to be done because the training process is still minimal. Trainers have the obligation to provide training and make athletes excel, but there are still limitations in doing so. Training for novice athletes is still very much needed because of the lack of planning and maturity in carrying out training activities both in terms of training material and from the intensity given. Higher education as an institution that produces trainers and educators, as well as an organization that organizes community service activities, has a moral obligation to carry out coaching and training. For this reason, community service programs providing athlete training are the way to be taken to overcome this problem. Activities include physical condition training. The material discussed is the judo training program. The training is planned to be held on October to December 2020.   Keywords: Judo, Physical Condition, Training   Abstrak   Tujuan kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini adalah memberikan pelatihan kondisi fisik kepada para atlet pemula, program latihan kepada para pelatih fisik di Padepokan Judo Ksatria Bhayangkara (PJKB). Pelatihan ini perlu dilakukan karena adanya proses latihan yang masih minim. Pelatih memiliki kewajiban untuk memberikan latihan dan menjadikan atlit berprestasi, namun masih ada keterbatasan dalam melaksanakannya. Pelatihan bagi atlet pemula masih sangat diperlukan karena kurangnya perencanaan dan kematangan dalam melakukan kegiatan latihan baik dari segi materi latihan maupun dari intensitas yang diberikan. Perguruan Tinggi sebagai lembaga penghasil pelatih maupun pendidik, sekaligus lembaga yang secara terorganisisir melaksanakan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat memiliki kewajiban moril untuk melakukan pembinaan dan pelatihan. Untuk itu program pengabdian kepada masyarakat menghadirkan untuk memberikan pelatihan atlet adalah cara yang ditempuh untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Kegiatan meliputi pelatihan kondisi fisik. Materi yang dibahas adalah program latihan judo. Pelatihan direncanakan akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal Oketober hingga Desember 2020.   Kata kunci: Judo, Kondisi fisik, Pelatihan

Widiastuti Agustina Eko Setyowati ◽  
Sri Mulyani

IbM activities implemented is training for children in Panti Asuhan Yatim Puteri Aisyiyah Cabang Kota Barat dan Panti Asuhan Yatim Puteri Aisyiyah II Kadipiro to produce nata. The skills in producing nata are suitable for women orphanage because the methode is simple, the tools and materilas are easily obtained and can potentially be used as new enterpreneur. The methodology includes : 1) a test product manufacturing, 2) preparation of modules for training, 3) the provision of tools and training materials, 4) training in producing, harvesting and packing of nata, 5) mentoring activities of production and marketing. Results achieved from this activity are: 1) training activities to produce nata for women orphanage have been completed and get good responses from attendees, 2) trainees can produce 3 nata variant, i.e., nata de coco, nata de soya and nata de pina,3) organoleptic results include the aroma, color, flavor, texture and suppleness, it brings that overall, each variant of the nata has the same favorite level with a value of 5 (scale 7), 4) trainees has marketed its products directly and online by instagram address : @kenesnata.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 814
Nizar M. Ali ◽  
Jagar M. Ismail ◽  
Avan Y. Haji

The research aims to identify the business ethics and their role in achieving the performance efficiency. Research descriptive and analytical approach were used. To identify the variables a tool has designed For data collection, consisting of (30) paragraph and its representing the paragraphs of business ethics and the performance efficiency. The outcomes of Questionnaire were analyzed and distributed to the administration staff at the presidency of Zakho University which it were (44) statistical forms and displayed by (SPSS) using statistical forms average, standard deviations, and the relationship between the Line and influence. Descriptive analysis of the variables business ethics shown that the degree of overall variable agreement reached (62.28%). also the degree of overall variable agreement of performance efficiency reached (46.67%). Based on the research test and its hypo thesis research found there were a significant correlation between business ethics and efficient performance at all level. The existence of moral effect were found in business ethics in the performance efficiency at all level. Based on the conclusion a subjections has set, the most important subject to everyone wither they are academics or employs in the education institution. Research sample shad work to gather to determine the works ethics and to give more attention in how to continue to apply the moral control and its elements, also to focus on compliance with regulation as model for the application of work ethic because of its role in enhancing the performance of the institution operations. All the powers would assist them must be given to wards a achieving the goals also in order to address the problem of the low level of performance. And develop their abilities and improve their performance also participating in scientific conferences, seminars and training programs specialized in quality of performance.

