J-Litera: Jurnal Kajian Bahasa, Sastra dan Budaya Jepang
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Published By Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

2721-348x, 2684-771x

Suraida Nurul Oktavia ◽  
Vera Yulianti

In the characteristics of the morphological formation of Japanese slang words (Wakamono Kotoba), Indonesian slang words (Bahasa Gaul), and Malang slang words (Slang Malang), there is a phenomenon of English influence. The purpose of this study is to examine the morphological characteristics of the English influence on Japanese slang words (Wakamono Kotoba), Indonesian slang words (Bahasa Gaul), and Malang slang words (Slang Malang). The data was collected from Twitter accounts which the users are native Japanese language, native Indonesian language, and native Malang language. The analysis was based on the classification of word-formation categories Akihiko Yonekawa (Yonekawa, 1998). The result of the study shows that the English influence on Japanese slang words is in the category of English borrowing and the combination of Japanese and English. Meanwhile, the English influence on Indonesian slang words and Malang slang words is only in the form of English borrowing.

Nauval Herlangga ◽  
Tia Ristiawati ◽  
Viana Meilani

The purpose of this research is to describe the cultural values which are contained in Taira no Masakado novel. The author used descriptive analysis methods to analyse data. This research used literature study method, observe technique, and noting technique to collect data. Miles and Huberman descriptive analysis model was used to analyse data, which is an interactive analysis model. There are five aspects of cultural value orientation within society that was analysed using theory by Clyde Kluckhohn. Those values are, the aspect of human-life reality cultural value, which consists of the value of piety and religiousness. The aspect of human-nature reality cultural value, which consists of the natural resource usage and unity value. The aspect of interhuman cultural value, which consists of the responsibility, helping other, love, and friendship value. The aspect of human-work cultural value which consists of the patient, perseverance, hard work, and loyalty value. And The aspect of human-time cultural value, consists of the time usage value.

Marina Indahningrum ◽  
Djodjok Soepardjo ◽  
Roni Roni

Komunikasi antar manusia disebut komunikasi interpersonal. Komunikasi dibangun dengan pengkodean berulang di mana pembicara menyampaikan pesan kepada penerima dan mendekode tempat penerima membacanya. Pengiriman pesan secara luas dibagi menjadi komunikasi verbal dan komunikasi nonverbal. Jepang adalah negara yang lebih banyak menggunakan komunikasi nonverbal ketimbang Indonesia. Komunikasi nonverbal membantu pembicara untuk menekankan makna pragmatis secara eksplisit dan juga untuk menerapkan beberapa asumsi dalam pikiran lawan bicara. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan oleh para peneliti untuk menggambarkan bentuk komunikasi nonverbal dalam pidato keharusan Jepang dan Indonesia; menggambarkan kesamaan dan perbedaan dalam bentuk komunikasi non-verbal dari pidato penting dalam bahasa Jepang dan Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif untuk menggambarkan dan menyinkronkan perbedaan dan kesamaan komunikasi nonverbal antara kedua negara. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah bahwa komunikasi verbal ditemukan untuk memperkuat kalimat penting, sebagai berikut dalam komunikasi nonverbal dinamis, seperti dalam ekspresi imperatif dalam bahasa Jepang, orang Jepang menggunakan lebih banyak gerakan atau ekspresi gerakan tubuh melalui kepala, yaitu mengangguk, kemudian kalimat imperatif juga. gunakan lebih banyak ekspresi wajah dengan senyum. Berbeda dengan bahasa Indonesia, kalimat imperatif yang digunakan didukung oleh komunikasi non-verbal, yaitu komunikasi nonverbal dinamis menggunakan gerakan anggota badan pada telapak tangan. Ini, terlepas dari perbedaan, ada kesamaan dalam komunikasi verbal yang digunakan untuk menekan komunikasi verbal dalam bahasa Jepang dan Indonesia, yaitu setiap komunikasi selalu disertai dengan sedikit gerakan anggota badan. Selain itu, komunikasi nonverbal statistik dalam bahasa Jepang adalah karakteristik budaya yang ditemukan dalam pakaian.

