Afiva Rizky Pratiwi

The research of the novel Membersihkan Nurani by Ario Muhammad can be used as a reference in understanding a person’s personality and behavior. With the personality structure that occurs in the main character, it is presented in a very interesting discussion topic to study. This study aims to better understanding the personality structure experienced by the main character. The approach in this study uses the study of literary psychology. The data collection technique is done by means of semiotic analysis. This study uses analytical techniques by reading the next repeatedly by giving a sign it can be easily understood. The personality structure described in this discussion uses the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud’s analysis. The result showed that the main character in the novel was dominated by using the super ego personality. It can be stated that my character has the strongest dominance related ti personility and emotions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 273-286
Tito Tri Kadafi

This research uses descriptive qualitative method with reading-note technique as data collection technique. The research data is taken from the narrative of the character Mat Dawuk in the novel Dawuk Kisah Kelabu dari Rumbuk Randu by Mahfud Ikhwan, which is analyzed using Sigmund Freud's theory of psychoanalysis. The results showed that the personality structure of the Mat Dawuk character was influenced by three personality systems, namely the id, ego, and superego. His preference in Mat Dawuk's id is Mat Dawuk's libido drive towards Inayatun. The ego that appears in Mat tries to realize and fulfill what the id wants, resulting in an attitude of loyalty, protection, until even Mat Dawuk pledges that Inayatun is a power within him - that power disappears after Inayatun dies, which is illustrated through a willing attitude. Mat to be persecuted. The superego, which acts on the principle of morality, is here to help in making decisions about what the id wants, and also helps the ego to control the id that is wanted to be fulfilled. The Mat Dawuk character also has a living instinct that comes from Inayatun. Meanwhile, after Inayatun died, Mat tended to be controlled by a dead instinct which made him helpless, and chose to withdraw from society. Not only that, the character Mat Dawuk is depicted as experiencing anxiety several times, which later will correlate with Mat's personal development in survival, or what is known as a defense mechanism, and Mat Dawuk's tendency to be in aggression and repression mechanisms. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik baca-catat sebagai teknik pengumpulan datanya. Data penelitian diambil dari pengisahan tokoh Mat Dawuk dalam novel Dawuk Kisah Kelabu dari Rumbuk Randu karya Mahfud Ikhwan, yang ditelaah menggunakan teori psikoanalisis Sigmund Freud. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan struktur kepribadian tokoh Mat Dawuk dipengaruhi oleh tiga sistem kepribadian yakni id, ego, dan superego. Id dalam diri Mat Dawuk preferensinya adalah dorongan hasrat libido Mat Dawuk terhadap Inayatun. Ego yang muncul pada diri Mat berusaha mewujudkan dan memenuhi apa yang diinginkan oleh id, sehingga timbul sikap kesetiaan, melindungi, hingga bahkan Mat Dawuk mengikrarkan bahwa Inayatun adalah kekuatan di dalam dirinya – kekuatan itu pun hilang, setelah Inayatun meninggal, yang digambarkan melalui sikap rela Mat untuk dipersekusi. Superego yang bertindak berdasarkan prinsip moralitas, hadir untuk membantu dalam pengambilan keputusan apa yang diinginkan oleh id, serta turut membantu ego untuk mengendalikan id yang bersifat ingin dipenuhi. Tokoh Mat Dawuk juga memiliki insting hidup yang berasal dari Inayatun. Setelah Inayatun meninggal, Mat cenderung dikuasai oleh insting mati yang membuatnya tidak berdaya, dan memilih menarik diri dari masyarakat. Tak hanya itu, tokoh Mat Dawuk digambarkan beberapa kali mengalami kecemasan, yang nantinya akan berkorelasi dengan perkembangan kepribadian Mat dalam bertahan hidup, atau disebut sebagai mekanisme pertahanan, dan kecenderungan Mat Dawuk berada pada mekanisme agresi dan represi.

