scholarly journals Memahami Efesus 5:1-21 dalam Upaya Hidup Berpadanan dengan Panggilan Orang Percaya di tengah "Serigala"

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Kristien Oktavia ◽  
Yonatan Alex Arifianto

Kesadaran akan identitas sebagai orang Kristen harus dipertahankan  sebab setiap orang percaya mendapat tantangan untuk mengabdi dan hidup dalam ketaatan kepada Allah. Pola hidup orang percaya juga berkaitan dengan posisi. Sebagaimana banyak orang percaya lupa akan identitas dirinya sebagai pembawa terang dan anak-anak Allah. Melalui kualitatif deskriptif dapat menemukan kajian biblikal tentang pola hidup yang berpadan dengan posisi orang percaya sebagai tujuan dari penulisan ini yang mana dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut:  Posisi sebagai anak kekasih yang diaplikasikan berjalan dalam kecintaan  kepada ilahi atau berjalan dalam pengabdian kepada Allah secara terus-menerus. Kedua posisi sebagai orang kudus berarti tidak bisa disesatkan karena tidak bergaul atau berkawan untuk mengabdosi pangajaran sesat. Selanjutnya posisi sebagai anak terang dimana  orang percaya berjalan dalam kehendak Tuhan sehinga orang percaya semakin mencintai Tuhan dan berdampak bagi sesama. Lalu posisi sebagai orang arif memiliki makna harus memperhatikan karakter hidup yang berjalan dengan kebenaran Tuhan. Posisi tersebut harusnya melekat kepada Orang percaya sebagai pertanggungjawaban hidup yang berpadan dengan posisi. Abstract: The awareness of identity as a Christian must be maintained because every believer is challenged to serve and live in obedience to God. The lifestyle of the believer also has to do with position. As many believers forget their identity as a light bearer and children of God. Through descriptive qualitative one can find a biblical study of life patterns that are compatible with the position of believers as the purpose of this writing which can be concluded as follows: The position as a lover's child that is applied runs in love to the divine or walks in continuous devotion to Allah. The second position as a saint means that he cannot be misled by not associating or making friends to abstain from heretical teachings. Furthermore, the position of being a child of light is where believers walk in God's will so that believers love God more and have an impact on others. Then the position as a wise person has the meaning of having to pay attention to the character of life that runs with God's truth. This position should be attached to the Believer as a life accountability that matches the position

2020 ◽  
intan limbong

At present, adolescents have tended to follow modern life patterns, where they prefer to live comfortably and instantaneously. This affects the spiritual life of today’s youth, so that they are immersed in modern life and less enthusiastic about church life. This paper aims to determine the influence of sprtituality on the spiritual growth of adolescents, because adolescence ia a continuation of the stages of life that humans must go throught. Hence the spiritual formation of adokescents is very important, in this case parents must be good leaders, namely leaders in the midst of youth. So that youth spirituality can experience growth to the level of full maturity according to God’s will, it is necessary to carry out continuous gaudance throught teaching and fellowship. In this study is to determine the influence of sprtituality on the spiritual growth of adolescents. There is also the method used, namely research methodology, in this study is to use interactive methods, namely data collection, data reduction and conclusion.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 27
Joko Sembodo ◽  
Sari Saptorini

Church leaders and believers often focus too much on their respective churches and pay less attention to the unity of the body of Christ in winning souls. There is an understanding of the basic concept of evangelism that is not properly understood in its application as a witness of Christ. Becomes an obstacle in actualizing the mandate of the Great Commission. Through descriptive qualitative methods, it can be concluded that the essence of the Great Commission and its Challenges will lead believers to maintain the spirituality of believers because with a mature and spiritually mature spirituality they can become examples and role models so that they can actualize the Mission appropriately and in line with God's will. Furthermore, the believer has the knowledge that mission is a testimony of the believer's faith. hence this missiological concept carries the same spirit when Jesus wanted believers to be light and bring the news of salvation.AbstrakPemimpin gereja dan orang percaya tidak jarang terlalu lebih fokus pada gerejanya masing-masing dan kurang memberi perhatian pada kesatuan tubuh Kristus dalam memenangkan jiwa-jiwa. Adanya pengertian konsep dasar penginjilan yang tidak dimengerti secara benar dalam penerapannya sebagai saksi Kristus. Menjadi kendala dalam mengaktualisasi mandat Amanat Agung. Melalui metode kualitatif deskritif  dapat disimpulkan bahwa hakikat Amanat Agung  dan tantangannya akan membawa orang percaya  untuk menjaga  Spritualitas orang percaya sebab dengan kerohanian yang matang dan dewasa rohani dapat menjadi contoh dan teladan sehingga dapat mengaktualisasi Misi dengan tepat dan sejalan dengan kehendak Tuhan. Selanjutnya orang percaya memiliki pengetahuan bahwa misi sebagai kesaksian Iman orang percaya. maka konsep misiologi ini membawa semangat yang sama ketika Yesus menginginkan orang percaya menjadi terang dan membawa kabar keselamatan.

