scholarly journals Social Intelligence as A Condition of Partnership Between Young Men as Participants of The Reformation Process

2019 ◽  
Vol 39 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-66
S. Kravchuk

Student youth are potential future parents, which is why the problem of the conditions of partnership interaction among adolescents as participants in the process of educational reform is becoming more relevant and practical. Defining the conditions for partnerships, establishing partnerships with young people as participants in the reform process will lead to effective implementation of educational innovations. Social intelligence is an essential intellectual ability that acts as the cognitive basis of communicative competence and determines social adaptation, communication effectiveness, ability to understand and adequately evaluate other people and themselves and their actions, actions towards others, ability to predict different behaviours, intentions, feelings and emotional states of a person by verbal and non-verbal expression. In order to study the psychological features of social intelligence of the individual, attitude to reform in the field of general secondary education, we used the following psychodiagnostic methods: 1) the technique of research of social intelligence of J. Guilford (in the adaptation of A.S. Mikhailova); 2) a special variant of the semantic differential technique for studying the psychological elasticity of the individual (S.L. Kravchuk); 3) the test of the viability of S. Maddy (in an adaptation by D.O. Leontiev and O.I. Rasskazova); 4) author's research questionnaire aimed at the study of subjective attitudes towards educational innovations; 5) general self-efficacy scale (Schwartz Ralph, Matthias Jerusalem). In our empirical study, 106 adolescents participated. It has been found that young people with a strong and active attitude towards educational innovations are more likely to believe in the effectiveness of their actions; think optimistically about their achievements; create optimistic scenarios, compared to adolescents, who are characterized by an active negative attitude to educational innovation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 42 (4) ◽  
pp. 102-107

The problem of social competence as a condition for partnership interaction among participants in the process of educational innovation is presented in the article. The theoretical analysis of the phenomenon of social competence has been carried out. Social competence is seen as an integrative characteristic of the individual that determines effective social interaction, the effectiveness of socialization in the professional environment and in the world, where the important conditions for a productive solution to life's problems are social maturity, subjectivity and social intelligence. Empirically established differences in social competence among students of pedagogical specialties with a pronounced active positive and active negative attitude to educational innovations. It is revealed that students of pedagogical specialties with active negative attitude to educational innovations have less expressed social and psychological competence, compared to students of pedagogical specialties with active positive attitude to educational innovations. Empirically determined correlation features of social competence with terminal values and personal self-efficacy. Direct significant correlations were found between social-psychological competence and such terminal values: active social contacts, development of self, preservation of individuality, achievements, creativity, spiritual satisfaction. There are empirically significant direct correlations between social and psychological competence and psychological resilience. Psychological resilience is defined as a dynamic process aimed at maintaining a stable level of psychological and physical functioning in critical situations, the ability to overcome such situations without persistent disturbances, successfully adapting to adverse changes. Based on the correlation study on the correlation coefficient of Ch. Spearman, a direct significant correlation of social and psychological competence with personal self-efficacy and psychological resilience was established. The higher the students' pedagogical specialties are socio-psychological competence, the greater their psychological resilience is expressed, that is, the more they are able to maintain in a critical situation a stable level of psychological and physical functioning, to successfully adapt to difficult life circumstances.

L. Filonenko ◽  
S. Furdui ◽  
B. Maksymchuk ◽  
I. Demchenko ◽  
L. Vysochan ◽  

Considering the crisis phenomena in the Ukrainian society the need in forming the value attitude towards another person grows.  This  problem  is particularly acute in boarding schools, where orphans who are deprived of parental care and social orphans study. Early negative life experience is the reason for negative attitude towards people, which in adulthood can be at different types of deviation: disregard of moral rules of behavior, difficulties of communication with other people, etc. European integration changes in Ukraine encourage the introduction of a humanist approach in boarding schools and the rejection of a decision-making (authoritarian) style of child-rearing, the creation of appropriate conditions for which each child would feel significant, unique not only for himself or herself, but also for others. The United Nations Declaration on the Promotion among Youth of the Ideals of Peace, Mutual Respect and Understanding between Peoples lays the foundations for the value-based attitude towards a human being, in particular young people, who suffer many trials, in the form of wars, migrations, etc. Based on the fact that it is young people who are the engine of progress, change  and transformation in any society much attention is paid to its upbringing. The scientific research shows that the value attitude towards another person is an important characteristic of the moral sphere of the individual and is most confirmed by humanistic  ethics and morality and is the basis of domestic and international legislation, which needs close attention and development of optimal pedagogical conditions for forming the value attitude towards another person at teenagers of boarding schools, as the most impressionable category of children with a view to their socialization and full integration into society.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 15-22
Siti Saidah Nasution

