
Дана характеристика коров-первотелок (n=193) по интенсивности молоковыведения и проведена оценка их индивидуальных особенностей молокоотдачи при доении на установке «Карусель». Регистрация параметров доения осуществлялась с помощью измерительной системы «Dairy Plan». Для изучения влияния разового удоя на характер взаимосвязи между показателями молоковыведения были сделаны 2 выборки по 30 голов в зависимости от колебаний разового удоя. Во второй выборке в зависимости от величины средней интенсивности молоковыведения исследуемые первотелки были разделены на 3 группы. При их характеристике по средней интенсивности молоковыведения выделены группы животных, различающихся по величине разового удоя. Наибольший разовый удой отмечен у первотелок с самой высокой интенсивностью молоковыведения. Показано влияние разового удоя на уровень взаимосвязи между средней интенсивностью молоковыведения и продолжительностью доения. Анализ параметров молоковыведения группы с узким лимитом колебаний разового удоя позволил выделить первотелок в зависимости от индивидуальных особенностей молокоотдачи и показал очень тесную зависимость (r=-0,95; P<0,001) между средней интенсивностью молоковыведения и продолжительностью доения. Из двух параметров: средней интенсивности молоковыведения и продолжительности доения для оценки индивидуальных особенностей молокоотдачи коров рекомендуется использовать величину средней интенсивности молоковыведения. Оценка и отбор первотелок с высокой интенсивностью молоковыведения будет способствовать увеличению молочной продуктивности стада. The work gives a characteristic of first-calf cows (n=193) by the intensity of milk removal and an evaluation of their individual milk removal characteristics during milking at the Carousel installation. Recording milking parameters was done by means of measuring unit Dairy Plan. To study the effect of one-time milk yield on the interrelation between milk removal parameters, two groups were made depending on the limit of fluctuations in one-time milk yield (30 cows each). In the second group, the first-calf cows studied were divided into three groups depending on the duration of milking. When characterizing first-calf cows by average intensity of milk excretion, groups of animals were distinguished that differ in the value of one-time milk yields. The highest one-time milk yield was shown in first-calf cows with the highest milk removal intensity. There has been shown the effect of one-time milk yield on the level of the relationship between the duration of milking and the average intensity of milk removal. An analysis of the milk production parameters of the group with a narrow limit of fluctuations in the one-time milk yield allowed us to divide first-calf cows depending on the individual characteristics of milk yield and showed a very close relationship (r=-0.95; P<0.001) between the average intensity of milk removal and the duration of milking. Of the two parameters of milking: the average intensity of milk removal and the duration of milking, it is recommended to use the value of the average intensity of milk removal to assess the individual characteristics of milk production in cows. The evaluation and selection of first-calf cows with a high intensity of milk removal will contribute to an increase in the milk production of the herd.

2020 ◽  
pp. 92-109
Iryna Samoilova ◽  

The article discusses the possibility of using author’s dictionaries as sources for replenishing the general language explanatory dictionary of the Ukrainian language. By the beginning of the 20th century, Ukrainian author’s lexicography acquired clear features of a separate vocabulary direction. Index words, concordances, complete and differential dictionaries, monolingual and bilingual have been published. In addition to dictionaries in a book format, electronic dictionaries, online dictionaries are now being created. Оne of the tasks of the writer’s dictionary is to describe the individual characteristics of the author’s language, in a broader sense, to popularize the linguistic personality. On the other hand, the material from the author’s dictionary serves as a factual basis for updating the register, semantic, stylistic characteristics, illustrative material of general language explanatory dictionaries. A number of researchers emphasize the need for a close relationship between explanatory lexicography and the author’s one for the successful development of national vocabulary work. “Dictionary of the language in Hryhorii Kvitka-Osnovianenko’s works” in 3 volumes occupies a special place among the author’s dictionaries for such characteristics as structure, volume. It includes all words, phraseology contained in a six-volume edition of the writer’s works, in other publications, in archival works. Kvitka-Osnovianenko is the founder of the prose genre in Ukrainian literature. As evidenced by the materials of the “Dictionary of the Ukrainian language” in 11 vol., its compilers turned to Kvitka-Osnovianenko’s works to fill in the vocabulary zones. Nevertheless, the materials of the “Dictionary of the language in Hryhorii Kvitka-Osnovianenko’s works” contain language units that may be of interest to compilers of large explanatory dictionaries. These are deminitives that are characteristic of the language of many genres of Ukrainian literature, as well as phraseological units. An example of the author’s non-fiction lexicography is the dictionary of the language of the publicist I.M. Dziuba, which is currently being developed. In Soviet times, the works of a well-known literary critic and publicist were not used as literary sources for the selection of words or illustrative material in explanatory lexicography. The materials of the language dictionary of I.M. Dziuba represent a significant resource for replenishing the vocabulary of the explanatory dictionary, for filling in the structural zones of the dictionary entry. The presented specific examples of word usage by the two authors correspond to lexical, word-formation norms. Further scientific and lexicological study of such linguistic facts will show the possibility of their involvement in explanatory lexicography. Keywords: author’s lexicography, general language explanatory dictionary, vocabulary register, H.F. Kvitka-Osnovianenko, language of works by I.M. Dziuba.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2016 ◽  
pp. 1-11 ◽  
Zhiying Zhang ◽  
Xiaozhen Chen ◽  
Wenwen Xiao ◽  
Guijie Qi