2022 ◽  
Vol 04 (01) ◽  
pp. 174-183
Sentaç ARI

Epics are the oldest products in the world. They are passed down from generation to generation. They allow us to detect cultural exchanges. In the study, the works of "Digenis and Azrael" and "Duha Kocaoğlu Deli Dumrul" were compared. The work focused on common cultural elements. Anonymous epic called "Digenis and Azrael" was translated from Dimotiki Greek into Turkish. Both works were analyzed in a holistic way with content analysis method. There are religious elements in both works. Belief in the existence and oneness of God is emphasized. In both works, the protagonists are famous for their beatings. They both fought with the Azrael who came to take their lives. In the end, they accepted God's will and accepted death. In both works, there is a grandfather who is defined as a wise person and he comments on the hero. The differences in the works are as follows: Azrâil wants to take Digenis' life because the time has come. He wants to take Deli Dumrul's life because he is suspicious of God's unity and power. Azrâil, who is a strong character in Deli Dumrul, bows to the power of Digenis in Digenis. Deli Dumrul's mother does not want to give her life for her son. Azrael's mother advises Azrael not to take anyone's life. In both works, the inability to accept death in the universal human thought and the desire to change the result are handled.

Ilija Kajtez

Abstract: The author addresses two important issues in this paper. First, what is a man, and what makes a man great and globally-historically important? In the light of this issue, he writes about Saint Nicholai. The author asserts that the attributes of a great man are intellectual depth, the width of knowledge, the ability to reach God and ontological depths of the world, vails of time and historical human destiny through his action, creation, and writing. All men who are great deal with the issue of man, meaning of life, and inevitability of death. Great men dreamt of immortality in their own glorious ways. What is left behind these giants are permanent unsurpassed deeds and the power of ideas accepted in all ages. The author aims to highlight what makes a man great for his people and for humanity in total, and to what extent does St. Nicholai meet these strict and demanding conditions and criteria to be viewed as a great man; is he great for his people or even outside of these limits. In the second, main issue and part of the paper, the author examines the understanding of war and peace in Bishop Nicholai’s work War and the Bible. The focal point of the examination is the phenomenon of war and peace, and especially the perception of the Bishop’s biblical study of war and peace which differentiates his approach from many other approaches to the phenomenon of war. The theological perspective of the phenomenon of war and peace always implies that good and evil clash in war and peace, and that this conflict is planetary and omnipresent; some individuals are on the side of justness, providence, light, and sanctity of life, while others side with the dark line of life which signifies the rule of evil in our world. According to the author, war is God’s will, just as peace among men. Conflict and peace between nations, as well as spiritual harmony and dissonance in human souls, depend primarily on faith in the Lord. If one is in God’s grace victory is secure. We ought to be reminded of the Christian understanding that the support of all people to one man is futile if he stands against God — on the other hand, he fears nothing if the will of God is on his side, even if all people are against him. In his book, War and the Bible, Bishop Nicholai claims that even in modern times the Lord of Armies decides the victor of every war, just as it was in ancient times. He claims that in modern war, just like in old times, the sinfulness of nations and national leaders and deviation from God’s Laws inevitably brings defeat; in today’s wars, just like in ancient conflicts, justfulness of nations and their leaders brings victory. Bishop Nicholai’s key conclusion is that all wars, both ancient and modern, can only be understood and explained in a biblical light. He devoted his entire very valuable and useful work to this idea, over a hundred years ago.

