2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 56-65
Maswir Mutakhir

This study aims to determine whether changes in SBI interest rates and changes in the USD / IDR exchange rate have an influence on the PT BCA Stock Market Price during the period January 2015-December 2019. The data used are secondary data provided by relevant institutions. The research method uses multiple linear regression models. To test the significance of the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable partially, the t test is used. The partial test results on changes in the independent variable on changes in the dependent variable note that changes in SBI Interest Rates have a negative and insignificant effect on the Stock Market Price of PT Bank Central Asia Tbk, while The USD / IDR exchange rate has a positive and insignificant effect on the Stock Market Price of PT Bank Central Asia Tbk. The value of the coefficient of determination is 4.2%, which means that the proportion of changes in the PT BCA Stock Market Price which can be explained by variations in changes in SBI interest rates and changes in the exchange rate of USD / IDR is 4.2%, while the remaining 95.8% is explained. by other variables. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah perubahan Suku Bunga SBI dan perubahan Kurs USD/IDR mempunyai pengaruh terhadap Harga Pasar Saham PT BCA selama periode Januari 2015–Desember 2019. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder yang disediakan lembaga yang relevan. Metode penelitian  menggunakan model regresi linier berganda. Untuk menguji signifikansi pengaruh variabel independen terhadap variabel dependen secara parsial digunakan uji t.Hasil pengujian secara parsial atas  perubahan variabel independen terhadap perubahan variabel dependen diketahui bahwa perubahan Suku Bunga SBI mempunyai pengaruh negatif dan tidak signifikan terhadap Harga Pasar Saham PT Bank Central Asia Tbk, sedangkan Kurs USD/IDR mempunyai pengaruh positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap Harga Pasar Saham PT Bank Central Asia Tbk. Nilai Koefisien Determinasi adalah sebesar 4,2% yang artinya besarnya proporsi variasi perubahan Harga Pasar Saham PT BCA yang dapat dijelaskan oleh variasi perubahan tingkat Suku Bunga SBI dan perubahan Kurs USD/IDR adalah sebesar 4,2% sedangkan sisanya sebesar 95,8% dijelaskan oleh variabel lainnya.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
Ada Tua Pardamean

The trade-off between achieving price stability and economic growth, especially in the short term is the impact of a decision-making dilemma for the conduct of fiscal policy or monetary policy in the Indonesian economy. The problem is what lies behind this study and aimed to determine the impact of fiscal and monetary policies on the Indonesian economy. The data used are secondary data sourced from Bank Indonesia and BPS variables namely GDP, Government Expenditure, Tax Revenue, Export, Exchange Rate, Money Supply, Interest Rates for time series from 2000 to 2012. Data analysis was performed using Two Stage Least Squares (TSLS) estimation with multiple linear regression models using Eviews 5.0 program assistance. The results of this study it can be concluded that the simultaneous equation model on IS to variable Interest Rate and a significant negative effect on GDP of Indonesia, while the Government Expenditure variable (G0), Export (X0) and Tax Revenue (Tx) and Exchange Rate (ER) effect positively and significantly to Indonesia's GDP, while the equation for the LM model of the Money Supply variables significantly and negatively related to Indonesia's GDP increased at a rate statistically a = 10% and for variable interest rate is not significantly to Indonesia's GDP.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (8) ◽  
pp. 577-586
Brilian Amial Rasyid ◽  
Dede Ruslan ◽  
Murni Daulay

