scholarly journals Analisis Akuntabilitas Penyelenggaraan Kewenangan Dekonsentrasi Pada Kantor Badan Lingkungan Hidup Provinsi Sulawesi Utara

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Chintia S Aleng ◽  
Grace B Nangoi ◽  
Winston Pontoh

Abstract. The purpose of this research is to analyze the accountability of the implementation of deconcentration authority in Badan Lingkungan Hidup Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. This is a qualitative research with case study approach. Data were obtained by in-depth interviews, observation and documentation study. Key informants were determined by purposive sampling based on the criterias in order to get the exact and accurate information. Interviews were then transcribed into data transcription. They were analyzed, given code, and categorized into themes. Data were analysed by content analysis. The result of research show that the implementation of deconcentration authority in Badan Lingkungan Hidup Sulawesi Utara is conducted based on technical guidance for the implementation of environmental deconcentration authority that involve direction policy, planning, budgeting, implementation, reporting, monitoring and evaluation, performance assesment, guidance and supervision. However, the implementation of deconcentration is not yet accountable. It is because of the inefficient planning, ineffective maximization of the fundings source in prioritising regional needs optimally. The obstacles in implementing the programs successfully are: (1) rationalization of budget from central government to local government; (2) delay in deconcentration reporting to KPPN Manado; (3) inadequate availability of supporting facilities of deconcentration program implementation; (4) ineffective guidance and supervision. These obstacles have caused the determined target can not be accomplished in accordance to the achievement of realization.Keywords : Accountability, Authority Delegation, deconcentrated fund, Work ProgramAbstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis akuntabilitas penyelenggaraan kewenangan dekonsentrasi pada Kantor Badan Lingkungan Hidup Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Data diperoleh dengan teknik wawancara mendalam, observasi dan studi dokumentasi. Informan kunci ditetapkan secara purposive sampling dengan syarat memenuhi kriteria yang ditetapkan untuk mendapatkan informasi yang tepat dan akurat. Hasil wawancara di-transcribe menjadi transkrip data, kemudian dianalisis, diberi kode, dan dikategorikan ke dalam tema. Analisis data menggunakan analisis isi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Penyelenggaraan Kewenangan Dekonsentrasi pada Kantor Badan Lingkungan Hidup Provinsi Sulawesi Utara dilaksanakan berdasarkan petunjuk teknis penyelenggaraan dekonsentrasi bidang lingkungan hidup meliputi arah kebijakan, perencanaan, penganggaran, pelaksanaan, pelaporan, pemantauan dan evaluasi, penilaian kinerja, serta pembinaan dan pengawasan. Namun penyelenggaraan dana dekonsentrasi belum akuntabel, hal ini dikarenakan perencanaan yang belum efektif dan efisien dalam memaksimalkan sumber dana secara optimal untuk memprioritaskan kebutuhan daerah. Hambatan keberhasilan program disebabkan : (1) proses rasionalisasi anggaran dari pemerintah pusat kepada pemerintah daerah; (2) masih adanya keterlambatan pelaporan dekonsentrasi ke KPPN Manado; (3) belum memadainya ketersediaan sarana dan prasarana penunjang pelaksanaan program dekonsentrasi; (4) pembinaan dan pengawasan dekonsentrasi yang belum efektif dalam pelaksanaannya. Hal tersebut menyebabkan target yang telah ditetapkan belum sesuai dengan pencapaian realisasi.Kata Kunci : Akuntabilitas, Pelimpahan Kewenangan, Dana Dekonsentrasi, Program Kerja 

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Eltie Christi Sandag ◽  
Herman Karamoy ◽  
Linda Lambey

