2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 31
Ike Putri Setyatama ◽  
Ika Esti Anggraeni ◽  
Siti Erniyati Berkah Pamuji

Perdarahan merupakan penyebab utama kematian ibu di Kabupaten Tegal pada Tahun 2017. Berdasarkan hasil survei di Puskesmas Slawi tahun 2018, terdapat 30 ibu bersalin yang mengalami perdarahan postpartum. Inisiasi Menyusu Dini (IMD) adalah perilaku pencarian puting payudara ibu sesaat setelah bayi lahir. Melaksanakan IMD akan menstimulasi produksi hormon oksitosin secara alami. Hormon Oksitosin ini membantu uterus berkontraksi, sehingga dapat mengontrol perdarahan nifas.Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis pengaruh IMD terhadap kontraksi uterus pada ibu nifas di Puskesmas Slawi. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah ibu yang bersalin di Puskesmas Slawi periode bulan Januari-Desember tahun 2018 sebanyak 215 responden, dan sampel sebanyak 140 responden. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dengan pendekatan case control. Berdasarkan perhitungan Chi Square dengan α = 0,05 diperoleh nilai p sebesar 0,029. Karena nilai p < α berarti secara statistik hasil pengujian signifikan, berarti ada hubungan antara variabel, dan hasil uji statistik pengaruh dengan Regresi Logistik, diperoleh nilai Sig. 0,029, berarti ada pengaruh antara variabel dengan R Square 0,034, berarti bahwa variabel IMD berpengaruh terhadap kontraksi uterus sebesar 3,4%. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini ada hubungan dan ada pengaruh IMD terhadap kontraksi uterus ibu nifas di Puskesmas Slawi Kabupaten Tegal. Kata kunci : inisiasi menyusu dini;  kontraksi uterusTHE EFFECT OF EARLY INITIATION OF BREASTFEEDING TOWARDS UTERINE CONTRACTION FOR POSTPARTUM MOTHER AT PUSKESMAS SLAWI TEGAL REGENCY Hemorrhage is the main cause of maternal mortality in Tegal regency 2017. Based on the survey at Slawi District Health Centre, in January – December 2018, there were 30 women in labor with postpartum hemorrhage. Early Initiation of Breastfeeding (IMD) is an act performed by the baby in finding mother’s nipple after born. IMD will stimulate oxytocin hormones helping uterine to get contraction and can control hemorrhage after labor. The study was aimed to analyze the effect of IMD towards uterine contraction for postpartum mother at Slawi District Health Centre. The population was women in labor at Puskesmas Slawi as 215 respondents; the sample was 140 women in labor, and performed or not performed IMD The research design applied case control study..Based on Chi Square with α = 0.05, p value was 0.029. It refused Ho; there was a relationship of those variables. The logistic regression described that Sig. value was 0.029; it showed an effect of those variables with R square of 0.034 stating IMD had an effect of uterine contraction as 3.4%. Therefore, there were a relationship and an effect of IMD towards uterine contraction of postpartum mother at Puskesmas Slawi. Keywords: early initiation of breastfeeding; uterine contraction 

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 44
M Riduan Abriadi ◽  
Husaini Husaini ◽  
Eko Suhartono ◽  
Zairin Noor ◽  
Meitria Syahadatina Noor

Early initiation of breastfeeding is program of Indonesian Government.   Early breastfeeding has not been widely practiced, <30% for South Kalimantan and 21% for Tapin District. The implementation of early initiation of breastfeeding by midwives at Datu Sanggul Rantau Hospital is influenced by age, education level, years of service, midwife training and socialization of implementation of early breastfeeding initiation. This study aims was to analyze the factors associated with implementation of early initiation of breastfeeding by midwives at Datu Sanggul Rantau Hospital. The study was cross sectional, with 32 midwives in PONEK, maternity and nicu at Datu Sanggul Rantau Hospital. The variables were age, education level, years of service, training and socialization. Data were analyzed using Chi square.  The results showed socialization was related with p value of 0.004. Unrelated factors were age p value 0.660, education level p value 0.496, years of service p value of 0.761, and training p value 0.314. Simultaneously, age, education level, years of service, training and socialization are not related to the implementation of early breastfeeding initiation with p value 0, 083. The conclusion is there is a significant relationship between socialization and the implementation of early initiation of breastfeeding at Datu Sanggul Rantau Hospital.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 466-470
Helen Evelina Siringoringo ◽  
Susmita Susmita

