scholarly journals Potential Toxic Effects of Airport Runoff Water Samples on the Environment

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (13) ◽  
pp. 7490
Anna Maria Sulej-Suchomska ◽  
Piotr Przybyłowski ◽  
Żaneta Polkowska

Despite the positive aspects of the intensive development of aviation, airports are considered large-scale polluters. Pollution caused by runoff water (stormwater) is one of the major problems related to airport operations. The aim of this study was to characterize the potential toxic impact on aquatic life from runoff water discharges from four international airports in Europe. Samples of stormwater were collected at airports with different capacities of passenger movement in four seasons of the year from 2011 to 2013. Within the ecotoxicological analyses, a battery of biotests incorporating organisms of different trophic levels (Microtox® test, Thamnotoxkit F™) were used. A relatively high number of runoff water samples collected at the investigated airports in Europe was recorded as having very high acute hazard (16.8%), acute hazard (27.7%), and slight acute hazard (18.1%) levels. The results of the research indicate that winter and autumn present a greater toxic threat than the rest of the year. The highest number of toxic samples was observed for samples collected in the de-icing area, the runway and the vicinity of airport terminals. The ecotoxicological assessment applied in this research can be used as a tool for assessing the environmental effect of airports.

2020 ◽  
Vol 501 (1) ◽  
pp. L71-L75
Cornelius Rampf ◽  
Oliver Hahn

ABSTRACT Perturbation theory is an indispensable tool for studying the cosmic large-scale structure, and establishing its limits is therefore of utmost importance. One crucial limitation of perturbation theory is shell-crossing, which is the instance when cold-dark-matter trajectories intersect for the first time. We investigate Lagrangian perturbation theory (LPT) at very high orders in the vicinity of the first shell-crossing for random initial data in a realistic three-dimensional Universe. For this, we have numerically implemented the all-order recursion relations for the matter trajectories, from which the convergence of the LPT series at shell-crossing is established. Convergence studies performed at large orders reveal the nature of the convergence-limiting singularities. These singularities are not the well-known density singularities at shell-crossing but occur at later times when LPT already ceased to provide physically meaningful results.

Climate ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 20
Kleoniki Demertzi ◽  
Vassilios Pisinaras ◽  
Emanuel Lekakis ◽  
Evangelos Tziritis ◽  
Konstantinos Babakos ◽  

Simple formulas for estimating annual actual evapotranspiration (AET) based on annual climate data are widely used in large scale applications. Such formulas do not have distinct compartments related to topography, soil and irrigation, and for this reason may be limited in basins with high slopes, where runoff is the dominant water balance component, and in basins where irrigated agriculture is dominant. Thus, a simplistic method for assessing AET in both natural ecosystems and agricultural systems considering the aforementioned elements is proposed in this study. The method solves AET through water balance based on a set of formulas that estimate runoff and percolation. These formulas are calibrated by the results of the deterministic hydrological model GLEAMS (Groundwater Loading Effects of Agricultural Management Systems) for a reference surface. The proposed methodology is applied to the country of Greece and compared with the widely used climate-based methods of Oldekop, Coutagne and Turk. The results show that the proposed methodology agrees very well with the method of Turk for the lowland regions but presents significant differences in places where runoff is expected to be very high (sloppy areas and areas of high rainfall, especially during December–February), suggesting that the proposed method performs better due to its runoff compartment. The method can also be applied in a single application considering irrigation only for the irrigated lands to more accurately estimate AET in basins with a high percentage of irrigated agriculture.

Organics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 142-160
Keith Smith ◽  
Gamal A. El-Hiti