Abstract.This study aims to (1) analyze the conformity of the application of Regulation of the Minister of Finance No. 38/PMK.011/2013 on the Basic Taxation of Other Value on Value Added Tax of PT.Trans Continent freight forwarding services, (2) analyze the efforts made in overcoming the overpayment of VAT in connection with the application of Regulation of the Minister of Finance No. 38/PMK.011/ 2013 in accordance with the provisions of applicable tax laws. This is a qualitative research with case study approach. Data were obtained through the technique of in-depth interviews, observation and documentation study. The key informants were determined by purposive sampling in order to attain the correct and accurate information. Triangulation techniques were used to test the validity of data and data sources. The transcript data described from the interviews were analyzed using analytical methods consisting of the giving of themes/coding, conceptualizing scientific statements and interpreting them in narrative form. The results of the research indicate that the Basic of Taxation of Other Value is imposed on services which have element of freight charges conducted by PT.Trans Continent has been implemented based on Regulation of the Minister of Finance No.38/PMK.011/2013. However, the issuance of this Regulation of the Minister of Finance has not yet considered the overall freight forwarding activities as a single entity, in which the freight forwarding service company also provides services that have no element of freight charges, and in its business turnover in doing their transactions with other Taxable Entrepreneurs who do not use Basic Imposition Other Value Tax. Continuous compensation efforts are made to overcome the overpayment of Value Added Tax (VAT) in connection with the application of Regulation of the Minister of Finance No.38/PMK.011/2013 on the Tax Basis of Other Valuation in its settlement, which is also not followed by knowledge on other provisions governing taxation (regulations determined by Directorate General of Taxation No.PER-11/ PJ/2013).Keywords:  Analysis, Value Added Tax (VAT), Tax Basis of Other Valuation, Freight ForwardingAbstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menganalisis kesesuaian penerapan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 38/PMK.011/2013 tentang Dasar Pengenaan Pajak (DPP) nilai lain pada Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN) jasa freight forwarding di PT.Trans Continent, (2) menganalisis upaya yang dilakukan dalam mengatasi kelebihan bayar PPN sehubungan dengan penerapan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 38/PMK.011/2013 sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perpajakan yang berlaku. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Data diperoleh melalui teknik wawancara yang mendalam, studi dokumentasi dan observasi. Informan kunci ditetapkan secara purposive sampling dengan syarat memenuhi kriteria yang ditetapkan untuk mendapatkan informasi yang tepat dan akurat. Teknik triangulasi digunakan untuk menguji validitas data dan sumber data. Data transkrip yang diuraikan dari hasil wawancara dianalisis menggunakan metode analisis yang terdiri dari pemberian tema/coding, konseptualisasi pernyataan ilmiah dan menginterpretasikannya dalam bentuk narasi.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Dasar Pengenaan Pajak (DPP) nilai lain dikenakan atas jasa yang memilki unsur freight charges  yang dilakukan oleh PT. Trans Continent dilaksanakan berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan (PMK) No 38/PMK.011/2013, namun terbitnya PMK ini  belum melihat kegiatan freight forwarding secara keseluruhan yang merupakan satu kesatuan usaha, yang dimana perusahaan jasa freight forwarding juga menyediakan jasa yang tidak memiliki unsur freight charges, dan dalam perputaran usahanya bertransaksi dengan Pengusaha Kena Pajak (PKP)  lain yang tidak menggunakan Dasar Pengenaan Pajak (DPP) nilai lain . Upaya kompensasi yang terus menerus dilakukan dalam mengatasi kelebihan bayar PPN sehubungan dengan penerapan PMK No 38/PMK.011/2013, dalam penyelesainnya juga tidak diikuti dengan pengetahuan akan ketentuan-ketentuan lain yang mengatur tentang perpajakan (yakni peraturan Direktorat Jendral Pajak Nomor PER-11/PJ/2013). Kata Kunci: Analisis, Pajak Pertambahan Nilai, Dasar Pengenaan Pajak Nilai Lain, Freight Forwarding

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 66-71
Ratri Ismiwiranti ◽  
Nursalam Nursalam ◽  
Erna Dwi Wahyuni