Background: One of the factors that influence uterine involution is early initiation of breastfeeding (IMD). When breastfeeding occurs stimulation and the release of hormones, including oxytocin, which functions in addition to stimulating contraction of the smooth muscles of the breast, also causes uterine muscle contraction and retraction. This will put pressure on the blood vessels resulting in reduced blood supply to the uterus. This process helps to reduce the placenta implantation site or site as well as reduce bleeding. The Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) in Indonesia is 250 / 100,000 (KH). one of them is caused by bleeding. One of the causes of bleeding is the sub-involution of the uterus. Uterine involution or uterine contraction is a process by which the uterus returns to its pre-pregnancy state.Purpose: To determine the influencing of early initiation of breastfeeding on uterine involution.Methods: The study was carried out by early initiation of breastfeeding and observation and measuring the height of the uterine fundus (TFU) to assess uterine involution. The design of this study used an analytical survey method with a Cohort research design. This study used primary data. The population in this study were all women with normal gestational age at the Independent Practice Midwives (BPM) Choirul Mala and PMB Fauziah Hatta. The sampling technique was non propability sampling with purposive technique. The sample size was n1 = n2 for each group of 48 people. The analysis used univariate and bivariate with Chi Square. The study was conducted at BPM Choirul Mala and BPM Fauziah Hatta from December 2018 to February 2019.Results: The results of data analysis from 96 respondents showed that the proportion of non-initiation of early breastfeeding with abnormal uterine involution was 45.8% smaller than those with early initiation of breastfeeding as much as 0%. The results of the Chi-square statistical test showed that the p value = 0.00 was smaller than 0.05, this indicated that there was an influencing of early initiation of breastfeeding on uterine involution with an OR: 0.083.Conclusion: There was an influencing of early initiation of breastfeeding on uterine involution in BPM Choirul Mala and BPM Fauziah Hatta in 2019 Suggestion: It is expected that midwives, to carry out their role in carrying out midwifery care by providing education to pregnant women about early initiation of breastfeeding and its benefits and consistently doing IMD in maternity mothers for at least 1 hour.  Keywords: Early Initiation of Breastfeeding, Uterine Involution ABSTRAK Latar Belakang : Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi involusi uterus adalah Inisiasi menyusu Dini (IMD). Saat menyusui terjadi rangsangan dan dikeluarkannya hormon antara lain oksitosin yangberfungsi selain merangsang kontraksi otot-otot polos payudara, juga menyebabkan terjadinya kontraksi dan retraksi otot uterus. Hal ini akan menekan pembuluh darah yang mengakibatkan berkurangnya suplai darah ke uterus. Proses ini membantu untuk mengurangi situs atau tempat implantasi plasenta serta mengurangi perdarahan. Angka Kematian Ibu (AKI) di Indonesia adalah 250/100.000 (KH). salah satunya disebabkan oleh perdarahan. Penyebab perdarahan salah satunya yaitu sub involusi uterus. Involusi uterus atau pengerutan uterus merupakan suatu proses dimana uterus kembali ke kondisi sebelum hamil.Tujuan : Mengetahui pengaruh inisiasi menyusu dini terhadap involusi uterus.Metode : Penellitian dilakukan dengan cara melakukan inisiasi menyusu dini dan observasi serta mengukur Tinggi Fundus Uteri (TFU) untuk menilai involusi uteri. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey analitik dengan rancangan penelitian Cohort. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh ibu bersalin normal dengan usia kehamilan aterm di Bidan Praktik Mandiri (BPM) Choirul Mala dan PMB Fauziah Hatta. Tehnik Pengambilan sampel secaranon propability sampling dengan teknik purposive. Besar sampel n1 =n2 masing-masing 48 orang setiap kelompok.Analisa yang digunakan univariat dan bivariat dengan Chi Square. Penelitian dilakukan di BPM Choirul Mala dan BPM Fauziah Hatta pada bulan Desember 2018 sampai dengan Februari 2019.Hasil : Hasil analisis data dari 96 responden, didapatkanproporsi tidak inisiasi menyusu dini dengan involusi uterus tidak normal sebanyak 45,8 % lebih kecil daripada yang inisiasi menyusu dini sebanyak 0 %. Hasil uji statistik Chi-squarediperoleh nilai p value = 0,00 lebih kecil dari  0,05 hal ini menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh inisiasi menyusu dini terhadap involusi uterus dengan nilai OR : 0,083.Kesimpulan : Ada pengaruh inisiasi menyusu dini terhadap involusi uterus di BPM Choirul Mala dan BPM Fauziah Hatta tahun 2019Saran : Diharapkan kepada bidan, untuk menjalankan perannya dalam melakukan asuhan kebidanan dengan memberikan edukasi pada pada ibu hamil tentang inisiasi menyusu dini dan manfaatnya serta secara konsisten melakukan IMD pada ibu bersalin mimimal selama 1 jam. Kata Kunci : Inisiasi Menyusu Dini, Involusi Uterus