Diah Soelistyowati ◽  
Ninik Elika

The topic of this research is about directive speech act and the violations of politeness maxim in one of the famous anime. The speech act in this anime shows us about daily life activity. Both speakers and hearers can break people’s politeness in communication and make someone’s to do something. The aim of this research is to describes directive speech act and the violations of politeness maxim in anime entitled Himouto Umaru Chan. This research used descriptive qualitative method. For the speech act theory, the researcher used the theory proposed by Searle and Namatame and also politeness principal  theory proposed by Geoffrey Leech. The data were taken from the speaker named Himouto Umaru Chan that used directive speech act and also shows the violations of politeness maxim in her speech. In collecting the data, the researcher employ listening and note-taking technique. It can be concluded that the most occurance data of directive speech act is meirei and the violations of tact maxim is when Umaru chan make some orders to her brother for her personal needs.

Nise Samudra Sasanti

Emerging of Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) by the end of 2019 changes the learning system into online learning. All parties are not yet ready to change using different teaching methods and online applications. All institutes, either governmental or private institutes, are demanded to quickly carry out innovations to keep the learning going. On that score, the educators are demanded to start creating changes by prioritizing variety in teaching, by shifting to use internet network. One of the changes is by arranging more interesting and various teaching media to be easily accepted and learned by students at home without using an internet connection. It is done so that it will not add more burden to the students’ parents. This research aims to determine the challenges, hopes, and solutions of online learning during the pandemic period. The method used for this research is an analytic descriptive qualitative method using research instruments in the form of questionnaires shared by using WhatsApp group and emails. The total respondents are 39 students of the Japanese Language Education Program of UNESA which engaged in online learnings. The result of the research showed that there are some challenges faced by respondents, they are; a) online learning burdens them; b) internet connection is the biggest obstacle; and, c) they have not yet mastered information technology (IT). Nevertheless, the respondents hope that a) the learning keeps on going; b). There will be an internet quota as assistance; and, c) the pandemic stops soon. Meanwhile, the solutions they hope for are; a) internet quota assistance; b) empowerment of the educators and also the students.

Aqiilah Bilqiis Salsabiil Harahap ◽  
Yusida Lusiana ◽  
Heri Widodo

The aim of this study is to explain the relationship between the concept of Ikigai and eudaimonic happiness also with the psychological well-being of Emperor Akihito. This research is a descriptive qualitative type. The data were collected using literature study techniques which are sourced from Akihito Tennou Monogatari manga. The results found that the concept of Ikigai in Emperor Akihito, both in the form of characteristics and Ikigai pillars, all reflected Aristotle's eudaimonic happiness because it was in accordance with the virtue of an emperor, which is being a good emperor with the ability to embrace all his people and establish positive relationships with the international world. The concept of Ikigai also reflects six aspects of Ryff's psychological well-being, that is consist of 1) self-acceptance, 2) positive relationships with others, 3) autonomy, 4) environmental mastery. ), 5) purpose in life, and 6) personal growth. The conclusion is that Emperor Akihito was able to achieve eudaimonic happiness as well as psychological well-being by being a good emperor as a form of his Ikigai.

Nurul Annisa Sabrina

This research examines the intrinsic elements of anime Nakitai Watashi wa Neko wo Kaburu, as well as the inner conflicts and defense mechanisms of Sasaki Miyo character in the anime Nakitai Watashi wa Neko wo Kaburu. This research uses qualitative descriptive technique with literary psychology approach. The data collection technique was carried out by using the note-taking technique. The theories that were used in this research are fiction study theory to analyze intrinsic elements and Freud's psychoanalytic theory to analyze the inner conflict and defense mechanisms of Sasaki Miyo. The result of this research is that there are 35 data that show the intrinsic elements of the anime Nakitai Watashi wa Neko wo Kaburu and 8 data that show the inner conflict and defense mechanisms of Sasaki Miyo character in the anime Nakitai Watashi wa Neko wo Kaburu. The conclusion that can be drawn from this research is that Sasaki Miyo, a middle school girl who was unhappy because her parents had gotten divorced and chose to run away from her house as a cat, experienced inner conflicts and used various defense mechanisms when the inner conflicts occurred. There are 6 defense mechanisms that are used by Miyo, and those are reaction formation, rationalization, reversal, compensation, and undoing. The factors that cause Miyo's unhappiness eventually accumulated so that Miyo often used projection as a defense mechanism, where she continued to project her anger towards her parents.