para-Selective processes for the chlorination of phenols using sulphuryl chloride in the presence of various sulphur-containing catalysts have been successfully developed. Several chlorinated phenols, especially those derived by para-chlorination of phenol, ortho-cresol, meta-cresol, and meta-xylenol, are of significant commercial importance, but chlorination reactions of such phenols are not always as regioselective as would be desirable. We, therefore, undertook the challenge of developing suitable catalysts that might promote greater regioselectivity under conditions that might still be applicable for the commercial manufacture of products on a large scale. In this review, we chart our progress in this endeavour from early studies involving inorganic solids as potential catalysts, through the use of simple dialkyl sulphides, which were effective but unsuitable for commercial application, and through a variety of other types of sulphur compounds, to the eventual identification of particular poly(alkylene sulphide)s as very useful catalysts. When used in conjunction with a Lewis acid such as aluminium or ferric chloride as an activator, and with sulphuryl chloride as the reagent, quantitative yields of chlorophenols can be obtained with very high regioselectivity in the presence of tiny amounts of the polymeric sulphides, usually in solvent-free conditions (unless the phenol starting material is solid at temperatures even above about 50 °C). Notably, poly(alkylene sulphide)s containing longer spacer groups are particularly para-selective in the chlorination of m-cresol and m-xylenol, while, ones with shorter spacers are particularly para-selective in the chlorination of phenol, 2-chlorophenol, and o-cresol. Such chlorination processes result in some of the highest para/ortho ratios reported for the chlorination of phenols.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 168
Hyeonu Im ◽  
Jiwon Yu ◽  
Chulung Lee

Despite the number of sailings canceled in the past few months, as demand has increased, the utilization of ships has become very high, resulting in sudden peaks of activity at the import container terminals. Ship-to-ship operations and yard activity at the container terminals are at their peak and starting to affect land operations on truck arrivals and departures. In response, a Truck Appointment System (TAS) has been developed to mitigate truck congestion that occurs between the gate and the yard of the container terminal. The vehicle booking system is developed and operated in-house at large-scale container terminals, but efficiency is low due to frequent truck schedule changes by the transport companies (forwarders). In this paper, we propose a new form of TAS in which the transport companies and the terminal operator cooperate. Numerical experiments show that the efficiency of the cooperation model is better by comparing the case where the transport company (forwarder) and the terminal operator make their own decision and the case where they cooperate. The cooperation model shows higher efficiency as there are more competing transport companies (forwarders) and more segmented tasks a truck can reserve.

Diversity ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 234 ◽  
Eric A. Griffin ◽  
Joshua G. Harrison ◽  
Melissa K. McCormick ◽  
Karin T. Burghardt ◽  
John D. Parker

Although decades of research have typically demonstrated a positive correlation between biodiversity of primary producers and associated trophic levels, the ecological drivers of this association are poorly understood. Recent evidence suggests that the plant microbiome, or the fungi and bacteria found on and inside plant hosts, may be cryptic yet important drivers of important processes, including primary production and trophic interactions. Here, using high-throughput sequencing, we characterized foliar fungal community diversity, composition, and function from 15 broadleaved tree species (N = 545) in a recently established, large-scale temperate tree diversity experiment using over 17,000 seedlings. Specifically, we tested whether increases in tree richness and phylogenetic diversity would increase fungal endophyte diversity (the “Diversity Begets Diversity” hypothesis), as well as alter community composition (the “Tree Diversity–Endophyte Community” hypothesis) and function (the “Tree Diversity–Endophyte Function” hypothesis) at different spatial scales. We demonstrated that increasing tree richness and phylogenetic diversity decreased fungal species and functional guild richness and diversity, including pathogens, saprotrophs, and parasites, within the first three years of a forest diversity experiment. These patterns were consistent at the neighborhood and tree plot scale. Our results suggest that fungal endophytes, unlike other trophic levels (e.g., herbivores as well as epiphytic bacteria), respond negatively to increasing plant diversity.

Gang Zheng ◽  
Yawei Lei ◽  
Xuesong Cheng ◽  
Xiyuan Li ◽  
Ruozhan Wang

Collapses of braced or tied-back excavations have frequently occurred. However, the influence of the failure of some retaining structure members on the overall safety performance of a retaining system has not been studied. Model tests of failures of retaining piles, struts or anchors were conducted in this study, and the load transfer mechanisms underlying these conditions were analysed. When failures or large deformations occurred in certain piles, the increasing ratios of the bending moments in adjacent piles were much larger in the braced retaining system than in the cantilever system and more easily triggered progressive failure. When the strut elevation was lower or the excavation depth was greater, the degree of influence and range of pile failures became larger. When certain struts/anchors failed, their loads transferred to a few adjacent struts/anchors, possibly leading to further strut/anchor failure. The influence mechanisms of strut or anchor failure on piles were different from those of pile failure. As the number of failed struts or anchors increases, the bending moments of the piles in the failure zone first decrease and then increase to very high values. Therefore, the progressive failure path extends from struts/anchors to piles and will lead to large-scale collapse.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 01-12
Charvia Ismi Zahrani ◽  
Setia Pramana

