scholarly journals The Factors Affecting The Incidence Of Hyperuricemia On The Rejang Tribe In Bengkulu

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-64
Jumiyati Jumiyati ◽  
Tetes Wahyu Witradharma

The Rejang tribe is partly living on the lowland and coastal coastline, the typical Rejang cooking tradition has been assimilated into the Minang and Malay cooking traditions. Malay people like to consume foods that are fatty, dining, oily and salty.  Fish, beef, shrimp and nuts have purine content of 9-100 mg of purin/100 g of foodstuffs.  One of the factors affecting hyperuricemia is the habit of consuming purine eating, it will result in gout disease. The purpose of this research is to determine the factors that influence the incidence of hyperuricemia on the Rejang tribe in Bengkulu. Design research is cross sectional. Rejang Group's research samples numbered 64 respondents. Data collected is the result of uric acid examination, gender, age, knowledge, consumption pattern, liquid consumption, BMI. The instruments used are questionnaires, eating consumption patterns using FFQ form, weight gained by weighing with digital scales. Data analysis using Chi-Square and multivariate tests using logistic regression test  

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 94
Chika Meidiana Amelia ◽  
Adhila Fayasari

Vegetables and fruit are generally food groups that are consumed by many people because many contains of benefits. Even though, in Indonesia consumption of vegetables and fruit still less than recommendation. The purpose of this research is to identify the factors affecting the consumption of vegetables and fruit adolescent at SMP NEGERI 238 Jakarta. This research uses design cross sectional and sampling using system random sampling that gets 107 students class VII, VIII, and IX in January 2020. The data obtained is based on the result of the questionnaire, form SQ-FFQ and Recall 24hour. Statistic data analysis used chi-square  and logistic regression test. The result of this study indicate that adolescent who consumed vegetables and fruit according to recommendations per day are 24,3%. Bivariate result indicate there were significant relationship between self efficacy (p = 0,034), availability vegetables and fruit (p = 0,048), parental influence (p = 0,032), and there is no significant relationship between knowledge (p= 0,063). Multivariate result indicate there were signification relationship between knowledge, self efficacy, availability vegetables and fruit, and parental influence to consumption of vegetables and fruit, with highest OR value 5,634 on parental influence.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 84
Gina Ganda Fitriana ◽  
Adhila Fayasari

Degenerative processes can decrease the endurance in elderly that leads to health problem such as gout. Gout is a metabolic disorder, which is indicated by an increase uric acid in bloodstream (hyperuricemia). Factors affecting high level of uric acid are purine intake, physical activity and nutritional status. The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between consumption pattern of purine source food, nutritional status and physical activity with uric acid level in elderly. The study design was cross sectional. The sample consisted of 100 subyekts at Puskesmas Kecamatan Makasar. The analytical used chi square. Patterns of food consumption of purine sources were measured using FFQ questionnaires which was then cut off into into 2 categories: low-moderate purine category with score <55 and high purine category with a score of ≥55 physical activity and nutritional status were measured using questionnaires, uric acid levels was obtained by looking at laboratory results or from patients' medical records. There was 10% of subyekts withlo- moderate uric acid levels and 90% of subyekts with high purine consumption pattern. Based on the results of chi square test there was a significant difference (p <0.05) between the consumption pattern of purine source food with normal uric acid and high uric acid. There was a relationship between consumption pattern of purine food source with uric acid level in elderly.

Acep Hamzah

Introduction: Dental caries are a disease that damages tissue caused by emial and dentine Demineralization especially school-age children generally caries due to high interest and become a favorite in consuming kariogenic food So that the consumption pattern of karyogenic foods is very high. The purpose of this research is to know the relationship of consumption patterns of karyogenic foods with dental carise. Method: Design research using descriptive analytic and cross sectional approach in 131 elementary school children with the technique of random sempling. Questionnaire to measure consumption patterns of karyogenic foods ie FFQ (food frequency questionnere) and dental caries test with DMF-T (Decay Missing Filled-Teeth). The analysis of this research uses the Chi-square test. Result: This study describes the high carcinogenic food consumption pattern of 77 respondents (58.8%), and children with dental caries of 33 respondents (61.1%). Describing the food consumption pattern of kariogenic foods with the incidence of dental caries on the children of SDN Rangkapan Jaya Baru Depok with results and P-value (0.000). Discussion : The pattern of consumption of cariogenic food with the incidence of dental caries in children at SDN X showed the majority of the pattern of consumption of high cariogenic food and children with dental caries. The results of the analysis show that there is a relationship between cariogenic food consumption patterns and the incidence of dental caries in children. In conclusion there was a relationship of kariogenic food consumption pattern with the incidence of dental caries.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 177-186
Ayu Aztuty Tanjung ◽  
Sudiro Sudiro ◽  
Sutopo Patria Jati

