M.E. Chernenko

It is known that sleep disorders adversely affect the processes of brain neuroplasticity. Wakefulness and night sleep are functional states that are closely interrelated and equally mediate and provide the adaptive activity of the individual. Human biological rhythms are hierarchically dependent on the main pacemaker located in the suprachiasmatic nuclei of the hypothalamus. The role of a mediator that delivers regulatory signals to organs is played by the hormone melatonin, which is synthesized by pineal gland cells. Sleep disorders seriously affect a person's quality of life: emotional stress, anxiety, irritation increase and, as a result, stress resistance decreases, the need for communication, entertainment decreases. In the vast majority of cases, insomnia is secondary, that is, it is formed against the background of the development of diseases and/or adverse circumstances. Quite often, sleep disturbances occur in demyelinating/ neurodegenerative diseases of the central nervous system. We examined 30 patients with a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, which were divided into two groups. The main group received therapy with a melatonin- containing drug in combination with cognitive-behavioral therapy. Patients in the control group received only therapy with melatonin-containing drug. It was shown that cortisol levels in patients of the main group decreased more than in patients who did not receive CBT. Reduction of clinical manifestations, along with improvements in laboratory indices of day and night melatonin expression, as well as cortisol expression, were already observed on the 14th day of treatment, and on the 21st day of the study, these indices improved significantly. Clinical efficacy in the main group was achieved in 86,6 % of cases, in the control group - in 60,0 % of cases. It is planned to use this method in the development of a comprehensive rehabilitation program in patients with neurodegeneration.

The article presents the results of a clinical study on the efficacy and tolerability of the Anantavati® Kids dietary supplement (Ananta Medicare, UK) in children with speech, cognitive and sleep disorders as a result of perinatal lesions of the central nervous system (CNS). The peculiarities of the effect of Bacopa Monier and Vitania sleeping pills on functional changes in the brain in the main group of children receiving Anantavati® Kids and the comparison group are shown. During the study of the results of the use of the phytocomplex Anantavati® Kids (a fixed combination of Bacopa Monier - 150 mg and Vitania sleeping pills - 300 mg), 38 children aged 4 to 12 years were examined who received Anantavati® Kids in addition to rehabilitation psychological and speech therapy measures. For comparison, 20 children were examined who had similar syndromes and received only rehabilitation psychological and speech therapy measures, the groups were comparable in terms of gender and age. The efficacy, tolerability and safety of the dietary supplement "Anantavati® Kids" for behavioral disorders, impaired speech cognitive development and sleep disturbances due to perinatal CNS damage in children were assessed using neurophysiological methods and neuropsychological indicators, statistical methods. Children of the main group received Anantavati® Kids syrup for 30 days, and underwent two clinical-neurological, neuropsychological, speech therapy and neurophysiological examinations: immediately before the start of the course and 1 month after taking Anantavati® Kids. A positive effect, according to an individual assessment of the clinical state in dynamics after 1 month of using Anantavati® Kids, was registered in most children. In the main group, the prevalence of complaints of sleep disorders decreased by 71%, speech impairment – by 47.37%, hyperactivity – by 55.26%, memory impairment - by 42.11%, attention impairment - by 65.79%, emotional disorders spheres by 63.16%. Positive dynamics of speech therapy indicators, in the form of an increase and active use of vocabulary, an increase in the structure of the word and the volume of coherent speech, was observed in 18 (47.37%) children. After the end of the course Anantavati® Kids in 28 (73.68%) children of the main group, a pronounced positive dynamics of EEG indicators was determined. A good safety profile was noted with the use of Anantavati® Kids, which is manifested by good tolerance during the study. Thus, the analysis of the data obtained after the use of Anantavati® Kids in children with the consequences of perinatal CNS lesions demonstrate the profound effect of the Anantavati® Kids phytocomplex on sleep disturbances, symptoms of cognitive and speech and psychoemotional disorders against the background of a course intake.

