hamilton anxiety rating scale
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 564-568
Ming Lei ◽  
Junjian Zhang ◽  
Dongmei Wu

<sec> <title>Objective:</title> By using amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations (ALFF) we have analyzed activationsin brain regions at different phases in migraineurs. </sec> <sec> <title>Methods:</title> Participants included 41 patients with migraine, 19 in episode and 22 in interictal phase, and 22 controls in the healthy condition. To analyze the brain function of patients and controls, ALFF was used for performing the post-processing in the resting state by scores of Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) scale, Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A) and Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D). </sec> <sec> <title>Results:</title> The comparison between groups of patients with migraine in the episode or interictal phases, and healthy controls showed that both episode and interictal migraine groups had the similar HAM-A and HAM-D scores (P > 0.05), but higher than that in controls (P < 0.01). For ALFF values of Episode and Interictal groups, the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) coordinates of the decreased ALFF were (−9, 42, 9), the voxel size = 215, including the bilateral anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), T =−4.15, without significant differences. Patients in Interictal group were with a stronger activation at MNI coordinates (12, 51, 12), in the bilateral ACC, voxel size = 90, T =3.87. </sec> <sec> <title>Conclusion:</title> ACC plays an adaptive, regulatory role in migraine and is related to multiple brain regions, which may mediate activation through descending anti-nociceptive pathways. ACC is related to opioid receptor and glutamate excitatory regulation. </sec>

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-7
Dong Weiwei ◽  
Wu Bei ◽  
Wang Hong ◽  
Wu Cailan ◽  
Shao Hailin ◽  

Purpose. This study aimed to determine whether and how stress-induced thyroid hormone changes occur during the COVID-19 pandemic in the northern area of Tianjin. Methods. This study comprised two groups of study subjects in Tianjin: before (2019) and during (2020) the COVID-19 outbreak. Subjects were included if they had FT3, FT4, and TSH concentrations and thyroid TPOAb or TgAb information available. People who were pregnant, were lactating, or had mental illness were excluded. We used propensity score matching to form a cohort in which patients had similar baseline characteristics, and their anxiety level was measured by the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAMA). Results. Among the 1395 eligible people, 224 in Group A and 224 in Group B had similar propensity scores and were included in the analyses. The detection rate of abnormal thyroid function was decreased in pandemic Group B (69.2% vs. 93.3%, χ2 = 42.725, p < 0.01 ), especially for hypothyroidism (14.29% vs. 35.71%, χ2 = 27.429, p < 0.01 ) and isolated thyroid-related antibodies (25.89% vs. 38.39%, χ2 = 8.023, p < 0.01 ). The level of FT4 (z = −2.821, p < 0.01 ) and HAMA score (7.63 ± 2.07 vs. 5.40 ± 1.65, t = 16.873, p < 0.01 ) went up in Group B; however, TSH (z = −5.238, p < 0.01 ), FT3 (z = −3.089, p = 0.002 ), TgAb (z = −11.814, p < 0.01 ), and TPOAb (z = −9.299, p < 0.01 ) were lower, and HAMA was positive with FT3 (r = 0.208, p < 0.01 ) and FT4 (r = 0.247, p < 0.01 ). Conclusion. People in the northern area of Tianjin during the COVID-19 outbreak were at an increased risk of higher FT4, lower FT3, and lower TSH. The HAMA scores increased in emergency situations and were positively correlated with the levels of FT3 and FT4.