Inflation is a monetary and structural phenomenon in the Indonesian economy. The objective of this research is to analyse the indirect effect of Debt, Net Export and Interest Rate on the Inflation through Exchange Rate : and to analyse the direct effects of Debt, Net export, Interest Rate, and exchange rate on the inflation in Indonesia. The research uses secondary data carried out from Bank Indonesia. Statistics Center Board, DJPPR ( Directorate General of Financing and Risk Management) of the ministry of finance and from the Ministry of Trade. Quarterly data of 1995 – 2020 are employed as the data and analysed with path analysis technique. Inderect result shows that there is positive and significant effect of debt on inflation through exchange rate, there is positive and significant effect of net export on inflation through exchange rate, and there is positive and insignificant effect of interest rate on inflation throught exchange rate. Direct result shows that there is negative and insignificant effect of debt on inflation, there is negative and insignificant effect of net export on inflation, there is positive and significant effect of interest rate on inflation, and there is positive and significant effect of exchange rate on inflation. Keywords: Debt, Net Exports, Interest Rates, Exchange Rates, Inflation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 192-202
Mardhiah Mardhiah ◽  
Akhmad Baihaqi ◽  
Safrida Safrida

 Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi ekspor kopi di Aceh. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder yang berupa time series dari tahun 2001 – 2017. Model analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi linear berganda, uji F, uji t dan uji R2. Hasil analisis regresi diperoleh Y = -9,365 - 2,825NT + 2,616HKDN – 1,734HKLN + 1,077PK. Hasil uji-F variabel dependen dengan variabel independen diperoleh nilai Fcari=3,605 sedangkan Ftabel=3,41. Hasil Uji-t menunjukkan nilai tukar mata uang Dollar terhadap Rupiah tcari=2,622 sedangkan ttabel= 2,160 dimana Ha ditolak H0 diterima artinya nilai tukar mata uang Dollar terhadap Rupiah berpengaruh nyata terhadap volume ekspor kopi di Aceh. Hasil analisis terhadap harga kopi dalam negeri tcari=2,348 sedangkan ttabel=2,160 artinya harga kopi dalam negeri berpengaruh secara nyata terhadap volume ekspor kopi di Aceh. Hasil analisis terhadap harga kopi luar negeri tcari=-3,543 sedangkan ttabel=2,160 artinya harga kopi di luar negeri berpengaruh secara nyata terhadap volume ekspor kopi di Aceh. Hasil analisis terhadap produksi kopi tcari=1,313 sedangkan ttabel=2,160 dimana Ha diterima dan H0 ditolak artinya produksi kopi tidak berpengaruh secara nyata terhadap volume ekspor kopi di Aceh. Nilai koefisien determinasi (R2) menunjukkan bahwa 54,6% ekspor kopi di Aceh dipengaruhi oleh nilai tukar, harga kopi dalam negeri, harga kopi luar negeri dan produksi kopi sedangkan sisanya sebesar 45,4% dipengaruhi faktor-faktor lain.Kata kunci : Ekspor Kopi, Nilai Tukar, Harga Kopi Dalam Negeri, Harga Kopi Luar Negeri, dan Produksi Kopi Abstract. This study aims to look at the factors that influence coffee exports in Aceh. The data source used is secondary data in the form of time series from 2001 - 2017. The analysis model used is multiple linear regression, Ftest, ttest, and R2 test. Regression analysis results obtained Y = -9,365 - 2,825NT + 2,616HKDN – 1,734HKLN + 1,077PK. F-test results for the dependent variable with the independent variable obtained Ftest = 3.605 while Ftable = 3.41. The ttest results show the exchange rate of the Dollar against Rupiah ttest = 2.622 while ttable = 2.160 where Ha is rejected and H0 is accepted meaning the exchange rate of the Dollar against Rupiah has a significant effect on the volume of coffee exports in Aceh. The results of an analysis of the domestic coffee price ttest= 2,348 while ttable = 2,160 means that the domestic coffee price significantly affects the volume of coffee exports in Aceh. The results of an analysis of overseas coffee prices ttest = -3.543 while ttable = 2.160 means that the price of coffee abroad has a significant effect on the volume of coffee exports in Aceh. The results of the analysis of coffee production ttest = 1,313 while ttable = 2.160 where Ha is accepted and H0 is rejected, meaning that coffee production has no significant effect on the volume of coffee exports in Aceh. The coefficient of determination (R2) shows that 54.6% of coffee exports in Aceh are influenced by the exchange rate, domestic coffee prices, foreign coffee prices and coffee production while the remaining 45.4% is influenced by other factors.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 409
Poeja Maura ◽  
Yeniwati Yeniwati

