scholarly journals Penggunaan Media Audio Visual Terhadap Motivasi Siswa dalam Belajar SenamKebugaranJasmani

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Aang Solahudin Anwar

Abstrak Peneiltian ini merupakan penelitian experiment yang meneliti tentang penggunaan media pembelajaran menggunakan Media Audio Visual yang digunakan sebagai alat bantu pembelajaran semam kebugaran jasmani. Identifikasi penelitian ini terdiri dari pelaksanaan kegiatan senam, dukungan Kepala Sekolah, Motivasi Siswa, Sarana dan prasarana, Dukungan Wali Murid. Tujuan penelitian ini Untuk mengetahui bagaimana pelaksanaan Senam Kesegaran Jasmani di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 2 Sukaharja Telukjambe Timur dilihat dari sudut motivasi siswa dan kesediaan sarana dan prasarana. sampel adalah kelas IV dan V yang berjumlah 40 orang, dengan alasan lebih efektif. Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah secara Purposive Sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata skor tes awal dari instrument penggunaan media audio visual terhadap motivasi siswa dalam belajar senam kebugaran jasmani pada kelompok eksperimen sebesar = 15,53 dengan simpangan baku = 1,505. Tes akhir menunjukan bahwa rata-rata skor tes awal motivasi siswa dari pembelajaran menggunakan media audio Visual pada kelompok eksperimen sebesar = 22,33 dengan simpangan baku = 3,18. Hasil Pengujian Normalitas Lilliefors diketahui bahwa Nilai L dari daftar = 0.220. Sedangkan nilai Lo kelompok perlakuan dengan menggunakan audio visual tes awal = 0.1128 dan tes akhir = 0.1287. Penghitungan dan uji signifikansi peningkatan hasil belajar kelompok eksperiment dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji signifikansi kesamaan dua rata-rata tes awal dan tes akhir uji satu pihak yaitu uji t. Dari hasil pengujian tersebut diperoleh bahwa t hitung kelompok eksperimen = 9.933 yang lebih besar dari t-tabel pada tingkat kepercayaan atau taraf signifikansi a= 0,05 dengan dk (n1 – 1) = 2, harga t (0,975) dari daftar distribusi t diperoleh. Kriteria pengujian adalah, terima Ho jika t < t1-a. Kesimpulannya adalah belajar dengan menggunakan media audio visual memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap peningkatan hasil belajaran SenamKebugaran Jasmani. Abstract: This research is an experimental research that examines the use of learning media using Audio Visual Media which is used as a physical fitness learning aid. The identification of this study consisted of the implementation of gymnastics activities, the support of the Principal, Student Motivation, Facilities and infrastructure, Support of the Guardian Students. The purpose of this study was to find out how the implementation of Gymnastics for Physical Fitness in Sukaharja 2 Elementary School in East Telukjambe was seen in terms of student motivation and availability of facilities and infrastructure. the sample is class IV and V which amount to 40 people, with reasons more effective. The sampling technique is purposive sampling. The results showed that the average initial test score of the instrument using audio-visual media on student motivation in learning physical fitness exercises in the experimental group was = 15.53 with standard deviation = 1.505. The final test showed that the average initial test score of students' motivation from learning using audio visual media in the experimental group was = 22.33 with a standard deviation = 3.18. The Lilliefors Normality Test results show that the L value of list = 0.220. While the Lo value of the treatment group using the initial audio visual test = 0.1128 and the final test = 0.1287. The calculation and significance test of the increase in experimental group learning outcomes was conducted using the test of the similarity significance of the two initial test averages and the one-party final test, namely the t test. From the results of the test it was found that the experimental group t count = 9,933 which is greater than t-table at the level of confidence or significance level = 0.05 with dk (n1 - 1) = 2, price t (0,975) from the distribution list t obtained. The test criteria is, accept Ho if t