2022 ◽  
Subhagata Chattopadhyay ◽  
Rupam Das ◽  
Shalini Gaur

Abstract Lyfas is a smartphone-based biomedical application that captures the cardiovascular autonomic biomarkers (CVb), surrogating for mental health attributes. SD1/SD2 biomarker assesses the sympathovagal balance and is considered to be a potential indicator of Lyfas anxiety score (LAS). A total of 1837 males and 973 females took Lyfas (hypersensitivity-checked) and Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A) self-scoring tests. LAS has been statistically validated by Linear regressions, one-way ANOVA, t-stat, correlations (r), and Bland Altman agreement assessment with respect to HAM-A. Sensitivity, specificity, precision, accuracy, Fscore, and Youden’s index (j-stat) are computed. Results show that (i) Lyfas is not a very hypersensitive instrument (mean-variance is 0.6). (ii) It can predict HAM-A with 94.7% accuracy (R2) and is a statistically significant model (p <0.05). (iii) LAS and HAM-A are positively correlated by 97%, the t-stat value of 5.38 for the population indicates that the two instruments have a significant mean difference. (iv) Bland Altman test showcases the overall agreement of 12.95% due to different modes and scales of measurements. (v) on average, LAS is 87.78% accurate, 86.82% precise, and its’ 65.2% j-stat value proves that Lyfas is a novel industry-standard smartphone biomarker application that can be used to accurately screen anxiety disorders.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (12) ◽  
Waslen Naibaho ◽  
Untung Sudharmono

Latar belakang: COVID-19 adalah penyakit pernapasan (respiration) yang disebabkan oleh virus Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2. Angka kematian pada petugas kesehatan akibat COVID-19 baik dokter, perawat, apoteker dan petugas kesehatan lainnya terus meningkat. Rumah sakit memerlukan tambahan pekerja khususnya perawat untuk menangani kasus COVID-19. Hal ini menyebabkan semakin tingginya resiko perawat terpapar COVID-19. Tujuan : Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengukur tingkat kecemasan perawat ruang isolasi terhadap risiko paparan COVID-19 di Rumah Sakit Advent Medan. Metode : Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif untuk menggambarkan tingkat kecemasan perawat yang bekerja di ruang isolasi COVID-19. Subjek dalam penelitian ini 21 orang yang dipilih dengan menggunakan teknik pengambilan sampel sampling jenuh. Instrumen untuk mengukur tanda kecemasan baik psikis maupun somatic menggunakan Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HARS) yang terdiri dari 14 item pertanyaan. Hasil : Hasil penelitian ini didapati bahwa perawat yang bekerja di ruang isolasi COVID-19 dalam tingkat kecemasan berat sekali dengan nilai rata-rata 43.33 dan nilai Std. Deviation 31.261. Kesimpulan : Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah perawat di ruang isolasi COVID-19 mempunyai kecemasan yang tinggi terhadap resiko paparan COVID-19. Saran yang dapat diberikan adalah mencoba Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique (SEFT) untuk menurunkan tingkat kecemasan yang dialami perawat yang bertugas di ruang isolasi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 81
Siti Annisa Rahmasita ◽  
Agustine Mahardika ◽  
Muhammad Rizkinov Jumsa

<p><strong>Pendahuluan: </strong>Kecemasan merupakan keadaan patologis yang ditandai dengan gejala fisiologis dan gejala psikologis, gejala-gejala tersebut dapat terjadi berbeda pada setiap orang dan situasi. Pada kehamilan, risiko terjadinya kecemasan akan meningkat. Memasuki trimester tiga, ibu hamil dapat merasa cemas akan keselamatan dirinya maupun keselamatan bayinya. Saat merasa cemas, akan terjadi peningkatan kadar noradrenergik akibat stimulasi sistem saraf simpatis yang akan menyebabkan berkurangnya siklus REM, sehingga meningkatkan frekuensi terbangun di malam hari dan menyebabkan kualitas tidur yang buruk. Kecemasan dapat menurunkan kadar GABA sehingga seseorang akan sulit untuk menginisiasi tidur.</p><p><strong>Metode: </strong>Desain penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan <em>cross sectional</em>. Jumlah responden pada penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 32 ibu hamil trimester tiga di Puskesmas tanjung Karang Mataram, dengan teknik <em>consecutive sampling</em>. Alat pengambilan data pada penelitian ini adalah kuesioner <em>Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale </em>(HARS) untuk mengukur tingkat kecemasan dan kuesioner <em>Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index </em>(PSQI) untuk mengukur kualitas tidur. Data pada penelitian ini dianalisis menggunakan uji korelasi spearman.<strong></strong></p><p><strong>Hasil dan pembahasan: </strong>Penelitian menyatakan bahwa tingkat kecemasan berpengaruh terhadap kualitas tidur ibu hamil trimester tiga di Puskesmas Tanjung Karang Mataram dengan P <em>value</em> &lt;0,001 (P <em>value</em> &lt; 0.5) dan r = 0.731 menunjukkan korelasi positif dengan kekuatan korelasi yang kuat.</p><strong>Kesimpulan: </strong>Tingkat kecemasan berpengaruh terhadap kualitas tidur ibu hamil trimester tiga di Puskesmas Tanjung Karang Mataram.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1111-1119
Astri Fitriya ◽  
Emi Nurlaela

