scholarly journals Determinants of Corporate Waqf Contribution from the Perspective of Muslims in Malaysia

ICR Journal ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 252-276
Muhammad Fakhrurrazi Ahmad

 Corporate waqf is a unique model and an innovation of the Islamic social finance system. It is considered a promising platform to overcome economic inequality and enhance the wellbeing of the people in many areas, including socio-economic, education, and health. Therefore, it is necessary to analyse the underlying factors that can influence corporate waqf contribution among the public. This article summarises the findings of a survey on the determinants of corporate waqf contribution from the perspective of Muslims in Malaysia. The empirical factors found were: attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioural control, knowledge, and trustworthiness. A survey was conducted of 454 respondents from various backgrounds; based on the obtained results, it is suggested that three independent variables, namely knowledge, subjective norm, and attitude, have significant relationships with the intention to contribute corporate waqf. In the conclusion, the author suggests several ideas for progressing corporate waqf in Malaysia.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-48
Andi Marta Marta ◽  
Dodi Faedlulloh

AbstracT, This study uses primary data through surveys, survey research methods can be analyzed in accordance with the wishes and needs of researchers, for example, to see the influence of the independent variables or to predict future behavior.The aim of this study was to determine the effect of service and loyalty of employees to the satisfaction of the public in obtaining an identity card in the Village East in Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta. People's satisfaction is a construct that stands alone and is affected by the service. Services can also affect employee loyalty directly, if the performance according to expectations, the people will be satisfied, if the performance to exceed expectations, then people will feel very satisfied (delighted). The approach used in this study is a quantitative analysis, using primary data obtained from the questionnaire. other than that of primary data obtained from the questionnaire that was distributed to the respondents. Then the data that has been processed is used to analyze the research hypothesis.T test results in partial positive and significant impact services to the satisfaction of the people in the care of the National Identity Card, as well as Employee Loyalty positive and significant impact on the care of the Public Satisfaction Pendududuk Identity Card. From the simultaneous analysis showed that Services and Employee Loyalty positive and significant impact to the satisfaction of the Society.Keywords: Care, Employee Loyalty, and Community Satisfaction. Abstrak,  Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer melalui survey, metode penelitian survey bisa dianalisa sesuai dengan keinginan dan kebutuhan peneliti, misalnya untuk melihat pengaruh independen variabel atau untuk meramalkan perilaku di masa datang Tujuan dari pada penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh  pelayanan dan loyalitas pegawai terhadap kepuasan masyarakat dalam mengurus kartu tanda penduduk di Kelurahan Kelapa Gading  Timur di Jakarta Utara. Kepuasan masyarakat adalah merupakan konstruk yang berdiri sendiri dan dipengaruhi oleh pelayanan. Pelayanan juga dapat mempengaruhi loyalitas pegawai secara langsung, jika kinerja sesuai harapan maka masyarakat akan merasa puas, jika kinerja sampai melebihi harapan, maka masyarakat akan merasa sangat puas (delighted). Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis kuantitatif, dengan menggunakan data primer yang diperoleh dari hasil penyebaran kuisioner. selain itu dari data primer yang diperoleh dari kusioner yang telah disebarkan ke responden. Kemudian data yang telah diolah dipakai untuk menganalisis hipotesis penelitian. Hasil uji t secara parsial variabel Pelayanan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kepuasan masyarakat dalam mengurus Kartu Tanda Penduduk, begitu pula Loyalitas Pegawai berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kepuasan Masyarakat dalam mengurus Kartu Tanda Pendududuk. Dari analisis secara simultan  diperoleh bahwa Pelayanan dan Loyalitas Pegawai berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kepuasan Masyarakat.Kata Kunci: Pelayanan, Loyalitas Pegawai, dan Kepuasan Masyarakat

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-86
Henny Herawaty Br Dalimunthe ◽  
Puji Hadiyanti ◽  
Ahmad Tijari

The COVID-19 pandemic situation faced by the people of Indonesia an impact in various fields of economy, education,  and health. Pandemic conditions require people to stay at home to break the chain of viruses spreading rapidly. Basic education to higher education runs online learning so that learning continues. Through the Real Work Lecture Program (KKN) involving students and community participation to help break the chain of distribution with online fig. Public awareness methods with socialization, counseling, online empowerment using interactive video media that can be accessed on YouTube, WA group, online newspapers, and placing posters and banners in strategic locations so that they can be seen, read, and remembered by the public. The results of this activity can have a good impact on the community to break the chain of the spread of COVID-19  practically, easy to access using communication tools (HP) and socialization which is carried out close to people's lives.

