scholarly journals Peculiarities of studying adaptive properties of soft winter wheat of foreign breeding in the natural climatic conditions of the South foothill zone of the North-West Caucasus

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (6) ◽  
pp. 70-78
M. V. Kuzenko

A phased research work was carried out in the natural and climatic conditions of the southern foothill zone of the North-West Caucasus to study and identify adaptive properties and economically significant traits in various wheat lines bred by the Research Institute of Field Crops in the city of Dingxi, Gansu province (the PRC). The research was carried out to study and isolate grain productivity, resistance to the conditions of the autumn-winter period, lodging and diseases, as well as searching for a new source material for breeding work with a winter wheat crop. The studies included phenological observations, assessment of resistance to abiotic and biotic factors, analysis of sheaf material. In the course of the study, it was revealed that the tested wheat samples had differences in resistance to unfavorable conditions of the autumn-winter period. In the first year of the research, samples No. 1, No. 2 died, so did No. 6 in the second year. The stability of overwintered samples was marked at the level of 7 points. Samples No. 10, No. 11 were characterized by low resistance to lodging. The main part of the studied material of winter wheat had a growing season with sprouts and heading 6-8 days shorter than the standard Grom variety. Sample No. 2 was distinguished by the maximum distribution and development of brown rust, No. 7 – by Septoria disease. The grain yield varied at the level of 90–310 g/m2. Sample No. 4 (310 g/m2) and No. 7 (270 g/m2) showed a significantly higher grain yield than the standard of Grom variety (220 g/m2). The mass of 1 000 grains ranged from 30,0 g to 46,1 g. The height of the plants varied in the range of 55,2–111,9 cm. Sample No. 16 had the longest spike (9,8 cm). According to the number of grains of the main spike and the weight of grain, No. 16 stood out from the main spike. The maximum grain weight per plant was shown by No. 15 (5,6 g), No. 16 (4,8 g), No. 12 (5,1 g). The results of the initial comprehensive assessment indicate the possible use of these lines in agricultural production, as well as a starting material. Prospects for further study have been considered.

P. А. Ageeva ◽  
М. V. Matyukhina ◽  
N. А. Pochutina ◽  
O. M. Gromova

The narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.) is a valuable legumes crop used as forage and green manure which is adapted to wide spectrum of soil-and climatic conditions; the crop has short domestication history. The protein content in its seeds and in dry matter of green mass varies from 30.0 to 37.0% and from 16.0 to 22.0 % respectively and depends on ecotype and soil-and-climatic conditions. This lupin specie can accumulate to 300 kg/ha symbiotic nitrogen in biomass and assimilates phosphorus and potassium of heavy available soil layers. It is very technological suitable for common used machinery systems. The State List of breeding achievements of Russia recommends the following regions for lupin cultivation: the North, the North-West, the Central, the Volga-Vyatka, the Middle-Volga, the Central Chernozem, the Ural, the West Siberia and the East Siberia. The tests were carried out in 2017-2020 in the All-Russian Lupin Scientific Research Institute which is located in the South-West of the Central region. Ten varieties and breeding lines bred in the Institute are tested. The samples differ by early ripeness and anthracnose tolerance. The average experimental variety grain yield was 2.38 t/ha. The vars. Uzkolistny 53-02, USN 53-236, Bryanskiy kormovoy and SBS 56-15 have the highest yield and adaptivity (103-113 %). The index of year conditions was revealed; 2017 with the index 0.56 was the most favorable for implementation of grain productivity of the tested narrow-leafed lupin varieties. In the ecological varieties testing the soil-and-climatic conditions of Shatilovskaya experimental station (Orel region) were the most favorable for implementation of variety grain productivity (4.0-4.5 t/ha). Grain yield was 3.0-4.0 t/ha in ecological locations which differ in soil-and-climatic conditions: there are Kaliningrad region, Mordovia Republic, Krasnoyarsk region etc.

