The effect of tempeh intake on spatial memory in prediabetic rats

2019 ◽  
Vol 49 (4) ◽  
pp. 592-599 ◽  
Annisa Ayuningtyas ◽  
Etisa Adi Murbawani ◽  
Nuryanto Nuryanto

Purpose Prediabetes can affect the central nervous system and lead to changes including impaired cognition and spatial memory. Isoflavones, especially genistein and daidzein, can increase spatial memory. Tempeh is a soy product with high levels of genistein and daidzein. The purpose of this paper is to determine the effect of tempeh on spatial memory of prediabetic Wistar rat. Design/methodology/approach A pre-and post-test randomised control group design was used. In total, 15 male Wistar rats were divided into three equal groups, Treatment 1 (T1), Treatment 2 (T2) and Treatment 3 (T3). All rats were injected with alloxan (120 mg/Kg body weight) to induce prediabetes. T1 was maintained on a diet of standard food for 14 days. T2 and T3 were given 9 g/200 g body weight and 18 g/200 g body weight of tempeh, respectively, for 14 days. The Morris water maze (MWM) test was used to test spatial memory. Findings While there were no statistically significant differences between the treatment groups, there was a difference with the tempeh-treated rats improving their spatial memory following tempeh ingestion with a decrease in the travel time to negotiate the MWM [T1(−8.36), T2 (−5.48) and T3 (3.66)]. Differences of travel time of the three groups was not significant (p = 0.677). Originality/value The result of the study indicates that tempeh may act as a functional food in reducing cognitive impairment associated with prediabetes and diabetes. However, as the result is not statistically significant, further research using animal models and human studies is warranted.

e-CliniC ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Eny A. Watumlawar ◽  
Sarah M. Warouw ◽  
Stefanus Gunawan

Abstract: Weight is one measure that gives description of the tissue mass including body fluids. Weight change is nfluenced by nutriment consumption. Sago contains high carbohydrates that can increase body weight. This study aimed to obtain the effect of sago compared to rice to body weight of wistar rats. This was a random laboratory experimental pre-post test with control group design. Subjects were male wistar rats, aged 5-6 months. The rats were divided in two groups: rice group as control and sago group. Sago was cooked in papeda form as much as 75 g of dried sago and 300 mL water. The rats were fed for 2 weeks. Data were analyzed by using the Wilcoxon test. The results showed that the sago group showed an increase of body weight significantly (p=0,001) meanwhile the rice group lose body weight significantly (p=0,001). Conclusion: Sago can increase body weight of wistar rats significantly.Keywords: body weight, sago, riceAbstrak: Berat badan merupakan salah satu ukuran yang memberikan gambaran massa jaringan termasuk cairan tubuh. Salah satu yang memengaruhi berat badan yaitu dengan mengonsumsi makanan bergizi. Sagu memiliki kandungan karbohidrat (pati) yang besar dan dapat meningkatkan berat badan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian sagu terhadap berat badan dibanding nasi pada tikus wistar. Desain penelitian ini ialah eksperimental laboratorium acak pre-post test with control group design. Subjek penelitian ialah tikus wistar jantan berusia 5-6 bulan dibagi atas 2 kelompok: kelompok nasi (kontrol) dan kelompok sagu. Sagu dimasak dalam bentuk papeda sebanyak 75 g sagu kering dan 300 mL air. Tikus diperlihara selama 2 minggu. Berat badan diukur dengan menggunakan timbangan. Data dianalisis dengan uji Wilcoxon. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian sagu sebanyak 2 cc setiap hari selama seminggu mampu meningkatkan berat badan secara bermakna (p = 0,001) sedangkan pemberian nasi menurunkan berat badan (p=0,001). Simpulan: Pemberian sagu dapat meningkatkan berat badan tikus wistar secara bermakna.Kata kunci: berat badan, sagu, nasi

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 5-9
Vianney Natasaputra ◽  
Taufik Eko Nugroho

