scholarly journals Penyuluhan dan Pelatihan Pembuatan Nuget, Bakso Daging Ayam Petelur Afkir Kombinasi Rumput Laut Pada Kelompok Ibu-Ibu Kader Posyandu “Mawar” Perumahan Barat Dusun Karangduren Desa Jati

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (6) ◽  
pp. 385-391
Sri Sukaryani ◽  
Engkus Ainul Yakin ◽  
Catur Suci Purwati

  Abstrak Tujuan kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat adalah untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan tentang pembuatan nugget dan bakso daging ayam petelur afkir yang dikombinasikan dengan rumput laut kepada kelompok ibu-ibu kader Posyandu “Mawar” Perumahan Barat Dusun Karangduren Desa Jati. Target kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah terjadinya peningkatan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan terhadap peserta kegiatan pengabdian ini. Metode yang diterapkan meliputi beberapa tahapan, yaitu tahap pertama melaksanakan pelatihan in class; tahap kedua melakukan praktek; tahap ketiga adalah monitoring dan evaluasi. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dalam pelaksanaan diawali dengan sosialisasi program dilanjutkan dengan memberikan pre test terhadap ibu-ibu kader posyandu sebagai dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan dan ketrampilannya sebelum menerima program kegiatan ini. Peserta dalam mengikuti pelatihan in class dan praktek pembuatan nugget dan bakso secara teori sangat antusias dan semangat serta bisa saling bekerjasama baik antar sesama peserta maupun antara peserta dan tim pengabdi. Setelah kegiatan praktek, peserta diberikan post test hal ini untuk mengetahui adanya peningkatan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan dari peserta. Nilai pre test  rata-rata 41.92 dan rata-rata nilai post test 82,30. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil dari kegiatan ini adalah terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan pada ibu-ibu kader Posyandu Mawar peserta kegiatan pengabdian PMKBI ini sebesar  96,33 %.   Kata kunci : bakso, nuget, rumput laut   . Abstract The purpose of this Community Service activity is to provide knowledge and skills about making rejected layer chicken nuggets and meatballs combined with seaweed to a group of cadres of Posyandu "Mawar" West Housing, Karangduren Hamlet, Jati Village. The target of this service activity is to increase the knowledge and skills of the participants of this service activity. The method applied includes several stages, namely the first stage of implementing in-class training; the second stage is doing practice; the third stage is monitoring and evaluation. This service activity in the implementation begins with program socialization followed by giving a pre-test to posyandu cadres with the aim of knowing their level of knowledge and skills before accepting this activity program. Participants in participating in in-class training and the practice of making nuggets and meatballs are theoretically very enthusiastic and enthusiastic and can cooperate with each other both among participants and between participants and the service team. After the practical activity, participants were given a post test to determine the increase in the knowledge and skills of the participants. The average pre-test value was 41.92 and the post-test average was 82.30. The conclusion that can be drawn from this activity is that there is an increase in knowledge and skills of the Posyandu Mawar cadres participating in this PMKBI service activity of 96.33%.   Keywords: meatballs, nuget, seaweed

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 44-51
Krisdiana Wijayanti ◽  
Murti Ani ◽  
Novita Ika Wardani ◽  
Aulia Fatmayanti