Dmitry Fedorovich Khritinin ◽  
M. A. Sumarokova ◽  
E. P. Schukina

Currently, insomnia is not only a medical, but also a social as well as an economic problem. Sleep disorders increase the risk of somatic, neurological and mental illnesses. The shift schedule has a significant impact on the employee’s health, increasing the risk of developing such disorders as metabolic syndrome, arterial hypertension and other. As a result of sleep disturbances, lipid peroxidation processes may intensify, which can lead to the disorders described above. Therefore, the prevention and treatment of sleep disorders is an important aspect of chronic diseases diagnostics. In our opinion, it is crucial to study possible sleep disorders for their timely correction. The article discusses the features of drug and non-drug treatment of sleep disorders, as well as approaches to the primary and secondary prevention of insomnia. It is recommended to begin the treatment of sleep disorders with cognitive-behavioral therapy. Cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia typically includes psycho-education, training in relaxation techniques, stimulation limitation method, sleep limitation therapy, and cognitive therapy. When developing recreational activities for employees with a shift work schedule, attention should be paid to work and rest regimes, prevention of fatigue and obesity, and the sleep disorders treatment. Training in sleep hygiene and improving its compliance in the target groups is regarded as a method of non-pharmacological treatment of sleep disorders and a means of primary and secondary prevention of insomnia. In our opinion, further research on the features of the prevention and treatment of insomnia in various population groups is needed. Effective primary and secondary prevention of sleep disorders will reduce the risks of developing neurological, somatic and mental diseases and significantly improve the quality of life.

S. N. Vadzyuk ◽  
L. I. Horban ◽  
I. Ya. Papinko

Background. The individual and typological features of the central nervous system are interpreted as highly genetically determined. Each somatotype is characterized by morphofunctional features of the activity of different systems, including the circulatory system. Objective. The aim of the research was to study the features of the main individual and typological parameters of higher nervous activity in persons of different somatotype with normal and high blood pressure (BP). Methods. In the control group of the surveyed patients the BP value corresponded to the optimal level according to the WHO classification (125 people). The second group consisted of individuals, whose systolic blood pressure exceeded 130 mmHg at the time of the study and (or) diastolic – 85 mmHg (135 people). Somatotyping technique by Carter and Heath was used. Functional mobility (FMNP) and strength of nervous processes (SNP) were determined using the Diagnost-1 program (Makarenko and Lizogub). Results. In the individuals with predominance of ecto- and mesomorphic somatotype component, higher levels of major nervous processes were reported in response to strenuous processing of information, which was associated with more advanced mechanisms of information processing, its neurophysiological support. In people with endomorphic somatotype the lower levels of FMNP and SNP were clearly detected that could indicate that the speed characteristics of the nervous processes in them are at a lower level. Conclusions. In normal blood pressure, the highest indicator of FMNP was found in the individuals with predominance of ecto- and mesomorphic component. In the group with high blood pressure, the indicator at the level below the average was in endomorphs. Predominance of the ectomorphic component tended to increase in the surveyed, and in the mesomorphs was at the average level. The lowest level of SNP was found in the individuals with endomorphic somatotype of both groups.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 142-145
O.E. Dukhovskyy

