2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (193) ◽  
pp. 218-224
Nadiya Ivanenko ◽  

The research focuses on the study of the actualization of the concept MARRIAGE in the context of the linguocognitive and linguocultural paradigm. The article analyzes the means of modeling the concept MARRIAGE in the British language picture of the world, its content, structure and cognitive interpretation. The concept-cognitive MARRIAGE is considered in the direction of anthropocentrism with consideration of modern achievements of cognitive linguistics, and also the place of this concept in construction of the British national picture of the world is defined. In the English language tradition, this social phenomenon is expressed through the lexical-semantic field of the concept MARRIAGE. The composition of other basic concepts of linguistic consciousness largely depends on the concept MARRIAGE. The article presents the results of etymological analysis. It plays a big role in determining the typology of culture and the need for this analysis helps to establish the source of origin of the conceptualizer. The analysis of dictionary definitions made it possible to investigate all the meanings of lexical units of the outlined nominative field. This allowed us to understand the nature and types of semantic structure of words that belong to different semantic groups and semasiological subclasses, as well as to look at the epidemiological relations of the key. In order to describe the complex structure of the organization of a multi-valued keyword, the notion of lexical-semantic variant is used. Basic characteristics of the concept MARRIAGE are possible to be found in the dictionary definitions and the complex structure of the concept is defined as a field structure, that is: denotative central content with semantic nucleus, peripherality and connotative surrounding.

Елена Юрьевна Белозёрова

Введение. Проведен анализ 475 современных фразеологических единиц, которые способствуют формированию фразеологической картины мира. Рассматривается взаимосвязь семантики и формы фразеологических единиц, обусловленной ситуацией общения. Фразеология языка как часть языковой картины мира входит в рамки исследования когнитивной лингвистики. Цель статьи – выявить и описать современные фразеологические единицы как пример иносказательного выражения в процессе коммуникации для достижения определенных когнитивных целей. Материал и методы. Материалом исследования послужили современные художественные тексты (Under My Skin, The Door That Led To Where, End Game, Liccle Bit, The Art of Being Normal, 2015 г.). Примеры были получены при прочтении художественной прозы современных британских авторов (J. Dawson, S. Gardner, A. Gibbons, A. Wheatle, L. Williamson) методом сплошной выборки. Результаты и обсуждение. Проведенный анализ позволил рассмотреть когнитивный аспект фразеологических единиц. Установлено, что широкий подход к изучению фразеологии расширяет границы фразеологического учения и позволяет рассмотреть больше структурно-семантических форм фразеологических единиц. Рассмотрены и проанализированы следующие современные фразеологические единицы: фразеологизмы, дериваты фразеологизмов и авторские образования. Семантические особенности дериватов фразеологизмов и авторских образований анализируются в рамках современной фразеологии английского языка. Показано, что структурная сложность фразеологизма основывается на когнитивном аспекте его семантической структуры. Заключение. Проведенный анализ позволил выявить структурный диапазон фразеологизмов и рассмотреть их преобразовательные процессы согласно семантики и ситуативного употребления. Исследование показывает, что модификация фразеологических структур и введение в употребление новых оборотов идиоматического характера (дериватов фразеологизмов и авторских образований) обусловлены лингвокультурными потребностями в выражении социума. Все анализируемые современные фразеологические единицы английского языка рассматриваются как оперативные единицы мышления настоящего времени и являются средством отражения языковой картины в целом. Языковая картина мира представляется отражением внешнего и внутреннего мира человека, его мышлением и речью. Современная фразеология английского языка отражает изменения человеческого осмысления, понимания и интерпретации внешнего мира. Фразеологическая единица имеет сложную структуру и относится к особой лингвистической категории, что обусловливает повышение интереса когнитивного исследования. Таким образом, изучение фразеологии на настоящем этапе следует фокусировать на соотношении: фразеологическая единица – значение – употребление. Introduction. The given analysis is about 475 modern phraseological units that contribute to the formation of the phraseological picture of the world. The study examines the relationship of semantics and the form of phraseological units, due to the situation of communication. The phraseology of a language as part of the linguistic picture of the world is included in the framework of the study of cognitive linguistics. Aim. This study is aimed at identifying and describing modern phraseological units, as an example of allegorical expression in the communication process to achieve certain cognitive goals. Material and methods. The presented empirical material in the article is an actual selection from a modern literary text (Under My Skin, The Door That Led To Where, End Game, Liccle Bit, The Art of Being Normal – 2015 publication). Examples were obtained by reading fiction of modern British authors (J. Dawson, S. Gardner, A. Gibbons, A. Wheatle, L. Williamson), by the method of continuous sampling. Results and discussion. The analysis allowed us to consider the cognitive aspect of phraseological units. It is established that a broad approach to the study of phraseology expands the boundaries of phraseological doctrine and allows you to consider more structural and semantic forms of phraseological units. The following modern phraseological units are considered and analyzed in the article: phraseological units, phraseological units derivatives and author formations. The semantic features of derivatives of phraseological units and copyright formations are analyzed in the framework of modern phraseology of the English language. It is shown that the structural complexity of phraseology is based on the cognitive aspect of its semantic structure. Conclusion. The analysis made it possible to identify the structural range of phraseological units and consider their transformative processes according to semantics and situational use. The study shows that the modification of phraseological structures and the introduction of new idiomatic phrases (derivatives of phraseological units and author’s idiomatic expressions) are due to linguistic and cultural needs in the expression of society. All analyzed modern phraseological units of the English language are considered as operational units of thinking of the present time and are a means of reflecting the linguistic picture as a whole. The linguistic picture of the world is a reflection of the external and internal world of a person, his thinking and speech. The modern phraseology of the English language reflects changes in human comprehension, understanding and interpretation of the outside world. The phraseological unit has a complex structure and belongs to a special linguistic category, which leads to an increase in the interest of cognitive research. Thus, the study of phraseology at this stage should be focused on the phraseological unit, its meaning and its usage.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (16) ◽  
pp. 40-47
O. V. Minenko ◽  
Y. S. Snisarenko

