Олеся Николаевна Ежова ◽  
Светлана Станиславовна Пиюкова

Статья посвящена рассмотрению педагогических аспектов исправительного воздействия в отношении осужденных, совершивших особо опасный рецидив, как сложного социального феномена, детерминирующего эффективность реализации уголовно-правовых отношений. Раскрывается сущность и содержание понятия исправительного воздействия в отношении осужденных, рассматривается педагогический потенциал мер исправительного воздействия, которые в большей степени носят воспитательный характер, не связаны непосредственно с преступлением и не имеют характера возмездия. Авторами статьи анализируется сложившаяся практика реализации исправительного воздействия в отношении осужденных, совершивших особо опасный рецидив, на примере ФКУ ИК-29 УФСИН России по Самарской области, являющегося исправительной колонией особого режима, в которой отбывают наказание осужденные, неоднократно совершавшие тяжкие и особо тяжкие преступления. На основании результатов опроса сотрудников ФКУ ИК-29 УФСИН России по Самарской области и осужденных, отбывающих наказания в указанном исправительном учреждении, делается вывод об эффективности отдельных мер исправительного воздействия, в том числе «встреч с родными и близкими» и «встреч со священнослужителями». Формулируются рекомендации по повышению эффективности мер исправительного воздействия в отношении осужденных, совершивших особо опасный рецидив преступления. The article is devoted to the consideration of the pedagogical aspects of corrective treatment in relation to prisoners committed especially dangerous repeated offences, as a complex social phenomenon that determines the effectiveness of the implementation of criminal law relations. The essence and content of the concept of corrective treatment in relation to prisoners is revealed, the pedagogical potential of corrective treatment measures that are not directly related to the crime, do not have the nature of retribution, and, to a greater extent, are of an educational nature, are considered. The authors of the article analyze the existing practice of implementing corrective treatment in relation to prisoners committed especially dangerous repeated offences, using the example of a correctional colony with special regime № 29 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in Samara Region, where prisoners committed repeated felonies and especially serious crimes are held. Based on the results of a survey of employees of the correctional colony № 29 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in Samara region and prisoners serving sentences in this correctional institution, a conclusion is drawn about the effectiveness of certain corrective measures, including «visits relatives and friends» and «visits priests». Recommendations are formulated to improve the effectiveness of corrective measures in relation to prisoners committed especially dangerous repeated offences.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (5) ◽  
pp. 833-846
Tatjana Hörnle

AbstractThe article describes the #MeToo-movement in the United States and Germany and discusses the merits and problems of this social phenomenon. It highlights the fact that some features of #MeToo (blaming and sanctioning wrongdoers) resemble those of criminal punishment and thus require careful justification. In the final part, the author examines the impact of the #MeToo-movement on criminal law reform.

Дмитрий Евгеньевич Горюнов

В данной статье рассматривается понятие экстремизма как социального явления, его основные детерминанты, оказывающие влияние на его распространение в условиях исправительного учреждения, роль оперативного отдела пенитенциарного учреждения в профилактике распространения данного явления. Описываются основные условия, способствующие совершению правонарушений и преступлений, раскрывается понятие оперативного поиска, под которым понимаются мероприятия, направленные на установление первичной информации о лицах либо фактах, представляющих существенную значимость (оперативный интерес), ее систематизацию, проверку и принятие необходимых решений в целях профилактики и раскрытия преступлений экстремистской направленности. Первичная оперативно-розыскная информация - это сведения о лицах и фактах, которые рассматриваются как данные, представляющие оперативный интерес, о которых ранее не было известно оперативному аппарату исправительного учреждения. Получение подобных сведений позволит оперативным подразделениям составить первоначальный психологический портрет изучаемого, а также прогнозировать его дальнейшее поведение. Рассматривается формирование криминологического портрета осужденного, являющегося носителем экстремистской идеологии, так как без данной информации невозможно ведение полноценной воспитательной работы по развенчанию экстремистской идеологии. Раскрываются формы и методы взаимодействия оперативных отделов исправительного учреждения с другими отделами ИУ по вопросам реализации мероприятий, направленных на противодействие распространению экстремистской идеологии в местах лишения свободы. This article considers the concept of extremism as a social phenomenon, the main determinants influencing its spread in the conditions of a correctional institution. The role of the operational department of the penitentiary institution in preventing the spread of this crime. The main conditions contributing to the commission of offenses and crimes are described. The concept of operational search is described, which should be understood as measures aimed at establishing primary information about persons or facts of significant importance (operational interest), its systematization, verification and making the necessary decisions in order to prevent and solve extremist crimes. Initial operational-search information, this is information about persons and facts that are considered as data of operational interest, which were previously not known to the operating apparatus of the correctional institution. Obtaining such information will allow operational units to draw up an initial psychological portrait of the subject, as well as predict his further behavior. It describes the formation of a criminological portrait of a convict who is the bearer of extremist ideology. Since without this information it is impossible to conduct full-fledged educational work to debunk extremist ideology. The forms and methods of interaction between the operational departments of the correctional institution and other departments of the IU on the implementation of measures aimed at countering the spread of extremist ideology in places of deprivation of liberty are disclosed.

