2021 ◽  
pp. 150-171

Developing sociolinguistic competence of philology students focuses on training and actualization of a certain set of components of sociolinguistic competence - the sociolinguistic paradigm that imposes a specific form on the individual speech behavior depending on the given social environment and the prevailing social and communicative context. The training system for the improvement of sociolinguistic competence of students should be based on didactic and methodological principles, enriched with special sociolinguistic content, which is the basis for the improvement of knowledge, skills, and abilities of students to build their speech behavior based on the speech profile of the interlocutor, taking into account sociolinguistic norms of communication adopted in a particular socio-communicative context. The improvement of sociolinguistic competence of students of philological faculties in teaching foreign languages is facilitated by teaching means of expressing sociolinguistic content through the prism of their functional content. The principle of contextual-thematic representation of teaching material implies that the very sociolinguistic nature of language functioning is inherently situational. The principle of concentrism involves teaching sociolinguistic competence with a gradual increase in the complexity of the sociolinguistic material studied in order to teach students to identify sociolinguistic parameters of communication situations in different social dialects, to identify social characteristics of the interlocutor by social markers in his speech and to build their socially correct speech behavior.

1979 ◽  
Vol 44 (7) ◽  
pp. 2064-2078 ◽  
Blahoslav Sedláček ◽  
Břetislav Verner ◽  
Miroslav Bárta ◽  
Karel Zimmermann

Basic scattering functions were used in a novel calculation of the turbidity ratios for particles having the relative refractive index m = 1.001, 1.005 (0.005) 1.315 and the size α = 0.05 (0.05) 6.00 (0.10) 15.00 (0.50) 70.00 (1.00) 100, where α = πL/λ, L is the diameter of the spherical particle, λ = Λ/μ1 is the wavelength of light in a medium with the refractive index μ1 and Λ is the wavelength of light in vacuo. The data are tabulated for the wavelength λ = 546.1/μw = 409.357 nm, where μw is the refractive index of water. A procedure has been suggested how to extend the applicability of Tables to various refractive indices of the medium and to various turbidity ratios τa/τb obtained with the individual pairs of wavelengths λa and λb. The selection of these pairs is bound to the sequence condition λa = λ0χa and λb = λ0χb, in which b-a = δ = 1, 2, 3; a = -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ..., b = a + δ = -1, 0, 1, 2, ...; λ0 = λa=0 = 326.675 nm; χ = 546.1 : 435.8 = 1.2531 is the quotient of the given sequence.

1969 ◽  
Vol 44 (5) ◽  
pp. 799-805
Byron W. Wight

Two decades ago, in a pioneering study, the Canadian psychiatrist John Tillmann demonstrated that drivers with a record of repeated automobile accidents did not confine their "accident" behavior to the highway. They were—to a substantially greater extent than accident-free drivers— "in trouble" in various aspects of their lives. Their records in a variety of social and legal agencies documented widespread pathology—economic, social, psychological, physical. Tillmann's conclusion, "You drive as you live," has achieved wide currency, but it has taken almost two decades for his conceptual framework to be applied to nonvehicular accidents—and especially to childhood accidents. Where such attempts have been made—where the investigator has broadened his focus on the "mechanics" of the accident to include a view of the personal and social characteristics of the individuals involved—the findings have been striking. Waller's unpublished study of shooting accidents demonstrates, for example, that those who have such accidents are quite different from gun owners who are accident-free. The paper that follows demonstrates some significant differences between mothers suspected of physically abusing their children and mothers of children whose accidents do not involve the suspicion of abuse. Perhaps because the early, largely discredited, concept of "accident proneness" was fundamentally a psychological one, there remains a tendency in many investigators to seek out psychological characteristics that distinguish child-abusing parents from those who do not abuse their children. Since the significant distinguishing psychological variables usually involve unusual sensitivity to social stresses or a general deficiency in coping ability, a remedial program may attempt either psychotherapy of the individual or a general alleviation of the social stresses. The social approach offers a practical alternative to the cost and uncertainty of the psychotherapeutic approach.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (1.1) ◽  
pp. 213
Sheela Rani ◽  
Vuyyuru Tejaswi ◽  
Bonthu Rohitha ◽  
Bhimavarapu Akhil

