2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
Sultan Sultan

ABSTRAK : Penilaian ini berisi proses pembelajaran IPS pada siswa kelas VI yang dilakukan di SD Negeri 18 Kendari. Tujuan dan karya tulis ini, adalah membuktikanbahwa kegiatan bermain dan membuat display dapat memberikan keberhasilan pada proses pembelajaran siswa dalam rangka pencapaian mastery learning. Dalam penelitian ini penulis melibatkan 12 siswa kelas VI yang ada di SD Negeri 18 Kendari yaitu siswa kelas VI untuk tahun pelajaran 2014/2015. Alat penilaian yang digunakan berbentuk tes dan non tes. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam tiga siklus. Antara lain siklus I, siklus II dan siklus III merupakan rangkaian kegiatan yang saling berkaitan. Faktor yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini adalah proses pembelajaran siswa yakni mengamati kelancaran pembelajaran, suasana dan aktivitas pembelajaran serta hasil belajar siswa. Rubrik penilaian dilakukan pada saat siswa terlibat dalam kegiatan kelompok ketiga membuat display dan melakukan permainan. Rubrik bertujuan untuk melihat keterampilan-keterampilan yang diharapkan pada paradigma pembelajaran dalam pedoman KTSP yaitu,1) learning to know, 2) Learning to do, 3) leraning to be, dan 4) learning to live togather telah dicapai oleh siswa. Perbandingan hasil pre-test, siklus I, siklus II, dan siklus III, serta rubrik penilaian saat pembuatan display dan permainan menunjukan bahwa keterampilan yang diharapkan dari setiap kriteria penilaian dapat dilalui dengan nilai yang baik oleh semua kelompok. Meskipun penilaian rubrik dilakukan dalam kelompok, namun keterampilan itu tetap menjadi tanggung jawab setiap individu siswa. Hal penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa penerapan tehnik permainan dan display dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar IPS karena suasana belajar dirasakan menyenangkan dan siswa lebih aktif menyelesaikan tugas serta terjadi peningkatan prestasi belajar. Kata Kunci: Aktivitas, Prestasi Belajar, STADABSTRACT: This assessment contains the social studies learning process for grade VI students conducted at SD Negeri 18 Kendari. The purpose and this paper, is to prove that playing activities and making displays can provide success in the learning process of students in order to achieve mastery learning. In this study the authors involved 12 grade VI students in 18 Public Elementary School Kendari, namely grade VI students for the 2014/2015 school year. Assessment tools used in the form of tests and non-tests. This research was conducted in three cycles. Among other cycles I, cycle II and cycle III is a series of interrelated activities. The factors examined in this study were the students' learning processes, namely observing the smooth learning, the atmosphere and learning activities and student learning outcomes. The assessment rubric is done when students are involved in third group activities making displays and playing games. The rubric aims to look at the skills expected in the learning paradigm in the SBC guidelines, namely, 1) learning to know, 2) learning to do, 3) learning to be, and 4) learning to live togather has been achieved by students. Comparison of pre-test results, cycle I, cycle II, and cycle III, as well as the assessment rubric when making displays and games shows that the skills expected from each assessment criteria can be passed with good grades by all groups. Although the rubric assessment is done in groups, the skill remains the responsibility of each individual student. This study shows that the application of game and display techniques can improve social studies learning outcomes because the learning atmosphere is felt to be fun and students are more active in completing assignments and there is an increase in learning achievement. Keywords: Activities, Learning Achievement, STAD

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Silvani Montol

This study aims to improve social studies learning outcomes in fifth grade students of Inpres 4/82 elementary school Walian through the Implementation of the Student Teams Achievement Divission Model. This study uses a classroom action research method consisting of 4 stages: planning, implementing / acting, observing and reflecting. Then to determine student learning outcomes can be calculated using the mastery learning formula. The results obtained in the first cycle reached 65.4% while in the second cycle the results obtained reached 87.8%. Thus it can be concluded that by applying the Student Achievement Achievement Divission model can improve the social learning outcomes of fifth grade students of SD Inpres 4/82 Walian..

