scholarly journals At The Cross Of History Of Archives And Archaeology: M.E. Masson's Personal Archive Fund As An Important Historical Source

Sherzodjon Shokirjonovich Choriev ◽  

This article is devoted to the historical source analysis of the personal fund R-2773, kept in the National Archives of Uzbekistan by archaeologist Masson Mikhail Evgenevich. The article also analyzes a number of research papers stored in the private fund, a scientific article on the organization of the Department of Archeology at the Central Asian State University (now the National University of Uzbekistan), the educational process, the department's cooperation. In particular, the article analyzes some of the scholar's scientific work in the field of archives.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 29-38
Oydinkhon akhtiyorzoda ◽  

The Article being considered the history of the creation and development of geological science in Uzbekistan using the example of the activities of scientists from Central Asian State University and Tashkent State University.Special attention is paid to the study of the practical orientation of geological surveys, fieldwork and laboratory research. As well as, shown is the phased discoveries, based on the research of University staff and their training of scientific personnel, specialized research institutions in the field of geology

2019 ◽  
pp. 138-146
P. Zakharchenko

The approaches to the category "History of Ukrainian Law" are analyzed, its author definition and periodization in the historical dimension is proposed. Doctrinal approach of the Department of History of Law and State of the law Faculty of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv is defined, which consists in recognition of the right of law before the State Institute. In our opinion, with the advent of the state, history of law appears as a history of national legislation in its relationship and interdependence with the state's regulatory activities – its administrative and judicial institutions, organization and activities of the army, police, and punitive agencies etc. The author indicates that the story is indicative that society can develop steadily in the coordinate of the environment, and the function of the instrument of the Zaman environment executes the right. The porpose of article is reserchirg the history of Ukrainian law: conceptual, istoriografìcal and comparative components of its identification It is alleged that for the first time the definition of "history of Ukrainian Law" is not implemented in Ukraine but beyond its borders. The galaxy of lawyers, and among them and historians of law, after the defeat of the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917 – 1921, were forced to leave the motherland and settle in the neighboring countries of Eastern Europe. A textbook of such name appeared in the conditions of Ukrainian emigration in the early 1920-ies. This primacy belongs to several researchers of the Ukrainian diaspora, who, with no historical, historical, legal sources and archival materials, have remained in the absolute majority in the libraries and archival funds of Soviet Ukraine. However, in these conditions they were able to lay the foundations for the formation of the appropriate field of scientific knowledge. It is noted that the successor of the traditions preserved in the diaspora can be called the Department of the History of law and State of the law Faculty of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv University, whose members for many years advocate not only the name of the educational The subject "History of Ukrainian Law", but also prove its genetic connection with the right of the Rus state, other national state formations of the later period. A few manuals on the history of Ukrainian law came from the pen of the lecturers. Special emphasis was made on the works of Alexander Shevchenko, who became the author of several textbooks and manuals that are still widely used in the educational process of law faculties in Ukraine. In one of them, O. Shevchenko actualized The problem of periodization of Ukrainian law, where the main criterion was determined by the evolution of the sources of law. In these positions is the author of the proposed publication. In the final part of the work emphasized the examples in the differences in the evolution, essence and content of the Ukrainian law from the Russian.

2021 ◽  
Vol 01 (01) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Soburov Hasanjon Shavkatjon o’g’li ◽  

This article is devoted to the history of the university, its role among the higher education institutions of the Republic, its role in the development of legal education, as well as the achievements of scientists, government officials, achievements over 30 years. Improving the spiritual and moral education of students also includes helping students to become full members of society, mature professionals in their profession through various forms, methods and means of education. At TSUL, students and teachers to ensure transparency in providing the digitalization of the educational process, including the formation of the training schedule, exams, evaluation, ranking of students in the formulation and implementation of the transition to electronic document exchange "Electonic university" providing information about the platform (e-University) data can be obtained. In addition, this article aims to improve the spiritual and moral education of students, to help students to become full members of society, professionals in their profession, to develop spiritual qualities in the minds and hearts of students, the idea of national independence and the ideology of independence. to help students spend their free time meaningfully, to form in young people a sense of national pride, patriotism and devotion, to study their worldview and interests.