AbstractOne of the ways to reduce anxiety during pregnancy is by doing yoga exercise. It is a recommended method of physical exercise because it is cheap, easy to operate, and beneficial for physical and mental health so that mothers can accept the physiological changes during pregnancy and childbirth. This study aimed to examine the effect of the exercise on the anxiety level of pregnant women in facing their childbirth. To be known, it is a literature review. HARS (Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale) was appliied as the questionnaires in the articles. The process of collecting data was conducted by searching Google Scholar, it obtained 5 articless published during 2011-2021. Besides, JBI critical appraisal checklist for quasi-experimental was used as critically reviewed instruments.Based on the reviewing literatures from 5 articles, it showed the yoga exercise has an effect on reducing anxiety level of pregnant women in facing childbirth, with the result of p value was <0,05. A yoga exercise is one of some physical exercises which be able to reduce anxiety of pregnant women.Keywords : anxiety,yoga exercise, childbirth AbstrakLatihan fisik terbukti dapat mengurangi kecemasan selama kehamilan. Latihan yoga adalah metode latihan fisik yang direkomendasikan karena murah, mudah dioperasikan, dan bermanfaat bagi kesehatan fisik dan mental sehingga ibu dapat menerima perubahan fisiologis selama masa kehamilan dan persalinan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh senam yoga terhadap tingkat kecemasan ibu hamil dalam menghadapi persalinan melalui literature review. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode literature review. Adapun kuesioner yang dipergunakan didalam artikel menggunakan kuesioner HARS (Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale). Mengakses database menggunakan Google Scholar 5 artikel yang dipublish pada tahun 2011-2021. Instrumen telaah kritis yang digunakan yaitu dengan menggunakan JBI critical appraisal checklist for quasi-eksperimental. Hasil literature review dari 5 artikel menunjukkan bahwa senam yoga berpengaruh terhadap kecemasan pada ibu hamil dalam menghadapi persalinan dengan hasil p value < 0,05. Senam yoga merupakan salah satu latihan fisik yang dapat mengatasi kecemasan pada ibu hamil. Kata Kunci : Kecemasan, Senam Yoga, Persalinan

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (3) ◽  
pp. 140-148
Arbianingsih Arbianingsih ◽  
Huriati Huriati ◽  
Nur Hidayah ◽  
Syarifah Musnayni ◽  
Nuravia Afiifah ◽  

Hospitalization-induced anxiety in children can impede healing and lengthen hospitalization. As such, appropriate interventions are needed to reduce their anxiety during hospitalization. For example, brain exercise has been shown to reduce anxiety in children in diverse settings and developmental stages. This study was performed to compare the effect of brain exercise on anxiety in hospitalized school-and preschool-aged children. A pre-experimental pre/ posttest design was used, and 32 children were selected by consecutive sampling. Brain gym was given twice a day for 2 consecutive days. Data were collected from school-aged children by using a modified Zung Sel-Rating Anxiety Scale and Tailor Manifest Anxiety Scale and from preschoolers by utilizing a modified Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale observation sheet. Wilcoxon test results showed that brain gyms were effective in reducing anxiety in school-aged children (p = 0.016) and preschoolers (p = 0.006). Movements during brain exercises could activate the neocortex and parasympathetic nerves that can ease psychic and physical tension. Therefore, brain gym can be an effective intervention to decrease anxiety in preschoolers and school-aged children. Abstrak Brain Gym Efektif Menurunkan Kecemasan Pada Anak Usia Sekolah dan Pra Sekolah di Rumah Sakit. Kecemasan akibat rawat inap pada anak dapat menghambat penyembuhan dan memperpanjang rawat inap. Dengan demikian, intervensi yang tepat diperlukan untuk mengurangi kecemasan mereka selama dirawat di rumah sakit. Misalnya, latihan otak telah terbukti mengurangi kecemasan pada anak-anak dalam berbagai pengaturan dan tahap perkembangan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk membandingkan pengaruh senam otak terhadap kecemasan pada anak usia sekolah dan prasekolah yang dirawat di rumah sakit. Penelitian menggunakan desain pre-eksperimen pre/posttest, dan 32 anak dipilih dengan sampel konsekutif. Senam otak diberikan dua kali sehari selama dua hari berturut-turut. Data yang dikumpulkan dari anak-anak usia sekolah menggunakan modifikasi Zung Sel-Rating Anxiety Scale dan Tailor Manifest Anxiety Scale, sedangkan data anak-anak prasekolah menggunakan lembar observasi modifikasi Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale. Hasil uji Wilcoxon menunjukkan bahwa senam otak efektif menurunkan kecemasan pada anak usia sekolah (p = 0,016) dan anak prasekolah (p = 0,006). Gerakan pada saat senam otak dapat mengaktifkan neokorteks dan saraf parasimpatis yang dapat meredakan ketegangan psikis dan fisik. Oleh karena itu, senam otak dapat menjadi intervensi yang efektif untuk menurunkan kecemasan pada anak prasekolah dan usia sekolah. Kata Kunci: kecemasan, prasekolah, senam otak, usia sekolah