Recognition of face has been turned out to be the most important and interesting area in research. A face recognition framework is a PC application that is apt for recognizing or confirming the presence of human face from a computerized picture, from the video frames etc. One of the approaches to do this is by matching the chosen facial features with the pictures in the database. It is normally utilized as a part of security frameworks and can be implemented in different biometrics, for example, unique finger impression or eye iris acknowledgment frameworks. A picture is a mix of edges. The curved line potions where the brightness of the image change intensely are known as edges. We utilize a similar idea in the field of face-detection, the force of facial colours are utilized as a consistent value. Face recognition includes examination of a picture with a database of stored faces keeping in mind the end goal to recognize the individual in the given input picture. The entire procedure covers in three phases face detection, feature extraction and recognition and different strategies are required according to the specified requirements.

2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (11) ◽  
pp. 94
Chun-Chang Lee ◽  
Cheng-Huang Tung ◽  
Yu-Heng Lee ◽  
Shu-Man You

<p>This study explores the factors that affect the incomes of real estate salespersons by applying hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) to investigate the incomes of real estate salespersons in Kaohsiung. A total of 510 questionnaires were distributed to large chain housing agencies, of which a total of 319 effective samples were retrieved from 54 branch stores, for an effective return rate of 62.55%. The empirical results showed that individual incomes vary significantly from store to store. About 4.8% of the variation in individual incomes was due to differences among different branch stores. The individual income of a real estate salesperson is also significantly affected by individual-level factors such as age, working hours, and working experience. The marginal impact of education level, age, working hours, and working experience on real estate salesperson income is moderated by the type of store at which the given salesperson works. In addition, a branch store’s location has a direct, significant, and positive impact on a real estate salesperson’s income.</p>

Anatolii MARTYNIUK ◽  

Introduction. The modern vocal pedagogy is based on the methodological principles of domestic and foreign vocal pedagogy, thorough study of the musical traditions of the Ukrainian people. The issue of preserving the traditions of Ukrainian vocal art and the use of innovative ideas in further development is extremely important. The comprehensive analysis of P.V.Holubev’s artistic and pedagogical activities allows to significantly expand the idea of the the artist' work an at the same time realize its importance for the Ukrainian musical art. The artist left great achievements in the history of the national vocal school, contributing to the process of its formation and development. The purpose of the article is highlighting of vocal pedagogy of the outstanding Ukrainian artist, Professor P.V. Holubev. The methods of analysis of musical and pedagogical activity of Kharkiv singer, teacher, Professor P. Holubev. Results. Pavlo Holubev’s vocal pedagogy has distinctive features. Under his guidance, students learned not only solo, but also ensemble and choral singing. The individual lessons with students had as their main goal the achievement of equality of voice sound and the detection of unique timbre color of the sound and the gradual expansion of the range of voice in the descending and ascending directions starting from the development of the middle register; formation of a diverse palette of sound filled with overtones; performing interpretation of vocal music. It is revealed that in P. Holubev’s vocal pedagogy the following main content lines are traced: development of vocal skills, abilities; the need to introduce them into the system of teaching vocal methodology, which is based on the scientific study of national and world experience of vocal pedagogy; synthesis and constant updating of vocal methods, which takes into account the student’s individual characteristics of the voice and creative talent. Originality. After analyzing the artistic and pedagogical activity of Professor P. Holubev we can define certain scientific approaches to educational process, namely: 1) axiological approach; 2) personality-oriented approach; 3) creative and activity approach. Conclusions. Thus, analyzing the musical and pedagogical activities of the outstanding singer, teacher, Professor P.V. Holubev, we can conclude that the features of his vocal pedagogy played an important role in the Kharkiv vocal school. Scientific study of the musical and pedagogical experience of P.V. Holubev became the basis of national and world vocal pedagogy.

