2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-12
Syamsudin Mopangga ◽  
Hartono Hadjarati ◽  
Suprianto Kadir

This study aims to analyze Langga as traditional martial arts of the Bone Bolango community. This research is a survey research. The research subjects were Langga teachers, and the surrounding community. Data collection techniques are done using interview techniques by asking questions. The results of this study are that Langga Self-Defense is a typical silat of the Bone Bolango community which was inherited by the ancestors of Bone Bolango who is also a martial art for maintaining security in the territory of the Bone Bolango kingdom. The conclusion is that Langga martial arts is a tradition of the Bone Bolango community. The existence of Langga martial arts had existed in the 1960s which at that time was played by Temeapusa and Syahrul Panipi. In 1993 until now Langga's martial arts began to be rarely played again especially in welcoming the big days.

2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Faraznasia Benny ◽  
Adnil Edwin Nurdin ◽  
Eva Chundrayetti

AbstrakPenerimaan merupakan sikap seseorang yang menerima orang lain apa adanya secara keseluruhan, tanpa disertai persyaratan ataupun penilaian. Apabila dalam keluarga terutama pada ibu ada penerimaan, maka dapat membantu dalam pengasuhan dan akan mendukung perkembangan anak. Namun tidak mudah bagi seorang ibu untuk dapat menerima begitu saja kondisi anaknya.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran penerimaan ibu terhadap anaknya yang mengalami gangguan retardasi mental, faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan penerimaan serta gambaran retardasi mental secara pendekatan kualitatif dalam bentuk eksplorasi. Subyek penelitian ini adalah tiga orang ibu yang memiliki anak yang mengalami gangguan retardasi mental. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan teknik wawancara semi terstruktur. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian secara umum, satu dari tiga orang subyek penelitian dapat dikatakan telah menerima anaknya dengan baik, hal ini terlihat dari sikap subyek yang telah memenuhi keseluruhan aspek penerimaan ibu terhadap anak yaitu kecemasan yang minimal terhadap kehadiran anak, pembelaan diri yang minimal atas keterbatasan anak, dan tidak adanya penolakan. Disamping itu kedua subyek tersebut juga memperlihatkan adanya kontrol terhadap perkembangan anak, memberikan tekanan atas kemampuan anak, komunikasi yang hangat, pengasuhan yang baik, adanya sikap menghargai dan penlaian yang positif terhadap anak, juga pengenalan atas kebutuhan anak dalam pengembangan kemandirian anak. Namun pada dasarnya seluruh subyek dapat memenuhi aspek yang terkait dengan pengasuhan, dan tidak adanya penolakan yang terlihat dari ibu. Gambaran retardasi mental yang dialami anak subyek dapat dikatakan terlihat jelas dari bentuk fisik. Kondisi keterbelakangan mental anak dari subyek A, B, dan C terlihat tidak terlalu parah. Faktor yang paling menonjol dalam penerimaan dari ketiga subyek adalah faktor agama, dimana seluruh subyek menyatakan dapat menerima kondisi anak setelah menyerahkan seluruhnya kepada Tuhan.Kata kunci: Penerimaan Ibu, Retardasi Mental, AnakAbstractThe acceptance is an attitude of someone who accepts other people as they are as they are whole, without any requirements or assessment. When a family, especially the mother has reception, then it can assist in education and support the development of children. But it is not easy for a mother to be able to take for granted of her child condition. The aim of this study was to obtain an acceptance overview of the mother whose children suffered mental retardation disorder, the factors led to the acceptance as well as an overview of mental retardation by a qualitative approach in the form of exploration. The subjects were three mothers whose children with mental retardation disorders. This study used semi-structured interview techniques. Based on the results of general research, two of the three research subjects can be said that they have accepted their children well, as seen from the attitude of the subject who has fulfilled all aspects of the mothers' acceptance to their children are the minimal anxiety to the presence of the children, a minimal self-defense about the limitations of the children, and the absence of rejection. Besides, these two subjects also showed that the control of the development of the children, pressure giving on the children’s ability, warm communication, good parenting, respection and a positive judgement against children, also a recognition of the children’s needs in the development of the children’s independence. But basically the whole subject can fulfill aspects associated with caregiving, and the absence of a rejection seen on the mother.The overview of mental retardation suffered by the subject children can be said is obvious from the physical form. Mental retardation of the childrens' condition subjects A, B, and C are not too severe. The most prominent factor in the acceptance of the three subjects is the religion factor, where the whole subjects state can accept the childrens' condition after the completely submission to the God.Keywords:Mother Acceptance, Mental Retardation, Children

