mechanical mixture
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Проблема и цель. Целью исследований являлось сравнение эффективности различных рецептур моющих средств для дезинфекции бактерий группы кишечных палочек (БГКП), стафилококков и Pseudomonas aeruginosa с поверхности нержавеющая сталь марки AISI 316. Методология. Для достижения цели в качестве образцов моющих средств заданных рецептур при равных композициях использовались: озонированная питьевая вода, барботированная в течение 5 мин.; 1 %-й водный раствор азотистой кислоты, 1 %-й водный раствор ортофосфорной кислоты, 1 %-й водный раствор щелочи; механическая смесь кальцинированной соды 20-25 % и горчичного порошка 75-80 ; 2,2 %-й и 5,2 %-й водные экстракты горчичного порошка. Экстрагирование горчичного порошка осуществляли в гидромодулях 1:25 и 1:50 при вакууме 0,6 кПа и температуре 56 °C в течение 40 мин. Для заражения образцов пластин из нержавеющей стали бактериями осуществляли предварительное выращивание микрофлоры на питательной среде (МПА – мясопептонный агар) с последующим её добавлением в молоко с содержанием жира 3,4-4,5 % в соответствии с ТУ 9222- 242-00419785-04. Исследуемые образцы пластин подвергались 15-минутной дезинфекции моющим раствором методом распыления ультрамалого объема. Эффективность дезинфекции оценивалась пробами ватно-марлевого смыва стерильного стержня, помещенного в пробирку с питательной средой с последующим анализом по методу МУК 4.2.2942-11. Результаты. Анализ результатов дезинфекции показал, что механическая смесь кальцинированной соды 20-25 % и горчичного порошка 75-80 %; 2,2 %-й и 5,2 %-й водные экстракты горчичного порошка и озонированная питьевая вода обладают одинаковой дезинфекционной эффективностью по сравнению с образцами химических моющих средств, применяемых в молочной промышленности. Заключение. Предложенные образцы моющих средств заданных рецептур природного происхождения позволят отказаться от химических компонентов в моющих и дезинфицирующих растворах, что повысит экологическую безопасность отработанных растворов и снизить стоимость их дальнейшей утилизации. Problem and purpose. The aim of the study was to compare the effectiveness of various formulations of detergents for disinfection of bacteria of the group of E. coli (BCG), staphylococci and Pseudomonas aeruginosa from the surface of stainless steel AISI 316. Methodology. To achieve the goal, the following were used as samples of detergents of specified formulations with equal compositions: ozonized drinking water, bubbled for 5 minutes; 1% aqueous solution of nitrous acid, 1% aqueous solution of phosphoric acid, 1% aqueous solution of alkali; mechanical mixture of soda ash 20-25% and mustard powder 75-80%; 2.2% and 5.2% mustard powder aqueous extracts. The extraction of mustard powder was carried out in hydromodules 1:25 and 1:50 at a vacuum of 0.6 kPa and a temperature of 56 ° C for 40 min. To infect samples of stainless steel plates with bacteria, the microflora was preliminarily grown on a nutrient medium (MPA - mesopatamia agar) with its subsequent addition to milk with a fat content of 3.4 - 4.5% in accordance with TU 9222-242-00419785-04. The test samples of the plates were subjected to 15 minutes of disinfection with a washing solution by the ultra-small volume spraying method. The effectiveness of disinfection was assessed by samples of a cotton-gauze washout of a sterile rod, placed in a test tube with a nutrient medium, followed by analysis according to the MUK 4.2.2942-11 method. Results. Analysis of the results of disinfection showed that the mechanical mixture of soda ash 20-25% and mustard powder 75-80%; 2.2% and 5.2% aqueous extracts of mustard powder and ozonized drinking water have the same disinfection efficiency compared to the samples of chemical detergents used in the dairy industry. Conclusion. The proposed samples of detergents of predetermined formulations of natural origin will make it possible to abandon chemical components in detergents and disinfectants, which will increase the environmental safety of waste solutions and reduce the cost of their further disposal.