The aim of the health promotion is to increase awareness and the individual willingness to have a healthy life for everyone to achieve an optimal degree of public health. The government’s programs in improving positive behavior and reproductive health in the community, especially maternal and infant health, is one of the priorities. Current health problems are focused on the high rates of maternal and infant mortality. This is related to the lack of preparation for couples before marriage and family such as early marriage. The government's initiative to declare pre-marriage as a condition for marriage in 2020 must be socialized and supported by all parties. This research is a descriptive study that aims to describe people's behavior about reproductive health, especially the knowledge and attitudes of adolescents. youths and girls about reproductive health in Medan Johor District. The population is all young people and girls in the Medan Johor sub-district. The sample of teenagers and young people gathered in the Karang Taruna Medan Johor region. Data collection using a questionnaire, which consists of demographic data, knowledge data, and attitudes related to reproductive health. Univariate data analysis used distribution and presentation frequency. The results of the research on knowledge of youth and girls about reproductive health are generally in the low category, namely around 56.4%. The negative attitude is around 62.2%. Health workers must be able to optimize their role in providing health education to the public, especially about reproductive health.

G. M. Fix ◽  
M. Rikkerink ◽  
H. T. M. Ritzen ◽  
J. M. Pieters ◽  
W. A. J. M. Kuiper

AbstractInnovative initiatives in education often have problems with their sustainability. The present study focuses on three educational innovations that have proved to be sustainable over time. We used a qualitative research approach to study and identify essential features of sustainable educational innovation. Two theoretical frameworks were used to guide the study: the integrated model for sustainable innovation (IMSI) and self-determination theory (SDT). Both frameworks take a different perspective upon learning; IMSI presents learning at the individual level, the team level and the organizational level to be the heart of sustainable innovation, and SDT presents how learning can be improved. The research question focused upon how the SDT concepts of autonomy, competence and relatedness were perceived within sustainable innovation, expressed by the IMSI framework, by teachers and school leaders. Based on our findings we demonstrate that the framework of IMSI and SDT can effectively be applied as a frame of analysis to identify essential features of sustainability in educational innovations and we discuss how concepts of SDT deepen the knowledge of sustainable educational innovation.

2018 ◽  
A Bodnar ◽  
E Bodnar

Introduction. The research is aimed at analysing the nature of the relationship between the social intelligence level and the type of accentuation of the personality of adolescents. This relationship is a problem because no fundamental research has been done on it, although its social significance is extremely high. After all,the weight of evidence suggests that personality accentuations are not simply connected with just social intelligence but perhaps are its determining factor. Social intelligence development provides a condition for success in both social adaptation and interpersonal interaction. This especially concerns adolescents, in whom accentuations determine both the way to overcome puberty crises—and acute affective reactions—and—especially—the situation in the system of interpersonal relationships. Methodology and methods. The comparative analysis is used. The authors compare the results of their own research into adolescents and school children aged 13–14 with the reference data. Specific empirical methods: Guildford’s social intelligence method, a modified questionnaire to identify the types of character accentuations among Lichko’s adolescents. Results. Adolescents with a labile and sensitive accentuation have a better ability to foresee the consequences of behaviour based on a real situation analysis. However, in the case of the labile type, this is due to adequate self-esteem, and in the case of the sensitive type this is due to the desire to avoid conflicts. An excitable type of accentuation adversely affects the level of development of the ability to assess the non-verbal behaviour. Adolescents with the demonstrative accentuation are able to better understand the speech expression ofother people and correctly build their verbal behaviour. Among girls, the hypertemic and demonstrative accentuations are significantly more common than that in boys. Conclusion. Knowing the peculiarities of the interrelation between accentuations of the individual and social intelligence makes it possible to achieve the development of the latter by smoothing accentuations. Keywords: social intelligence, character accentuation, adolescence

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 112-125
Galina OSADCHAYA ◽  
Egor KIREEV ◽  
Evgenia KISELEVA ◽  

