scholarly journals Determinants of Postpartum Blues for Postpartum Mothers Survey Study at the Madiun City General Hospital

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (G) ◽  
pp. 288-292
Tinuk Esti Handayani ◽  
Budi Joko Santosa ◽  
Suparji Suparji ◽  
Patrisia Anastasia Setyasih

BACKGROUND: Postpartum blues in mothers fail in adapting to changes in life patterns due to pregnancy and the process of pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. Many factors influence the incidence of postpartum blues. AIM: The purpose of this study was to determine the determinants that affect the symptoms of postpartum blues in patients treated at the Madiun City General Hospital. METHODS: A cross-sectional study design, the population is all postpartum mothers at the Madiun City Hospital in March–April 2020, the population is 52 respondents. The sample size is 47 people, sampling using simple random sampling technique. The independent variables were age, type of delivery, parity, education, and family support. The dependent variable is postpartum blues symptoms. The research instrument used a questionnaire and a checklist. Data analysis used Chi-square and Fisher’s exact test with significance level = 0.05. RESULTS: The results showed that age for postpartum blues symptoms had p = 0.006, and the type of delivery had p = 0.032. Meanwhile, data analysis using Chi-square test of childbirth experience (parity) on postpartum blues symptoms showed p = 0.033, education showed p = 0.006, and family support showed p = 0.000. CONCLUSION: The conclusion of the research is the determinants of age at risk, type of delivery, parity, education, and family support which have a significant impact on the occurrence of postpartum blues symptoms. This research recommends the need for early detection efforts and increased counseling for postpartum mothers to prevent postpartum blues symptoms.

Brain Gantoro ◽  
Haivan Kusuma Aji

Background : The causes of the postpartum blues include predisposing factors which include hormonal factors, physical fatigue, age, parity, pregnancy status, education level and marital status, enabling factors which include socio-economic as well as driving factors which include social support (Mansur in Hasanah, 2014). This study aims to determine the relationship between husband's support and the incidence of postpartum blues. Method : This study used an analytical survey research method with a cross sectional approach. The population in this study were all postpartum mothers who gave birth at the Tanjung Balai Health Center, totaling 113 people. Samples were taken using purposive sampling technique. Data analysis using computer aids through the SPSS program. Result : The results of the chi square statistical test showed that the p value = 0.01, which means that the p value is less than 0.05 (0.01 <0.05). Congclusions : The conclusion is that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, this shows that there is a relationship between husband's support for the incidence of postpartum blues.

Murti Ani ◽  
Yanik Muyassaroh ◽  
Novita Ika Wardani

Breastfeeding for infants is the best way of feeding, especially for infants less than six months old. Exclusive breastfeeding for six months has been shown to have many benefits. Although the benefits of breastfeeding have been published around the world, exclusive breastfeeding coverage rates are still far from expected. For working mothers giving exclusive breastfeeding is not easy. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of knowledge and family support to exclusive breastfeeding for working mothers. This type of observational analytic study uses atime approach cross sectional. The sample in this study is mothers who have babies aged 6-24 months who work in government agencies in the Blora Regency. The sampling technique using total sampling, as many as 30 respondents. The level of mother's knowledge and family support was measured using a questionnaire. Test data analysis using the Chi-Square test. Based on the results of data analysis, there is no relationship between the level of knowledge with exclusive breastfeeding for working mothers (p = 0.675 0.05) and there is a relationship between family support and exclusive breastfeeding for working mothers (p = 0.001 0.05) . The conclusion of this study is that there is no relationship between the level of knowledge with exclusive breastfeeding for working mothers and there is a relationship between family support and exclusive breastfeeding for working mothers.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 91-101
Tonasih Tonasih ◽  
Vianty Mutya Sari

