scholarly journals Development of character survey instruments in national assessment of Indonesia for physics teachers

2021 ◽  
Vol 2098 (1) ◽  
pp. 012010
HY Suhendi ◽  
D Mulhayatiah ◽  
D Nasrudin ◽  
R Ardiansyah

Abstrak In order to support the realization of the aspiration to build character as mandated in Pancasila and the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution and to overcome current national problems, the Government of Indonesia has made character education one of the priority programs for national assessment. This is a challenge for educators, teachers and education practitioners to make it happen. However, until now there has been no instrument capable of measuring character. This study aims to determine the development process and the feasibility and benefits of a character survey instrument which is part of a national assessment that must be implemented by teachers to students in schools. The research method used is a development research method with the ADDIE research design coined by Dick and Carry. This research was conducted at several schools in West Java with a sample of 10 physics teachers who were selected by purposive sampling technique. The results showed that the character survey instrument is a valid and reliable instrument with a high category. So, it can be concluded that this character survey instrument is an instrument that is suitable to be used for assess and identify the character of students.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-76
Nofrans Eka Saputra ◽  
Yun Nina Ekawati ◽  
Rahmadhani Islamiah

AbstractConflicts and disputes related to religion, race, and also ethnic groups, as well as the hedonism and egoism of Indonesian people today, are eroding the religious and national character of the nation. The Government of Indonesia, through the Ministry of Education and Culture, seeks to strengthen character education (PPK) as a way to grow, instill, and strengthen the positive character of the nation's children. This study aims to make scale the religious character of high school students based on the values of the main characters of the Ministry of Education and Culture by using the principal component analysis (PCA) technique. The population of this research is high school students in Jambi Province with 337 high school students with ages range 15 to 18 years. the sampling technique using purposive sampling. The results of the analysis through the Principal Component Analysis method with orthogonal rotation and varimax extraction resulted in six principal components that were successfully reduced, namely: components of peace, tolerance, protection, detachment, respect and friendship. Each component has a coefficient of 0,000 which means that each component measures a different aspect, each aspect independent of each other and not related to each other. The reliability test using the Guttman Method yields a value of λ = 0.781 which means the scale has a degree of reliability sufficient to measure the religious character of High School Students and can be used with other measurements to support validation of the measurement.AbstrakBerbagai konflik dan perselisihan terkait perbedaan agama, ras, serta etnis bangsa maupun perilaku hedonisme dan egoisme masyarakat Indonesia saat ini mengindikasikan terkikisnya karakter religius dan pansilais bangsa. Pemerintah Indonesia melalui Kemdikbud mengupayakan penguatan pendidikan karakter (PPK) sebagai cara untuk menumbuhkan, menanamkan, dan menguatkan kembali karakter positif pada anak bangsa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat skala karakter religius siswa SMA yang didasarkan pada nilai-nilai utama karakter Kemdikbud dengan menggunakan teknik principal component analysis (PCA). Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) di Provinsi Jambi dengan responden sebanyak 337 siswa SMA yang berusia 15 sampai 18 tahun. teknik pengambilan sampel dengan purposive sampling.Hasil analisis melalui metode Principal Component Analssis dengan rotasi orthogonal dan ekstraksi varimaks menghasilkan enam komponen yang berhasil direduksi, yaitu: komponen cinta damai, toleransi, perlindungan, teguh pendirian, hormat dan persahabatan. Setiap komponen memiliki koefisien korelasi 0.000 yang berarti setiap komponen mengukur aspek yang berbeda, berdiri sendiri dan tidak saling berhubungan satu sama lain. Uji reliabilitas dengan Metode Guttman menghasilkan nilai λ=0.781 yang berarti skala memiliki derajat keterpercayaan yang cukup untuk mengukur karakter religius dan dapat digunakan dengan pengukuran lain untuk mendukung validasi pengukuran. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-62
Abdullah Rizallul Zain ◽  
Maftukhin Hudah ◽  
Muh Isna Nurdin Wibisana