The significant numbers of migrants from Kyrgyzstan in Moscow and the difficulties in adapting to the new conditions recorded by our research highlight the need to explore the adaptive capacity of young Kyrgyz. The lack of scientific knowledge about the potential adaptive capacities of different groups of young Kyrgyz hinders the creation of optimal conditions that would allow them to internalize norms, values, and rules of behavior, increases the potential for conflict in the Moscow community, makes the life of migrants less comfortable, and complicates integration processes in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). The purpose of this study is to characterize the adaptive capacity of young people from Kyrgyzstan in Moscow that helps them fit into the social environment, allows them to overcome the discomfort caused by the contradictory social context and unfamiliar living conditions, and influences their success in the host community and their attitudes to integration. The analysis presented in this article rests on empirical data obtained from a structured interview with 823 migrants, citizens of Kyrgyzstan aged 17 to 30 years, conducted in 2020. The novelty of the study lies in a systemic examination and comprehensive assessment of the social adaptation capacity of this social community, because up to now publications on this topic have considered only some aspects of the phenomenon. In this article, “adaptive capacity” refers to the set of individual characteristics of migrants that ensures their inclusion into the host society, a change in previous norms and models of behavior, and the socialization of new behavior models emerging in the process of interaction between the individual and the new socio-cultural conditions of life and work as the synergistic effect of the relationship and interaction between the adaptive capacity of the individual and that of the environment. Its analysis is based on a description of expectations, perceptions, and social attitudes; the level of empathy, openness and complementarity with regard to the host community; and the degree of tolerance for people of other nationalities and identities. The article shows how migrants evaluate the adaptive capacity of the environment as resulting from coordinated, concerted, and friendly action by all stakeholders: government, employers, and local population. It also analyzes the associations that arise in connection with Russia. The study reveals the impact of migrants’ adaptive capacity on their attitudes to integration processes in the EAEU. It was shown that notions about the nature of the interaction between Muscovites and migrants that is necessary to harmonize the individual and the environment (assimilation, bicultural adaptation or separation) determine the depth and direction of the activities of young migrants and their assessments of concrete social reality, while their strategic preferences with regard to the cultural norms and values of other peoples determine the adaptation attitudes and strategies that largely characterize their adaptive capacity. These strategies are as follows: marginalization of young Kyrgyz in the Moscow community, complementarity, and internalization of dominant norms. The research conducted suggests the need for measures to improve interaction between migrants and the host society and provides grounds for the Eurasian Economic Commission and social institutions in Russia and Kyrgyzstan to develop measures designed to create conditions for adaptation, as well as to determine the appropriate instruments and mechanisms for this purpose. This research paves the way for developing a theory of social adaptation of migrants, for empirical research into migration processes in the post-Soviet space, and for a better understanding of the specific features of social adaptation of young people from Kyrgyzstan.

1970 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 285-292
Інна Стрілецька

Статтю присвячено теоретичному аналізу місця і ролі соціального інтелекту в процесі професійного становлення особистості. Узагальнено напрямки розробки проблематики впливу соціального інтелекту на професійне становлення майбутніх фахівців у працях сучасних українських та російських авторів. Проаналізовано психолого-педагогічні погляди на сутність поняття "професійне становлення" та з’ясовано, що його прикметною характеристикою є соціальний інтелект як здатність, що зумовлює ефективність міжособистісної взаємодії, соціальної адаптації та реалізації професійних функцій фахівця. Обґрунтовано роль соціального інтелекту в досконалому оволодінні майбутніми фахівцями своєю професійною діяльністю і продуктивному вирішенні фахових завдань, для чого необхідно правильно розуміти власну поведінку та поведінку інших людей, уміти налагоджувати ефективну взаємодію у групі та формувати команду. Встановлено, що соціальний інтелект відіграє важливу роль у фаховій підготовці студента, він дає змогу розуміти самого себе та вчинки інших людей, їх вербальні і невербальні реакції, отже, виступає важливою когнітивною складовою структури комунікативних здібностей особистості. Соціальний інтелект забезпечує розширення меж комунікативного простору в контексті процесів глобалізації, розвитку міжкультурної комунікації, посилення інтегративних тенденцій в науці, відповідає за закономірності побудови "картини соціального світу", тобто функціонування механізмів перцепції, декодування і конструювання уявлень про широке коло соціальних реалій. Саме соціальний інтелект забезпечує адекватність соціального пізнання, допомагає прогнозувати розвиток міжособистісних відносин, загострює інтуїцію та гарантує успішність фахової підготовки особистості. The article is devoted to theoretical analysis of the role and place of social intelligence in the process of professional formation of the personality. Summarizes directions of development perspectives of the influence of social intelligence on professional formation of future specialists in the works of modern Ukrainian and Russian authors. Analyzed psychological and pedagogical views on the essence of the concept "professional development" and found that its distinguishing characteristic is social intelligence as the ability that determines the effectiveness of interpersonal relations, social adaptation and realization of the professional duties of a specialist. The role of social intelligence in the perfect mastering by future specialists in their professional activity and productive decision of professional problems, which is necessary to properly understand their behavior and the behavior of other people, to be able to establish effective communication in the group and building a team. Found that social intelligence plays an important role in the professional preparation of the student, it gives you the opportunity to understand themselves and the actions of others, their verbal and nonverbal reactions, therefore, is an important cognitive component of the structure of communicative abilities of the individual. Social intelligence provides the expansion of the boundaries of the communicative space in the context of globalization, intercultural communications, strengthening of the integrative trends in science, is responsible for the patterns of constructing a "picture of the social world", that functioning mechanisms, perception, decoding and the construction of ideas about a wide range of social realities. Social intelligence provides the adequacy of social cognition that helps to predict the development of interpersonal relationships sharpens intuition and guarantees the success of professional training of the individual.