Wiya Asmanijar ◽  
Herman J. Waluyo ◽  
Muhammad Rohmadi

This study aimed to describe how to analyze the meaning of religious value symbolsthat existed in the main character (Fahmi) in Novel Api Tauhid by Habiburahman El Shirazy. The method used in this research was a qualitative narrative with Charles Sanders Pierce's semiotic approach. The data of this research was the result of studying the meaning of religious value symbols in the novel with Pierce's semiotic approach and the data source was Novel Api Tauhid by Habiburahman El Shirazy. The data collection technique used in this study was document analysis. The validity of the data used was theoretical triangulation. The results of this research described the study of the meaning of religious values symbols in Novel Api Tauhid with Pierce's semiotic approach.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Anwar Efendi

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan wujud dan pengekspresian nilai-nilai karakter dalam novel biografi Hatta Aku Datang Karena Sejarah Karya Sergius Sutanto. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik studi dokumentasi atau kajian pustaka. Analisis data dilakukan dengan langkah-langkah sebagai berikut. Pertama, membaca untuk menyeleksi dan menandainya kata, frasa, kalimat, paragraf, dan wacana yang mengandung informasi berkaitan dengan nilai-nilai karakter. Kedua, mengidentifikasi dan mengklasifikasikan data berdasarkan butir-butir masalah yang telah dirumuskan, tidak melihat bagian per bagian. Ketiga, menafsirkan kembali secara semiotik seluruh data teridentifikasi dan terklasifikasi untuk menemukan kepaduan, kesatuan, dan hubungan antardata. Hasil penelitian sebagai berikut. Pertama, nilai-nilai karakter utama, yakni (a) kemandirian, (b) semangat kebangsaan, (c) cinta tanah air, (d) cinta damai, (e) gemar membaca, dan (f) kejujuran. Kedua, pengekspresian nilai-nilai karakter disajikan dengan dua pola, yaitu (a) penyampaian langsung dengan cara pendeskripsian karakter, tindakan, dan perilaku tokoh oleh pengarang (pencerita); dan (b) penyampaian tidak langsung dengan cara paparan sikap dan tingkah laku tokoh menghadapi peristiwa dan konflik. Kata kunci: novel biografi, nilai karakter, pola perilaku, realitas kehidupan CHARACTER VALUES IN THE BIOGRAPHICAL NOVEL HATTA: AKU DATANG KARENA SEJARAH BY SERGIUS SUTANTOAbstract: This study aims to describe the form and expression of character values in Hatta: Aku Datang Karena Sejarah, a biograpical novel by Sergius Sutanto. The data collection technique was documentation study or literature review. The data analysis consisted of the following steps: first, reading to select and mark words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs, and discourses that contain information related to character values; second, identifying and classifying data based on the problem points formulated, not seeing part by part; third, semiotically reinterpreting all data identified and classified to find cohesion, unity, and relationships between data. The results of the study are as follows. First, the values of the main character include (a) independence, (b) national spirit, (c) patriotism, (d) love for peace, (e) a fondness for reading, and (f) honesty. Second, the expression of character values is presented in two patterns, namely (a) direct delivery by describing the character, actions, and behavior of the character by the author (narrator); and (b) indirect delivery by way of exposure to attitudes and behaviors of the character in facing events and conflicts. Keywords: biographical novel, character values, behavior patterns, reality of life

Jurnal KATA ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 205
Syarifuddin Syarifuddin

<p><em>The study aimed to (1) analyze and describe the novel structure, and (2) analyze and explain the sociological aspects in which the main character of the novel. The method of the study was qualitative by using sosiology of literature approach. Literary technique was done by using descriptive analysis. The data was obtained from documents and informants. Data collection technique were conducted through three procedures: (1) reading, (2) finding aspects of literary structure, and (3) finding aspects of sociology of literature. There were three basics to analyze the data. They were data reduction, data presentation, and data withdrawal. Based on the three basics, it can be seen about the life of main character in the novel Seputih Hati yang Tercabik written by Ratu Wardarita, Ida Kusama. The main character was described as a woman who was tough on her household problems that is her failure in marry. Based on data analysis, it is known that the novel talks about the life struggle of the main character accompanying with culture aspect in every place visited by the main character. </em></p><p> </p><p>Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dari penelitian ini yaitu : (1) menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan struktur novel, dan (2) menganalisis dan memaparkan aspek sosiologi yang dialami tokoh utama dalam novel. Metode yang digunakan adalah secara kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan sosiologi sastra. Teknik kepustakaan dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Data diperoleh dari dokumen dan informan. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan tiga prosedur: (1) membaca, (2) mencari aspek struktur sastra, dan (3) mencari aspek sosiologi sastra. Terdapat tiga dasar untuk menganalisis data yang diperoleh yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan data. Dari ketiga dasar tersebut dapat dihasilkan mengenai keadaan hidup tokoh utama dalam novel Seputih Hati yang Tercabik Karya Ratu Wardarita bernama Ida Kusama. Tokoh utama digambarkan menjadi seorang wanita yang tegar terhadap permasalahan rumah tangganya yaitu berupa kegagalan berumah tangga. Dari analisis data yang dilakukan, diketahui bahwa novel tersebut mengenai perjuangan hidup tokoh utama dengan diiringi aspek budaya yang kental di setiap daerah yang didatangi tokoh utama.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 195
Wiwik Murtiwik ◽  
Ratu Wardarita

Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan kajian psikoanalisis tokoh utama  novel “Seputih Hati yang Tercabik” karya Ratu Wardarita dengan teori Sigmund Freud sebagai pisau bedahnya untuk menganalisis kepribadian dan pertahanan tokoh utama pemeran utama dalam novel.  Peneliti menggunakan metode deskriptif analitis  dengan pendekatan kualitatif.  Sedangkan pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan tiga teknik, yaitu baca, catat dan kepustakaan.  Kutipan berupa kata, frasa dan kalimat yang didapat dalam novel yang berfungsi memperkuat analisis data terkait teori Freud, selanjutnya dianalisis dengan prosedur (1) reduksi data, (2) penyajian data, dan (3) penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini mendapatkan bahwa struktur kepribadian menimbulkan pergumulan antara id, ego, dan superego.   Sedangkan mekanisme pertahanan konflik menghasilkan efek represi, rasionalisasi, regresi, reaction formulation, perasaan trauma, dan intelektual. The purpose of this study is to describe the psychoanalytic study of the main character of the novel "Seputih Hati Tercabik" by Ratu Wardarita with Sigmund Freud's theory as the scalpel to analyze the personality and defense of the main character in the novel. Researchers used descriptive analytical methods with a qualitative approach. Meanwhile, data collection was carried out using three techniques, namely reading, taking notes and literature. Quotations in the form of words, phrases and sentences obtained in the novel serve to strengthen data analysis related to Freud's theory, then analyzed by procedures (1) data reduction, (2) data presentation, and (3) drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that the personality structure causes a struggle between the id, ego, and superego. Meanwhile, conflict defense mechanisms produce effects of repression, rationalization, regression, reaction formulation, feelings of trauma, and intellectuality.

Andi Irma Sarjani ◽  
Zuriyati Zuriyati ◽  
Siti Gomo Attas

This study aims to reveal the character of one of the main characters, Honami in the Holy Mother novel. The data source in this study is the Holy Mother novel wrote by Japanese author Akiyoshi Rikako,which has been published in Indonesia in 2016. The technique used for data collection in this study is library techniques. The method usedin conducting this research was the psychoanalysis method which was first put forward by Sigmund Freud. The results showed that based on psychoanalytic studies, the main character of the novel,a woman namedHonami, showed that the Id aspectinfluences all of herthoughts and actions. This was triggered by various events, namely herown misfortune which had many miscarriages and had a disease that made it difficult for herto get pregnant, and Kaoru's existence that changed herlife to became more meaningful. The emergence of fear and concern for her daughter because of the successive killings that struck a small child in the city where she lived, making her falsify and obscure the fact that Makoto, wascommitted murder to protect her daughter. The results also showed thatthe personality of the main character, Honami, is dominated by an element of the Egopersonality that defeats the Superego.

Ayuningtyas Putri Pratiwi ◽  
Yeny Prastiwi

This study aims to determine the psychological impact experienced by Alex Standall on the death of Hannah Baker, presented in the Thirteen Reasons Why series adaptation of the novel of the same title by Jay Asher. This study is a qualitative research. The data source used is the TV-series Thirteen Reasons Why first season. The data collection technique is from analyzing the series. The theory used in this study is the psychology of literature. The results of this study are as follows: first, the initial factors that triggered Alex Standall to do bad things to Hannah Baker. Second, the psychological condition of Alex Standall after making a mistake about Hannah Baker. Third, the guilty towards Hannah Baker that caused Alex Standall finally decided to end his life.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Amelia Rosalina ◽  
Suryadi Suryadi ◽  
Irma Diani

