graphic literacy
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2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (9) ◽  
pp. 4-12
Martynova A.V. ◽  
Salavatova A.M. ◽  
Boyko R.A.

The article presents theoretical generalizations of the process of forming the written competence of a junior schoolchild by means of calligraphic skills. The relevance of the issue raised in the article is associated with identifying the problems of deteriorating handwriting of a primary school student and the task facing an elementary school teacher, increasing the percentage of children who have a calligraphically accurate writing skill. The primary rules for mastering a calligraphic skill are the rules of landing, the position of the notebook, and then the rules related to the writing process, such as the tilt and position of letters on a line. The formation of written competence through the calligraphic skill of a junior schoolchild is the most important task of an elementary school teacher. This article is devoted to the issue of studying the written competence of younger students through the selection of diagnostics to determine the level of formation of calligraphic skills in younger students. When identifying the level of formation of calligraphic skills among first graders, the article describes the criteria and indicators of assessment: graphic literacy; calligraphic clarity and stability; connectivity; writing speed. On the basis of the selected criteria and indicators of the formation of calligraphic skills among first graders, the characteristics of the levels are also presented: high, medium and low. In accordance with the criteria and indicators of the formation of calligraphic skills, diagnostic tasks were selected for the first graders.

Ashirbaev Azim Ozodovich ◽  

This article discusses typical mistakes made by students in graphic literacy and the use of methods and tasks that can be used to prevent them.

V. P. Brednyova ◽  

In the article actuality of research of questions of reformation is certain in the system of higher education, including from the point of view of improvement of modern principles of teaching of graphic disciplines creation of that assists forming of professional graphic competence students of architectural specialties. The forward process of improvement of educational activity produces new requirements to educating, in particular to his quality constituent, in this connection there is a necessity of development of mechanisms of the permanent monitoring of progress. The European model of education on the nearest future plugs in itself one of directions beginning such type of educating, that is characterized the considerable volume of independent work and active bringing in of students of creative specialties to the real projects, already from the first course, that it is impossible without steady skills individual graphic competence. In the last few years the circle of tasks that can be decided by graphic methods broadened, from meaningfulness of graphic disciplines that mortgage bases of the spatial thinking is accordingly enhance able therefore. The aim of our study is to analyze and summarize the results of experiments on the effect of quality of graphic competence of students which contributes to the effectiveness of their professional development. Long-term practice of teaching and exchange of experience in the methodology of graphic disciplines has shown that the formation of professional competence is impossible without a thorough study of the foundations of graphic literacy, whose essence lies in the study of the discipline Descriptive Geometry. Graphic education is a process, which leads to student’s gaining knowledge and skills of work with graphical information. The development of the ability to correctly perceive, create, store and transmit different graphical information about objects, processes and phenomena is the task of graphic training of professional education. Professional knowledge is objective necessary knowledge and abilities that is highly sought by future practical activity.

A. Savchenko ◽  
A. Tsyna

The article analyzes Viktor Konstiantynovych Sydorenko’s life and scientific path. The authors have identified four stages of his life as a Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Full Professor, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine: 1) the primary stage – 1951-1968; 2) the stage of scientific research – 1968-1977; 3) the stage of pedagogical formation – 1977-1997; 4) the stage of active scientific activity – 1997-2013. Every stage of his life is briefly described, the scientists’ scientific views, the results of his scientific research, opinions about the place of drawing in the curriculum are singled out and emphasized; the scientist’s concern about the removal of drawings from the curriculum and the lack of students’ basics of graphic literacy, which are necessary for further technical engineering and computer graphics. The scientist’s views on updating the content of labor training, the inconsistency of the subject title with the world’s needs are analyzed and concretized, and a modern teacher’s main qualities are determined. Moreover, in the course of the research, it has been revealed that among the main tasks that should be included in the content of future labor education (technology) teacher training in higher pedagogical educational institutions, there is students’ readiness to develop technical concepts, gain practical skills, technical and technological knowledge and creative attitude to work. The problems on which the scientist worked are outlined and systematized; V. Sydorenko’s scientific heritage is analyzed and further directions of research on this issue are determined, which are the following: the systematization of scientific works, analysis of achievements and issues of the scientific school of contradictions research, which cause the emergence of new requirements for teacher training and technologies.