Igat Meliana ◽  
Dhea Savitri

Ageru (あ げ る) and Kureru (く れ る) Verbs mean "to give", while Morau (も ら う) verb means "to receive". The reaserch problem is the meaning of Ageru (あ げ る), Kureru (く れ る), Morau (も ら う) verbs that used on depending on who gives and who receives whether the closest person to the speaker (relative) or outside the scope of the speaker (other people). The method used is descriptive literature. The purpose of this study was to determine the meaning of the words Ageru, Kureru, Morau, the use of Ageru, Kureru, Morau, and the differences between Ageru, Kureru and Morau. The results of the analysis concluded that: 1. Ageru (あ げ る) which means "to give" where the first person is the speaker, to a scope far from the speaker. 2. Kureru (く れ る) which means "to give" where the second person gives to the first person (speaker), the flow of the object / gift approaches from outsiders to the speaker or relatives of the speaker. 3. Morau (も ら う) which means "to accept" is general in nature anyone can use it as an expression of acceptance of something from someone.

Ainsya Rakhmidianty Pramadityas ◽  
Idah Hamidah ◽  
Hartati Hartati

This study is entitled with “An Analysis of the Image of Woman Based on Yukiguni Novel by Kawabata Yasunari” which purposes are to describe the characterization and the image of woman reflected on the main character, Komako. This is a qualitative descriptive study. The data are based on one of Kawabata Yasunari works, Yukiguni, 1971, which presented in narration and dialog to reflect the characterization and describe the image of woman from Komako. The data collecting method chosen is close reading technique (repeat reading). To analyse the finding, the method used in this study is narrative analysis. The findings of this study shown that the main woman character, Komako is described as a person who is easily offended, a drunkard, careless, yet neat. Her profession as Geisha displays a neat and beautiful physical image. Komako, either as a Geisha or Japanese woman, has a physic image who is easily offended, disliking liars, feeling guilty and careless. Other than that, she has a famous social image, as being well know by others, having a high sense of empathy, yet a rule breaker in which resulting her relationship between the environment she is living and herself as a person is inharmonious. To sum up, the physical images possessed by Komako is contrary with her psychic image and social.

Agus Fajar Mauludin ◽  
Ely Triasih Rahayu ◽  
Anggita Stovia

Penelitian ini berjudul “Penggunaan Na-Keiyoushi dalam Lagu L’Arc en Ciel Album True”. Tujuanya adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pembentukan dan makna na-keiyoushi yang terdapat pada lirik lagu L’Arc en Ciel dalam album True. Teori yang digunakan yaitu adjektiva ~na (na-keiyoushi), morfologi, dan semantik. Data penelitian berupa penggalan lirik lagu dari 7 lagu yang digunakan sebagai sumber data. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui teknik simak catat. Berdasarkan hasil analisis terhadap 17 data ditemukan: 1) Klasifikasi adjektiva ~na berdasarkan bentuk terdiri atas 3 (tiga) klasifikasi yaitu : a) “Adjektiva ~na yang diikuti kopula (shuushikei)” (2 data), b) “Adjektiva ~na yang menerangkan verba (renyoukei)” (2 data), dan 3) “Adjektiva ~na yang menerangkan nomina (rentaikei)” (13 data) ; 2) Klasifikasi adjektiva ~na berdasarkan maknanya, terdiri atas penelitian ini, adalah a) Menyatakan kondisi fisik, b) Menyatakan sifat manusia, c) Menyatakan kondisi suatu tempat, d)  Menyatakan perasaan, e) Menyatakan kondisi alam, f) Menyatakan waktu, dan g) Menyatakan kondisi benda. Data yang paling banyak muncul adalah bentuk rentaikei yang bermakna menyatakan perasaan. Berdasarkah hasil penelitian tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa dalam lirik lagu adjektiva ~na digunakan untuk menyatakan perasaan.

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