Background :  Pain is one of the most common complaint in patients. Combination of paracetamol and codeine is an alternative analgesic combination in chronic pain management. They belong to different group of analgesic and have different mechanism of action. Combination of these drugs give a better potential in pain management.  However, these drugs also have potential side effect on the kidney.Methods : An experimental study of post-test only control group design. The sample were 20 Wistar rats, randomized into 4 groups: control group, a group receiving paracetamol 32 mg/kg body weight, a group receiving codeine 1,9 mg/kg body weight, and a group receiving paracetamol 32 mg/kg body weight and codeine 1,9 mg combination, administered 4 times a day orally using gastric instillation for 28 days. At the 29th day, blood is collected from retro orbital vessel to measure the serum creatinine levels. Statistical analysis was conducted using ANOVA TestResult : Obtained from statistical analysis there is no significant difference in serum creatinine levels in Wistar rats given all treatment group (p > 0,05).Conclusion : There is no significant difference in serum creatinine levels between administration of paracetamol and codeine combination compared to the control group.Keywords : Paracetamol, Codeine, Creatinine Serum, Pain

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 28
Eviana Budiartanti Sutanto ◽  
Taufiq R Nasihun ◽  
Israhnanto Isradji ◽  
Luciana Budiati Sutanto

Introduction: Cigarette smoke causes oxidative stress which results in reduced sperm concentration, motility and morphology, also increased levels of 8-OHdG as a marker of DNA damage. Vitamin C and E have potential role in repairing spermatozoa damages. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of vitamin C and E combination on sperm quality and cement 8-OHdG level of smoke exposed rats.Methods: This study used a post test only control group design among 18 male Wistar rats subject, aged 8 week, 150-200 grams body weight (BW). The subject was randomly divided into 3 groups, K1: control, K2: cigarettes smoke exposed, K3: cigarettes smoke exposed and given a combination of 0.045 mg/gBW vitamin C and 0.036 IU/gBW vitamin E per oral. Analysis was done on day 21 using one-way ANOVA and post-hoc LSD for sperm concentration, motility and morphology; using Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests for cement 8- OHdG levels.Results: The lowest sperm concentration was found in   K2 (K2  32.59  million/mL,  K1 47.91 million/mL, K 339.43 million/mL); the lowest normal sperm motility was found in K2 (K 238.97%, K 164.57%, K3 51.43%); the lowest normal sperm morphology was found in K2 (K2 27.56%, K 138.36%, K 331.18%); and the highest cement 8- OHdG level was found in K2 (K2 20.18ng/mL, K1 3.43ng/mL, K3 5.28ng/mL).Conclusion: Combination of vitamin C and E can improve sperm concentration, motility and morphology and decrease cement 8-OHdG levels of smoke exposed rats.

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-32

Tyasari KD, Kiyatno, Balgis. 2016. Effect of ginger extract on reparation of mucosal damage in ileal rats exposured by 5- fluorouracil. Biofarmasi 14: 24-31. This research had an objective to know the effect of ginger extract giving toward reparation of mucosal damage in ileal rats exposure by 5-fluorouracil. This research was a pure experiment with post test only control group design. We used 28 male Wistar Rats that were divided into 4 groups; control group, 5-FU group, 5-FU+ginger extract 9 mg dose group, and 5- FU+ginger extract 18 mg dose group. At days 3, 5, 7, and 9, 2 rats per day were killed by decapitation. Then the ileal rats were made to be sections and were colored by hematoxylin and eosin (HE). From each section, we measured height of 1 villi and depth of 1 cript in 3 vision field. The data obtained were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis test with SPSS for Windows Release 16.0 program. Kruskal-Wallis test showed mean of villus height had p-value = 0,083 in day 3, p-value = 0,083 in day 5, p-value = 0,139 in day 7, and p-value = 0,160 in day 9. Whereas mean of cript depth had p-value = 0,114 in day 3, p-value = 0,198 in day 5, p-value = 0,083 in day 7, and p-value = 0,092 in day 9. All of p-values showed p > 0.05 in which there were no significant differences. From this experiment, we concluded that there was no effect of ginger extract giving toward reparation of mucosal damage of ileal rats which exposure by 5-FU.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 45
Loo Hariyanto Raharjo ◽  
Monica Monica

