Kavkaz-forum ◽  
2021 ◽  

В контексте признаваемой историчности осетинского нартовского эпоса на основании рассказа англо-нормандского церковного историка XIIв. Ордерика Виталия о смерти и погребении Вильгельма Завоевателя и нартовских кадагов, посвящeнных гибели и захоронению нарта Батрадза, впервые ставится вопрос о сравнении нартовского героя Батрадза с историческим деятелем. Основное внимание уделено следующим сюжетообразующим мотивам: конфликт с народом/высшими силами; жар как причина смерти; смертельное ранение, полученное на поле брани, но не от рук врага; зловонность усопшего; упоминание названия усыпальницы; проблемы при захоронении слишком крупного человека в неподходящую ему по размерам усыпальницу; выплата выкупа за возможность захоронить героя. Решение данного вопроса во многом определяется статусом текста церковной хроники. Признание его валидности может служить основанием для рассмотрения данных нарративов как описаний одного исторического события разными средствами. Такой подход даeт возможность рассматривать алгоритмы мифологизации и институционализации прошлого в народной памяти. Таким прошлым для осетин является история их предков, сармато-аланских племeн. В родословной Вильгельма есть определенные пересечения с аланами, что подтверждается наличием множественных бретонских и нормандских родственников с именем Алан в ближайшем окружении короля. В качестве альтернативной интерпретации допускается возможность возведения текстов к одному первоисточнику, и если рассказ Ордерика является фабрикацией, подражательством существовавшей устной традиции, то отмеченные параллели можно квалифицировать как выход на поверхность архаических пластов, общих для двух традиций. Не исключается вероятность прямого заимствования, вектор, траектории распространения и время которого нуждаются в уточнении. Возможно, данные сюжетные мотивы являются произвольными совпадениями. In the context of the acknowledged historicity of the Ossetian Nart epic, based on the systemic coincidences of the story of the 12th century Anglo-Norman church historian Orderikus Vitalius about the death and burial of William the Conqueror and the Narts’ Kadags dedicated to the death and burial of the Nart Batradz with the historical hero Batradz, the question of comparing the Nart hero Batradz is raised for the first time. The main attention is paid to the following plot-forming motives: conflict with the people / higher powers; extreme heat/fire as the cause of death; mortal wound received on the battlefield, but not at the hands of the enemy; the stench of the deceased; stating the name of the burial-place; problems with burying an oversized corpse in a too narrow tomb; payment of the ransom for the opportunity to bury the hero. The solution to this issue is largely determined by the status of the text of the church chronicle. The recognition of its validity can serve as a basis for considering both types of narratives as descriptions of one historical event by different means. This approach makes it possible to consider the algorythms for the mythologization and institutionalization of the past in the people's memory. Such past for the Ossetians is the history of their ancestors, the Sarmatian-Alan tribes. In the genealogy of William there are certain intersections with the Alans, which is confirmed by the presence of multiple Breton and Norman relatives named Alan in the immediate circle of the king’s kins. As an alternative interpretation, these narrative can be traced to one primary source, and if Orderic's story is a fabrication, an imitation of the existing oral tradition, then the noted parallels can be qualified as an emergence of archaic layers common to the two traditions. The possibility of direct borrowing is not excluded, the vector, propagation trajectories and time of which need to be clarified. Less likely these plot motives are arbitrary coincidences.

Rachel Ablow

The nineteenth century introduced developments in science and medicine that made the eradication of pain conceivable for the first time. This new understanding of pain brought with it a complex set of moral and philosophical dilemmas. If pain serves no obvious purpose, how do we reconcile its existence with a well-ordered universe? Examining how writers of the day engaged with such questions, this book offers a compelling new literary and philosophical history of modern pain. The book provides close readings of novelists Charlotte Brontë and Thomas Hardy and political and natural philosophers John Stuart Mill, Harriet Martineau, and Charles Darwin, as well as a variety of medical, scientific, and popular writers of the Victorian age. The book explores how discussions of pain served as investigations into the status of persons and the nature and parameters of social life. No longer conceivable as divine trial or punishment, pain in the nineteenth century came to seem instead like a historical accident suggesting little or nothing about the individual who suffers. A landmark study of Victorian literature and the history of pain, the book shows how these writers came to see pain as a social as well as a personal problem. Rather than simply self-evident to the sufferer and unknowable to anyone else, pain was also understood to be produced between persons—and even, perhaps, by the fictions they read.