Oleg Gribunov ◽  
Gennady Nebratenko ◽  
Evgeny Bezruchko ◽  
Elena Millerova

The authors examine the specific features of criminal law assessment of involvement in prostitution and the organization of this activity through the use or the threat of violence. At the beginning, they stress the urgency of counteracting the social phenomenon of prostitution, analyze the very concept of «prostitution», its debatable and problematic aspects, because it is impossible to offer a correct qualification of criminal actions connected with prostitution (crimes under Art. 240 and 241 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) without determining the boundaries of providing sexual services specifically referring to the term «prostitution». It is concluded that the key problem for determining the scope of sexual actions described by the term «prostitution» is the lack of an official definition of this term in Russian legislation as well as a wide variety of services in the modern sex industry. The authors state that the understanding of prostitution as a historical social phenomenon as a situation when a woman provides sexual services to different men by performing sexual acts with them for previously discussed material compensation is outdated and does not reflect the multiple dimensions of modern prostitution. While researching the issues of qualifying criminal acts connected with prostitution and involving the use or the threat of violence within the framework of this article, the authors have analyzed the work of both Russian and foreign scholars and studied examples of investigation and court practice. They examine the problems of legal assessment of criminal law categories «violence» and «the threat of using violence» regarding publically dangerous actions connected with the involvement in prostitution and the organization of this activity. The authors present the criteria of differentiating between corpus delicti where such actions are criminally punishable and other corpus delicti, as well as the cases that require qualification for multiple crimes. The results of this research allowed the authors to work out and present recommendations on qualifying criminal actions connected with prostitution and involving the use of the threat of violence.

2020 ◽  
pp. 32-37
Vadim D. Filimonov ◽  

The article examines justice as a principle of law and as criminal principle of justice as a principle of compensated justice. The measure of justice in punishment is mainly the correspondence of the punishment to the public danger of the committed crime, i.e. a certain equality of harm caused by criminals to other persons, society or the state, and the severity of the punishment imposed on them. The author argues that a court that follows the principle of justice in imposing punishments has to establish two types of genetic correspondence. The first type is the correspondence of the criminal behavior, circumstances of the crime and the culprit’s personality to the public danger of the criminal’s personality as a criminological basis for imposing punishment. This correspondence employs the genesis of criminal behavior to substantiate the imposed punishment. The rejection of this correspondence could lead to a misconception about the nature and degree of social danger of the perpetrator’s personality as well as an unreasonable type and amount of punishment for the committed crime. The second type consists in the compliance of the type and amount of punishment with the grounds for its imposition ˗the social need to oppose antisocial behavior and personality traits of the guilty person with such a punishment that meets the interests of law-abiding citizens, society, and the state, that is, a social phenomenon that embodies the genesis of criminal law regulation of public relations. The author claims that that it is necessary to identify not only the above-mentioned types of genetic and other correspondences in the mechanism of imposing a punishment, but also take into account the correspondence in terms of proportionality, especially when it comes to the compliance of the punishment with the gravity of the crime committed. Having analyzed all types of correspondences in the mechanism of punishment imposition, the author concludes that since the indicated types of orrespondences in the system of punishment imposition determine the activity of the court, insofar they act as its regulators. The ability to regulate the activities of the court turns their entire set into an instrument for introducing the principle of justice into punishment. Therefore, the mechanism for imposing punishment manifests itself in the process of regulating criminal law relations as a legal instrument for implementing the principle of justice in punishment.

