scholarly journals Philosophical Reflections: Critical Analysis of Learning Strategies for Science Practicum During the COVID-19 Pandemic

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 78-89
Budiyono Saputro ◽  
Muh Saerozi ◽  
Fadhil Ardhiansyah

The purpose of this study is to obtain a critical description of the learning strategy for science practicum during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research method was a qualitative descriptive study. The respondents of this study were lecturers and students of the Natural Sciences within the Indonesia Natural Sciences Tadris Association. The research instruments were in the form of questionnaires and a list of questions related to the learning of science practicum during the COVID-19 pandemic. The results showed the highest percentage of each learning strategy indicator for science practicum used by lecturers as follows: (1) 68.75% for the student center approach, (2) 50% for problem-based learning strategy, (3) 31.25% for self-practicum technique, (4) 31.25% for WhatsApp media, (5) 31.25% for self-assignment evaluation, (6) 93.75% for the indicator of the success of self-practicum, (7) 68.75% social media and signal supporting factors, (8) 31.25% for internet network obstacle, (9) 68.75% for the method to discover the practicum skills by playing the video of student’s results of practicum at home. The recommendation of this study should be carried out independently in each student's home by utilizing tools and materials around their environment and evaluation of learning is done through self-assignments or practicum videos sent to lecturers.

Reomintoyo Roemintoyo ◽  
Adi Sifa Muhammad ◽  
Mochamad Kamil Budiarto

This study aims to analyze and study several studies that identify the use of social media in the primary school domain.This research is a qualitative descriptive study with a discourse analysis approach. The data were taken from research with the same theme and then compared various opinions from experts through in-depth literature studies. This research is the result of research by Ayu Kurnia et al (2019, Istikomariah (2016), Muhammad Fajar et al (2020), and Muhammad Irfan et al. (2020). This research was conducted to examine some of these studies then take the positive aspects in the form of L (1).) Formulation and clear research objectives; (2) The data generated uses official and valid literacy; (3) The research method used in detail; (4) Clear stages of implementing the use of social media; (5) Presenting research results using tables or graphs that are implemented easily; (6) The discussion of research results is carried out with expert opinion; (7) The research conclusion must have advantages and disadvantages in the use of social media in elementary schools. From the research results, this review can be used as new and reinforcing further research with the theme of using social media.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Hamdan Sugilar ◽  
Ujang Dedih ◽  
Cecep Anwar ◽  
Wahyudin Darmalaksana

The development of human character and personality, especially students, is one of them through the tahsin and tahfizh programs. This study aims to find out how the tahsin and tahfizh unit program and the ability of tahsin, tahfizh students majoring in Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Islamic Education. This research method is a qualitative descriptive study with the subject of 2015 student research majoring in PAI and MIPA tarbiyah and teacher training faculties in one of the in a college in the city of Bandung.. The results of the research show that the activities of tahsin and tahfizh are managed by the tahsin and tahfizh units of the faculty by involving supervisors and examiners of tahsin and tahfizh, the ability of tahsin and tahfizh of PAI and MIPA students in the good category with an average of 83.51 and tahfizh 84, 16 Students really respond to the existence of the units of tahsin and tahfizh and do not object to the obligation to memorize juz 30 as a condition of the munaqosah exam.Pengembangan karakter dan kepribadian manusia khususnya mahasiswa, salah satunya melalui program tahsin dan tahfizh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana program unit tahsin dan tahfizh dan kemampuan tahsin, tahfizh mahasiswa jurusan MIPA dan PAI. Metode penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan subjek penelitian mahasiswa angkatan 2015 jurusan PAI dan MIPA fakultas tarbiyah dan keguruan salah satu perguruan tinggi di Bandung. Adapun hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan tahsin dan tahfizh dikelola oleh unit tahsin dan tahfizh fakultas dengan melibatkan dosen pembimbing dan penguji tahsin dan tahfizh, kemampaun tahsin dan tahfizh mahasiswa jurusan PAI dan MIPA pada kategori baik dengan rata-rata tahsin 83,51 dan tahfizh 84,16. Mahasiswa sangat merespon adanya unit tahsin dan tahfizh dan tidak keberatan dengan kewajiban menghapal juz 30 sebagai syarat sidang munaqosah.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 68

