Brand Identity Nagari Pariangan, Desa Terindah di Dunia Kabupaten Tanah Datar, Sumatera Barat

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Muhammad Syukri Erwin ◽  
Zainal Warhat ◽  
Syafwandi Syafwandi

A city of Pariangan is an old city in Minangkabau. A city called as the area of origin of the ancestors of the Minangkabau people that have a lot of potential both natural beauty and culture that is still exist and protected. Through the design of brand identity, the various potentials in the city of Pariangan is such a beautiful way that the creation of an effective promotional activities. So it can increase the number of tourists visiting both local and foreign. This will affect the economic sector of the community, either directly or indirectly. In the application of the concept that is inspired from the unique visual design of Pariangan city. Like the illumination motif of the ancient manuscript of Pariangan such as "Kambang Reno", a pointed roof typically of Minangkabau, roof terraced from the old mosque that became the pride of society and the typical stairs of Pariangan city. The color choice of yellow, brown and green to symbolize the natural cycles are some process of planting to harvest the rice. A brand identity of Pariangan city are designed into logos and supporting media such as stationaries, sovenir and social media that synergize together into a visual unity. The Synergy between the media will affect the image formation of the Pariangan city itself to be easier to remember and recognizeable by tourists. The successfulness of this brand identity affects the cooperation of various parties to always be consistent to apply and use this brand.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Muhammad Syukri Erwin ◽  
Zainal Warhat ◽  
Syafwandi Syafwandi

<div><p align="center"><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p><p><em>A city of  Pariangan is an old city in Minangkabau. A city called as the area of origin of the ancestors of the Minangkabau people that have a lot of potential both natural beauty and culture that is still exist and protected. Through the design of brand identity, the various potentials in the city of  Pariangan is  such a beautiful way that the creation of an effective promotional activities. So it can increase the number of tourists visiting both local and foreign. This will affect the economic sector of the community, either directly or indirectly.</em><em> In the application of </em><em>the concept that is inspired from the </em><em>unique visual design </em><em> </em><em>of Pariangan city. </em><em> Like the illumination motif of the ancient manuscript of Pariangan </em><em>such as</em><em> "Kambang Reno",  </em><em>a pointed roof</em><em> </em><em>typically of </em><em>Minangkabau, roof terraced from the old </em><em>mosque </em><em> that became the pride of society and the typical </em><em>stairs </em><em>of Pariangan </em><em>city</em><em>. </em><em>The color choice </em><em>of yellow, brown and green to symbolize the natural cycles </em><em>are some </em><em> process of planting to harvest </em><em>the</em><em> rice. </em><em>A </em><em>brand identity of Pariangan </em><em>city are designed into </em><em>logos and supporting media such as stationar</em><em>ies</em><em>, sovenir and social media that synergize together </em><em>into a</em><em> visual unity. </em><em>The </em><em>Synergy between the media will affect the image formation of the Pariangan </em><em>city itself</em><em> to be </em><em>easier to </em><em>remember </em><em>and </em><em>recognize</em><em>able </em><em>by tourists. The </em><em>successfulness </em><em>of this brand identity affects the cooperation of various parties to always be consistent </em><em>to apply and use </em><em> this brand.</em></p></div><p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: </em><em>City of </em><em> Pariangan, brand identity, </em><em>an old city</em><em>, tourist area</em></p><div><p align="center"><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p><p><em>Nagari Pariangan adalah sebuah nagari tuo yang ada di Minangkabau. Nagari yang disebut sebagai daerah asal mulanya nenek moyang orang Minangkabau memiliki banyak potensi baik keelokan alam dan budayanya yang masih terjaga. Melalui perancangan brand identity, berbagai potensi yang ada di nagari Pariangan di kemas sedemikian rupa agar terciptanya sebuah kegiatan promosi yang efektif. Sehingga bisa meningkatkan jumlah wisatawan yang berkunjung baik lokal maupun mancanegara. Hal ini akan berpengaruh pada sektor ekonomi masyarakat baik langsung ataupun tidak langsung.</em><em> </em><em>Menggunakan konsep yang terinspirasi dari bentuk visual khas nagari Pariangan. Seperti motif iluminasi naskah kuno dari nagari Pariangan yaitunya “Kambang Reno”, bantuk gonjong khas Minangkabau, atap bertingkat dari surau tua yang menjadi kebanggaan masyarakat dan jenjang khas nagari Pariangan. Pemilihan warna kuning, coklat dan hijau untuk melambangkan siklus alam dari proses menanam hingga memanen padi. Perancangan brand identity nagari Pariangan meliputi logo dan media pendukung seperti stationari, sovenir dan sosial media yang saling bersinergi membentuk sebuah kesatuan visual. Sinergi antara media akan berpengaruh kepada pembentukan image terhadap nagari Pariangan agar mudah diingat, dikenali oleh wisatawan. Keberhasilan dari brand identitiy ini berpengaruh kepada kerjasama berbagai pihak untuk selalu konsisten menggunakan brand ini.</em></p></div><strong><em>Kata kunci :</em></strong><em> Nagari Pariangan, brand identity, Nagari tuo, kawasan wisata</em>