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (01) ◽  
Dwi Anita Apriastuti ◽  
Radika Ayu Pratiwi

Dwi Anita Apriastuti 1), Radika Ayu Pratiwi 2)1) 2) Prodi D-III Kebidanan Stikes Estu Utomo BoyolaliE-mail: [email protected] kematian bayi resiko kematian bayi dibawah 2 bulan meningkat menjadi 480 kasus sekitar 40% kematian balita terjadi satu bulan pertama kehidupan bayi karena tidak disusui. Dengan dilakukan Inisiasi menyusu dini (IMD) dapat mengurangi 22% kematian bayi 28 hari, berarti Inisiasi menyusu dini (IMD) mengurangi kematian balita 8,8%. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan setelah penayangan video dengan sikap tentang inisiasi menyusui dini. Metode: Penelitian diskriptif kuantitatif dengan pendekatan metode survey dengan jumlah ibu hamil trimester 3 sebanyak 50 orang dengan cara pengambilan purposive sampling yang dikriteriakan secara inklusi dan eksklusi didapatkan 35 ibu hamil sebagai sampel. Dengan alat penayangan video dan kuesioner dan tehnik pengolahan data menggunakan SPSS 15 dengan uji Chi Square. Hasil dan Pembahasan: Tingkat pengetahuan responden setelah penayangan video IMD dalam kategori tahu mencapai 89%, dan dalam kategori tidak tahu mencapai 11%. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan dengan analisis univariat diketahui bahwa sikap inisiasi menyusui dini dalam kategori tidak menerima mencapai 14%, dan dalam kategori menerima mencapai 86%.  Berdasarkan hasil chi square tentang hubungan antara pengetahuan setelah penayangan video dengan pelaksanaan tentang inisiasi menyusui dini diperoleh diperoleh p-value (sig) sebesar 0,006 pada tingkat kepercayaan 95%, karena p-value 0,006 < dari 0,05, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara pengetahuan setelah penayangan video dengan sikap ibu hamil trimester 3 tentang pelaksanaan inisiasi menyusui dini. Jadi dengan penayangan video diharapkan ibu hamil dapat memahami pentingnya IMD dan mau melaksanakan IMD pada saat melahirkan.Kata kunci: pengetahuan, penayangan video, sikap tentang inisiasi menyusui dini.RELATIONSHIP  KNOWLEDGE VIDEO VIEWS IMD WITH ATTITUDE PREGNANT WOMEN TRIMESTER III WITH ON THE IMPLEMENTATION IMDABSTRACTThe risk of infant death mortality risk infants under 2 months increased to approximately 40% of 480 cases of under-five deaths occur during the first month of life because it is not breastfed babies. With the initiation of suckling done early (IMD) can reduce 22% of infant mortality 28 days, meaning early initiation of breastfeeding (IMD) reducing under-five mortality of 8.8%. Objective: To determine the relationship of knowledge after the video with the attitude of the early initiation of breastfeeding. Methods: The study was descriptive quantitative approach survey method with the number of third trimester pregnant women as many as 50 people by taking purposive sampling in criteria basis of inclusion and exclusion obtained 35 pregnant women in the sample. By means of video views and questionnaires and data processing techniques using SPSS 15 using Chi Square. Results and Discussion: The respondent knowledge after the video IMD in category out reached 89%, and in the category not know 11%. Based on calculations by univariate analysis known that the attitude of early initiation of breastfeeding in the category of not receiving reached 14%, and in the category receiving reached 86%. Based on the results of chi square of the relationship between knowledge after the video with the implementation of early initiation of breastfeeding was obtained was obtained p-value (sig) of 0.006 at the 95% confidence level, because the p-value 0.006 <0.05, it can be concluded that there is a relationship between knowledge after the video with the attitude of third trimester pregnant women about the implementation of early initiation of breastfeeding. So with video viewership expected expectant mother can understand the importance of and willing to carry IMD IMD during childbirth.Keywords: knowledge, video views, attitudes about early initiation of breastfeeding.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (02) ◽  
pp. 153
Novita Nurhidayati ◽  
Mardianingsih .

