scholarly journals Effectiveness of Chilled Cabbage Leaves Versus Hot Application on Breast Engorgement among Postnatal Mothers in Selected Hospitals of Vadodara, Gujarat, India

Usha Rathava ◽  
T. Vinaya Kumary

Background of the study: Breast feeding is important imperious in the mother’s life.  Breast milk may be complete healthy and salubrious supplement for the baby to help of the conjointly growth and development [1]. Breast engorgement causes discomfort and tenderness and pain that affect breastfeeding mothers early in the postpartum. The breast engorgement is one of the main factors contributing to early interruption of breastfeeding. Very few researches have been proven to monitor the effect of cabbage leaves application on breast engorgement [2]. Methodology: A quasi-experimental design two group pretest posttest design was used. A conceptual framework of Imogene king goal attainment model (1981) used for the conceptualization of the study. Total samples of 40 postnatal mothers were selected for the study using non probability purposive sampling technique. The samples divided in two experimental groups i.e. 20 in chilled cabbage leaves and 20 in hot application (temperature 43-46 degree Celsius - and tool used sociodemographic, pain scale & breast engorgement checklist and post test data collected after the intervention on 3rd day. Results: Both the intervention, chilled cabbage leaves and hot application were effective and reduced pain in postnatal mothers (p=0.001*) at p<0.05 level.  In chilled cabbage leaves & hot application are equally effective in reduced breast engorgement in postnatal mothers (p=0.001*) at p<0.05 level. Conclusion: Findings of chilled cabbage leaves and hot application were effective and reduced pain and breast engorgement among postnatal mothers.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Devi Budi Wijaya ◽  
Suwandi Suwandi ◽  
Sukma Nur Ardini

This study is based on the research which attempted to examine the effectiveness of realia in writing descriptive text by the seventh grade students. The objectives of the research were (1) to analyze and find out  the students’ ability in writing descriptive text who are taught by using realia, (2) to analyze and find out  the students’ ability in writing descriptive text who are taught without using realia, (3) also to analyze and find out whether there is significant difference between students who are taught by using realia and those taught without using realia. Quasi experimental design was used with the population of 256 seventh grade students of SMP N 4 Semarang in the academic year 2017/2018. By using purposive sampling technique, there were two classes chosen as the sample of this study; vii a and vii b. The instruments of collecting data used were tests; pre-test and post-test. After the data were collected, they were analysed using t-test. The findings were as follows: (1) the ability in writing descriptive text by the students taught using realia was good with the mean of the post-test was 80.21. (2) the ability in writing descriptive text by the students taught without using realia was adequate with the mean of the post-test was 74.44. (3) there was significant difference of the two group students. t-test 4.89 > t-table 2.00. therefore, ha was accepted that realia was effective as a media in teaching writing of descriptive text.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 72-81
Siti Husaidah

The period of menarche in Indonesia has reached 60-70% who experience dysmenorrhea and cause women to be unable to carry out activities and reduce women's quality of life. This study aims to describe the effect of acupressure therapy on the intensity of menstrual pain. This type of quantitative research is a quasi-experimental design with a one group pretest-posttest approach with sampling using a purposive sampling technique using 100 respondents from April 20 to June 21 2020. The data was obtained from a questionnaire and processed using the Wilcoxon test. The results showed the overall data of the variable dysmenorrhea pre test - post test in the intervention group Asymp value. The significance is 0.000 <0.05, while the control group has Asymp value. The significance is 1,000 > 0.05, so it can be concluded that the results of the analysis of changes in the pain scale pre-test - post-test in the intervention group showed a significant change between the pre-test and post-test pain scales. It can be seen from the measurement results of the Mean Rank pain scale before therapy is 0.00 and Mean Rank after therapy is 25.50 which means there is a decrease in the intensity of menstrual pain. Based on the results of the research above, adolescents need to add information and understanding through various mass media to equip themselves in dealing with complementary menstrual pain