To improve health development in Jambi Province, it needs to be supported by qualified human resource that can improve performance of employees. The decrease in performance might be caused by no work satisfaction among them. One of the problems faced by Health Office of Jambi Province was decreasing a level of work satisfaction among employees from time to time. Promotion, equity in sharing either financial or non-financial incentive, and sharing tasks equally needed to be done in order improve their work satisfaction. The aim of this study was to figure out the influence of promotion, effectiveness in sharing tasks, and equity in sharing incentive towards work satisfaction of employees at the Health Office of Jambi Province. This was an observational study using cross-sectional approach. Number of population was 277 employees of the Health Office of Jambi Province. Meanwhile, number of samples was 74 persons. Data were collected using a questionnaire and analysed quantitatively using methods of univariate, bivariate (a Chi Square test), and multivariate (a Logistic Regression test). The results of this research showed that more than half of the respondents were satisfied (56.8%), had perception of balanced promotion (50%), had good effectiveness in sharing tasks (55.4%), and felt equal in sharing incentive (51.4%). There were any significant relationships between these three variables and work satisfaction of the employees. The results of multivariate analysis demonstrated that variables of promotion (p=0.015) and equity in sharing incentive (p=0.151) jointly influenced work satisfaction of the employees. As suggestions, employees need to pay more attention to the factors of promotion, effectiveness in sharing tasks, and equity in sharing incentive.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Fadli Fadli ◽  
Safruddin Safruddin ◽  
Andi Sastria Ahmad ◽  
Sumbara Sumbara ◽  
Rohandi Baharuddin

ABSTRAKTenaga kesehatan dalam melaksanakan tugas sebagai garda terdepan penanganan, pencegahan, dan perawatan pasien Covid-19 mengalami kecemasan karena disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor, salah satunya adalah ketersediaan alat pelindung diri. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang paling mempengaruhi kecemasan petugas kesehatan dalam pencegahan Covid-19. Penelitian kuantitatif mengunakan metode obsevasional analitik dengan rancangan cross-sectional ini dilakukan di tiga Rumah Sakit dan  sembilan Layanan Kesehatan pada bulan April 2020. Penentuan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan cluster random sampling dengan jumlah sampel 115 reponden. Uji pearson chi-square dilakukan untuk menilai hubungan antara kecemasan dan usia, jenis kelamin, status keluarga, kejujuran pasien, ketersediaan peralatan perlindungan pribadi, dan pengetahuan. Masing-masing variabel independen dievaluasi menggunakan analisis uji regresi logistik untuk menetukan variabel yang paling berpengaruh. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh usia (p=0.024); status keluarga (p=0.022); kejujuran pasien (p=0.034); ketersediaan alat pelindung diri (0.014); pengetahuan (p=0.030) terhadap kecemasan petugas. Dari hasil uji regresi logistik menunjukkan variabel ketersediaan alat pelindung diri yang paling berpengaruh terhadap kecemasan (r=0.517;CI=1.34-8.06), yang artinya ketersediaan alat pelindung memilliki pengaruh 51.7% terhadap kecemasan petugas kesehatan dalam upaya pencegahan Covid-19. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah harus memberikan perhatian yang sangat besar kepada petugas kesehatan yang berada digarda terdepan dalam pencegahan covid-19 terkait masalah kebutuhan alat pelindung diri sesuai protokol dari WHO. ABSTRACTHealth workers in carrying out their duties as the frontliners in handling, preventing and caring of COVID-19 patients experience anxiety caused by several factors and one of them is the availability of personal protective equipment (PPE). This study is conducted to determine some factors that mostly influence the anxiety of health workers in preventing of Covid-19. Quantitative research is used by analytical obsevational methods with cross-sectional design and is conducted in three Hospitals and nine Health Services in April 2020. Sampling techniques used cluster random sampling (n=115. Person          chi-square tests are conducted to assess the relationship between anxiety and age, family status, availability of personal protective equipment, and knowledge. Independent variable is evaluated using logistic regression test analysis to determine the most influential variable. The results of this study indicate that there are influences of age (p-value=0.024); family status (p-value=0.022); patient honesty (p-value=0.034); the availability of personal protective equipment (p-value=0.014); knowledge (p-value=0.030) on staffs’ anxiety. The logistic regression test result clarifies that the availability of personal protective equipment is the most influential on anxiety (r=0.517; CI=1.34-8.06), which means the availability of protective devices has a 51.7% influence on the anxiety of health workers in preventing of Covid-19. Therefore, the government must pay great attention to health workers who are at the frontliners in preventing covid-19 related to the problem of personal needs for personal protective equipment based on the protocol from WHO.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 30-40
Chairil Syadudin ◽  
Asyiah Simanjorang ◽  
Jamaludin Jamaludin ◽  
Lucia Lastiur