Т. Шайкова ◽  
М. Дятлова ◽  
Е. Волкова ◽  
И. Степанова

В статье представлены данные о влиянии новых комплексных удобрений на урожай зерна и биометрические показатели структуры озимой пшеницы, возделываемой на дерново-подзолистой почве. В исследованиях были изучены способы внесения комплексных удобрений: предпосевная обработка семян комплексным удобрением «Микромак» и двукратное внекорневое внесение препаратов «Кодима Р», «Кодафол», «Микроэл», «Страда N». Исследования проводились на двух минеральных фонах: фон 1 — N40P50K70, фон 2 — N40P50K70 + N20. Внесение N40P50K70 в качестве основного удобрения способствовало повышению зерновой продуктивности на 0,53–0,59 т/га, или на 27,7–32,8% к контролю. Все изучаемые препараты оказывали положительное влияние на урожайность зерна озимой пшеницы. Существенные различия в сторону увеличения зерновой продуктивности получены при совместном применении предпосевной обработки семян препаратом «Микромак» с последующей двойной обработкой вегетирующих растений препаратом «Страда N» на фоне N40P50K70, где прибавка к контролю составила 0,82 т/га, или 42,9%. В данном варианте от применения препарата «Страда N» дополнительно к минеральному фону было получено зерна 0,29 т/га; от препарата «Микромак» — 0,27 т/га. Достоверное увеличение зерновой продуктивности получено и от обработок вегетирующих растений препаратом «Микроэл», где дополнительно к фону 1 получено 0,22 т/га зерна. Под влиянием обработки семян препаратом «Микромак» увеличилась энергия прорастания семян озимой пшеницы с 56 до 69% и всхожесть — с 89 до 94%. Отмечено положительное действие данного препарата на элементы структуры урожая: увеличилось количество продуктивных стеблей с 2,5 до 3,8 шт., масса 1000 зёрен выросла с 42,8 до 43,6 г. This article reports on the effect of new complex fertilizers on grain yield and biometrics of winter wheat grown on sod-podzolic soil. The investigation tested fertilization techniques: seed treatment with “Mikromak” fertilizer and topdressing by “Kodima R”, “Kodafol”, “Mikroel” and “Strada N” preparations repeated twice. Two mineral backgrounds were used: variant 1 — N40P50K70, and variant 2 — N40P50K70 + N20. Application of N40P50K70 increased grain productivity by 0.53–0.59 t ha-1, or 27.7–32.8%. All the preparations positively affected wheat performance. Seed treatment with “Mikromak” followed by “Strada N” application significantly improved grain productivity on the background of N40P50K70, exceeding the control by 0.82 t ha-1, or 42.9%. “Strada N” provided the increase of 0.29 t ha-1, “Mikromak” — 0.27 t ha-1. “Mikroel” significantly increased grain yield by 0.22 t ha-1. “Mikromak” improved germination rate from 56 to 69% and germination capacity — from 89 to 94%. Treatment with “Mikromak” resulted in increase of number of productive stems from 2.5 to 3.8 pcs and thousand grain weight — from 42.8 to 43.6 g.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 71-76
M. V. Kuzenko

The article presents studies carried out in 2018–2019 and 2019–2020 in the southern foothill zone of the North-West Caucasus in the fields of the selection and primary seed produc- tion department of the Adygh Research Institute of Agriculture. The aim was to study the actual, biological or potential yield of winter soft wheat varieties cultivated in the region, as well as the ratio of the mass of the grain part and the harvested straw - the yield index. The studied varieties were divided into groups according to plant height: semi-dwarfs (up to 90 cm), short-stemmed (up to 105 cm), medium-sized (up to 120 cm). According to the results of the studies carried out, differences in the studied characteristics were revealed. In the group of semi-dwarf varieties, the grain yield varied from 7,25 to 8,05 t/ha, short-stemmed 7,78–8,91 t/ha, medium-sized 7,34–9,60 t/ha. The highest grain yield was shown by the Vekha variety (9,60 t/ha) belonging to the group of medium-sized varieties, from the short-stemmed Maikopchanka varieties (8,91 t/ha) stood out, Kalym semi-dwarf varieties (8,05 t/ha). The biological yield in the experiment varied from 9,37 to 15,29 t/ha. From semi-dwarf varieties, Grom stood out (14,06 t/ha), short-stemmed varieties – Mafe (10,8 t/ha), medium-sized varieties – Vekha (15,29 t/ha). The difference between the actual and biological grain yield of varieties belonging to the short-stem group was the smallest in comparison with the varieties of the semi-dwarf and medium-grown group. On average, over two years of research, the harvesting index was 46,9–53,2%. Semi-dwarf winter wheat varieties had the maximum value of this indicator. In the group of short-stemmed Grom and Graf varieties, the ratio of the mass of the grain part to the harvested straw varied from 46,8% (Velena) to 50,5% (Alekseich). The harvesting index for medium-sized varieties was at the level of 46,9–51,8%. The Vekha variety, which showed the maximum value, stood out from this group.

