scholarly journals Mix Method Analysis of Factors Affecting Implementation of Antenatal Care (ANC) in Pregnant Women in the Work Area of the Medan Deli Health Center, Medan Deli District, Medan

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 32-44
Elya Rosa ◽  
Razia Begum Suroyo ◽  
Aida Fitria

workers which includes physical and mental health to get mothers and babies who are healthy during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum. Data from the Medan Deli Health Center shows that in 2019 the K1 coverage is only (87%) and K4 only (66%), while the target of K1 and K4 coverage is 100% respectively. Many factors are thought to be the cause of not achieving coverage of antenatal care (ANC) implementation. The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors that influence the implementation of ANC in pregnant women. This type of research is a mix method with quantitative and qualitative approaches. The study population was 195 people, with the Slovin formula taken a sample of 66 people. Quantitative analysis was univariate, bivariate using chi-square and multivariate using multiple logistic regression at the 95% confidence level ( = 0.05). The qualitative analysis was analyzed by means of reduction, data display and verification. The results showed the variables that influenced the implementation of antenatal care (ANC) in pregnant women in the work area of ​​the Medan Deli Public Health Center in 2020, namely knowledge p = 0.032, attitude p = 0.018, parity p = 0.008, health services p = 0.016, husband support p = 0.026 and support for health workers p = 0.041. The unrelated variable was job status p = 0.269. The most dominant variable was the health service variable which had a value of Exp (B) = 12.048, meaning that respondents who received health services had 12 times the chance of implementing antenatal care compared to respondents who did not get health services. The conclusion of this research is that the implementation of antenatal care in pregnant women is influenced by knowledge, attitudes, parity, health services, husband support and support from health workers. It is hoped that health workers, especially midwives, will provide good IEC about the implementation of antenatal care to every pregnant woman and carry out more frequent home visit activities and provide advice to the puskesmas to re-attach the standby husband and cooperate with local regional leaders

Fatmini Fatmini ◽  
Heru Santoso ◽  
Kesaktian Manurung ◽  
Rosdiana Rosdiana

Anemia is still a problem in the world, especially in developing countries. This condition can have a detrimental impact on every age group including pregnant women. In pregnant women, anemia can cause complications for the mother and the baby she is carrying, such as life-threatening bleeding, miscarriage, low birth weight and premature birth. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between parity, anemia, ANC visits, nutritional status and the role of health workers with the consumption of blood-added tablets in post-partum mothers in the work area of the Mutiara Barat Health Center in 2019. This type of research is a correlation analytic study with cross-sectional method. The population in this study were all pregnant women in the third trimester who were recorded at the Mutiara Barat Health Center in January 2019 as many as 139 people and the sample was the total population of 139 respondents. Data were analyzed using the chi square statistical test which includes univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis. The results obtained: there is a relationship between parity (p = 0.000), anemia (p = 0.016), ANC visits (p = 0.015), nutritional status (p = 0.021) and the role of officers (p = 0.000) with the consumption of tablets with blood added at postpartum mother. The dominant factor related to the consumption of blood-added tablets is the role of the officer. From the research results obtained, it is hoped that the Puskesmas can increase the knowledge of mothers about blood supplemented tablets through counseling so that it can influence the attitude of pregnant women to consume blood supplemented tablets. Keywords: ANC visit; anemia; consumption of blood added tablets; nutritional status; parity; role of officers ABSTRAKAnemia masih menjadi permasalahan di dunia terutama di negara-negara berkembang. Kondisi ini dapat memberikan dampak merugikan di setiap kelompok umur termasuk ibu hamil. Pada ibu hamil, kejadian anemia dapat menyebabkan penyulit pada ibu maupun bayi yang dikandungnya seperti perdarahan yang mengancam jiwa, keguguran, berat badan bayi lahir rendah dan kelahiran prematur. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan faktor paritas, anemia, kunjugan ANC, status gizi dan peran petugas kesehatan dengankonsumsi tablet tambah darah pada ibu nifas di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Mutiara Barat tahun 2019. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian analitik korelasi dengan metode cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh ibu hamil trimester III yang terdata di Puskesmas Mutiara Barat pada bulan Januari 2019 sebanyak 139 orang dan sampel merupakan total populasi yaitu 139 responden. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji statistik chi square yang meliputi analisis univariat, bivariat dan multivariat. Hasil penelitian diperoleh: ada hubungan antara paritas (p=0,000), anemia (p=0,016), kunjungan ANC (p=0,015), status gizi (p=0,021) dan peran petugas(p=0,000) dengan konsumsi tablet tambah darah pada ibu nifas. Faktor yang dominan berhubungan dengan konsumsi tablet tambah darah adalah peran petugas. Dari hasil penelitian yang diperoleh diharapkan Puskesmas dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan ibu tentang tablet tambah darah melalui penyuluhan sehingga dapat mempengaruhi sikap para ibu hamil untuk berperilaku mengkonsumsi tablet tambah darah. 

