Masker Medika ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 163-175
Sukron Sukron

Latar Belakang : Meningkatnya angka penyakit diabetes melitus tipe 2 khususnya di Indonesia bersamaan dengan meningkatnya komplikasi salah satunya diabetic foot ulcer yang juga merupakan faktor terjadinya gangguan sensitivitas pada kaki. Pencegahan dapat dilakukan dengan mengukur sensitivitas kaki dengan menggunkan monofilmen test. Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengetahui gambaran tingkat sensitivitas kaki pada penderita diabetes melitus tipe 2 di Rumah Sakit Muhammadiyah Palembang. Metode Penelitian : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dengan metode Deskripti Analitik dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Teknik sampling menggunakan convenience sampling pada pasien diabetes melitus tipe 2 di Rumah Sakit Muhammadiyah Palembang yang berjumlah 60 responden. Hasil : Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata pasien diabetes melitus tipe 2 berusia 59,45 tahun dan sebagaian besar berjenis kelamin laki-laki dengan tingkat pendidikan sebesar 33,3% SD dan 33,3% SMA. Rerata responden juga menderita diabetes melitus tipe 2 selama 3,58 tahun dengan sebagian besar responden tidak berkerja dan tidak berolahraga. Serta tingkat sensitivitas kaki pada pasien diabetes melitus tipe 2yang tidak ada rasa dengan frekuensi tertinggi yaitu pada dorsal kaki sebanyak 25 orang (41,67%), metatarsal head ke-1 sebanyak 23 orang (38,33%), Midfoot bagian Medial sebanyak 22 orang (36,67), jari tengah sebnayk 21 orang (35%), metatarsal head ke-3 sebanyak 20 orang (33,33%), Midfoot bagian lateral sebanyak 20 orang (33,33%), Tumit sebanyak 18 orang (30%), jari kelingking sebanyak 18 orang (30%), metatarsal haed ke-2 sebanyak 17 orang (28,33%), dan terendah yaitu padajempol kaki dengan frekuensi 12 responden (20%). Kesimpulan : sensitivitas kaki pada pasien diabetes melitus tipe II yaitu terendah pada dorsal kaki.   Background: The increasing number of type II diabetes mellitus, especially in Indonesia together with the increase in complications, one of which is diabetic foot ulcer, which is also a factor in sensitivity to the feet. Prevention can be done by measuring foot sensitivity by using a monofilment test. Objective: To find out the description of the level of sensitivity of the foot in patients with type II diabetes mellitus patients in Muhammadiyah Hospital Palembang. Method of Researvh: This research is a research with Analytic Descriptive method with quantitative approach. The sampling technique uses convenience sampling in patients with type II diabetes mellitus at Muhammadiyah Hospital Palembang, amounting to 60 respondents. Result of Research: The results showed that the average type II diabetes mellitus patients were 59.45 years old and most were male with education level of 33.3% elementary school and 33.3% high school. The average respondent also suffered from type II diabetes mellitus for 3.58 years with most respondents not working and not exercising. And the level of sensitivity of the foot in patients with type II diabetes mellitus that does not have the highest frequency is the dorsal foot of 25 people (41.67%), the first metatarsal head of 23 people (38.33%), Midfoot of the Medial section of 22 people (36.67), middle fingers 21 people (35%), 3rd metatarsal head as many as 20 people (33.33%), lateral midfoot as many as 20 people (33.33%), Heel as many as 18 people ( 30%), the pinky finger was 18 people (30%), the second metatarsal haed were 17 people (28.33%), and the lowest was the big toe with a frequency of 12 respondents (20%). Conclusion: Foot sensitivity in type II diabetes mellitus patients is lowest in the dorsal foot.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 8
Manik Elisa Putri

