Epistemologi Fikih Filantropi Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di Indonesia

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 345-366
Wahyu Wahyu Akbar ◽  
Athoillah Ismaly

Handling economic problems in Indonesia during the Covid-19 pandemic necessitates the importance of cooperation from all elements of society with the government in offering various alternative solutions. This study intends to explore and identify the epistemological basis of Islamic law in the construction of the Fatwa Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) Nomor 23 Tahun 2020 Tentang Pemanfaatan Harta Zakat, Infak, dan Shadaqah Untuk Penanggulangan Wabah Covid-19 dan Dampaknya. This qualitative research is in the form of a literature review with a normative philosophical approach. The analytical theory used is the paradigm of idealism and realism of Islamic law. The results of the study state that the epistemological construction of Islamic law in the MUI fatwa Number 23 of 2020 tends to emphasize the idealism paradigm of Islamic law. First, universal ethical moral values ('am) which are taken from the theological text basis (nas). Second, the use of the rules of Islamic law (qawaid fiqhiyah) which emphasizes the rules of maslahah mursalah (public benefit).Third, the opinion of classical scholars.This finding shows that the presence of the MUI Fatwa in responding to contemporary problems is not always based on the realism paradigm of Islamic law, but also based on the idealism paradigm of Islamic law by making the foundations of theological normative texts and the repertoire of classical fiqh thought as the epistemological basis of its fatwa, as well as in addressing socio-economic problems that arise. caused by the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 74
Delfi Suganda ◽  
Teguh Murtazam

Aceh Province is a special area. Acts No. 11 of 2006 concerning theGovernment of Aceh provides freedom in terms of managing the government,especially regarding the implementation of Islamic law in Aceh. Islamic Shari’a isnot only understood as a rule that regulates education, but also about regulation ingovernment management in Aceh. One part of the government is about compilingregional spending in Aceh. This research is focused on budgeting which will becontextualized with Acehnese values, namely the local value of implementingIslamic law in Aceh. Priority indicators for a budget arrangement so that theyfulfill the requirements as ideal budgets according to Islam (Islamic budget ideal).In terms of substance, this research is classified into qualitative research, whichfocuses on the depth and sharpness of the study. So if more quantitative researchis on a broad, broad framework, the qualitative study is digging, swooping, anddeep. Islamic budgeting is a value that in this context wants to be included in thebudget in South Aceh. Based on the results of the study it was found that in terms ofthe determination of post-expenditure it is possible to include the values of IslamicShari’a. In this case the post expenditure is based on maqasid as-Syari’iyah. Interms of revenue, only zakat, shadaqah, and infaq are possible to be contextualized.As for ‘usyr, rikaz, etc., it is not possible because regional revenues from the fiscalside are regulated so rigid in state regulations  

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 1313
Khairuddin Khairuddin

<div class="translate-tooltip-mtz hidden"><div class="header"><div class="header-controls"><em>The people of Gunung Meriah still find many addictions to drinks that can be intoxicating, such as drinking tuak. Therefore, this study aims to find out how the supervision of the government and the community in minimizing wine drinkers and sellers in Gunung Meriah District and Islamic views on the law of drinking tuak, as well as how to sanction those who drink it. To complete this research, the writer uses qualitative research. The techniques used in data collection are observation and in-depth interviews with informants. The result of the research shows that some of the people of Gunung Meriah like to drink tuak, both from officials and ordinary people. 25% of Mount Meriah people are addicted to this tuak drink, it is drunk on certain occasions such as parties or other days. The government does not pay much attention to the problem of tuak drinks, which can be seen from the lack of cases of drinkers and sellers of wine being appointed and given appropriate punishments, only a few people have reached the stage of punishment. Likewise, the community does not interfere too much in dealing with the problem of tuak drinkers and sellers, even though this problem is very serious. Drinking tuak, in the perspective of Islamic law, is a drink that is prohibited because it is intoxicating.</em></div></div><div class="controls"> </div></div>

Andrisha Beharry Ramraj

This chapter will examine the role of different stakeholders towards alleviating the constraints towards the growth of informal entrepreneurship. The stakeholders that will be investigated include the government, consumers, and the private sector. This study will comprise of a literature review that explores the challenges that affect the growth of informal entrepreneurship. While exploring these factors the role played by different stakeholders to alleviate the challenges are identified and analysed. A methodology that is based on desktop qualitative research, key findings, and discussions are examined, and conclusions based on the acquired research are drawn.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 159
Yahya Pandega Putra ◽  
Eko Priyo Purnomo ◽  
Suswanta Suswanta ◽  
Aulia Nur Kasiwi

