Scientific Notes of V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University. Sociology. Pedagogy. Psychology
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Published By V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University


N. V. Apatova ◽  
A. I. Gaponov

In the modern pedagogical literature a large number of works are devoted to the issue of evaluating students mastered knowledge. Ensuring the quality of diagnostics of the level of knowledge acquisition by students of educational organizations is based on an adequate, reasonable, acceptable and accessible mathematical apparatus. The adequacy and validity of the mathematical apparatus allows you to significantly reduce the influence of the subjective factor on the assessment of knowledge acquisition and minimize objections to its application. On the other hand, acceptability makes it possible to use a specific situation under consideration as a diagnosis, taking into account only its inherent nuances. Accessibility also means the ability to use the proposed mathematical algorithm by teachers who have the necessary minimum of elements of the proposed mathematical apparatus. The article considers the possibility of determining the level of development of the studied topic by students on the basis of five factors of knowledge acquisition: 1. Understanding; 2. Recognition; 3.Reproduction; 4. Application; 5. Creativity. In this case, the calculations are performed by using a simplified method of hierarchy analysis and fuzzy set theory in order to reduce the subjectivity inherent in the rating system of evaluation, the use of elements of the hierarchy analysis method and fuzzy logic is proposed. The fuzzy set theory algorithm is implemented using the fuzzy Logic Toolbox application package of the MATLAB software environment. Using the method of hierarchy analysis is to aggregate scores based on the application of a matrix of paired comparisons. The synthesis of these methods allows us to obtain a fairly effective comparative assessment of students development of educational material. On the basis of the considered methodology for evaluating students assimilation of educational material, it is suggested that it is possible to reduce the influence of a subjective factor to a minimum.

V. D. Shinkarenko

The formation of relations in society between different social groups is greatly influenced by various ideas aimed at building a more just society. Social relations permeate the entire society from the very bottom to the top, and changes in these relations lead to changes in social institutions. Feudalism in its depths gave birth to capitalism, and capitalism in turn gave birth to communism and socialism. This is dialectics. Feudalism and capitalism co-existed as systems of social relations for quite a short time. Capitalism and socialism lasted even less, and this existence ended with the collapse of socialism, not as an ideology at all, but as a system at this historical stage of the world’s development. There is no point in talking about the loss of socialism. The ideas of socialism, taking into account the mistakes made earlier, will regain state power in the near future. The victory of liberal capitalism, which gave rise to bold expectations about the «end of history» led the world not to prosperity, but to a sharp aggravation of all existing contradictions and to the understanding that capitalism, like socialism before it, has exhausted all its development resources and can no longer offer anything new. Co-existing with socialism, capitalism has undergone significant changes and, forced to be influenced by «left-wing» ideas, has been strongly transformed in order to survive in the competitive struggle. In our country, «left-wing» ideas are subjected to unfair criticism and therefore their influence on the development of public relations is not studied. To avoid mistakes in the future development of the country, it is necessary to study the impact of these ideas, because they have an impact.

A. E. Starchenko ◽  
M. V. Semina

Social networks have emerged relatively recently in human life, but have already become an integral part of it. Companies tell about themselves, their activities, innovations, promotions and events in their profiles. This helps increase audience coverage, tell more about your brand, products, services. People in personal accounts have the opportunity to share their lives and creativity through photos, videos and texts. Now it is not necessary to receive higher education to become an operator, director or actor whose talent is recognized by society. It is enough to start a page on the social network and start sharing your knowledge and creativity. To find out why people post photos, videos and write texts on their social networks, a pilot sociological study was carried out. The method of deep interview with active users of social networks was chosen to carry out the study. The interview allowed getting unique information, to learn the opinion of users about social networks, the impact of the new way of communication on their life, to identify the reasons why users start and maintain profiles. The respondents were 20 users of social networks between the ages of 19 and 22. Interviewees have profiles on the most popular Instagram and Vkontakte networks. As a result of the analysis of the interview, a tendency was revealed to differ in the perception of users of their actions on the social network and similar actions of other users. Their content is perceived by them as opportunities to be in sight, as a resource to form their social status and an element of influence on their reference group. And the same content published by others is perceived as boasting.