2019 ◽  

In the last few years, many people have complained of suffering from gout because the community does not know how to maintain uric acid levels in the body and the lacking of patients’ adherence to the education provided by doctors. This study aims to find out how doctors educate gout patients so that these patients carry out the instructions in maintaining uric acid levels in the body so that the risk of gout recurrence can be overcome. This is a descriptive qualitative research conducted by interviewing co-assistants and doctors, and conducting observations when doctors provide education if there are gout patients at the time of the study. Most gout patients already know the healthier lifestyle that should be maintained after checking the pain to the doctor. However, these patients only take the drugs given and do not maintain their life patterns so that the maximum benefits of these drugs can not appear due to lack of concern to their lifestyle. Recommendation of the lifestyle that the doctors suggest has not been widely applied to the patient's lifestyle. Therefore, it is advisable for doctors to educate patients effectively and efficiently so that patients actually carry out this instructions. In addition, patients should also carry out the instructions about lifestyle that should be done so that their uric acid levels remain normal.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-134
Yonatan Alex Arifianto ◽  
Ferry Purnama

The concept of saving mankind in God's initiative continues to work to this day. Believers and the church must express the attitude that missionary activities to fulfill the Great Commission are an important part that cannot be separated from the lives of believers and God's church. The church or believers sometimes experience a lack of understanding of the concept of mission so they experience obstacles in evangelizing. The evangelistic motivation that is born from the missiological concept in Acts 13:47 will equip the believer today. The author describes this article using a descriptive qualitative approach, this research can be started with Paul's Call in Evangelism and then text analysis so as to produce findings, among others: first, Preographical and God's Will, Being Light for the Nation and Motivation to Bring the news of salvationKonsep menyelamatkan manusia dalam inisiatif Allah terus bekerja sampai hari ini. Orang percaya dan gereja haraus menyatakan sikap bahwa kegiatan misi untuk memenuhi Amanat Agung merupakan bagian penting yang tidak bisa dipisahkan dari kehidupan orang percaya maupun gereja Tuhan. Gereja atau orang percaya terkadang mengalami ketidak pahaman tentang konsep misi sehingga mengalami rintangan dalam menginjil. Motivasi penginjilan yang lahir dari konsep misiologi dalam Kisah Para Rasul 13:47 akan memperlengkapi orang percaya masa kini. Penulis mendeskripsikan artikel ini dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif, penelitian ini dapat dimulai dengan Panggilan  Paulus dalam Penginjilan selanjutnya analisa teks sehingga menghasilkan hasil temuan antara lain: pertama,  Preogratif dan Kehendak Tuhan, Menjadi Terang bagi Bangsa dan Motivasi Membawa kabar keselamatan

Tamaddun ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-31
Asyrafunnisa Asyrafunnisa

This research aims to find the function and symbolic meaning of Pakarena Dance in Bugis Makassar society which is the dance movements represented the principal life. The research was conducted in South Sulawesi, Makassar. The data were collected from Library Research. The researcher used descriptive qualitative methods. The research showed the four functions of Pakarena Dance; (1) King's accompaniment (2) The means of Da'wah through its movements (3) The form of Gratitude (4). Entertainment Facilities. And Pakarena Dance has 13 parts symbolic meaning; (1). “Samboritta” (making friends) (2). Jangang leak-leak (rooster crows) (3). Ma'biring kassi(4). Bisei ri lau '(rowing to the east) (5). Angingkamalino (wind without blowing) (6). Anni-anni (spinning yarn) (7). Dalle tabbua (enduring fate patiently) (8). Nigandang (repeatedly) (9) So'nayya (dreaming) (10). Iyolle ', (looking for the truth) (11). Lambassari (disappointment) (12). Leko 'bo'dong(13). Sanro beja '(birth shaman). In this case, sign, idea and object have relation to show the symbolic meaning of Pakarena Dance.

