modern classification
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Zootaxa ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 5087 (4) ◽  
pp. 571-582

Malagasy Epilachnini are one of the least studied groups of the herbivorous ladybird beetles. Most of the species were described in the 19th and 20th centuries and their position within the modern classification has never been examined. Here we provide results of detailed study of two species Epilachna hovana Sicard, 1907 and Peralda quadriguttata, Sicard, 1909 which are proposed to be transferred to the genus Merma Weise (comb. nov.). Detailed morphological analysis, photographs of male and female genitalia and a key to species are also provided.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 445-459
V. I. Balko

The relevance and novelty of the topic of the article is connected with the fact that for the first time the improved classification of the properties of human papillary patterns and their displays and the dynamic trend of expanding the legal base of fingerprint registration in the world are considered. The goal is to systematize the properties of human papillary patterns and their representations. General scientific and special methods were used. The analysis of the literature and the author's practice allow us to identify and consider the following properties of papillary patterns and their mappings, which were divided into three groups for cognitive purposes: their own properties, the properties of mappings, and the properties of the fat-rich substance of the human papillary pattern and its trace. For the first time, the properties of the poly-fat substance of the human papillary pattern and its trace are presented, which is important in view of the trend in the development of complex fingerprint examination. For the first time, the first and second groups are conditionally divided into four subgroups: for solving identification, diagnostic, classification and situational problems. For the first time, the third group is further conditionally divided into four subgroups: according to the interaction of the human body fat with the carrier object; according to the isolation of the human body fat trace; according to the dynamics of the preservation and contrast of the display of the fat-free substance of the human papillary pattern. On the other hand, the properties of papillary patterns themselves are divided into basic properties and properties for solving identification and non-identification problems, respectively. The author's definition of the following concepts is presented: "basic properties of human papillary patterns" and "properties of human papillary patterns", "basic properties of human papillary patterns mappings" and "properties of human papillary patterns mappings", "basic properties of human papillary matter" and "properties of human papillary matter", "basic properties of human papillary matter" and" properties of human papillary matter". This provides an opportunity for specialists and teachers to improve their cognitive and practical activities, and for those responsible and competent for the organization of examinations to consider creating a center for comprehensive fingerprint examination.

2021 ◽  
pp. 39-44
A. V. Ignatovsky

Objective. To present a variant of the modern classification of the processes occurring with lesions of the genitals, to draw specialists’ attention to the peculiarities and variety of causes leading to inflammation of the glans and foreskin, as well as to discuss topical issues of external therapy of balanopostitis.Material and methods. Data from modern studies and clinical guidelines were used in the preparation of the publication.Results. The variety of variants of lesions of the glans and foreskin can be due to a number of reasons and can be either an independent local process or a fragment of dermatosis, where it is possible to be affected in the form of balanoposthitis. Also, when examining and selecting therapy options, it is important to consider the possible role of microorganisms, whose spectrum as a cause of balanoposthitis varies from aerobic and anaerobic, to viral and fungal microflora. Treatment approaches are determined by the etiological factors.Conclusions. Balanoposthitis is a heterogeneous group of nosologies. The choice of treatment is based on the identified cause or empirically when possible. External therapy and hygiene constitute an essential part of treatment. When choosing drugs for topical glucocorticosteroids, preferenceshould be given to drugs with a high therapeutic index and low atrophogenic potential. Dysplastic processes of the penis are associated with human papillomavirus infection, the treatment of which can be both conservative and destructive.

Vestnik ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 23-28
Ш.А. Абдужабарова ◽  
С.М. Оспангалиева ◽  
Ж.Р. Жаналиева ◽  
Г.А. Джамаева ◽  
Г.К. Толепбергенов

В нашу работу вошли 2 исследования (380 пациенток), которые получали препараты прогестерона перорально или вагинально. Представлена современная классификация. Освещены вопросы этиологии и патогенеза данного осложнения, критерии диагностики, а также стандарты терапии и возможности профилактики. Также проведен обзор пяти больших исследований, включивших 980 пациенток. Авторы провели скрининг тысяч публикаций по нескольким критериям и только пять публикаций соответствовали необходимым критериям качества. Our work included 2 studies (380 patients) who received progesterone preparations orally or vaginally. The modern classification is presented. The issues of the etiology and pathogenesis of this complication, the diagnostic criteria, as well as the standards of therapy and the possibilities of prevention are highlighted. We also reviewed five large studies involving 980 patients. The authors screened thousands of publications against several criteria, and only five publications met the required quality criteria.

O. I. Sobolev ◽  
B. V. Gutyj ◽  
Y. V. Zasukha ◽  
P. M. Karkach ◽  
V. F. Fesenko ◽  

In recent years, based on new scientific data, many countries worldwide have been revising the existing standards for introducing trace elements in mixed feed for highly productive broiler chicken crosses. This also applies to selenium, which is recognized as an indispensable biotic ultramicroelement with a wide range of biological action according to modern classification. However, some aspects of the selenium effects on poultry have not been elucidated yet. We have conducted comprehensive research to deepen and expand modern ideas about the biological role of selenium, its impact on the interior and productive qualities of broiler chickens in the post-embryonic period of ontogenesis. One of the tasks was to study the causal relationship between the level of selenium consumption by broiler chickens and the studied indicators. The research was conducted on broiler chickens of the Cobb 500 cross. During the rearing period, the feeding of broiler chickens of all groups was carried out with dry full-fledged mixed feeds following the existing norms. The poultry of the first control group did not receive selenium supplementation. The poultry of the second experimental group was additionally injected with Selenium at the rate of 0.2 mg/kg, the third of 0.3, and the fourth of 0.4 mg/kg. When conducting a correlation analysis of the obtained experimental data, it was found that there are different levels and directions of relationship between internal and economically valuable features included in the study, which may vary depending on the selenium content in mixed feed for broiler chickens. A scheme of modeling the effect of selenium on broiler chickens’ bodies is proposed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (24) ◽  
pp. 13183
Yury V. Zhernov ◽  
Sonya O. Vysochanskaya ◽  
Vitaly A. Sukhov ◽  
Olga K. Zaostrovtseva ◽  
Denis S. Gorshenin ◽  