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 39
Djamal Effendi

Mengetahui Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Audio Visual Terhadap Motivasi Dan Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas VIII Pada Bidang Studi Sejarah Di Mts Daarul Muttaqiin Jotang. Metode yang digunakan adalah  Metode eksperimen dengan tehknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tehknik tes, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Dengan jumlah sampel 34 siswa yang terdiri dari dua kelas, kelas A 20 orang dan kelas B 14 orang.Analisis data diperoleh nilai pre-tes kelas kontrol 49.73 dan nilai pos-tes 65.79, sedangkan nilai pre-tes kelas eksperimen adalah 61.62 dan nilai pos-tes 78.62. Untuk nilai F dengan taraf signifikansi 0.05 maka didapat F-tabel (1.82) dan rhitung 1.468. jadi bisa dikatakan kalau kedua kelas tersebut adalah homogen dan dapat dijadikan kelas penelitian. Sedangkan untuk nilai tes akhir dari kelas eksperimen adalah diketahui rhitung 7.828 sedangkan rtabel 1.671, dengan demikian terdapat prestasi belajar siswa kelas VIII pada bidang studi sejarah di MTs Daarul Muttaqiin jotang kerena memperoleh nilai rhitung  >  rtabel, oleh karena ituterdapat Pengaruh Media Audio Visual Terhadap Motivasi Dan Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas VIII Pada Bidang Studi Sejarah di MTs Daarul Muttaqiin jotang. Abstract: Knowing The Effect Of Using Audio Visual Media To The Motivation And Student Result Of Class VIII In The Field Of History Of History In Mts Daarul Muttaqiin Jotang. The method used is experimental method with tehknik data collection using tehknik test, interview, and documentation. With a sample size of 34 students consisting of two classes, A class 20 people and class B 14 people.Data analysis obtained 49.73 control grade pre-test grade and post-test value of 65.79, while experiment class pre-test value is 61.62 and post-test value 78.62. For F value with significance level of 0.05 then get F-table (1.82) and rhitung 1.468. so it can be said that both classes are homogeneous and can be used as research class. As for the final test score of the experimental class is known to rhitung 7,828 while rtabel 1.671, thus there is a learning achievement of class VIII students in the field of history studies in MTs Daarul Muttaqiin jotang get rcount> rtabel, therefore there is Influence of Audio Visual Media Against Motivation And Student Results Class VIII On Field Study History in MTs Daarul Muttaqiin jotang.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 69
Muhaiminah Akib ◽  
Dian Saputra

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the dictogloss method in teaching listening to students' listening skills. This research was designed as a quasi-experimental. This study aims to investigate whether a material or treatment yields a different outcome for participants. There are two classes in this study, namely the experimental class (which is a sample to be treated with the dictogloss method) and the control class (using a method other than dictogloss). The results of this study are the results of data analysis showing that the results of learning skills in listening to the experimental group obtained the average value for the initial test of 60.33 and 71 for the final test score. While the control group using conventional methods has a mean value for the initial test of 60.1 and 70 for the final test. T test results also indicate that the significance value is 0,000. The significance value states smaller 0.05, it can be stated that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected, which means that there is an influence of the dictogloss method in improving listening skills in students

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 341
Gede Wira Bayu ◽  
Luh Gede Eka Wahyuni

This research is based on the low learning outcomes of English language learning in elementary schools especially after the implementation of the 2013 curriculum where the time of learning English is much reduced from 4 hours a week in the Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP) to only 2 hours a week in the 2013 curriculum. To overcome these problems, it is considered important to implement the Audio-Visual Media-Assisted Enjoyable Learning Strategy. Pre-experimental research One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The subjects in this study were grade 2 students in 8 elementary schools who had just implemented the 2013 curriculum in the 2018/2019 learning year in Buleleng sub-district. The data in this study were obtained by interview methods and field notes. With the random sampling technique, the subjects of this study were selected, namely grade 2 students in SD N 5 Banyuning, amounting to 27 students as a control group, and second grade students in SD N 2 Banjar Tegal, amounting to 25 students as the experimental group. Based on the results of the calculation of the tcount of 5.34. To find out the value of t table with degrees of freedom (dk) = 44 significance level (α) = 0.05 obtained the value of t table = 2.023. By comparing the value of tcount and ttable, the ratio of tcount> ttable is obtained, meaning H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. And from the average, it was known that the experimental group was 20.86 and the control group was 15.18. This means experiment> control group. Thus, the Enjoyable Learning strategy assisted by audio visual media has a significant effect on the learning outcomes of English in Class II SD students in the 2013 Curriculum Application in the District of Buleleng, Buleleng Regency, Academic Year 2018/2019.

Moch. Yusroni ◽  
Abdul Rachman Syam T ◽  
Amrozi Khamidi

This study aims to examine the effect of indifdual jump rope games and grouop jump rope on physical fitness and student motivation on futsal extracurricular students in MTs NU Berbek Waru Sidoarjo . This Study uses a quantitative approach to quasy expereriment research and the design ued is matching only design. The subjects of this study were 33 students who will be pretested to determine the  division of groups. 11 students as the experimental group I were given the treatment of jump rope games individually and thefollowing 11 students as the experimental group II were reated as a group of jump rope games and the remeaning 11 studentswere made as a control group. Data collection methods in this study used two research instruments, namely the TKJI test to measure physical fitness scores and the motivation levels. Data werw analyzed with descriptive statistics using the SPSS 22.0 program. Based on the data obtained it can be concluded that there was a more significant increase in the two experimental groups compared to the control group. Physical fitness in all three groups experienced an increase, nmely by 6 % in group I, 9% in gropu II and 2 % in group III. Student motivation has increased by 3% while in group III student motivation has descread by 1%. The result of the study have proven that individual jump rope games and jump rope games in groups can improve the level of physicl fitness and motivation of students in following futsal extracurricular