The article deals with the semantics of lexical units of unrelated languages. Problems of studying the lexical level of related and unrelated languages are of particular interest, since the specificity of the national language systems is the most clearly reflected in the lexis. The study of common and different structural semantic features makes it possible to disclose the peculiarity of the native language and culture on the background of language contacts. The studied language systems belong to different types, and the comparison of languages of different types without regard to their genetic links is the greatest value for any research, since it contributes significantly to the correct understanding of the significance of the analyzed speech phenomena. The subject of the analysis is lexemes of socio-political meaning in the Ukrainian and English languages. The study of socio-political lexis is of considerable interest to linguistics, because it reflects one of the most important spheres of life of modern society – political. The study of such an active lexical category as socio-political lexis, contributes to the understanding of language phenomena, due to the evolution of the semantics of lexical units. Socio-political lexis is characterized by blurring of its boundaries, semantic dispersion and sphere of usage. In order to systematize the linguistic material, the lexical-semantic field of the studied lexical units was identified – “Political activity”, within which an anаlysis of the dynamic prosesses in the socio-political lexis was carried out in their correlation with the factors of a social nature. The peculiarity of the lexical-semantic field is that it is allocated on the basis of the logical division of the broad concept, but at the same time it is the actual linguistic division of the man’s representations of objective reality. The field approach to the organization of the vocabulary is one of the main principles of systematization of linguistic phenomena, through which the relationship, interdependence and hierarchy of linguistic units are revealed. This makes it possible to study not separate lexemes, but systems of lexical units and the reflection of their semantic links. Lexical-semantic fields are highly organized and intergrated conceptual spheres, elements of which are mutually delimiting one another, and their importance derives from the system as a whole. Each field analyzes the scope of experience, concrete or abstract; divided and classified in a unique way, reflecting a scale of values of society and a special vision of the world. As a result of the study of structural-semantic features of the lexical-semantic field “Political activity”, it became known that in English it is represented by larger number of lexical units. This advantage can be explained by the greater stability of the British political system in comparison with the Ukrainian. The presence in the lexical vocabulary of the English language of a greater number of borrowed lexical units with political meaning can be explained by the fact that Great Britain has more economic and political contacts with other countries of the world than Ukraine.