In the era of big data and cloud computing, data research focuses not only on describing the individual characteristics but also on depicting the relationships among individuals. Studying dependence and constraint relationships among industries has aroused significant interest in the academic field. From the network perspective, this paper tries to analyze industrial relational structures based on cycle degree. The cycle degree of a vertex, that is, the number of cycles through a vertex in an industrial network, can describe the roles of the vertices of strong components in industrial circulation. In most cases, different vertices in a strong component have different cycle degrees, and the one with a larger cycle degree plays more important roles. However, the concept of cycle degree does not involve the lengths of the cycles, which are also important for circulations. The more indirect the relationship between two industries is, the weaker it is. In order to analyze strong components thoroughly, this paper proposes the concept of circular centrality taking into consideration the influence by two factors: the lengths and the numbers of cycles through a vertex. Exemplification indicates that a profound analysis of strong components in an industrial network can reveal the features of an economy.

2005 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 179-186 ◽  
Michael Schredl ◽  
Arthur Funkhouser ◽  
Nicole Arn

Empirical studies largely support the continuity hypothesis of dreaming. The present study investigated the frequency and emotional tone of dreams of truck drivers. On the one hand, the findings of the present study partly support the continuity regarding the time spent with driving/being in the truck and driving dreams and, on the other hand, a close relationship was found between daytime mood (feelings of stress, job satisfaction) and dream emotions, i.e., different dream characteristics were affected by different aspects of daytime activity. The results, thus, indicate that it is necessary to define very clearly how this continuity is to be conceptualized. The approach of formulating a mathematical model (cf. [1]) should be adopted in future studies in order to specify the factors and their magnitude in the relationship between waking and dreaming.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 92-95
S. F. Amakiri

The relationship between mean skin thickness or hair follicle depth of the skin from the midside (12th rib) area and milk production levels of pure Friesian (Holstein)cattle breeds, their ¾ and 7/8 crosses with White Fulani zebu, and pure White Fulanis, maintained in South-Western Nigeria were studied. A strongly positive linear correlation (r = 0.9), significant at 1% level was found between skin thickness and hair follicle depth, and milk production levels in these breeds. The results indicate that for cows maintained in a hot humid tropical environment, comparative midside skin thickness and hair follicle depth could be used as indices of the milk production potential of cows. It could be a useful field tool for selection of cows for milk production when considered along with other characteristics

2007 ◽  
Vol 23 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 13-20
Andrey Kurtenkov

It is related leg problems to the realization of the necessity of doing a detailed analysis of the phenotype correlations between body weight and exterior measurements. As a result of the study, lower coefficients have been obtained of the correlation between the girth of the tarso metatarsus on one hand, and the body weight and the girth behind the wings, on the other hand (respectively 0.563 and 0.608), compared with the one between the body weight and the girth behind the wings (0.898). It is advisable in the selection of ostriches to take into consideration the necessity of a higher phenotypic correlation between the girth of the tarso metatarsus on the one hand, and the body weight and the girth behind the wings on the other hand, with a view to preventing leg problems.

N. Kosyachenko ◽  
Marina Abramova ◽  
M. Lapina

Abstract. Aim. The study of the influence of crossbriding on the growth and development of heifers and subsequent productive and reproductive qualities of cows on the first lactation. Methods. Using statistical methods, correlation analysis and ANOVA for evaluated genetic indicators of economic-valuable traits of dairy cattle. In particular was studied live weight of heifers from birth to 18 months, first insemination age and first fecundation age, live weight at fecundation, frequency of insemination, first calving age, days open, live weight at first lactation, milk yield for 305 days (kg), fat (%, kg) and protein (%, kg) in milk. Results. Relationship between productive indicators and the genotype of the animal is established. When assessing the strength of the influence of the factor «blood on the Holstein breed» it was found that the greatest impact can be traced at the age of 6 and 18 months, and is respectively 12.7 % and 17.1 %.The reproductive qualities of the first-calf cows decreased with the increase percent of blood in the Holstein breed. Evaluation of the impact of crossbreeding on milk production at first lactation has revealed significant strong influence on milk yield for 305 days of first lactation, and related signs the amount of milk fat and protein. According to qualitative indicators, the low influence of the Holstein blood fraction was found, while to a greater extent on the fat content than on the protein content in milk. Evaluation of phenotypic and genotypic correlations of milk yield and quality components of milk revealed average negative phenotypic and low negative genotypic correlation in all groups. The exception was in heifers of Yaroslavl breed with percent of Holstein blood less than 50 %, in which the relationship of yield x protein was positive. The relationship between milk yield and fat and protein content in milk has the opposite moderate character and strength. Practical significance. Studies was established that breeding of animals of Holstein and Yaroslavl breeds in one herd allows to receive an optimum ratio of milk production with optimal percentage fat and protein. For this herd among animals of the improved genotypes of the Yaroslavl breed, the use of genotypes with a percent of blood in the Holstein breed from 75.1 % to 87.6 % is optimal, which should be taken into account when selecting bulls to the breeding program.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 121-141
Osama Sami AL-Nsour