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 31-43
Teguh Hidayatul Rachmad

The symbol of change in everything in the human sphere is marked by the disruptive era, which is an era in which activity, interaction and communication between humans changes very rapidly, especially in the field of work and the needs of human life. Work is no longer required to leave the house and must come on time at the office. The research method used is qualitative research with a critical approach. Dismantling the domination of an emancipatory spirit is one of the goals of the critical approach. The choice of social media as a place for creativity is effective because there is no filter of information in the media. everyone has the right and obligation to photos, videos and various kinds of individual works to be published on social media. Many creative content has finally appeared on social media with cultural, ethnic and religious backgrounds from different accounts. Influencers are a job that is in demand by people in the current millennial era. The era of postmodernism has changed the concept of working from the public to the private sphere. Work does not have to go to the office and meet and collaborate with many people. Work in the postmodern era can be done anywhere, for example at home, on the beach, in the mountains, in the village, in the city and does not have to meet many people.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (5) ◽  
pp. 392-425
Heliney Nunes Resende Junior ◽  
Suzana Gilioli da Costa Nunes ◽  
Alain Santoyo

O objetivo dessa pesquisa e mensurar a influência das mídias sociais no processo de planejamento de viagens em relação a população da cidade de Palmas, capital do estado do Tocantins. A metodologia utilizada nessa pesquisa foi uma avaliação quantitativa a partir da aplicação de questionário. A amostra da pesquisa foi composta de 500 respondentes. A análise dos resultados mostrou que as mídias sociais já têm grande influência no processo de planejamento de viagens e que tem um espaço para um crescimento ainda maior, pois as mídias sociais estão em constante evolução de acordo com as necessidades as pessoas. A pesquisa também apontou que as pessoas confiam nas informações obtidas através das mídias e estão deixando de acreditar cada vez mais nos meios de comunicação convencionais.   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Mídias sociais; Meios de comunicação; Planejamento de viagens     ABSTRACT The objective of this research is to measure the influence of social media in the process of travel planning in relation to the population of the city of Palmas, capital of the state of Tocantins. The methodology used in this research was a quantitative evaluation based on the questionnaire application. The research sample consisted of 500 respondents. The analysis of the results showed that social media already have great influence in the process of planning of trips and that has a space for an even greater growth, since the social medias are in constant evolution according to the needs the people. The survey also pointed out that people rely on information gained through the media and are increasingly reluctant to believe in conventional media.   KEYWORDS: Social media; Media; Travel planning     RESUMEN El objetivo de esta investigación y medir la influencia de los medios sociales en el proceso de planificación de viajes en relación a la población de la ciudad de Palmas, capital del estado de Tocantins. La metodología utilizada en esta investigación fue una evaluación cuantitativa a partir de la aplicación del cuestionario. La muestra de la encuesta fue compuesta de 500 respondedores. El análisis de los resultados mostró que los medios sociales ya tienen gran influencia en el proceso de planificación de viajes y que tienen un espacio para un crecimiento aún mayor, pues los medios sociales están en constante evolución de acuerdo a las necesidades de las personas. La investigación también apuntó que la gente confía en las informaciones obtenidas a través de los medios y están dejando de creer cada vez más en los medios de comunicación convencionales.   PALABRAS CLAVE: Medios sociales; Medios de comunicación; Planificación de viajes

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-104
M. Fahreza ◽  
Asnawi Asnawi ◽  
Asrinaldi Asrinaldi