Novita Nurhidayati 1) Mardianingsih2)1),2) Prodi DIII Kebidanan Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Estu UtomoEmail: [email protected] Belakang :Ikatan kasih sayang antara ibu dan anak sangatlah penting, tidak adanya ikatan kasih sayang antara ibu dan anak atau bounding attachment pada ibu dan bayi menyebabkan kurangnya proses perkembangan otak bayi karena tidak diberikan stimulus yang positif oleh ibunya. Salah satu hal yang dapat mendukung proses bounding attachment adalah inisiasi menyusu dini. Tujuan Penelitian :Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan inisiasi menyusu dini dengan keberhasilan bounding attachment. Metode Penelitian :Penelitian yang dilakukan menggunakan metode survey analitik dan pendekatan waktu cross sectional. Populasi penelitian ini yaitu ibu nifaspada bulan April-Juni 2017 di BPS Tutik, Cabean, Boyolali  sebanyak 31 responden, pengambilan sampel dengan total sampling dan analisa data chi square. Hasil Penelitian :Hasil penelitian didapatkan dari 20 responden yang dilakukan inisiasi menyusu dini terdapat 18 responden yang bounding attachment positif.Hasil perhitungan chi square dengan α = 0,05, p value (0,002< 0,05), berarti Ha diterima dan Ho ditolak. Simpulan :Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan inisiasi menyusu dini dengan keberhasilan bounding attachment.Kata Kunci :Inisiasi menyusu dini, Keberhasilan bounding attachmentRELATIONSHIP EARLY INITIATION OF BREASTFEEDING WITH BOUNDING SUCCESS ATTACHMENTSABSTRACTBackground : Bond of love between mother and child or bounding attachment in mothers and infants causing lack the baby’s brain development because there is a positive stimulus given by his mother. One of the things that can contribute to the bounding attachment is early initiation of breastfeeding. Purposes : This study aims to determine the relationship of early initiation of breastfeeding with bounding success attachments. Research method : Research conducted using survey methods of analytic and cross sectional approach.This study population is women giving birth in April-Juni 2017 in the BPS Tutik, Cabean, Cepogo, total sampling with sampling and data analysis chi square. Result: The results obtained from the 20 respondents who made early breastfeeding initiation, there are 18 respondents who bounding positive attachment. Chi square calculation results with α = 0.05, p value (0.002 <0.05), mean Ha Ho accepted and rejected. Conclude : From this study it can be concluded that there is a connection with the early initiation of breastfeeding success bounding attachment.keyword :Early initiation of breastfeeding, Bounding succes attachments

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Elsa Budi Sihsilya Rahmawati ◽  
Poppy Farantia Saputri

Early Initiation of Breastfeeding (EIBF) is the first step in the success of a baby to learn to suckle first early after birth. The coverage of EIBF is still very low in 2010 (29.3%) and in 2013 it became (34.5%). This study aims to analyze the influence of Successful Breastfeeding e-book on the Practice EIBF. The research design used a quasi experiment design with pre-post-test control group design. The study was conducted on 54 pregnant women 3rd trimester with purposive sampling method (March-June 2018). Data analysis used an independent t-test and Chi square test. The results showed that there was an effect of e-book on knowledge of pregnant women (p value 0.00). Counseling with Successful Breastfeeding e-books affects the Practice of EIBF (p value 0.017). A commitment is needed from health workers, especially those related to pregnant women and giving birth to provide counseling related to the importance of EIBF.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 410-419
Eka Handayani