Б.Л. Пхарое ◽  
А.Н. Евдокимов

Северо-западный регион ЮАР до недавнего времени не являлся промышленно марганценосным. Однако результаты изучения последних лет дают основание думать, что здесь могут быть залежи марганцевых руд. Марганцевое оруденение в этом регионе встречается в виде марганцевых конкреций, порошкообразного марганцевого вада и марганцевых корок в коре выветривания. Марганцевые конкреции приурочены к аллювиальной части «Westwits alluvium» рудного разреза и марганцевый вад накоплялся в карстовых структурах, образовавшихся в результате приповерхностного выветривания, выщелачивания и растворения подстилающих марганценосных неоархейских доломитов. Предполагается два потенциальных источника марганца: первый расположен непосредственно под рудным телом, а второй – на существенном удалении от него. Если первый источник рудного вещества поставлял марганец из подстилающих доломитов в процессе их выветривания, то второй вариант подразумевает существенный перенос металла из неизвестных коренных источников, расположенных на значительном удалении от области рудонакопления. Таким образом, для решения этого вопроса, необходимо провести экспериментальные исследования, изучающие природу, минералогию и источник сноса терригенных отложений «вмещающих материалов» верхнего рудного разреза. Цель работы – уточнить природу марганценосных терригенных залежей «Westwits alluvium» и, что самое важное, определить их коренной источник поступления и собственно минеральный состав. Методики исследования включали: петрографическое описание пород, геохимические анализы методами XRF и SEM, подсчеты объемного состава детритовых минералов и анализ дискриминационных диаграмм. Результаты. В результате проведенных исследований было установлено, что терригенные зёрна в основном представлены кварцем. Содержание полевых шпатов, минералов цемента и глинистых минералов не более 20 %. Использована классификация составов терригенного материала, основанная на подсчете в объемных процентах зерен кварца, полевого шпата, обломочных зерен других пород (вулканических, магматических и метаморфических пород), слюды и др. По этим данным были определены вероятные источники сноса, которыми являются породы Рэнд-Антиклинального хребта, расположенного к югу от изучаемого региона, а также архейские граниты, гнейсы и мафические-ультрамафические породы Каапваальского кратона. Осадконакопление происходило в низменной равнине с тропическим умеренно влажным и субгумидным климатом. Здесь, при повышенном рН воды происходило интенсивное выщелачивание пород и замещение детритовых зерен разного минерального состава диоксидом марганца. Ключевые слова: марганцовистый аллювий, третичный, терригенные отложения, Каапваальский кратон, Южная Африка The North-West region of the Republic of South Africa was previously not considered to constitute of manganese mineralization of industrial value. However, recently published articles indicated the presence of secondary manganese mineralization in the weathering crust, underlain by the manganiferous Neoarchean dolomites. Manganese mineralization in this region occurs in the form of manganese nodules, powdered manganese wad, and manganese crusts. Manganese nodules are confined to the alluvial part of the ore section known as the «Westwits alluvium» and manganese wad is accumulated in karstic structures formed as a result of near-surface weathering, leaching, and dissolution of underlying manganese-bearing Neoarchean dolomites. Two potential sources of manganese are assumed: the first relates to the dolomites which are located directly under the ore body, and the second relates to the source areas of terrigenous deposits. If the first hypothesis suggests that manganese ore substances were supplied from the underlying dolomites during their weathering, the second option then implies a significant transfer of metal from unknown root sources located at a considerable distance from the area of ore accumulation. Thus, it is necessary to conduct petrographic study to reconstruct their source regions and understand the close relations with Mn mineralization. Aim is to clarify the nature of the manganese-bearing terrigenous deposits «Westwits alluvium» and, most importantly, to determine their root source of supply and the actual mineral composition. Methodology of study includes mainly: petrographic study of rocks, geochemical analyses with the use of XRF and SEM methods, modal compositional analysis of the detrital minerals, and analysis of discrimination diagrams. Results. As a result of the conducted research, it was found that terrigenous grains consist mainly of detrital quartz grains. The content of feldspars, cement minerals and clay minerals seldom exceeds 20 %. The classification of terrigenous material based on the calculation of the volumetric percentage of the detrital framework grains: quartz, feldspar, clastic grains of other rocks types (volcanic, igneous and metamorphic rocks), mica, indicated probable source areas of the terrigenous sediments. These include metasedimentary rocks of the Rand Anticline Ridge which is located south of the studied region, and Archean granites, gneisses, and mafic-ultramafic rocks of the Kaapvaal Craton. In the basin of deposition, sedimentation occurred in a lowland plain within tropical region, characterized by moderately humid and sub-humid climatic conditions. These conditions, combined with oxidation and increased pH of the basin waters, contributed to the replacement of detrital grains with manganese dioxide