2020 ◽  
pp. 57-63
Oleg Melnik

Purpose. The purpose of the study is ecological-geographical analysis of nature management in Ivanichi district of Volyn region. Method. During the scientific work the following methods of socio-geographical research were used: cartographic, comparative, observation, generalization, analysis and synthesis. The statistical method calculates the indicators of transformational changes by types of natural resources. The method of geoinformation modeling of the state of the processes of nature management and their development made it possible to reveal the relationship of transformed resources with the factors of influence. Results. An ecological-geographical assessment of nature management in the Ivanichi district of Volyn region has been carried out. The basis of the economic complex of the district is agriculture and processing industry. On the other hand, mining and machine-building industry prevail in the structure of Novovolynsk city economy. The influence of both natural and technogenic processes and factors on the formation of ecological and geographical situation in the territory of the district is substantiated. The specific combination of environmental management has led to the spatial differentiation of environmental stress and the varying degree of its implementation in the form of a spectrum of hazardous processes. The scientific novelty is the ecological and geographical determination of the types of economic nature management in the Ivanichi district of Volyn region. The analysis of the impact on the formation of the ecological situation in the area and the proposed measures for its optimization are carried out. Practical importance. The results of the study can be used in the educational process of the East National University named after Lesya Ukrainka in teaching a number of geographic and tourism disciplines. The results will find their application in the legislative and executive work of local governments in the development of programs for socio-economic development of the territory. The research materials will facilitate the rational use of economically transformed natural and anthropogenic territories and objects of the Ivanichi district of Volyn, which will increase the profitability and competitiveness of the exploitation of the objects of land and industrial fund. A number of provisions can be used in similar studies in other regions of Ukraine.

T. A. Prochorova

The article examines the history of the study of the near Chora of Tauric Chersonese on the Heraclean Peninsula in the 1970s–1990s on the basis of the scientific correspondence of the Director of the State museum-reserve «Tauric Chersonese» Inna Antonova and Professor of Moscow state University Vasily Kuzishchin. It is noted that the study of the correspondence of two scientists became possible due to the careful processing of I. A. Antonova documents in the museum’s archive. Particular attention was paid to the issue of the resumption of the Heraclean expedition activities, which was discussed in the letters of scientists to each other. It is concluded that only after studying, systematizing and analyzing all the materials preserved in the Chersonesе archive it will be possible to give a proper assessment of the contribution of I. A. Antonova in the research and public life of the museum, city, country, as well as the contribution of her correspondents, one of whom was V. I. Kuzishchin.

Ya. Oliynyk

The main objectives of the Geography Faculty of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv development have been highlighted. The history of the Faculty foundation, the contribution of the major scientists and staff in its development, the importance of scientific research has been maintained. The article reveals the history of the foundation of the Geography Faculty departments, determines the role and place of the faculty in the modern scientific and educational process.

2020 ◽  
pp. 42-47
Polishchuk I.Ye.

Першорядною задачею освіти є формування мислення як самоцілі, що створює для особистості мож-ливості задля здійснення керованого впливу на соціальні явища та процеси, використовуючи сучасні знання та новітні технології. Здатність людини успішно соціалізуватися не можлива без інтелектуаліза-ції, яка має досягатися в освітньому процесі.Автором статті була розроблена анкета та проведене опитування магістрантів І року денної фор-ми навчання Херсонського державного університету (опитано 187 осіб, 44% від загальної чисельності в 2019–2020 навчальному році). Більшість здобувачів продовжує навчання за напрямом підготовки бака-лавріату. Однак опитування засвідчило, що основні теми дисципліни «Основи наукових досліджень» були засвоєні не досить глибоко з причини малої кількості аудиторних занять. Для багатьох магістрантів незрозумілим виявилося співвідношення філософських підходів, загальнонаукових та конкретно-нау-кових методів, а також зміст новітніх методологічних принципів та підходів. Більшість здобувачів не змогла відповісти на питання щодо наукових результатів, які вони отримували завдяки використанню зазначених ними методів. Це свідчить про недостатній зв’язок методології як теорії та наукової прак-тики. Було також виявлено, що більшість магістрантів не пов’язує майбутню професійну діяльність із науковими дослідженнями. Ця обставина зобов’язує викладачів посилити відповідальність за форму-вання гідного відношення здобувачів вищої освіти до науки як соціального і професійного інституту та теоретичного мислення як основи будь-якої високопрофесійної діяльності.Слід знайти оптимальне колегіальне рішення (у кожному університеті ексклюзивне) стосовно під-вищення в навчальних програмах різних напрямів освіти «питомої ваги» методологічного складника, а також сучасних форм підвищення методологічної підготовки викладачів теоретичних дисциплін. The primary task of education is the formation of thinking as an end in itself which creates opportunities for individuals to exert significant influence on social phenomena and processes using modern knowledge and the latest technologies. The ability of a person to successfully socialize is unthinkable without intellectualization which must be achieved in the educational process.The author of the article developed a questionnaire and conducted a survey of the first-year full-time postgraduates (master’s degrees) at Kherson State University (187 people were interviewed, which is 44% of the total amount in the 2019–2020 academic year). Most degree-seeking students continue their studies in the bachelor’s degree program. However, the survey showed that the main topics of the course “Fundamentals of Scientific Knowledge”, which was studied for bachelor’s degree programmes, are not sufficiently captured due to the small amount of class hours. For many postgraduates (master’s degrees) the relationship between the philosophical approaches themselves, general scientific and special scientific methods, as well as the content of the latest methodological principles, turned out to be incomprehensible. It is a matter of concern that many degree-seeking students were not able to answer the question about the results they obtained in scientific work through the use of the methods they specified. This indicates a lack of connection between methodological theory and scientific practice in the educational process. It was also found that the majority of postgraduates (master’s degrees) do not associate their future professional activities with scientific research. This circumstance obliges teachers to strengthen their responsibility for forming a decent attitude of degree-seeking students to science as a social and professional institution, as well as to theoretical thought as the basis of any highly professional activity.It is necessary to find an optimal collegial solution (exclusive at each university) to increase the “specific weight” of the methodological component in the curriculum documents of different branches of education, as well as regarding modern forms of improving the level of methodological competences of teachers of various theoretical disciplines.