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 600
Mundakir Mundakir ◽  
I’in Masfiyah ◽  
Uswatun Hasanah ◽  
Sukadiono Sukadiono

Pandemi COVID-19 membawa perubahan pada berbagai aspek kehidupan termasuk aspek kesehatan mental. Tak hanya orang dewasa, kondisi psikologis remaja pun rentan terganggu oleh situasi. Salah satu upaya mengatasinya dapat dilakukan dengan cara memberikan pendidikan kesehatan(health education) melalui media daring, sehingga dapat meminimalisir penyebaran Covid-19. Pendidikan kesehatan melalui daring ini diharapkandapat menurunkan kecemasan remaja akibat pandemi. Kegiatan memberikan Pendidikan Kesehatan ini dilaksanakan kepada remaja yang mengalami kecemasan. Remaja terlebih dahulu diskrining tingkat kecemasannya Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HARS). Remaja yang terlibat dalam kegiatan ini adalah remaja yang mengalami kecemasan ringan dan sedang. Jumlah remaja yang diberikan Pendidikan Kesehatan sebanyak 5 orang remaja dengan klasifikasi tiga partisipan mengalami kecemasan ringan dan dua partisipan lainnya mengalami kecemasan sedang. Pelaksanaan pendidikankesehatan melalui daring dilakukan sebanyak tiga kali pertemuan. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa terjadi penurunan tingkat kecemasanberdasarkan skor yang diperoleh partisipan yang diukur mengunakan HARS. Tiga partisipan yang mengalami kecemasan ringan menjadi tidak cemas dan dua partisipan dengan kecemasan sedang menjadi cemas ringan. Kata Kunci: Pendidikan Kesehatan, Daring, Kecemasan, Remaja, Covid-19Reducing Adolescent Anxiety during the Covid-9 Pandemic Through Online Health Education in Sutorejo, Mulyorejo DistrictABSTRACKThe COVID-19 pandemic has brought changes to various aspects of life, including aspects of mental health. Not only adults, the psychological condition of teenagers is also vulnerable to being disturbed by the situation. One of the efforts to overcome this can be done by providing health education through online media, so as to minimize the spread of Covid-19. This online health education is expected to reduce adolescent anxiety due to the pandemic. The activity of providing Health Education is carried out for adolescents who experience anxiety. Adolescents were first screened for anxiety levels on the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HARS). Adolescents who are involved in this activity are teenagers who experience mild and moderate anxiety. The number of adolescents who were given Health Education was 5 adolescents with a classification of three participants experiencing mild anxiety and two other participants experiencing moderate anxiety. The implementation of health education through online was carried out in three meetings. The results of the evaluation showed that there was a decrease in the level of anxiety based on the scores obtained by the participants as measured using HARS. Three participants who experienced mild anxiety became less anxious and two participants with moderate anxiety became mildly anxious.Keywords: Health Education, Online, Anxiety, Youth, Covid-19

