scholarly journals Pendidikan Karakter Dalam Perspektif Habib Abdullah bin Alwi Al-Haddad

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-22
Ahmad Avisena

Character education is one of the concrete steps that must be done to protect Indonesian future generations. Habib Abdullah bin Alwi al-Haddad as an educator has been conceptualized character education that proved successful on his era. This study aimed to describe and assess three things. First, the purpose of education in the perspective of the character of Habib Abdullah bin Alwi al-Haddad. Second, the main character values in the perspective Habib Abdullah bin Alwi al-Haddad. Third, character education strategy in the perspective Habib Abdullah bin Alwi al-Haddad. This study is a qualitative research, with the kind of individual life history and a thematic approach. Documentation method used as its data collection that divided into primary and secondary data. While the domain analysis become its analysis technique. In this study, researchers found that the purpose of the character education perspective Habib Abdullah bin Alwi al-Haddad is to help someone who wants to be loved by Allah. While the main character values in his perspective is piety which has five main indicators that is honesty, patience, gratitude, fairness and concern. As for character education strategies in his perspective is consist of five steps, introduction, motivation, conditioning, habituation and prayer.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 283-296
Restu Yulia Hidayatul Umah

Character education is considered the best solution to produce excellent students in character, personality and uphold the nation's noble values. Through local wisdom in each area, such as the Dongkrek dance culture, it is important to understand and improve character education in students. Therefore, it is necessary to explore more deeply character education based on local wisdom by exploring the Dongkrek dance culture to internalize character values in learning art in elementary schools. This study aims to describe the character education of Dongkrek dance and efforts to internalize it in learning arts in elementary schools. This research is qualitative research using descriptive analysis and a library research approach. Five main character educations are explored in the Dongkrek dance, including religion, cooperation, nationalism, independence, and integrity. Meanwhile, efforts to internalize it into art learning are by understanding the contents of the dance, performing, and developing the Dongkrek dance into a show.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Saharisyah Syafarini ◽  
M Fachri Adnan

This study aims to see the extent to which the impact of the development of oyster beach tourism objects on the economy of the Tapakis village community carried out by the tourism and sports office of Padang Pariaman district and to find out what are the obstacles that occur when developing oyster beach tourism. This research is based on the existence of problems in the tourism object of the Tapakis oyster beach such as development that has not been maximized and tourist facilities that are not well managed. This research uses qualitative research using descriptive methods. The informants in this study in this study, namely the Tourism Development Sector, the Promotion and Creative Economy Sector, the Wali Nagari Tapakis, the Tourism Awareness Group and Community Figures.The data of this research are primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques are carried out by means of interviews and documentation studies, as well as testing the validity of the data by using triangulation techniques and using reference materials. The data analysis technique in this study was carried out by summarizing the records that were found in the field and assisted by data collection tools such as cellphone recorders with informants while in the field, after which a conclusion was obtained. The results of this study indicate that the impact of the development of oyster beach tourism objects on the economy the community of Tapakis village, Padang Pariaman district. The youth tourism and sports office as well as Pokdarwis members have carried out promotions such as placing advertisements, billboards, magazines, newspapers, browsers, Facebook and Instagram. Currently, the facilities at Oyster Beach are adequate, but these facilities have not been well managed at this time and from an environmental perspective it is still not clean enough. the level of visits to tourist objects has started to increase now compared to previous years as well as the economic income of the people around oyster beach tourism has started to improve as well today. 

Sirok Bastra ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Nurjanah Nurjanah ◽  
Yurdayanti Yurdayanti

AbstrakTujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui representasi kearifan lokal masyarakat Bangka melalui cerita rakyat Bandar Akek Antak. Pendekatan peneltian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif deangan menggunakan kajian struktural. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif karena data yang dikumpulkan berbentuk kata atau gambar. Data dalam penelitian kualitatif berupa teks cerita rakyat Bandar Akek Antak. Pendekatan kualitatif digunakan agar dapat mengungkap kearifan lokal masyarakat Bangka yang tersurat maupun tersirat dari cerita rakyat Bandar Akek Antak. Hasil analisis meliputi dua tingkat yakni analisis struktural cerita rakyat dan analisis representasi kearifan lokal. Terdapat struktur plot, sudut pandang, latar, serta penokohan. Representasi kearifan lokal masyarakat Bangka dalam cerita Bandar Akek Antak digambarkan dengan sikap pekerja keras dalam berkebun, melakukan musyawarah mufakat dalam menyelesaikan masalah melalui karakter tokoh Antak sebagai tokoh utama dan karakter tokoh lainnya. Nilai pendidikan karakter terdapat dalam cerita Bandar Akek Antak yakni karakter religius, jujur, disiplin, kerja keras, kreatif, mandiri, serta tanggung jawab.Kata kunci: kearifan lokal, cerita rakyat, struktural AbstractThe research objective is to study the representation of local wisdom of the Bangkanese people through the folklore of Bandar Akek Antak. The research assessment used is a qualitative review using structural structure studies. This study describes descriptive, presented thus because the data collected in the form of words or images. The data in this qualitative research are in the form of Bandar Akek Antak folklore text. Qualitative guidelines are used with the aim of expressing the local wisdom of the Bangka people expressed or implied by the Bandar Akek Antak folklore with structural studies. The results of the analysis include two levels of analysis namely structural analysis of folklore and analysis of representation of local wisdom. There is a plot structure, point of view, setting, and characterization. Representation of local wisdom of the Bangka people in the Bandar Akek Antakutih story with the attitude of hard workers in gardening, holding consensus in solving problems through Antak's character as the main character and other characters. The value of character education contained in the Bandar Akek Antak story is religious, honest, disciplined, hard working, creative, independent, and responsible.Keywords: local wisdom, folklore, structural

Khazanah ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Dian Pratama ◽  
Wulan Ruhiyyih Khanum ◽  

The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted all aspects of life. One of the things that has been affected is the achievement of the SDGs which has been hampered by this pandemic. The condition that has been deteriorated due to the pandemic should not be used as an excuse to achieve the SDGs, in this case the role of youth is very important to achieve SDGs, especially in the post-pandemic period. The method used in this research is a qualitative research method with a phenomenological approach. The data used are primary and secondary data that have been collected, processed, made conclusions, and then interpreted. This study aims to design a character education system for the younger generation in their role in achieving the SDGs. The results of the interpretation of data that have been collected and then processed in the research process, make a proposal for "FAST Generation". These concepts are some of the main characteristics that youth must have in their role in achieving the SDGs in the post-COVID-19 pandemic. FAST Generation is a character that must be possessed by youth in achieving the SDGs. Youth with character will make the world safer, more prosperous, and more focused, so that the achievement of the goals contained in the SDGs will be easier.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Annisa Fitria Ramadhani ◽  
Catur Suratnoaji

The research aims to illustrate and understand the meaning of the representation of masculinity of the main character in the film "Friendship Like a Cocoon" directed by Sentot Sahid. This research is qualitative research using primary and secondary data collection techniques obtained from reference books, scientific journals, and articles. The study used an analysis of Roland Barthes' Semiotics data that had three levels of tagging: denotation, connotation, and myth that focused on seven characteristics of masculinity expressed by Janet Saltzman Chafetz, namely: 1) Male Physical Appearance, 2) Male Functional, 3) Male Sexual, 4) Male Emotions, 5) Male Intellectuals, 6) Male Interpersonal, and 7) Male Personal Character.Keywords: Film, Janet Saltzman Chafetz's Concept of Masculinity, Semiotics Roland Barthes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Fitria Martanti

Abstract Planting of character education must be carried out continuously. The characters that have been planted in school must be strengthened in college. The planting of character education must be taught, familiarized, trained consistently, become character and become a culture, so that the planting of education is not only in school, but must be strengthened into a culture in college. Strengthening the character in college should be more endeavored to make students who are faithful, pious, noble, moral, ethical and civilized based on the nation's noble values of religion, Pancasila, the Constitution of 1945 and the culture of moderating Islamic values. The noble values of the nation from religion and the culture of Islamic values of moderation can be seen from the Aswaja teachings that can be embedded in the teachings that can strengthen character education in universities. This research is a qualitative research conducted at Wahid Hasyim University, Semarang, which is one of the universities that base Aswaja as a foundation for strengthening character education. The source of the data is obtained from primary and secondary data. Data collection method is done by interview, documentation and observation, while data analysis method uses descriptive analysis method. The results of the study show that the concept of aswaja teaching at Wahid Hasyim University is used as the foundation that underlies all activities carried out on campus, both matters relating to aqidah, worship/sharia, and morals. As for strengthening character education through Aswaja teachings, it was carried out by making Aswaja Center which regulates activities related to Aswaja. The implementation of the Aswaja teachings is carried out through habituation, guidance and consultation related to religious practices. Aswaja's teachings are also integrated in courses according to each faculty. Key Words : Aswaja, Education, Character.