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-94
Parlan -

Abstrakujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan proses pembelajaran, mengetahui peningkatan prestasi siswa, dan mendeskripsikan perubahan perilaku siswa dalam pembelajaran PKn melalui tugas proyek berbantuan website. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam 2 Siklus dengan subjek siswa kelas IV SD Negeri Gegunung Kulon, Kabupaten Rembang, semester 2 tahun pelajaran 2014/2015. Data penelitian dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif komparatif, membandingkan proses dan hasil belajar antara praSiklus, Siklus I dan Siklus II. Hasil penelitian yang dilaksanakan 2 Siklus menunjukkan peningkatan aktivitas siswa sampai 86 persen baik. Hasil belajar siswa juga meningkat ditandai Siklus I nilai rata-rata kelas 67,86 dan ketuntasan mencapai 57 persen. Siklus II nilai rata-rata kelas 78,57 dan ketuntasan 86 persen. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah aktivitas dan hasil belajar siswa meningkat dalam mengikuti pembelajaran serta ada perubahan perilaku siswa untuk mengikuti pembelajaran PKn melalui tugas proyek berbantuan website yang semula pasif menjadi lebih aktif. Semua siswa berminat dalam melaksakanan tugas dan memperoleh pengalaman yang menyenangkan dalam menjelajah website atau internet. AbstractThe objective of this research was to describe learning process, to know how students’ learning achievement improve, and to describe the change of student behavior on civics learning through website-assisted project task. The research was done through two cycles, with grade IV students in SD Negeri Gegunung Kulon throughout the second semester of school year 2014/2015 as the subject. Research data analysis was done using descriptive comparative method, comparing the learning process and result between pra-cycle, first cycle and second cycle. The result showed positive increase of students’ activities as much as 86 percent. The improvement of students’ learning achievement in cycle I could be seen by the class average grade of 67,86 and mastery learning of 57 percent, while in cycle II the class average grade was 78,57 and mastery learning of 86 percent. The conclusion was that students’ learning activities and achievement improved and there was also a changing in students’ behavior in learning civics through website-assisted project task, from passive learning to active learning. Every student showed interest in doing the project and gaining enjoyable experience browsing the internet.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Nala Khoirul Muna ◽  
Florentina Widihastrini ◽  
Novi Setyasto

The objectives of this research were: 1) to describe the learning outcomes of 4th grade students in elementary school of the Ikan Mas Cluster, North Semarang; 2) to describe the activities of 4th grade students in elementary school of the Ikan Mas Cluster, North Semarang; 3) to analyze the effectiveness of take and give model assisted flashcard on social studies learning outcomes. Based on interview, documentation, and observation,it was found that social studies learning outcomes were not optimal because the lack of learning model variation and facilities. Direct Instruction model made students believe that the teacher will explain all the material that they have to know. The population of this study amounted to 163 students. The samples used Kuningan 02 elementary school as control class with 39 students and Kuningan 03 elementary school as experimental class with 25 studens in 2019/2020 school year. The result showed experimental group had better result compared to control group in grades and activeness score respectively. The experimental group had higher grades (76,10) than the control group (61,30). The activeness score of the experimental group was higher (75%) than the control group (59%). Both, grades and student's activeness of experimental group were higher than control group.Hypothesis test results showed that tcount> ttable (3.0462> 1.9990), which meant Take and Give model assisted by flashcard media was more effective on the social studies learning outcomes of 4th grade students. The conclusion of this research was that Take and Give learning model assisted by flashcard media was effectively used in social studies learning material of Hindu, Buddha, and Islam Kingdoms in Indonesia than Direct Instrucruon model and could improve learning outcomes and activities of4th grade students of the Ikan Mas Cluster, North Semarang.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 159
Emmi Fauziah

This research is motivated by the phenomena that occur in the learning process, especially the subjects of Social Sciences, including the poor communication between teachers and students, teacher domination which has passive impact on students in the classroom, and lack of reinforcement and reward for students. Classroom Action Research (CAR) consists of 2 cycles, each of which consists of two to three meetings. The stages in each cycle consist of the stages of planning, implementation, observation / observation, and reflection. The research subjects were fourth grade students of RejangLebong Elementary School 135 consisting of 24 people in the 2016/2017 school year. The results were obtained that in the first cycle students' learning outcomes averaged 60.79 and the percentage of classical learning completeness was 58.33%. In the second cycle there were no more weaknesses that occurred in cycle I. The learning outcomes in the second cycle obtained an average of 72.47 with the percentage of classical learning completeness 87.5%. This fulfills the completeness criteria, ie 85% of students get a value of ,07.0 and the learning process is said to be completed individually if students get a value of ≥7. Based on the results of these studies, the Cooperative Learning Approach Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) type can improve learning outcomes, student activities, and teacher activities and the quality of the social studies learning process.