This research is based on the fact that there are still visitors who have not been able to fully take advantage of Car Free Day activities to do recreational sports properly. The purpose of this study is to determine the level of community motivation to take part in the Car Free Day Event at the Pati Residency in 2020. The research method used is descriptive quantitative research with survey methods, and collection of information or data using a questionnaire. The population in this study were all people who came to the car free day event in Karesidenan Pati. The sample in this study were 100 respondents who came to the car free day event in Pati Residency from the age of 13-50 years. The sampling technique in this study used purposive sampling. The results showed that of the 100 respondents who had attended the car free day event at the Pati Residency in 2020, they had high motivation of 97.98%. The conclusion of this study is that the level of community motivation in recreational sports activities at the car free day event in the Pati Residency in 2020 is in the high category of 97.98%. Suggestion is that the government is even more active in spatial planning and controlling tires at the car free day location so that visitors feel comfortable. The tourism office should pay more attention to the inadequate facilities and infrastructure in the car free day location to make it even better. For students, they should be able to increase research on recreational sports.   Keywords: Residency, Motivation, Recreational Sports, Car Free Day.                                                                                                 Abstrak Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi yaitu masih adanya pengunjung yang belum sepenuhnya bisa memanfaatkan aktivitas Car Free Day untuk melakukan olahraga rekreasi dengan baik. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui bagaimana tingkat motivasi masyarakat untuk mengikuti Event Car Free Day di Karesidenan Pati Tahun 2020.  Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan metode survei, dan pengumpulan informasi atau data menggunakan kuesioner. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh masyarakat yang datang pada event car free day di Karesidenan Pati. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah masyarakat yang datang pada event car free day di Karesidenan Pati dari usia 13-50 tahun sebanyak 100 orang responden. Teknik sampling pada penelitian ini menggunakan purposive sampling.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 100 orang responden yang telah datang di acara car free day di Karesidenan Pati Tahun 2020 memiliki motivasi yang tinggi sebesar 97,98%. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah tingkat motivasi masyarakat dalam aktivitas olahraga rekreasi pada event car free day di Karesidenan Pati Tahun 2020 tergolong dalam kategori tinggi sebesar 97,98%. Saran, pemerintah lebih giat lagi dalam melakukan penataan ruang dan penerti ban di lokasi car free day agar para pengunjung merasa nyaman. Dinas pariwisata agar lebih memperhatikan lagi sarana dan prasarana yang kurang memadai yang ada didalam lokasi car free day agar lebih baik lagi. Untuk mahasiswa, hendaknya bisa memperbanyak penelitian  mengenai olahraga rekreasi. Kata Kunci : Karesidenan, Motivasi, Olahraga Rekreasi, Car Free Day.

Hana Agustyaningrum ◽  
Herman Herman ◽  
J Waluyo ◽  
Sumarwati Sumarwati

Nationalism values from the attitude of the majority of young people today have declined. Therefore, nationalism is one of the values in strengthening character education which has been intensified so far by the government. This study aimed to describe the nationalism values contained in Nh. Dini’s novels. The data in this study were three novels by Nh. Dini entitled Jepun Negerinya Hiroko (Japan is Hiroko’s Country), Pada Sebuah Kapal (On A Ship), and Keberangkatan (Departure). Purposive sampling was used in this study as the sampling technique. The data collection technique used was documentation. The data were analysed using the interactive analysis technique. The result obtained from this study is the existence of nationalism in the forms of love for the homeland, willingness to sacrifice, and preserving the richness of the nation’s cultures in the three novels of Nh. Dini.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 209-223
Putri Pithaloka Kennedy ◽  
Juliana Juliana ◽  
Suci Aprilliani Utami

This research is based on the phenomenon of the problem in which the subsidized Syariah KPR at Bank BTN Syariah is still not on target and has not been utilized by the original debtor or owner. The houses are not occupied or diverted so that the government has not yet become effective in the subsidized Islamic KPR. The purpose of this study is to determine the pattern of the procedure for disbursement of subsidized Syariah mortgage financing at PT. Bank BTN Syariah Cirebon and to find out the level of effectiveness in disbursing subsidized sharia KPR financing to PT. Bank BTN Syariah Cirebon. The population in this study are customers of subsidized Syariah mortgage financing at PT. Bank BTN Syariah Cirebon. The sampling technique used was non-probability-purpose sampling of 96 respondents who had been determined using the Slovin formula. The research method used in this research is descriptive method with a quantitative approach. The data analysis technique used is SPSS 22. The results of the effectiveness of subsidized syariah mortgage financing are the effectiveness of the indicators of use variable 85.3%, target accuracy 84.8%, scope 85.0%, cost effectiveness 85.9%, and accuracy time 81.3%. It can be concluded overall that the effectiveness of Subsidized Syariah KPR financing at PT. Bank BTN Syariah Cirebon is very effective with a yield of 84.5%. Keywords: Effectiveness, Subsidized Syariah KPR, BTN Syariah

2013 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
Haniyah Kamal Bahasuan ◽  
Risti Saptarini Primarti ◽  
Ratna Indriyanti

Introduction: Calcium is a main mineral that forms the hard structures of bone and teeth. The Government set standard of calcium intake by Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA). RDA of children aged 9 years old was 600mg/day and RDA of children aged 10-15 years old was 1000mg/day. The aim of this research was to know about calcium intake in children aged 9-15 years old in Bandung. Methods: The research method was descriptive method with survey technique. Sample selected by cluster random sampling technique, an amount of children of 609 children aged 9-15 years old which was 157 children aged 9 years old and 452 children aged 10-15 years old. Results: The result of this research shows that the average of calcium intake in children aged 9 years old is 435.47 mg/day and children who lack calcium intake is 86 children or 61.43%. The average of calcium intake in children aged 10-15 years old is 613.85 mg/day and children who lack calcium intake is 317 children or 71.72%. Conclusion: Calcium intake in children aged 9-15 years old is less than Recommended Dietary Allowances.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 28
Riga Zahara Nurani ◽  
Hatma Heris Mahendra