Food hypersensitivity is a group of diseases arising from a specific immune response that reproduces on exposure to a given food. The current understanding of molecular mechanisms and immunopathology of non-IgE-mediated/mixed food hypersensitivity, e.g., eosinophilic esophagitis, contains many gaps in knowledge. This review aims to provide a modern classification and identify the primary diseases of non-IgE-mediated/mixed food hypersensitivity reactions, delineate the distinctive molecular features, and discuss recent findings in the immunopathology of eosinophilic esophagitis that may become a basis to develop valid biomarkers and novel therapies for this disease. Eosinophilic esophagitis is a recently recognized allergic-mediated disease with eosinophil-predominant esophagus inflammation. Its pathogenesis is a complicated network of interactions and signaling between epithelial, mesenchymal, and immune cells on molecular and intercellular levels. Alterations produced by overactivation of some cytokine signaling pathways, e.g., IL-13 or thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP), were evolved and observed in this review from the viewpoints of molecular, genetic, epigenetic, and transcriptomic changes. Despite substantial experimental data, the reliable and representative mechanism of eosinophilic esophagitis pathogenesis has yet to show itself. So, the place of esophagitis between mixed and non-IgE-mediated allergic disorders and between eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorders currently seems vague and unclear.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 4-21
V. A. Peterkova ◽  
O. B. Bezlepkina ◽  
E. V. Nagaeva ◽  
T. Y. Shiryaeva ◽  
O. A. Chikulaeva ◽  

The thyroiditis in children are urgent problem of pediatric endocrinology due to the widespread occurrence and characterized by clinical and pathogenetic heterogeneity. The developed clinical guidelines are the main working tool of the practitioner. They briefly and structurally present the main information about the epidemiology and modern classification of thyroiditis, methods of their diagnosis and treatment based on the principles of evidence-based medicine.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Dmitrii Sliadovskii ◽  
Tatyana Ponomareva ◽  
Maxim Molchanov ◽  
Irina Pozdnyakova-Filatova ◽  
Maria Timchenko ◽  

AbstractCrustacean hyaluronidases are poorly understood both in terms of their enzymatic properties and in terms of their structural features. In this work, we show that the hepatopancreas homogenate of the red king crab has a hyaluronidase activity that is an order of magnitude higher than its commercial counterpart. Zymography revealed that the molecular weight of a protein with hyalorunidase activity is 40–50 kDa. Analysis of the hepatopancreas transcriptome and results of cloning and sequencing of cDNA revealed a hyaluronidase sequence with an expected molecular weight of 42.5 kDa. Further analysis showed that hyaluronat enzymatic cleavage follows the $$\beta $$ β -elimination mechanism, which is well known for bacterial hyaluronidases. The results of ion-exchange chromatography showed that the final product of hyaluronate degradation is unsaturated tetrasaccharide. Thus, we identified a new hyaluronidase of higher eukaryotes, which is not integrated into the modern classification of hyaluronidases.

2021 ◽  
pp. 266-270
V. V. Makarov ◽  
L. P. Buchatsky

A short report is devoted to the radical changes in the taxonomy of viruses. The metagenomic sequencing has revealed the presence of a vast variety of viruses in diverse environmental samples without any connections with banal parasitism, infectivity, or pathogenicity. The understanding of viruses has expanded beyond the original parasitic–pathogen model, and now virologists recognize the role of viruses in host regulation and the maintenance of natural ecosystems. Co-evolution of the viral and cellular genomes includes mutual horizontal gene transfer and joint development of new biological functions, such as the mechanism of phylogenesis and phylodynamics of coactants. The concepts of the origin of viruses and their relation to the Universal Tree of Life are formulated. In this regard, the International Committee on the Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) changed the previous Code of their classification hierarchy from five ranks to a fifteen-rank one, that emulates a Linnaean framework and accommodates the entire spectrum of genetic divergence in the virosphere. Changes in the rank hierarchy are based on the evolution of the recognition of virus taxa over time, from a traditional phenotype-based characterization process to a multistage process that includes comparative sequence analyses of conserved genes and proteins, including gene phylogeny, gene synteny and shared gene content. The ICTV, that oversees the official classification of viruses and nomenclature of taxa, accepts possible non-hierarchical classifications of viruses beyond taxonomic attribution. The above provisions are illustrated with schemes of chimeric polyphyletic origin of viruses and a new rank structure; the table gives examples of the modern classification of viruses that cause some socially significant infections.

2021 ◽  
Vol 67 (5) ◽  
pp. 67-83
V. A. Peterkova ◽  
O. B. Bezlepkina ◽  
N. V. Bolotova ◽  
E. A. Bogova ◽  
O. V. Vasyukova ◽  

Childhood obesity is an urgent problem of pediatric endocrinology due to the widespread occurrence, the development of metabolic complications and their steady tracking into adulthood. The developed clinical guidelines are the main working tool of the practitioner. They briefly and structurally present the main information about the epidemiology and modern classification of obesity, methods of its diagnosis and treatment based on the principles of evidence-based medicine.

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