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Published By UPT Penerbitan Universitas Jember

2747-2264, 2746-4628

Jurnal KIRANA ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Nikolas Dwi Setio Aji ◽  
Djoko Soejono

Forest management carried out by the Panti District community in collaboration with Perhutani is regulated through an agroforestrybased Social Forestry program. This study focuses on the role and contribution of stakeholders to the agroforestry program, the household income of agroforestry farmers and the contribution of the household income of agroforestry and non-agroforestry farmers. The research method uses analytical descriptive. The sampling method used purposive sampling and incidental sampling. The data collection method used primary and secondary data. The data analysis tool uses quantitative description, income analysis and analysis of household income contribution of agroforestry farmers. The results showed that: (1) LMDH Rengganis acts as a policy creator, coordinator, facilitator, and implementer. Perhutani has a role as coordinator, facilitator and accelerator. KLHK acts as a policy creator. SDInpres and Bank BRI have a role as a facilitator. Community Empowerment Team (TPM) as facilitator and accelerator. Cabang Dinas Kehutanan (CDK) Wilayah Jember as facilitator, coordinator and accelerator. Village government as coordinator; (2) The average income of agroforestry is Rp. 24,673,333/year and is classified as profitable; (3) The contribution of agroforestry to LMDH Rengganis farmers in Pakis Village, Panti Subdistrict is categorized as high with a percentage of 84%.. Keywords: Social forestry, agroforestry, stakeholders, role, and agroforestry income

Jurnal KIRANA ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 54
Shalma Alifia Rosyida ◽  
Budi Sawitri ◽  
Dwi Purnomo

This study aims to analyse the relationship between farmers characteristics and the level of adoption innovation in making bokashi fertilizer from cow waste in Cukurgondang village Grati subdistict Pasuruan regency. This study was conducted in Cukurgondang village Grati subdistict Pasuruan regency. The study’s method using survey methods with quantitative descriptive data analysis. Sample determination according Arikunto (2012) that samples are 25% from population. Determination of sample use Simple Random Sampling technique and sampling of this study are 49 people. Independent variable is farmer’s characteristics (include age, formal education, nonformal education, experience, land area and income) and the dependent variable is the adoption innovation in making bokashi fertilizer from cow waste. Data analysis using Spearman Rank correlation test to determine the relationship between farmers characteristics and the level of farmers adoption in making bokashi fertilizer from cow waste. The result showed that the level of adoption innovation in making bokashi fertilizer from cow waste in Cukurgondang village Grati subdistict Pasuruan regency is low. Farmers characteristics which have significant related to the adoption in making bokashi fertilizer from cow waste are age, formal education, nonformal education and experience. Keywords: Adoption, Inovation, Farmer characteristics, Bokashi fertilizer

Jurnal KIRANA ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 42
Aulia Syifa Abdillah ◽  
Diah Puspaningrum

This study aims to determine gender roles and gender relations in the family of female farm workers in the Mulyo Asri women's planting team in Pontang Village, Ambulu Sub-district, Jember District. The theory used in the research uses the theory of Gender. This study used a qualitative approach, with the method of determining informants using purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques in this study by means of in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation study. Methods of data analysis in this study using the analysis method of Harvard and Miles and Huberman. The data validity test used technical triangulation and source triangulation testing techniques. The results of this study are the division of labor in the family of female farm workers, which includes productive activities, reproductive activities, and social activities. From an emic perspective, the participation of a wife in work is something that is normal and often happens. From an ethical perspective, there is a gender issue, namely the existence of a heavier workload experienced by the wife. The relationship that exists in the family of female farm workers is in the form of access to control over resources and benefits carried out by the family of female farm workers in Pontang Village, Ambulu Sub-district, Jember District. Keywords: Gender Roles, Gender Relations, Farm Workers, Family

Jurnal KIRANA ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
Chindy Feliyana ◽  
Jabal Tarik Ibrahim ◽  
Gumoyo Mumpuni Ningsih