E. O. Novikova ◽  
I. N. Vlasova

Modern society has features such as rapidly changing conditions and a large amount of information. In this regard, each person should be able to realize and formulate a problem in a short time, study new information, determine the purpose of the activity and the necessary actions to achieve it, evaluate the result and, if necessary, return to the intended actions and make adjustments. The formation of these skills does not occur spontaneously. In this regard, the federal state educational standard of general education includes a new group of educational results – meta-subject [1, 2]. Therefore, each educational institution should ensure a phased, purposeful development of the declared groups of skills (regulatory, communicative and cognitive) at each level of education. The above skills are included in the group of design skills and are fixed in the program for the development of universal educational activities. In the approximate main educational program of basic general education, it is determined that the protection of an individual project is considered as the main procedure for diagnosing the metomaterial outcomes being sluggish. Therefore, of particular importance when working with students are design forms and methods of work [3]. There are many scientific works devoted to the use of the project method in education, in which various approaches to the definition of the educational project, types of projects, and stages of their implementation are considered. However, not enough attention was paid to the problem of the systemic formation of project skills, in this regard, based on an analysis of the interdisciplinary programs “Fundamentals of Project and Research Activities”, psychological and pedagogical literature, we came to the conclusion that it is necessary to highlight the necessary stages of the formation of project skills. During the study, three necessary stages of the formation of design skills were distinguished, which differ not only in the depth of development of the corresponding skills, but also in the expediency of using certain means due to the age characteristics of students. So for students in grades 5-7 it is recommended to use design tasks, which are considered as a prototype of design activity. Students of grades 7-8 are offered group projects, and in the ninth grade, it is necessary to switch to individual projects. Based on the age characteristics of schoolchildren for fifth graders, it is advisable to continue the elementary school line – solving project tasks, but not offering students an ordered system of tasks, but an unordered set when children have to build their own “strategy” for solving the problem [12, 15]. Therefore, at the first stage in a primary school in grades 5-6, it is advisable to leave the project task as a means of developing project skills. In the sixth grade, there should be a transition to tasks in which tasks are not explicitly identified, their establishment in the general context of the project task rests with the students themselves. This form of the design task is closest to the design activity. During the study, the design task “Travel Company ″Everest″ was developed and tested for students in grades 6-7. It consisted of three main objects: a quasial situation with a problem situation. “In the travel company Everest, consumer activity has decreased over the past year. It was decided that in order to attract tourists it is necessary to change the previously developed tours to demonstrate to customers”; an unordered set of tasks necessary to resolve a problem situation; final task – a project that solves the problem fixed in the situation. Monitoring the activities of sixth grade students in the course of solving this project task showed that students easily distribute roles among themselves, find different sources of information, including using search engines; correctly fill out tables, build charts. However, adolescents had difficulty when it was necessary to draw up an action plan to solve the project task, also when determining the main and secondary information in the loan agreement. At the stage of reflection, schoolchildren were not always able to evaluate their activities and argue the reasons for the achievement or absence of the planned result. In the course of solving the system of design tasks, students in grades 5-6 develop the following skills: Reflect (see the problem, difficulties, errors; perform an analysis — why it turned out or failed) under the guidance of a teacher; set and hold goals; plan (draw up a plan of their activities); to model (work and make diagrams, tables) under the guidance of a teacher; communicate (interact in solving the problem, defend their position). The second stage is the main one (the end of the 6th grade to the middle of the 8th grade), at which students of the main school continue to solve design problems. For this adolescence, a manifestation of a “sense of adulthood” is characteristic, in connection with this it is necessary to create a variety of educational environments where students can express themselves by taking on new roles. The present project activity takes its leading place in the basic school, starting from the 7th grade. By the end of this stage, control and evaluation actions, as well as actions for the distribution of roles and retention of goals, are reaching an independent level; actions to search and process information; we can talk about the formation of the ability to work with text. The third stage is the final one, at which there is a transition from group projects of different ages to individual ones. For students in grades 8-9, communication is of particular importance, it is noted that a teenager needs communication as an independent sphere of life. At this stage, the student is more willing to independently carry out project activities. The nature of the projects should be related to pre-profile preparation, i.e. with such areas as science, art, journalism, marketing, advertising, etc. Thus, the formation of design skills in students of the primary school will be successful if the following conditions are met: — continuity of forms and techniques in the organization of project activities, namely the project task — group projects — individual projects; — in the program for the formation of universal educational actions, the levels of formation of design skills for students of the 4th, 6th, 8th and 9th grades are fixed; — educators have a common understanding of the basics of design activities, design tasks, training projects and methods for their organization; — the educational institution monitors meta-subject results of the development of the main educational program, including corrective measures.