2018 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
Mbuzeni Mathenjwa

The history of local government in South Africa dates back to a time during the formation of the Union of South Africa in 1910. With regard to the status of local government, the Union of South Africa Act placed local government under the jurisdiction of the provinces. The status of local government was not changed by the formation of the Republic of South Africa in 1961 because local government was placed under the further jurisdiction of the provinces. Local government was enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa arguably for the first time in 1993. Under the interim Constitution local government was rendered autonomous and empowered to regulate its affairs. Local government was further enshrined in the final Constitution of 1996, which commenced on 4 February 1997. The Constitution refers to local government together with the national and provincial governments as spheres of government which are distinctive, interdependent and interrelated. This article discusses the autonomy of local government under the 1996 Constitution. This it does by analysing case law on the evolution of the status of local government. The discussion on the powers and functions of local government explains the scheme by which government powers are allocated, where the 1996 Constitution distributes powers to the different spheres of government. Finally, a conclusion is drawn on the legal status of local government within the new constitutional dispensation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 113 (3) ◽  
pp. 837-852
Eirini-Sophia Kiapidou

AbstractThis paper focuses on the 12th-century Byzantine scholar Michael Glykas and the two main pillars of his multifarious literary production, Biblos Chronike and Letters, thoroughly exploring for the first time the nature of their interconnection. In addition to the primary goal, i. e. clarifying as far as possible the conditions in which these two works were written, taking into account their intertextuality, it extends the discussion to the mixture of features in texts of different literary genre, written in parallel, by the same author, based on the same material. By presenting the evidence drawn from the case of Michael Glykas, the paper attempts to stress the need to abandon the strictly applied taxonomical logic in approaching Byzantine Literature, as it ultimately prevents us from constitute the full mark of each author in the history of Byzantine culture.

2014 ◽  
Vol 54 (3) ◽  
pp. 303-322 ◽  
KuuNUx TeeRIt Kroupa

In May 2009, the Arikara returned to the land of their ancestors along the Missouri River in South Dakota. For the first time in more than a half century, a Medicine Lodge was built for ceremony. The lodge has returned from its dormant state to regain its permanent place in Arikara culture. This event will be remembered as a significant moment in the history of the Arikara because it symbolizes a new beginning and hope for the people. Following this historic event, Arikara spiritual leader Jasper Young Bear offered to share his experience and deep insight into Arikara thought: You have to know that the universe is the Creator's dream, the Creator's mind, everything from the stars all the way to the deepest part of the ocean, to the most microscopic particle of the creation, to the creation itself, on a macro level, on a micro level. You have to understand all of those aspects to understand what the lodge represents. The lodge is a fractal, a symbolic representation of the universe itself. How do we as human beings try to make sense of that? That understanding, of how the power in the universe flows, was gifted to us through millennia of prayer and cultural development… It is important for us to internalize our stories, internalize the star knowledge, internalize those things and make that your way, make that your belief, because we're going to play it out inside the lodge. It only lives by us guys interacting with it and praying with it and bringing it to life… We're going to play out the wise sayings of the old people… So you see that it's an Arikara worldview. A learning process of how the universe functions is what you're actually experiencing [inside the Medicine Lodge]. What the old people were describing was the functioning of how we believed the universe behaves. And we had a deep, deep understanding of what that meant and how it was for us. So that's what you're actually seeing in the Medicine Lodge.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 425
Neşide Yıldırım

Virginia Satir (1916-1988) is one of the first experts who has worked in the field of family therapy in the United States. In 1951, she was one of the first therapists who has worked all members of the family as a whole in the same session. She has concentrated her studies on issues such as to increase individual's self-esteem and to understand and change other people's perspectives. She has tried to make problematic people compatible in the family and in the society through change. From this perspective, change and adaptation are the two important concepts of her model. This is a state of being and a way to communicate with ourselves and others. High self-confidence and harmony are the first primary indicator of being a more functional human. She starts her studies with identifying the family. She uses two ways to do this; the first one is the chronology of the family that is history of the family, the second one is the communication patterns within the family. With this, she updates the status of the family. Updating is the detection of the current situation. The detection of the situation, in other words updating, constitutes the very essence of the model that she implements. In this study, communication patterns within the family are discussed for the updating, the chronological structure has not been studied. The characteristics of family communication patterns, the model of therapy that is applied by Satir for these patterns and the method which is followed in the model are discussed. According to her detection, the people who face with problems, use one of those four patterns or a combination of them. These communication patterns are Blamer, Sedative/Accepting, distracter/irrelevant and rational. Satir expresses that these four patterns are not solid and unchanging but all of them “can be converted”. For example, if one of the family members is usually using the soothing (sedative/accepting) pattern, in this case, it means that he/she wants to give the message that he/she is not very important in the inner world of the individual itself. However, if such a communication pattern is to be used repeatedly by an individual, he/she must know how to use it. According to Satir, this consciousness may be converted to a conscious gentleness and sensitivity that is automatically followed to please everyone. This study was carried out by using the copy of Satir’s book, which was originally called “The Conjoint Family Therapy” and translated into Turkish by Selim Ali Yeniçeri as “Basic Family Therapy” and published in Istanbul by Beyaz Yayınları in 2016. It is expected that the study will provide support to the education of the students and family therapists.