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 100-105
Atika Asta Octora

Breast milk (ASI)  is the perfect food for infants and contains all the nutrients necessary for the grow than development of infants, issue in this study is the low coverage of exclusive breast feeding for the city of Bengkulu who have not achieved the national target.The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the Smooth Implementation of Breast Care Spending on Mother Postpartum breast milk in the Work Area Health Center Sukamerindu 2014. This study used a Quasi-Experimental design using Pre-test and Post test design. The independent variabel was the treatment of breast, while the dependent variabel is the smooth expenditure breast milk. The population was all of 1-7 days postpartum mother. It was 30 people. The sampling technique used is total sampling that (15 treatment group and 15 control group). This study starts from 01 January to12 February 2014 in the Work Area Health Center Sukamerindu. From the research results obtained in the treatment group was average of smoothness ASI output prior to treatment was 4.93 and after breast care is 9.33. In the control group the average of smoothness of spending breastfeeding in the first observation was 4.73 and the second observation is 7.07. Processing data using the t test with α = 0.05 obtained significant value ρ = 0.000 , it means ρ< α or ρ = 0.000 < α = 0.05 means that there is an influence on breast care changes in the smooth of breast milk, from breast milk is not out to be out.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 53
Julaecha Julaecha ◽  
Safitri Safitri ◽  
Ajeng Galuh Wuryandari

Dysmenorrhea is a menstrual disorder caused by an imbalance of the hormone progesterone in the blood. The incidence of dysmenorrhea 45-95% among women of childbearing age, occurs in adolescents who lack sports. The impact of dysmenorrhea is the percentage of attendance at college and not participating in learning. One way to deal with pain is yoga. This study aims to analyze the effect of yoga on dysmenorrhea. The study design was a quasi-experimental one-group pre-post test design. The sample in this study was 33 female students. The sampling technique was purposive sampling. The instrument used to measure the scale of pain during menstruation uses the Numeric Rating Scale (NRS). The collected data tested for normality data, and the data is normal, then the statistical test is done using repeated Anova test. The analysis showed that there were differences in pain scale before and after months 1 and 2 interventions with mean (sb) pain scale (5.8 (1.6) vs. 4.0 (1.7) vs. 2.7 (1.3) and P <0.05). The study concludes that yoga affects the decrease in pain scale during dysmenorrhea.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 209-219
Delvi Rahmayanti ◽  
Yusrah Taqiyah ◽  
Rizqy Iftitah Alam

Dysmenorrhea is pain before or during menstruation which can be primary or secondary due to an increase in the hormone prostaglandin which causes the uterine muscles to contract. The incidence of dysmenorrhea in the world is quite large, on average more than 50% of women in every country experience menstrual pain. This study aims to determine the effect of murottal surah ar-rahman therapy on the level of dysmenorrhea in adolescents in SMA Negeri 6 Kota Bau-Bau in 2020. The type of research used is quantitative experiment with Quasi Experimental design, pre-post test experimental group and control group using purposive sampling technique. With a sample size of 20 respondents in the intervention group and 20 respondents in the control group. The relationship test was carried out with  the Paired Sample T-test with a significance level of <0.05. The results showed that there was an effect between murottal surah ar-rahman therapy on the level of dysmenorrhea with a value of p = 0.000,  where the value of p <a, then Ha was accepted. The conclusion of this study is that before being given murottal surah ar-rahman therapy in adolescents, they experienced a controlled moderate and severe pain scale, after being given murottal surah ar-rahman therapy the adolescents experienced a decrease  in pain levels from moderate pain, mild pain, to no pain. And there is an effect between murottal sura ar- rahman therapy on the level of dysmenorrhea in adolescents in SMA Negeri 6 Kota Bau-Bau.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Siska Neeri Utami ◽  
Miftakhur Rohmah ◽  
Nasifah Tuszahroh

Breast milk is the first, main, and best food for babies, which is scientific. Breast milk contains various nutrients needed in the process of growth and development of babies. Breast milk production can also be increased by hypnobreasfeeding relaxation. Hypnobreasfeeding helps mothers to relax their bodies, and a great way to encourage mindsets in their babies. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of hypnobreasfeeding on increasing ASI production at pakisaji sub-district Malang district. The population is 25 respondents and the sampling technique used is total sampling with One group pre-post test design. Analysis of the data with the T-test using SPSS for Windows obtained Sig = 0,000, so 0,000 <0,05, which means H1 was accepted. Before hypnobreasfeeding, the average volume of ASI that came out was 163.2 ml, after being treated evenly. the average breast milk volume increased to 462.3 ml and there was an increase in the volume of breast milk by 300 ml. So that there is the influence of hypnobreasfeeding on increasing ASI production at BPM Sri Wahyuning Amd Keb Pakisaji Malang Regency. Based on the results of the study the authors suggest that breastfeeding mothers be more concerned and mothers are not stressed so that mothers can breastfeed calmly