Yuhemy Zurizah Yuhemy Zurizah

ABSTRACT [Examination of pregnancy is health care by health workers to saw a pregnant women during pregnancy are performed according to standard antenatal visits i.e. 4 times examination during pregnancy which is 1 times in the first quarter, the second quarter on a 1 time, 2 times in the third quarter. The purpose of the research to determine the factors related to Antenatal Care (ANC) on pregnant women at health center Palembang Social 2012. This research uses this type of research survey with analytic approach Cross Cross-sectional, i.e. between the independent variable (the age of pregnant women,education of pregnant women and parity) and dependency AnteNatal Care (visit )just observed and taken once and for all at the same time at the time of research. The population is to be taken in this research are all expectant mothers who never saw her pregnancy inSocial Health Center Palembang in 2012.Sampling is done with a technique Sistematic Sampling that amounted to 149.Respondents withante natal care visits of pregnant womenthe appropriate standard i.e. 117 respondents (78,5%), age the risk is high that is 93 (62.4%) respondents, higher education, i.e. 96 respondents (64,4%), low risk parity i.e. 83 respondents (55,8%).Test results Of Chi-Square is known to have a meaningful relationship between theindependent variables (age, education and parity of mothers)withthe dependent variable (ante natal care visits of pregnant women). Suggestions for the clinic diharapkan more health workers improve services for pregnant women.                                      ABSTRAK Pemeriksaan kehamilan adalah pelayanan kesehatan oleh tenaga kesehatan untuk memeriksakan ibu hamil selama masa kehamilannya yang dilaksanakan sesuai dengan standar kunjungan antenatal yaitu 4 kali pemeriksaan selama kehamilan yaitu 1 kali pada triwulan pertama, 1 kali pada triwulan kedua, 2 kali pada triwulan ketiga. Tujuan Penelitian untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan Antenatal Care (ANC) pada ibu hamil di Puskesmas Sosial Palembang Tahun 2012. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian survei analitik dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional, yaitu antara variabel independen (umur ibu hamil,pendidikan ibu hamil dan paritas) dan dependen (kunjungan AnteNatal Care )hanya diobservasi dan diambil satu kali saja dalam waktu bersamaan pada saat penelitian. Populasi yang akan diambil pada penelitian ini adalah semua ibu hamil yang pernah memeriksakan kehamilannya di Puskesmas Sosial Palembang Tahun 2012. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik Sistematic Sampling yang berjumlah 149. Responden dengan kunjungan ante natal care ibu hamil yang sesuai standar yaitu 117 responden (78,5%), umur resiko  tinggi yaitu 93 responden (62,4%), pendidikan tinggi yaitu 96 responden (64,4%), paritas resiko rendah yaitu 83 responden (55,8%). Dari hasil uji Chi-Square diketahui ada hubungan yang bermakna antara variabel independen (umur,pendidikan dan paritas ibu) dengan variabel dependen (kunjungan ante natal care ibu hamil). Saran untuk pihak puskesmas diharapkan petugas kesehatan lebih meningkatkan pelayanan bagi ibu hamil.    

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 325
Diah Triratnasari

Tetanus problems are still the cause of neonatal death in Indonesia. Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus Elimination Program is a program to improve maternal and child health and evenly to be free from Tetanus disease by Immunization of Tetanus Diphtheria during pregnancy, its aims to build immunity in the mother and baby to avoid Tetanus infection. Tetanus Neonatorum case in 2014 in Indonesia amounted to 54 cases with the non-immunization status of Tetanus Diphtheria. The number of pregnant women targeted by Tetanus Diphtheria immunization in the work area of Burneh Sub-District Health Center of Bangkalan District is 1073 pregnant women in 2016, but it just covered 585 pregnant women. This research was conducted with a cross sectional design with the number of samples taken by 93 mothers who became the target of Tetanus Diphtheria Immunization and had given birth in 2016 by using simple random sampling. The purpose of this study was to analyze factors related to the participation of pregnant women in the implementation of Tetanus Diphtheria immunization in the work area of Burneh Sub-District Health Center 2016. The results of this study indicate that the age of the respondents is mostly aged 20 years to 30 years, with the number of children owned by respondents mostly amounted to 1. Lower knowledge possessed by respondents about tetanus disease and Tetanus Diphtheria immunization, so that health workers and family roles have an important role to encourage respondents to have awareness to immunize Tetanus Diphtheria during pregnancy.Keywords: husband support, Tetanus Diphtheria Immunization, knowledge, officer attitude