Kavkaz-forum ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 90-100
Ф.С. Киреев

В статье анализируются причины возвращения войсковой системы самоуправления Терского казачества и показан сам процесс создания выборности войсковой власти. Актуальность исследования казачьего самоуправления обусловлена необходимостью теоретического обоснования и практического осуществления самоорганизации казачества России. Исторический анализ процесса организации самоуправления Терского казачества на войсковом уровне может послужить фундаментом для лучшего понимания и оценки современных процессов и явлений в казачьей среде и поможет выстраиванию государственной политики в отношении казачества в современной России. В отечественной историографии отсутствуют работы, посвященные конкретно восстановлению выборности власти в Терском казачьем войске. Поэтому научная новизна исследования определяется тем, что впервые предпринята попытка хронологической реконструкции истории создания войсковой системы самоуправления Терского казачества. Методологической основой исследования является принцип историзма, что предусматривает изучение момента возникновения исторического события и этапы его развития. Анализ событий на Тереке в 1917 г. показывает, что терские казаки смогли самоорганизоваться, создать полноценное административно-территориальное образование, и лишь изменение социально-политической ситуации в России в целомпомешало укрепить и продолжить это начинание. Еще необходимо отметить, что терские казаки к моменту восстановления войскового самоуправления подошли уже с готовыми проектами соответствующих документов, что позволило Терскому войску первым среди других войск создать свою выборную власть. Это говорит о высоком интеллектуальном потенциале в среде терских казаков. The article analyzes the reasons for the restoration of the military system of self-government of the Terek Cossacks and shows the very process of creating the elective military power. The relevance of the study of Cossack self-government is due to the need for theoretical justification and practical implementation of the self-organization of the Cossacks of Russia. Historical analysis of the process of organizing self-government of the Terek Cossacks at the military level can serve as a foundation for better understanding and assessment of modern processes and phenomena in the Cossack environment and will help to build state policy towards the Cossacks in modern Russia. In the Russian historiography, there are no works devoted specifically to the restoration of the election of power in the Terek Cossack army. Therefore, the scientific novelty of the research is determined by the fact that for the first time an attempt was made to chronologically reconstruct the history of the creation of the military system of self-government of the Terek Cossacks. The methodological basis of the research is the principle of historicism, with its focus on the study of the moment of occurrence of a historical event and the stages of its development. An analysis of the events on the Terek in 1917 shows that the Terek Cossacks were able to organize themselves and create a full-fledged administrative-territorial entity and only a change in the socio-political situation in Russia as a whole was placed, strengthened and continued this initiative. It should also be noted that the Terek Cossacks, by the time of the restoration of military self-government, came up with ready-made drafts of relevant documents, which allowed the Terek army to be the first among other troops to create their own elected power. This indicates a high intellectual potential among the Terek cossacks.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Hera Yulita ◽  
Agus Sastrawan Noor ◽  
Yuver Kusnoto

<p class="Default" align="center"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p class="Default">Penelitian ini berjudul “Sejarah Syair Gulung di Ketapang”. Adapun rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimanakah sejarah syair gulung di Ketapang. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi bagi masyarakat dan peneliti sejarah lokal yang ada di Kalimantan Barat. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian sejarah maka peneliti menggunakan metode sejarah yang ditulis dengan deskriptif analitis dengan langkah atau tahapan, yaitu : 1). Heuristik, 2). Kritik Sumber, 3). Interpretasi, 4). Historiografi. Dalam memperoleh data-data penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan metode sumber primer, sekunder dan tradisi lisan atau folklor di dalam heuristik dengan menggunakan metode sejarah lisan.Hasil penelitian syair gulung pada awalnya hanyalah sebuah bentuk karangan atau disebut kengkarangan yang berada di Tanah Kayong, Tanah Tanjungpura yang sekarang bernama Kabupaten Ketapang. Ada juga yang menyebutnya Syair Layang karena isinya hanya selayang pandang. Lambat laun berubah menjadi syair gulung dikarenakan ditulis di atas kertas kemudian digulung dan disimpan di dalam parug burung. Isinya berupa bait-bait kata yang mengandung nasehat dan petunjuk hidup kepada masyarakat Melayu. Terdapat tiga fase syair gulung, yakni fase Kerajaan Tanjungpura yang diwakili oleh Syair Pangeran Syarif, fase kedua fase syair gulung jenaka, fase ketiga fase syair gulung berisi kritik sosial.</p><p class="Default"> </p><p class="Default"><strong>Kata kunci: </strong>sejarah, Syair Gulung, Ketapang</p><p class="Default"> </p><p class="Default" align="center"><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p><p class="Default"><em>The tittle of of this research is “The history of Syair Gulung”. The main problem of this research is how the history of Syair Gulung in Ketapang. The results of this research hopely could giving a contribution for the mass society and the researchers of local history studies in West Kalimantan. The research is a historical research. The methods of the research is descriptive-analitic includes four stages : 1) heuristic 2) verification 3) interpretation 4) historiography. The methodologies of research have been with a primary source, a secondary source, and oral tradition or folklore in heuristic with the oral history methods.The results of this research is in the beginning with namely of Syair Gulung is Kengkarangan, in Kayong Land, Tanjungpura Kingdom in nowdays becoming popular with Ketapang Regency. The several society knowing Syair Gulung with Syair Layang. At this time people knowing with Syair Gulung due to writed in paper and then rolled up and saved in the bird beak. The contents of Syair Gulung is a stanzas with the advice and life wisdom for Malay societies. The Syair Gulung includes three phases, such as The Tanjungpura Kingdom phase with with Syair Pangeran Syarif, The witty phase, and the social critics phase. </em></p><p class="Default"><em> </em></p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> history, Syair Gulung, Ketapang</em>