Omurbaeva Gulzat

Abstarct: The article is devoted to the analysis of the concept of "justice" in the novel “Arhat” by K. Akmatov which was later translated into English by Elizabeth Adams. The verbal representation of this concept is presented in terms of nucleus and periphery level. A comparison of these means makes it possible to identify similarities and differences in the consciousness of the collective and the individual. The examples for the analysis were selected from both original and translated texts. Along with study of the language picture of the world , the concept “justice” will be studied from linguacultural point of view and lexical semantic field will be revealed . Key words: concept, language picture of the world ,cognitive linguistics, lexical se- mantic field, nucleus and periphery. Аннотация: Бул макала Елизабет Адамс англис тилине которгон К. Акматовдун "Архат" романындагы "адилеттүүлүк" түшүнүгүн талдоого багытталган. Бул концепттин түпкү жана тектеш сөздөр менен сүрөттөлүп берилүү өзгөчөлүгү каралды. Аларды салыштыруунун негизинде жамааттык жана жеке аң-сезимдин окшоштуктары менен айырмачылыктары аныкталды.Талдоо жүргүзүү үчүн мисалдар чыгарманын кыргыз тилиндеги жана англис тилине которулган басылмаларынан тандалып алынды. Дүйнөнүн тилдик бейнесин чагылдыруу менен бирге лингва-маданий изилдөөнүн алкагында"адилеттуулук"концептинин лексикалык-семантикалык талаасы аныкталды. Түйүндүү сөздөр: концепт, дүйнөнүн тилдик бейнеси, когнитивдик лингвистика, лексикалык семантикалыкталаа, түпкү жана тектеш сөздөр. Аннотация: Статья посвящена анализу концепта "справедливость" в произведении К. Акматова “Архат”, переведенная на английский язык Елизабетом Адамс. Вербальная репрезентация данных концептов представлена на уровне ядерно-периферийного описания. Сравнение этих средств позволяет выявить сходство и различие в сознании коллектива и индивидуума. Примеры для анализа были выбраны из исходного и переведенного текстов. Наряду с изучением языковой картины мира, концепт "справедливость" будет рассмотрен в рамках лингвокультурного аспекта и будет выявлено его лексико-семантическое поле. Ключевые слова: концепт, языковая картина мира, когнитивная лингвистика, лексико-семантическое поле, ядро и периферия.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (25) ◽  
pp. 180-186
Svetlana A. Blinova ◽  

The purpose of this article is to describe the verbs of interpersonal interaction with the semantics of mental influence in the English language and to consider the criteria for semantic classification, on the basis of which the selected verbs can be grouped. There is a large number of works devoted to the study of lexico-semantic, pragmatic, morphological and other features of individual subgroups of interpersonal interaction verbs (in particular, compulsion verbs, verbs of speech influence, etc.), however, no attempt has yet been made to identify, study and classify a group of interpersonal interaction verbs with the semantics of mental influence. The material of the study is dictionary definitions from the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English and Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture, as well as examples from the National British Corpus. The study describes in detail the procedure for selecting verbs of interpersonal interaction with the semantics of mental influence, identifies the features that are integral for this group of verbs, as well as the criteria for semantic classification, on the basis of which the selected verbs were divided into subgroups. Verbs of mental influence have a complex semantic structure. The signs «interpersonal interaction» and «impact on the object» are integral for the studied group of verbs. The sign of intentionality is not integral, but it is included in the semantic structure of most verbs of this group. In addition, the semantic structure of verbs of mental effects shows thatthe classification of verbs in this group may be an indication of the impact on a particular area of the psyche which indicates the correlation of the meanings of mental influence verbs with the findings of modern psychological theory