Nurbaiti Nurbaiti ◽  
Donal Nababan ◽  
Asima Sirait

During pregnancy routine monitoring can be done using K1 and K4 coverage. In 2017 K4 coverage was 96.7%. Whereas in 2018, K4 coverage for pregnant women amounted to 356 (68.5%) of the target pregnant women amounted to 519 (100%). From these data it can be seen that in 2018 the coverage of K4 in pregnant women decreased compared to the K4 coverage in 2017. The aim of the study was to determine the relationship of knowledge, parity, family support, availability of pregnancy check-ups, coverage of health services, support of health workers and other factors. most dominant on K4 visits for pregnant women in the Work Area of Kualasimpang City Health Center, Aceh Tamiang Regency. This type of research is analytic with cross-sectional design methods. The population of this study was the third trimester pregnant women who examined their pregnancies in the Work Area of Kualasimpang City Health Center in Aceh Tamiang Regency with a total of 356 samples using a Slovin formula of 78 people. The sampling technique uses accidental sampling technique. From the results of multiple logistic regression tests with a value of value = 0.25, it was found that there was a significant relationship of knowledge (p = 0.000, PR = 0.075), parity (p = 0.001, PR = 15,863), the availability of a pregnancy checkup (p = 0.011, PR = 0.132), range of health services (p = 0.006, PR = 0.112), support (p = 0.007, PR = 0.084), the most dominant variable is parity (p = 0.001; PR = 15,863; 95% CI: 3,221- 78,114) which means that respondents with multigravida parity have a risk of not doing K4 visits 15,863 times greater than primigravida parity. It is expected that pregnant women will be more active and active in conducting K4 visits in order to detect all possibilities that can occur so as to avoid danger during pregnancy or before delivery.ABSTRAKSelama kehamilan dapat dilakukan pemantauan rutin dengan menggunakan cakupan K1 dan K4. Tahun 2017 cakupan K4 berjumlah 96,7%. Sedangkan pada tahun 2018, cakupan K4 pada ibu hamil berjumlah 356 (68,5%) dari sasaran ibu hamil berjumlah 519 (100%). Dari data tersebut dapat diketahui bahwa pada Tahun 2018 cakupan K4 pada ibu hamil menurun dibandingkan dengan cakupan K4 di Tahun 2017.Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan, paritas, dukungan keluarga, ketersediaan alatpemeriksaan kehamilan, jangkauan ketempat pelayanan kesehatan, dukungan petugas kesehatan serta faktor yang paling dominan terhadap kunjungan K4 pada ibu hamil di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kota Kualasimpang Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang. Jenis penelitian adalah analitik dengan metode rancangan crossectional. Populasi penelitian ini adalah ibu hamil trimester III yang memeriksakan kehamilannya di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kota Kualasimpang Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang berjumlah 356 dengan sampel menggunakan rumus Slovin sebanyak 78 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik accidental sampling. Dari hasil uj iregresi logistic berganda dengan nilaip value = 0.25, diperoleh bahwa ada hubungan yang signifikan pengetahuan (p=0.000, PR=0.075), paritas (p=0.001, PR=15.863), ketersediaan alat pemeriksaan kehamilan (p=0.011, PR=0.132), jangkauan ketempat pelayanan kesehatan (p=0.006, PR=0.112), dukungan (p=0.007, PR=0.084), variabel yang paling dominan adalah paritas (p=0.001; PR=15.863; 95%CI:3.221-78.114)yang berarti bahwa responden dengan Paritas multigravida mempunyai risiko tidak melakukan kunjungan K4 15.863 kali lebih besar dibandingkan paritas primigravida. Diharapkan kepada ibu hamil agar lebih aktif dan giat dalam melakukan kunjungan K4 agar terdeksi segala kemungkinan yang dapat terjadi sehingga terhindar dari bahaya selama kehamilan maupun menjelang persalinan.