Ирина Владимировна Богомаз ◽  
Евгений Александрович Степанов ◽  
Елена Анатольевна Чабан

Введение. Представлена актуальность формирования метапредметности, реализуемой на межпредметном содержании в системе основного общего образования и являющейся необходимой в настоящее время обществу в наукоемких производствах любого профиля. Показана необходимость формирования у современного педагога, в том числе и школьного учителя математики, физики и технологии, компетенций, относящихся к основам инженерной деятельности, обязательными из которых являются графическая культура и графическая грамотность. Цель исследования состоит в выявлении межпредметных линий между математическими, естественно-научными и техническими учебными дисциплинами, способствующих формированию у обучающихся компетенций, относящихся и к инженерной деятельности, таких как графическая культура и графическая грамотность. Материал и методы. Представлено обобщение авторами опыта преподавания ряда курсов инженерной направленности, таких как графика, инженерное проектирование, прикладная математика, техническая механика, для будущих инженеров и учителей физики и технологии. Проведен анализ нормативных документов по проблеме исследования. Результаты и обсуждение. Анализ нормативных документов, регламентирующих учебный процесс будущих учителей математики, физики и технологии, показал, что содержание теоретического материала и обсуждение прикладных аспектов данных учебных дисциплин не учитывают требования к формированию графической культуры и графической грамотности. В современных условиях повсеместного введения в школах профильных инженерных классов, помимо профессиональных компетенций педагога, учитель математического, естественно-научного и технологического циклов дисциплин обязан обладать компетенциями, относящимися и к инженерной деятельности, такими как графическая культура и графическая грамотность. Для формирования компетенций, связанных с графической грамотностью, в процесс подготовки учителей математики, физики и технологии в рамках профессионального цикла в качестве дисциплин по выбору должен быть введен модуль «Графика / Инженерное проектирование», в который входят такие учебные дисциплины, как черчение, инженерная графика, элементы аналитической геометрии, компьютерная графика. Таким образом, появится возможность создания межпредметных линий между учебными дисциплинами математического, естественнонаучного и технологического циклов дисциплин, что в свою очередь позволит в дальнейшем формировать метапредметность всего образовательного процесса будущих учителей. Заключение. Формируемая метапредметность образовательной среды для студентов педагогического университета, обучающихся по направлению подготовки 44.03.01 «Педагогическое образование» (направленность (профиль) «Математика», «Физика», «Технология»), позволит в дальнейшем учителям согласованно формировать и развивать у обучающихся школ пространственное мышление, воображение, творческие способности, наблюдательность, необходимые в их дальнейшей профессиональной деятельности. Introduction. The article presents the relevance of forming a meta-subject matter that is implemented on an intersubject content in the system of basic General education and is currently necessary for society in high-tech industries of any profile. The article shows the need for a modern school teacher of mathematics, physics and technology to develop competencies related to the basics of engineering, which are mandatory for graphic culture and graphic literacy. The purpose of research is to identify intersubject lines between mathematical, natural science and technical academic disciplines that contribute to the formation of students‘ competencies related to engineering, such as graphic culture and graphic literacy. Material and methods. The article is based on the authors generalization of the experience of teaching a number of engineering courses for future technology teachers directly related to their future professional activities. The analysis of normative documents on the research problem is carried out. Results and discussion. The analysis of normative documents regulating the educational process of future teachers of technology has shown that the content of the theoretical material, as well as the practical part of such fundamental disciplines as physics and mathematics, does not take into account the applied aspects of this direction of training students of pedagogical universities. In modern conditions of the introduction of specialized engineering classes in schools, in addition to the professional competence of the teacher, the teacher of mathematical, natural science and technological cycles of disciplines must have competencies related to engineering, such as graphic culture and graphic literacy. To form competencies related to graphic literacy, the module «Graphics / Engineering design» was introduced into the process of training technology teachers within the professional cycle as a discipline of choice, which included a block of such disciplines as drawing, engineering graphics, elements of analytical geometry, computer graphics. Thus, it became possible to create inter-subject lines between the academic disciplines of mathematical, natural science and technological cycles of disciplines, which in turn will further form the meta-subject of the entire educational process of future technology teachers. Conclusion. The formed meta-subject of the educational environment for students of pedagogical University studying in the direction of training 44.03.01 Pedagogical education, directions (profiles) of mathematics, physics, technology will allow teachers to consistently form and develop spatial thinking, imagination, creative abilities, observation of students necessary in their further professional activities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-56 ◽  
T. Turutina ◽  
D. Tret'yakov

Topical issues related to improving the quality of higher education and solving teaching-learning problems, aimed at providing a checking procedure of future specialists’ graphic literacy in the process of teaching graphic design are considered in this paper. Among the national tasks of providing specialists for various arears of professional activity, the improvement of higher education’s quality and practical training of competent staff capable for professional self-education is considered as one of priorities. Education is interpreted as a process and result of acquiring the system of knowledge and personality development. Sufficiently frequent updating of requirements to future specialists’ training because of practical implementation of information technology in all professional spheres makes actual the search for more efficient methodologies aimed at changing of professional competences. The development of graphic literacy as future specialists' professional competence is defined by the learning activity process signification. The specificity of graphic disciplines as result of the introduction of information technologies requires the development of an effective methodology to ensure the content of the educational process, changing the nature of expertise, knowledge and skills; forming competence as a special ability necessary to perform a particular action in the object-graphic area. In the modern process for learning of graphic courses the KOMPAS graphic program is widely used, along with Autocad, Archicad, Revit, and others. Further is interpreted the KOMPAS practical use in the process of preparation of future specialists for learning of graphic courses. The KOMPAS jumps out as the program allowing using information technologies in checking procedure of future specialists' graphic literacy. The features of generation in the KOMPAS graphic program are revealed, as well as the software application “Generator”, including an educational-methodical complex aimed at forming of the necessary competence, development of self-learning activities, checking of expertise, knowledge and skills on graphic courses.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 62 ◽  
Seyide Senanur Talaslıoğlu ◽  
Fatma Şahin