The scope of exclusive breastfeeding has not met the set targets. One of the benefits of papaya leaves is ASI Booster (ASI booster), because it can increase milk production and protein levels. The purpose of this community service activity is to improve knowledge and skills about ASI and the technique of instant papaya leaves. The design is the pre test and post test level of knowledge and skills. The material is delivered by lecture and demonstration methods. The evaluation was carried out after the practice of instant making of papaya leaves by carrying out a post test and evaluating the establishment of a banner on the description of instant papaya leaf products and their benefits as ASI smoothers and meeting forums in the village to check information desemination. Community service activities were conducted in 3 meetings. The first meeting was the delivery of material about ASI, ASI smoothing, the benefits of papaya leaves, the technique of instant papaya leaves. The second meeting was the training of instant papaya leaves in the Semarang Department of Health's Health Polytechnic Department, which was attended by 3 cadres of Karangjati Village. The third meeting was carried out to socialize and practice the instant making of papaya leaves in Karangjati Village to the people of Karangjati village. The participants who participated in the community service activities were 30 residents of Karangjati Village, Blora Based on the paired t-test, the Sig. (2-tailed) knowledge of 0,000 (<0,05) and skills of 0,000 (<0,05), then there is the effect of training on instant making of papaya leaves as breast milk booster to the level of knowledge and skills.This community service provides many benefits for participants, namely for cadres and community members. The real form is the increasing knowledge of breast milk and ASI smoothers with the instant making of papaya leaves.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 370
Cahaya Indah Lestari ◽  
Catur Esty Pamungkas ◽  
Siti Mardiyah WD ◽  
Baiq Masdariah

ABSTRAKSecara global dilaporkan 51.857 kasus konfimasi di 25 negara dengan 1.669 kematian (CFR 3,2%). Jumlah pasien positif Covid-19 di Provinsi NTB sampai tanggal (30/6/2020) sebanyak 1.245 orang, dengan perincian 825 orang sudah sembuh, 65 meninggal dunia, serta 355 orang masih positif dan dalam keadaan baik. Sedangkan jumlah pasien positif Covid-19 di Kota Mataram sebanyak 531 orang, dengan perincian 189 sedang dirawat, 310 orang sudah sembuh, 32 meninggal dunia. Tujuan pengabdian ini untuk mencegah penyebaran coronavirus (COV) di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Karang Pule Kegiatan penyuluhan ini menggunakan video cara Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun (CTPS) Kemenkes dimana peserta pengabdian yang hadir berjumlah 20 orang. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dalam tiga tahap. Tahap pertama yakni pembagian kuesioner dan pemaparan, tahap kedua yakni Praktek Cuci Tagan Pakai Sabun dan tahap ketiga yakni tanya jawab serta pembagian kuesioner post test. Kegiatan pengabdian ini disambut sangat antusias, ibu melontarkan beberapa pertanyaan terkait Cuci Tangai Pakai Sabun dan pembuatan cairan disinfektan Sebagian besar ibu paham dengan penyuluhan yang diberikan. Penyuluhan ini dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan ibu dengan kategori pengetahuan baik  sebesar 90 % (18 0rang)  tentang Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun (CTPS) untuk pencegahan coronavirus .Kata kunci: Penyuluhan; Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun; Pencegahan Coronavirus. ABSTRACTGlobally, 51,857 confirmed cases were reported in 25 countries with 1,669 deaths (CFR 3.2%). The number of Covid-19 positive patients in NTB Province as of (6/30/2020) was 1,245 people, with details of 825 people recovered, 65 dead, and 355 people still positive and in good condition. While the number of positive patients Covid-19 in the city of Mataram was 531 people, with the details of 189 being treated, 310 people were cured, 32 died. The purpose of this service is to prevent the spread of coronavirus (COV) in the working area of Karang Pule Health Center. This counseling activity uses a video on how to wash hands with soap (CPTS) from the Ministry of Health where there are 20 community service attendees. This activity is carried out in three stages. The first stage is the distribution of questionnaires and exposure, the second stage is the Practice of Washing with Soap and the third stage is the question and answer session and the distribution of post test questionnaires. This service was welcomed with great enthusiasm, the mother asked a number of questions related to washing Tangai with soap Most of the mothers understood the counseling given. This counseling can increase the knowledge of mothers with good knowledge categories by 90% (18 people) about Handwashing with Soap (CTPS) for the prevention of coronavirus. Keywords: Counseling; hand washing behavior with soap; Coronavirus Prevention.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 111
Septiani Septiani ◽  
Intan Kurniawati Pramitaningrum ◽  
Muhammad Rizki Kurniawan

ABSTRAKKegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat berbasis penyuluhan ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan siswa melakukan kegiatan cuci tangan yang tepat sesusai dengan standar yang ditetapkan oleh WHO pada siswa TPA Al-Ikhlas Polri Jatisampurna Bekasi. Kesadaran dan pengetahuan terkait cuci tangan yang tepat dapat memproteksi diri dari berbagai penyakit terutama penyakit diare. Siswa sekolah TPA Al-Ikhlas Polri terdiri dari siswa pra sekolah dasar dan sekolah dasar usia 3-12 tahun yang berjumlah 21 orang. Pelaksanaan kegiatan diawali dengan metode kuisioner dan selanjutnya dilakukan dengan mensosialisasikan Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) terutama tentang perilaku cuci tangan yang tepat. Hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan PKM ini dari pretest yang dilakukan menunjukan bahwa 62% tidak mengetahui 6 gerakan cuci tangan dan 38% mengetahui 6 gerakan cuci tangan. Setelah dilakukan penyuluhan cuci tangan dan demo cuci tangan kepada siswa maka diperoleh hasil post test yaitu terjadi penurunan 19 % tidak mengetahui 6 gerakan cuci tangan dan terjadi kenaikan menjadi 81 % mengetahui 6 gerakan cuci tangan. Kata kunci: cuci tangan; penyuluhan; kecacingan. ABSTRACTThis community service activity was carried out to determine the level of knowledge of students in carrying out proper hand washing activities according to the standards set by WHO in TPA Al-Ikhlas students at the Jatisampurna Polri, Bekasi. Awareness and knowledge related to proper hand washing can protect themselves from various diseases, especially diarrheal diseases. TPA Al-Ikhlas Polri students consist of pre-primary and elementary school students aged 3-12 years, totaling 21 people. The implementation of the activity begins with the questionnaire method and is then carried out by socializing the Clean and Healthy Life Behavior), especially regarding proper hand washing behavior. The results of the implementation of this community service from the pretest showed that 62% did not know the 6 hand washing movements and 38% knew the 6 hand washing movements. After conducting hand washing counseling and hand washing demonstrations to students, the post test results were obtained, namely a decrease of 19% not knowing 6 hand washing movements and an increase to 81% knowing 6 hand washing movements. Keywords: hand washing; counseling; worms. 

Pengmasku ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-13
Agung Dinarjito ◽  
Aldi Bilqisthy Pratama ◽  
Dessyka Sitanggang ◽  
Faizul Abrori ◽  
Fayiz Alfitra RM ◽  

This community service activity aims to provide education and assistance for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) by providing an understanding of the importance of preparing financial reports and providing assistance in preparing financial reports using the SI APIK application. The method of implementing the activity is carried out in several stages, namely the first stage is planning and observation, the second stage is assistance in the preparation of financial reports using the Si APIK application, the third stage is the preparation of financial reports until August 2021, and the last stage is making video tutorials using the SI APIK application and making posters regarding the preparation of financial reports. MSME XYZ which is engaged in the culinary field is the object chosen and located in Central Java. The result of this activity is that MSME XYZ is able to make financial reports for the month of August using the Si APIK application. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mmeberikan edukasi dan pendampingan bagi usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) dengan memberikan pemahaman tentang pentingnya penyusunan laporan keuangan dan memberikan pendampingan penyusunan laporan keuangan menggunakan aplikasi SI APIK. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan dilakukan dengan beberapa tahap, yaitu tahap pertama adalah perencanaan dan observasi, tahap kedua adalah kegiatan pendampingan penyusunan laporan keuangan menggunakan aplikasi Si APIK, tahap ketiga penyusunan laporan keuangan sampai dengan bulan Agustus 2021, dan tahap terakhir adalah pembuatan video tutorial penggunaan aplikasi SI APIK dan pembuatan poster mengenai penyusunan laporan keuangan. UMKM XYZ yang bergerak dibidang kuliner merupakan obyek yang dipilih dan berlokasi di Jawa Tengah. Hasil kegiatan ini adalah bahwa UMKM XYZ mampu membuat laporan keuangan bulan Agustus dengan menggunakan aplikasi Si APIK.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
Anindi Lupita Nasyanka ◽  
Janatun Na'imah ◽  
Diah Ratnasari