Arabic learning can take place at various ages of either children, adolescents or adults. Learning Arabic is something needed for especially Muslim because it is important in Muslim life. This paper will explain about the Arabic learning strategy for children. This is important to discuss because children need special strategies in learning for their ages. In collecting information, the writer uses library research method, which is done by comparing several literary sources, especially those that are the main source of discussion to discuss about the existing problems. Then, as the result, language learning is a help to determine how, and how well, learners learn a foreign language. There are many variations on learning strategy. Arabic learning strategies for children include playing, singing, telling stories, projects, demonstration, and conversation. By using the suitable and fun strategy, children can develop their potential well and effectively. The selection of learning strategies depends on children’s ages and characteristics.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Endang Istikomah

. The purpose of this research is to give information to educators and students that the use of modules accompanied by IT can make learning more effective. Furthemore, the purpose of using the integral calculus module through mobile learning is to be able to change the way students learn, make it easier for students to understand integral concepts, be able to study anywhere and without lecturers, change the smartphone function from just playing social media to learning. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive study through in-depth observation and interviews. The mathematics module is a reference that can facilitate students in learning. Integral calculus for one of the courses that require modules to make learning easier and more enjoyable. Moreover, the module is juxtaposed with mobile learning. Modules are designed by lecturers who teach based on their experience while teaching, so that the language, content, sentence modules that are paired by mobile learning are more favored by students and can follow the speed of their mathematics learning. Therefore, educators can use modules and mobile learning applications in learning mathematics.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 84-91
Usup Usup ◽  
Supriyono Supriyono ◽  
Hardika Hardika ◽  
Endang Sri Redjeki

The purpose of this study is 1) Describe the ideal and feasible model of the allocation of an entrepreneurship education curriculum for learners at a course institution. 2) Describe an ideal and feasible model of an entrepreneurship education learning strategy for learners in a course institution. Qualitative research is also called naturalistic research. Subjects in this study are students and alumi in course programs organized by LKP Kresna Informatika such as English courses courses, computer and office accounting. Data collection techniques in the context of this study have a significant role considering the quality of various types of data obtained at each stage of module development. Observation and documentation, interviews and tests are the data collection techniques used in this research before it will be analyzed. Stages of data analysis pursued after the need for data both secondary and primary when it has been fulfilled which includes; (1) data reduction, (2) display data, and (3) conclusion drawing/verification. The results in the study conclude that to establish entrepreneurial attitude in the courses and training programs conducted by LKP Kresna Informatika include; 1) The prerequisite of one's attitude input and one's entrepreneurial nature in LKP Kresna Informatika includes; discipline, high commitment, honest, reative and Innovative. 2) Design learning strategies in growing and developing entrepreneurship skills of learners in LKP Kresna Informatika through a special approach that is called 4 in 1 or with four stages. 3) Implementation of learning strategies in growing and developing entrepreneurship skills of learners in LKP Kresna Informatika; Identification of Business Opportunities, entrepreneurship learning based on the development of attitudes, knowledge and entrepreneurship skills, Evaluation of Learning Outcomes and Business Assistance and Pioneering.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 155-167
Salimulloh Tegar Sanubarianto ◽  
Erwin Syahputra Kembaren

This study discusses the positive politeness strategies in Kupang Malay on Facebook social media which are related with the politeness strategy theory  by Brown and Levinson. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with content analysis method. The research data were the status posts/comments in the Kupang Malay language on the Facebook which were selected based on the suitability of the research objectives. The selected data are then collected and analyzed according to theory. As a result, there are 12 strategies used by Facebook users in Kupang Malay namely (1) give sympathy to the interlocutor; (2) exaggerating sympathy for the interlocutor; (3) pay special attention to the interlocutor; (4) increase interest in the interlocutor; (5) use markers that show similarities; (6) seek the approval of the interlocutor; (7) avoid conflict with the interlocutor; (8) presupposes the interlocutor; (9) the strategy of making jokes; (10) strategies for making offers and promises; (11) showing a sense of optimism; and (12) trying to involve the interlocutor. Penelitian ini membahas strategi kesantunan positif dalam bahasa Melayu Kupang pada media sosial Facebook yang dikaitkan dengan teori strategi kesantunan yang dikemukakan oleh Brown dan Levinson. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan metode analisis isi (content analysis). Data penelitian adalah tulisan status/komentar dalam bahasa Melayu Kupang pada Facebook yang dipilih berdasarkan kesesuaian terhadap tujuan penelitian. Data yang dipilih kemudian dikumpulkan dan dianalisis sesuai teori. Hasilnya, ada 12 strategi yang digunakan oleh pengguna Facebook berbahasa Melayu Kupang, dan ada 12 strategi yang ditemukan dalam penggunaanya dalam Facebook, yaitu (1) memberikan simpati pada lawan tutur; (2) melebih-lebihkan simpati pada lawan tutur; (3) memberikan perhatian khusus pada lawan tutur; (4) meningkatkan rasa tertarik pada lawan tutur; (5) menggunakan penanda yang menunjukkan kesamaan; (6) mencari dan mengusahakan persetujuan lawan tutur; (7) menghindari pertentangan dengan lawan tutur; (8) mempresuposisikan lawan tutur; (9) strategi membuat lelucon; (10) strategi membuat penawaran dan janji; (11) menunjukkan rasa optimism; dan (12) berusaha melibatkan lawan tutur.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 95
Siti Seituni