2012 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-90
Elizabeta Mitreva

The education of the employees in each instance of a company comes along with a purpose to gain competence and experience in order to realize every business process according to the demands of the products/services, the legal obligation as well as the criteria of competitiveness. Furthermore, it is directly conjoined with the very act of foundation setting of the employees’ requests with a unique intention - to achieve quality, stressing the vital need to affiliate everyone in their own field. This analysis presents the research inputs which are being given in order to get a clear picture whether the Macedonian companies are eager to learn and stimulate both the individual and the collective learning in order to improve the results in general. According to the given results in the research, it is stated that the Macedonian companies do not pay much attention to quality. They are insufficiently concerned with the continuous education, which is evident in the small investments they make in regard to the innovations. Hence, the quality system has been built in a very small number of companies. The following model presented in this elaborate has been suggested for a more successful designing and implementation of the educational system as a subsystem of the house of quality. This methodology is integral and has a universal notion which is applicable to all types of companies and institutions as well. Without a conducted training about TQM (Total Quality Management) philosophy and a continued education provided firstly for the managers and further on for all of the employees, the TQM strategy could not be implemented in a satisfactory manner. Also, the benefits that come along with the quality system could not be visible as a result. Key words: educational subsystem, leadership, methodology, quality system, TQM strategy.

Shkamarda O.A.

Purpose. The purpose of the research is to analyze the speech behaviour of the participants of interaction in the Internet blog and to single out different lexical and stylistic resources of the personal positioning module realization in the global network.Methods. The material of the study is based on the written online messages taken from the personal blog “In Pursuit of Happiness” of the popular American writer and TED conference (a conference devoted to spreading ideas connected with technology, entertainment, and design) speaker Britt Reints. The presented article is grounded in the methodological principles of the communicative and user-based approaches to language and speech, which have been actively developing in linguistics in recent years. The applied methods of discourse analysis, conversational analysis, linguistic, and stylistic analysis revealed personal aspects of subjective positioning in the discourse of a personal Internet blog.Results. The article summarizes the data of modern scientific research on the interpretation of the stancetaking phenomenon and defines the stance concept. It has been established that stances are based on the personal characteristics of a discourse participant, his / her individual traits, beliefs, preferences, judgments and assessments of the events of the actual reality. Thus, the study proves that stance is a social phenomenon, which embraces two main interdependent and interrelated modules: personal and interactional. The first one (personal) manifests individual characteristics of the subjects of discursive activity, such as physical features, personal mindsets, cognition, specific needs and interests, spiritual and moral-volitional qualities; the second one (interactional) provides the coherent cooperation between the sender of the message and its recipient, synchronizing their linguistic world view with the aim of the correct perception and interpretation of each other's stances.Conclusions. The article traces stable correlations between the individual and personal characteristics of the speaker / author of the written message and his / her positions in the discourse of the English Internet blog. Different lexical and stylistic resources activating the personal module of stancetaking in the global network have been singled out on the basis of the analysis of the speech behavior of the participants of communication in the blogosphere.Key words: position of the subject of discursive activity, stance, personality, subject of discursive activity, personal module of stancetaking. Мета. Мета наукової розвідки – проаналізувати мовленнєву поведінку учасників інтеракції в інтернет-блозі та виявити засоби актуалізації індивідуально-особистісного модуля позиціювання у глобальній мережі.Методи. Матеріалом для нашого дослідження послугували фрагменти інтернет-повідомлень, вилучені з популярного англомовного авторського блогу “In Pursuit of Happiness” («У пошуку щастя»), авторкою якого є американська письменниця та спікерка конфереції TED (від англ. Technology, Entertainment, Design – Технології, Розваги, Дизайн, конференція, присвяче-на «ідеям вартим поширення») Бріт Рейнтс. Представлена праця ґрунтується на методологічних засадах комунікативно-діяль-нісного підходу до мови й мовлення, який активно розвивається у лінгвістиці останніх років. Застосовані методи дискурс-аналізу, конверсаційного та лінгвостилістичного аналізу дали змогу виявити та описати індивідуально-особистісні аспекти суб’єктного позиціювання в дискурсі персонального інтернет-блогу.Результати. У статті узагальнено дані сучасних наукових розвідок щодо трактування феномену позиціювання та визна-чено поняття «станс». Установлено, що позиція суб’єкта дискурсивної діяльності базується на ознаках учасника дискурсу як особистості, його / її індивідуальних характеристиках, особистих переконаннях, уподобаннях, судженнях та оцінках подій навколишньої дійсності. Таким чином, дослідження засвідчує, що станс – це явище публічне, яке має два основних взаємоза-лежні і взаємопов’язані модулі: 1) індивідуально-особистісний, в якому проявляються особистісні характеристики суб’єктів дискурсивної діяльності, а саме фізичні дані, особливості світосприйняття та мислення, специфічні потреби та інтереси, духо-вні та морально-вольові якості та 2) інтеракційний, який забезпечує органічну взаємодію адресанта й адресата, синхронізуючи їхні мовні картини світу для сприйняття та інтерпретації позицій один одного.Висновки. У статті простежено стійкі кореляції між індивідуально-особистісними характеристиками мовця / автора пись-мового повідомлення та його / її позиціями у дискурсі англомовного інтернет-блогу. На основі аналізу мовленнєвої поведінки учасників комунікативної взаємодії у блогосфері виокремлено лексико-стилістичні ресурси активізації особистісного модуля позиціювання в мережі інтернет.Ключові слова: позиція суб’єкта дискурсивної діяльності, станс, особистість, суб’єкт дискурсивної діяльності, особис-тісний модуль позиціювання.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-17
Filip Lorenz ◽  
Vit Janos ◽  
Dusan Teichmann ◽  
Michal Dorda