A. Golodna ◽  
L. Holyk ◽  

Winter soft wheat is one of the most important crops. New varieties of wheat should be characterized by a set of valuable economic characteristics, but the most relevant is the creation of varieties with high yields and grain quality, resistant to a complex of diseases and other negative factors. The aim of the study was to evaluate new promising varieties of winter soft wheat breeding of the NSC "Institute of Agriculture NAAS" for grain yield, winter hardiness, disease resistance and grain quality. Experimental studies were conducted at the NSC "Institute of Agriculture NAAS" in 2016-2020, research fields are located in the Fastiv district of Kyiv region. Different weather conditions over the years of research have contributed to a better and more comprehensive assessment of varieties on a set of valuable economic characteristics. During field experiments, the generally accepted technology of growing winter wheat was used. The area of the competitive variety testing site was 20.0 m2, repeated four times. Field, measuring and weighing, laboratory and mathematical and statistical methods were used during the research. In 2018, new varieties of soft winter wheat Krasunia Poliska, Mokosha, Pyriatynka, Fortetsia Poliska, Efektna and in 2020 the variety Zemlerob were transferred to the Ukrainian Institute of Plant Variety Examination for qualification examination. Varieties created in NSC "Institute of Agriculture NAAS" by the method of hybridization using as parent components varieties and lines of local and foreign breeding. The variety Krasunia Poliska, belongs to the Lutescens type, is characterized by high drought resistance, resistance to lodging, germination on stumps, grain shedding. The Mokosha variety, belongs to the Lutescens type, has high drought resistance, is resistant to lodging, germination on stumps and grain shedding. Variety Pyriatynka, belongs to the Lutescens type, has high drought resistance, resistance to lodging, germination on the stump, shedding. Fortetsia Poliska, belongs to the Alborbrum type, is characterized by high drought resistance, resistance to lodging, germination on the stump and shedding of grain. Variety Efektna, belongs to the Erythrospermum type, is short (plant height 64-80 cm), characterized by high drought resistance, resistance to lodging, germination on the stump, shedding. The variety of winter soft wheat Zemlerob, belongs to the Lutescens type, has high drought resistance, resistant to lodging, germination on the stump, shedding of grain. The highest grain yield on average over the years of testing was obtained in the variety Fortetsia Poliska - 7.31 t / ha, varieties Pyriyatynka and Zemlerob with indicators of 7.10 and 7.06 t / ha, respectively, were distinguished by high yields. The yields of Mokosha, Effektna and Krasunia Poliska ranged from 6.27 to 6.95 t / ha. According to the increased winter hardiness, the best varieties are Pyriatynka, Krasunia Poliska, Mokosha and Efektna with a score of 8.0-8.2 points. In the varieties Fortetsia Poliska and Zemlerob the score for winter hardiness was 7.8-7.9 points. Estimation of powdery mildew showed that the maximum percentage of lesions on average over the years of research was found in the variety Mokosha (25.5%). As the most stable selected varieties Efektna, Lisova pisnia, Pyriatynka and Fortetsia Poliska (1.7-11.6%). In terms of resistance to brown rust, all varieties showed high resistance, the damage did not exceed 8.0%. The most stable variety was Efektna (0.3%). The greatest damage to winter wheat varieties was found in leaf septoria, which ranged from 19.0 