Forest management carried out by the Panti District community in The performance of agricultural extension workers is starting to be felt by farmers, but in terms of farmers' perceptions of the performance of agricultural extension workers which are considered less than optimal because in the implementation of the extension there are obstacles such as differences in schedules between agricultural extension workers and farmer groups, many group members do not participate in extension activities. this. Regarding these obstacles, it is necessary to conduct a more in-depth study of farmers' perceptions of the performance of agricultural extension workers in Torongrejo Village, Junrejo District, Batu City. This study aims to analyze farmers' perceptions and the factors that influence farmers' perceptions of the performance of agricultural extension workers in Torongrejo Village, Junrejo District, Batu City. The technique of determining respondents in this study was simple random sampling. The number of respondents as many as 50 people is calculated based on the slovin formula. Data were collected by means of observation, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. The analytical method used is Multiple Linear Regression with the help of SPSS (Software Program for Social Science) software. ). The ordinal scale data is converted to an interval scale with MSI (Methode of Successive Interval). Before the multiple linear regression analysis was tested, the classical assumption test, normality test, heteroscedasticity test and multicollinearity test were carried out. Based on the results of the analysis of the level of perception of farmers on the performance of the instructor as an initiator of 76%, as a motivator by 78%, as an educator by 78%, as a communicator by 79% and as a facilitator by 75% so that it can be said that the role that has been carried out by agricultural extension workers is categorized as good. The performance of agricultural instructors as initiators, motivators, educators, communicators and facilitators significantly influences the level of farmers' perceptions of the performance of agricultural extension workers. Keywords : Perception, Farmer, Performance, Extension

Jurnal KIRANA ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 31
Fuzi Ridwan Firdaus ◽  
Unang Yunasaf ◽  
Syahirul Alim

The purposes of this research were to find out the role of KPBS Pangalengan in the empowerment of dairy farmers, the empowerment of dairy farmers in TPK Cipanas, and corelation between the role of KPBS Pangalengan with the empowerment of dairy farmers in TPK Cipanas. The research method was survey with questionnaires to 30 dairy farmers. The data obtained was analyzed by spearman rank analysis. The results showed that the role of cooperatives in the empowerment of dairy farmers was in the high category (63.33%), farmer empowerment in medium category (56.67%), and the correlation between the role of KPBS Pangalengan with the empowerment of dairy farmers in TPK Cipanas showed a positive relation with rs = 0.642. Keywords: Role of KPBS Pangalengan, Farmer Empowerment, Dairy Cows

Jurnal KIRANA ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 105
Charistandi Firmana ◽  
Lenny Widjayanthi

of the Republic of Indonesia and is located in Jember Regency. Meru Betiri National Park (TNMB) is a conservation area that functions as a life support system which also acts as a means of supporting research, knowledge and education as well as supporting agricultural cultivation, recreation, and tourism and is directly adjacent to the village of Wonoasri, which is the fostered village of the Park. Meru Betiri National. Wonoasri Village was appointed as TNMB's target village because of its location which is one of the supporting villages for the conservation area. This study to study (1) the reasons why farmers participated in the land rehabilitstion program for rehabilitation land in the meru betiri area in Wonoasri Village, Tempurejo District, Jember Regency, (2) the participation process that occurred in the land rehabilitation program for the Meru Betiri area in Wonoasri Village, Tempurejo District, Jember Regency. The determination of the research area was carried out deliberately (purposive method). The research used qualitative method.  research area used was Wonoasri Village, Tempurejo District, Jember Regency. The method of determining information in research that uses done purposively is selected with certain considerations and goals. The results showed that: (1) rehab farmers participate in the rehabilitation program for rehab land to conserve forests again, (2) Rehab farmers are directly involved in the planning process to evaluate economic benefits.  Keywords: Taman Nasional Meru Betiri, Wonoasri, Land Rehabilitation

Jurnal KIRANA ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 83
Ahmad Rofii ◽  
Evita Soliha Hani

Rubber tapping workers are piece workers in which these workers receive wages based on the volume of work or units of work. One of the plantation companies managed by BUMN is PTPN XII. One of the gardens that was the highest revenue contributor for the company was the PTPN XII Banjarsari Garden in Bangsalsari District, Jember Regency. The problem that often arises in piece workers such as rubber tapping workers is the problem of wages. The productivity of the rubber tapping workers affects the wages earned by the rubber tapping workers. Research at the Banjarsari Plantation of PTPN XII, aims to determine: (1) The work motivation of PTPN XII's Banjarsari rubber tapping laborers, (2) The work productivity of PTPN XII's Banjarsari rubber tapping workers in, (3) The relationship between work motivation and work productivity of rubber tapping laborers in the Banjarsari Plantation of PTPN XII. The results of the analysis show that: (1) The level of work motivation of rubber tapping workers at Banjarsari Plantation PTPN XII is high, (2) The productivity level of rubber tapping workers at Banjarsari Plantation PTPN XII is high, (3) There is a significant and unidirectional relationship between motivation. and labor productivity of rubber tapping at PTPN XII's Banjarsari Plantation. Keywords: Rubber Tapping, Motivation, Productivity, Relationship between work motivation and work productivity