О. Dukhovskyy The study involved a comprehensive survey of 137 families (mother and father) of children with severe somatic disease aimed at the development and evaluation of the system of medical and psychological support of families with a somatically challenged child. The main group comprised 97 families participating in the program of medical and psychological support, and the control group included 40 families who did not receive psychological support. According to our findings, a serious disease of the child became a psychotraumatic situation for all the parents, resulting in the development of anxiety-depressive reactions and conditions. Psychodiagnostic examination showed that the parents had mild, moderate depressive and anxious episodes on the Hamilton Rating Scale; high levels of situational and personal anxiety according to the C.D. Spielberger Inventory, a high level of neuropsychic stress on T.A. Nemchin Scale. The couples under investigation noted tensions in family relationships, family conflicts, related to the treatment of the child and escalation of pre-existing interpersonal and marital problems that led to distancing and a decrease in internal family resource. Based on these data, we have developed a system of medical and psychological support of the families with somatically challenged child, which consisted of four consecutive phases and included the use of individual cognitive-behavioral therapy (Beck AT, 2006), family therapy (Eidemiller E. G., 2003), rational therapy (classic Dubois P., 1912) and psychological educational programs. Case monitoring in the main group following the employment of the proposed system of medical and psychological support showed a stable positive pattern of psychological state with a statistically significant total reduction of anxiety-depressive states and the harmonization of the marital relationship.Key words: Medical and psychological support, anxiety, depression, family interactions, infants with severe craniocerebral trauma. СУЧАСНІ ПІДХОДИ ДО МЕДИКО-ПСИХОЛОГІЧНОГО СУПРОВОДУ СІМ’Ї ДИТИНИ ПЕРШОГО РОКУ ЖИТТЯ З ВАЖКОЮ ЧЕРЕПНО-МОЗКОВОЮ ТРАВМОЮ.Духовський О.Є.У ході роботи з метою розробки та апробації системи медико-психологічного супроводу сім’ї дитини першого року життя з важкою черепно-мозковою травмою проведено комплексне обстеження 137 родини (мати та батько) дітей першого року життя які отримали важку черепно-мозкову травму. Основну групу склали 97 родин, які прийняли участь у програмі медико-психологічного супроводу, контрольну групу 40 родин, які не отримували психологічну підтримку. Як показали результати дослідження черепно-мозкова травма дитини стала психотравмуючою ситуацією для усіх батьків, яка приводила до розвитку тривожно-депресивних реакцій та станів. За даними психодіагностичного обстеження у батьків відмічалися легкій помірний депресивний та тривожний епізоди за шкалою Гамільтона; високі рівні ситуативної й особистісної тривожності за методикою Ч.Д. Спілбергера, високій рівень виразності нервово-психічної напруги по шкалі Т.А. Немчина. Обстежені родини відзначали наявність напруженості в сімейних відносинах, сімейні конфлікти, як пов’язані з лікуванням дитини, так і ескалації існуючих раніше міжособистісних та подружніх проблем, що призводило до дистанціювання та зниження внутрішньосімейного ресурсу. Базуючись на отриманих даних нами розроблена система медико-психологічного супроводу сімʼї дитини першого року життя з важкою черепно-мозковою травмою, яка складалася із чотирьох послідовних етапів та включла використання індивідуальної когнітивно-поведінкової терапії (Бек A. T., 2006), сімейної терапії (Ейдміллер Е. Г., 2003), раціональної психотерапії (класичний варіант Дюбуа П., 1912) та псих освітніх програм. Як показали результати динамічного спостереження, на фоні застосування запропонованої системи медико-психологічного супроводу в основній групі відзначена стійка позитивна динаміка психологічного стану з повною редукцією тривожно-депресивних та гармонізацією подружніх відносин.Ключові слова: Медико-психологічний супровід, тривога, депресія, родинна взаємодія, дитина з важкою черепно-мозковою травмою. СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ПОДХОДЫ К МЕДИКО-ПСИХОЛОГИЧЕСКОМУ СОПРОВОЖДЕНИЮ СЕМЬИ РЕБЕНКА ПЕРВОГО ГОДА ЖИЗНИ С ТЯЖЕЛОЙ ЧЕРЕПНО-МОЗГОВОЙ ТРАВМОЙ.Духовской А.Э.В ходе работы с целью разработки и апробации системы медико-психологического сопровождения семьи ребенка первого года жизни с тяжелой черепно-мозговой травмой проведено комплексное обследование 137 семей (мать и отец) детей первого года жизни получивших тяжелую черепно-мозговую травму. Основную группу составили 97 семей, принявших участие в программе медико-психологического сопровождения, контрольную группу 40 семей, не получавшие психологическую поддержку. Как показали результаты исследования, черепно-мозговая травма ребенка стала психотравмирующей ситуацией для всех родителей, которая приводила к развитию тревожно-депрессивных реакций и состояний. По данным психодиагностического обследования у родителей отмечались легкой умеренный депрессивный и тревожный эпизоды по шкале Гамильтона; высокие уровни ситуативной и личностной тревожности по методике Ч.Д. Спилбергера, высокий уровень выраженности нервно-психического напряжения по шкале Т.А. Немчина. Обследованные супруги отмечали наличие напряженности в семейных отношениях, семейные конфликты, как связанные с лечением ребенка, так и эскалацией существующих ранее межличностных и супружеских проблем, чт приводило к дистанцированию и снижению внутрисемейного ресурса. Основываясь на полученных данных нами разработана система медико-психологического сопровождения семьи ребенка первого года жизни с тяжелой черепно-мозговой травмой, которая состояла из четырех последовательных этапов и включала использование индивидуальной когнитивно-поведенческой терапии (Бек AT, 2006), семейной терапии (Ейдмиллер Е. Г., 2003), рациональной психотерапии (классический вариант Дюбуа П., 1912) и психобразовательных программ. Как показали результаты динамического наблюдения, на фоне применения предложенной системы медико-психологического сопровождения в основной группе отмечена устойчивая положительная динамика психологического состояния с полной редукцией тревожно-депрессивных состояний и гармонизацией супружеских отношений.Ключевые слова: Медико-психологическое сопровождение, тревога, депрессия, семейное взаимодействие, ребенок с тяжелой черепно-мозговой травмой.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 10 ◽  
Laith Al-Ameri ◽  
Talib Mohsin ◽  
Ali Abdul Wahid

