scholarly journals Development of community-based community-based agrotourism tea gardens for optimization of agricultural resources

2021 ◽  
Vol 905 (1) ◽  
pp. 012029
B Pujiasmanto ◽  
I J Aliyah ◽  
R Sugiarti ◽  
D Setyaningrum

Abstract The James tea plantation is located in Girikerto Village, Sine District, Ngawi Regency, East Java. The number of tourists at the Jamus Tea Garden Tourism Object has decreased due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study was to examine the potential development of the Jamus Teagarden as a community-based agricultural tourism attraction as an effort to optimize agriculture resources. This study used a descriptive research method with a qualitative approach. Field observations, in-depth interviews, Focus Group Discussions, and document studies were carried out in data collection. Data validity uses data source triangulation. Agrotourism potential development is needed to utilize agricultural resources without damaging the environment. The potency of the Jamus tea garden in the utilization of agricultural resources can be optimized through the role of the community in various sectors. Especially in the economic sector, without any benefits, tourism business actors, including the community, will not be motivated to realize the success of agrotourism. The development of Agrotourism must also be primarily based on the environment. The environment must be maintained and preserved so that it can function sustainably.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Ardian Wicaksono

Abstrak Penelitian bertujuan untuk analisis penggunaan Schoology pada Mata Pelajaran PPKn terhadap minat belajar siswa di SMA Negeri 1 Srandakan Bantul Tahun 2020. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMA Negeri 1 Srandakan pada bulan Juli sampai Agustus tahun 2020. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Subjek penelitian ini adalah : (1) satu orang Kepala Sekolah SMA N 1 Srandakan Bantul (2) satu orang Guru Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan (3) Siswa SMA N 1 Srandakan sejumlah 8 orang. Teknik analisis data melalui pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Pemerikasaan keabsahan data dilakukan dengan triangulasi data. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) Schoology memiliki kemudahan dalam mengatur administrasi pembelajaran siswa di SMA Negeri 1 Srandakan karena siswa dapat presensi, mendapat materi hingga evaluasi di Schoology; (2) Schoology dapat mengendalikan minat belajar siswa dalam aspek preventif dengan cara kegiatan belajar menyenangkan, persuasif dengan cara membujuk melalui fitur massages, dan represif dengan cara didatangi rumahnya berdasarkan informasi yang disajikan dalam aplikasi tersebut; (3) Schoology memiliki tampilan seperti media sosial Facebook ditandai warna dasar yang sama yaitu biru dan putih serta menu yang identik; (4) Schoology memiliki keunggulan untuk diskusi pada pembelajaran daring, siswa dapat berdiskusi kelompok dengan guru sebagai pemantik materi dalam fitur Groups; (5) Schoology mengakomodasi aneka macam media pembelajaran antara lain media gambar visual, audio, dan audio visual atau video. Kata Kunci: Schoology, PPKn, Minat Belajar Siswa Abstract The research aims to analyze the use of Schoology in PPKn Subjects on student interest in learning at SMA Negeri 1 Srangkan Bantul in 2020. This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Srangkan from July to August 2020. This study used a qualitative descriptive method. Data were collected through observation, interviews and documentation. The subjects of this study were: (1) one principal of SMA N 1 Srangkan Bantul (2) one teacher of Pancasila and Citizenship Education (3) 8 students of SMA N 1 Srangkan. Data analysis techniques through data collection, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. Data validity was checked by data triangulation. The results of this study are: (1) Schoology has the convenience of managing the administration of student learning at SMA Negeri 1 Srangkan because students get presence, receive material and evaluation in Schoology; (2) Schoology can control student interest in preventive aspects by means of fun, persuasive learning activities by persuading through massages, and repressive features by visiting their house based on the information presented in the application; (3) Schoology has a display similar to Facebook's social media marked with the same basic colors, namely blue and white and identical menus; (4) Schoology has the advantage of discussions on online learning, students can have group discussions with the teacher as material triggers in the Groups feature; (5) Schoology accommodates various kinds of learning media, including visual images, audio, and audio-visual or video media. Keywords: Schoology, PPKn, Student Learning Interest

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 71-75
Aprilia Dame Christanty Sihombing

This endeed of  research is to describe the place of the kolintang music ensemble to accompany the singin of the flag ceremony at SMP Sw. St. Paulus Sidikalang. This research is a qualitative descriptive research. The subject of this research is flag ceremony. The research focussed on the role of Kolintang music ensemble as song chanting. The data of the final research was obtained from the observations of the flag-raising activities, interview with teachers, student adan kolintang’s players in junior high school and take a documentation. Data were analyzed with qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. Data validity is obtained through data triangulation, observer triangulation, theory triangulation and method triangulation. The purpose of this research is to know and descriebing  kolintang music. Example, in this research is by using numbered data such as document, archieves, interview results, observation result or also by interviewing more thn one subject that is consideret to have a different point of view.The result showed that : (1) In accompaniying singing at the flag-ceremony, students used the basic notes G, C and F. (2) the tecnic to performed kolintang    were not wheeled with a kolintang played general. (3). After carrying out their duties as chanting accompaniment in the ceremony, students who performed kolintang first practice on kolintang extracurricular activities. (4) in the process of playing kolintang, each player must have a strong feeling so that the technic kolintang is harmonious. Keywords : Descriptive Study, Ensemble, Kolintang music