A period in which we are in that the information is becoming increasingly important. Today, progress and development follow each other. Thus literacy concepts have gained importance and have begun to diversify in line with the needs of individuals. One of these varied literacy is graphic literacy. Visual literacy is at the forefront together with graphic literacy. The aim of this study was to improve the graphic literacy of 7th grade students of middle school with Graphic literacy activities. In the study, pre-test-post-test control group research model was used from the quasi-experimental research models. In 2015-2016 academic year, study was conducted on the students in the central school in Yunak, Konya. A total of 45 students were surveyed, consisting of 21 students in the experimental group and 24 students in control groups. While the control group learns as the curriculum requires, in the experimental group students continued to use the graphic literacy activities besides the courses. A study was conducted by a researcher for a total of 8 weeks. It is seen that the relationship between decision making skills and concept learning in this study, which is made by using graphical literacy activities, is in a positive direction.Extended English summary is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file. Özetİçinde bulunduğumuz dönem bilginin giderek arttığı ve önem kazandığı bir devirdir. Günümüzde ilerleme ve gelişmeler birbirini takip etmektedir. Böylece okuryazarlık kavramları önem kazanmaya ve bireylerin ihtiyaçları doğrultusunda çeşitlenmeye başlamıştır. Bu çeşitlenen okuryazarlıklardan birisi de grafik okuryazarlığıdır. Grafik okuryazarlığı ile birlikte görsellik ön plana çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Grafik okuryazarlık etkinlikleri ile ortaokul 7. sınıf öğrencilerinin grafik okuryazarlığının geliştirilmesi olarak belirlenmiştir. Araştırma yarı deneysel araştırma modellerinden biri olan ön test- son test kontrol gruplu araştırma modeli kullanılmıştır.2015-2016 Eğitim öğretim yılı Konya ili Yunak ilçesinde merkez okulda öğrenim gören öğrenciler üzerinde çalışma gerçekleştirilmiştir. Deney grubu içerisinde 21 kontrol grubu içerisinde 24 öğrenci olmak üzere toplam 45 öğrenci üzerinde araştırma gerçekleştirilmiştir. Kontrol grubu öğrencileri müfredatın gerektirdiği gibi öğrenim görürken deney grubu öğrencilerinde ise derslerin yanında grafik okuryazarlık etkinlikleri kullanılarak ders işlenmeye devam edilmiştir. Toplam 8 hafta süren bir çalışma araştırmacı tarafından gerçekleştirilmiştir. Grafik okuryazarlık etkinliklerinden yararlanılarak yapılan bu çalışmada karar verme becerileriyle ve kavram öğrenmeleriyle olan ilişkinin olumlu yönde olduğu görülmüştür.

2017 ◽  
Vol 57 (2) ◽  
pp. 185-220 ◽  
Susan Schulten

Students in the early republic commonly stitched, drew, and painted maps of their states, nation, and world as part of their educations. Map drawing and geography were regarded as particularly appropriate subjects for girls, both as a pathway to literacy and as a means of demonstrating accomplishment. Many young girls exposed to map work in their own educations went on to become teachers themselves and carried these practices with them into an ever-growing national network of female academies and seminaries. These school maps and related penmanship journals also reveal a network and set of teaching practices around graphic literacy that has drawn little attention from historians. By drawing their country, students were making the nation manifest, inscribing its abstract boundaries and administrative units, and visualizing territory that most would never see firsthand. Map drawing was part of an intensely graphic education that significantly influenced reformers such as Emma Willard, though it also drew criticism from subsequent educators.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 46-54 ◽  
Valentina Khrabrova

Young people’s interest in taking international exams such as IELTS results from student mobility and their willingness to appraise language abilities. In this paper, Academic Writing Task One of IELTS is examined. This task implies candidates comprehending graphic information and processing it in written discourse. The gap between a host of graph description tests and an insignificant number of efficient teaching methods has provided a rationale for the current study. It focuses on graph description as a cognitive, psychological and educational process and employs the analysis method in the theoretical section. Based on the action research method, drawing on 25 students’ written samples, the study has quested for peculiar language problems detrimental to processing the graph description task. The data have revealed the key pillars of successful written graph presentation: the combination of all four main skills, i.e. reading, listening, writing, and speaking; skills transfer; critical thinking and writing; the appropriate use of style; graphic literacy. It is concluded that the “constant nudging” method, a skills transfer, the use of appropriate vocabulary for describing trends alongside academic functional phrases and grammar features, the analysis of mass media information with numeric data are solutions to graph description issues. The findings have implications for preparing students for IELTS.   This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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