This research is motivated by one of the government programs namely Strengthening Character Education (PPK), especially in elementary schools to produce a golden generation in 2045. The characters studied include 5 main characters namely religious, nationalist, integrity, independent, and mutual cooperation. This research will be conducted at the SD Laboratorium UPI Tasikmalaya. In addition to instilling character education in daily activities, in this school, there is also a love for local wisdom. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative method. Based on the results of the study, inculcation of character education based on local wisdom in the SD Laboratorium UPI Tasikmalaya was implemented through habituation and through classroom learning. The habituation is done not only in the classroom or in the school environment, but habituation also involves students' parents at home. In the learning process, the inculcation of character education based on local wisdom is applied by the teacher through learning materials, learning media, and also the evaluation of learning used. Planting character education is not enough to only be instilled in schools but there must be cooperation with parents of students at home.

Muhammad Nur Adnan Saputra ◽  
Muhammad Nurul Mubin

The phenomenon of radicalism in Indonesia has recently become increasingly commonplace, there are many intolerant activities taking place in various layers of society. In particular, the radicalism carried out by elements who divide the ummah from the Islamic group, has made the image of Islam as a religion of peace for all nature and incompatible with a tolerant and moderate Islamic person. Not to mention that the understanding of intolerance has begun to be detected in educational institutions, many educational institutions are infiltrated with radical and intolerant views. Therefore, this study wants to describe how urgent the deradicalization program is in the curriculum in Indonesia. How is the concept of deradicalization in the curriculum, and how to deradicalise the existing curriculum in Indonesia. This study aims to determine the concept of deradicalization in the curriculum, as well as how to deradicalise existing curricula in Indonesia. The research method uses literature studies by collecting data from documents using descriptive-analysis methods. Deradicalization of the curriculum in Indonesia is very depleted, deradicalization in education can be carried out with a pedagogical approach through careful planning in the curriculum for learning Islamic religious education. In Indonesia, the government has begun to promote curriculum deradicalization with the Strengthening Character Education

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 281-289
Thabiso Msomi ◽  
Odunayo Olarewaju

Access to finance and market has been described as a predominant challenge confronting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Hence, this paper seeks to evaluate access to finance, market access and viability of SMEs. A quantitative research method and a purposive sampling technique were used to select the participants for this study. Respondents from retail, manufacturing, construction and agricultural SMEs operating in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, were selected to complete the structured questionnaires. 310 questionnaires were returned out of 321 distributed. The study revealed a significant effect of access to finance (absolute value 0.425) and access to market (absolute vale 0.373) on SMEs’ viability with a 5% level of significance. Thus, it was concluded that access to finance uniquely accounted for the larger proportion of the variance in the regression model. Thus, this study suggests that owners of SMEs should pay greater attention to access to finance in running their businesses, and the Government should aid SMEs to market their products and keep their businesses viable. Public loans or the government supported loans should be made available for SMEs with soften requirements in order to stimulate economic growth.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 201-215
Wisber Wiryanto

Based on the Government Regulation No.  38/2017 Concerning Regional Innovation, the government of Indonesia has established an innovation policy for the regional government to improve public services. Therefore, it is the need a study to answer the question, how steps are needed by regional government agencies to carry out initiative and implementation of public service innovation? The purpose of this study, to find out about steps, problems, and solutions for regional government agencies in implementing public service innovation. The research method through the library research method uses a qualitative descriptive method. Data collection techniques using printed and electronic media instruments, websites to collect secondary data which is relevant for this study. Furthermore, a qualitative analysis technique was used to analyze data. The locus of this study was selected through a purposive sampling technique, so the regional government agencies with implemented public service innovation can be selected. This study was conducted in 2019. The results of this study shown, there are variations among regional government agencies in implementing public service innovation. On the one hand, some regional government agencies have implemented both initiative and implementation of public service innovation. While on the other hand, some regional government agencies have not yet implemented initiatives and implementation of public service innovation. Therefore, some regional government agencies need to be made as an innovation laboratory to encourage public service innovation.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Endah Purnama Sari ◽  
Erik Nugraha

ABSTRACT Tax receipts are a source of funds for governments that are used to finance general expenditures that benefit the interests of the wider community. But in the last 5 years, tax revenue is not as expected. Therefore, the Government through the Directorate General of Taxation issued a Policy of Access to Financial Information for the purposes of taxation. The purpose of this study was conducted to determine the impact of the application of policy access financial information to taxpayer behaviour and its implications on taxpayer compliance level. The research method used in this research is the explanatory research method, the population in this study as many as 1,268 Taxpayers Bodies registered in KPP Madya Bandung, while the sampling technique in simple random sampling so that obtained a sample of 100 corporate taxpayers. Data analysis technique used is Path Analysis. The results of this study prove the existence of the influence of Financial Information Access Policy to Taxpayer Compliance through Taxpayer Behavior that is equal to 29.4% and the rest 70.6% is another factor that is not examined. Keywords:              Financial Information Access Policy; Taxpayer Behavior;                                Taxpayer Compliance

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