scholarly journals Strategi Pondok Pesantren Al Urwatul Wutsqo dalam Menghadapi Tantangan Modernisasi

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-28
Moch Sya'roni Hasan ◽  
Mar’atul Azizah

This research to describe the strategy of Urwatul Wutsqo Islamic boarding school dealing with modernization challenges. The focus of his research is the strategy used by Al-Urwatul Wutsqo Islamic Boarding School deal with the challenges of modernization? 2). the activities forms of the Boarding School's deal with it. 3). the supporting and obstacle factors in the implementation it. This study is a qualitative approach in the form of case study. Data collection methods are done through interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis techniques are data reduction, data display and verification. Al Urwatul Wutsqo's Islamic boarding school strategy dealing with modernization is providing integrated education of faith and piety in accordance with the Qur'an and Hadith. The activities are to love Allah and the hereafter is amal sholih, thariqah, recitation, istighatsah, etc.

ST Nur Tamami ◽  
Faizatul Widat ◽  
Rosita Wahyu Rani

This study aims to understand and analyze the management of natural center learning in early childhood in improving children's cognitive intelligence in Raudlatul Athfal Zainul Hasan, Tambelang Village, Krucil District, Probolinggo Regency. This research uses a qualitative type of case study. Data collection techniques are carried out through interviews, observation and documentation. The data analysis was carried out in a circular manner, starting from the data display, followed by drawing conclusions. The results showed that the learning management of natural centers in improving students' cognitive intelligence was carried out through planned and systematic planning by the teacher with reference to policies that have been determined by the government and existing local policies, followed by implementation of learning activities that try to bring students to the real world and ends with an evaluation based on authentic assessment. 

Mohammad Jailani

<p class="abstrak">The purpose of this study was to analyze the Covid-19 Muhammadiyah Islamic boarding school with the complete independent isolation model. The subjects of this study consisted of Covid-19 patients and leaders of Covid-19 Islamic boarding schools. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study type. This research was conducted at the Covid-19 Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding School in Yogyakarta, which was located at the PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital in Yogyakarta. Data collection techniques using direct interviews, observation and documentation. The data analysis technique followed the Miles and Huberman model, namely data display, data reduction, and data verification. The validity of the data using triangulation. The results showed that the approach model used was complete self-isolation, on psychosocial and neurospiritual aspects. With the development of social relations on the psychosocial aspects, patients feel healthy and not stressed. As for the increase in priests and spiritual neurospiritual perspectives, it helps the immunity of Covid-19 patients to remain stable and their good deeds are better. This research has implications for Covid-19 patients in repairing and coaching related to social behavior and religious behavior during the Covid-19 period.</p><p class="abstrak" align="left"><strong> </strong><em>Tujuan penelitian ini menganalisis pesantren Covid-19 Muhamamdiyah dengan model Isolasi mandiri paripurna. Subjek penelitian ini terdiri dari pasien Covid-19 dan pimpinan pesantren Covid-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitataif jenis studi tudi kasus. Penelitian ini dilakukan di pesanren Covid-19 Muhamamdiyah Yogyakarta yang bertempat di Rumah sakit PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode wawancara langusng, observasi dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data mengikuti model Miles dan Huberman yaitu display data, reduksi data, dan verifikasi data. Keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model pendekatan yang diguanakn isolasi mandiri paripurna, pada aspek psikososial dan Neurospiritual. Dengan adanya pembinaan hubungan sosial pada aspek psikososial pasien merasa sehat dan tidak stress. Adapun peningkatan imam dan spiritual perpespektif neurospiritual membantu imun pasien Covid-19 tetap stabil dan lebih baik amal sholehnya. Penelitian ini berimplikasi terhadap pasien Covid-19 dalam perbaikan dan pembinaan yang berhubungan dengan prilaku sosial dan prilaku beragama di masa Covid-19.</em></p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 62-72
Yulianti Yulianti ◽  
Dian Erlina

Learning interaction is a reciprocal relationship between students and educators, between students, students with learning resources, and students with the learning environment in teaching and learning activities to achieve goals. In learning interactions also occur social interaction and communication. The purpose of this study, first, is to analyze the interaction of learning of autistic students in Islamic Religious Education subjects at Sekolah Dasar Negeri 30 Palembang, including; learning interactions between Islamic Religious Education teachers and autistic students, and learning interactions between students in general and autistic students. secondly, to analyze the constraints of the learning interactions of autistic students in Islamic Religious Education subjects at Sekolah Dasar Negeri 30 Palembang. The approach used in this research is a qualitative approach, and the type of research used in this study is a case study, data collection techniques, namely observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques in this study used the Miles and Huberman model, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 64-80
Sofi Hurmaini