The application of learning and the use of the proper learning model really need to be considered in order to help find out students' understanding of what is conveyed by the teacher. Problem Based Learning is a learning model that focuses on students or student center. The problem-based learning model has a way of dealing with problems in real life and is learning emphasizes investigative activities in solving problems. This study uses descriptive qualitative research method with qualitative descriptive phenomenological analysis techniques to describe broadly and deeply about the learning process when using Problem Based Learning model. By observing and examining the focus of reality or experience experienced by the object of research. The research object chosen in this study was STKIP PGRI Situbondo students who participate in the discussion class on citizenship education.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 99-107
Mulasih Mulasih ◽  
Yukhsan Wakhyudi

The purpose of this study is first, to describe the word deviation contained in the various languages ​​of social media Facebook. Second, describe changes in meaning in the various languages ​​of Facebook social media. This research is a qualitative descriptive study for two reasons. First, the problems to be examined, carefully observed are described later concluded. This study aims to make a description, description, painting systematically, factually, and accurately regarding the data, the characteristics and relationships of the phenomena studied. Second, this study includes deskiptif qualitative research, namely research carried out by describing or describing and describing the data then continued by analyzing word deviation, word deviation process and its use on Facebook. The results of this study are language deviations which are prevalent and are rapidly developing among teenage facebookers. Although this language, it is not in the spelling that is perfected in Indonesian (PUEBI), but they freely use this language in their own world. The word deviation occurs a lot from the aspect of reduction and addition to the original word, so that the new words formed do not exist in Indonesian. The word formation is excessive and contains changes in meaning associations that contain humor.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 ◽  
Leticia Werner Rêgo ◽  
Gisele Martins ◽  
Cristiane Feitosa Salviano

