scholarly journals Keluarga Sebagai Komunitas Utama Dalam Membentuk Kepribadian Anak

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-72
Novida Dwici Yuanri Manik

Abstract: Family is the most important thing for every human being, where the family became a major educational institution that given by God for every person in the world. The family plays a very important for the growth and changesof behavior in human life from childhood to adulthood. Therefore, we need a good family’s care so that people can have a good behavior too. Likewise, the Christian families. It is an important thing for Christian families to pay attention for parenting to their children, especially when they start to enter their teens. Adolescence is the period where a man has begun to want to show his identity, therefore parenting pattern can determine behavioral changes in young Christians. When, the parenting of Christian families well done, the result is the behavior of Christian teens will experience a positive growth and forming a good adolescent behavior that can be a blessing to everyone. Abstrak: Keluarga adalah hal terpenting bagi setiap manusia, dimana keluarga menjadi institusi pendidikan utama yang diberikan oleh Tuhan untuk setiap orang di dunia. Keluarga memegang peranan yang sangat penting bagi pertumbuhan dan perubahan tingkah laku dalam kehidupan manusia dari masa kanak-kanak hingga dewasa. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan pengasuhan keluarga yang baik agar masyarakat dapat berperilaku baik pula. Begitu pula dengan keluarga Kristen. Penting bagi keluarga Kristen untuk memperhatikan pola asuh kepada anak-anak mereka, terutama ketika mereka mulai memasuki usia remaja. Masa remaja merupakan masa dimana seorang pria mulai ingin menunjukkan jati dirinya, oleh karena itu pola asuh dapat menentukan perubahan perilaku pada anak muda Kristen. Apabila pola asuh keluarga kristiani terlaksana dengan baik, hasilnya perilaku remaja kristen akan mengalami pertumbuhan yang positif dan membentuk tingkah laku remaja yang baik yang dapat menjadi berkat bagi semua orang.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-56
Astriani Lestari ◽  
Agus Miftakus Surur

It has become a shared awareness that the world of education is a way that has been done by human beings throughout their lives to become a means of transmitting and transformation of both values ​​and science. Thus the strategic world of education as a means of transmission and transformation of values ​​and knowledge, so in order to instill and develop the character of this nation, it cannot be separated from the role played by the world of education. Character education is important for human life, so the role played by the education world must not only show moral knowledge, but also love and be willing to act morally. In addition to education in schools, of course education in the family becomes the most important thing in instilling character education in children. The environment is also very supportive of that, so in addition to the family, school and also a good environment will also be embedded in good character for children.With so life becomes a child who has good character who will be the successor to a nation that has high character.

2019 ◽  
Vol 64 (2 (252)) ◽  
pp. 70-85
Agnieszka Rumianowska

The purpose of the article is to outline the problem of widely understood conflicts in human life from the perspective of existential philosophy. Without questioning the importance of psychological research on complex mechanisms underlying conflicts, the author points to the issue of the problematic nature of human existence, the category of freedom, the problem of the authenticity of being and the sense of meaning. In the second part of the paper, the essence of educational process in the context of experiencing difficulties and conflicting situations by human beings has been introduced. The necessity of taking into account the problem of being oneself and constituting a human being in relation to himself, the world and others has been presented.

2017 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-43
Ann Ward

This article explores how Sophocles’ Oedipus the King and Plato’s Apology of Socrates address the question of whether reason can ground the good human life. Sophocles’ tragedy and Plato’s dialogue both tell of the search for rational self-knowledge. Both Oedipus and Socrates are recognized for human wisdom and are presented as skeptical toward the gods. Yet, whereas Oedipus’ life ends in tragedy, Socrates’ life does not. Sophocles thus suggests that the rational search for truth must be limited by a pious respect for the gods. Plato, on the other hand, preserves Socrates’ belief that the ‘unexamined life is not worth living for a human being’. Four lines of inquiry into the causes of this divergence are then explored: 1) Socrates’ order of knowledge from particular to universal, 2) Oedipus’ proneness to anger, 3) Socrates’ private life in contrast to Oedipus’ public life and, 4) the differing status of the family.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-132
Muhammad Darwis Dasopang

Education is the most important part in human life who has morals and progress. Education can be carried out by everyone in an educational institution, but the primary education should be implemented through family education which is instilled by parents towards their family members from an early age. For this paper, the author will describe the nature and understanding of education in the family; What are the hadiths about education in the family; how the methods and aspects of family education based on the hadiths. The author uses the literature review (library research), with the primary data sources from the hadiths relating to children's education in the family. Study in this paper, Islamic education requires a simultaneous process and sustainable which involves aspects of disciplinary learning and compliance to implement Islamic education towards students. Education in the family, can be found patterns that must be implemented in the family environment, for the formation of a happy family according to what was taught by the prophet Muhammad SAW, and according to the word of Allah SWT in Q.S. Lukman: 13-19