Latarbelakang: Inisiasi Menyusu Dini  merupakan salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan cakupan ASI eksklusif. Keberhasilan program Inisiasi Menyusu Dini sangat dipengaruhi oleh pengetahuan, sikap, dan tindakan dari penolong persalinan itu sendiri, karena merekalah yang pertama kali membantu ibu selama proses persalinan. Terdapat beberapa faktor yang berhubungan dengan kinerja bidan dalam pelaksanaan Inisiasi Menyusu Dini  yaitu umur, lama kerja, tingkat pendidikan, pengetahuan, sikap dan pelatihan.Tujuan : untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan, sikap dan lama masa kerja bidan dengan pelaksanaan inisiasi menyusu dini.Metode:penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah bidan yang melaksanakan pertolongan persalinan di wilayah kerja puskesmas landasan ulin sebanyak 31 responden.Hasil: Berdasarkan uji chi square didapatkan hasil hubungan yang signifikan antara variabel pengetahuan bidan dengan pelaksanaan Inisiasi Menyusu Dini  (p value  0,012), Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara variabel sikap bidan dengan pelaksanaan Inisiasi menyusu Dini (p value 0,027), Ada hubungan yang signifikan antara variabel lama masa kerja bidan dengan pelaksanaan Inisiasi Menyusu Dini  (p value 0,012).Kesimpulam Berdasarkan hasil analisis data statistik dan pembahasan dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara variabel pengetahuan bidan dengan pelaksanaan IMD dengan nilai probabilitas 0,012. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara variabel sikap bidan dengan pelaksanaan Inisiasi menyusu Dini dimana nilai probabilitas 0,027. Ada hubungan yang signifikan antara variabel lama masa kerja bidan dengan pelaksanaan Inisiasi Menyusu Dini dimana nilai probabilitas 0,012.Kata kunci: Pengetahuan, Sikap, Lama Masa Kerja Dan Pelaksanaan Inisiasi Menyusu DiniAbstractBackground: Early Initiation of Breastfeeding is an effort to increase coverage of exclusive breastfeeding. The success of the Early Breastfeeding Initiation program is greatly influenced by the knowledge, attitudes, and actions of the birth attendants themselves, because they are the first to help mothers during the labor process. There are several factors related to the performance of midwives in implementing Early Breastfeeding Initiation, namely age, length of work, level of education, knowledge, attitudes and training.Objective: to determine the relationship between knowledge, attitudes and length of service of the midwife with the implementation of early breastfeeding.Methods: This study is a qualitative study with a cross sectional approach. The population in this study were 31 midwives who delivered delivery assistance in the work area of the Puskesmas Ulin clinic.Results: Based on the chi square test, there was a significant relationship between the knowledge variable of midwives and the implementation of Early Breastfeeding Initiation (p value 0.012). variable length of service of midwives with the implementation of Early Initiation of Breastfeeding (p value 0.012).Conclusions: Based on the results of statistical data analysis and discussion, it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between the knowledge variable of midwives and the implementation of IMD with a probability value of 0.012. There is a significant relationship between the variable attitude of midwives and the implementation of early breastfeeding where the probability value is 0.027. There is a significant relationship between the variable length of service of midwives and the implementation of Early Initiation of Breastfeeding where the probability value is 0.012.Keywords: Knowledge, Attitude, Length of Service Period and Early Initiation of Breastfeeding

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Foyez Ahmmed ◽  
Muhammad Mahabub Rahaman Manik

AbstractEarly initiation of breastfeeding (EIBF) is an essential practice for child health as well as for maternal health. This study aims to determine trends, prevalence, and factors associated with EIBF in Bangladesh. Data for this study were extracted from Bangladesh demographic and health surveys (BDHS) 2004, 2007, 2011, and 2014. This study found an increasing trend in EIBF in Bangladesh irrespective of the different characteristics of mothers and children. Chi-square test was conducted to find the association between EIBF and different factors. Multilevel logistic regression analysis was used to consider the hierarchical structure of the data. Regression result showed that educated parents [Adjusted odds ratio (AOR) = 1.14, 95% Confidence Interval (CI) = 1.04, 1.26 ], exposure to media [AOR = 1.13, CI = 1.05, 1.21], 2nd or 3rd birth order [AOR = 1.13, CI = 1.04, 1.23], wanted child [AOR = 1.12, CI = 1.02, 1.23], antenatal visit [AOR = 1.07, CI = 1.00, 1.15], antenatal visit by medically trained provider [AOR = 1.06, CI = 1.00,1.13] and rich wealth index [AOR = 1.10, CI = 1.01, 1.20] were positively associated with EIBF. In contrast, mothers with caesarian delivery [AOR = 0.36, CI = 0.31, 0.40], delivery in private facility [AOR = 0.83, CI = 0.73, 0.95], multiple birth, and higher maternal age were less likely to EIBF.

e-NERS ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Fransisca M.A. Wowiling ◽  
Benny Wantouw ◽  
Julia Rottie