Objetivo: compreender o impacto social da doença renal crônica em adolescentes submetidos à hemodiálise. Método: trata-se de estudo qualitativo, descritivo, com adolescentes dos 12 aos 18 anos, que realizavam hemodiálise na unidade hospitalar de Terapia Renal Substitutiva, por meio de entrevista semiestruturada. Analisaram-se os dados segundo o método de pesquisa de narrativas e figura. Resultados: identificaram-se três categorias temáticas: Modificações causadas pela hemodiálise que interferem na rotina; Sentimentos do adolescente associados à doença e à hemodiálise; Sentimentos da família associados à doença e à hemodiálise na perspectiva do adolescente. Conclusão: concluiu-se que o adolescente passa por modificações importantes em seu cotidiano, tanto pelas restrições necessárias para o controle da doença quanto pelas alterações fisiológicas. Revela-se, além disso, que sentimentos como tristeza e medo também permeiam o atendimento a este paciente. Descritores: Insuficiência Renal Crônica; Diálise Renal; Rede social; Adolescente; Família.Abstract Objective: to understand the social impact of chronic kidney disease in adolescents undergoing hemodialysis. Method: this is a qualitative, descriptive study with adolescents from 12 to 18 years old, who underwent hemodialysis in the hospital unit of Renal Replacement Therapy, through semi-structured interviews. Data was analyzed according to the narrative and figure research method. Results: three thematic categories were identified: Modifications caused by hemodialysis that interfere in the routine; Adolescent feelings associated with the disease and hemodialysis; Family feelings associated with the disease and hemodialysis from the adolescent's perspective. Conclusion: it was concluded that the adolescent undergoes important changes in their daily life, both due to the restrictions necessary to control the disease and physiological changes. Moreover, feelings such as sadness and fear also permeate the care of this patient. Descriptors: Renal Insufficiency, Chronic; Renal Dialysis; Social Networking; Adolescent; Family. Resumen Objetivo: comprender el impacto social de la enfermedad renal crónica en adolescentes sometidos a hemodiálisis. Método: se trata de un estudio cualitativo y descriptivo con adolescentes de 12 a 18 años que se sometieron a hemodiálisis en la unidad hospitalaria de Terapia de Reemplazo Renal, a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas. Los datos se analizaron de acuerdo con el método de investigación de narrativas y figura. Resultados: se identificaron tres categorías temáticas: modificaciones causadas por hemodiálisis que interfieren en la rutina; Sentimientos adolescentes asociados con la enfermedad y la hemodiálisis; Sentimientos de la familia asociados con la enfermedad y la hemodiálisis desde la perspectiva del adolescente. Conclusión: se concluyó que el adolescente sufre cambios importantes en su vida diaria, tanto por las restricciones necesarias para controlar la enfermedad como por cambios fisiológicos. También se revela que sentimientos como la tristeza y el miedo también impregnan el cuidado de este paciente. Descriptores: Insuficiencia Renal Crónica; Diálisis Renal; Red Social; Adolescente; Familia.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 167
Lily Rohanita Hasibuan ◽  
. Mukhtar ◽  
Abdul Hamid K

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) perbedaan hasil belajar matematika antara siswa yang diajar dengan strategi pembelajaran inkuiri dibandingkan dengan siswa yang diajar dengan  strategi pembelajaran ekspositori; (2) perbedaan hasil belajar matematika antara siswa yang memiliki kemampuan berpikir abstrak tinggi dibandingkan dengan siswa yang memiliki kemampuan berpikir abstrak rendah; dan (3) interaksi antara strategi pembelajaran dengan kemampuan berpikir abstrak dalam mempengaruhi hasil belajar matematika. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil belajar matematika siswa yang diajar dengan strategi pembelajaran inkuiri (rata-rata 80,23) lebih tinggi dibandingkan hasil belajar siswa yang diajar dengan strategi pembelajaran ekspositori (rata-rata 71,33); kemudian hasil belajar matematika siswa yang memiliki kemampuan berpikir abstrak tinggi (rata-rata 80,20) lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan siswa yang memiliki kemampuan berpikir abstrak rendah (rata-rata 71,35). Selanjutnya penelitian menemukan bahwa tidak terdapat interaksi antara strategi pembelajaran dan kemampuan berpikir abstrak tehadap hasil belajar matematika siswa. Sebagai tindak lanjut dari hasil penelitian ini diharapkan kepada guru matematika untuk lebih inovatif dan kreatif dalam memilih strategi pembelajaran dan diharapkan untuk dapat menerapkan strategi pembelajaran inkuiri untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar matematika siswa. Kata Kunci:   Strategi Pembelajaran Inkuiri, Kemampuan Berpikir Abstrak, Hasil Belajar Matematika  Abstract: The objectives of this study to investigate: (1) the difference achievement of students on mathematics between the students who taught by Inquiry learning strategy and the students who taught by expository learning strategy; (2) the difference achievement of students on mathematics between students who have low and high abstract thinking ability; and (3) an interaction between learning strategy and abstract thinking ability toward the students’ mathematics achievement. The research method used is experimental method. The result of experiment show that the students’ mathematics achievement taught by inquiry learning strategy (80.22) is higher than the students taught by expository learning strategy (71.3), then the mathematics achievement of students with high abstract thinking ability (80.20) is higher than students with low abstract thinking ability (71.31). Then, the research also found that there is no interaction between learning strategy and abstract thinking ability toward the students’ mathematics achievement. So, as the next step it implies the mathematics’ teachers to be more innovative and creative in choosing the learning strategies and applies the inquiry learning strategy in increasing the students’ mathematics achievement. Keywords: Inquiry Learning Strategy, Abstract Thinking Ability, Students’ Mathematics Achievement

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