The concept of citizenship is one of the pillars upon which the modern civil state was built. The concept of citizenship can be considered as the basic guarantee for both the government and individuals to clarify the relationship between them, since under this right individuals can acquire and apply their rights freely and also based on this right the state can regulate how society members perform the duties imposed on them, which will contributes to the development of the state and society .The term citizenship has been used in a wider perspective, itimplies the nationality of the State where the citizen obtains his civil, political, economic, social, cultural and religious rights and is free to exercise these rights in accordance with the Constitution of the State and the laws governing thereof and without prejudice to the interest. In return, he has an obligation to perform duties vis-à-vis the state so that the state can give him his rights that have been agreed and contracted.This paper seeks to explore firstly, the modern connotation of citizenship where it is based on the idea of rights and duties. Thus the modern ideal of citizenship is based on the relationship between the individual and the state. The Islamic civilization was spanned over fourteen centuries and there were certain laws and regulations governing the relationship between the citizens and the state, this research will try to discover the main differences between the classical concept of citizenship and the modern one, also this research will show us the results of this change in this concept . The research concludes that the new concept of citizenship is correct one and the one that can fit to our contemporary life and the past concept was appropriate for their time but the changes in the world force us to apply and to rethink again about this concept.

Duangui Wang

Formulation of the problem. In the chamber-vocal genre, the composer exists in two images: he is both the interpreter of the poetic composition and the author of a new synthetic music and poetic composition. The experience of the style analysis of one of the best examples of Ukrainian vocal lyrics of the first third of the 20th century shows that the cycle op. 20 characterizes the mature style of the composer, which was formed, on the one hand, under the influence of European Romanticism. On the other hand, the essence of the Ukrainian “branch” of the Western European song-romance (“solo-singing”) is revealed by the prominent national song-romance intonation, filled with not only a romantic worldview, but also with some personal sincerity, chastity, intimate involvement with the great in depth and simplicity poetry line, read from the individual position of the musician. The paradox is as follows. Although Pushkin’s poetry is embodied in a “holistic adequacy” (A. Khutorskaya), and the composer found the fullest semantic analogue of the poetic source, however, in terms of translating the text into the Ukrainian language, the musical semantics changes its intonation immanence, which naturally leads to inconsistency of the listeners’ position and ideas about the style of Russian romance. We are dealing with inter-specific literary translation: Pushkin’s discourse creates the Ukrainian romance style and system of figurative thinking. The purpose of the article is to reveal the principle of re-semantization of the intonation-figurative concept of the vocal composition by V. Kosenko (in the context of translating Pushkin’s poetry into the Ukrainian language) in light of the theory of interspecific art translation. Analysis of recent publications on the topic. Among the most recent studies of Ukrainian musicology, one should point out the dissertation by G. Khafizova (Kyiv, 2017), in which the theory of modelling of the stylistic system of the vocal composition as an expression of Pushkin’s discourse is described. The basis for the further stylistic analysis of V. Kosenko’s compositions is the points from A. Hutorska’s candidate’s thesis; she develops the theory of interspecific art translation. The types of translation of poetry into music are classified according to two parameters. The exact translation creates integral adequacy, which involves the composer’s finding a maximally full semantic analogue of the poetic source. The free translation is characterized by compensatory, fragmentary, generalized-genre adequacy. Presenting the main material. The Zhitomir period for Viktor Kosenko was the time of the formation of his creative style. Alongside the lyrical imagery line, the composer acquired one more – dramatic, after his mother’s death. It is possible that the romances on the poems of A. Pushkin are more late reflection of this tragic experience (op. 20 was created in 1930). “I Loved You” opens the vocal cycle and has been dedicated by A. V. Kosenko. The short piano introduction contains the intonation emblem of the love-feeling wave. The form of the composition is a two part reprising (А А1) with the piano Introduction and Postlude. The semantic culmination is emphasized by the change of metro-rhythmic organization 5/4 (instead of 4) and the plastic phrase “as I wish, that the other will love you” sounding in the text. Due to these melodies (with national segments in melo-types, rhythm formulas and harmony) V. Kosenko should be considered as “Ukrainian Glinka”, the composer who introduced new forms and “figures” of the love language into the romantic “intonation dictionary”. In general, V. Kosenko’s solo-singing represents the Ukrainian analogue of Pushkin’s discourse – the theme of love. The melos of vocal piece “I Lived through My Desires” is remembered by the broad breath, bright expression of the syntactic deployment of emotion. On the background of bass ostinato, the song intonation acquires a noble courage. This solo-singing most intermediately appeal to the typical examples of the urban romance of Russian culture of the 19th century. “The Raven to the Raven” – a Scottish folk ballad in the translation by A. Pushkin. V. Kosenko as a profound psychologist, delicately transmits the techniques of versification, following each movement of a poetic phrase, builds stages of the musical drama by purely intonation means. The semantics of a death is embodied through the sound imaging of a black bird: a marching-like tempo and rhythm of the accompaniment, with a characteristic dotted pattern in a descending motion (like a raven is beating its wings). The middle section is dominated by a slow-motion perception of time space (Andante), meditative “freeze” (size 6/4). The melody contrasts with the previous section, its profile is built on the principle of descending move: from “h1” to “h” of the small octave (with a stop on S-harmony), which creates a psychologically immersed state, filled by premonition of an unexpected tragedy. In general, the Ukrainian melodic intonation intensified the tragic content of the ballad by Pushkin. The musical semantics of V. Kosenko’s romances is marked by the dependence on the romantic “musical vocabulary”, however, it is possible to indicate and national characteristics (ascending little-sixth and fifth intervals, which is filled with a gradual anti-movement; syllabic tonic versification, and other). Conclusion. The romances (“solo-singings”) by V. Kosenko belongs to the type of a free art translation with generalized-genre adequacy. There is a re-semantization of poetic images due to the national-mental intonation. Melos, rhythm, textural presentation (repetitions), stylization of different genre formulas testify to the rare beauty of Kosenko’s vocal style, spiritual strength and maturity of the master of Ukrainian vocal culture. Entering the “Slavic song area”, the style of Ukrainian romance, however, is differenced from the Russian and common European style system of figurative and intonation thinking (the picture of the world).