Yuliya Novikova ◽  
Alexander Shakhmatov ◽  
Maria Salyah

The relevance of the study of individual psychological characteristics of employees of criminal investigation departments in transport in the North-Western Federal district of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the NWFD) in relation to indicators of professional deformation is due to the specific features of their official activities. Despite a significant amount of research on the phenomenon of professional deformity of police officers, there are few thoroughly developed and completed works on the prevention of professional deformities of police officers. The purpose of our research was to study the individual psychological characteristics of employees of criminal investigation departments in connection with the risk of professional deformation. The results of the empirical study were processed by correlation and factor analysis (49 parameters). The results of the initial analysis showed that the overall assessment of job satisfaction among employees of the studied departments is average with a downward trend. The results of the study on «professional burnout» revealed that a number of employees surveyed are close to emotional exhaustion. It is established that empathic abilities, social intelligence, and constructive coping strategies play an important role in the structure of individual psychological characteristics of police officers. Low ability of employees to learn behavior determines non-constructive strategies and models for coping with stressful situations, which leads to deformation of relationships with other people, i.e. to professional deformation. The obtained data can be used as the basis for the program of psychoprophylaxis of professional deformation of criminal investigation units in transport in the northwestern Federal district.

Barbara J. Risman

This chapter introduces the innovators and provides a portrait of them. The chapter analyzes these innovators at the individual, interactional, and macro level of the gender structure. The chapter begins at the individual level of analysis because these young people emphasize how they challenge gender by rejecting requirements to restrict their personal activities, goals, and personalities to femininity or masculinity. They refuse to live within gender stereotypes. These Millennials do not seem driven by their feminist ideological beliefs, although they do have them. Their worldviews are more taken for granted than central to their stories. Nor are they consistently challenging gender expectations for others, although they often ignore the gender expectations they face themselves. They innovate primarily in their personal lives, although they do reject gendered expectations at the interactional level and hold feminist ideological beliefs about gender equality.

Barbara J. Risman

In this book Barbara J. Risman uses her gender structure theory to tackle the question about whether today’s young people, Millennials, are pushing forward the gender revolution or backing away from it. In the first part of the book, Risman revises her theoretical argument to differentiate more clearly between culture and material aspects of each level of gender as a social structure. She then uses previous research to explain that today’s young people spend years in a new life stage where they are emerging as adults. The new research presented here offers a typology of how today’s young people wrestle with gender during the years of emerging adulthood. How do they experience gender at the individual level? What are the expectations they face because of their sex? What are their ideological beliefs and organizational constraints based on their gender category? Risman suggests there is great variety within this generation. She identifies four strategies used by young people: true believers in gender difference, innovators who want to push boundaries in feminist directions, straddlers who are simply confused, and rebels who sometimes identify as genderqueer and reject gender categories all together. The final chapter offers a utopian vision that would ease the struggles of all these groups, a fourth wave of feminism that rejects the gender structure itself. Risman envisions a world where the sex ascribed at birth matters has few consequences beyond reproduction.

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