This article discusses the role of PR in promoting tourism in Kota Pariaman. Utilization of communication media in tourism promotion facilities Kota Pariaman by Pariaman City Government Public Relations is carried out by Public Relations of Pariaman City Government in order to create tourism in Pariaman City which is conducive and must be visited by the public. These media are print media and electronic media including media that are integrated with social media. With such utilization, all targets in the effort to utilize the media can be affordable. The way of communication between the Public Relations of the Pariaman City Government and the community in creating a good tourism climate in the City of Pariamn is carried out by involving the community directly in safeguarding tourism objects in Kota Pariaman so that it is worth visiting. This is created by the pattern of communication between the Public Relations of Pariaman City Government and the intense and continuous community

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (02) ◽  
pp. 41-46
Damiasih Damiasih ◽  
Hasna Kusdarwati

Lendah Batik Industry Center Kulon Progo is an area located in the Industrial Center Lendah District of Kulon Progo Regency in the region where there are range between 10 – 18 Batik Craftsmen Group and more than 50 batik batik consisting of fixed and home . In this area there are a variety of motives in each production site .The results show that efforts to do in increasing the number of tourists visiting Batik Industry Center at Lendah Kulon Progo is to continue to promote the production through the exhibition by distributing business cards and brochures , promotion through social media such as fuel and the Internet . Participation provided by the public such as batik Batik Industry Center region such as batik previous work has had more than 30 years as a batik in the city of Yogyakarta . Constraints faced by the group of craftsmen Batik as geographical location far from the city center . Accessibility is slightly delayed due to impassable roads is a main road for trucs of sand miners . Then the lack of insight Craftsmen Batik Group in operating accounts only a few social media accounts batik craftsmen group that uses the media. Keywords: Batik, Industry, Tourist, Visitor, Craftsmen

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-58
Eko Yulian

The movement of LGBT is growing rapidly through social media so that LGBT ideas can be freely expressed. The tweeter is one of the media that is often used for that purpose. Comments or "cuitan" about LGBT on twitter certainly many in number. The amount of information available in cyberspace makes development efforts to extract information from online databases rapidly, one of which is text mining. One of the statistical techniques that can be used to utilize the results of text mining is clustering. Clustering used in this study is K-Means clustering. This study uses 5 clusters to group comments on The twitter associated with LGBT in the city of Bandung. Of the five clusters formed in the K-means process, it is found that the tendency of Tuet Tweeter users of LGBT related bands in general, is still related to the religious perspective which is marked by the emergence of the word religion very often.

Halim Setiawan

In this globalization era, business competition is getting higher. Especially in the economic sector where large companies from abroad are increasingly free to operate and market their products in Indonesia so that local companies cannot compete with themselves will be eliminated. The purpose of this study is to look at the effectiveness of IT use as well as the creativity of a public relations officer. The popularity of media and social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, spurred “Moderate” growth allowing companies and organizations to organize reporting directly or through intermediaries and remediation (in which, the media made social media headlines and republishing). The results of this study indicate that the majority of social media are 'parasites', taking a lot of information and mass media topics. Public relations in general is the process of communication management activities to create mutual understanding between an organization and its public.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2017 ◽  
pp. 266-267
Elina Koivisto ◽  
Pekka Mattila ◽  
Elina Korpela ◽  
Laura Perjo

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 5
Dr. Neha Sharma

Language being a potent vehicle of transmitting cultural values, norms and beliefs remains a central factor in determining the status of any nation. India is a multilingual country which tends to encourage people to use English at national and international level. Basically English in India owes its presence to the British but its subsequent rise is not fully attributable to the British. It has now become the language of wider communication which is now spoken by large number of people all over the world. It is influenced by many factors such as class, society, developments in science and technology etc. However the major influence on English language is and has been the media.

DeKaVe ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Akbar Annasher

Broadly speaking, this paper discusses the phenomenon of murals that are now spread in Yogyakarta Special Region, especially the city of Yogyakarta. Mural painting is an art with a media wall that has the elements of communication, so the mural is also referred to as the art of visual communication. Media is a media wall closest to the community, because the distance between the media with the audience is not limited by anything, direct and open, so the mural is often used as media to convey ideas, the idea of ??community, also called the media the voice of the people. Location of mural art in situations of public spatial proved inviting the owners of capital to use such means, in this case is the mural. Manufacturers of various products began racing the race to put on this wall media, as time goes by without realizing the essence of the actual mural art was forced to turn to the commercial essence, the only benefit some parties only, the power of public spaces gradually occupied by the owners of capital, they hopes that the community can view the contents of messages and can obtain information for the products offered. it brings motivation and cognitive and affective simultaneously in the community.Keywords: Mural, Public Space, and Society.

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