Work stress is caused by many factors from workplace, family, home, or environment. Excessive work stress will make someone anxious until developing excessive fatigue. Fatigue will decrease performance and increase work error rate that cause fatal workaccident.This study aimed to analyze influence of working stressors against nurses fatigue in patien room in haji hospital Medan. This study was quantitative method with a cross-sectional design, with a sample of 53 respondents. This study used questioners of the NIOSH Generic Job Stress Questionaire and Industrial Fatigue Research Committee which has been translated into Indonesian and has cheeked for validity and reliability. The results of the study regarding the influence  work fatigue and work stress (P-value 0,000, r : 1,000), the influence  workload and work fatigue (P-value 0,000, r : 1,000), the influence  interpersonal conflict and work fatigue (P-value 0,000, r : 1,000), the influence  job satisfaction and work fatigue (P-value 0,000, r : -0,588), the influence  social support and work fatigue (P-value 0,000, r : -0,892), and based on the logistic regression test workload were variables the most influential, with an odds ratio of 94,5. The conclusion shows that workload is a variable that has strong influence on fatigue. Nurses with heavy workload are 94,5 times more likely to experience fatigue. So that the hospital needs to monitor and evaluate the performances of the nurses so the workload can be fixed and adjusted with the right capacity and ability of the nurses in providing services

2018 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 179-187
Rustika Rustika ◽  
Esny Burase

Since 2014, the program to provide masks for Hajj pilgrims from Indonesia in Saudi Arabia as one of the efforts to prevent ISPA, continues to be increased in 2015 Ministry of Health Perform Movement Use Mask (GERMAS). Based on this case, this research focuses on the relationship of Knowledge and Attitude with Mask Usage Behavior among Prayer Hajj Indonesia in Saudi Arabia Year 2016 in preventing the incidence of Acute Respiratory Tract Infection. The design used is cross sectional with quantitative approach. The population in this study is all pilgrims who perform the pilgrimage, amounting to 168,800 people with a sample of 163 respondents. Data analysis techniques include univariate analysis, bivariate analysis with Chi-Square test, and multivariate analysis using multiple logistic regression test. The result of bivariate selection shows that the knowledge variable has no significant correlation with relationship p-value is 0.284 > 0.05. Where as attitude variable have relationship because p-value value 0.000 < 0.05. In multivariate analysis multiple logistic regression test showed that attitude variable which has the most dominant significance with the mask use on haj pilgrims with p-value 0.000 <0.05 and Odds Ratio 3.558. This means that attitude that does not support the use of masks has a 3 times chance of experiencing ISPA events. Abstrak Sejak tahun 2014 program pemberian masker bagi jemaah haji asal Indonesia di Arab Saudi sebagai salah satu upaya pencegahan ISPA, terus ditingkatkan pada tahun 2015 Kementerian Kesehatan melakukan Gerakan Memakai Masker (GERMAS). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat hubungan pengetahuan, sikap dengan tindakan penggunaan masker pada jemaah haji Indonesia. Desain yang digunakan cross sectional, dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian adalah seluruh jemaah haji yang melakukan ibadah haji sebanyak 168.800 jiwa, sampel adalah jemaah haji Indonesia yang berada di Mekkah dan Madinah sebanyak 163 responden. Teknik analisis data meliputi analisis univariat, analisis bivariat dengan uji Chi-Square, dan analisis multivariat dengan menggunakan uji regresi logistik berganda. Hasil seleksi bivariat menunjukkan bahwa variabel pengetahuan tidak memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dimana nilai p-value 0,284 > 0,05, sedangkan variabel sikap memiliki hubungan karena nilai p-value 0,000 < 0,05. Pada analisis multivariat uji regresi logistik berganda diperoleh bahwa variabel sikap yang memiliki signifikansi paling dominan dengan penggunaan masker pada jemaah haji atau nilai p-value 0,000 < 0,05 dan Odds Ratio 3,558, artinya sikap yang tidak mendukung penggunaan masker berpeluang sebesar 3 kali mengalami kejadian ISPA.