2021 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 99-104
Erdenesaikhan Oyunsurtal ◽  
Ulziibaatar Tserendorj

The study is presented the result of the contamination of diesel fuel of tractor which used in agricultural sector. We took the sample from tractor fuel tank when spring’s cultivating and summer and autumn harrowing time, and analyzed the amount of contamination. The samples were taken periodically from tank tractors, autoclaves and warehouses, and the amounts of contamination contained in the fuel were determined by using the tools such as the filter tool /Millipore/, drying oven /202-OAB/, electronic weight /Sartorius BSA223s/, and microscope /Lab-Kits MB-YYS-300/ in accredited fuel and oil laboratory of Techenomics Mongolia LLC. The amount of contamination depended on the refuel to tractor on the field, and the periods of the working in the field. Especially, during the spring’s sowing and summer and autumn tillage, fuel pollution was much more and the geometric size of the mechanical mixture in the fuel was increasing. Монгол орны газар тариалангийн салбарт ашиглагдаж буй тракторын түлшний бохирдлын судалгаа Газар тариалангийн салбарт ажиллаж байгаа тракторын түлшний бохирдлыг тогтоох судалгааны ажлын үр дүнг танилцуулж байна. Хаврын тариалалт болон зун, намар тариалангийн талбайд уриншийн боловсруулалт хийх үед тракторын түлшний бакнаас дээж авч, бохирдлын хэмжээг лабораторийн шинжилгээгээр тогтоов. Талбайд ажиллаж байгаа тракторуудаас түлшний дээжийг тогтсон арга зүйн дагуу зориулалтын вакуум соруулаар авсан бөгөөд “Текеномикс Монгол” ХХК-ий түлш тосны итгэмжлэгдсэн лабораторит шүүгч багаж /Millipore/, хатаах шүүгээ /202-OAB Drying Oven/, электрон жин /Sartorius BSA223s/, микроскоп /Lab-Kits MB-YYS-300/ зэрэг багажуудыг ашиглан бохирдлын хэмжээг тодорхойлов. Лабораторийн шинжилгээний дүнгээс үзэхэд түлшний бохирдлын хэмжээнд тракторын гүйцэтгэх ажлын төрөл, түүний талбайд ажиллах хугацаа нөлөөлж байна. Ялангуяа хаврын тариалалт, намар талбайн уриншийн боловсруулалт хийх үед түлшний бохирдол их, түлшинд байгаа механик хольцын геометр хэмжээ томорч байна.  Түлхүүр үг: Дизель түлш, түлшний дээж, орчны тоосжилт, түлшний бохирдол

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 92-97
A. I. Varlamova ◽  
I. A. Arkhipov ◽  
K. M. Sadov ◽  
S. S. Khalikov ◽  
M. V. Arisov ◽  

The purpose of the research is to study the efficacy of solid dispersion of fenbendazole (SDF) against nematodoses of young cattle.Materials and methods. The study of SDF, obtained by mechanochemical processing of fenbendazole substance with polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) polymer, was carried out on 126 young cattle naturally infected with nematodiroses and other gastrointestinal strongylatoses. The animals were divided into 6 experimental groups of 10–11 animals each and SDF was administered once orally at doses of 2.0; 3.0 and 4.0 mg/kg of active substance (a.s.) (I-III groups) in comparison with the mechanical mixture of fenbendazole (FBZ) and PVP in a ratio of 1:9 (IV group) and substance FBZ at a dose of 3.0 mg/kg (group V) against each helminthosis. The control group of animals did not receive the drugs. Anthelmintic efficacy was evaluated in the "control test" based on the data of ovoscopic examination of feces of young cattle by flotation method before and 17 days after drugs administration.Results and discussion. SDF with PVP at a dose of 2.0; 3.0 and 4.0 mg/kg of a.s. in the form of a 10% powder showed respectively 88.4; 97.3 and 100% efficiency at nematodiroses and 89.2; 98.4 and 99.5 % activity against other types of gastrointestinal strongylates upon obtaining 32.3 and 32.4 % effect of the mechanical mixture of FBZ with PVP and 29.7 and 27.4% efficiency of the base preparation at a dose of 3.0 mg/kg. SDF showed 88.4; 97.3 and 100% of efficacy at doses of 2.0; 3.0 and 4.0 mg/kg of a.s., respectively, against nematodiroses and 89.2; 98.4 and 99.5% against other gastrointestinal strongylatoses in the form of 10% powder. It should be noted that mechanical mixture of PBZ with PVP showed 32.3 and 32.4% efficacy and the efficacy of the basic drug was 29.7 and 27.4% at a dose of 3.0 mg/kg against each helminthosis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 405 ◽  
pp. 126945
Atte Aho ◽  
Simon Engblom ◽  
Kari Eränen ◽  
Vincenzo Russo ◽  
Päivi Mäki-Arvela ◽  

Ilia A. Pankin ◽  
Houeida Issa Hamoud ◽  
Kirill A. Lomachenko ◽  
Søren Birk Rasmussen ◽  
Andrea Martini ◽  

Cu-SAPO-34 (Cu-CZC) and Fe-mordenite (Fe-MOR) and their mechanical mixture (50 : 50) have been exhaustively investigated by means of operando X-ray absorption spectroscopy under NH3-SCR conditions.