This study aims to determine the effect of reference interest rates on inflation and bad credit working capital and also see how the effect of inflation on bad credit working capital in Indonesia. The type of research used is descriptive and associative research, namely research that describes the research variable and finds the presence or absence of influence between the independent variable and the dependent variable. The type of data in this study are quantitative secondary data and time series from 2016M6-2018M11 with documentation data collection techniques sourced from Bank Indonesia (BI), Financial Services Authority (OJK), Central Statistics Agency (BPS), and other library studies . Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression models with steps: (1) classical assumptions, (2) hypothesis testing, and (3) test coefficient of determination (R2). The results of this study indicate that: (1) The benchmark interest rate has a negative and significant relationship to inflation. (2) The reference interest rate has a positive and significant relationship to non-performing loans of working capital in Indonesia. (3) Inflation has a non-significant and negative relationship to non-performing loans of working capital in Indonesia. This study aims to determine the effect of reference interest rates on inflation and bad credit working capital and also see how the effect of inflation on bad credit working capital in Indonesia. The type of research used is descriptive and associative research, namely research that describes the research variable and finds the presence or absence of influence between the independent variable and the dependent variable. The type of data in this study are quantitative secondary data and time series from 2016M6-2018M11 with documentation data collection techniques sourced from Bank Indonesia (BI), Financial Services Authority (OJK), Central Statistics Agency (BPS), and other library studies . Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression models with steps: (1) classical assumptions, (2) hypothesis testing, and (3) test coefficient of determination (R2). The results of this study indicate that: (1) The benchmark interest rate has a negative and significant relationship to inflation. (2) The reference interest rate has a positive and significant relationship to non-performing loans of working capital in Indonesia. (3) Inflation has a non-significant and negative relationship to non-performing loans of working capital in Indonesia. <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="40" Name="Grid

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-43
Albetris Albetris ◽  
Nuraini Nuraini

The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of the contribution of the number of hotels, the number of hotel rooms and tourists to the absorption of labor. Tourism sector is one of the strategic sectors that must be utilized for tourism development as part of national development, having the aim of, among others, expanding business opportunities and opening jobs.  The data used in this study is secondary data. The data was obtained from literature related studies in jambi city such as BPS, Department of Culture and Tourism, Youth and Sports, previous research, and other relevant library materials. Data Analysis Method Tested with multiple linear regression models. Based on the results of the study found that Simultaneously independent variable Number of Hotels (X1), Number of Hotel Rooms (X2) and Tourist Visits (X3) affects the variable Absorption of Labor (Y) with a coefficient of determination of 6.5% which means independent variables Number of Hotels (X1), Number of Hotel Rooms (X2) and Tourist Visits (X3) of 6.5% and the remaining 93.5% are influenced by other variables outside this research. And the Number of Hotels had no significant effect on Labor Absorption with a regression coefficient of 0.141

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
Ilham Tri Murdo ◽  
Junaidi Affan

Abstract   This study is to determine the extent to which the independent variable factors (GDP, Inflation, Exchange and Interest Rates) affect the dependent variable (Trade Balance) in the last 20 years. Quantitative research aims to obtain empirical evidence regarding the effect of the variables of GDP, Inflation, Exchange Rates and Interest Rates on the Trade Balance, and also to test hypotheses to strengthen or even reject the hypothesis. With the following results: GDP has a negative and insignificant effect on the Trade Balance, Inflation has a negative and significant effect on the Trade Balance, the Exchange Rate has no and no significant effect on the Trade Balance, Interest Rates have no and no significant effect on the Trade Balance and GDP, INflation , Exchange and Interest Rates together (simultaneously) have a significant and significant effect on the Trade Balance