ABSTRAKLatar Belakang : Quality of Life (QoL) atau Kualitas hidup pasien dengan ulkus kakik diabetes melitus lebih buruk, daripada pasien dengan Diabetes Melitus (DM) tanpa ulkus kaki dalam populasi umum. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran Quality of Life (Kualitas hidup) pada pasien dengan ulkus kaki diabetes melitus (Diabetic Foot Ulcer / DFU) di Bali.Metode : Desain deskriptif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Teknik sampel direkrut menggunakan convenience sampling yang melibatkan pasien dengan ulkus kaki diabetes melitus (Diabetic Foot Ulcer / DFU) dengan total sampel yang melibatkan 201 orang responden. yang dilakukan di ruangan department rawat jalan bedah Rumah Sakit Wangaya serta klinik perawatan luka di Bali Indonesia. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan kuesioner Diabetic Foot Ulcer Scale-Short Form (DFS-SF) dan Independent t-test digunakan untuk memahami gambaran kualitas hidup antara perempuan dan laki-laki dengan DFU. Penelitian ini sudah mendapatkan ijin etik oleh komite etik Universitas Udayana.Hasil : Karakteristik responden perempuan (n= 103; 51.2%), dan laki-laki (n= 98; 48.8%). Kualitas hidup sebagian besar memiliki kualitas hidup rendah yang buruk yaitu (<50)(n=133; 66.2%), dan kualitas hidup yang lebih baik yaitu (> 50)[n=68; 33.8%]. Skor rata-rata kualitas hidup pada pasien dengan DFU 42.4±15.5.Kesimpulan: Laki-laki dan perempuan pada pasien dengan ulkus kaki diabetes melitus menunjukkan kualitas hidup perempuan lebih rendah daripada laki-laki dengan diabetes melitus (DFU). Keluarga diharapkan tetap memotivasi dan mendukung pasien agar dapat berpartisipasi dalam aktivitas keagamaan atau kegiatan positif lainnya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah didapat, Pasien dengan ulkus kaki diabetes melitus, baik laki-laki maupun perempuan merupakan suatu hal yang perlu kita perhatikan.  Kata Kunci : Ulkus Kakik Diabetes Mellitus, Jenis kelamin, dan Kualitas Hidup  ABSTRACTBackground: Quality of Life (QoL) or Quality of Life of patients with diabetic ulcer diabetes is worse, than patients with Diabetes Mellitus (DM) without foot ulcers in the general population. The purpose of this study was to study the description of Quality of Life (quality of life) in patients with Diabetic Foot Ulcer (DFU) in Bali. Methods: Descriptive design by discussing cross sectional. Sampling techniques were recruited using convenience sampling involving diabetic foot ulcer patients with diabetes mellitus (DFU) with a total sample involving 201 respondents. Performed in the Wangaya Hospital surgical outpatient room and wound care in Bali Indonesia. Data were collected using a Diabetic Foot Ulcer Scale-Short Form (DFS-SF) questionnaire and Independent t-test was used to collect assessments of quality of life between women and men with DFU. Udayana University Ethics Committee.Results: Characteristics of female respondents (n = 103; 51.2%), and male (n = 98; 48.8%). Quality of life mostly has a low quality of life that is poor (<50) [n = 133; 66.2%], and a better quality of life (> 50) [n = 68; 33.8%]. The mean score of quality of life was 42.4±15.5. Conclusion: Male and female patients with diabetes mellitus foot ulcers show a lower quality of life for women than men with diabetes mellitus (DFU). Families are expected to continue to motivate and support patients to participate in religious activities or other positive activities.Keywords: diabetic foot ulcer, gender, and quality of life

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-35
Sabarinah Sabarinah ◽  
Ida Fauziah ◽  
Dewi Nur Anggraeni

Type-II Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disorder which characterised by the increase of blood glucose level (hypergliycemia). The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of type-II Diabetes Mellitus in the Puskesmas of Blangkejeren, Gayo Lues District in 2015-2017 and to investigate the patient lifestyle. The research was conducted is descriptive method by colleting data from patient medical record and the result showed that the prevalence of type-II Diabetes Mellitus in 2015-2017 is 16,2 %, the patients were dominated by female and those in the age of 40-49. Most of patients found to have higher daily sugar intake

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (51) ◽  
pp. 168-175
Rute Nascimento Pimentel Mendes ◽  
Miréia Santana Araújo Lisboa ◽  
Thalita Pacheco de Almeida Lima

Compreende-se que o Diabetes Mellitus (DM) é uma doença crônica não transmissível com maior índice de morbidade e mortalidade, considerada um problema de saúde pública devido as suas complicações agudas e crônicas. O pé diabético ou úlcera de pés e amputação de extremidades são as complicações mais graves da DM, é uma condição clínica de alta repercussão na qualidade de vida das pessoas, seu desenvolvimento ocorre quando a circulação sanguínea é ineficaz e os níveis de açúcar são mal controlados. Objetivo: Teve como objetivo sensibilizar o cliente para o autocuidado, prevenção primária e o auxiliar ao autoexame, trazendo a consciência dos profissionais de enfermagem principalmente a importância de fazer mudanças na forma de abordagem e acolhimento desse cliente. Método: Estudo descritivo com abordagem quantitativa, realizado a partir de revisão bibliográfica, busca avançada por ano 2010 a 2017. Os dados serão selecionados da base de dados EBSCO, BIREME, SCIELO.  Resultado: Pôde-se perceber que nem sempre os portadores de diabetes mellitus (DM) conseguem identificar a gravidade da doença e as consequências que pode trazer, torna-se necessária à atuação do enfermeiro no autocuidado com o paciente diabético, o pé diabético é uma das complicações que mais vem se destacando em todo o mundo, devido ao crescente número de amputações. Às amputações pode iniciar em qualquer idade, é mais comum em pessoas com diabetes mellitus tipo 2.  Conclusão: Conclui-se que o número de amputações ainda são muito altos devido a não adesão ou abandono ao tratamento e ao nível de glicemia elevado e sustentado.   Seria necessária mais iniciativa por parte dos órgãos responsáveis, com o objetivo de capacitar os profissionais da área da para esse tipo de acolhimento, promoverem ações de sensibilização educativas, com o intuito de orientar a população quanto à doença e suas diversas formas de complicações. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 143-154
Theresia Anita Pramesti ◽  
I Putu Gede Adiatmika