The article addresses creation of a mathematical model for a real problem regarding time coordination of periodic train connections operated on single-track lines. The individual train connections are dispatched with a predefined tact, and their arrivals at and departures to predefined railway stations (transfer nodes) need to be coordinated one another. In addition, because the train connections are operated on single-track lines, trains that pass each other in a predefined railway stations must be also coordinated. To optimize the process, mathematical programming methods are used. The presented article includes a mathematical model of the given task, and the proposed model is tested with real data. The calculation experiments were implemented using optimization software Xpress-IVE.

The concept of the individual erotic code of personality as one of the main determinants of the psychology of sexuality is analyzed in the article. The motives, aim and regulator of the given structure forming are found out. The peculiarities that influence on the changing of individual erotic code during the life are described. Such terms as «sexual archetype», «sexual scenario» and «individual erotic code»are differentiated. The plan of the psychotherapeutically session with the marriage couple while changing the individual erotic code of the couple or one of the spouse is characterized.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (87) ◽  
Myroslava Lohvynenko ◽  

The article is a study of the features of the individual’s communicative behavior, when implementing different social roles. By analyzing the concept of the social role and status, author puts forward the classification of the most frequent social roles represented by an individual in formal and informal communication situations (that of a father, lecturer, friend, colleague, employer, employee, consultant). The work is based on the number of studied and investigated dialogical fragments, where one character appears in different social roles and uses various language means. Having considered typical communicative situations, the author also singles out linguistic and extra-linguistic means which mark the changes of speaker’s social roles, namely: elevated, sarcastic, polite, sad, ironic, joyful, neutral, strict, humorous, angry, contemptuous, intrusive, friendly, confident and other tones as well as smile, frown and raised eyebrows, laugh, direct eye contact, pointing finger, pointing the hand etc. At the next stage of the analysis the author reveals the language means that mark the changes of the speaker's social roles as well as outlines the difficulties, connected with their translation into Ukrainian. Translation of the dialogical fragments was studied in order to find out types of rendition of the means that indicate realization of different social roles by the speaker. Non-verbal communication was also researched, aiming to find out correlation between the social role of the speaker and the means, used by the speaker, according to his social role. As a result, the paper presents the analysis of such means of translation as transliteration, transcription, antonymous, descriptive, and contextual tracing, literal types of translation as well as their dependence on the social role of the speaker. So the components of intercourse let communicative behavior of the individual to be comprehensively considered. Thereby, the results of the study, their representation in per cents, as well as examples of the communicative situations and their analysis, are represented in the following article.

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