2021 ◽  
pp. jim-2021-001992
Álvaro Alexander Ocampo González ◽  
Javier Ferney Castillo García ◽  
Laura Carolina Pabón Sandoval ◽  
José Rafael Tovar Cuevas ◽  
Sirsa Aleyda Hidalgo Ibarra ◽  

Depression entails changes in the mental health of individuals worldwide. Episodes of depression lead to mood swings and changes in the motivational dimension. Our research focused on the prevalence of depression in the adult population and on how it affected the social and affective dimensions. Owing to the current pandemic, we deemed it necessary to explore how protective measures against COVID-19 infection, such as quarantines, could be related to mental health. Moreover, we found it important to determine the prevalence of depressive and anxious symptomatology in adults from the Valle del Cauca region in Colombia during the social isolation connected to COVID-19. Our study was descriptive, analytical and cross-sectional, and involved 1248 subjects. As tools, we used the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale and the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale. The data demonstrated that women were more likely to display symptoms of depression and that individuals aged between 24 and 29 were less likely to reveal symptoms of anxiety than those aged between 18 and 23. Moreover, childless or economically dependent individuals proved to be more likely to display symptoms of depression during the pandemic.

2021 ◽  
Ashar Prima ◽  
Amzal Mortin Andas ◽  
Syifa Hanifah

ABSTRACTPatients with cancer will experience limitations in meeting their daily needs and face physical problems (pain, fatigue, sleep problems, coughing, etc.), psychological problems, spiritual problems, and financial problems. Therefore karerna nursing intervention is needed to overcome these problems, one of them with foot reflexology massage. Study of this literature aims to determine the effectiveness of foot reflexology massage in cancer patients with anxiety problems. The design in this scientific paper is literature review, searches are carried out in Pubhmed and Google Scholar. The key word in searching is cancer and anxiety and foot reflexology. With the criteria of the last 10 years of publication, full text, international or national, articles do not pay. The results have been found 3 articles, namely 2 articles from Google Scholar and 1 article from Pubhmed. The inclusion criteria used were using intervention journals to overcome anxiety problems with cancer problems that can be accessed full text. The journal year that is used is limited from 2010-2020. Based on literature review in 3 journals, it is found that foot reflexology therapy can be given to cancer patients by doing massage on the foot using tools in accordance with SOP reflexology foot massage. Anxiety scale assessment can use the HARS (Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale) questionnaire. The results of the literature review indicate that foot reflexology massage therapy can reduce the anxiety scale in cancer patients.Keywords : Cancer, Foot Reflexyology, AnxietyABSTRAKPasien dengan kanker akan mengalami keterbatasan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hariannya dan menghadapi masalah fisik (nyeri, kelelahan, masalah tidur, batuk, dan lain-lain), masalah psikologis, masalah spiritual, dan masalah financial. Oleh karerna itu dibutuhkan intervensi keperwatan untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, salah satunya dengan pijat refleksi kaki, Telaah literatur ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas pijat refleksi kaki pada pasien kanker dengan masalah kecemasan. Desain dalam karya tulis ilmiah ini adalah literature review, pencarian dilakukan dalam pubhmed dan google scholar. Kata kunci dalam melakukan pencarian adalah cancer and anxiety and foot reflexology. Dengan kriteria 10 tahun terakhir publikasi, full text, internasional atau nasional, artikel tidak berbayar. Hasil telah ditemukan 3 artikel yaitu 2 artikel dari google scholar dan 1 artikel dari pubhmed. Kriteria inklusi yang digunakan yaitu menggunakan jurnal intervensi untuk mengatasi masalah kecemasan dengan permasalahan kanker yang dapat diakses full text. Tahun jurnal yang digunakan dibatasi dari 2010-2020.Berdasarkan telaah literatur pada 3 jurnal didapatkan bahwa terapi pijat refleksi kaki dapat diberikan kepada pasien kanker dengan cara melakukan pemijatan pada bagian kaki menggunakan alat sesuai dengan SOP pijat refleksi kaki. Penilaian skala kecemasan dapat menggunakan kuesioner HARS (Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale). Hasil telaah literatur menunjukkan bahwa terapi pijat refleksi kaki dapat mengurangi skala kecemasan pada pasien kanker.Kata kunci : Kanker, Pijat Refleksi Kaki, Cemas.

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