2021 ◽  
pp. 574-576
E.V. Yurchenko ◽  
O.E. Yurchenko

It is shown that a new type of electrode is obtained during the process of electrospark doping of the aluminum alloy surfaces, the microstructure of which is a mechanical mixture consisting of grains of high-melting component surrounded by a thin grid of low-melting component, which makes it possible to obtain micro- and nanowires made of low-melting component in the coating and leads to a significant improvement of the wear resistance of the coating. If the specified proportions of the components of the electrode are changed, micro- and nanowires will not be formed in the coating.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 31-38
А.P. Surzhikov ◽  

In this article features of physicochemical processes initiated by the low-energy electron flow between the components of the target based on nitrates of metals and metals, their influence on the kinetics of the formation of volatile products, the chemical composition and structure of the deposited coatings are established. When electrons act on a mixture of aluminum nitrate and dispersed aluminum, zinc oxide coatings containing zinc nanorods are formed. The impact of the electron flow on a mechanical mixture of powders of iron nitrate and dispersed aluminum is accompanied by explosive evaporation of the target, and a large number of microdroplet formations deposited at the final stage of exothermic reactions in the surface layers of the target are fixed on the surface of the coating containing oxides and metal nanoparticles. The features of the structure and chemical composition of coatings deposited from the volatile products of electron beam dispersion of a mechanical mixture of polytetrafluoroethylene, iron nitrate, and aluminum are determined. It is shown that under such conditions of generation of the gas phase, coatings are formed consisting of a polymer matrix and containing particles of oxide, a free metal, and a certain amount of the initial undecomposed salt. The result of exothermic reactions in the crucible is partial defluorination and increased defectiveness of the molecular structure of the fluoroplastic matrix.

2020 ◽  
Vol 63 (8) ◽  
pp. 80-85
Alexey P. Belyaev ◽  
Dmitry A. Mokhorov ◽  
Vladimir V. Antipov ◽  

The effect temperature has on the composition of a vapor phase passed through a thermal field after the evaporation of a mechanical mixture of the powders of cadmium and zinc selenotelluride is studied. It is found that the composition of the vapor phase can be changed throughout the range of concentrations by varying the temperature. The results of the study are satisfactorily explained by the effect temperature has on the particle distribution function in correspondence to the weights of the molecules constituting the mixture. There were virtually no molecules of the evaporated substance in the vapor phase, which consisted of diatomic molecules of the elements of Group VX compounds and metal atoms. This means that with the evaporation of mechanical mixtures of CdTe and CdSe powders, the vapor phase in the evaporator contains only Cd, Se2, and Te2 molecules, while mixtures of ZnTe and ZnSe powders contain Zn, Se2 and Te2 molecules. Despite the similarity between the components’ heats of sublimation, their concentrations over the powdermixture did not correspond to the composition of the powder mixture, since compounds A2B6 sublimate incongruently. Coming from the evaporator, the vapor phase entered the thermal field and was condensed onto a substrate at room temperature at its outlet. As follows from the composition of the substrate films, the vapor phase at the outlet was enriched with the light component Se, compared to the powder mixture. By virtue of the law of the conservation of mass, the vapor phase was therefore enriched with the heavy component Te at the inlet to the thermal field. Our results show that the thermal field controls the composition of the vapor phase by changing the particle distribution function according to the weight of the molecules constituting the mixture. The temperature dependences of the composition of the vapor phase are presented for several mechanical mixtures of the powders of (CdSe)x (CdTe)1-x and (ZnSe)x (ZnTe)1-x, where x = 0.45-0.90.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 717-725
Elisa Carignani ◽  
Marco Geppi ◽  
Marco Lovati ◽  
Eric de Combarieu ◽  
Silvia Borsacchi

Abstract Leaves extract of Ginkgo biloba, known in China since the most ancient times, has been widely used in the area of senile dementia thanks to its improving effects on cognitive function. A promising formulation of this botanical ingredient consists in a Ginkgo biloba-soy-lecithin-phosphatidylserine association obtained by the Phytosome® process. The precise assessment of the mixing degree between Ginkgo biloba and soy-lecithin-phosphatidylserine in this formulation is an important piece of information for understanding the reasons of its final performances. To this aim in the present study we carried out for the first time a Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance investigation on Ginkgo biloba-soy-lecithin-phosphatidylserine association, on its constituents and on a mechanical mixture. The analysis of different observables highlighted a very intimate mixing (domains of single components not larger than 60 nm) of Ginkgo biloba and soy-lecithin-phosphatidylserine in their association obtained by Phytosome® process, together with a slight modification of their molecular dynamics, not observed in the case of the mechanical mixture.

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