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-49
Yuntao Jian ◽  
Marco Y. T. Leung ◽  
Wen Zhou ◽  
Maoqiu Jian ◽  
Song Yang

AbstractIn this study, the relationship between ENSO and winter synoptic temperature variability (STV) over the Asian-Pacific-American region is examined in 26 CMIP5/6 model outputs. Compared to observations, most models fail to simulate the correct ENSO-STV relationship in historical simulations. To investigate the possible bias in the ENSO-STV simulations, two possible processes for the connection between ENSO and winter STV are examined in high pattern score (HPS) models and low pattern score (LPS) models, respectively. On the one hand, both HPS and LPS models can overall reproduce a reasonable relationship between STV and the mean-flow conditions supporting extratropical eddy development. On the other hand, only HPS models can well capture the relationship between ENSO and the development of extratropical eddies, while LPS models fail to simulate this feature, indicating that the bias in the simulated ENSO-STV relationship among CMIP5/6 models can be traced back to ENSO simulation. Furthermore, the bias of the ENSO simulation is characterized by an unreasonable SST pattern bias, with an excessive westward extension of warm SST anomalies over the western Pacific and weak warm SST anomalies over the equatorial central-eastern Pacific, resulting in the underestimation of the zonal SST anomaly gradient among models. Therefore, the ENSO pattern bias induces an unrealistic circulation and temperature gradient over the Asian-Pacific-American region, affecting the simulations of the ENSO-STV connection. In addition, the ENSO-STV relationship over the Asian-Pacific-American region is still robust in future projections based on HPS models, providing implications for the selection of future climate predictors.

David Gillis

This introductory chapter provides a background of Maimonides and his code of Jewish law, the Mishneh torah. Maimonides applied the highest literary art to the highest of tasks: to bequeath, as philosopher-statesman, a law that would regulate the life of the individual and of society and move people closer to the knowledge of God. The result of that art is a book to be read and experienced, not just consulted. The central feature of Mishneh torah as a work of art is the casting of the commandments of the law in the form of the cosmos. The microcosmic form suggests, in the first place, that studying Mishneh torah, like the study of the universe, can be a way to the knowledge and love of God. On the plane of ideas, this form embodies the relationship between the ‘small thing’ and the ‘great thing’, between halakhah, on the one hand, and physics and metaphysics on the other. It depicts philosophy as the matrix of halakhah, reflecting the view of the relationship between philosophy and religion in the Islamic philosophers.

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