Abstract: Early Initiation of Breastfeeding is the baby starts to suckle his own soon after birth, as long as the skin is left in contact with his mother, at least 1 hour after birth. How to initiate early breastfeeding baby was named after the breast crawl or crawl seek his own breast. This study aims to gain an overview of the relationship between knowledge and attitude of mothers VK (maternity) Prof Dr Irina D BLU. R.D. Kandou Manado. Design of this study used cross sectional method where the entire population is a normal post partum mothers in space VK (Maternity) Prof Dr Irina D BLU. R.D. Kandou Manado with a sample size of 30 responden. Data responde collected using questionnaires and observation sheets then the data presented preformance cross tabulation tables and chi square test with a significance level of 0.05. Based on the results of the study showed that of the chi square test results obtained ρ value ​> 0.05. It states that there is no correlation between knowledge and attitude with the implementation of early breastfeeding initiation (IMD) in mothers post partum in space VK (maternity) Prof. Dr Irina D BLU R.D. Kandou Manado. Keywords: Knowledge and Attitude Post Partum Mom, Implementation of Early Initiation of Breastfeeding (IMD).     Abstrak: Inisiasi Menyusu Dini adalah bayi mulai menyusu sendiri segera setelah lahir, asalkan dibiarkan kontak dengan kulit ibunya, setidaknya 1 jam setelah lahir. Cara bayi melakukan inisiasi menyusu dini ini dinamakan the breast crawl atau merangkak mencari payudara sendiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan memperoleh gambaran mengenai hubungan pengetahuan dan sikap ibu post partum dengan pelaksanaan inisiasi menyusu dini (IMD) di Ruang VK (bersalin) Irina D BLU RSUP Prof. R.D. Kandou Manado. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan metode cross sectional dimana populasinya adalah keseluruhan ibu post partum secara normal di Ruang VK (Bersalin) Irina D BLU RSUP Prof. R.D. Kandou Manado dengan besar sampel 30 responden.Data dikumpulkan dari responde dengan menggunakan lembar kuisioner dan observasi kemudian data disajikan dalm tabel tabulasi silang dan uji chi square dengan derajat kemaknaan 0,05. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari hasil uji chi square didapatkan nilai ρ > 0,05. Ini menyatakan bahwa tidak ada hubungan pengetahuan dan sikap dengan pelaksanaan inisiasi menyusu dini (IMD) pada ibu post partum di Ruang VK (bersalin) Irina D BLU RSUP Prof.Dr. R.D. Kandou Manado. Kata kunci: PengetahuandanSikapIbuPost Partum, Pelaksanaan Inisiasi Menyusu Dini (IMD).

Siti Choirul Dwi Astuti

Early initiation of breastfeeding is still difficult to implement because the mother's knowledge about early initiation of breastfeeding is still lacking. Whereas one of the factors that determine the mother's attitude towards early initiation of breastfeeding is because the mother has information about early initiation of breastfeeding. For this reason, the purpose of this study is the influence of knowledge on the mother's attitude to initiate early breastfeeding. The population in this study were all third-trimester pregnant women who visited the RB where the study was conducted and the sample was determined using simple random sampling. This research includes analytical research with a cross-sectional approach. The method used for data analysis using Chi-Square. The questionnaire is used as a tool that has been tested for validity and reliability. The results of this study, the majority of respondents have the characteristics of healthy reproductive age, secondary education and good knowledge have a positive attitude towards early initiation of breastfeeding. This study concludes that there is a relationship between age, education, and knowledge of mothers' attitudes in the early initiation of breastfeeding.

Elma Mentaya ◽  
Noraida Noraida ◽  
Abdul Khair

Based on the Hulu Sungai Tengah District Health Office report, scabies continues to exist and is a problem that must to resolved immediately. The working area of the Pagat Health Center, which is one of the sub-districts in Hulu Sungai Tengah, experienced the highest increase in scabies cases. The purpose of this study was to determine personal hygiene relations include bathing habits and habit of using soap together with scabies in the working area of the Pagat Health Center. This type of research uses a retrospective approach (case-control study), which compares the behaviour of the sick group with a lively group associated with the incidence of scabies. The sample of this research is 30 people. Data will be analyzed using the x2 test (Chi-square). The results of this study indicate there is a relationship between bathing habits with the incidence of scabies P-value = 0.026 <α = 0.05, there is a relationship between the use of soap with the prevalence of scabies P-value = 0.024 <α = 0.05. Suggestions such as providing health education with excellent and correct bathing methods, using liquid soap or antiseptic soap.

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