Shella Marcelina ◽  
Silfi Melindawati ◽  
Rafhi Febryan Putera

The purpose of this study is to describe the improvement of the social studies learning process by using a cooperative model of the Teams Games Tournament (TGT) type in fourth grade students of SD Negeri 05 Alang Rambah Pesisir Selatan. This study uses a type of classroom action research with quantitative and qualitative approaches, this study consisted of II cycles consisting of planning, implementation, observation and reflection. Data collection techniques are observation, tests and documentation. While the research instruments are observation sheets, test sheets and documents. The results of research from each cycle that was carried out showed an increase in the learning process. In planning the first cycle the average is 74.5% in the second cycle increased to 96.42%. In the implementation of learning on aspects of the teacher the first cycle the average is 78.5% and in the second cycle increased to 96%. Learning aspects of students in the first cycle were 78.5% and in the second cycle increased to 96%. On the learning outcomes of students in the first cycle the average was 66.68% and the second cycle increased to 81.36%. Thus it can be concluded that the use of the cooperative model type Teams Games Tournament (TGT) can improve the social studies learning process.Keywords: Cooperative Model Type Teams Games Tournament (TGT), IPS

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Nurbaini Nurbaini

This study was initiated by the low learning outcomes of social studies students at SDN 006 Muara Lembu. The purpose of this research is to improve students' social studies learning outcomes by applying the power of two cooperative learning model. This research was conducted at SDN 006 Muara Lembu. When the research was conducted in the even semester of the 2018/2019 school year. The subjects of this study were students of class IV.B SDN 006 Muara Lembu with a total of 22 students consisting of 13 male students and 9 female students. This type of research is a classroom action research study consisting of two cycles, each cycle consisting of planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The results of research conducted prove that, student learning outcomes have increased, from an average base score of 62.7 increased to 73.2 in Cycle I and increased again in cycle II to 87.3. Overall, there was an increase from the baseline score to End of Cycle II at 35.1%. From these results it can be concluded that by applying the power of two type of cooperative learning model can improve the social learning outcomes of students in grade IV.B SDN 006 Muara Lembu.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Masra Wati

This study aims to improve student learning outcomes VB class second semester at MIN gnashing Hanyar II to Indonesian lesson by using the method of discussion and media photojournalism on material factual comment on the issue. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method classroom action research study conducted in two cycles. The subjects were students of class VB MIN KertakHanyar II in the second semester of the school year 2014/2015, the number of 22 people. Collecting data in this study were obtained through observation, interview and test (writing). Data analysis technique used is the average and percentage. The results of the learning activities are: 1) Activities of teachers increased from 72.21% to 85.19%; 2) Participation of students has increased from 67.86% to 85.72%. The results consist of individual learning and classical: 1) the result of increased individual student mastery of 78.57% to 90.48% above the standard minimum mastery learning Indonesian subjects that have been established which is 70.00; 2) the results of students' increasing mastery of the classical also increased from 77.27% to 100% above the standard classical completeness 80%. From the above results, it can be said that the media use of photojournalism with discussion method can improve their speaking ability in subjects Indonesian VB class II MIN gnashing Hanyar Banjar district. Keywords: comment on the factual issues, the discussion method, media photojournalism