The process of psychological adaptation has occurred during pregnancy, before the birth process and after childbirth. In that period, the anxiety of a woman can increase. Unique experience experienced by the mother after delivery as many as 85% of women experience mood disorders or mood after childbirth that can affect many things, especially responses or acceptance of newborns. (Saleha, 2013). This study aims to determine the relationship between postpartum maternal characteristics with postpartum blues events in Harjamukti District Work Area Cirebon City Year 2018. The type of this research is analytical with cross sectional approach. The population in this study is postpartum mothers 1-40 days found in Work Area Kecamatan Harjamukti City Cirebon period 1-20 January 2018 as many as 41 postpartum mothers. The result of the research is based on chi square statistic test obtained by the age of ρ value of 0,345, education with value ρ 0,499, job with value ρ equal to 0,448, parity with value ρ equal to 0,543 and family support with value ρ equal to 0,148 meaning that age, work, parity and family support have no significant relationship with postpartum blues events. Conclusion There was no significant relationship between maternal age, education, occupation, parity and family support with postpartum blues events. It is therefore necessary to monitor the health of the postpartum either through home visits by health workers or visits to health facilities by postpartum mothers to recognize early blues and anticipate and handle postpartum blues so as not to continue into depression.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 130-139
Devi Endah Saraswati Saraswati

Childbirth is a happy moment, but there are some cases can be frightening, this is because women who give birth often experience feelings of sadness and fear that affects the emotional and sensitivity of the mother, known as postpartum blues. The purpose of this study is to know the factors - factors that affect the incidence of postpartum blues. The research design was cross sectional. The study was conducted at BPM “D” in Campurejo Village, Bojonegoro District and BPM “S” in Sukorejo Village, Bojonegoro District from January to February 2018 to 30 postpartum mothers. The study instrument used an EDPS (Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale) questionnaire. Data processing using Chi Square test. The results showed that the factors affecting the phenotype of postpartum blues include p value = 0,04, education with p value = 0,049, obstetric status with p value = 0,011. Factors affecting postpartum blues events include age, education, occupation, and obstetric status.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 86-93
Yunita Andika Mau ◽  
Agus Sarwo Prayogi

Background: The nurse is the hospital's most frequent source of contact with the patient, so as to prevent nurses and patients from the risk of contracting nosocomial infections the need for nurse motivation to improve adherence in the application of universal precautions. Objective: To know the relationship between nurse motivation and nurse compliance in the application of universal precaution in Rajawali Citra Yogyakarta general hospital. Method: Type of research using descriptive quantitative with cross sectional approach. Number of samples of 45 nurses with total sampling technique. Data analysis using Chi-Square analysis. Results: The results showed that there was a correlation between nurse motivation and nurse compliance in the application of universal precaution at RSU Rajawali Citra Yogyakarta p = 0,000 (α0,05) with correlation coefficient strength that is equal to 0,547 or medium relationship. Conclusion: There is a correlation between nurse motivation and nurse compliance in the application of universal precaution in RSU Rajawali Citra Yogyakarta with moderate relationship.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-28
Mita Melinda Ito

Hospitalization  in children is a process because  of a planning   or emergency reason  that  requires  the  child  to  stay  in  the  hospital   to  undergo   therapy  and treatment   until  returning   home.   During   the process,   the  child   can  experience psychological   changes  such  as feelings of fear,  sadness  and anxiety.  Based on the preliminary    survey  data   on  15  children   at  Imelda   Pekerja  Indonesia found   6 children experienced in mild anxiety, while  l 2 children experienced in severe anxiety while the support of good families was 4 people and less than 11 people.  The aim of this research  was to find  out the relationship  offamily support system  with the level of anxiety  in preschool  children due  to hospitalization  at Imelda Pekerja  Indonesia General Hospital Medan  Indonesia. The method used  in this study was an analytical survey with a cross sectional approach.   The populations in this study  were all children  who were  treated at the Imelda  Pekerja Indonesian   in 2018  were 32 people  while the samples   in this study were all  children  treated  amount 32 people at Imelda  Pekerja Indonesian   General Hospital  2018.  The technique  sampling  used in this  study  was  the  total sampling techniques  and the test was do~e by using chi-square test. Based  on the results  of statistical  tests at 95% confidence level  obtained p  =0.023  from  a = 0.05.   These results prove  that there  was a relationship  offamily support systems and the level of anxiety in preschool  children due to hospitalization. The  conclusion  in  this study  shows  that there  is a relationship   of family support system with the level of anxiety  in preschool  children  due to hospitalization. It is suggested to the health  workers to always provide  information and counseling to families  about family support  systems and child anxiety.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 53-57
Rentawati Purba ◽  
Kurnia Novita Putri Harahap