2019 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
Morad Sabdullah Umpa

In Islām, there are four fundamental factors of social development and change – personality, tradition, accident, and people. The Qur'an says: "Verily never will God change the condition of a people until they change it themselves [with their souls]. (Q-13:11). Therefore, the researcher's aim is assessing the integration of Islāmic values in the teaching of martial arts in the youth for them be good followers of Islām thru inculcation in their minds and their behavior the real sense of a true Muslim. Essentially, this study is descriptive, which aimed mainly to serve as an exposition on the Religion, Traditional Culture, and History of the Muslims in the Philippines and their implication relevance to martial arts. The various data collected through in-depth study, interview and observation showed that Islām prepares people to be a fruitful citizen in the society. It also aimed for the total development of man not only in the religious aspect. Thus, Martial arts play a vital role in Islām not just as a means of self-defense, but as a system of ethics. Man and fighting are by nature intimately related; in fact, history shows that they are inseparable. Locally, the Bangsamoro has a very rich historical foundation in martial arts that is directly derivable from the roots of Islāmic propagation. And as man became civilized, hand-to-hand fighting also became specialized and humanized and, gradually. Thus, the term martial art is recognized today as a specialized field of knowledge which should be inculcated together with education for the total development of the new generations leading to a society imbued with rich morality.

Nur Wahyu Rochmadi

<p><em>The Samin community was phenomenal, because the actualization of their noble values was able to make the Dutch colonialists inconvenient, even when the Indonesian nation became independent, and the Indonesian state was established until now. The purpose of this research is to explore the noble values of the Samin people, then they are used as role models in developing the character of citizens. The research was conducted with a descriptive qualitative design. The research subjects were traditional elders, community leaders, families and other parties who had interacted with the Samin community. Data collection was carried out through observation, interviews and documentation. Data were analyzed by referring to an interactive model. The research findings explain that the noble values of the Samin community include: (a) honesty; (b) simple / prasojo; (c) extension; (d) mutual cooperation; (e) rilo, selfless, sincere; (f) friends; diligent, tenacious and painstaking; (g) ora drengki, srei, dahpen kemiren; (h) independence; and (i) fair. Based on these findings, it is suggested (1) the noble values of the Samin community be used as a reference in developing the character of citizens; and (2) character education practice must be preceded by determining the main values.</em></p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (8) ◽  
pp. 135-136
Masoud Hayeri Khyavi ◽  
Maziar Abdollahinya

During our childhood, even early after being borne, we have innate features for self-defense instinctively which are barely noticed. On the other hand, nowadays, martial arts and self-defense practices are being steadily educated as a popular form of training. These approaches can end up with consequences in real combats. The purpose of the present paper is to introduce a new training concept by considering very basic and instinctive defensive movements exhibited by a human since his/her birth and develop and follow these features for self-defense in adolescence. This new concept will indicate that some martial arts (i.e. martial skills – different from common interpretation of a martial art) have been with us since our birth. Here we will demonstrate that even a cutie infant can provide us with noble self-defense ideas.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-49
Adi Sumarsono ◽  
Pulung Riyanto

