The defence reactions of insects to metazoan parasites

Parasitology ◽  
1963 ◽  
Vol 53 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 527-642 ◽  
George Salt

1. Defence reactions to metazoan parasites have been reported in fourteen orders of insects. The observations are brought together and reviewed in the first part of the paper.2. Examination of the various accounts that have been given shows that blood cells are always involved in insect defence reactions. They act by forming a cellular capsule, from which a connective-tissue envelope is usually developed, and in which melanin is often deposited.3. The reaction of the epidermal cells at perforations made by parasites is of the nature of wound-healing, and plays no part in defence against metazoan parasites after they have entered the body.4. Although several other tissues have been implicated, there is insufficient evidence to show that any of them make defence reactions, their response being limited to processes of regeneration.5. It is concluded that the blood cells of insects are their only known agents of defence to internal metazoan parasites.6. The principal groups of metazoan parasites infesting insects are considered in the third part of the paper, in order to see how the defence reactions made to them are related to their mode of attack and to the nature and consequences of their parasitism.7. Most parasites elicit a defence reaction when they are in unusual hosts.8. Some parasites, at certain stages of their life-history, are able to avoid eliciting a defence reaction in their usual hosts.9. Some parasites elicit a defence reaction in their usual hosts but are able either to endure it in a dormant state or to resist it.10. General problems of host specificity in relation to defence reactions are discussed. It is concluded that analysis of the stimuli that produce defence reactions has not yet gone far enough to explain the phenomena.11. The effects of insect defence reactions on metazoan parasites range from no perceptible effect to destruction of the parasite.12. The defence reactions of insects are influenced by the species, genetic strain, stage, instar, size, health and physiological state of the host; and by the species, genetic strain, physical and physiological activity, and health of the parasite. Environmental temperature and the presence of other parasites of the same or different species also have effects on the reactions.13. A brief survey of defence reactions made by invertebrates other than insects shows that encapsulation has been reported in Annelida, Mollusca, Crustacea, Acarina, and larval echinoderms. So far as it goes, the survey does not reveal in these other groups any reaction to metazoan parasites of a kind radically different from the reactions observed in insects.14. The historical development and present state of our knowledge of insect defence reactions is traced.15. The reactions made by insects to innocuous parasites are of theoretical interest but of little consequence to the species concerned. It is their effect on potentially dangerous parasites that determines the value of defence reactions. Consideration of the evidence suggests that the protection afforded to insects by their defence reactions is greater than has been generally supposed.16. The review makes apparent many gaps in our knowledge of the phenomena. A few of the outstanding problems are mentioned.I am indebted to Mr R. T. Hughes of the Balfour Library for helping me to obtain journals not available in Cambridge; to Mr M. J. Ashby for the photography necessary in the preparation of the figures; and to Miss G. M. Edwards for her careful typing from my manuscript. The paper would not have been completed without the goodwill and assistance of two persons: Professor D. Keilin, F.R.S., encouraged me to continue and finish it when my effort flagged; my wife not only gave me positive help in many ways but also exercised great forbearance in allowing me to devote vacations and spare time to it.

Parasitology ◽  
1974 ◽  
Vol 68 (2) ◽  
pp. 193-205 ◽  
P. Götz ◽  
A. Vey

Humoral encapsulation is an effective defence reaction against fungal pathogens. The development of injected spores in the haemocoele of Chironomus larvae may be completely (Aspergillus niger) or partially (Mucor hiemalis) prevented by this reaction. The encapsulation proceeds very rapidly; within 5 min of injection most of the spores are enclosed in a solid capsule. Disintegrating blood cells may participate in the formation of capsule substance, but this is not usually the case. Encapsulation also occurs within the cuticle against invading hyphae of Beauveria bassiana. Histochemical tests show that the capsule substance does not consist of polysaccharides; some tests for proteins and all tests for melanin were positive. The significance of melanin formation and the biochemistry of the phenoloxidase system in insects is discussed in detail. The data presented lead to the conclusion that humoral encapsulation is based upon an activation of phenoloxidases and that the capsule substance represents a polyphenol—protein complex. In contrast to current opinion, the formation of melanin in cellular as well as in humoral encapsulation is not considered to be a secondary process, independent of the actual encapsulation procedure. Instead, the authors interpret the presence of melanin as an indication of the activity of phenoloxidases which cause the formation of a capsule substance on the surface of the parasites.