The purpose of this study is to describe the quality of the language available in the novel teenager "D'Angel Princess" by Luna Torashyngu. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. Data in this study Various styles on the novel teenagers "D'Angel Princess" by Luna Torashyngu. Documentation technique is used in the data collection technigue. Data analysis technique in this research is done through steps, that is: (1) reading novelteenlit "Angel Angel" by Luna Torashyngu (2) hiding data, (3) classifying data, (4) analyzing data, and (5) conclude. Test the validity of the data is a credibility test conducted by increasing persistence with the supervisor during the process, and discussion with colleagues. The results found in the novel D'Angel Princess by Luna Torashyngu in slang and not used to separate the characteristics of the teen novel. Then the word denotation and author connotation to express and convince the compiler readers convey narration and description in the story, said Science used as a means to monetize a novel theme with a scientific theme, the words used to sort out teenage characters who look slang. The use of sentences is used to describe the main character in the sentence Usage. The author's written sentence contains descriptions and narrations to make the story more interesting and easy to understand. Comment topic sentence  gives a beautiful impression or a beautiful comment on the characters. Use of minor sentences is used  to give challenge and sincerity to what people say so that readers feel confidence. Minor sentences and reciprocal is used by writers when delivering narration in serious situations or moods.Keywords: language style, teenlit novel, "D'Anggel" by Luna Torashyngu

Koneksi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 194
Orville Yonathan ◽  
Sinta Paramita

Games as a form of mass communication carry messages for the audience. One of the games called marginalization was Player Unknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG). This study aims to identify the existence of marginalization in minority cultures in the PUBG game. The PUBG game is a survival game against 100 people where the players are placed on an island. How to survive is done by killing opposing players using the weapons that have been provided. This game can be done alone or in groups of four. The research method used by researchers is qualitative research methods. The research technique used is the Semiotic analysis of Roland Barthes. The data collection technique used was the observation technique. Observations made by researchers include how the characters in this game are made and how the forms of communication performed by the players while playing so that the marginalization of the minority culture appears. This study found that in an online game it has the potential to bring bad things to the intercultural society which is described by Roland Barthes that a bad habit will become a habit that is tolerated.Permainan atau game sebagai bentuk komunikasi massa membawa pesan bagi audiens. Salah satu game yang disebut melakukan marginalisasi adalah game PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG). Penelitian ini ingin mengidentifikasi adanya marginalisasi pada budaya minoritas dalam game PUBG. Permainan PUBG merupakan permainan bertahan hidup dengan melawan 100 orang di mana para pemainnya ditempatkan di sebuah pulau. Cara bertahan hidup dilakukan dengan membunuh pemain lawan menggunakan senjata yang sudah disediakan. Permainan ini dapat dilakukan sendiri atau berkelompok dengan anggota empat orang. Metode penelitian yang dipakai peneliti adalah metode penelitian kualitatif. Teknik penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis Semiotika Roland Barthes. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah teknik observasi. Pengamatan yang dilakukan peneliti meliputi bagaimana karakter dalam game ini dibuat dan bagaimana bentuk komunikasi yang dilakukan para pemain pada saat bermain sehingga muncul marginalisasi budaya minoritas tersebut. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa di dalam sebuah game online memiliki potensi memunculkan hal buruk untuk masyarakat antar budaya yang digambarkan menurut Roland Barthes bahwa sebuah kebiasaan buruk akan menjadi suatu kebiasaan yang ditoleransi.

Paramasastra ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Rini Agustina

This study focuses on internal conflicts in the novel Air Mata Tuhan works Aguk Irawan M.N. The method in this article uses descriptive method and form of qualitative research. Psychology humanities is used as an approach in this article. Data collection technique used is the technique of documentary studies to reviewing  creation humanities. Data collection tool used is the Human Instrument with the help of card data recorder. Technique authenticity of data used are, triangulation investigator, theory triangulation and inspection peers through discussion. The analysis technique used is the study of the contents. External conflict contained in the novel Tears God works Aguk Irawan M. N based on the analysis that researchers do, namely social conflict tangible problem accusation, strife, oppression, and opposition. Internal conflicts contained in the novel Tears God works Aguk Irawan M. N based on the analysis that researchers do that is the inner conflict in the form of expectations, and the conflicts between the two desires

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