Pendahuluan: Diabetes mellitus (DM) tipe 2 merupakan penyakit kronis yang tidak dapat disembuhkan namun dapat dikontrol. Penderita diabetes melitus membutuhkan perawatan yang berkesinambungan untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup yang lebih baik. Self-empowerment diperlukan untuk membangun kepercayaan, meningkatkan harga diri, mengembangkan mekanisme koping dan meningkatkan keterampilan. Self-empowerment dapat memandirikan pasien, merubah pasien dari tidak tahu menjadi tahu, dari tidak mampu menjadi mampu sesuai dengan keadaan pasien serta kemauan pasien untuk berubah. Metode: Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan rancangan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan rancangan penelitian survei menggunakan cross-sectional. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh penderita diabetes mellitus tipe II di RSUD Kabupaten Badung Mangusada yang berjumlah 80 penderita, sample penelitian sebanyak 67 responden yang diperoleh dengan teknik nonprobability sampling, pendekatan yang digunakan adalah consecutive sampling.Hasil: Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah aspek psikososial penderita DM tipe II sebagian besar adalah tinggi, ketidakpuasan dan kesiapan untuk berubah adalah cukup, pengaturan dan pencapaian tujuan adalah cukup, self-empowerment  adalah tinggi. Diskusi: Pemahaman responden terhadap Self-empowerment , cara menangani respon emosional pasien akibat lama menderita DM tipe II, dan cara mengatasi hambatan dalam melakukan perawatan diabetes melitus Kata kunci: Self-empowerment , Diabetes Melitus Tipe II   ABSTRACK Introduction: Type 2 Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that cannot be cured but can be controlled. People with diabetes mellitus need continuous care to improve the quality of life better. Self-empowerment is needed to build trust, increase self-esteem, develop coping mechanisms and improve skills.  Self-empowerment can empower patients, change patient’s knowledge from not knowing to know, from unable to be able, according to the patient's condition and the patient's willingness to change.Method: This research was conducted with descriptive research design with survey research design approach using cross-sectional. The population of this study were all type II diabetes mellitus patients in Badung Mangusada District Hospital which consisted of 80 patients, the sample of 67 respondents obtained by nonprobability sampling technique, the approach used was consecutive sampling. Result: The conclusion of this research is psychosocial aspect of patient of DM type II mostly is high, dissatisfaction and readiness to change is enough, setting and achieving goal is enough, self-empowerment  is high. Discussion: Understanding of respondents to Self-empowerment , how to handle the emotional response of patients due to long suffering from DM, and how to overcome barriers in doing diabetes mellitus treatment.   Key word: Self-empowerment , Type II Diabetes Mellitus

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Riza Trisda ◽  
Saipul Bakri

Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) or diabetes is a health disorder in the form of a collection of symptoms that arise in a person caused by an increase in blood sugar levels due to insulin deficiency or insulin resistance and metabolic disorders in general.Objective: To determine the effect of counseling with booklet media on knowledge, attitudes in type II diabetes mellitus patients at Iskandar Muda Kindergarten II HospitalMethods: This study is a Quasi Experiment with one group pre-test post-test design using total sampling. This research was conducted at Kindergarten II Iskandar Muda Hospital Banda Aceh in 2018. The descriptive univariate analysis includes frequency distribution and percentage, bivariate test with dependent t-testResults: It shows that there is a significant effect of counseling using booklet media in increasing knowledge (p= 0.000) and attitudes (p= 0.001) of diabetes mellitus patients in Iskandar Muda Kindergarten II hospital.Conclusion: Counseling using booklet media can increase knowledge and attitudes of type II diabetes mellitus patients.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 391-400
Eka Yudha Chrisanto ◽  
Agustama Agustama