Jurnal Ecogen ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 785
Reni Anggraeni ◽  
Susi Evanita ◽  
Rani Sofya

The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of endorser, price and quality of products toward  Brand Switching Maybelline Solid Powder in Padang. The type of research is descriptive and qualitative research.  The sampling technique used is Purposive sampling.  The type of data used is primary  and secondary data. The data analysis technique used is multiple regression by using t test and F test.  The result of the research shows that there is a positive and insignificant influence between endorser variables on brand switching behavior of Maybelline solid powder in Padang. Then for price variable has no effect on brand switching, but there is significant influence between product quality variable to brand switching of Maybelline solid powder in Padang. Keywords : endorser,  price,  product quality,  brand switching

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 316
Firdaningsih Firdaningsih ◽  
Muhammad Sri Wahyudi ◽  
Rahmad Hakim

<p><em>This study aims to compare eight groups of zakat recipients in the opinion of ulama and the actualization of amil zakat institutions to eight groups of zakat recipients. This research used qualitative research with phenomenological approach as a part of qualitative research that explore a phenomena based on perspective and people awareness. The data collected are primary data and secondary data. The object used in this study is the opinion of ulama, Amil Zakat institution Nurul Hayat KC Malang and LAZISMU Malang Regency. Method of data collection are interview, documentation and observation. While data analysis technique uses content analysis techniques.</em><em>The results of this study, there are similarities in the analysis text that is based on the opinions of </em><em>ulama</em><em> and contexts which are actualization by the amil zakat institution, both Nurul Hayat KC Malang and LAZISMU Malang Regency.</em><em> </em><em>Except for the riqab group which in the actualization by LAZISMU Malang Regency which had expansion meaning, so that the distribution of zakat was not only for the people free from slavery but also for those who are in opressed.</em></p><br /><em> </em>

Sri Rejeki ◽  
Bernadus Iker Willem

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui upaya dan kendala-kendala guru pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan dalam mengimplementasikan pendidikan karakter pada siswa SMA Negeri 2 Donggo. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Subyek informasi adalah guru PPKn, Kepala Sekolah, dan Siswa. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan pursposif sampling. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui metode observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Jenis data berupa data kualitatif. Sumber data yaitu sumber data primer dan sekunder. Analisis data yang dipakai adalah reduksi data, penyajian data, dan verivikasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa upaya guru pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan dalam mengimplementasikan pendidikan karakter pada siswa sudah terlaksana dengan baik. Hal ini terlihat dari pengintegrasian pendidikan karakter oleh guru dalam setiap kali pertemuan melaui mata pelajaran dan di luar mata pelajaran atau partisipasi nyata. Sedangkan  kendala-kendala guru pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan dalam mengimplementasikan pendidikan karakter terhadap siswa yaitu faktor sikap dari siswa, faktor keluarga, dan faktor lingkungan pergaulan. The purpose of this research is to know the effort and constraints civics and Citizenship teachers in implementing character education in students of SMA Negeri 2 Donggo community. This research is qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The subject of the information is PPKn teachers, principals, and students. The technique of sampling using purposive sampling. Research data obtained through the method of observation, interviews, and documentation. The type of data in the form of qualitative data. Data sources, namely primary and secondary data sources. Analysis of the data used is the reduction of the data, the presentation of data, and verify. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the efforts of the civics and Citizenship teachers in implementing character education on students have already done well. This is apparent from the integrating character education by teachers in every time the meeting via the subjects and outside subjects or real participation. While constraints civics and Citizenship teachers in implementing character education towards students i.e. students of attitude factors, family factors, and environmental factors in socialization.

Abdul Wachid B.S

The purpose of this research is to find out how the epistemology of Islamic character education in Islamic Elementery School. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods. The data used are qualitative data. Data obtained from observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique used in this research is qualitative analysis and hermeneutics (interpretation). Islamic character education is applied through habituation activities carried out in madrasas. The teacher has a very important role in shaping the character of Islamic students. The teacher will be an example or role model for their students. Among the habituation activities in madrassas that form Islamic character include shaking hands with teachers, praying dhuha in congregation, tadarus Al Qur'an, and Tahfidz Juz Amma. This habit will form a character that is respectful of the teacher, close to Allah SWT, diligent in praying, love al quran.

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