Lilis Mamuroh ◽  
Sukmawati . ◽  
Furkon Nurhakim

Data from the Garut District Health Office in 2016 showed that the number of pregnant women was 62,514. 62,818 pregnant women had 1 pregnancy check-up (K1), and only 58,594 pregnant women had 4 pregnancy check-up (K4) (Garut District Health Profile 2016). In the Health profile of Garut Regency, K4 coverage in the Sukawening Health Center area was 92.3%, public health center in Garut with the lowest K4 coverage, and 40% of pregnant women coming to health services alone, not accompanied by their husbands. Husband's support is one of the reinforcing factors and influences the pregnancy process, but information about the husband's support and its relationship with pregnancy control is still limited. The aim of the study was to determine the relationship of the husband's support to pregnant women with antenatal care (ANC) visits at Sukawening Health Center in 2016. The research method used in this study was descriptive correlational using a cross-sectional approach. Samples were selected using purposive sampling technique, 75 pregnant women were the respondents. Data collection used primary and secondary data with a measuring instrument was a note in the KIA book to find out the ANC frequency, and for husband's support used a questionnaire. Analysis of univariate data in the form of percentage and bivariate analysis with the chi-square test. The results showed that husband's support was 66.7% support and antenatal care visits were 60% completed. The analysis result of the relationship between the husband's support to pregnant women with antenatal care visits (ANC) obtained p-value = 0.012 and OR = 3.5. The conclusion is that there is a significant relationship between the husband's support for pregnant women and antenatal care (ANC) visits. Suggestions, health workers at Sukawening Health Center improve health services, especially antenatal care and involve husbands at each visit.Keywords: Antenatal care, husband’s support, ANC visit. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Wenling Hu ◽  
Huanqing Hu ◽  
Wei Zhao ◽  
Aiqun Huang ◽  
Qi Yang ◽  

Abstract Background Antenatal care (ANC) played a crucial role in ensuring maternal and child safety and reducing the risk of complications, disability, and death in mothers and their infants. The objective of this study was to evaluate the current status of ANC emphasizing the number, timing, and content of examinations on a national scale. Methods The data was collected from maternal and newborn’s health monitoring system at 8 provinces in China. After ethical approval, all pregnant women registered in the system at their first prenatal care visit, we included 49,084 pregnant women who had delivered between January 1, 2018 and December 31, 2018. Descriptive statistics of all study variables were calculated proportions and chi-square for categorical variables. Results Of the 49,084 women included in this study, the mean number of ANC visits was 6.95 ± 3.45. By percentage, 78.79% women received ANC examinations at least five times, 39.93% of the women received ANC examinations at least eight times and 16.66% of the women received ANC examinations at least 11 times. The proportion of first ANC examination in first trimester was 61.87%. The percentage of normative ANC examinations and the percentage of qualified ANC examinations were 30.98 and 8.03% respectively. Only 49.40% of the total women received all six kinds of examination items in first ANC examination: 91.47% received a blood test, 91.62% received a urine test, 81.56% received a liver function examination, 80.52% received a renal function examination, 79.07% received a blood glucose test, and 86.66% received a HIV/HBV/syphilis tests. 50.85% women received the first ANC examination in maternal and child health care (MCH) institutions, 14.07% in a general hospital, 18.83% in a township hospital, 13.15% in a community health services center, and 3.08% in an unspecified place. The proportion of women who received each of the ANC examination items in community health services center was the highest, but that in the MCH institutions was the lowest. Conclusions There is a big difference between the results of this study and the data in official reports, this study found the current status of antenatal care is not optimal in China, findings from this study suggest that the systematization, continuity and quality of ANC examinations need to be improved.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-30
Nurmala Sari ◽  
Ani Nurhaeni ◽  