2021 ◽  
pp. 25-34
T. M. Bykova ◽  
N. M. Kupriyanova

The main purpose of the article is a subject-thematic analysis of the personal book collection of an outstanding Odessa historian-antiquarian, specialist in numismatics, Greek and Latin epigraphy of the Northern Black Sea littoral, Byzantine scholar, brilliant lecturer, professor of Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University, Head of the Department of History of the Ancient World and the Middle Ages Petr Yosypovych Karyshkovskyi-Ikar (1921–1988) held in the stocks of the Scientific Library. The article tells the story of the delivery of the personal book collection to the Scientific Library of Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University in 2019. The collection contains 208 units of periodicals, 10 pictorial units, there are also cartographic atlases (6 units). The main part of the collection (1710 units) consists of books on historical sciences mainly on archeology, numismatics, history of the ancient world and Byzantium. Reference editions (38 units) as well as materials of domestic and international conferences (29 units) make an important part of the collection. Special attention is paid to some rare and valuable publications of the first half of the 20th century, such as the Bulletin of the Odessa Commission of Local Lore at the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences and the Chersonese Collection. It can be noted that this collection is of great importance for the research and educational process of the university, as it contains important books on historical and other sciences carefully selected by the owner, as well as foreign scientific literature, which has not been republished and sometimes is not available in Ukrainian libraries. The collection also gives an idea of the range of scientific interests of its owner.

2021 ◽  
pp. 122-126
В.В. Корнева ◽  
И.Е. Шигина

Статья посвящена 35-летию подписания договора между Леонским и Воронежским государственным университетами. В ней содержатся краткий экскурс в историю подписания договора и современное состояние международного академического сотрудничества двух университетов в области преподавания русского языка. Дается обзор материалов, использовавшихся преподавателями ВГУ при обучении испанских студентов РКИ, а также краткое описание организации учебного процесса по русскому языку в Леонском университете. Особое внимание уделяется описанию апробации в Леонском университете интерактивного учебника для испаноговорящих «Ruso Comunicativo», созданного коллективом Института международного образования ВГУ. The article is dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the signing of the Agreement between Leon University and Voronezh State University. It contains a brief excursion into the history of the signing of the Agreement and the current state of international academic cooperation between the two universities in the field of teaching the Russian language. An overview of the materials used by VSU teachers in teaching Spanish students Russian as a foreign language is given, as well as a brief description of the organization of the educational process in the Russian language at the University of León. Particular attention is paid to the story about the testing at the University of León of the interactive textbook for Spanish-speaking students «Ruso Comunicativo», created by the team of the Institute of International Education of Voronezh State University.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 144-151
Natalia Yu. Kostenko ◽  

The article considers the history of creation of a previously unpublished work by E.M. Meletinsky, preceding the first draft of his doctorate thesis and monograph “The hero of fairy tale”. A typewritten copy of it was preserved among the documents seized during the scholar’s second arrest in 1949 and later donated to the library of Petrozavodsk University. During his time as a post-graduate student in the Central Asian University (then-name of National University of Uzbekistan) Meletinsky was already interested in historical poetics and folklore studies. That resulted in the “Fairytale plots in question about their everyday meaning” article. The fact that it was the first ever Meletinsky’s work on fairy tales is obvious not only from the documents and memoirs of Meletinsky himself, but from the very structure of the article: in the first chapters the author, taking a problem posed by A.N. Veselovsky in “The poetics of plots” – “to check Russian data about the third sibling, the little fool, the cinderwench against other people’s fairy tales” – as a basis, dwells extensively the motif of the youngest sibling in world fairy tales and the history of studying it, but in the last chapter he moves to the analysis of another motif – the tales about a “poor orphan”. Namely that motif, being in stadia way older, takes centre stage not only in the 1948 thesis, but in all of Meletinsky’s works on fairy tales prior to the second arrest, both published and unpublished.

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