Liquidity ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 110-118
Iwan Subandi ◽  
Fathurrahman Djamil

Health is the basic right for everybody, therefore every citizen is entitled to get the health care. In enforcing the regulation for Jaringan Kesehatan Nasional (National Health Supports), it is heavily influenced by the foreign interests. Economically, this program does not reduce the people’s burdens, on the contrary, it will increase them. This means the health supports in which should place the government as the guarantor of the public health, but the people themselves that should pay for the health care. In the realization of the health support the are elements against the Syariah principles. Indonesian Muslim Religious Leaders (MUI) only say that the BPJS Kesehatan (Sosial Support Institution for Health) does not conform with the syariah. The society is asked to register and continue the participation in the program of Social Supports Institution for Health. The best solution is to enforce the mechanism which is in accordance with the syariah principles. The establishment of BPJS based on syariah has to be carried out in cooperation from the elements of Social Supports Institution (BPJS), Indonesian Muslim Religious (MUI), Financial Institution Authorities, National Social Supports Council, Ministry of Health, and Ministry of Finance. Accordingly, the Social Supports Institution for Helath (BPJS Kesehatan) based on syariah principles could be obtained and could became the solution of the polemics in the society.

Siti Aisyah

The Malay people made Arabic as the medium of instruction in the form of writing by the Malay community. The use of this script is known as Malay Arabic script by adding some Arabic letters by adjusting the sound with Malay language. The first stage of this writing as a communication in trade between the people of Indonesia with Arab traders, then the writers use it as script writing in Malay language. This writing continues to use it as the medium of instruction in Islamic education and teaching to the public. Then the scientists and scholars use it as well as writing characters in writing religious books such as fiqh, tafseer, hadith and tarekat and other writings. After that Malay Arabic script has become a national script of Malay society, including in Indonesia. The Malay Arabic script was used as a newspaper and magazine literature until the arrival of Europeans to the archipelago. Slowly after that Malay Arabic script is no longer used as a national writing script by Malays society including Indonesia.

Wendy J. Schiller ◽  
Charles Stewart III

From 1789 to 1913, U.S. senators were not directly elected by the people—instead the Constitution mandated that they be chosen by state legislators. This radically changed in 1913, when the Seventeenth Amendment to the Constitution was ratified, giving the public a direct vote. This book investigates the electoral connections among constituents, state legislators, political parties, and U.S. senators during the age of indirect elections. The book finds that even though parties controlled the partisan affiliation of the winning candidate for Senate, they had much less control over the universe of candidates who competed for votes in Senate elections and the parties did not always succeed in resolving internal conflict among their rank and file. Party politics, money, and personal ambition dominated the election process, in a system originally designed to insulate the Senate from public pressure. The book uses an original data set of all the roll call votes cast by state legislators for U.S. senators from 1871 to 1913 and all state legislators who served during this time. Newspaper and biographical accounts uncover vivid stories of the political maneuvering, corruption, and partisanship—played out by elite political actors, from elected officials, to party machine bosses, to wealthy business owners—that dominated the indirect Senate elections process. The book raises important questions about the effectiveness of Constitutional reforms, such as the Seventeenth Amendment, that promised to produce a more responsive and accountable government.

2018 ◽  
Vol 42 ◽  
pp. 266-273
Ivan S. Palitai

The article is devoted to the modern Russian party system. In the first part of the article, the author shows the historical features of the parties formation in Russia and analyzes the reasons for the low turnout in the elections to the State Duma in 2016. According to the author the institutional reasons consist in the fact that the majority of modern political parties show less and less ability to produce new ideas, and the search for meanings is conducted on the basis of the existing, previously proposed sets of options. Parties reduce the topic of self-identification in party rhetoric, narrowing it down to “branded” ideas or focusing on the image of the leader. In addition, the author shows the decrease in the overall political activity of citizens after the 2011 elections, and points out that the legislation amendments led to the reduction of the election campaigns duration and changes in the voting system itself. The second part of the article is devoted to the study of the psychological aspects of the party system. The author presents the results of the investigation of images of the parties as well as the results of the population opinion polls, held by the centers of public opinion study. On the basis of this data, the author concludes that according to the public opinion the modern party system is ineffective, and the parties don’t have real political weight, which leads to the decrease of the interest in their activities and confidence in them. The author supposes that all this may be the consequence of the people’s fatigue from the same persons in politics, but at the same time the electorate’s desire to see new participants in political processes is formulated rather vaguely, since, according to the people, this might not bring any positive changes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 131-144
Dini Maulana Lestari ◽  
M Roif Muntaha ◽  
Immawan Azhar BA