2015 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Adi Permadi

<p>Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana profil industri kecil carica di Kabupaten Wonosobo serta untuk mengetahui strategi pengembangan apa yang bisa digunakan. Variabel yang diteliti adalah profil industri yang meliputi sumber daya manusia, permodalan, teknologi, dan pemasaran. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah metode analisis deskriptif dan analisis SWOT. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa profil industri kecil carica di Kabupaten Wonosobo pada tahun 2014 ada 15 unit usaha. Ada beberapa prioritas strategi pengembangan yaang dilakukaan yaitu strategi SO dengan meningkatkan kualitas SDM, memanfaatkan tenaga kerja dari daerah sekitar, dan mengoptimalkan lokasi industri yang strategis. Strategi WO menyiapkan stok produk carica, mengoptimalkan produk carica, dan mengoptimalkan pelatihan dari dinas terkait. Strategi ST dengan meningkatkan kualitas ciri khas produk carica,peranan pemerintah dalam hal mengantisipasi bencana longsor di Dieng, dan melakukan inovasi produk carica. Strategi WT dengan meningkatkan kemampuan manajerial pengusaha, menaikkan harga jual produk carica, dan pada musim kemarau diganti dengan produk makanan komoditas Kabupaten Wonosobo. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, strategi yang diterapkan dalam kondisi ini adalah mendukung kebijakan yang agresif, yaitu industri kecil carica di Kabupaten Wonosobo dapat bersaing dengan produk olahan makanan jenis lainnya dari berbagai daerah dengan cara menjaga dan meningkatkan kualitas produk carica yang dihasilkan.</p><p>The purpose of this study to find out the profiles of carica industries in Wonosobo regency and to determine what is the development strategy can be used. The variables in this research belongs to human resources, capital, technology, and marketing. Data analysis method used is descriptive analysis method and SWOT analysis. Based on the results of this study showed that small industrial profiles carica in Wonosobo regency in 2014 there were 15 business units. There are several priority development strategies did, those are SO strategy to improve the quality of human resources to improve product quality of carica, utilizing the labor of the surrounding area to increase carica industry, and optimize strategic industrial location. WO strategy to prepare the inventory in the form of stock products carica, carica optimize product to meet consumer demand, and optimize the training of relevant agencies. ST strategies to improve the quality and characteristics of products carica, requires the role of government in terms of anticipating landslides in Dieng, and carica product innovation to improve consumer tastes. WT strategy to improve the managerial capacity of employers, raise the price of products carica, and in the dry season production carica replaced with other processed food products act. Based on the research results can be concluded, the strategy adopted in this condition is to support an aggressive policy.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 7891-7894

This paper aimed at determining the variables which are strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the implementation of education and training guidelines for preparing and implementing activities in organizing education and training strategies and then improving the quality of the implementation of the Palembang Aviation Training Center in the future. The method used a qualitative. This study used SWOT analysis to formulate a strategy to improve the quality of education and training implementation. Data collection techniques used were observation and interviews. The results showed the SWOT analysis of the implementation could be used as input in improving the quality of the implementation of the Palembang Aviation Training Center for training participants, organizers, and related stakeholders and the success of training was determined by external factors and internal factor. This study concluded that from the results of the SWOT analysis, four alternative strategies were formulated, the strategies of StrengthOpportunities, Weaknesses-Opportunities, Strength-Threats, and Weaknesses-Threats which included quality improvement from 3 principles Software, Hardware and Brain ware. From the above conditions, the strategy for implementing education and training at the Palembang Aviation Training and Education Center will be well implemented.

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