Abstract: This study aims to understand: 1) What is the role of the teacher as a guide in improving the morale of young children in kindergarten IT Qurrota A'yun Ponorogo; and 2) What is the role of the teacher as an educator in improving the morale of young children in kindergarten IT Qurrota A 'Yun Ponorogo. The research used is qualitative research. This type of research is a case study. Data collection techniques in this study used interviews, and documentation. The data analysis techniques taken by the concept proposed by Miles and Huberman are data reduction, data presentation, and discussed conclusions. The results showed that: 1). In accordance with the preconventional morality of children who do not comply with the rules, they are subject to punishment, such as children who argue without reason, the way the teacher reminds them is by singing; 2). Children are born in good condition, so that learning is requested to be processed by being carried out, carried out, and evaluated and then poured into RPPH.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Badrut Tamami

Education is an important factor which cannot be segregated from the life of all human beings, both individually and collectively. Strategies employed by the teacher of PAI (Islamic education) thus have an important role in establishing students’ personality, especially with regard to their religious character. The teaching of PAI therefore must be performed gradually and continuously. Students' ability in reading Qur'an must be improved significantly. A method of habituation constitutes one that can be used to improve students' ability in reading Qur’an. The problems in this research are as follows: 1. How did a PAI teacher overcome problems and difficulties in reading Qur'an through the use of a habituation method at SMK Al Kholily Mlokorejo Puger Jember?; 2. What were inhibiting factors and what were the solutions? This study employed a qualitative approach in the form of a case study. Data were colleted by ways of observation and interviews. The respondents were students at SMK Al Kholily Mlokorejo Puger Jember. The results revealed that the difficulties in reading Qur’an can be improved through the use of a habituation method.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-62
Bambang Eko Aditia

Abstact: Management of an Islamic boarding school institution in an effort to empower santri needs to hold conceptual and strategic operational efforts so as to be able to prepare qualified human resources who are ready to compete in the era of globalization which is full of competence. The focus of this research is (1) How is planning in the development of santri (2) How is supervision in the development of santri. In achieving the research objectives, the method used is a phenomenological qualitative approach, as for the type of research case study, the data in this study consisted of primary and secondary data while in selecting and determining informants in this study, using the technique of snowball sampling. For data collection using procedures, interviews, participant observation, and documentation. Furthermore, in analyzing the data used descriptive qualitative data analysis techniques, with steps: (a), data reduction, (b) data presentation, and (c) drawing conclusions. While testing the validity of data through, Presistent Observation, Triangulation sources, Peerderieting

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-54
Mohamad Arief ◽  
Rusman Rusman

 Abstrak: Degradasi moralitas kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara pada kalangan anak-anak remaja (peserta didik) berada pada kondisi yang cukup memprihatinkan. Tergambarkan dari begitu banyaknya permasalahan anak-anak remaja yang kita saksikan, baik secara langsung maupun dari berbagai media. Sebagai tempat pendidikan formal, tentu saja sekolah memiliki peran tersendiri sebagai wadah dalam menempa moralitas dan karakteristik peserta didik. Sekolah memiliki berbagai sumber daya, akan tetapi apakah sumber daya tersebut telah dikelola dengan seksama? Dari latar belakang tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali, menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan bagaimana manajemen kurikulum berbasis pendidikan karakter diimplementasikan di sekolah. Metode penelitian menggunakan deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Selain itu peneliti juga bertindak langsung sebagai key instrument untuk mendapatkan data yang jauh lebih mendalam dan bermakna saat dilapangan dari berbagai sumber yang relevan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fungsi-fungsi dari manajemen kurikulum berperan besar dalam keberhasilan sekolah mencapai visi, misi, tujuan, dan program-program sekolah yang dicanangkan. Salah satu faktor penunjang manajemen kurikulum tersebut adalah sikap dan gaya kepemimpinan kepala sekolah. Sebagai ujung tombak dalam manajemen kurikulum, kepala sekolah mengambil peran yang luar biasa sebagai inspirator, motivator, figur keteladanan, supervisi akademik, dan manajerial bagi segenap elemen yang ada di sekolah. Kata Kunci : Manajemen Kurikulum, Pendidikan Karakter CHARACTER BUILDING BASED CURRICULUM MANAGEMENT AT SEKOLAH DASAR NEGERI UJUNG MENTENG 01 PAGI JAKARTA Abstract: The degradation of the morality of nation and state life among children (learners) is in a fairly apprehensive condition. It has been described by so many problems among children, either directly or from various media. As a place of formal education, of course the school has its own role in forging the morality and characteristics of learners. School has a variety of resources, but has it been carefully managed? From this background, this research aims to analyze, explore and describe how character-based curriculum management is implemented in schools. The research method used is descriptive with qualitative approach of case study. Data collection techniques were conducted through interviews, observations, and documentation studies. In addition, researcher also acts directly as a key instrument when in the field to obtain data which is much more profound and meaningful from various relevant sources. The results show that the functions of curriculum management play major roles in the success of the school to achieve the vision, mission, goals and programs of the school that proclaimed. One of the factors supporting the management of the curriculum is the attitude and style of leadership of the principal. As a spearhead in curriculum management, the principal takes extraordinary roles either as an inspirator, a motivator, an exemplary figure, an academic supervisor, or manager for all elements of the school. Keywords: Curriculum Management, Character Building