Viktoriia Shpiliarevych

The article states that domestic violence, existing in all spheres of public life, as a result leads into the destruction of family values, violation of human and civil rights and freedoms, makes an irreparable impact on mental and physical health of victims. Therefore, since ancient times it has been a problem of human existence, and, unfortunately, it is to remain relevant nowadays. In modern social developments, counteraction of domestic violence is one of the priorities not only of internal policy of any state, but also an issue of international criminal law policy. In particular, the study of about its extension in different countries proves the international nature of this negative social phenomenon. The fact that counteraction of domestic violence has become a part of Ukraine's domestic policy to create a society free of gender-based violence, was finally affirmed on November 7, 2011, when the Ukrainian state joined the Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence adopted by the Council of Europe of May 11, 2011. The most important event in the history of criminal law policy in the field of domestic violence was the adoption on December 6, 2017, of the bills «On Amendments to the Criminal and Criminal Procedure Codes of Ukraine to implement the Council of Europe' Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence». As a result, on January 11, 2019, the General and Special parts of the Criminal Code of Ukraine were supplemented with a number of norms related to the scope of counteraction of this negative social phenomenon.

Pavel Yankovich

Since the second half of the XVIII century a new view of the punishment purpose in criminal law has been formed. According to the theory of the great Italian thinker and jurist C. Beccarria the purpose of punishment «is not to torture and torment a person, but to prevent the perpetrator from harming society again and to keep others from doing the same». This formulation of the definition gave a new impetus to the development of Russian penitentiary system. New methods have been actively used to correct the prisoner. Gradually, work becomes the main way to influence prisoners, its main task is to train prisoners to work and earn money in honest way, to give them an opportunity to acquire some professional skills, so that after serving their sentence they can more easily adapt to the life outside the correctional institution, thereby it reduces the number of recidivism. On November 22, 1918 the Central Punitive Department of the People’s Commissariat of Justice of the RSFSR issued a circular «On the Creation of Agricultural Labor Colonies». As a result, various colonies were created everywhere, including in Smolensk Governorate. In the article the author describes types of agricultural activities carried out by the colonists in the governorate, their work specifics, as well as the role of agricultural colonies in the domestic penitentiary system in the 1920s.

Игорь Вадимович Попов ◽  
Инна Фидановна Якупова ◽  
Екатерина Александровна Панкова

Статья посвящена изучению направлений работы, проводимой сотрудниками исправительных учреждений уголовно-исполнительной системы Российской Федерации в вопросах выявления каналов несанкционированного проникновения запрещенных предметов и веществ на режимные территории исправительных учреждений. В частности, анализируется опыт исправительных учреждений уголовно-исполнительной системы в вопросах предупреждения проникновения к осужденным запрещенных предметов и веществ. В статье рассматриваются способы поступления запрещенных предметов и веществ, а также наиболее уязвимые места исправительного учреждения для поступления запрещенных предметов и веществ на режимные территории. Рассмотрены меры уголовно-исполнительного и административного характера, позволяющие своевременно выявлять и перекрывать каналы поступления запрещенных предметов и веществ на режимные территории учреждений уголовно-исполнительной системы. Определены категории лиц, которые чаще всего привлекаются за несанкционированную поставку запрещенных предметов и веществ на охраняемую территорию. В статье отмечается, что общественная опасность проникновения запрещенных предметов состоит не только в нарушении нормальной деятельности исправительных учреждений, но и в снижении эффективности применения к осужденным мер исправительного воздействия. В заключение отмечено , что правильная организация и своевременное проведение режимных мероприятий, административно-процессуальных действий приведет к снижению потока поступающих в исправительные учреждения запрещенных предметов и веществ и, как следствие, улучшению правоотношений, складывающихся в процессе исполнения уголовного наказания в виде лишения свободы. The article is devoted to the study of the directions of work carried out by employees of correctional institutions of the penitentiary system in identifying channels of unauthorized entry of prohibited items and substances into the restricted territories of correctional institutions. In particular, the article analyzes the experience of correctional institutions of the penitentiary system in preventing the penetration of prohibited items and substances to convicts. The article deals with the ways of receiving prohibited items and substances, as well as the most vulnerable places of a correctional institution for receiving prohibited items and substances on restricted territories. Considered measures of criminal-executive and administrative nature, allowing time to identify and block the channels of receipt of prohibited items and substances on the restricted territory of the penitentiary system. The categories of persons who are most often involved in the unauthorized supply of prohibited items and substances to the protected area are identified. The article notes that the public danger of penetration of prohibited items is not only a violation of the normal activities of correctional institutions, but also a decrease in the effectiveness of applying corrective measures to convicts. In conclusion it was said that proper organization and promp-person implementation of security measures, administrative-procedural actions will reduce flow to correctional facilities of prohibited items and substances and, consequently, improved relations, developing in the process of execution of criminal punishment in form of imprisonment.