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (03) ◽  
pp. 39-44
Anik Maryani ◽  
Fahmy Fachrezzy ◽  
Ramdan Pelana

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the effect of aerobic mix impact and SKJ 2000 version (core exercise) to improve physical fitness in female students. The research was conducted at SMEA YASMA Sudirman Cijantung for 8 weeks with 24 meetings. The method used is an experimental method with a pre and post-test design. The sampling technique was random sampling from a total of 40 grade 1 students and 30 samples were taken. The data collection technique used was a physical fitness test using the Indonesian Physical Fitness Test (TKJI). Hypothesis testing uses the t-test at the significant level (α) 0.05. The results showed that the difference between the mean value of the initial test (x) and the final test (y) in the mixed impact aerobic exercise group was obtained = -6.47; the value of the standard deviation of the difference = 1,2; the standard error value of the mean difference = 0.32; and the value becomes = -20,2. The initial test (x) and the final test (y) in the 2000 version of the Physical Fitness exercise obtained the difference in the mean value is = -5; the value of the standard deviation of the difference = 1.1; the standard error value of the mean difference = 0.29; and the value becomes = -17.24. The final test of the mixed impact aerobic exercise group (x) and the final test of the aerobic exercise group (y) version 2000, obtained the mean value of the variable x = 19.33; variable value y = 17; the standard deviation value x = 1.48; standard deviation of the variable y = 2.31; standard error variable x = 0.4; standard error for the variable y = 0.62; standard error for the mean difference between x and variable = 0.74; Hypothesis test results obtained t observation = 3.15, at 28 degrees of freedom and a significant level (α) 0.05, the value of t table = 2.048 is obtained. The conclusion of the study is that the effect of mix impact aerobic exercise is more effective in improving physical fitness compared to those using the 2000 version of the fitness gymnastics version of aerobic exercise.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 229-237
Ahmad Yuti ◽  

Student learning outcomes by establishing a Team Games Tournament (TGT) Type Cooperative Learning Model have improved quite well. Before the class action (PTK) was carried out for the initial test, the average score of the Islamic Civilization History class II class II Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri 6 Langkat Bohorok, which amounted to 31 students, was 70 (moderate category) and the standard deviation was 8,116. After the class action was carried out in cycle I for the first final test, the average score of Islamic Civilization History subjects increased to 74 (moderate category) and the standard deviation was 6.825. Followed by class action in cycle II for the second final test, the average value of Islamic Civilization History subjects increased to 80 (high category) and the standard deviation was 4.479 with a minimum completeness criteria value (KKM) of 65. Next, the correlation between the initial test and cycle I was 0.766. (quite significant category) with a t test value of 6.53, and the correlation between cycle I and cycle II was 0.95 (very significant category) with a t test value of 16.578. And before the action was carried out the average attendance rate of students was 80%, after the action was carried out in the first cycle it became 89%, in the second cycle it was 100%. In general, students learn to be more independent. Keywords: Classroom action research (PTK), Cooperative Learning Model Type Team Games Tournament (TGT), Student Islamic Civilization History Learning Outcomes

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 1
Albinus Silalahi ◽  
Wesly Hutabarat ◽  
Simson Tarigan ◽  
Yogi Chandra

Investigation of the impact multimedia-based off-line learning towards student motivation and outcomes was carried out based on ADDIE model, and the 2013 vocational high school curriculum content standards. It was found that the implementation of the multimedia was highly usefull as a learning device. The population of this study were students of grade XI of a vocational high school 1 in Percut Sei Tuan, Medan Indonesia. The sample selected was 2 classes of the grade XI and classified into experimental and controlled groups which consisted of 36 students respectively. The experimental group was taught by the MAOL and the controlled group taught by web-based adobe flash-based instruction (WAFI) learning approaches. Instruments used to collect data student motivation and outcomes were questionnaires and achievement tests respectively. The Data collected were analyzed with SPSS softwares. The results showed that the student motivation and achievements of the experimental group were significantly higher than the controlled group on the subject of acid and base solutions, with a significance level of 5% (with the criteria of Sig <α value is 0.001 < 0.05) ; Furthermore, there was a positive correlation between motivation and student outcomes at a significance level of 5%.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  