Nazom Murio ◽  
Roseli Theis

Geometri adalah bagian matematika yang sangat dekat dari siswa, karena hampir semua objek visual yang ada di sekitar siswa adalah objek geometri, tetapi tidak semua siswa menyukai pembelajaran yang menyertakan gambar, sehingga memungkinkan siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam belajar geometri. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan kesulitan belajar siswa berdasarkan karakteristik Lerner dalam menyelesaikan pertanyaan geometri. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa dengan kepribadian wali yang mengalami kesulitan belajar di kelas IX A SMP N 30 Muaro Jambi. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penulis sendiri, lembar tes klasifikasi kepribadian, lembar tes kesulitan belajar, dan pedoman wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan siswa dengan kepribadian wali yang mengalami kesulitan belajar, 100% mengalami kelainan persepsi visual, di mana siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam menentukan seperti apa bangun datar pada masalah tersebut. 60% mengalami kesulitan mengenali dan memahami simbol, di mana siswa melihat simbol "//" sebagai simbol untuk kesesuaian. Serta 40% mengalami kesulitan dalam bahasa dan membaca, di mana siswa kesulitan dalam memahami pertanyaan yang diberikan.   Geometry is a very close mathematical part of the student, because almost all visual objects that exist around the students are objects of geometry, but not all students like learning that includes images, thus allowing students to have difficulty in learning geometry. The purpose of this research is to describe students' learning difficulties based on Lerner's characteristic in solving the geometry question. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research. Research subjects were students with guardian personality who had difficulty studying in class IX A SMP N 30 Muaro Jambi. Instruments used in this study are the authors themselves, personality classification test sheets, learning difficulties test sheets, and interview guidelines. The results showed students with guardian personality who experienced learning difficulties, 100% experienced visual perception abnormalities, where students have difficulty in determining what kind of flat wake on the matter. 60% have difficulty recognizing and understanding symbols, where students see the symbol "//" as a symbol for conformity. As well as 40% have difficulty in language and reading, where students difficulty in understanding the given question.

Nurul Nadjmi

Kepulauan Riau merupakan provinsi yang terdiri dari beberapa pulau diantaranya Pulau Batam, Pulau Bintan dan Pulau Karimun. Modal sosial merupakan serangkaian nilai dan norma informal yang dimiliki oleh kelompok masyarat dalam membagun kerjasamanya. Lingkup penelitian pada pembahasan ini adalah terfokus pada pengaruh modal sosial terhadap perkembangan pariwisata di Kepulauan Riau dalam hal ini Pulau Batam, Pulau Bintan, dan Pulau Karimun. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini dikondisikan sebagai penelitian kualitatif melalui strategi studi kasus. Sistem pendekatan yang digunakan juga merupakan pendekatan deskriptif analitik. Melakukan pengamatan langsung, mengumpulkan data-data kemudian menghubungkannya dengan kajian teori yang digunakan. Lokus penelitian ini terdapat di Kepulauan Riau dengan melihat pengaruh modal sosial pada perkembangan pariwisata di ketiga pulau yaitu Pulau Batam, Pulau Bintan dan Pulau Karimun. Berdasarkan hasil survey yang saya lakukan di Kepulauan Riau, terutama pada ketiga pulau yaitu Pulau Batam, Pulau Bintan, dan Pulau Karimun, dari ketiga pulau tersebut ternyata pada Pulau Karimun perkembangan pariwisatanya tidak terlalu berkembang karena masyarakat yang tidak menerima adanya wisatawan terutama wisatawan mancanegara. Riau Islands is a province consisting of several islands including Batam Island, Bintan Island and Karimun Island. Social capital is a set of informal values ​​and norms that are owned by community groups in building cooperation. The scope of research in this discussion is focused on the influence of social capital on the development of tourism in the Riau Islands, in this case Batam Island, Bintan Island, and Karimun Island. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research. This research is conditioned as qualitative research through a case study strategy. The system approach used is also a descriptive analytic approach. Make direct observations, collect data and then relate it to the study of the theories used. The locus of this research is in the Riau Islands by looking at the influence of social capital on the development of tourism in the three islands, namely Batam Island, Bintan Island and Karimun Island. Based on the results of a survey I conducted in the Riau Islands, especially on the three islands, namely Batam Island, Bintan Island, and Karimun Island, of the three islands, it turns out that on Karimun Island the development of tourism is not very developed because people do not accept tourists, especially foreign tourists.

Yayah Rukiah

This research is focused on the visual elements contained on Kusdono's Cirebon glass painting. The writer uses descriptive qualitative research methods to examine the visual elements, with the technique of collecting data from books and journals that relates to the research object. The purpose of this study is to examine and find the meaning of Cirebon glass paintings. The results of this research are Semar as the main figure in the clown who always do good, keep the truth and obey the tenet that closely related to Islam. Arabic calligraphy reinforces Semar's figure. On the Cirebon glass painting, there are many mega mendung ornaments and wadasan which are Cirebon batik motifs, as well as the colors used in the coastal colors due to the geographical location of Cirebon City near the beach.  

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