1997 ◽  
Vol 13 (52) ◽  
pp. 386-395 ◽  
Jane Plastow

Following Jane Plastow's contextual history of Eritrean theatre in NTQ50, Paul Warwick gave an account in the following issue of its previously undocumented role during the thirty-year Eritrean struggle for independence, describing the efforts of the freedom fighters to create theatre for the first time in a rural context. The Eritrean People's Liberation Front not only deployed theatre as a propaganda weapon, but also recognized its value as an agent for educating the people in matters ranging from women's rights to the benefits of modern medicine and farming methods: and with victory came measures further to stimulate the growth and development of theatre as part of Eritrean culture. Jane Plastow, in this third and concluding article, takes up the story with the invitation issued by the new government to her and her colleagues to initiate the ‘Eritrea Community-Based Theatre Project’, in an attempt both to widen the perspectives of Eritrean actors and to draw upon all relevant traditions, African and European, in developing a popular but distinctive theatre for the people. In addition to her role as director of the project, Jane Plastow is a lecturer at Leeds University, having worked in theatre for some years in a number of other African nations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 181 (4) ◽  
pp. 222-227
A. G. Plotnikova

This publication explores the history of personal contacts and correspondence between the distinguished biochemist V. I. Nilov and the writer Maxim Gorky in 1933–1936. Through out his life, M. Gorky tried to use his influence to help talented scientists as well as scientific and cultural institutions. In 1933, V. I. Nilov, a researcher from the Nikita Botanical Gardens, wrote to Gorky about the experiments he performed in his biochemistry lab on the synthesis of vitamin C, plant breeding for chemical composition, and isolation of opiates from poppy. The writer appealed to the USSR top officials, intending to improve the situation with scientific institutions in Crimea. As a result of Gorky’s mediation efforts, Nilov’s documents were presented to I. V. Stalin. The leaders of the USSR were interested in such research, because it complied with the country’s strategic objectives. This, in its turn, led to changes in vitamin research and production in the USSR and had an effect on the status of the Nikita Botanical Gardens. V. I. Nilov’s scientific biography was closely interlinked with the history of the Institute of Plant Industry and its director N. I. Vavilov. By this publication, earlier unknown materials from the Archive of A.M. Gorky (Institute of World Literature, Moscow) and the Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History (Moscow) are for the first time introduced into public scientific discourse.

2021 ◽  
Warsan Amin

My major research paper (MRP) is grounded in the history of Somalia’s first orthography implemented in 1972 by President Mohamed Siad Barre. This meant that for the first time Somali history, there would be a written language that mirrored the Somali oral tradition in all its complexity. The nation’s longstanding cultural tradition of oral poetry has both impacted, and been impacted by the implementation of the orthography. Through the use of semi-structured interviews and grounded theory as my method of analysis, the purpose of this MRP is to explore this reciprocal impact between Somalia’s oral tradition and the implementation of the orthography, and also to explore how Somali poetry provides a unique lens into this reciprocal impact. After stating the data, I present the findings in two stages: (a) in the form of short stories that provide insight into the topic from the perceptions and perspectives of each interviewee, and (b) as overarching themes that have emerged from the interviewees collectively. The findings reveal that the colonial period in Somalia gave rise to the necessity of an orthography for the oral Somali language which then introduced a level of cultural anxiety as the oral tradition of knowledge preservation eventually weakened. Nonetheless, although the Somali orthography is now seen first and foremost as a means of knowledge preservation, the Somali culture still demonstrates a deep connection to their oral heritage.

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