to 39.3%. The greatest resistance to this disease is determined in the cultivar Zemlerob. New wheat varieties should also be characterized by high levels of protein, gluten and other valuable traits that ensure grain quality. The highest protein content was determined in the grains of the varieties Efektna (11.67%), Mokosha (11.62%) and Krasuni Poliska (11.54%). According to the increased content of gluten, the varieties Krasunia Poliska, Lisova pisnia, Mokosha (19.22-19.66%) were distinguished. According to the highest indicators of sedimentation, the varieties Krasunia Poliska, Pyriatynka and Mokosha (34.50-34.84 %) should be noted, these varieties are also the best in terms of a comprehensive assessment of grain quality. New varieties of soft winter wheat Krasunia Poliska, Mokosha, Pyryatynka, Fortetsia Poliska, Efektna and Zemlerob breedibg of NSC "Institute of Agriculture NAAS" are characterized by high grain yield (up to 7.31 t / ha), increased winter hardiness and disease resistance, as well as good indicators of grain quality: protein content - up to 11.67%; gluten - up to 19.66%. The introduction of these varieties into production will allow to obtain high yields of quality grain.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (6) ◽  
pp. 34-40
Maria Zapisotska ◽  
Olexandra Voloshchuk ◽  
Ihor Voloshchuk ◽  
Valentyna Hlyva

The yield potential of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is formed in changing weather conditions and depends on the proposed agro-technological measures, to which the response of a particular variety is different. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of weather factors on the field germination of soft winter wheat seeds, the growth and development of plants in the autumn and wintering in the zone of the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine, by sowing high-quality basic seed, careful soil preparation and the presence of optimum environmental factors. A sufficient level of productive soil moisture, which protects young shoots from possible deficiency after germination and is a long-term source of moisture at the next stages of organogenesis, has a great influence on obtaining friendly and timely shoots. Often overwintering conditions, when plants suffer from low negative temperatures at the beginning and at the end of the winter period, ground ice crust, resumption of vegetation in winter are the causes of freezing, loss, and ultimately a decrease in yield and seed quality. It has been confirmed that an increase in the temperature regime in 244-247°C in the autumn-winter period and the optimal amount of precipitation contribute to sufficient (31.6-34.6 mm) productive soil moisture (0-20 cm), which positively influences the process of germination of soft winter wheat, provides a high percentage of field germination of seeds of varieties (93.8-94.5%), lengthens the autumn development of plants by 3-12 days, which causes 3.5-5.7% higher accumulation of sugar content in the tillering nodes and a high percentage of overwintering (up to 95.5-96.4%). Varieties of the forest-steppe ecological type of soft winter wheat have insignificant phenotypic variability of adaptive traits, therefore, in the production of grain and seed products, it is recommended to give preference to the plant varieties listed in the Register, suitable for distribution in Ukraine for the Forest-Steppe zone, Polissya. The recommendations set out in this scientific work will help agricultural producers of the studied soil and climatic zone to carry out an effective, more ecologically plastic, highly productive variety replacement