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 75

AbstractABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan proses pembelajaran, mengetahui peningkatan prestasi siswa, dan mendeskripsikan perubahan perilaku siswa dalam pembelajaran PKn melalui tugas proyek berbantuan website. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam 2 Siklus dengan subjek siswa kelas IV SD Negeri Gegunung Kulon, Kabupaten Rembang, semester 2 tahun pelajaran 2014/2015. Data penelitian dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif komparatif, membandingkan proses dan hasil belajar antara praSiklus, Siklus I dan Siklus II. Hasil penelitian yang dilaksanakan 2 Siklus menunjukkan peningkatan aktivitas siswa sampai 86 persen baik. Hasil belajar siswa juga meningkat ditandai Siklus I nilai rata-rata kelas 67,86 dan ketuntasan mencapai 57 persen. Siklus II nilai rata-rata kelas 78,57 dan ketuntasan 86 persen. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah aktivitas dan hasil belajar siswa meningkat dalam mengikuti pembelajaran serta ada perubahan perilaku siswa untuk mengikuti pembelajaran PKn melalui tugas proyek berbantuan website yang semula pasif menjadi lebih aktif. Semua siswa berminat dalam melaksakanan tugas dan memperoleh pengalaman yang menyenangkan dalam menjelajah website atau internet. ABSTRACTThe objective of this research was to describe learning process, to know how students’ learning achievement improve, and to describe the change of student behavior on civics learning through website-assisted project task. The research was done through two cycles, with grade IV students in SD Negeri Gegunung Kulon throughout the second semester of school year 2014/2015 as the subject. Research data analysis was done using descriptive comparative method, comparing the learning process and result between pra-cycle, first cycle and second cycle. The result showed positive increase of students’ activities as much as 86 percent. The improvement of students’ learning achievement in cycle I could be seen by the class average grade of 67,86 and mastery learning of 57 percent, while in cycle II the class average grade was 78,57 and mastery learning of 86 percent. The conclusion was that students’ learning activities and achievement improved and there was also a changing in students’ behavior in learning civics through website-assisted project task, from passive learning to active learning. Every student showed interest in doing the project and gaining enjoyable experience browsing the internet.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-94

ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan proses pembelajaran, mengetahui peningkatan prestasi siswa, dan mendeskripsikan perubahan perilaku siswa dalam pembelajaran PKn melalui tugas proyek berbantuan website. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam 2 Siklus dengan subjek siswa kelas IV SD Negeri Gegunung Kulon, Kabupaten Rembang, semester 2 tahun pelajaran 2014/2015. Data penelitian dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif komparatif, membandingkan proses dan hasil belajar antara praSiklus, Siklus I dan Siklus II. Hasil penelitian yang dilaksanakan 2 Siklus menunjukkan peningkatan aktivitas siswa sampai 86 persen baik. Hasil belajar siswa juga meningkat ditandai Siklus I nilai rata-rata kelas 67,86 dan ketuntasan mencapai 57 persen. Siklus II nilai rata-rata kelas 78,57 dan ketuntasan 86 persen. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah aktivitas dan hasil belajar siswa meningkat dalam mengikuti pembelajaran serta ada perubahan perilaku siswa untuk mengikuti pembelajaran PKn melalui tugas proyek berbantuan website yang semula pasif menjadi lebih aktif. Semua siswa berminat dalam melaksakanan tugas dan memperoleh pengalaman yang menyenangkan dalam menjelajah website atau internet. ABSTRACTThe objective of this research was to describe learning process, to know how students’ learning achievement improve, and to describe the change of student behavior on civics learning through website-assisted project task. The research was done through two cycles, with grade IV students in SD Negeri Gegunung Kulon throughout the second semester of school year 2014/2015 as the subject. Research data analysis was done using descriptive comparative method, comparing the learning process and result between pra-cycle, first cycle and second cycle. The result showed positive increase of students’ activities as much as 86 percent. The improvement of students’ learning achievement in cycle I could be seen by the class average grade of 67,86 and mastery learning of 57 percent, while in cycle II the class average grade was 78,57 and mastery learning of 86 percent. The conclusion was that students’ learning activities and achievement improved and there was also a changing in students’ behavior in learning civics through website-assisted project task, from passive learning to active learning. Every student showed interest in doing the project and gaining enjoyable experience browsing the internet.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 154
Kasmiati Kasmiati

The background of this research was carried out because of the importance of efforts to improve learning achievement in biology through several methods or optimal learning strategies. The purpose of this study was to determine the improvement in the quality of the process and learning outcomes that have an impact on learning achievement in biology after applying the principles of biotechnology with the experiential learning model of class XII IPA2 students of SMA Negeri 1 Pasui. This research is a classroom action research which investigates student factors, teacher factors and the quality of the biology learning process and outcomes. The research location is SMA Negeri 1 Pasui, Enrekang Regency, class XII IPA2, with a total of 21 students in the even semester of the 2016-2017 school year. The implementation of the action consists of two cycles followed by evaluation and reflection activities. The results of the study show that the application of biotics with the experiential learning model can improve the quality of the process and student learning outcomes. Student responses are very positive and student learning outcomes improve each cycle.Keywords: prinbiotech, experiential learning, process quality and learning outcomes

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