T. V. Filippova ◽  
V. V. Ermolaev

The article presents data from an empirical study of the features of the “I-concept” of Russian female police officers. An increasing number of women realise themselves in professions traditionally seen as those suitable principally for men, including working in the police. The authors consider the socio-psychological issue of transformation of gender-role behavior and related stereotypes, which contributes to a blurring of the boundaries between male and female in the structure of the psyche of the person, and naturally causes a transformation of the «I-concept» of female police officers. Differences in the cognitive component of the “I-concept” of female police officers and civil women were revealed: women working outside military forces are more likely to think of themselves in an aesthetic and family context, while female police officers imagine themselves in a social and professional context, which is more typical for the “I-concept” of male type. The proportion of female police officers using male-type behavior and strategies to identify themselves “I am a police officer” is significantly larger than the proportion of civilian women who prefer masculine patterns of behavior when identifying with their organization. The cognitive component of the “I-concept” of female police officers is characterized by the pronounced ambivalence in the family and socio-professional spheres. Given the priority of the family sphere in the “I-concept”, professional activity and its effectiveness become a secondary and tertiary concern, or the priority of the police service in the “I-concept” of female police officers assigns only the second and third role to the family sphere. Statistically significant differences were revealed in the structure of self-esteem, self-sympathy and self-acceptance of women of two groups, namely: female police officers are more self-confident, their self-respect is based on faith in themselves and their strength, independence, their reliance on their abilities, skills and capacities manifested against a backdrop of unstable auto-sympathy and a high need for social approval, prevailing focusing on social norms and success criteria. In contrast, civilian women have higher self-esteem, an active life position concerning themselves and society, trust and a positive attitude towards themselves, and awareness of their creative potential for a productive life and activity.

M. I. Reutov

When lessons of linguodidactics are organized in a master course within the framework of the pedagogical program «Language Education», the literal understanding of the definition of linguodidactics as a general theory of mastering a foreign language in the learning environment often leads to the fact that undergraduates studying linguodidactics as an academic subject consider only theoretical issues. Understanding the relationship between linguodidactics and methods of teaching foreign languages as a relationship between theory and practice narrows the scope of the subject. As a result, the competencies included in its program are formed fragmentarily, i.e. the objectives of this subject contain only the knowledge of the theory which excludes the practical implementation of linguodidactic skills. The article describes linguodidactic skills and analyzes the experience of solving the stated problem by means of creating a system of practical work of undergraduates in the process of studying linguodidactics. The proposed training course is integrative. It combines fundamental and interdisciplinary areas in linguodidactics, and presupposes a smooth transition from studying the problems of the interaction of linguistic theory with the practice of teaching foreign languages to considering linguodidactic models of mastering a foreign language and forming a multicultural linguistic personality. The possibility of undergraduates’ putting into practice linguodidactic knowledge makes their theoretical reports more profound and instructive due to their examples from the practice of teaching foreign languages that confirm their theoretical propositions. It also stimulates their critical attitude to different teaching materials. The effectiveness of the organization of practical work at the lessons of linguodidactics is also a result of studying the interrelated modules of the subject and passing from a theoretical analysis of the process of mastering a foreign language to creating your own teaching materials on a strictly scientific basis. The research shows that the academic subject «Linguodidactics» has unlimited potential for the scientific organization of the educational and methodical work of future masters of science.

O. A. Gabrielyan ◽  
M. V. Gasparyan ◽  
I. V., Kravchenko

The study of Internet memes is undergoing significant transformations: from traditional approaches (semiotic, structural-functional) to innovative (network, object-oriented). In the Internet environment, memes have become the most important information carrier, which makes it possible to maintain multivariate communication. The elementary and at the same time capable of reformatting the structure of the meme, its high virulence led to the emergence of new communication strategies and the representation of current events. Memes act as the optimal material through the analysis of which all the specificity of virtual communications is revealed. New communications require the involvement of new methods of studying them with the use of automated and intelligent analysis of data received on a flow basis. Internet memes are a set of unstructured data, the study of which can lead to the identification of hidden variables and the determination of patterns of distribution of memes within the Internet and social networks in particular. This is especially true of political memes, the appearance of which can be regarded as a reactive or predictive indicator that allows you to monitor the dynamics of the political situation or predict it. The article provides information on the creation of the «Memometrics» software package, which allows automated search and collection of memes with their subsequent analysis. Special attention should be paid to the use of neural networks for offline data processing on the basis of self-learning. A base of memes, combined with a formal listing of reactions to a meme, can be a preparatory stage in the process of training a neural network.

K. E. Kosygina

The article analyzes the activities of non-profit organizations in terms of the theory of collective action. The results of the study are presented from the general issues of the creation and characteristics of the activities of non-profit sector organizations to private practices that reflect the results of their work in the context of organizing joint activities of citizens. The theoretical part of the study is devoted to the theory of collective action and the concepts of the origin of non-profit organizations. It is revealed that the theory of collective action proposed by M. Olson may be the starting point in considering the emergence and functioning of nonprofit organizations. Further, based on an analysis of the characteristics of the organizational and legal forms of non-profit organizations by the method of team formation, it is proved that non-profit organizations are an organized form of voluntary collective action. Using official statistics (the sample survey – Comprehensive observation of the living conditions of the population) it was found that the level of population involvement in social practices is still at a fairly low level, but has growth potential, since a tendency to increase civil participation in three years is revealed the activities of the institutions in question. On the example of two cases (Moscow and Perm Territory), the effectiveness of the work of public organizations as organizers of collective actions is proved. The conclusion talks about the development prospects of the non-profit sector. In the face of a difficult economic situation, the issue of maintaining a positive direction of collective action in partnership with large business that is interested in maintaining civil consent and with stable state support is on the agenda. A promising area of research may be the study of the form of collective action through the organization of initiative groups that work without state registration and the formation of a legal entity, this form is mainly prevalent in small towns, especially in rural areas.