This research is based on the rise of positive activities carried out by school-age children in the afternoon and the support provided by direct parents. The purpose of this study is to identify the motivations of parents and children in participating in Karate martial arts in Merauke Regency, Papua. This research method is quantitative descriptive using a questionnaire as an instrument in data collection. The research subjects included three Karate colleges, all of which involved 125 parents who were active in providing support to their children by actively delivering, waiting and picking up during training. The results obtained from this study are the motivation of parents in both boys and girls, all of which are more dominant for educational activities, the second is achievement motivation and the third is motivation for recreation. As for the motivation of children in their personal participation in Karate martial arts training is more because of the desire to learn, get to know friends, and increase relationships. Based on the data it can be concluded that the motivation of parents and children is due to educational factors.Keyword: Motivation, KarateAbstrakPenelitian ini didasari oleh maraknya kegiatan positif yang dilakukan oleh anak usia sekolah di sore hari serta dukungan yang diberikan oleh orang tua langsung. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi tentang hal motivasi orang tua dan anak dalam mengikuti olahraga beladiri Karate di Kabupaten Merauke Papua. Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan menggunakan angket sebagai instrumen dalam pengumpulan data. Subyek penelitian ini meliputi tiga perguruan Karate yang kesemuanya melibatkan 125 orang tua dan anak yang aktif dalam memberikan dukungan kepada putra-putrinya dengan cara aktif mengantar, menunggu dan menjemput saat latihan. Hasil yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini adalah motivasi orang tua baik pada anak laki-laki maupun anak perempuan kesemuanya lebih dominan untuk kegiatan pendidikan yang kedua adalah dorongan berprestasi dan yang ketiga adalah motivasi untuk hal rekreasi. Adapun motivasi anak secara pribadi dalam mengikuti latihan beladiri Karate lebih karena keinginan belajar, mengenal teman, serta menambah pergaulan. Berdasarkan data dapat disimpulkan bahwa motivasi orang tua dan anak adalah karena faktor pendidikan.Kata kunci:motivasi, berlatih karate 

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 367-391
Wayne Wong

Abstract This article argues that the reinvention of Chinese martial arts through new media art practices reveals new aesthetic potentialities not readily available in the conventional cinematic medium. While martial arts cinema has captivated the global audience with visual and visceral excitements, most notably through the new-style wuxia films of the 1960s and the kung fu craze of the 1970s, it focuses on representational strategies characteristic of imaginative irreversibility and passive immersivity. The former refers to the rigid segregation of reality and fantasy that discourages the possibility of reversal, whereas the latter describes the immersive wuxia and kung fu spectacles as a disembodied experience, contrary to the core of martial arts learning and practice. To address the above issues, martial arts-inspired new media artworks, such as susuan pui san lok's RoCH Fans & Legends (2015) and Jeffery Shaw, Sarah Kenderdine and Hing Chao's Lingnan Hung Kuen Across the Century (2017), look for alternative approaches to represent martial arts imaginations for the goals of preserving an intangible cultural heritage and promoting an intellectual reflexivity. In so doing, not only do the new media artworks help to reposition Chinese martial arts as an everyday art form via conventional art spaces worldwide through the transnational and transregional flow of cinema, but they also establish the subtle connection between traditional martial art and contemporary art in the context of globalization.

Hario Sasongko

Content creators like flmmakers, comic artists, designers or animators, are always wanted to be inspired. Some researched have found that a theme that will never be dried out to explore is the theme about culture. The beauty but deadly characteristic of Penchak Silat could be one of Indonesian unique cultural wealth with great potential as a source for any creative content. But animating or mimicking the movement of Penchak Silat is not an easy task for animators or any content creators, it requires deeper on both pieces of knowledge of motion and self-defense itself, which sometimes can only be understood by someone who spent their life trained in this martial art. This paper method is a documented experiment of using motion capture as a quantitative tool which complements the often qualitative approaches of user observations to study captured movements of Penchak Silat in the form of digital data. In this research a real Penchak Silat practitioner were set of tasks to performed jurus or Penchak Silat codifed movements. The motions of the research subjects were captured by a set of simple motion capture device with four PlayStation cameras. The data recorded through the motion capture system were translated into a rigged 3D model. Conclusions were drawn on the potential use of motion capture tool that can gain beneft to any content creator, based on the accuracy of the body mechanics and complexity of Penchak Silat movements that’s been recorded. Another goal is to provide a ready to use reference for animators, enabling them to bring easier and more effective workflows in animation production.