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 95-108
Didin Sirojudin ◽  
M. Dzikrul Hakim Al-Ghozali

Providers of educational services are part of marketing management. Marketing management for educational institutions (in schools, especially madrasah) is needed in line with the increasingly attractive competition between schools. Marketing is needed for educational institutions to build a positive image. If the institution or school has a good image in the eyes of the community, it is likely that it will be easier to overcome competition. Judging from its type, this research is a case study, data collection methods, namely: (1) Observation (2) interviews (3) documentation. Furthermore, the data obtained and collected from field activities and qualitative analysis with data grouping techniques, then conclusions are drawn. The results of research on educational service delivery / marketing systems carried out by MIN 2 Jombang are: using internal marketing (internal marketing), external marketing and interactive marketing.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 267-281
Windi Widia Waty ◽  
Pawit M. Yusup ◽  
Andri Yanto

Introduction. The research aims to examine knowledge transfer by a local community Rurukan Adat "Nabawadatala" in preserving local knowledge ion Citengah village – Sumedang, West Java. Data Collection Method. This research used qualitative approach with a case study method. Data Analysis. Qualitative data analysis was conducted iteratively and continuously until reach the data saturation. The three steps of data analysis were conducted, including data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. Results and Discussion. Pattern transfer occurred in the study includes three processes, namely the preparation of sustainable work plan; the concept of learning and knowledge sharing; and the creation of knowledge to form a tourist area-based education. Conclusion. A cultural centre established by the Citengah village community leaders to support knowledge transfer is very useful, not only for people inside of the community, but also for people around the community.

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 219-232
Salafuddin Akhmad

This study, entitled: "Implementation of Cooperative Learning Method In Creativity enhancement of learning aqidah morality Grade MTs Integrated Boarding School Roudlotul Qur'an Lamongan" The issues discussed in this study are: How is the implementation of cooperative learning in the lessons Aqidah Akhlaq students MTs Integrated Boarding School in Roudlotul Qur'an Lamongan. How can students' creativity in teaching morals aqidah Eighth Grade students of MTs Integrated Boarding School Roudlotul Qur'an Lamongan. How Implementation of Cooperative Learning Method in improving students' creativity in lessons Aqidah Akhlaq students MTs Integrated Boarding School Roudlotul Qur'an Lamongan. This study uses qualitative research, the data collected comes from observation manuscript interviews, documentation, questionnaire. The collected data is analyzed using descriptive analysis techniques, Adapaun measures qualitative analysis techniques in this study: data reduction, data display and verification.The content of the conclusions of this thesis are the results showed that the implementation of Cooperative Learning Method In Improving Student Creativity In Lesson Aqidah Morals Eighth Grade Students of MTs Integrated Boarding School Roudlotul Lamongan Qur'an is quite effective. This method is very helpful because it can involve teachers of students actively and can improve student collaboration. Application of this method is supported by several means pretty furnished by MTs Integrated Boarding School Roudlotul Qur'an Lamongan. The use of cooperative learning methods in learning Aqidah Integrated Akhlaq MTs has been quite effective.

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