2013 ◽  
Vol 2013 ◽  
pp. 1-5 ◽  
Abas Sabouni ◽  
Camerin Hahn ◽  
Sima Noghanian ◽  
Edward Sauter ◽  
Tim Weiland

This paper addresses the changes in the physical characteristics (temperature and water/blood content) of breast tissue under different physiological conditions. We examined ex vivo specimens of breast tissue excised at the time of surgery to study the effects of physiological conditions on dielectric properties. We observed that the dielectric properties strongly depend on tissue physiological state. When the biological tissues undergo physiological changes, such as those due to disease or those induced by external changes such as variations in the environmental temperature, the microscopic processes deviate from their normal state and impact the overall dielectric properties. This suggests that microwave imaging might be used to monitor the physiological conditions of the body.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 45-48
Исхаков ◽  
Rishat Iskhakov

The purpose of research is scientifically and practically prove the possibility of increasing the level of meat productivity purebred for young calves at the crossing of Black-motley cows with bulls of the breed Obrac. Research objects are the bulls of Black-motley breed and their hybrids I generation with Obrac breed. For the experience 4 groups of animals were formed: I and III – Black and white breed, II and IV – gobies Оbrac crossbreeds ½ x ½ black-and-white. Bulls of groups III and IV in the 2 months of age were castrated by open way. All experimental animals identical conditions of detention and feed have been established. To monitor the physiological state of an organism of young animals in the winter and in the blood of the summer, blood was taken from the jugular vein before feeding and watering, measured hemoglobin, alkaline reserve, the number of white blood cells, red blood cells, serum – total protein, protein fractions, calcium, phosphorus, , the activity of AST and ALT. Deviations from the physiological norm morphological parameters of blood in the experimental groups of calves during the experiment was not set. Total protein content in serum was higher in summer compared to winter. Increasing the total protein content have purebred calves was 4.1 g/l (5.3%), crossbred steers 3.3 g/l (4.2%), respectively castrates at 4.2 g/l (5.6%) and 4.9 g/l (6.5%). There is a trend increase of enzyme activity in the summer, due to a more active course of metabolism in the body during this season of the year. Purebred and crossbred young are characterized by high adaptive plasticity, as evidenced by morphological and biochemical indices of blood. All quantitative and qualitative changes in the blood were largely seasonal in nature and due to the influence of environmental conditions. Thus all interior change indicators do not go beyond the limits of the physiological norm.

2021 ◽  
Vol 201 (2) ◽  
pp. 371-384
O. E. Mazur ◽  
T. E. Boutorina ◽  
O. Yu. Busarova

Hematopoiesis is a mechanism of multifunctional adaptation in vertebrates, including fish. Adaptive capabilities of populations are studied for a species of genus Salvelinus with high ecological plasticity. Char Salvelinus malma is represented in Kamchatka by the anadromous, river, brook, and several lake forms. Peripheral blood cells are investigated for this species juveniles and adults from the Raduga River in the lower Kamchatka River basin. The fish sampled in August 2013 were divided into two groups: sexually mature individuals (10 specimens) and juveniles (10 specimens). The body length (AC) of mature chars (mean ± standard deviation, range in brackets) was 338.90 ± 12.64 (304.0–380.0) mm, the body weight — 437.40 ± 57.74 (235.0–735.0) g, their sex ratio was close to 1 : 1. The length of juvenile chars was 150.50 ± 9.14 (104.0–195.0) mm, the weight — 33.90 ± 6.19 (10.1–68.8) g. Blood was sampled from the caudal vessel of alive fish immediately after catching, the blood smears were dried and fixed with May-Grunwald dye and then stained with azure-eosin. Composition of leukocytes and erythrocytes was determined on the stained blood smears. The blood cells were classified according to Ivanova (1983) and Zhiteneva et al. (1989). Statistical significance of the blood cells composition differences between fish groups was assessed using the Mann-Whitney U-test, after checking for normal distribution of characteristics (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test). The erythroid row of S. malma was represented by proliferating (erythroblasts, basophilic and polychromatophilic normoblasts), maturing (oxyphilic normoblasts) and mature erythrocytes, the leukocyte row — by blast cells, agranulocytes and granulocytes. The juveniles were characterized by intense proliferative processes (great number of immature erythrocytes, large and medium lymphocytes, presence of blast cells) and appearance of poikilocytes; the sexually mature chars were distinguished by greater number of granulocytes, mainly due to stab and segmented neutrophils (p < 0.01). Parasitological analysis showed different infestation of the juvenile and adult chars by pathogenic helminths (Anisakis simplex, Eubothrium salvelini, Neoechinorhynchus salmonis) that influenced on their blood. Broad adaptive capabilities of S. malma hematopoiesis provided by wide morphological and functional diversity of blood cells are concluded that maintains homeostasis of the species. Blood indices for char from the Raduga River can be used to form reference intervals for monitoring physiological state of this species.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
pp. 52-60
O.A. Knyazhеchenko ◽  
I.A. Semenova ◽  
A.A. Mosolov ◽  
M.V. Frolova ◽  