AbstractCOVID-19 is a serious problem that faced by almost all countries in the world. Since announced as a pandemic by WHO on March, the number of positive COVID-19 cases in Indonesia has reached 287,008 patients until the end of September 2020. COVID-19 cases dispersion depends on the local government policies and the awareness of the public to obey. About 60 percent of positive cases and 65 percent of death cases were in Java. Therefore, the aim of this study is to analyze the growth of the COVID-19 case in Java from March to September 2020 in relation to the local government policies. The results showed that six provinces in Java had the same pattern. The large-scale social restriction (PSBB), which was implemented since April 10 2020, seen to be able to contain the dispersion of cases because from April to June the positive cases did not increase significantly. A very high increase occurred in August and September, this was probably due to the easing of the PSBB become new-normal where various public places and facilities have been reopened. Meanwhile, death cases, the number is very high in mid-April and June and late July to September 2020. For cured cases, there was a significant increase in late August to September 2020. The importance of information about the growth of the COVID-19 cases can help government to formulate strategies and policies to prevent the dispersion of COVID-19.Keyword: COVID-19, Pandemic, Java, cases growth AbstrakCOVID-19 merupakan suatu masalah serius yang sedang dihadapi oleh hampir seluruh negara. Sejak diumumkan sebagai pandemi oleh WHO pada Maret lalu, jumlah kasus positif COVID-19 di Indonesia mencapai 287.008 pasien hingga akhir September. Penyebaran kasus COVID-19 sangat bergantung pada kebijakan yang ditetapkan oleh pemerintah serta kesadaran masyarakat untuk mematuhinya. Sebesar 60 persen kasus positif dan 65 persen kasus meninggal berada di Pulau Jawa. Oleh karena itu, tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis perkembangan kasus COVID-19 di Pulau Jawa sejak Bulan Maret-September 2020 dikaitkan dengan kebijakan pemerintah setempat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keenam provinsi memiliki pola yang sama. Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) yang dilakukan sejak 10 April 2020 terlihat dapat menahan penyebaran kasus karena pada bulan April-Juni 2020 kasus positif tidak mengalami kenaikan yang signifikan. Kenaikan yang sangat tinggi terjadi pada bulan Agustus dan September 2020, hal ini mungkin disebabkan oleh dilonggarkannya kebijakan PSBB menjadi PSBB Transisi dimana berbagai tempat dan fasilitas umum telah dibuka kembali. Sementara untuk kasus meninggal, angka tertinggi terjadi pada pertengahan April dan Juni serta akhir Juli hingga September 2020. Untuk kasus sembuh, terjadi peningkatan yang signifikan pada akhir Agustus hingga September 2020. Pentingnya informasi tentang perkembangan kasus COVID-19 ini dapat membantu pemerintah daerah untuk membuat strategi dan kebijakan untuk mencegah penyebaran rantai virus COVID-19.Kata Kunci: COVID-19, Pandemi, Jawa, perkembangan kasus 

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Ivan Lopez ◽  
Reinaldo Aravena ◽  
Daniel Soza ◽  
Alicia Morales ◽  
Silvia Riquelme ◽  

The Chilean workforce has over 200,000 people that are intermittently exposed to altitudes over 4,000 m. In 2012, the Ministry of Health provided a technical guide for high-altitude workers that included a series of actions to mitigate the effects of hypoxia. Previous studies have shown the positive effect of oxygen enrichment at high altitudes. The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) radiotelescope operates at 5,050 m [Array Operations Site (AOS)] and is the only place in the world where pressure swing adsorption (PSA) and liquid oxygen technologies have been installed at a large scale. These technologies reduce the equivalent altitude by increasing oxygen availability. This study aims to perform a retrospective comparison between the use of both technologies during operation in ALMA at 5,050 m. In each condition, variables such as oxygen (O2), temperature, and humidity were continuously recorded in each AOS rooms, and cardiorespiratory variables were registered. In addition, we compared portable O2 by using continuous or demand flow during outdoor activities at very high altitudes. The outcomes showed no differences between production procedures (PSA or liquid oxygen) in regulating oxygen availability at AOS facilities. As a result, big-scale installations have difficulties reaching the appropriate O2 concentration due to leaks in high mobility areas. In addition, the PSA plant requires adequacy and maintenance to operate at a very high altitude. A continuous flow of 2–3 l/min of portable O2 is recommended at 5,050 m.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (22) ◽  
pp. 4674
Yuqing Qin ◽  
Jie Su ◽  
Mingfeng Wang