Krishna Anugrah ◽  
I Wayan Sudarmayasa

This study discusses about development of regional tourism through the development of human resources Gorontalo, Sulawesi. The master plan for tourism development in Gorontalo stated that Gorontalo has three areas of community-based tourism development and eight excellent tourist attractions. It was realised that human resources has an important role in the general development as well the development of regional tourism. The approach used in this research is descriptive qualitative, data source obtained from field observation, interview, group discussion and documentation. Local governments have encouraged the development of regional tourism, especially destinations that are around the community through the empowerment of surrounding communities in order to manage the destination well. In order for all aspects of tourism management to run properly it is necessary role of local government in giving encourage and support education field of tourism. So it can fill the shorted of expert workforce to be placed on institutions or tourism related industries.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-126
Veritia ◽  
Chandra Fitra Arifianto

Cooperatives are a form of social entrepreneurship. In addition to financial capital and human capital, social capital is an important factor for the sustainability of an organization. This case study aims to analyze the bonding social capital's role in cooperative development based on volunteers in KHJL, South Konawe, Indonesia. A qualitative approach was used in this study with the case study as a strategy for this research. The method of data collection is done by observing, interviewing, and studying documents. Interviews use semi-structured and in-depth. By using purposive sampling, there were eight persons to be interviewed. For the data validity and reliability to be optimal, the authors use triangulation in terms of primary and secondary data collection. Data analysis is done together, from the reduction to the presentation of the data, then there are conclusions and verification to create conclusions. It was found that the role of social capital especially trust plays an important role as bonding between members. For stakeholders, their role is continuously anticipated for the progress and development of cooperatives. Although currently, the cooperative's financial situation is not good, where timber customers have fallen dramatically and social innovation has not well worked yet. Trust in social capital is the main bonding for volunteers at KHJL, that's why KHJL is still surviving until now.

Mahakim ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  

Javanese society in particular at Karangsono’s Village look on tradition of tunggal wuwung marriage as jurisdictional which at abides (performed). There is another Javanese tradition besides prohbitions in tunggal wuwung marriage which is the day count terminological to Java custom before the marriage performing, since if that thing is unperformed, therefore, they believe that there will happen something bad luck. Islam has no prohibition on tunggal wuwung marriage but in the Islamic conjugal rights, it has been known base which so called the selection. This research based on the location of data source comprises field research category, and sighted from data character facets includes in qualitative researches, based on the data analysis included in descriptive research. Data collection utilizes observation, interview, and documentation. Data analysis was done from data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. To test the data validity was done by prolongation attendance, triangulation, colleague’s analysis and informan’s clarification. This observational result can be concluded that 1). Opinions from the society of Karangsono’s village which has two perceptions: the majority society believes about the prohibitions in tunggal wuwung are based on the fact of bad luck incidents suffered by the doers of tunggal wuwung marriage who are not obedient on the custom’s prohibitions. Second perception is the incredulous with the marks sense of prohibitions in tunggal wuwung marriage because on a strength basic religion and beliefs of God that faith, alive and death are God’s authority. 2) Even the practice of tunggal wuwung is performed by Islamic marriage but constant breach custom, on reality the doers will suffer some badluck. 3) Tunggal wuwung marriage which strongly kept and trusted by the society of Karangsono’s Village is clearly in conflict with Islamic way because doesn not exsist in Al-quran and also Al Sunnah. However, in fact, to one of society it is at nature faced by the doer who suffers badluck of parent’s accidentut. Further, Islam teaches that all coming accidents are God’s will. Hence, it all just a test for every human being to hold firmly on syari ’ at Islam. Keywords: Prohibition, Tunggal Wuwung Marriage

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 56-70
Ridho Agung Juwantara ◽  
Khusnul Khotimah

ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to determine the strategic role of hidden curriculum in the process of instilling the value of character education through the contribution of school, family and community. This research is a qualitative research using a descriptive research approach. Data collection was carried out by making observations, in-depth interviews, documentation, and participation. The subjects of this study were board of dormitories and Ustadz or Ustadzah, student guardians, officials in the neighborhood of Al-Azhar Islamic boarding school and students. Data validity was checked by triangulating using different sources and methods. The results showed that; (1) The implementation of religious character education through the Hidden Curriculum in AlAzhar Islamic Boarding School in Yogyakarta is carried out through; (a) Halaqoh: namely activities in the form of independent tadarus, language activities, guidance, guidance and supervision. (b) Outside the teachings of Halaqoh, namely Infaq Friday, dhuha prayer, a culture of clean living, a culture of discipline and 5S culture (smile, greetings, greetings, courtesy, and politeness). (2) Implementing the program to optimize the role of the three education centers in fostering religious character through; (a) integrating the values of character education in boarding activities. (b) daily habituation. (3) The contribution of the three education centers in fostering religiosity through; (a) habitual formation method (habituation). (b) Training by applying examples. (c) Train with Wisdom. (d) committee meetings. (e) mosque-based activities (f) the community as stakeholders.Keywords: Three Education Center, Character Building, Hidden Curriculum

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 433
Danil Guntara ◽  
Irdhan Epria Darma Putra

This study aims to describe Vocal Learning in SMP 1 Payakumbuh. This research used qualitative approach, and it belongs to descriptive research. The data were collected through observation, interview, and documentation. The data analysis was conducted through data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing .Data validity test was done by extending observations and increasing persistence. The results of this study indicate that: (1) lesson planning includes: a. The material being taught is provided in stages, b. The methods used are the lecture method, demonstration method, question and answer method, and assignment method, (2) the implementation of vocal learning includes: initial activities, core activities, and final activities, (3) learning evaluation includes process evaluation seen from students’ discipline, activeness, and seriousness. In addition, evaluation of results seen from the activities when students demonstrate. It uses indicators of techniques, material, and appearance.Keywords: Vokal, Materials, and learning outcomes

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (12) ◽  
pp. 1671
Caecilia Tri Wahyanti ◽  
Ocky Sundari Rahardjo ◽  
Yustina Erti P. Dewi

This article analyses the English skills of front-desk staff on the accommodation business, particularly Listening, Spoken Interaction and Spoken Production skills. It is based on a qualitative descriptive research conducted in a medium-sized city in Central Java, Indonesia. The data are collected using self-assessment based on CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference) Can-do statements, and crossed-checked in interviews and focus-group discussions. The research found diverse levels of Listening, Spoken Interaction and Spoken Production skills of front-desk staff, mostly A2 (Waystage Basic User), B1 (Threshold Independent User), and C2 (Mastery Proficient User). Besides, the results show that respondents are split in terms of consistency in perceiving their listening and spoken skills. It is also found that both hotel guests and front-desk staff use mobile translating applications to assist spoken communication, encouraging further studies to explore the role of mobile translating application in promoting the success of communication in accommodation business.

Sigit Hermawan ◽  
Sriyono Sriyono ◽  
Wiwit Hariyanto ◽  
Niko Fediyanto

The purpose of this research is to analyze the meaning of ratings and formulate efforts to improve the performance and competitiveness of universities in the intellectual capital perspective. The interpretive qualitative research type was used. Data collection was carried out using in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, observations, and documentation. Data analysis was carried out throughout the four-stage research process involving data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The results of the study state that the meaning of ratings is related to performance, media promotion, and related to reputation or image building. Efforts to improve the performance and competitiveness of universities can be done by optimizing the role of human capital, structural capital, and relational capital both individually and integrated as intellectual capital. Another method that can be used is the comprehensive intellectual capital management or CICM method. Keywords: Ranking, performance, competitiveness, intellectual capital

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Sri Wibawani ◽  
Anis Rosella Pitaloka ◽  
Luluk UI Magnun ◽  
Roiyanatun Mahbubah ◽  
Jojok Dwiridotjahyono

This study aims to explore the role of the Extra-Campus Student Organizations incorporated in the Cipayung Group, namely: Indonesian National Student Movement (GMNI), Indonesian Islamic Student Movement (PMII), Indonesian Student Association (HMI), Indonesian Christian Student Movement (GMKI) ), and the Catholic Students Association of the Republic of Indonesia (PMKRI) in raising awareness of the nation defense in East Java. This study uses a qualitative approach with data collection techniques in the form of content analysis of credible news, in-depth interviews, and focus group discussions (FGD) on informants or informants selected based on purposive techniques. The data analysis technique used is an interactive model, and the data validity test technique uses triangulation. The results of this study indicate that the Copying Group in terms of regeneration implanted the values of the country's defense through compulsory material delivered in activities ranging from member recruitment, primary education and training, and further training. In terms of scientific studies and issues, the Copying Group often conducts study discussions that also carry the theme of defending the country. In terms of student actions or movements, the values of state defense instilled through efforts to criticize government policies that are considered non-Pancasila. Copying Group members also carry out community service which aims to instill in their members that love for the motherland and willingness to sacrifice for the nation and state. Then it can be concluded that the Copying Group has a role in raising awareness of the defense of the student state in East Java.

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