Covid-19 is still a health problem for the past two years. Various prevention strategies have begun to be implemented in Indonesia in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, namely from Work From Home (WFH), 3M's motto, and vaccination. Immunization coverage in Indonesia is still relatively small, which is below 50% until the second stage of vaccination. Therefore, an effort is needed to increase the coverage of COVID-19 vaccination in the third stage, which is targeting students. Students are the millennial generation who like creativity and get bored easily in learning something. This service activity aims to increase student knowledge about Covid-19 vaccination so as to increase vaccination coverage. The method used in this activity werw interactive education for 59 students from two different universities through zoom and distributing comic strip media related to three materials, including an introduction to the immune system, the covid-19 vaccine in Indonesia, and facts and hoaxes about the Covid-19 vaccine. The increase in knowledge was measured using a googleform questionnaire in the form of post-test and pre-test. The results of the activity was showed an increase in knowledge up to 70.82%. In addition, participants who have not vaccinated were willing to immunize after this activity with a percentage of 80%. The distribution of comic strip media was expected to help students remember the information and transmit it to the surrounding community groups.

Deddy Sulestiyono ◽  
Ropinov Saputro ◽  
Dian Anggraeni ◽  
Ika Pratiwi

ABSTRACT One of the problems of MSME (Micro, Small, and Medium Entreprise) in fulfilling tax obligations is the difficulty for citizens to register to obtain a Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP) where this NPWP is an important starting point in carrying out tax obligations, namely tax calculation, tax reporting, and tax payment. However, the low level of knowledge and skill conditions in the NPWP registration sector for both individuals and MSMEs. This community service aims to provide socialization to residents, especially the perpetrators or owners of MSME in Sendangguwo Village, Tembalang District, the majority of them still find it difficult to register themselves to obtain NPWP. The subjects of this community service is people who do not yet have a Taxpayer Identification Number / NPWP to be able to register immediately, thus the details of the purpose of this service are to provide socialization about the importance of having a Taxpayer Identification Number / NPWP both personally and who have a MSME business and provide simulation training for registration to obtain a Taxpayer Identification Number / NPWP both online and offline. This community service activity is carried out in several stages, namely as follows. The first stage (1) is a survey of the service location. Followed by the second stage (2), namely the collection of village potential data and the role of the community. The third stage (3) is the preparation for the implementation of mentoring and training. And the last stage (4) is the implementation of mentoring and training. The results of the community service activity are Participants become more aware and can register a Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP), This Community Service Program provides a module on how to register to obtain a Taxpayer Identification Number / NPWP, so that it can be used by residents and UMKM players in the context of registering a Taxpayer Identification Number / NPWP so that it can be used properly by MSME actors, With the eRegistration system, it makes it easier for residents and SMEs to register their Taxpayer Identification Number / NPWP.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 56-59
Siska Nurul abidah ◽  
Hinda Novianti