2012 ◽  
Vol 42 (2) ◽  
Arief Tjatur Prasetyo ◽  
Joseph Bambang Soemantri ◽  
Lukmantya Lukmantya

Background: Ear barotrauma is ear tissue damage resulted by the inability to equalize pressure in the middle ear space with the ambient pressure. The greatest relative change in pressure during diving,is near the surface. Ear barotrauma can occur when diving done without equalizing middle ear pressurewith proper procedures. Recurrent ear barotrauma in a long time period can use damage of elastic fibersrecoiling capacity of the tympanic membrane to be irreversible, so it can cause hearing loss. Suddenpressure changes in middle ear space, can be forwarded to the inner ear so it can cause inner eardamage, even deafness. Purpose: This study aims to determine the effect of depth and diving durationto hearing threshold in the traditional divers (divers with diving air compressor tools), who experienced ear barotrauma, and to know the incidence of ear barotrauma. Method: This was an observational analytic study with cross sectional data collection. Data analysis used the cross table, ChiSquare(X2), Spearman correlation and logistic regression test. Result: On October 8 - December 18, 2011 has been conducted a study in traditional divers. 24 samples from 74 population were found. 50 persons with noear barotrauma founds no significant statistic differences with characteristic samples. The results ofChi - Square and Spearman correlationthe showed p=0.350, p=0.382 and p=0.372, p=0.281, which are>a(0.05). The result of logistic regression test showed significancy values were 0.771 and 0.610, whichwere >a(0.05). Ear barotrauma incidence is 32.4%. Conclusion: There is no significant effect of depthand duration of diving to hearing threshold in the traditional divers who experienced ear barotrauma.Ear barotrauma incidence is 32.4%. Keywords:  ear barotrauma, diving depth, diving duration, hearing threshold. Abstrak :  Latar belakang: Barotrauma telinga adalah kerusakan jaringan telinga akibat ketidak-mampuanmenyamakan tekanan ruang telinga tengah dengan lingkungan. Perubahan tekanan relatif terbesar selamamenyelam terdapat di dekat permukaan. Barotrauma telinga dapat terjadi apabila penyelaman tanpamelaksanakan ekualisasi tekanan telinga tengah dengan cara yang benar. Barotrauma telinga berulangdalam periode lama dapat menyebabkan gangguan kapasitas recoiling serabut elastis membran timpanimenjadi irreversible, sehingga dapat menyebabkan gangguan pendengaran. Perubahan tekanan mendadakdi ruang telinga tengah dapat diteruskan ke telinga dalam sehingga dapat menyebabkan kerusakan telingadalam, bahkan ketulian. Tujuan: Mengetahui pengaruh kedalaman dan lama menyelam terhadap perubahanpendengaran pada penyelam tradisional (penyelam dengan alat bantu selam kompresor udara) yangmengalami barotrauma telinga, serta angka kejadian barotrauma telinga. Metode: Merupakan penelitianobservasional analitik, dengan pengambilan data secara cross sectional. Analisis data menggunakan tabelsilang, uji Chi-Square (X), korelasi Spearman dan regresi logistik. Hasil: Pada Oktober - Desember 2011telah dilakukan penelitian pada penyelam tradisional. Didapatkan 24 sampel dari 74 populasi. Terdapat50 orang tidak mengalami barotrauma telinga, yang tidak terdapat perbedaan statistik signifikan dengankarakteristik sampel. Hasil uji Chi-Square dan korelasi Spearman menunjukkan nilai p=0,350, p=0,382, danp=0,372, p=0,281, yang >a(0,05). Uji regresi logistik menunjukan nilai signifikansi 0,771 dan 0,610, yang>a(0,05). Angka kejadian barotrauma telinga sebesar 32,4%. Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat pengaruh yangsignifikan kedalaman dan lama menyelam terhadap perubahan pendengaran pada penyelam tradisionalyang mengalami barotrauma telinga. Angka kejadian barotrauma telinga sebesar 32,4%.2 Kata kunci: barotrauma telinga, kedalaman menyelam, lama menyelam, ambang dengar

2005 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 8
Kusumawati M ◽  
BM Wara Kushartanti ◽  
Mochammad Noerhadi