Jurnal KIRANA ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 92
Nadira Tri Hapsari ◽  
Rokhani Rokhani

This purpose of this researchis to analyza social capital based on networks, norms and trust as in the Santuso II Forest Farmers Group in cardamom development. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method. Data collection methods used are observation, interview and documentation. The key informants were the head of the group, and the supporting informants were members of farmer groups, forestry extension agents, Sumberpakem Village secretaries and Chair of the International Association of Students in Agriculture and Related Sciences at the University of Jember. Data analysis used the Miles and Huberman method with 4 stages, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results showed that networking occurs between personal, personal networks with institutions and institutional networks with institutions. The elements of norms consist of written norms and unwritten norms and beliefs that appear in the Santuso II Forest Farmer Group based on the relationship between members of the farmer group and institutions that work together with the hope that cardamom development can be positive and the existence of social interactions that enable hopes to be realized such as obligations and joint responsibility. Keywords: network, charamon, social capital, norms, trust

Jurnal KIRANA ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 74
Indra Dwi Susanto ◽  
Mohammad Rondhi

Dragon fruit is a type of cactus plant that is cultivated in Indonesia and is included in an annual plant because it can only bear fruit during the rainy season. One of the largest dragon fruit producing areas in Indonesia is located in Banyuwangi Regency, East Java. Bulurejo Village is the area that uses the most innovation in lighting lighting. The use of innovative light irradiation is able to develop dragon fruit plants so that dragon fruit plants can bear fruit outside the season. Research in Bulurejo Village, Purwoharjo District, Banyuwangi Regency aims: (1) To determine farming with the use of light illumination innovation in Bulurejo Village, Purwoharjo District, Banyuwangi Regency, (2) To determine the effect of innovative lighting effects on dragon fruit farming in Bulurejo Village, Purwoharjo District, Banyuwangi Regency . The determination of the research area was done purposively (purposive method). The research area used is Bulurejo Village, Purwoharjo District, Banyuwangi Regency. The sampling method in this study uses the determination of key informants using purposive sampling technique, which is selected with certain considerations and goals. The results showed that: (1) The existence of innovative lighting on dragon fruit plants in Bulurejo Village was well received by farmers and the community. The use of innovation in Bulurejo Village is able to increase the productivity of dragon fruit farmers to the maximum, (2) The effect of using light irradiation innovation on dragon fruit plants is very good for farmers economically as well as socially and culturally in the community. The increasing economic condition of dragon fruit farmers with large incomes has been able to increase the standard of living of farmers who were initially normal to become successful dragon fruit farmers. The social and cultural conditions of the community are also getting more harmonious after the innovation of lighting the lights. Keywords: Dragon Fruit, Bulurejo Farmer, Lightning Innovation, Social Effect

Jurnal KIRANA ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 12
Lenny Widjayanthi ◽  
Yeni Anggun Widayanti

Grouper fish is a type of reef fish that is exported as a commodity to various countries such as Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore and China. Grouper fish can be cultivated using floating net cages and have a high selling price (high profit) but also have a high risk (high risk), thus affecting the market and the number of grouper aquaculture. The purpose of this research is to determine the socioeconomic impact of the use of floating net on grouper farmers. The determination of the research area was carried out deliberately in Situbondo Regency. The study was conducted with a qualitative approach. Data collection is done by observation and depth interview. The informants of the research were determined intentionally, namely grouper fish farmers who do aquaculture with floating net cages. The data analysis method uses Milles and Huberman. The results showed that the use of floating nets for grouper culture had social and economic impacts. The social impact on grouper farmers is the formation of grouper farmers, thus creating a social network in the form of interaction between farmers; construction of supporting facilities for the development of aquaculture businesses but also raises social prejudices between farmers because of frequent theft of fish in floating nets. While the economic impact is based on increasing grouper production which has a direct impact on the income of grouper farmers. Keywords : Floating net, grouper fish farmers, socio-economic impacts

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