ABSTRAK  Kejang demam atau febris konvulsi merupakan salah satu penyebab dari kematian mendadak pada bayi dan balita.  Diketahui di lingkungan RW 01 kelurahan Wonokromo Surabaya jumlah bayi dan balita cukup banyak, dan kebanyakan ibu-ibu memiliki pemahaman yang keliru dalam penanganan kejang demam. Kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat ini dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang cara menangani kejang demam pada bayi dan balita. Waktu pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini jangka waktu 3 bulan. Metode yang dilakukan adalah mengumpulkan kader-kader dan ibu–ibu yang memiliki bayi dan atau balita, kemudian diberikan penyuluhan dan mendemonstrasikan tentang cara penanganan awal kejang demam  di rumah, mereka pun menirukan demonstrasi. Penyuluhan menggunakan metode ceramah ,demonstrasi dan tanyajawab. Tingkat pengetahuan responden dapat diketahui dengan melakukan pre test berupa kuesioner yang akan diisi oleh responden. Pre test dilakukan sebelum penyuluhan dan demonstrasi. Sedangkan untuk mengetahui peningkatan pengetahuan responden tentang kejang demam dapat diketahui dengan membandingkan hasil pre test dan post test yang akan diisi responden setelah dilakukan penyuluhan. Hasil kegiatan pemahaman peserta meningkat sebanyak 95,1%. Penyuluhan bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan orangtua dalam penanganan awal saat kejang demam.   Kata kunci: Kejang demam, bayi, balita     ABSTRACT Fever convulsions or febrile convulsions are one of the causes of sudden death in infants and toddlers. It is known that in RW 01, Wonokromo sub-district, Surabaya, the number of babies and toddlers is quite a lot, and most mothers have a wrong understanding in handling febrile seizures. This Community Service activity is carried out to increase knowledge and understanding of how to fear babies and toddlers. The period of implementing this community service activity is 3 months. The method used was to gather cadres and mothers who had babies and / or toddlers, then given counseling and demonstrated how to treat early fever seizures at home, they imitated. Extension using lecture, reproduction and question and answer methods. The respondent's level of knowledge can be identified by conducting a pre-test in the form of a questionnaire that the respondent will fill out. The pre test was carried out before education and development. Meanwhile, to find out the increase in knowledge about respondents which can be seen by comparing the results of the pre test and post test that will be filled in after counseling. The results of the participants' understanding activities increased by 95.1%. Education is useful for increasing parental knowledge in early management of febrile convulsions. Key words: Fever convulsions, infants, toddlers

Sarwahita ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (02) ◽  
pp. 143-154
Andhika Octa Indarso ◽  
Windhiadi Yoga Sembada ◽  
Artambo B. Pangaribuan

Abstract Website is a media tool that can be used by anyone, including educational institutions as a means of official, fast, and accessible communication from anywhere. This community service activity held at the Al-Ihsan Pandeglang Islamic Boarding School has a purpose to improve the abilities and self-development of teachers and students in the world of computers, especially website creation. It is hoped that, after receiving the website creation training, both teachers and students can develop and manage the school's website independently. The problems faced by partners at this time are the absence of specific ICT learning, teachers with limited ICT abilities, students who only have the ability to type, and the absence of an official school website. The implementation method used is assisting in making websites from content to management In this mentoring, pre-test and post-test surveys were also carried out to see the level of knowledge and the effects of the assistance provided. The results of the pre-test and post-test provided showed an increase in knowledge for participants by 29.31% for basic website creation, and an increase of 34.48% for knowledge related to website content. The conclusion is that this assistance is effective in increasing participants' knowledge of the creation and management of website content.  Abstrak Website menjadi sarana media yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh siapa saja tak terkecuali oleh institusi pendidikan sebagai sarana komunikasi yang resmi, cepat, dan bisa diakses dari mana saja. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang diselenggarakan di lingkungan Pondok Pesantren Al-Ihsan Pandeglang ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dan pengembangan diri bagi para guru dan siswa dalam dunia komputer khususnya pembuatan website, diharapkan setelah menerima pelatihan pembuatan website, baik guru maupun siswa dapat mengembangkan serta mengelola secara mandiri website milik sekolah. Adapun permasalahan yang dihadapi Mitra saat ini adalah tidak adanya pembelajaran TIK secara khusus, guru dengan kemampuan TIK terbatas, siswa yang hanya memiliki kemampuan mengetik, serta tidak adanya website sekolah secara resmi.Metode pelaksanaan yang digunakan adalah melakukan pendampingan pembuatan website mulai dari konten sampai pengelolaan, dalam pendampingan tersebut dilaksanakan juga survei pre test dan post test untuk melihat sejauh mana tingkat pengetahuan dan efek dari pendampingan yang diberikan. Hasil dari pre test dan post test yang diberikan terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan bagi peserta sebesar 29.31% untuk dasar pembuatan website, dan kenaikan 34,48% untuk pengetahuan terkait konten website. Kesimpulan yang didapatkan adalah pendampingan ini efektif untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan peserta terhadap pembuatan dan pengelolaan konten website.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 21
Nursamsu Nursamsu ◽  
Allif Syahputra Bania