Background: Low cardiorespiratory endurance will decrease the speed and skill in playing soccer. Good cardiorespiratory endurance is important factor in exercise and competition to reach the optimal achievement of the PS. Semen Padang soccer team players. Protein and Fe constitute a supporting factor in forming hemoglobin which is needed for increasing the cardiorespiratory endurance.Objective: This study was aimed at fi nding out the correlation between protein and Fe consumption patterns with the cardiorespiratory endurance of Semen Padang soccer team players in 2003.Methods: This was cross-sectional design of 23 PS. Semen Padang soccer team players. The variables were protein and Fe consumption patterns, hemoglobin concentration and cardiorespiratory endurance. The analysis method was regression Chi-square, multiple linier, and partial correlation.Results: There was no correlation between protein (p=0,683) and Fe (p=0,168) consumption patterns with hemoglobin concentration; there was correlation between hemoglobin concentration with the cardiorespiratory endurance (p=0,022); there was no correlation between protein consumption pattern (p=0,395) with the cardiorespiratory endurance; there was significant correlation between Fe consumption pattern with the cardiorespiratory endurance (p=0,009).Conclusion: Protein and Fe consumption patterns infl uenced the cardiorespiratory endurance athlete PS.Semen Padang through hemoglobin rate cause of hemoglobin rate have signifycant relation with the cardiorespiratory endurance.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 371
Lisa Agustina ◽  
Linda T. Maas ◽  
Zulfendri Zulfendri

<p><em><em>Obesity in children has become a global health problem throughout the world, either in the developed and developing countries. As for the prevalence of obesity in children is continuously increasing each year so that it becomes serious, complicated, and multicultural health problem. Children who are overweight and obese tend to remain obese when adults  and are likely to develop non-communicable diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease at a younger (WHO, 2012). The objective of the research was to analyze the risk factor for the incidence of obesity in 9-12 year-old children at Harapan 1 Elementary School, Medan, in 2018. The research used analytic method with cross-sectional study with 59 samples. The sampling method was proportional random sampling. The data were gathered by conducting interviews, questionnaires, and direct observation and analyzed by using Chi-Square test and logistic regression test with an SPSS 24. The result of the research showed that 54.2% of the respondents were obese, and 45.8% of the respondents were not with the significant correlation of p=0.05. The risk factors of the incidence of obesity in school-aged children were   eating behavior (p=0.003 &lt; 0.05), physical activity (p=0.008 &lt; 0.05), exposure to television advertisements (p=0.015 &lt; 0.05), and pocket money (p=0.0001 &lt; 0.05). The result of logistic regression test showed that the variable which had the most dominant influence on the incidence of obesity was pocket money at Exp (β)=25.200. The variables of eating behavior, physical activity, exposure to television advertisements, and pocket money had the influence of 80.5% on the incidence of obesity. It is recommended that the school to monitor nutritional status of children through UKS (School Health Unit) in early detection of obesity</em></em></p><p><em><br /></em></p><p><em>Obesitas pada anak telah menjadi masalah kesehatan global di seluruh dunia, baik di negara maju maupun negara berkembang. Adapun prevalensi obesitas pada anak terus meningkat dari tahun ke tahun, sehingga obesitas pada anak menjadi salah satu tantangan paling serius di bidang kesehatan masyarakat. Masalah obesitas pada anak merupakan masalah yang kompleks dengan penyebab multifaktorial. Anak yang mengalami overweight dan obesitas cenderung tetap mengalami obesitas ketika dewasa dan kemungkinan akan berkembang menjadi penyakit tidak menular, seperti diabetes dan penyakit kardiovaskular pada usia yang lebih muda (WHO, 2012). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis faktor perilaku berisiko terhadap kejadian obesitas pada anak usia 9 – 12 tahun di SD Harapan 1 Medan tahun 2018. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik menggunakan desain cross sectional dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 59 responden. Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah Proportional random sampling. Data dikumpulkan dengan wawancara menggunakan kuesioner dan observasi langsung. Analisis data dilakukan dengan uji Chi-Square dan uji Regresi Logistik Berganda menggunakan Software SPSS 24. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan responden yang mengalami obesitas sebanyak 54,2% dan sebanyak 45,8% responden yang tidak mengalami obesitas. Faktor yang secara bermakna berhubungan (p&lt;0,05) dan menjadi faktor risiko terjadinya obesitas pada anak usia sekolah adalah kebiasaan makan p (0,003 &lt;0,05), aktivitas fisik p (0,008 &lt;0,05), paparan iklan televisi p (0,015 &lt;0,05),  dan uang jajan p (0,0001 &lt;0,05). Hasil uji regresi logistik berganda diperoleh variabel yang paling dominan mempengaruhi kejadian obesitas adalah uang jajan dengan nilai Exp(B)= 25,200. Kebiasaan makan, aktivitas fisik, paparan iklan televisi dan uang jajan mempunyai pengaruh sebesar 80,5% terhadap kejadian obesitas. Selanjutnya, diharapkan pihak sekolah untuk memonitoring pertumbuhan dan perkembangan status gizi anak sekolah melalui Usaha Kesehatan Sekolah (UKS) yang telah ada sehingga dapat mendeteksi adanya obesitas sejak dini</em></p>

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