Lev M. Prozumentov ◽  
Alexander V. Shesler ◽  

The article substantiates the approach of domestic criminology to social and legal sciences. The authors analyze other approaches, according to which criminology is a part of criminal law and is the result of the application of sociological methods in criminal-legal research, or is a branch of knowledge beyond the legal sciences. The difference in the subject of criminal law and criminology is stated. It lies primarily in the fact that criminal law does not study crime, and the study of crime is carried out mainly as a legal phenomenon; criminal law examines the prevention of crimes carried out by the measures of criminal-legal policy (punishment, probationary conviction, etc.). Criminology studies mainly criminality but crime is studied as a social phenomenon and as a private expression of criminality; criminology examines crime prevention by measures that make up the content of criminological policy (control, assistance, educational impact, etc.). It is noted that despite the use of basically unified terminology both in criminal law and criminology, the content of the same terms e.g. “crime”, "criminal identity," "prevention," "criminal group" etc. is different. The authors believe that the use of methods and approaches developed by other sciences e.g. sociology, social psychology, etc. in criminological studies does not turn criminology into the branch of knowledge beyond the legal sciences. Using the borrowed methods and approaches criminology studies criminality as not only a social phenomenon, but a criminal-legal one, consisting of acts recognized as crimes in criminal law. The socio-legal nature of criminality, which is the main subject of criminology, the use in criminological research of methods of other social sciences and approaches developed by them, enable the authors to conclude that criminology is a complex social and legal science.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Jacek Potulski

The author describes the trends and legislative basis of Poland’s fight against corruption as legal and social phenomenon in the early 21st century. The consequences of legislative changes of substantive criminal law and a specialized service dedicated to the fight against corruption are outlined.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (15) ◽  
pp. 38-50
Karyna Anatoliivna Salaieva

The article defines the concept and grounds of criminalisation on the example of vandalism as a negative social phenomenon. The author proves that the scale of vandalism and the consequences of its commission increase due to the ignoring of this problem by the legislator.  The main criterion for criminalisation is the need to use it to combat a particular type of action. This need is due to the impossibility of preventing certain types of anti-social behaviour by non-criminal means. This aims at the legislator to refrain from criminal liability in all cases without exception, when it is unable to serve the purpose of reducing the crime rate of the type.  Issues of criminalisation of socially dangerous acts are developed by modern criminal law science, but are not always taken into account in the development and adoption of certain laws on criminal liability, which may create imperfections in these laws and inconsistencies in law enforcement practice. Science has proposed many variants of the principles of criminalisation, which often differ significantly from each other. However, all of them can be grouped into 3 major groups: legal-criminological, socio-economic and socio-psychological. We proton to consider compliance with the grounds for criminalisation on the example of committing acts of vandalism, which we propose to supplement with aggravating circumstances.          The listed grounds for criminalisation of vandalism confirm the possibility to include it in the list of socially dangerous criminally illegal acts. It is clear that the list of these grounds is somewhat larger, and the proposed study lists only those that correspond to vandalism. In addition, it is not necessary for criminalisation to have all of these grounds at the same time and in combination, as any one or some of these grounds may be sufficient.

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