ABSTRACT Member of PKK Bina Mufakat, Bayeun Village, Birem Bayeun District, East Aceh Regency have held community service activity by conducting training in making clothes softener and perfume products. The method of implementation consists of three stages, namely preparation, explanation / implementation and creation. The training participants were PKK women of Bina Mufakat consisting of 20 people. The results obtained from the preparation stage, namely the service activities stated that member of PKK  Bina Mufakat welcomed the service so that it determined the service activity schedule, the second stage of the service team's explanation explained the benefits of softener and perfume products used as business opportunities as additional household income while the third stage of manufacture was there very satisfying success in products made with the community service team with Member of PKK  Bina Mufakat. Keywords: Training, Softener, Fragrance, Clothing ABSTRAK Anggota PKK Bina Mufakat Desa Bayeun Kecamatan Birem Bayeun Kabupaten Aceh Timur telah melaksanakan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dengan melakukan pelatihan membuat produk pelembut dan pewangi pakaian. Metode pelaksanaan terdiri dari tiga tahap yaitu persiapan, penjelasan/pelaksanaan dan pembuatan. Peserta pelatihan tersebut adalah angota PKK Bina Mufakat yang terdiri dari 20 orang. Hasil yang didapatkan dari tahap persiapan yaitu pada kegiatan pengabdian menyatakan bahwa angota PKK menyambut dengan baik sehingga menentukan jadwal kegiatan pengabdian, tahap kedua penjelasan tim pengabdian menjelaskan manfaat dari produk pelembut dan pewangi pakaian dijadikan peluang usaha sebagai pendapatan tambahan rumah tangga sedangkan tahap ketiga pembuatan yaitu terdapat keberhasilan sangat memuaskan pada produk yang dibuat bersama tim pengabdian dengan Ibu PKK Bina Mufakat.  Kata Kunci: Pelatihan, Pelembut, Pewangi, Pakaian 

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 131-141
Yohanes Berenika Kadarusman ◽  
Aninda Azaria Hapsari ◽  
Rafael Leonardo Marcello ◽  
Luthfi Andri ◽  
Mikha Irianto ◽  

Besides working as a farmer, Mrs. Sutinah has run a business selling rengginang (a form of traditional rice cakes, popular as snacks and crisps as a side dish for main meals) since 2012. Mrs. Sutinah can be said to be the pioneer in the rengginang business around her village, Babakan Mulya, in the city of Kuningan, West Java. Nevertheless, in recent years, Mrs. Sutinah has been facing some challenges due to the emergence of competitors who offer a lower price than that of Mrs. Sutinah’s rengginang. This condition demotivates Mrs. Sutinah from developing her business because many people in the Babakan Mulya village prefer cheap rengginang, regardless of its quality. The purpose of this activity is to help develop Mrs. Sutinah’s rengginang business through three stages: pre-business mentoring, businessmentoring, and post-business mentoring. In the first stage of pre-mentorship, the community service team conducted interviews and field observations to identify the problems faced by Mrs. Sutinah’s business. The second stage involves direct mentorship given to Mrs. Sutinah, who can learn by directly implementing the concepts taught by the team to increase the competitive advantage of her products. In the final stage of post-mentorship, the team monitors and evaluates the success of the business and the actual implementation of the lessons given to Mrs. Sutinah. The pre-mentorship was conducted in one week, followed by the mentor’s accompaniment completed in four weeks. Meanwhile, monitoring and evaluation of Mrs. Sutinah’s engagement and implementation of the gained knowledge and skills were conducted periodically in the next four months after the mentorship ended. The outcomes revealed that the development and sustainability of micro entrepreneur need intensive mentorship, particularly by involving academia to ensure that the knowledge and skill transfer would be effective and consistently implement what they have learned

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