ABSTRAK Pendahuluan: Pasien yang menjalani prosedur kolonoskopi seringkali mengalami kecemasan. Perawat perlu mengetahui penyebab dan memberikan intervensi secara khusus untuk meningkatkan keberhasilan tindakan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan karakteristik pasien yang menjalani kolonoskopi terkait kecemasan yang dirasakan. Metode: Desain penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Lokasi penelitian di Unit Endoskopi RSUD dr Abdoer Rahem Situbondo dan RSD dr. Koesnadi Bondowoso, Jawa Timur. Rekruitmen partisipan dilakukan dengan purposive sampling sampai mencapai saturasi. Responden dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 9 partisipan. Wawancara mendalam dilakukan dengan menggunakan pedoman wawancara semi-struktur dan dilakukan perekaman. Analisis data secara deskriptif. Hasil: karakteritik 9 pasien yang menjalani kolonoskopi dapat dilihat dari usia, jenis kelamin, pekerjaan, indikasi, diagnosa awal, frekuensi dan kesiapannya. Hanya 3 orang pasien yang menyatakan siap dan mampu mengontrol kecemasan yang dirasakan. Karakteristik pasien tidak terkait secara langsung dengan kecemasan yang dirasakan. Diskusi: Kecemasan yang dirasakan oleh pasien tidak hanya terkait karakteritik pasien melainkan lebih dipengaruhi faktor psikologis, persepsi, dan harapan pasien terhadap tindakan kolonskopi, oleh karena itu perlu diberikan intervensi khusus untuk mengontrol kecemasan yang dialami sehingga tujuan pemeriksaan dapat tercapai dengan optimal. Kata kunci: Kecemasan, Kolonoskopi, Penelitian Kualitatif ABSTRACT Introduction: Patients undergoing colonoscopy procedures often experience anxiety. Nurses need to know the cause and give intervention specifically to improve the success of the action. The purpose of this research is to describe the characteristics of patients undergoing the perceived anxiety-related colonoscopy. Methods: The design of this research is a qualitative descriptive with a case study approach. Location of research in endoscopy Unit of RSUD Dr Abdoer Rahem Situbondo and RSD Dr. Koesnadi Bondowoso, East Java. Participants' recruitments are carried out purposive sampling until they reach saturation. Respondents in this study amounted to 9 participants. In-depth interviews were conducted using semi-structural interviews and performed recordings. Descriptive data analysis. Result: Characterizing 9 patients undergoing colonoscopy can be seen from age, gender, occupation, indications, preliminary diagnosis, frequency and readiness. Only 3 patients are said to be ready and able to control the perceived anxiety. Characteristics of patients not directly related to the perceived anxiety. Discussion: The anxiety felt by the patient not only related to the charactertic of the patient but rather more influenced by the psychological factors, perception, and patient's expectation of colonscopic action, therefore it is necessary to give special intervention to control The purpose of the examination can be achieved optimally. Keywords: Anxiety, colonoscopy, qualitative research

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 102
Amin Fauzi ◽  
Dwi Harmani Astuti ◽  
Samsuruhuda H

The focus of the study is to determine the effectiveness of ‘Bidikmisi’ scholarship program implementation at Universitas Negeri Surabaya (Unesa). This qualitative research uses a case study approach to find wider and deeper understanding of the data collected. The data collection methods are through interviews, observations, and documentations. Research data is then analysed to define the efficacy of ‘Bidikmisi’ at Unesa. The results of the study imply that Unesa has implemented government policy to provide access to higher education to people with low economic backgrounds. The effectiveness of ‘Bidikmisi’ at Unesa is based on the accomplishment of the program objectives, explicitly (1) equitable access to education, (2) numbers of on time graduates, and (3) students increasing achievements. The result of the research data analysis has shown that Bidikmisi program is effectively implemented at Unesa. Factors inhibit to the enactment of the program at Unesa are the lack of coordination between the program managers and related units, less information to Bidikmisi recipients, incomplete monitoring and evaluation process, and less committed Bidikmisi recipients to their individual responsibility. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Oktafia Mustika Rani ◽  
Medhy Aginta Hidayat