Aim. To study the feasibility of using feed additives containing powdered feed preparations with different lactulose content in the amount of 5 g/kg of extruded compound feed together with the main diet in terms of the effect on the quality indicators of raw materials and the natural resistance of the body of experimental rabbits. Materials and Methods. The effectiveness was evaluated after the control slaughter at the age of 150 days in the number of 5 heads from each group. The change in live weight was determined when the rabbits reached the age of 75, 105, 135 and 150 days by weighing on an electronic scale. The physiological state and resistance of rabbits were evaluated by hematological parameters. The obtained materials were processed by the methods of variation statistics. Results. The analysis of dynamics of changes of alive weight of animals showed that feed supplementation with lactulose had a positive impact on the growth of animals the live weight of rabbits in groups I and II were greater at 3.8 and 6.2% absolute increase in live weight during the period of experience increased by 5.3 and 7.9%, respectively, compared to control. At the same time, the effect of supplements on blood parameters should also be noted. In our studies, the rabbits of the experimental groups had an advantage over the rabbits of the control group in terms of the level of red blood cells by 0.94·1012 g/l (18.7%) and 1.12·1012 g/l; white blood cells - by 0.50·109 (7.2%) g/l and 0.59·109 g/l (8.5%), respectively. The level of hemoglobin in the blood of rabbits increased by the end of the experiment in the control group by 3.7%, in I – by 12.5%, in II – by 15.9%. Conclusion. Based on the presented results, it can be concluded that the data on quantitative changes in blood were due to the influence of feed additives, which contributed to an increase in the natural resistance of rabbits, and the best indicators were achieved by rabbits of the II experimental group.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 74-79
Надеев ◽  
Vasiliy Nadeev ◽  
Фомичев ◽  
Yuriy Fomichev ◽  
Никанова ◽  

The purpose of research is improvement of clinical and physiological state of the organism breeding boars and prevention of iodine deficiency by introducing a basic diet of organic form bioiodine – feed additive «Prost». Production experience on breeding boars Landrace breed – research was conducted. By the principle of analogues, two boars group was formed. The animals were kept under identical conditions. All boars producers received the same feed SC-2 with the same content of metabolizable energy. Diet contain in its composition: 45% barley, 30% wheat; 5% corn; 20% of bvmd. Boars-producers of the control group fed a basic diet (RR) without additives, which conforms to the standards VIZH for this age group. The animal feed of the experimental group were injected with 200 mg per head per day of the feed additive «Prost». Blood for morfogematological studies were taken from the jugular vein at the same time, the chime before feeding. The scientific-production experiment studied the effect of the feed additive «simple» biochemical and morphological parameters of blood boars. As a result of studies, it was found that the inclusion in the diet of the treated group fodder additive, organic iodine content of globulins in the serum of experimental animals was by 5.1% higher than the control group, total protein 7.6%, respectively. The number of red blood cells in the animals in the group with the addition of a «simple» for the test period was higher by 22.1%, 22.1% of red blood cells, hematocrit 17.1%, compared to the control. The study of the white blood boars – when fed feed manufacturers «just» supplements in the experimental animals was observed decrease in the total number of leukocytes by 5.8%, which contributed to the increase of protective and adaptive reactions and reduced antigenic, toxicological stress for the body, the iodine content to an increase in whole blood by 43.8 and 246.3% for the bristles, thyroxine T4 6.5% compared with the control group.

