melted material
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Youngjin Seo ◽  
Dongkyoung Lee ◽  
Sukhoon Pyo

AbstractLaser cutting of intrusive rocks, including granite, gabbro, and diorite, is carried out in order to assess the cut characteristics through geometrical measurements, such as kerf width, melting width, and penetration depth. The absorption rate for each specimen at the wavelength of 1064 nm is measured using a spectrophotometer. A multimode fiber laser is used in this study with the power of 9 kW and different cutting speeds. Furthermore, nitrogen gas at 13 bar is applied as the assistant gas in order to remove the melted material effectively. As a result of the experiment, the relationship between the cutting speed and geometrical measurements is investigated. Furthermore, variations of penetration depth are performed in accordance with the number of laser cuts. In addition, through energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) element mapping, minerals that comprise the rocks are classified and characterized. Subsequently, the changes in the microstructure and chemical composition of each specimen, before and after laser cutting, are compared using scanning electron microscope (SEM) and EDX analyses. Experimental results demonstrate that the cutting characteristics vary, depending on the types of minerals that make up the rock. Based on a series of tests, it is identified that volume energy of more than 3.06E + 13 $$\mathrm{J}/{\mathrm{m}}^{3}$$ J / m 3 is required to fully cut intrusive rocks that have a thickness of 25 mm.

Metals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 2026
John V. Amiaga ◽  
Alejandro Ramos-Velazquez ◽  
Sergey G. Gorny ◽  
Svetlana A. Vologzhanina ◽  
Alexandre Michtchenko

An effective strategy to produce grooves on carbon steel substrates by nanosecond laser radiation is proposed. The aim is to increase the productivity of grooves creation. In this study, two different modes of laser treatment are compared. The first mode focuses on the evaporation of material, while the second focuses on the formation of melted material and its removal by the action of pressure vapors produced by evaporated material. Within some ranges of processing parameters, the shape of the groove can be linearly controlled. The dependence of the groove depth also has a logarithmic nature when the number of passes is increased. Using the liquid phase mode in some ranges of parameters can reduce the amount of evaporated material in comparison with standard techniques in which the material is removed in the form of gas, and fine dust is emitted.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 485-498
B. V. Lunev ◽  
V. V. Lapkovsky

We propose a model of decompression melting, separation, migration and freezing of the melt in the upper mantle during the convective instability process. The model takes into account differences between phase diagrams of the melt and the matrix and the resultant features of the melt’s behavior, without calculating reaction rates in a multicomponent medium. It is constructed under an explicit concept of the local thermodynamic equilibrium of the existing phases. Therefore, we further develop the first approximation of the descriptions of convection in the upper mantle and the formation of large epicontinental sedimentary basins, which have been presented in earlier publications. Our computational experiments show that primary melting of the upper mantle’s fertile material occurs intensively in a narrow frontal part of the ascending hot material flow. Then, the depleted and partially melted material rises farther upward from the front of primary melting. Melting of the depleted material continues at lower pressures in a rather wide range of depths (120–77 km). Further, the migrating melt is supplied by two sources, i.e. a deep-seated one, wherein the fertile material melts, and the medium-depth one, wherein melting of the depleted material takes place. Once the temperature and pressure rates of the melt reach the values corresponding to those of its solidus, a narrow freezing front is formed. Its width is almost similar to the primary melting front. As the ascending convective flow develops, the freezing front shifts upward. As a result, a quite thick (around 40–50 km) basalt-saturated layer occurs above the freezing front. An important observation in our modeling experiments is that, despite a considerably large total volume of the melted material, a one-time melt content in the mantle does not exceed tenths of one percent, when we consider averaging to volumes with a linear size of about 1.0 km. The basalt melt extraction depletes iron in the mantle and significantly reduces the mantle density. Considering the calculated basalt-depletion values for the matrix at 0.1–0.2, the density deficit doubles in comparison to the thermal expansion of the material. Logically, both the Rayleigh number and the intensity of convection also double (and this is confirmed by the calculations), which means that convection is enhanced after the melting start.Testing of the model shows that it gives a reasonable picture that is consistent with the available geological and geophysical data on the structure of the lithosphere underneath the currently developing epicontinental sedimentary basins. Furthermore, within the limits of its detail, this model is consistent with the results of modeling experiments focused on melting and melting dynamics, which are based on calculations of reactions between components of the mantle material.

2020 ◽  
Vol 75 (5) ◽  
pp. 113-127
Simon Kleiner ◽  
Josef Zürcher ◽  
Otmar Bauer ◽  
Patrick Margraf

Abstract The age-hardenable cast alloy AlSi10Mg is the most widely used alloy for additive manufacturing of aluminium components by means of selective laser melting. Due to the rapid solidification, the material exhibits a fine cellular microstructure, composed of a supersaturated Al-matrix and a network of silicon along the cell boundaries. The temperature of the building platform as well as the built time both have an influence on the level of precipitation in the material and this in turn affects the heat treatment response of AlSi10Mg in as-built condition. Material built on a cold platform can be strengthened by direct artificial ageing and shows only a small loss in strength after a stress relief heat treatment. Material built on a preheated platform has the highest strength in as-built condition and subsequent artificial ageing or stress relieving causes softening of the material. A condition which is truly independent of the platform temperature can only be reached by applying a solution heat treatment followed by quenching. Unlike castings, which need a long-term solution heat treatment to reach optimum mechanical properties, the selectively laser melted material shows the best mechanical properties in T6-condition after a solution heat treatment of short duration

2020 ◽  
Vol 178 (1) ◽  
pp. jgs2020-056
G. R. Osinski ◽  
L. Ferrière ◽  
P. J. A. Hill ◽  
A. R. Prave ◽  
L. J. Preston ◽  