Islamic banks are present in the community as financial institutions whose activities are based on the principles of Islamic law for the benefit of the people. This study aims to determine the strategic role of Islamic Banks as financial service institutions, the importance of the existence of Islamic Banks and Islamic-based markets and financial instruments in them. In its development, Islamic banks have a role as institutions that turn on public funds, channel funds to the public, transfer assets, liquidity, reallocation of income and transactions. In the Indonesian economic system, the existence of Islamic Banks is important as an alternative solution to the problem of conflict between bank interest and usury. Islamic financial markets and instruments provide a free society of interest and follow a different set of principles. Distribution of profit/ loss according to evidence of participation in the management fund. The division of rental income in the form of musharaka.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-36
Syufaat Syufaat

Waqf has two dimensional meaning; the spiritual dimension that is taqarrub to Allah and the social dimension as the source of Islamic financial for the welfare of the people. Waqf disputes can be caused by several reasons; waqf land is not accompanied with a pledge; waqf is done on the basis of mutual trust so it has no legal proof and ownership. Currently, the choice to use the court is less effective in resolving disputes. Hence, the public ultimately chooses non-litigation efforts as a way to resolve the disputes. Mediation process is preferred by many as it is viewed to be the fairest way where none of the two parties wins or loses (win-win solution). It is also fast and cheap. This study is intended to examine how to solve waqf dispute with mediation model according to the waqf law, and how the application of mediation in the Religious Courts system

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 175
Nomensen Freddy Siahaan

After a long time was not heard to the public area, lately death penalty toward the criminal cases that classified as extraordinary crime are appear. The author discovers electronic article about the execution of the death penalty which is the prosecutor prepares to execute death penalty toward the drugs dealer. The president of Republic of Indonesia stated that it is necessary to give a deterrent effect to the convicted  criminal and keep the morality of Indonesian teenagers. According to my opinion, the author argues that it will be better and wiser if we discuss about renovating all of the Penitentiary in Indonesia than debating whether death penalty could be done in Indonesia or not, because it will be displeasure many parties, death penalty infringed the human rights of the convicted criminals and cause psychological burden to them, families, the executor of the death penalty, and other parties. Because if we have to improve the quality of the Penitentiary, if the function of Penitentiary for fostering moralily has been optimal or properly enough to the convicted criminals, Indonesia will be no longer need the death penalty option as sanction to the convicted crimanals including for the extraordinary crime (especially for drugs trafficking in our country). Penitentiary is one of the public services which aims for fostering the people that initially have bad habits (commited to the crime), so that they will have the awareness to change their bad attitude into the be better ones, will not harm others, and positively contributed to the society. Already Penitentiary’s conditions should be designed in such a way and as good as possible, so that the inmates feels like at their own home (like having a second home after his own home), and feel humaner to spend their days in the Penitentiary. The author believes that if the Penitentiary has been improved and optimized its function well, then the real purpose of Penitentiary will definitely achieved. As stated in Law Number 12 Year 1995 regarding to Penitentiary Article 2 which states "sanction system are organized in order to fostering the convicted criminals in order to be the real man, aware of their fault, improve themselves, and not to repeat the criminal act so that they can be friendly received by the community, can actively participated in the development of our country, and can socialize themselves as good citizen."Article 3 on this regulation also intensifies the function of Penitentiary "the function of Penitentiary is to prepare convicted criminals to be able to properly integrated to the society, so they can be accepted again as members of the public who are free and responsible ones." 

10.29210/9940 ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-36
Muhammad Husni Tamim ◽  
Rina Nopiana

Doing physical activity can make the body fit and increase the body's immunity to be able to fight the virus during the Covid-19 pandemic. Based on this, sports activities are needed to invite people to maintain their physical health through healthy exercise activities which are held aimed at increasing people's interest in exercising during the Covid-19 pandemic during new normal so that their body endurance is better. This community service (PKM) is a form of real work from the Hamzanwadi University Physical Education and Health Study Program for the people of South Pringgasela Village to participate in healthy gymnastics as an effort to prevent Covid-19. Healthy gymnastics activities can increase public awareness of the importance of maintaining health in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic.

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