<p><em>Even though urban farmers in Jeruk Village, Lakarsantri, Surabaya live on the threshold of the poverty line, they show a consumptive lifestyle. This study examines the practices of consumerism culture carried out by urban farmers in Jeruk Village, Lakarsantri, Surabaya. This study uses a qualitative research method with a case study approach. Informants were selected based on a purposive sampling technique. Data were collected using documentation, observation, and in-depth interviews. The data analysis was guided by Jean Baudrillard’s theory of consumer society. The results of this study indicate that the practices of consumerism culture is driven by the level of income, level of education, lifestyle and taste, and the self-concept of meeting the needs of life. This study also found three main indicators that the practices of consumerism culture: a high taste in clothing, a large need for basic necessities shopping, and a high taste of valuable symbol of social status. This study also found that low income did not cause urban farmers to stop fulfilling the secondary and tertiary needs. In fact, urban farmers continue to carry out consumptive behaviors that tend to be disproportionate to their low income levels.</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><strong> <em>Consumerism Culture</em></strong><strong><em>,</em></strong><strong><em> Lifestyle</em></strong><strong><em>, </em></strong><strong><em>Quasi-Consumerism</em></strong><strong><em>,</em></strong><strong><em> Urban Farmers</em></strong><strong><em></em></strong></p><h2> </h2><p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Meskipun hidup di ambang garis kemiskinan, sejumlah petani perkotaan di Kelurahan Jeruk, Kecamatan Lakarsantri, Kota Surabaya, menunjukkan gaya hidup yang cenderung konsumtif. Penelitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan praktik budaya konsumerisme yang dilakukan oleh para petani perkotaan di Kelurahan Jeruk, Kecamatan Lakarsantri, Kota Surabaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Informan dipilih berdasarkan teknik <em>purposive sampling</em>. Sumber data dikumpulkan melalui dokumentasi, observasi, dan wawancara-mendalam. Analisis data dipandu oleh teori yang dipilih, yakni teori masyarakat konsumer Jean Baudrillard. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa praktik budaya konsumerisme petani perkotaan didorong oleh sejumlah faktor, diantaranya adalah tingkat pendapatan, tingkat pendidikan, gaya hidup dan selera, serta konsep diri terhadap pemenuhan kebutuhan hidup. Penelitian ini juga menemukan tiga indikator utama telah berlangsungnya praktik budaya konsumerisme di kalangan petani perkotaan, yakni selera yang cukup tinggi dalam membeli pakaian, selera yang cukup besar dalam berbelanja barang-barang kebutuhan pokok, serta selera dan kepemilikan yang cukup tinggi atas barang berharga sebagai simbol status sosial. Penelitian ini menggarisbawahi bahwa pendapatan yang rendah tidak menyebabkan petani perkotaan berhenti memenuhi kebutuhan sekunder dan tersier. Bahkan, petani perkotaan dalam penelitian ini tetap melakukan aktivitas konsumsi dalam jumlah yang cukup besar dan cenderung tidak sebanding dengan tingkat penghasilan mereka yang rendah.</p><p><strong>Kata Kunci : Budaya Konsumerisme, Gaya Hidup, Kuasi-Konsumerisme, Petani Perkotaan</strong></p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
Nuraeni Nuraeni ◽  
Hading Hading ◽  
Eka Damayanti

AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk : 1) mengetahui  bagaimana kesiapan belajar dalam menghadapi ujian akhir pada peserta didik kelas IX MTs Ainus Syamsi, 2) mengetahui penghambat peserta didik dalam menghadapi ujian akhir pada peserta didik kelas IX MTs Ainus Syamsi. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Pada penelitian ini teknik pemilihan sumber data dilakukan dengan purposive sampling yaitu maximum variation sampling. Penarikan sampel yang dilakukan dengan memilih subjek berdasarkan kriteria spesifik yang ditetapkan peneliti. Peneliti melakukan wawancara mendalam untuk menemukan informasi lebih jelas mengenai peserta didik yang menjadi sampel penelitian. Wawancara mendalam dilakukan dengan orang terdekat, teman kelas ataupun dari guru. Subjek yang diteliti adalah Si N dan Si A. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa peserta didik Si N siap menghadapi ujian. Si N menyiapkan diri dalam menghadapi ujian sebagaimana dalam tiga hukum belajar throndike, sedangkan peserta didik Si A kurang siap menghadapi ujian, hal tersebut dikarenakan karena Si A kurang mempersiapkan diri baik fisik maupun mental dalam menghadapi ujian, Si A sangat jarang masuk sekolah, ia sering bolos dan jarang melakukan latihan dalam menghadapi ujian. Selain itu, keretakan hubungan rumah tangga orang tuanya yang mengakibatkan Si A merasa tidak diperdulikan sehingga tidak menyiapkan diri dalam belajar dan menghadapi ujian. AbstractThe objective of this study is to : 1) find out how the readiness of learning in facing the final examination in class IX MTs Ainus Syamsi students, 2) know the inhibitors of students in facing the final examination in class IX MTs Ainus Syamsi students. This research is a descriptive qualitative research with a case study approach. In this study, the technique of selecting data sources is done by purposive sampling, namely maximum variation sampling. Sampling is done by selecting subjects based on specific criteria set by researcher. Researcher conducted in-depth interviews to find clearer information about students who became the sample of research. In-depth interview are conducted with close friends, classmates or teachers. The subject studied were student N and student A. The results of the study were obtained that student N student is ready for the examination. N prepared himself for the examination as in three Thorndike study laws, while student A are less ready to face the examination, it is because student A is less prepared both physically and mentally in facing in facing examination, student A is rarely in school often misses and rarely examination. In addition, his parents’ broken family ties caused student A to feel left out and unable to prepare for his studies and to face examination.

Jurnal Ecopsy ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Dwi Nur Rachmah

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasikan dan mengetahui secara lebih mendalam alasan-alasan pelaku bullying melakukan bullying dan juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran empati pelaku bullying di Sekolah Menengah Atas.  Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif  dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Subjek yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini berjumlah dua orang yang dipilih berdasarkan teknik purposive sampling dan tekhnik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan adalah menggunakan observasi dan wawancara mendalam. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa alasan pelaku bullying melakukan perbuatan bullying yaitu dikarenakan faktor karakteristik korban, sikap korban, tradisi/budaya bullying di sekolah. Pelaku bullying melakukan bullying juga dikarenakan memiliki kemampuan empati yang rendah. Ketidakmampuan pelaku untuk berempati menyebabkan mereka kurang mampu untuk melihat dari sudut pandang orang lain, mengenali perasaan orang lain dan menyesuaikan kepeduliannya dengan tepat. Kurangnya empati dari pelaku menyebabkan pelaku kurang memahami kondisi korban, tidak peduli dengan korban dan cenderung melakukan tindakan kekerasan kepada orang atau korban. Keywords: empati, pelaku bullying, siswa Sekolah Menengah AtasThis study aimed at identifying and understanding more deeply the reasons doing the bullying and to describe empathy bullies in high school. This research is a qualitative case study approach. Subjects involved in this study is two people chosen by purposive sampling technique and the data were collected using the techniques of observations and in-depth interviews. Based on the research results know that the reasons bullies bullying act because characteristic factor of the victim, the victim attitude, and tradition/culture of bullying at school. the bullies have a low capacity for empathy. Inability the bullies to empathize cause them less able to see the persfective of others, recognize the feelings of others and adjust to the proper concern. Lack of empathy the bullies bringing not understanding of the condition of the victim, no matter the victim and tend to commit acts of violence to the person  or the victim. Keywords : empathy , bullying , high school students

2018 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
Franciscus Adi Prasetyo ◽  
Jajang Gunawijaya

Self-stigma experienced by people who experience schizophrenia has influence on reduced self-esteem, on powerlessness, the weakening of hope, and a motivation towards recovery. The aim of this study is to explain the efforts of people suffering schizophrenia to manage their self-stigma through self-control, using a case study approach. Based on the purposive sampling technique, five people with schizophrenia were selected as the cases to be studied. Data collection techniques utilized in-depth interviews, observation, and documentary studies. The analysis of the study data employed the stages of data reduction, data display, and data verification. Improvement in study quality employed the triangulation of data sources by checking the data to determine its consistency. The results of this study indicate that people with schizophrenia who have the ability to self-control can overcome self-stigma through changes in the manner of viewing themselves, self-training through activities, having endurance, having an honest approach, being able to explain schizophrenia from a positive viewpoint, having initiative, and having a positive attitude and the courage to face challenges.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 301
Thessa Anial John