(1) Background: Sleeping disorders are frequently reported following traumatic brain injury (TBI). Different forms of sleeping disorders have been reported, such as sleepiness, insomnia, changes in sleeping latency, and others. (2) Methods: A case-control study with 62 patients who were victims of mild or moderate TBI with previous admissions to Iraqi tertiary neurosurgical centers were enrolled as the first group, and 158 patients with no history of trauma were considered as the control. All were 18 years of age or older, and the severity of the trauma and sleep disorders was assessed. The Pittsburgh sleep quality index was used to assess sleep disorders with average need for sleep per day and average sleep latency were assessed in both groups. Chi-square and t-test calculations were used to compare different variables. (3) Results: 39 patients (24.7%) of the controlled group experienced sleeping disorders compared to TBI group with 45 patients (72.6%), P-value < 0.00001. A total of 42 patients were diagnosed on admission as having a mild degree of TBI (mean GCS 13.22 ± 1.76) and 20 patients were diagnosed with moderate TBI (mean GCS11.05 ± 1.14. 27). A total of 27 (46.28%) patients with mild severity TBI and 18 patients (90%) of moderate severity were considered to experience sleeping disorders, P-value 0.0339. Each of the mild and moderate TBI subgroups show a P-value < 0.00001 compared to the control group. Average sleep hours needed per day for TBI and the control were 8.02 ± 1.04 h and 7.26 ± 0.58 h, respectively, P-value < 0.00001. Average sleep latency for the TBI and the control groups were 13.32 ± 3.16 min and 13.93 ± 3.07 min respectively, P-value 0.065. (4) Conclusion: Sleep disturbances are more common following mild and moderate TBI three months after the injury with more hours needed for sleep per day and no significant difference in sleep latency. Sleep disturbances increase in frequency with the increase in the severity of TBI.

2017 ◽  
Vol 32 (12) ◽  
pp. 1000-1008 ◽  
Ana Checa-Ros ◽  
Antonio Muñoz-Hoyos ◽  
Antonio Molina-Carballo ◽  
Antonio Muñoz-Gallego ◽  
Susana Narbona-Galdó ◽  

The objective of this study was to analyze circadian patterns of urinary 6-sulphatoxymelatonin (aMT6s) excretion in children with primary sleep disorders in comparison with healthy controls. A total of 124 control children and 124 patients (aged 4-14 years) diagnosed with diverse primary sleep disorders were recruited. aMT6s concentrations were measured in diurnal and nocturnal urine, as well as in 24-hour urine. aMT6s levels were significantly higher and showed significantly more evident circadian variations in the control group ( P < .001). Four different melatonin (aMT) production and excretion patterns were distinguished in the group with sleep disorders: (1) standard aMT production pattern, (2) low aMT production pattern, (3) aMT production pattern with absence of circadian variation, and (4) aMT hyperproduction pattern. This study highlights the importance of analyzing specific alterations of aMT secretion in each sleep disorder and provides evidences to explain why not all children with sleep disturbances do respond to aMT treatment.

2010 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 256-266 ◽  
Karin Gehring ◽  
Neil K. Aaronson ◽  
Chad M. Gundy ◽  
Martin J.B. Taphoorn ◽  
Margriet M. Sitskoorn

AbstractThis study investigated the specific patient factors that predict responsiveness to a cognitive rehabilitation program. The program has previously been demonstrated to be successful at the group level in patients with gliomas, but it is unclear which patient characteristics optimized the effect of the intervention at the individual level. Four categories of possible predictors of improvement were selected for evaluation: sociodemographic and clinical variables, self-reported cognitive symptoms, and objective neuropsychological test performance. Hierarchical logistic regression analyses were conducted, beginning with the most accessible (sociodemographic) variables and ending with the most difficult (baseline neuropsychological) to identify in clinical practice. Nearly 60% of the participants of the intervention were classified as reliably improved. Reliable improvement was predicted by age (p = .003) and education (p = .011). Additional results suggested that younger patients were more likely to benefit specifically from the cognitive rehabilitation program (p = .001), and that higher education was also associated with improvement in the control group (p = .024). The findings are discussed in light of brain reserve theory. A practical implication is that cognitive rehabilitation programs should take the patients’ age into account and, if possible, adapt programs to increase the likelihood of improvement among older participants. (JINS, 2011, 17, 256–266)

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 140-149 ◽  
Evgeniya A. Shatokhina ◽  
Larisa S. Kruglova ◽  
Oleg A. Shukhov