T. V. Cherkasova

Tatars – self-name «Tatars» – a community consisting of groups of Turkic and Finno-Ugric ethnic groups living in the territory and resettled. According to Tatar researchers, their ethnic community mastered this territory much earlier than the titular population. Most Tatars of Bashkortostan are Sunni Muslims. According to the official census of 2002, the Tatar population in Bashkortostan is 990,702 people, or 24.1%. Bashkortostan remains a multinational republic, the Tatar population makes its significant contribution and plays an important role in the socio-economic, political and spiritual spheres of society. Tatar youth living on this earth develops in a traditional multicultural environment, borrowing tolerant interethnicpatterns of behavior and preserving their cultural identity. The article provides an analysis of the life plans of Tatar students. Tatars play an important role in the social structure of the youth society of Bashkortostan. Traditional values of Tatar students are formed under the influence of a multinational environment. Tatar youth is an active subject of social reproduction and dynamic inter-ethnic relations. Analysis of life plans chosen by Tatar youth in a dynamically changing multicultural space (given the regional specifics) allows to plan mobility, innovative trends or control the deviant processes taking place in the youth society. The work presents the results of recent comprehensive studies (2019) conducted among students of the supporting university of RB, aimed at identifying the ethnic haracteristics and perception of Tatar students compared to Bashkir and Russian students. The results provided an opportunity to form perceptions of the self-identification of the national characteristics of regional Tatar youth; Identify common strategies for self-fulfillment of representatives of the socio-ethnic community in question; Analyze postgraduate plans in vital areas of activity; to compare the structure of values of Tatar, Russian, Bashkir youth in the face of modern challenges. The author draws conclusions about the tendency of Tatar students to preserve the traditional guidelines governing inter-ethnic relations in the Republic of Bashkortostan: the life attitudes of Tatar students are based on the national mentality, adequately reflect the features of intergenerational, intergender, inter-ethnic relations in Russian society. Tatar students are fulfilling their historical and cultural mission. Students of the oil university plan to get an appropriate education, work in the profession, open a business, create material well-being and wealth, take care of their health, parents, create their families with children and actively relax.

R. V., Mayer

The didactic possibilities of the body movement modeling by replacing it with the material points system, which connected among themselves by weightless viscous elastic rods, are discussed. It is shown that the modeling of the body by a system of particles bound by viscoelastic weightless rods, obeying the basic law of dynamics, really allows: 1) to obtain the computer animation, i.e. the visual image of moving body at successive moments of time; 2) to plot the change of coordinates, velocities and accelerations of any of its points over time; 3) to model the translational, rotational, flat and spherical motion of the body, the interaction of the body with the surface or other body, to study the swimming of bodies, precession of the gyroscope and other phenomena; 4) to activate the mental activity of students, increase their motivation to learn. The tasks are considered: about collision of viscoelastic body with solid surface; about destruction of beam with defect; about the rotating wheel falling on surface; about flight of the rubber ring; about collision of two bodies; about the swimming of body with attached load; about the flexible ruler falling on cylinder; about the chain falling on cylinder; about the disk rotating on the horizontal surface; about the tumbling disk; about the gyroscope precession. The paper contains 8 figures obtained as a result of computer modeling of the above phenomena. As result of the analysis of the solved problems, it is shown that the modeling of a viscoelastic body by the method of bound particles has great didactic possibilities. It allows: 1) to study translational, rotational motion, deformation of bodies, gyroscope precession, etc., to update the knowledge of the relevant concepts and laws of mechanics; 2) to intensify the educational and cognitive activity of students, to increase their motivation for learning and its effectiveness; 3) to master the method of computer modeling, get acquainted with the solution of various professional tasks, explain the algorithms used and the simulation results at the school or pedagogical university level; 4) to develop the physical and algorithmic thinking, the ability to use the coordinate method and to perform information processing; 5) to organize an interactive dialogue between the student and the computer program; 6) to visualize information about the state of the object, build the trajectory of its points, the dependency graphs of coordinates and speeds on time; 7) to create various animations of body movement, to form a visual image of the corresponding phenomena; 8) to create problematic situations that require editing a computer program, changing system parameters, initial conditions and external influences; 9) to deepen the inter-subject connections between mathematics, physics and computer science.

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