The formation and distribution of melt ponds have an important influence on the Arctic climate. Therefore, it is necessary to obtain more accurate information on melt ponds on Arctic sea ice by remote sensing. The present large-scale melt pond products, especially the melt pond fraction (MPF), still require verification, and using very high resolution optical satellite remote sensing data is a good way to verify the large-scale retrieval of MPF products. Unlike most MPF algorithms using very high resolution data, the LinearPolar algorithm using Sentinel-2 data considers the albedo of melt ponds unfixed. In this paper, by selecting the best band combination, we applied this algorithm to Landsat 8 (L8) data. Moreover, Sentinel-2 data, as well as support vector machine (SVM) and iterative self-organizing data analysis technique (ISODATA) algorithms, are used as the comparison and verification data. The results show that the recognition accuracy of the LinearPolar algorithm for melt ponds is higher than that of previous algorithms. The overall accuracy and kappa coefficient results achieved by using the LinearPolar algorithm with L8 and Sentinel-2A (S2), the SVM algorithm, and the ISODATA algorithm are 95.38% and 0.88, 94.73% and 0.86, and 92.40%and 0.80, respectively, which are much higher than those of principal component analysis (PCA) and Markus algorithms. The mean MPF (10.0%) obtained from 80 cases from L8 data based on the LinearPolar algorithm is much closer to Sentinel-2 (10.9%) than the Markus (5.0%) and PCA algorithms (4.2%), with a mean MPF difference of only 0.9%, and the correlation coefficients of the two MPFs are as high as 0.95. The overall relative error of the LinearPolar algorithm is 53.5% and 46.4% lower than that of the Markus and PCA algorithms, respectively, and the root mean square error (RMSE) is 30.9% and 27.4% lower than that of the Markus and PCA algorithms, respectively. In the cases without obvious melt ponds, the relative error is reduced more than that of those with obvious melt ponds because the LinearPolar algorithm can identify 100% of dark melt ponds and relatively small melt ponds, and the latter contributes more to the reduction in the relative error of MPF retrieval. With a wider range and longer time series, the MPF from Landsat data are more efficient than those from Sentinel-2 for verifying large-scale MPF products or obtaining long-term monitoring of a fixed area.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (AAEBSSD) ◽  
pp. 77-85
Sridevi Tallapragada ◽  
Rajesh Lather ◽  
Vandana ◽  
Gurnam Singh

Phytoremediation is the plant-based technology that has emerged as a novel cost effective and ecofriendly technology in which green plants are used for extraction, sequestration and/or detoxification of the pollutants. Plants possess the natural ability to degrade heavy metals and this property of plants to detoxify contaminants can be used by genetic engineering approach. Currently, the quality of soil and water has degraded considerably due heavy metal accumulation through discharge of industrial, agricultural and domestic waste. Heavy metal pollution is a global concern and a major health threat worldwide. They are toxic, and can damage living organisms even at low concentrations and tend to accumulate in the food chain. The most common heavy metal contaminants are: As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Pb and Zn. High levels of metals in soil can be phytotoxic, leading to poor plant growth and soil cover due to metal toxicity and can lead to metal mobilization in runoff water and thus have a negative impact on the whole ecosystem. Phytoremediation is a green strategy that uses hyperaccumulator plants and their rhizospheric micro-organisms to stabilize, transfer or degrade pollutants in soil, water and environment. Mechanisms used to remediate contaminated soil includes phytoextraction, phytostabilization, phytotransformation, phytostimulation, phytovolatilization and rhizofiltration. Traditional phytoremediation method presents some limitations regarding their applications at large scale, so the application of genetic engineering approaches such as transgenic transformation, nanoparticles addition and phytoremediation assisted with phytohormones, plant growth-promoting bacteria and Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) inoculation has been applied to ameliorate the efficacy of plants for heavy metals decontamination. In this review, some recent innovative technologies for improving phytoremediation and heavy metals toxicity and their depollution procedures are highlighted.

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