One of the family vital function is affective function. Fulfilling the affective function of the family is defined as the ability of the family to meet the need for comfort and happiness. Adolescents are now very worried because they experience difficulties in emotional intelligence due to the lack of family support they receive and is at risk of the teenager doing negative things or deviating. This type of research is descriptive with an approach Cross Sectional to know relationship between family affective and adolescent emotional intelligence. Location of this research was conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Sub District Panai Hulu District Labuhan Batu and this research was conducted in November 2018. The sample of this study was students on SMA Negeri 1 Sub District Panai Hulu District Labuhan Batu which numbered 86 people whose sampling uses techniques Starified Random Sampling. Data analysis using test Chi-Square. Result of statistical test say, there is a relationship between family affective and adolescent emotional intelligence in SMA Negeri 1 Sub District Panai Hulu Dixtrict Labuhan Batu. The results of the study show the importance of good family affectuive functions so that adolescent emotional intelligence can be applied in a positive form.

Desti Widya Astuti Desti Widya Astuti

ABSTRAK   Berdasarkan data di RSUD Kota Prabumulih bahwa terdapat peningkatan jumlah kejadian perdarahan post partum, tahun 2014 sebanyak 178 orang, tahun 2015 sebanyak 246 orang dan tahun 2016 sebanyak 151 orang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan umur ibu dan jarak kehamilan terhadap kejadian perdarahan post partum di RSUD Kota Prabumulih Tahun 2016. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik dengan rancangan cross sectional. Populasi yang digunakan adalah semua ibu bersalin di RSUD Kota Prabumulih, sebanyak 1.296 ibu bersalin dan 306 sampel. Pengambilan sampel dengan mengunakan random sampling, analisa data menggunakan analisa univariat dan bivariat dengan menggunakan uji statistik chi-square dengan derajat kemaknaan 0,05. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa dari 288 ibu bersalin terdapat 151 yang mengalami perdarahan post partum sebagian besar adalah ibu dengan umur resiko tinggi sebanyak 43 orang  (40,9%) dan ibu dengan jarak kehamilan resiko tinggi sebanyak 21 orang (17,3%). Hasil uju chi-square umur didapatkan p.value 0,000 < α 0,05 dan uji chi-square untuk jarak kehamilan didapatkan p.value 0,000 < α 0,05. Maka ada hubungan umur ibu dan jarak kehamilan terhadap kejadian perdarahan post partum di RSUD Kota Prabumulih Tahun 2016. ABSTRACK   Based on the data at District General Hospital (RSUD) Prabumulih, there was increasing of post-partum bleeding, in 2014, there were 178 people. In 2015, there were 246 people. And in 2016, there were 151 people. The purpose of the study was to know relationship between maternal mother and the distance and old post-partum bleedingat District General Hospital (RSUD) Prabumulih in 2013. The study was analytic researchwith cross sectional design. Population thas was used in the study was all maternal mother ar District General Hospital (RSUD) Prabumulih. It was about 1.296 maternal mother and from 306. Random sampilng was done in the study, data analyses used univariate and bivariate analyses by using chi-square statistic test with significance level 0,05. The study result showed that from 306 maternal mother, there were 151 mother who experienced old post-partum bleeding, the large of that was high maternal mother 43 people  (40,9%) and mother age high distance 21 people (17,3%). The result of chi-square test was p value 0,000 < α 0,05 and chi-square test for age was p value 0,000 < α 0,05. It meant that there was relationship between maternal mother and the distance and of post-partum bleeding at District General Hospital (RSUD) Prabumulih in 2016.