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Siska Audina Bambang Siswanto

This study was conducted to examine the effect of Return on Equity, Debt to Equity Ratio and Total Asset Turnover on stock returns in manufacturing companies listed on the IDX for the 2014-2018 period. The population in this study were 143 manufacturing companies for the 2014-2018 period. The sampling method used was purposive sampling technique and the selected sample met the criteria of 40 companies so that the data used was 200. This study used secondary data and the analysis method used was the classical assumption test, multiple linear regression, t test, f test and coefficient of determination. . Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that the ROE variable has a positive and significant effect on stock returns, the DER variable has a positive and insignificant effect on stock returns, the TATO variable has a positive and insignificant effect on stock returns. There is a significant influence of the ROE, DER and TATO variables simultaneously on Stock Return.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 137-143
Ismaila Akanni Yusuf ◽  
Mohammed Bashir Salaudeen ◽  
Hope Agbonrofo

The study examines the effect of the social and economic indicators on the stock market performance in Nigeria between 1981 and 2019. The study employs secondary data from the World Bank and Central Bank of Nigeria using the ordinary least squares as the technique of estimation. Findings show that regarding the economic drivers, interest rate, exchange rate, and inflation rate negatively impact the stock market while only income exerts a positive impact. However, both income and interest rate are significant economic drivers of stock performance. Regarding social drivers, life expectancy, poverty, and population exert a positive impact on stock performance. Similarly, both life expectancy and population are significant social drivers of stock market performance in Nigeria. The study recommends that monetary authorities should be cautious in avoiding discretionary policies that might hike the exchange rate; otherwise, the flow of funds to the stock market will be derailed. Also, the fiscal authority should invest massively in safety nets programmes to enhance the capacity of the growing population and reduce poverty.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 871-877
Rahmat Dewa Bagas Nugraha ◽  
H.M Nursito

This study aims to determine and analyze the factors that affect stock prices through appropriate ratio analysis. As for the ratio of interest rates, inflation and exchange rates. Researchers want to know and analyze the effect partially or simultaneously between interest rates, inflation, and exchange rates on stock prices. This research is a quantitative study using secondary data. The object of this research is hotel companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2016-2018. The sample used in this study were 3 hotel with certain characteristics. The results of research simultaneously using the F test show that there is no influence between interest rates, inflation and exchange rates on stock prices because the calculated value is smaller than the table. Partially with the t test it can be concluded that there is no influence between interest rates on stock prices because the tcount value in the interest rate variable is smaller than the t table. Likewise, the t calculation of inflation and the exchange rate is smaller than the t table, so that there is no partial effect of the two variables on stock prices. Keywords: Stock Prices, Interest Rates, Inflation and Exchange Rates

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Dewi Kusuma Wardani ◽  
Devita Fajar Tri Andarini

This research is motivated by the results of researches differences which have been done by other researchers. Moreover, it is also because construction companies in the sector of Real Estate and Property which develops a lots. The developing influences the stock prices in the sector of Real Estate and Property in Indonesia. This study aimed to examine the effect of the fundamental conditions, inflation, and SBI interest rates on the stock prices. This research is done in Pojok Bursa Efek Indonesia. the fundamental factors which are used in this research is Current Ratio, Return on Asset, Debt Equity Ratio, and Total Asset Turn Over. The data which are used are the secondary data which are taken from IDX with 180 populations, and 132 data are treated. The sampling method in this research is purposive sampling. The data technique analysis in this research uses multiple linear regression techniques. The regression test results show that the influence of fundamentals, inflation, and SBI interest rates partially positive effect on stock prices. The third influence of independent variable on the dependent variable is just 10.5%. It is necessary for the addition of variables in future researches. Keyword: fundamental conditions, inflation, SBI interest rates, and stock prices

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