Antenatal care is examination pregnancy in do for pregnant women during the her pregnancy to prevent complication of pregnancy and to prepare for a healthy birth. The purpose of this research conducted to determine the implementation of the antenatal care center Kalijaga Cirebon City in 2020. The kind of research use is descriptive survey. The population in research it is a whole pregnant women who performs the first visit in the work area Kalijaga Cirebon as many as 195 pregnant women with a sampleof 66 respondents. The instrument used in this study used a checklist. The research results show that pregnant women get the service measurement of the height bodies and weight as many as 60 (91%), the measurement of blood pressure 60 (91%), measurements the upper arm circumference 60 (91%), examinatin fundus uteri high 54 (82%), screening for TT immunization 47 (71%), administration of Fe tablets 39 (59%), percent the fetus and fetal heartbeat 33 (50%), a laboratory test of 43 (65%), managementof cases kasus 33 (50%) and a dialogue 60 (91%). Conclusion obtained in this research that there are pregnant women who should be given at the time of the first. Suggested health workers to improve services to pregnant women in accordance with the care of service standards that has been determined by the government.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Triatmi Andri Yanuarini ◽  
Suwoyo Suwoyo ◽  
Tinta Julianawati

Preeclampsia is a pathological pregnancy that is a health problem in the mother and baby it contains. Preeclampsia is the second leading cause of death in pregnancy in the world. Preeclampsia can adversely affect both the mother and the fetus it contains. Maternal complications include HELLP syndrome (Hemolysis, Elevated Liver Enzyme, Low Platelet), pulmonary edema, renal impairment, bleeding, placental abruption and even maternal death.                One of the factors that influence the occurrence of preeclampsia is the status of gravida.The purpose of this research is to know the relation of gravida status with preeklampsiadi occurrence at work area of ​​Ngasem health center. The design of correlational research with data collection was done by using case control method, with population of1,191 data of pregnant women patients in January - December 2016, sampling using simple random sampling technique with 50 data of patient who fulfilled inclusion criteria.                Chi Square test with significant level 0,05 indicates that value of ρ value <α (0,038 <0,05). The conclusion of this research is there is relationship of gravida status with incident of preeclampsia at work area of ​​health center of Ngasem Regency of Kediri.It is recommended especially in pregnant women to routinely check their pregnancy and follow the integrated ANC to detect early preeclampsia.   Keywords: Mother, Gravida, Preeclampsia

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Maria T. E. Koba ◽  
Frans G. Mado ◽  
Yoseph Kenjam

Family planning aims at reducing maternal mortality rates and reducing population growth rate with the main target of couples of childbearing age. One of the family planning options offered is long-term reversible contraceptive method (MKJP). The purpose of this study was to determine the factors associated with interest in using MKJP in the work area of Camplong health center, Fatuleu sub-district, Kupang regency in 2018. The research was quantitive study with cross-sectional approach. The sample of 77 people was selected using simple random sampling. The instrument uses was a questionnaire. Data analysis techniques consisted of descriptive and bivariate analysis (chi-square test) with α= 0,05. The study indicated that knowledge (p-value= 0,09) and the role of health workers (p-value =0,001) were associated with the use of the MKJP while attitude (p-value = 0,765) and husband support (p-value = 0,131) had no relationship with MKJP. Health center needs to regularly provide information to the community about the advantages of MKJP especially for couples of childbearing age who have already had more than three children.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-15
Nur Alfi Fauziah ◽  
Riting Yuliasari ◽  
Hellen Febriyanti

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by SARS-CoV-2. Based on data from the Lampung Provincial Health Office (2020), four patients who are pregnant have been confirmed positive for COVID-19. At Gilang Tunggal Makarta Public Health Center of West Tulangbawang Regency (2020) there is 1 pregnant woman aged 22 years old and who has a history of having travelled from DKI Jakarta to be confirmed positive for COVID-19. The purpose of this research is to know the correlation between knowledge and pregnant women attitudes with covid-19 prevention behaviours on new habits adaptation in the working area of Gilang Tunggal Makarta Public Health Center West TulangBawang Regency in 2021. This type of research is quantitative by applying an analytic research design with a cross-sectional approach, the population is all pregnant women as many as 34 people, the total sample size from the population. Univariate data analysis used a percentage frequency distribution and bivariate used the chi-square test. The research result showed that the frequency distribution of pregnant women knowledge was higher in the unfavourable category as many 20 people (58.8%), the pregnant women attitude were higher in the negative category as many as 19 people (55.9%) and the prevention behaviour of COVID-19 was higher in the unfavourable category amounted to 21 people (61.8%). The results of the chi-square test showed a correlation between knowledge (p-value = 0.000 0.05) and behavior (p-value = 0.001 0.05) with COVID-19 prevention behavior on new habits adaptation. It is hoped that health workers will be more active in socializing COVID-19 prevention behaviour through direct counselling on demonstration methods accompanied by discussion using leaflets or brochures using interesting pictures and writing also using simple language.

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