Yuhemy Zurizah Yuhemy Zurizah ◽  
Rini Mayasari Rini Mayasari

ABSTRACT Low Birth Weight (LBW) was defined as infants born weighing less than 2.500 grams. WHO estimates that nearly all (98%) of the five million neonatal deaths in developing countries. According to City Health if Palembang Departement, infant mortality rate (IMR) in the year 2007 is 3 per 1000 live births, in 2008 four per 1000 live births, and in 2009 approximately 2 per 1000 live births. The cause of LBW is a disease, maternal age, social circumstances, maternal habits factors, fetal factors and environmental factors. LBW prognosis depending on the severity of the perinatal period such as stage of gestation (gestation getting younger or lower the baby's weight, the higher the mortality), asphyxia / ischemia brain, respiratory distress syndromesmetabolic disturbances. This study aims to determine the relationship between maternal age and educations mothers of pregnancy with the incidence of LBW in the General Hospital Dr Center. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang in 2010 This study uses the Analytical Ceoss Sectional Survey. The study population was all mothers who gave birth in public hospitals center Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang in 2010 were 1.476 mothers gave birth with a large sample of 94 studies of maternal taken by systematic random sampling, ie research instument Check List. Data analysis was performed univariate and bivariate. The results of this study show from 94 mothers of LBW was found 45 people (47,9%) Which has a high risk age 26 LBW ( 27,7%) while the distance of low educations LBW (55,3%). From Chi-Square test statistic that compares the p value with significance level α = 0,05 showed a significant correlation between maternal age, where the p value = 0,002, of education mothers of pregnancy p value = 0,003 with LBW. In the general hospital center Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang ini 2010. Expected to researches who will come to examine in more depth.   ABSTRAK Bayi Berat Lahir Rendah (BBLR) telah didefinisikan sebagai bayi lahir kurang dari 2.500 gram. WHO memperkirakan hampir semua (98%) dari 5 juta kematian neonatal di negara berkembang. Menurut Data Dinas Kesehatan Kota Palembang, Angka Kematian Bayi (AKB) pada tahun 2007 yaitu 3 per 1.000 kelahiran hidup, pada tahun 2008 4 per 1.000 kelahiran hidup, dan pada tahun 2009 sekitar 2 per 1.000 kelahiran hidup. Penyebab BBLR adalah penyakit, usia ibu, keadaan sosial, faktor kebiasaan ibu, dan faktor lingkungan. Prognosis BBLR tergantung dari berat ringannya masa perinatal misalnya masa gestasi (makin muda masa gestasi atau makin rendah berat bayi, makin tinggi angka kematian), asfiksia atau iskemia otak, sindrom gangguan pernafasan, gangguan metabolik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara umur dan pendidikan ibu dengan kejadian BBLR di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang Tahun 2010. Penelitian ini menggunakan survey analitik Cross sectional. Populasi penelitian ini adalah semua ibu yang melahirkan di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang tahun 2010 sebanyak 1.476 ibu melahirkan dengan besar sampel penelitian 94 ibu melahirkan yang diambil dengan tehnik acak sistematik, instrumen penelitian yaitu check list. Analisis data dilakukan secara univariat dan bivariat. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan dari 94 ibu didapatkan kejadian BBLR 45 orang (47,9%) yang memiliki umur resiko tinggi 26 kejadian BBLR (27,7%) sedangkan yang pendidikan rendah 52 kejadian BBLR (55,3%). Dari statistik uji Chi-square yang membandingkan p value dengan tingkat kemaknaan α = 0,05 menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan yang bermakna antara umur ibu p value (0,002) , pendidikan p value (0,003) dengan kejadian BBLR di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang Tahun 2010. Diharapkan bagi peneliti yang akan datang untuk meneliti lebih mendalam.

Aswathy S. ◽  
Lakshmi M. K.

The study was aimed to assess the breastfeeding practices among mothers of infants in Peringara Gramapanchayat in Kerala. Study was a community based cross-sectional study among mothers of infants in Peringara gramapanchayat using a pretested questionnaire. 142 breastfeeding mothers of infants in Peringara gramapanchayat were studied and mothers who were not present at home during the study were excluded from the study. Study period consisted of 18 days between December 2015 and January 2016. Study variables includes type of delivery, initiation of breastfeeding, breastfeeding practices and role of ASHAs in promoting good breastfeeding practices. Statistical analysis was done using Pearson’s Chi-square test and T test. The study found that exclusive breastfeeding has been done by 68.3% of mothers. There is no practice of giving pre-lacteal feed, 95.8% of mothers have given colostrum to the new born. Statistically significant association was found between the type of delivery and time of initiation of breastfeeding (p less than 0.05). Time of initiation of breastfeeding was prolonged in case of Caesarean section. 49.3% of mothers have breastfed the baby within one hour. 55.6% of mothers were informed about importance of breastfeeding by ASHAs and only 20.4% of mothers were informed about period of exclusive breastfeeding and period of complimentary feeding by ASHAs.

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