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 2816-2819
Tamilselvi S ◽  
Iyeswariya K

Pain is an unpalatable sensory and emotional in contact with actual or potential tissue damage. Approximately 70% to 90% of people with cancer suffer with severe pain while undergoing treatment. Cancer pain can result due to poor blood circulation, a bone fracture that occurs due to metastasis, infection or inflammation in the affected part and side effects from cancer treatments. Hence the present study aimed to assess the effectiveness of foot massage on reduction of cancer pain among palliative care patients. The quasi-experimental design was employed with40 patients who met the inclusion criteria were selected by non-probability convenience sampling technique. The researcher collected the demographic variables and done pre-test to assess the pain score by using a numerical pain scale for both the experimental group and the control group. For the experimental group, foot massage was given twice a day for five days. Control group received routine care. At the end of the fifth-day, post-test was done for both the experimental group and the control group. The data analysis was done by using descriptive and inferential statistics. The calculated ‘t’ value is reveals that the experimental group seems to be highly significant than the control group. So foot massage is effective among cancer patients on the reduction of pain.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Etika Rahmah Dewi ◽  
Happy Dwi Aprilina

THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN GUIDED IMAGERY THERAPY AND LEMONAROMATHERAPY ON PAIN IN POST SECTION CESAREAN MOTHER1Etika rahmah dewi, 2Happy Dwi AprilinaABSTRACT Background: Section caesarean is an act of surgery or an artificial labor whose purpose is to remove the baby by opening the mother's stomach and uterus with the incision of the mother's uterus intact. Section caesarean can cause unpleasant conditions because it makes the mother feel uncomfortable and afraid to mobilize and engage in activities. The use of pharmacological techniques to reduce pain can be combined with non-pharmacological techniques. A non-pharmacology technique that can be conducted is guided imagery therapy and lemon aromatherapy.Objective: Knowing the differences between guided imagery therapy and lemon aromatherapy therapy on Section Caesarean pain in respondents in RSUD Ajibarang after being given guided imagery therapy and lemonaromatherapy therapy.Method:A quantitative method with a quasi-experimental design with two group pretest-posttest with design was used in this study. The target of this study in post section caesarean women was divided into two groups. They were selected by purposive sampling technique. The pretest was taken in the form of initial measurements and posttest was in the form of final measurements after treatment by using Mann Whitney test.Result: The result showed that the difference between guided imagery therapy and lemon aromatherapy therapy which were given to 38 respondents for 1x24 hours for 10 minutes revealed that the intensity of the respondent pain scale decreased.Conclusion: After being given a nursing intervention about provision of lemon aromatherapy for respondents, it can be concluded that the provision of lemon aromatherapy is more effective to reduce pain scale than guided imagery therapy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 40
Urwatil Wusqa Abidin ◽  
Andi Liliandriani

Specific nutrition intervention efforts for short children under five are focused on the 1,000 First Day of Life (HPK) group. Consuming Moringa Oliferadi Polewali Mandar Regency is one of the efforts taken to accelerate the growth and development of toddlers because it is found in abundance of nutrients, such as: vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, and iron. This research is expected to be an alternative for families with stunting toddlers in order to provide adequate nutritional intake by utilizing Moringa Olifera. This research uses a Quasi Experimental design, which is an experiment that has treatment, impact measurement, experimental units but does not use random assignments to create comparisons. in order to infer changes caused by treatment. The design used was one group pre test and post test design, which is a study by comparing the nutritional status of toddlers before the intervention and after the intervention. The results showed that the Sig. (2-tailed) both variables equal to 0.000. This value is <0.05, so it can be concluded that there is an effect of giving Moringa Oliferar powder on body weight (BW) and height (TB) of toddlers. Because of this, giving Moringa Olifera powder, can increase BW and TB in toddlers.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 108-114
I Made Wirta

The main objective of the present study is to investigate the effect of implementing innovative learning approaches upon English students’ achievement. The study was quasi experimental study using the post-test only control group design involving 35 students altogether selected using census sampling technique. The instrument which is used to gather data in the study was test. There were two tests used to gather intended data. They were linguistic test and student achievement test. The obtained data were analyzed statistically using descriptive and inferential analysis. The analysis of covariance was conducted to test the hypotheses.

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