The purpose of this study is to obtain a picture of the effect of interval training on the freestyle swimming speed. Limitation of this study focused on the effect of interval training on the speed of the 50m freestyle at the UKM Olahraga Renang Universitas PGRI Adibuana Surabaya. This study uses pre-experimental design using initial test followed by the provision of a new interval workout then do the final test. The population in this study is the swimmer who joined in the UKM Olahraga Renang Universitas PGRI Adibuana Surabaya, amounting to 30 players and the same sample with the population that is 30 players. The design is an experiment involving two groups: treatment group and the untreated group using the pre test and post test. Test results of the control group pre-test average of 73.02, the average post test 58.34. t-test results greater than t-table (3.84> 2.14). Comparison between pre test and post test results in the control group no significant differences, only 20:11% increase the test results. While the results of experimental tests concluded that the average pre test 58.53, the average post-test 85.85. t test results greater than t-table (2.01<2.14). Comparison between pre test and post test results on the experimental group were no significant differences. The magnitude of the effect may improve the outcome kecepaan freestyle as much as 47%. Comparison test between the control group with experimental group obtained t-count is 4.558, t-count is more than t-table (4.55> 2.04). Can be said comparison between the experimental groups with control groups and the results were no significant differences could be said after being given the treatment has the ability to swim freestyle better. 

Revista CEFAC ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
Mara Letícia Gobbis ◽  
Bruno Luis Amoroso Borges ◽  
Karina Aparecida Tramonti ◽  
Cynthia Lopes da Silva ◽  
Mirian Hideko Nagae

ABSTRACT Purpose: to investigate the existence of changes in the electromyographic patterns of the mentalis and inferior orbicularis oris muscles in oronasal breathers, submitted to massage therapy on the mentalis muscle. Methods: a controlled blind placebo experiment, with a sample of 19 oronasal breathers (1 man and 18 women), mean age (standard deviation) 22.3 (2.63) years, randomly divided into control and experimental groups, respectively with 7 and 12 volunteers. The experimental group alone underwent myotherapy with massages for 3 months, while electromyographic data were collected from both groups at the beginning and end of the treatment, both at rest and when swallowing water. The analysis of variance was conducted to test the existence of differences between the means; the 5% significance level was used. Results: the analysis of variance revealed signs of interaction between the group and phase effects when analyzing the root mean square values of both the inferior orbicularis oris and the mentalis muscles. As expected, no signs of significant differences were found between the means of the phases in the control group. On the other hand, signs of significant difference were found in the experimental group, with reduced root mean square values in both muscles. The inferior orbicularis oris muscle, which in the pre-phase had a mean (standard deviation) of 202.10 (161.47) µV, had, in the post-phase, values of 131.49 (159.18) µV. The mentalis muscle, in its turn, had in the pre- and post-phase, respectively, a mean (standard deviation) of 199.31 (279.77) µV and 114.58 (253.56) µV. Conclusion: given that no effect was detected in the control group, the decrease in the root mean square values of the mentalis and inferior orbicularis oris muscles in oronasal breathers was attributed to the massage therapy on the mentalis muscle.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 112
Komang Ayu Wahyuni . ◽  
Drs. I Wayan Wiarta, S.Pd., M.For. . ◽  
Drs. I Wayan Darsana,M.Ed .

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran talking stick berbantaun media audio visual terhadap perkembangan bahasa anak. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian semu (quasi eksperimen) dengan rancangan Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah seluruh anak kelompok B di TK Santa Maria Ratu Rosari berjumlah 90 orang. Sampel penelitian ini yaitu 30 anak kelompok B2 sebagai kelompok eksperimen dan 29 anak kelompok B1 sebagai kelompok kontrol. Data perkembangan bahasa anak dikumpulkan dengan instrument non tes melalui observasi,ceklis. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan rata-rata posttest perkembangan bahasa pada kelompok ekperimen sebesar 70,73 sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol sebesar 54,85. Hasil analisis lebih lanjut diperoleh thitung sebesar 11,18 dengan taraf signifikan 5% dan dk=57 dengan nilai 2,003. Berdasarkan analisis data tersebut, ditunjukkan dengan thitung > ttabel (11,18 > 2,003). Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran talking stick berbantuan media audio visual berpengaruh terhadap perkembangan bahasa anak kelompok B TK Santa Maria Ratu Rosari Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019.Kata Kunci : talking stick, audio visual, perkembangan bahasa This study aims to determine the effect of talking stick learning models with audio visual media on children's language development. This type of research is quasi-experimental with the design of Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The population of this study were all children in group B at the TK Santa Maria Ratu Rosari totaling 90 people. The sample of this study was 30 children in group B2 as the experimental group and 29 children in group B1 as the control group. Data on children's language development are collected by non-test instruments through observation, checklist. The results of this study showed that the average posttest of language development in the experimental group was 70,73 while in the control group it was 54,85. The results of further analysis obtained tcount of 11,18 with a significance level of 5% and dk = 57 with a value of 2,003. Based on the analysis of the data, it is indicated by tcount> t table (11,18> 2,003). Thus it can be concluded that the learning model of talking stick assisted by audio visual media influences the development of the language of the TK Santa Maria Ratu Rosari group B Academic Year 2018/2019.keyword : talking stick, audio visual, language development

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