The phenomenon of the politicization of the bureaucracy is nothing new in politics in Indonesia, the politicization of the bureaucracy has long been the case ever since the implementation of the general elections in Indonesia for the first time in 1955. The entire regime that once ruled in Indonesia has ever put through the politicization of this bureaucracy even up regime power today because by utilizing the existing positions in the bureaucracy, it can pave the way for political purposes. The application of the merit system policies to achieve good governance and clean is a step taken by the Government as a system of monitoring the implementation of transfer, promotion, and demotion conducted by political officials. This study uses qualitative research using reference data from many previous studies used as a literature review and a national online media news concerning the application of the merit system and bureaucracy politicization pressure that occurs. Based on the analysis using the software NVivo 12 Plus, it can be deduced that to realize good and clean government in the middle of bureaucratic politicization needed policy on the application of the merit system in personnel management, which aims to encourage the government bureaucracy to become more competent in solving the problems of public-oriented towards public service.Fenomena politisasi birokrasi bukanlah hal baru dalam politik di Indonesia, politisasi birokrasi telah lama terjadi sejak penyelenggaraan pemilihan umum di Indonesia pertama kali pada tahun 1955. Seluruh rezim yang pernah berkuasa di Politisasi birokrasi ini pernah dilakukan Indonesia bahkan sampai kekuasaan rezim saat ini karena dengan memanfaatkan posisi yang ada di birokrasi dapat membuka jalan bagi kepentingan politik. Penerapan kebijakan merit system untuk mewujudkan good governance dan clean merupakan langkah yang diambil oleh Pemerintah sebagai sistem pengawasan terhadap pelaksanaan mutasi, promosi, dan penurunan pangkat yang dilakukan oleh pejabat politik. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan data referensi dari berbagai penelitian sebelumnya yang digunakan sebagai tinjauan pustaka dan pemberitaan media online nasional mengenai penerapan sistem merit dan tekanan politisasi birokrasi yang terjadi. Berdasarkan analisis dengan menggunakan software NVivo 12 Plus, dapat disimpulkan bahwa untuk mewujudkan pemerintahan yang baik dan bersih di tengah politisasi birokrasi diperlukan kebijakan penerapan merit system dalam pengelolaan kepegawaian, yang bertujuan untuk mendorong agar birokrasi pemerintahan menjadi lebih kompeten dalam menyelesaikan masalah-masalah yang berorientasi pada publik menuju pelayanan publik. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 64-74
Nur Tasdiq

Abstract: This research is about the application of iddah income for wives at the Religious Court in Watampone. The main issues regarding the legal status of iddah livelihoods, and how to determine the amount of iddah livelihoods, as well as the efforts of judges in resolving husband's cases refuse to provide iddah livelihoods. This research is a qualitative research with a normative juridical approach and a philosophical approach. The provision of livelihood in the Qur'an and the Compilation of Islamic Law in Indonesia is obligatory to be given to the wife after divorce, requested or not requested in court, as long as the divorce is not due to the wife's nusyuz. But this is not the case with his practice at the Religious Courts in Watampone. Determination of iddah income at the Religious Court in Watampone still prioritizes the agreement between the husband and wife, if an agreement is not found between them, the Panel of Judges will determine the amount by considering the husband's ability and wife's needs. Regarding the case of the husband refusing to provide iddah, the Panel of Judges took several efforts, but the efforts taken did not have a strong legal basis, even some of the efforts taken were not in accordance with the existing procedural law.AbstrakPenelitian ini mengenai penerapan nafkah iddah pada Pengadilan Agama Watampone. Pokok permasalahan tentang status hukum nafkah iddah, dan bagaimana cara penentuan jumlah nafkah iddah, serta upaya hakim dalam menyelesaikan perkara suami menolak memberi nafkah iddah. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan yuridis normatif dan pendekatan filosofis.Ketentuan nafkah iddah di dalam  al-Qur’an dan Kompilasi Hukum Islam di Indonesia adalah wajib diberikan kepada isteri yang ditalak raj’i, diminta ataupun tidak diminta dalam persidangan, selama perceraian bukan karena nusyuznya isteri. Namun tidak demikian dengan peraktiknya di Pengadilan Agama Watampone. Penentuan nafkah iddah pada Pengadilan Agama Watampone tetap mengedepankan kesepakatan antara pihak suami dan isteri, apabila tidak didapati kesepakatan antara keduanya, maka Majelis Hakim yang akan menentukan jumlahnya dengan mempertimbangkan kemampuan suami dan kebutuhan isteri. Terkait perkara suami menolak memberi nafkah iddah, Majelis Hakim menempuh beberapa upaya, namun upaya yang ditempuh tidak memiliki dasar hukum yang kuat, bahkan beberapa upaya yang ditempuh tidak sesuai dengan hukum acara yang ada.Keywords: Implementation; Iddah; Living Rights; Religious courts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 68
Rahmat Rahmat ◽  
Azwar Iskandar ◽  
Khaerul Aqbar