The origin of the Stac Fada Member has been debated for decades with several early hypotheses being proposed, but all invoking some connection to volcanic activity. In 2008, the discovery of shocked quartz led to the hypothesis that the Stac Fada Member represents part the continuous ejecta blanket of a meteorite impact crater, the location of which was, and remains, unknown. In this paper, we confirm the presence of shock-metamorphosed and -melted material in the Stac Fada Member; however, we also show that its properties are unlike any other confirmed and well documented proximal impact ejecta deposits on Earth. Instead, the properties of the Stac Fada Member are most similar to the Onaping Formation of the Sudbury impact structure (Canada) and impact melt-bearing breccias from the Chicxulub impact structure (Mexico). We thus propose that, like the Sudbury and Chicxulub deposits, Melt Fuel Coolant Interactions – akin to what occur during phreatomagmatic volcanic eruptions – played a fundamental role in the origin of the Stac Fada Member. We conclude that these rocks are not primary impact ejecta but instead were deposited beyond the extent of the continuous ejecta blanket as high-energy ground-hugging sediment gravity flows.

2020 ◽  
Vol 62 (6) ◽  
pp. 880
M. Sharma ◽  
P. Kumar ◽  
А.В. Иржак ◽  
S. Kumar ◽  
R. Pratap ◽  

Abstract Chromium films with a thickness of 10–40 nm deposited onto silicon substrates by magnetron sputtering are subjected to the action of electric current induced by the tip of an atomic force microscope (AFM) cantilever in air under regular environmental conditions. The melting process at the nanoscale, electric field-induced migration of material, and the chemical reaction of chromium oxidation that occur in melt craters formed around the region affected by the current are investigated using optical and scanning electron microscopies, AFM, and Raman spectroscopy. The flow of melted material induced by electric current is accompanied by the formation and motion of an array of spherical nanoparticles in the melt crater along its periphery. We propose that the formation of nanodrop array at relatively low current densities can be explained by the chromium oxidation reaction and the surface tension of melted material on the silicon substrate.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-22
Sorin Cristian Albu ◽  
Emil NuȚiu

Abstract The purpose of the paper is to design an extruder to ensure continuous flow of material and retraction of the melted material into the extruder of the printers operating with pellets ABS, PLA or other materials used. The way in which 3D printers work differs from that of plastic injection machines by the fact that for the execution of a piece it is necessary for the extruder to position itself at different points of the surface without depositing the material. If it does not stop the flow of material during the repositioning move, then the executed piece will be compromised. Designed pieces were designed with the help of the Inventor Software and it was determined experimentally whether the extruder is working. It was found that the original design did not fully meet the requirements of the coat-coat process, which is why rethinking of the extruder’s operation and modifications to ensure retraction of the material is necessary.

2018 ◽  
Vol 941 ◽  
pp. 1264-1269
Stefan Drawin ◽  
Virgil Malard ◽  
Anne Denquin ◽  
Jean Philippe Monchoux ◽  
Alain Couret

This work investigates the evolution of the microstructure of an Nb-23Ti-20Si (at.%) based alloy, from the primary plasma-melted material that is gas-atomized towards the consolidated material (here using SPS). The nature, morphology and size of the solid solution and the various silicides are followed by SEM, EDS and EBSD. Homogenous and fine microstructures are obtained after the SPS step and are improved by a subsequent heat treatment (1500°C, 100 h). However blocky silicides, already present in the powder particles, cannot be eliminated. A better control of the primary material’s microstructure would improve the microstructure of the final material.

2018 ◽  
Vol 196 ◽  
pp. 04014
Natalia Chumachenko ◽  
Vladimir Turnikov ◽  
Vladimir Kuzmin

Low-melting polymineral clays are widely used in building ceramics production. The properties of ceramic products depend on many factors. The paper describes properties of low-melting clay from Belebey deposit, Bashkiria. Using mathematical statistics methods, researchers make statistical analysis of grain size composition of clay raw material on Belebey brick factory and also analyze amount of sand additives and mixing moisture content. The study of general and technological properties of clay raw materials, and materials obtained from this raw material, was carried out in accordance with existing regulations using chemical, differential-thermal and non-standard methods. According to chemical analysis, non-standard assessment of clay raw materials was carried out by means of computer program "Assessment", developed at the Department of Building Materials Production and Engineering Structures. The method of calculating quantity and composition of melted material, formed in ceramic masses during firing, using known diagrams of aluminosilicate systems state is used. The assessment made it possible to determine maximum firing temperature and firing range and additives improving clinker formation. The studies show that calculation indicators are consistent with experimental data. They can be used for quick assessment of raw materials properties when changing its composition, and in adjustment of technological parameters of production.

2018 ◽  
Vol 157 ◽  
pp. 06001
Juraj Beniak ◽  
Peter Križan ◽  
Miloš Matúš ◽  
Michal Šajgalík

In the present time there are many different plastic materials and composite materials suitable for 3D printing by deposition of semi-melted material. The proper selection of correct material with suitable material properties is dependent on the situation how the produced 3D model should be used. If we need to take into account just the visual look of used material or also the mechanical properties as strength is important for loaded models for final use. The aim of this paper is to publish outputs of experimental testing for 3D models from selected materials with regards to mechanical properties of produced testing parts. Produced 3D models are from PLA biodegradable thermoplastic. Models are prepared on Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) 3D printer. Testing is based on prepared full factors experiment with four factors on its two levels. Measured values are Tensile strength of PLA testing 3D models. In the same time there are gathered information regarding the 3D printing process and compared to measured tensile strength values for each sent of testing parts. All the measured data are statistically evaluated also by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA method).

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