Erna Gesti Fadrusiana ◽  
Rini Triastuti ◽  
Winarno Winarno

Various cases of religious and social intolerance reflect that Indonesian society needs to improve and strengthen tolerance. Several ways are taken so that tolerance can be instilled and strengthened through both formal and informal aspects. From an informal perspective, the community has a way to instill tolerance through community activities including Jaga Sesama community. The purpose of this study was to determine the strengthening of tolerance through the Community Watch Guard conducted by using qualitative methods and purposive sampling techniques. The research subjects were members of Jaga Sesama community. Data collection techniques by interview and observation. The results of the study showed that community activities such as Reading Qur’an and Mbois (Discussion Islamic Chat) helped strengthen the tolerance of the Surakarta community which was shown through mutual respect, mutual respect for each other or different religions, accepting differences and always maintaining harmony that could strengthen unity and integrity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 227-248
Asep Saepul Malik

Kegiatan dakwah ialah suatu aktivitas yang mendorong umat manusia untuk memperkuat keyakinannya kepada Allah SWT dan agar umat yang belum memeluk ajaran Islam juga dapat memeluk ajaran agama Islam dengan menggunakan cara yang bijaksana melalui materi ajaran syariat Islam, supaya mereka mendapatkan kebahagiaan di dunia dan di akhirat. Pengajian pasaran kitab al-Hikam ialah suatu kegiatan dakwah yang di pimpin langsung oleh sesepuh pondok pesantren azzayniyyah ialah KH. Aang Abdullah Zein. Pengajian kitab al-Hikam ini di dalamnya membahas tentang permasalahan kehidupan manusia seperti masalah hati (qolbu), akhlak, iman, dan Islam. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui penyampayan dakwah melalui pengajian pasaran kitab al-Hikam di pondok pesantren azzayniyyah dan untuk mengetahui pesan-pesan dakwah yang ada di dalam kitab al-Hikam. Landasan teori yang digunakan ialah teori M. Munir tentang dakwah bil-Lisan al-Hal. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif, ialah dengan menggambarkan keadaan sebenarnya melalui pengumpulan data yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara, dokumentasi, dan kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa dakwah melalui pengajian pasaran kitab al-Hikam yang di lakukan oleh KH. Aang Abdullah Zein di anggap cukup berhasil, karena jamaah memberikan respon yang baik atau positif dan jamaah yang hadir setiap bulan slalu meningkat atau lebih banyak.Da'wah activity is an activity that encourages mankind to strengthen his belief in Allah SWT and so that people who have not embraced the teachings of Islam can also embrace the teachings of Islam by using a wise way through Islamic teaching material, so that they get happiness in the world and the hereafter. Study of the market of the book al-Hikam is a missionary activity led directly by the azzayniyyah boarding school elders is KH. Aang Abdullah Zein. This study of al-Hikam in it discusses the problems of human life such as the problem of the heart (qolbu), morals, faith, and Islam.  Thep of this study is to determine the delivery of da'wah through the study of the market of the book al-Hikam in azzayniyyah boarding school and to find out the messages of da'wah in the book of al-Hikam. The cornerstone of the theory used is M. Munir's theory about the da'wah bil-Lisan al-Hal. This research method uses descriptive, is to describe the actual situation through data collection conducted using interview techniques, documentation, and literature. The results of this study indicate that preaching through the study of the book market al-Hikam conducted by KH. Aang Abdullah Zein was considered quite successful, because worshipers gave good or positive responses and worshipers who were present every month always increased or more.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 36
Ahmad Sudi Pratikno ◽  
Dewi Nurmasita

Social movement is an effort to provide benefits to others. However, within the context of cultivating the character, research on social movement through socio-drama based on local wisdom is very limited. This study aims to examine the increasing character of nationalism through social movements in the form of socio-drama. Research subjects were elementary and secondary students residing in rural area. This research used qualitative and descriptive method. Data collection techniques were documentations, observations, and interviews. The results showed that the increased character of nationalism only arise when playing socio-drama only, they would return to the previous character. Cultivating the character values need a long time, so the change of character did not necessarily happen.

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