2021 ◽  
Vol 273 ◽  
pp. 02007
Galina Zelenkova ◽  
Sergei Tresnitskii ◽  
Pavel Bykadorov ◽  
Anna Pecinovsky ◽  
Aleksandr Yenin ◽  

Studies have established the effect of ekobentokorm (TU 9283-199-10514645-13-2013) on the metabolism of cows and the natural resistance of young black-and-white breed. The physiological state of cows was assessed by morphological and biochemical studies of blood, in which changes in the body’s metabolic processes were tracked in dynamics according to the following indicators: the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin level, total protein and protein fractions, glucose, urea, aminotransferases (AST, ALT), total calcium and inorganic phosphorus, trace elements (Mg, Zn, Fe, Cu) and carotene. The indicators characterizing the natural resistance of young animals were studied: red blood cells, white blood cells, hemoglobin, color index, total protein and protein fractions, phagocytic activity of neutrophil granulocytes, bactericidal and lysozyme activity of blood serum, the content and concentration of T-and B-lymphocytes, the level of circulating immune complexes (CIC). As a result of the conducted research, it was found that ekobentokorm has high biological activity, improves morphological and biochemical parameters of cows blood, and also increases milk productivity. It has a pronounced stimulating effect on the immunocompetent systems of the body of young animals, as a result of which the level of non-specific protection of the animal increases.

1971 ◽  
Vol 68 (1_Suppl) ◽  
pp. S279-S294 ◽  
Paul Robel

ABSTRACT Of the information available on steroid hormone metabolism in responsive tissues, only that relating hormone metabolism to physiological activity is reviewed, i. e. metabolite activity in isolated in vitro systems, binding of metabolites to target tissue receptors, specific steroid hormone metabolizing enzymes and relationship of hormone metabolism to target organ physiological state. Further, evidence is presented in the androgen field, demonstrating 5α-reduced metabolites, formed inside the target cells, as active compounds. This has led to a consideration of testosterone as a »prehormone«. The possibility that similar events take place in tissues responding to progesterone is discussed. Finally, the role of hormone metabolism in the regulation of hormone availability and/or renewal in target cells is discussed. In this context, reference is made to the potential role of plasma binding proteins and cytosol receptors.

2020 ◽  
pp. 66-72
A. Khisamova ◽  
O. Gizinger

In the modern world, where a person is exposed to daily stress, increased physical exertion, the toxic effect of various substances, including drugs. The task of modern science is to find antioxidants for the body. These can be additives obtained both synthetically and the active substances that we get daily from food. Such a striking example is turmeric, obtained from the plant Curcuma longa. Recently, it has been known that curcumin has an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer effect and, thanks to these effects, plays an important role in the prevention and treatment of various diseases, in particular, from cancer to autoimmune, neurological, cardiovascular and diabetic diseases. In addition, much attention is paid to increasing the biological activity and physiological effects of curcumin on the body through the synthesis of curcumin analogues. This review discusses the chemical and physical characteristics, analogues, metabolites, the mechanisms of its physiological activity and the effect of curcumin on the body.

2015 ◽  
Vol 52 (3) ◽  
pp. 229-235 ◽  
E. M. Mbokane ◽  
J. Theron ◽  
W. J. Luus-Powell

Abstract This study provides information on seasonal occurrence of developmental stages of endoparasites infecting three cyprinids in the Nwanedi-Luphephe dams, Limpopo River System. Labeobarbus marequensis (Smith, 1841), Barbus trimaculatus Peters, 1852 and Barbus radiatus Peters, 1853 were investigated seasonally from January 2008 to October 2008. The following larvae of metazoan parasites were collected: Diplostomum sp. from the eyes of L. marequensis and B. trimaculatus; Ornithodiplostomum sp. from the gills of B. trimaculatus; Posthodiplostomum sp. from muscle, skin and fins of B. trimaculatus and B. radiatus; third-stage Contracaecum larvae (L3) from the mesentery fats and on the liver lobes of L. marequensis and B. trimaculatus and gryporynchid cestode larvae from the outer intestinal wall of B. radiatus. All the flukes encountered were metacercariae. Diplostomum sp. and Contracaecum sp. dominated the parasite communities. Their prevalence exhibited seasonal fluctuations with maxima in summer. Factors likely to influence fish infection such as the body size of fish and their condition factors were also briefly considered in this study.

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