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-34 ◽  
D.A. Leontyev

The paper is focused on one of the key aspects of Fyodor Vasilyuk’s contribution to the elabora¬tion of methodological foundations of psychology, namely, on the construct of lifeworld and ‘lifeworld ontology’ as a metatheoretical framework for the understanding of human life and activity in the world. The paper is subdivided into four sections. The first one gives the justification of Vasilyuk’s approach in terms of ‘lifeworld ontology’, reveals its conceptual connection with the ideas of A.N. Leontiev and S.L. Rubinstein. The second one is dedicated to the concept of lifeworld, its association with specifically human ways of existing in the world, its distinction from the environment and the idea of multiple hu¬man worlds. In the third section, the author reveals, basing on the conceptions of L. Binswanger, E. van Deurtzen and C. Popper, the multidimensional structure of human lifeworld and discusses the mutuality of human-world relationships. In the fourth section. a typology of lifeworlds is offered, based on three core criteria: past/present/future ratio, individual/society relationship, and factual/due/possible ratio as value orientations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 66-73
Agapov Oleg D. ◽  

The joy of being is connected with one’s activities aimed at responding to the challenges of the elemental forces and the boundlessness of being, which are independent of human subjectivity. In the context of rising to the challenges of being, one settles to acquire a certain power of being in themselves and in the world. Thus, the joy of being is tied to achieving the level of the “miraculous fecundity” (E. Levinas), “an internal necessity of one’s life” (F. Vasilyuk), magnanimity (M. Mamardashvili). The ontological duty of any human being is to succeed at being human. The joy of being is closely connected to experiencing one’s involvement in the endless/eternity and realizing one’s subjective temporality/finitude, which attunes him to the absolute seriousness in relation to one’s complete realization in life. Joy is a foundational anthropological phenomenon in the structure of ways of experiencing the human condition. The joy of being as an anthropological practice can appear as a constantly expanding sphere of human subjectivity where the transfiguration of the powers of being occurs under the sign of the Height (Levinas) / the Good. Without the possibility of transfiguration human beings get tired of living, immerse themselves in the dejected state of laziness and the hopelessness of vanity. The joy of being is connected to unity, gathering the multiplicity of human life under the aegis of meaning that allows us to see the other and the alien in heteronomous being, and understand the nature of co-participation and responsibility before the forces of being, and also act in synergy with them.The joy of being stands before a human being as the joy of fatherhood/ motherhood, the joy of being a witness to the world in creative acts (the subject as a means to retreat before the world and let the world shine), the joy of every day that was saved from absurdity, darkness and the impersonal existence of the total. Keywords: joy, higher reality, anthropological practices, “the height”, subject, transcendence, practice of coping

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-22
Kornelis Usboko

“The goal of education according to Habermas is to humanize human being. There was a wise man from India ever said that an answer against one thousand problems was education. Nelson Mandela also said: education was the most powerful weapon that we could use to change the world. These all show us that education becomes a very urgent need of human life. Through education human being is processing to be more human and finding the solution against a number of problems of his/her life like poverty, ignorance and many other cases”.

Chumaidah Syc ◽  
Yuni Astutik

Abstract: Islamic education is an important part in the world of education. Because humans not only need knowledge, but also need spiritual power of religion to form a whole human being (insan kamil) in accordance with Islamic norms. This study discusses "Islamic Education Values ??Contained in the Qur'an, Surat Ali Imran Verse 37". Research method in this study used literature review research. In this study, researchers found that the concepts of Islamic educational values ??are a collection of life principles, teachings about how humans should carry out their lives in the world, one principle with each other related to forming a unified whole that is inseparable inherent in Islamic education which is used as a basis for humans to achieve the goals of human life that is to be a human being and serve God Almighty. There are two types of Islamic educational values, namely Ilahiyah values ??and Insaniyah values. The results of this study the researchers concluded that the values ??of Islamic education contained in al-Qur'an Surah Ali Imran verse 37: 1). Ilahiyah Values, such as, Faith, Islam, piety, sincerity, trust, gratitude and patience. 2). Insaniyah values ??include al-ukhuwah, tawadhu ', al-wafa, husnudzan., Al-amanah, and al-munfiqun.

2021 ◽  
Vol XIX (2) ◽  
pp. 287-299
Katarzyna Parzych-Blakiewicz

The article presents a theological analysis of Pope Francis’ statements on the sanctity of life with reference to familiological issues. The aim of the research undertaken is to show the value of human life resulting from the relationship between the elements that create the created reality and with God. According to Francis, holiness is closeness to God and the ‘divine space’ in which all creation exists and functions. The sanctity of »life« is shown by the Pope in the following aspects: 1) theological – as an expression of the integration of creation with God, 2) social – as the principle of existence and relations, and 3) defensive – as an imperative to defend the life of every human being. The family is presented by the Pope as a sanctuary of life, a place of sanctifying love and a school of holiness. The conclusions resulting from the theological analysis of papal statements indicate the need for a ‘familiological turn’ encompassing the space of culture and civilization of the contemporary world. Such a turn is necessary for the good of the man for whom the family is the first social circle. The sanctity of life in the familiological area is the principle that defines the sacredness of the family and the determinant of intra-family relationships that develop love.

2013 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-62
M. Nur Kholis Al Amin

Abstract: Development is a thing that will happen to human life in its various aspects to complement the needs of human being as individual and social beings. Therefore, necessary to establish religious education human personality perfectli capable of mastering technology and science by sticking to religious doctrines as a measure of ethics in everyday life. However, it will not be separated from the role of the family as an institution beggining in shaping a person’s character. Thus, the formation of one’s character to be the perfect man ( insan kamil) is inseparable from the process of religious education in the family. Keywords : Family, Religious Education, Society.

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