2019 ◽  
Vol 61 (2) ◽  
pp. 61-72
Joanna Jurewicz

Abstract The aim of this paper is to address the problem of the polysemy of Sanskrit words using the example of the meanings of the word vána used in the Ṛgveda (“a tree, wood, forest, fire drill, vessel for Soma, water and material of the world”). I will show that the methodology of cognitive linguistics is very useful to analyse the rational background of polysemy and its conceptual consistency. The basis for my analysis is three assumptions accepted in cognitive linguistics: 1. the meaning of words reflects thinking about the designate; 2. thinking is motivated by experience and cultural beliefs; 3. the associations between semantic aspects of the word can be modelled as conceptual metonymy, conceptual metaphor and conceptual blending. On the basis of these assumptions, I will reconstruct the semantic structure of the word vána. It is a radial category, the centre of which is constituted by its most literal meaning, “tree”, and its metonymic extensions, i.e. wood and forest. The meanings of things made of wood (i.e. fire drill and vessel) are also close to the central meaning and are metonymic extensions. The meanings of water and the material of the world are metaphoric extensions of the central meaning and more peripheral. They are based on cultural beliefs and models shared by the Ṛgvedic poets. I will also argue that the Ṛgvedic poets consciously shaped the semantics of the word vána by using it in contexts which forced the recipient to activate its less literal meanings. Thus they could create a general concept of the hiding place of desirable goods, such as fire, Soma, the sun, and the world.

V. V. Greshchuk

The article analyzes the linguistic picture of the world of Hutsuls in the segment of the dialectal lexeme wuiko through the prism of the Ukrainian fictionlanguage. The author of the article in the methodology of the study of the world language picture proceeds from the position that the modeling of the world's linguistic picture by lexical means is carried out primarily in the lexical-semantic structure of words. Information about the world is structured by lexical meanings by discretization of knowledge, their objectification and interpretation. When it comes to the linguistic picture of the world of a particular ethnographic group, it is necessary to take into account that its linguistic picture of the world is formed and manifested in the linguistic units, the overwhelming part of which coincides with the normative standard of the literary language, while the other part is characterized by differences that are characteristic only of the corresponding dialect or else the adjacent dialects that do not have a national distribution range. Dialect words perform special functions of nominating such realities of extra-ordinary reality, which in the language to which this dialect belongs does not have one-word nominative means. In the Ukrainian belletristic language, lexical dialectism wuiko (uncle) functions in the Hutsul dialect as a multi-valued construction, in which the segment of the linguistic picture of the world is embodied, defined by the different lexical meanings of the word, in particular: 1) “the mother or father's brother”; 2) “aunt’s husband”; 3) “adult or senior man in general”; 4) “bear”; 5) fig. “awkward, clumsy man”. Dialecticism wuiko (uncle) also reveals a certain derivational activity, which also indicates its significance in the formation of the linguistic picture of the world of Hutsuls. Ukrainian belletristic texts model Hutsul's linguistic picture of the world in the segment of dialecticism wuiko (uncle) more abundantly than the Hutsul dialect dictionaries, which do not capture the lexical-semantic variants of ‘aunt's husband’ and ‘awkward, clumsy man’.

2021 ◽  
pp. 31-45
Mariya A.  Zakharova ◽  
Ekaterina A.  Isakovich ◽  

The paper presents the results of comparative analysis of the semantic structure of the lexemes suit and suite as intralingual cognates. The development of the main semantic clusters constituting the semanteme of suit are considered. The archisemes ‘feudal law’, ‘pursuit; prosecution, legal process’, ʻfollowing, train, suiteʼ and ʻset, seriesʼ that define the contemporary structure of the semanteme are considered on the basis of lexicographic material. The meanings that constitute the semanteme of suite are studied. The archisemes ‘set’ and ‘succession’ that determine further semantic derivation in the semanteme of suite have been identified in the course of analysis of the dictionary definitions and contextual uses of the lexeme. Lexicographic analysis of the material enabled to conclude that there was redistribution of particular word meanings between the semantemes of the earlier borrowing (suit) and the later one (suite), which in turn determined the course of further semantic development of the lexemes. The paper also considers some cases of inclusion of suite in particular systems of technical lexis. A possible course of further semantic derivation of the lexeme has been outlined.