Self-management behaviour of diabetic foot ulcer occurrence among patient with  type 2 diabetes mellitusBackground: Diabetes mellitus is one of the silent killers. Indonesia is a country with the 4th largest number of people with diabetes mellitus after China, India, and the United States. In Indonesia people with diabetes mellitus increased from 8.4 million in 2000 to 21.3 million in 2030.Purpose: To determine the self-management behaviour and diabetic foot ulcer occurrence among patient with  type 2 diabetes mellitus.Method: A quantitative research type, with cross sectional analytic and analytical research designs. The population of all people with diabetes mellitus as many as 432 people and a sample of 38 people with a total sampling technique. Data collection using questionnaire sheets and statistical tests used were Chi-Square statistical tests.Results: The frequency distribution of the incidence of diabetic ulcers in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, with the category of diabetic ulcers occurring as many as 14 respondents (36.8%). Diabetes diet adherence in patients with diabetes mellitus, with the category of non-compliance with 16 respondents (42.1%). Monitoring blood sugar levels in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, with non-routine categories of 15 respondents (39.5%). Physical activity in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, with a less good category of 19 respondents (50%).Conclusion: There is a relationship between blood sugar and diabetic ulcer diabetes in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. There is a relationship between diabetes diet and diabetic ulcer diabetes in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. There is a relationship between physical activity and the incidence of diabetic ulcers in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. It is expected that DM patients can routinely carry out physical and routine activities with high salt levels) in health care facilities and carry out a diabetes diet in accordance with the rules proposed by nutritionists.Keywords: Self-management; Behaviour; Diabetic foot ulcer; Occurrence; Patient; Type 2 diabetes mellitusPendahuluan: Diabetes melitus salah satu the silent killer. Indonesia merupakan negara dengan jumlah penderita diabetes melitus ke-4 terbanyak setelah Cina, India, dan Amerika Serikat.di Indonesia penyandang diabetes melitus mengalami kenaikan dari 8,4 juta pada tahun 2000 menjadi 21,3 juta pada tahun 2030.Tujuan: Diketahui hubungan perilaku self-management dengan kejadian ulkus diabetikum pada pasien diabetes mellitus tipe 2Metode: Jenis penelitian kuantitatif, dengan rancangan penelitian analitik dan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi seluruh seluruh penderita diabetes melitus sebanyak 432 orang dan sampel sebanyak 38 orang dengan teknik total Sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar kuesioner dan Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah uji statistik Chi-Square.Hasil: Distribusi frekuensi kejadian ulkus diabetikum pada penderita diabetes melitus tipe 2, dengan kategori terjadi ulkus diabetikum sebanyak 14 responden (36,8%). Kepatuhan diet diabetes pada pasien diabetes melitus, dengan kategori tidak patuh sebanyak 16 responden (42,1%). Pemantauan kadar gula darah pada pasien diabetes melitus tipe 2, dengan kategori tidak rutin sebanyak 15 responden (39,5%). Aktivitas fisik pada pasien diabetes melitus tipe 2, dengan kategori kurang baik sebanyak 19 responden (50%).Simpulan: Ada hubungan pemantauan kadar gula darah dengan kejadian ulkus diabetikum pada pasien diabetes melitus tipe 2. Ada hubungan kepatuhan diet diabetes dengan kejadian ulkus diabetikum pada pasien diabetes melitus tipe 2. Ada hubungan aktivitas fisik dengan kejadian ulkus diabetikum pada pasien diabetes melitus tipe 2. Diharapkan pasien DM agar rutin melakukan aktivitas fisik  serta rutin mengontrol kadar gula darah pada fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan Serta menjalankan diet diabetes sesuai dengan aturan yang disarankan ahli gizi.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 60
Errina Puspitasari ◽  
Sofia Retnowati

This “Lansia Sabar” program which is consisted of reminiscence and art therapy is expected to facilitate the elderly to look back on their lives positively. This programm was administered to nine (9) elderly with type II diabetes mellitus aged 55-70 years who show moderate to severe levels of anxiety. Anxiety level is measured using Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI). The program lasts for six meetings with a maximum duration of 120 minutes for each session. The experimental design using one-group pretest-posttest with additional double pretest. Data will be analyzed quantitatively using the friedman test, with the additional descriptive data analysis on the results of observation, task book, and the visual inspection. The Friedman test showed Fr(2) = 5,200, p = 0,074 (p > 0,05). It showed that “Lansia Sabar” program has no significant effect to decrease anxiety in the elderly with type II diabetes mellitus.

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