<p>Abstract</p><p>This article aims to study the bank’s responsibility towards fraud against customer with a case study of Bank Mega Fraud against PT. Elnusadeposito funds. This research is a normative legal research using constitutional and case study approach. The result of this research show that Bank Mega liquefyPT. Elnusadeposito funds carelessly without PT.Elnusa consent is an act against the law. Bank Mega hasfailed to fulfil it’s responsibility towardsthe customer as regulated Article 37 B paragraph (1) UndangUndang Nomor 10 Tahun 1998 concerning banking service that stipulate every bank must guarantee the public funds deposited in the bank concerned The action of Bank Mega has caused losses both material and immaterial loss so that Bank Mega has to give responsibility and compensation for damage and consumer loss according to Article 19 paragraph (2) Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 regarding consumer protection.</p><p>Keywords: Responsibility; prudential principles; banks; and customers.</p><p>Abstrak</p><p>Artikelini bertujuan mengkaji tanggung jawab perbankan terhadap pembobolan dana nasabah dengan</p><p>studi kasus terhadap Bank Mega dalam kasus pembobolan dana deposito PT.Elnusa, Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif dengan melakukan pendekatan undang-undang dan pendekatan kasus.Berdasarkan hasil dari penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa tindakan Bank Mega mencairkan dana deposito milik PT.Elnusa secara tidak hati-hati dan tanpa sepengetahuan PT. Elnusa merupakan tindakan yang melanggar hukum. Bank Mega telah tidak memenuhi kewajibannya terhadap nasabah sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 37 B ayat (1) Undang-Undang Nomor 10 Tahun 1998 tentang Perbankan yang menyebutkan bahwa setiap bank wajib menjamin dana masyarakat yang disimpan pada bank yang bersangkutan. Tindakan Bank Mega telah menimbulkan kerugian baik materiil maupun immateriil sehingga Bank Mega selaku pelaku usaha berdasarkan Pasal 19 ayat (2) Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 tentang Perlindungan Konsumen bertanggung jawab untuk memberikan ganti rugi atas kerusakan, pencemaran, dan/atau kerugian konsumen akibat mengkonsumsi barang dan/atau jasa yang dihasilkan.</p><p>Kata Kunci: Tanggung jawab; prinsip kehati-hatian; bank; dan nasabah.</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 47 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-26
Evelien Lambrecht ◽  
Maarten Crivits ◽  
Ludwig Lauwers ◽  
Xavier Gellynck

This article identified network characteristics critical for successful agricutural innovations within networks, or a set of interrelated organizations aiming at knowledge exchange for innovations. To explore key success factors, the research questioned how networks cope with innovation characteristics and combined network characteristics with four innovation characteristics in four agricultural sub-sectors. Data were collected from in-depth interviews with farmers and network coordinators and from focus group discussions with farmers active in Flanders, the northern part of Belgium. Factors particularly helpful for success in agricultural innovation networks include numerous contacts, integration of knowledge providers in the network structure, face-to-face communication, a self-initiated coalition and surpassing innovation beyond the mere agricultural level, through collaboration with people from outside the sector. The findings are useful for academics, network coordinators and network members, possibly leading to a higher innovation performance via networking.

2018 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 658-668 ◽  
Ibrahim Umar ◽  
Rose Shamsiah Samsudin ◽  
Mudzamir bn Mohamed

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to appraise the Nigerian Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) of their role in tackling systemic corruptions and to associate how institutional and organizational factors influence the performance of the EFCC. Design/methodology/approach Data were gathered through in-depth interviews, non-participatory observations and documentary analysis. Findings The results of the integrative analysis show that the EFCC has apparently been ineffective, and further improvization of the organization is needed. Poor performance of the EFCC was associated with factors such as lack of commitment, inefficient judiciary, insufficient budgets and incompetent personnel. Practical implications This study recommends further improvements in the form of a greater political will, improved legal process and also elevated budgetary funds and recruitment of personnel to the EFCC. Originality/value The study adopted a descriptive, qualitative case study approach to describe the current state of the EFCC in Nigeria.

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