Neophilology ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 25-32
Meng Wu

We consider the problem of language and concept in the framework of cognitive linguistics. The purpose of the work is to identify the mental differences in the conceptualization of the concept BEAR in the linguistic consciousness of the Russian and Chinese people. We present an approach according to which dictionary definitions are considered as a language representative of a concept called a dictionary word. The dictionary is considered as a collection of our knowledge about the world, which was formed as a result of its conceptualization and categorization. We compare different aspects of the lexeme BEAR in the “Dictionary of the Russian Language” (MAS) edited by A.P. Evgenyeva and the “Xinhua Zidian” edited by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences: interpretation of the word, its illustrative materials, including phraseological units. In the study of a foreign language, reliance on dictionary definitions allows us to use lexicographic representation of concepts as one of the active and initial methods for understanding and perceiving national mentality.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (193) ◽  
pp. 133-139
Olena Shevchenko ◽  

The features of verbalization and structuring of the concept war on the material of the artistic discourse in English language culture are revealed in the article. It is found out how the conceptualization has led to its development. At the beginning of the 20th century, international relations have dramatically changed in the world. There is a risk that people of different worldviews may interpret certain military notions (in particular the linguocultural concept WAR) otherwise. The solution of this complex problem of ambiguity must be sought in the etymology of the linguocultural concept WAR and its lexical field. The concept of WAR is vividly expressed in the English-language picture of the world, and its expression has a deep national and cultural specificity. Subject-image, conceptual and value components can be distinguished in the structure of this concept. The semantic field of the WAR concept consists of the kernel (the "State of Armed Conflict" microfield) and the semantic periphery objectified by the "Situation of Antagonism" and "Art of War" microfields. The main lexical verbalizers of the WAR concept were also identified. These include the war token itself, as well as the corresponding synonymous tokens and lexical associations. A new understanding of the concept of WAR is observed within the English-language artistic and journalistic discourses, which is realized in the system of conceptual metaphors. The concept war in the artistic discourse of participants is a multidimensional mental formation, very complex, encompassing radically opposite meanings. It is clear that the sense of the concept includes components that are associated with death, agitation, pain, horror, depression and more. At the same time the structure of the concept includes extremely positive meanings that can be verbalized in such words as life, love, honesty, help, heroism. For each war, it carries something personal, but always war is when the heart aches.

Dmytro Bihunov ◽  
Svitozara Bihunova ◽  
Kateryna Tretiakova

Borrowings enrich the English language during the whole history of its development and the extent of borrowings in the lexico-graphic stock of the language is rather big. In its turn, the English phraseological stock is characterised by the great number of Romance elements due to the certain historical conditions of the development of Great Britain. But despite the fact that phraseological units are highly informative units which keep the knowledge and experience of different nations, the problem of the borrowed phraseological units remains an unstudied sphere within the cognitive linguistics. As the problem of the phraseological borrowing has not been examined properly in the linguistic literature, the article deals with English phraseological units of Latin and French origin with component “wildlife”. The authors have singled out English phraseological units with wildlife components. Then the etymological investigation of the borrowed phraseological units has been conducted. Also an attempt has been made to analyze the inner form of the wildlife component in English phraseological units of Latin and French origin. It has been noticed that they contain the human knowledge of the world and the role of people in it. Besides, the similarity of the images and associations, connected with the investigated wildlife component, is caused by rather identical cognition of the world around – the world of nature.

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