2018 ◽  
Vol 221 ◽  
pp. 219-227 ◽  
Xuexin Xu ◽  
Meng Zhang ◽  
Jinpeng Li ◽  
Zuqiang Liu ◽  
Zhigan Zhao ◽  

2008 ◽  
Vol 59 (3) ◽  
pp. 247 ◽  
David W. Lester ◽  
Colin J. Birch ◽  
Chris W. Dowling

Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are the 2 most limiting nutrients for grain production within the northern grains region of Australia. The response to fertiliser N and P inputs is influenced partly by the age of cultivation for cropping, following a land use change from native pasture. There are few studies that have assessed the effects of both N and P fertiliser inputs on grain yield and soil fertility in the long term on soils with contrasting ages of cultivation with fertility levels that are running down v. those already at the new equilibrium. Two long-term N × P experiments were established in the northern grains region: one in 1985 on an old (>40 years) cultivation soil on the Darling Downs, Qld; the second in 1996 on relatively new (10 years) cultivation on the north-west plains of NSW. Both experiments consisted of fertiliser N rates from nil to 120 kg N/ha.crop in factorial combination with fertiliser P from nil to 20 kg P/ha.crop. Opportunity cropping is practiced at both sites, with winter and summer cereals and legumes sown. On the old cultivation soil, fertiliser N responses were large and consistent for short-fallow crops, while long fallowing reduced the size and frequency of N response. Short-fallow sorghum in particular has responded up to the highest rate of fertiliser N (120 kg N/ha.crop). Average yield increase with fertiliser N compared with nil for 5 short-fallow sorghum crops was 1440, 2650, and 3010 kg/ha for the 40, 80, and 120 kg N/ha, respectively. Average agronomic efficiency of N for these crops was 36, 33, and 25 kg grain/kg fertiliser N applied. This contrasts with relatively new cultivation soil, where fertiliser N response was generally limited to the first 30 kg N/ha applied during periods of high cropping intensity. Response to P input was consistent for crop species, VAM sensitivity, and starting soil test P level. At both the old and new cultivation sites, generally all winter cereals responded to a 10 kg P/ha application, and more than half of long-fallow sorghum crops from both sites had increased grain yield with P application. At the old cultivation site, average yield gain for 10 kg P/ha.crop treatment was 480 kg/ha for all winter cereal sowings, and 180 kg/ha for long-fallow sorghum. Short-fallow sorghum did not show yield response to P treatment.

2019 ◽  
Vol 70 (9) ◽  
pp. 772 ◽  
Su-Wei Feng ◽  
Zhen-Gang Ru ◽  
Wei-Hua Ding ◽  
Tie-Zhu Hu ◽  
Gan Li

Winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) production in the North China Plain (NCP) is threatened by wheat lodging. Therefore, enhancing plant lodging resistance by improving stem quality traits is crucial to maintaining high stable yields of winter wheat. A consecutive 7-year field experiment was conducted to study the effects of stem traits on lodging resistance and the yield of four winter wheat cultivars (Bainong 418, Aikang 58, Wenmai 6 and Zhoumai 18). The results indicated that rainfall is often accompanied by strong winds that can cause lodging in the field. Stalk bending strength and wall thickness of the second internode showed significant negative correlations with lodging index, and a higher lodging index indicated increased lodging risk, which, in turn, could seriously affect the grain yield of wheat. Significant regression relationships were observed between lodging index and population lodging resistance strength, as measured using a crop lodging resistance electronic measuring device. Statistical analysis revealed that yield components and the grain yield of Bainong 418 were higher than those of the other cultivars; there was no significant difference between Bainong 418 and Aikang 58 in lodging index, stalk bending strength or single-stalk and population lodging resistance strengths at anthesis and the middle filling stages, but the mean plant height of Bainong 418 was significantly higher than that of Aikang 58. These results provide a new and reliable method for assessing lodging resistance capacity and indicate that greater lodging resistance, as determined by simultaneously considering plant height and basal stem strength, is an important way to achieve high, stable yield in winter wheat.

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