This study aims to find out the thought of Abu Ya'la concerning public finance supervision according to Islamic law in the book of al-Aḥkām al-Sulṭāniyyah. This research is qualitative descriptive research with library research method and juridical-philosophical approach. The results showed that construction of Abu Ya'la's thought on public finance supervision was included in the system of hisbah, i.e. the system of the indication and the possibility to involve two parties; (1) an independent institution created by the government to supervise the financial management of the state, whether structural in the state institutions or independent purely and non-structural; (2) other parties involved in this efforts is society, so that the entire community of people are kindly participated in the oversight efforts. In Abu Ya'la's perspective, a Hisbah institution is not a pro justicia institution that does not have the right to impose criminal or civil sanctions, but has the right to listen to public complaints about the deviation of the state's financial management and cooperate with law enforcement agencies making claims.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-18
Suharso Suharso

The purpose of this study is to describe the values of faith, worship, and morals contained in the novel Api Tauhid by Habiburrahman El-Shirazy. This researchis a type of qualitative research, which is a study that does not use calculation of numbers. In this study researchers used library research. In collecting data usingdocument review techniques or commonly called documentation analysis. Data analysis in this study through three stages, including: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. Islamic values contained in the novel Api Tauhid include: the values of the faith which include planting the value of faith, faith in God, faith in the destiny of Allah, and faith in the last day. The values of worship include prayer on time, guarding against immoral acts, recitation, prayer, and preaching. Moral values include respect for parents, respect for experts, respect for the government, inferiority, courtesy, and honesty.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 116-126
Prahoro Yudo Purwono ◽  
Fikky Ardiansyah ◽  
Syahrul Gunawan

The COVID-19 outbreak has the potential to change the economic situation which is marked by a change in the trade map, in addition to causing the cessation of various business fields, global trade performance will certainly be disrupted due to the slow improvement in manufacturing performance. On the other hand, the problem of distributing ZISWAF funds (Zakat, Infaq, Shadaqah and Waqaf) has not been evenly distributed. Therefore, Gubuk ZISWAF is proposed. The purpose of this research is to describe the concept and implementation of Gubuk ZISWAF as a solution for community living financing scheme based on local empowerment during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research method used is qualitative research with literature review approach. The result shows that the implementation technique  will be carried out to realize the Gubuk ZISWAF starts from the planning stage, where is related to the formulation of policies by the government and collaboration with related parties, then continued with research and coordination between related parties and the government, development stage, socialization program, and comprehensive implementation (with a ball pick-up system). The results of the implementation of the Gubuk ZISWAF in each of these villages have had a positive impact on the Indonesian economy. In addition to suppressing the rate of poverty in the midst of a pandemic, the possibility of social crimes and the stalling of the economy as well as the spread of COVID-19 can also be prevented.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 110
Vivi Andriani ◽  
Nerosti Nerosti

This study aims to describe the form of Mancak Padang Dance Performance in Urak Balabek Ceremony at Pauh IX Village, Kuranji District, Padang City.This research belongs to a qualitative research using analytical descriptive method. The object of research was Mancak Padang Dance in Pauh IX Village, Kuranji District, West Sumatra Province. It is focused on the form of performance. The data were collected through literature review, observation, interview, and documentation. The data analysis was conducted by using triangulation technique which compared the observation result data with the data from interview and documentation.The results of the study generally show that Mancak Padang Dance in Urak Balabek ceremony in Pauh IX Village, Kuranji District, is a village party in the context of adopting sasian to become aguru tuo and give the title. Urak Balabek ceremony is a procession of crowning someone to lift his sword. This ceremony must be attended by boys. It is to indicate that the boy is mature enough to carry on the inheritance from the previous to the present generation. This activity begins by slaughtering a buffalo. The role of women is also needed to prepare for the banquet. The first night is the government ceremonial opening andalek ceremony.Next, galanggang opening which is opened by the head of pandeka with mancak padang. It is continued by Mancak Padang dance by the kids. After that, the guru tuo perform Mancak Padang dance, and it is closedby guru  gadang. Mancak Padang dance movement originates from silat divided into three: kuda-kuda, balabekandgelek. Mancak Padang dance is accompanied by external music in the form of drums.Costumes wornare black silatclothes and a sarungin the waist. Mancak Padang dance in Urak Balabek Ceremony must be preserved from generation to generation. This is due to the fact thatthe dance is one of the traditional and cultural traditions as well as local wisdom owned by the community of Pauh IX Village, Kuranji District, West Sumatra Province.Keywords: Performances, Padang Mancak Dance, Balabek Urak Ceremony

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-73
Athoillah Islamy

This study aims to explore and identify the philosophical basis and features of Abdurrahman Wahid's approach to Islamic law regarding the implementation model of Islamic law in Indonesia. This research is a qualitative research in the form of literature review. This research is included in the category of philosophical normative Islamic law research. The theory used as a theory of analysis is the theory of the formalization paradigm of Islamic law. There are two major conclusions in this study. First. First, the indigenousization of Islam is Abdurrahman Wahid’s philosophical foundation for the implementation model of Islamic law through the method of contextual interpretation and contextualization of classical Islamic law. Second, Abdurrahman Wahid’s approach related to the implementation of Islamic law in the context of people's life in Indonesia is a cultural substantive approach

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