Background. The effective treatment of the hand-foot syndrome is a necessary component of the complex treatment of patients receiving antitumor therapy with multikinase inhibitors. Aims. The assessment of a new effective method for the treatment of palm-plantar syndrome in patients receiving multi-kinase inhibitors. Materials and methods. There are 27 patients received antitumor treatment with multi-kinase inhibitors and had clinical manifestations of the hand-foot syndrome (HFS) for observation. The main group (14 patients) used a combination of an alpha-lipoic acid at a dose of 600 mg per day per os and an ointment containing 0.005% calcipotriol and 0.05% betamethasone dipropionate 2 times a day. The control group, included 13 patients, used a combination with a cream containing 10% urea and ointment containing 0.05% betamethasone dipropionate. Results. After a week of treatment, the regression of the skin process was observed in both groups, but it was more evident in the main group: significant differences in severity of erythema, paresthesia, pain and burning sensation, the Dermatological Life Quality Index (DLQI) were observed at this stage of therapy (p < 0.05). After 2 weeks of therapy: a more positive trend in the main group in terms of erythema, paresthesia and burning, but the most significant difference is DLQI – 17.4 in the main group and 22.8 in the control group (p < 0.0001). At the end of the 3rd week of therapy: differences with the main characteristics of erythema, desquamation, paresthesia (p < 0.0008), pain (p < 0.0001), DLQI (p < 0.0001). At the end point of the study (after 4 weeks of therapy), significant differences were found in reducing the symptoms and the main parameters for evaluating the effectiveness of DLQI in patients of the main group with a reliability of p < 0.0001. The high correlation of DLQI was found with erythema, pain, burning, paresthesia and desquamation. Conclusions. The treatment of the hand-foot plantar syndrome combined using alpha-lipoic acid inside and topical therapy in the form of an ointment containing calcipotriol and betamethasone dipropionate, can be recommended for patients receiving targeted therapy with multi-kinaseinhibitors.

2017 ◽  
pp. 97-102

Circadian rhythms and the mechanisms of sleep and wakefulness begin to form in the embryonic period and undergo many stages of development before acquire characteristics typical for an adult. Structure of sleep disturbances in children also differs from that in the adult population. Most sleep disorders in children are the result of immaturity of certain brain structures and mechanisms: primary sleep disorders, pediatric behavioral insomnia, sleepwalking, night terrors, enuresis. These disorders are benign, and usually disappear by adulthood. Treatment of benign sleep disorders in children should primarily be based on the methods of behavioral therapy, the rules of sleep hygiene and the purpose of light sedation.

V. S. Matveev ◽  
S. V. Matveev ◽  
A. A. Potapchuk ◽  
Iu. K. Uspenskaia

Introduction. The problem is actual due to the increasing of cystic fibrosis children quantity: according to neonatal screening, there were 124 children with cystic fibrosis in 2018 (72.9 % from all identified cases for the reporting year). Medical rehabilitation is the main method of the pathogenetic therapy and prevention of cystic fibrosis exacerbation. The new strategy of medical procuring for patients with orphan diseases, which is necessary to develop expert methods for diagnostics of rehabilitation potency and objectify individual rehabilitation programs, gives particular relevance to the problem.The objective was the development of new rehabilitation programs for early aged children with cystic fibrosis, the search of efficiency assessment criteria.Methods and materials. Physical and motor growth, clinical and functional parameters were estimated in 79 early aged children of main and control groups.Results. It was proved that the weight index (absolute and relative), quantity of children with harmonic growth increased due to physical methods of rehabilitation while the quantity of children with acutely disharmonic growth reduced in main group. After applying the developed rehabilitation program, the formed motor skills amounted 83 — 92 % from age norm in the main group of children and 60 — 85 % in the control group. Normotonic reaction to physical activity after the physical rehabilitation program was registered in 73.2 % of the main group and 47.8 % of the control group. In dynamics, the rehabilitation efficiency coefficient amounted (1.68±0.10) in the control group of children and (1.97±0.14) (p<0.05) in the main group that could be corresponded as «improvement». That means the quality of clinical and laboratory shifts, dynamism of physical growth and development rate of motor skills is significantly higher in the main group of children.Conclusion. The possibility of physical rehabilitation use in different rehabilitation programs of early aged children with cystic fibrosis was justified. The rehabilitation efficiency coefficient, the rehabilitation potential were offered, the effectiveness of chosen rehabilitation programs was proved.   

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