Waste cooking oil causes increased level of total cholesterol and LDL and decreased level of HDL serum, which became coronary heart disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of mangosteen peels extract, which contain alpha-mangostin (xanthone) to decreased level of total cholesterol and LDL and increased level of HDL in rats exposed to waste cooking oil per oral. This study used true experimental designs with randomized post-test only control group design. This study used thirty rats were dividing into six treatment group, which control with Na-CMC 0,5%, control with extract of mangosteen pericarp at dosages of 800 mg/ kg body weight, exposed to waste cooking oil per oral, and exposed to waste cooking oil per oral with extract of mangosteen pericarp at dosages of 600, 800, and 1000 mg/kg body weight. All groups were given treatment for 12 weeks. After 12 weeks, rats were anesthetized with chloroform for collection of blood by cardiac puncture. Analysis of level of total cholesterol , LDL, and HDL serum with spectrophotometer. From Post Hoc test with Least Significant Differences it was concluded that extract of mangosteen peels can decreased level of total cholesterol and LDL and increased level of HDL serum.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 156
Endah Ariyati Eko Ningtyas ◽  
Oedijani Santoso ◽  
Udadi Sadhana ◽  
Siti Sunarintyas

ABSTRACTBackground: Inflammatory and/or non-inflammatory processes play a role in stimulating pulp repair and the formation of hard tissue, namely reparative dentin. Macrophages play a role in the pathogenesis and chronic inflammatory disorders. The combination casein lactoferrin of bovine colostrum as an immunomodulator has therapeutic potential. This study aims to determine the therapeutic effect and duration of application of the combination of casein lactoferrin of bovine colostrum, on the expression of macrophages as pulp capping.Method: This study was a true experimental laboratories post test only control group design, consisting of three groups of 60 male wistar rats with 4 observation times, namely day to day 7, 14, 21 and 28 each of 5 mice. The maxillary 1st molars were prepared until the roof of the pulp was exposed. Three groups, namely the combination of casein and lactoferrin bovine colostrum (CKL) and calcium hydroxide (K1) and the untreated group (K0). Each group was filled with glassionomer as a permanent restoration. The tissue was made histological preparations with hematoxylin-eosin staining and the number of macrophages were counted, then analyzed by two way ANOVA and post hoc LSD tests.Result: The results showed that the therapeutic effect and duration of application of the combination of casein and lactoferrin bovine colostrum on the expression of macrophages as pulp cappingConclusion: The combination of casein and lactoferrin of bovine colostrum as capping material can increase the number of macrophages in the healing process of dental pulp.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (no 1) ◽  
Gede Widhiantara ◽  
Anak Agung Ayu Putri Permatasari ◽  
Putu Angga Wiradana

This study aims to determine the morphology of Leydig cells in hyperlipidemic wistar rats after having administered with sembung (Blumea balsamifera) extract orally. This study utilised a randomized post-test only control group design. The sample in this study were 16 adult male wistar rats (Rattus novergicus) aged 3-4 months with a body weight of 150-200 grams, which were equally and randomly divided into two groups, namely control group (hyperlipidaemia and sterile aquadest) and treatment group (hyperlipidaemia and sembung leaf extract). Hyperlipidaemia was induced with lard administration for 50 days. Data were analysed statistically using the Independent t-test. The results showed that the number of Leydig cells in the treatment group was higher than the control group with 68.13 ± 1.89 and 55.63 ± 1.92 cells respectively (P <0.05). In addition, the mean Leydig cell core diameter of the control group, 5.00 ± 0.34 µm, was smaller compared to the treatment group which was 5.80 ± 0.20 µm (P <0.05). It can be inferred that sembung leaf extract provides a protective effect against damage to Leydig cells due to hyperlipidaemia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 45-49
Syahran Wael ◽  
Didik Wahyudi ◽  
Tayeb Wael ◽  
Zaid Mohamed Jaber

Nigella sativa oil is antioxidant compound has the effect that serves to prevent cellular damage. The effect of Nigella sativa oil in the motility and total count of spermatozoa wistar rats. Experimental research with the design of post test only control group design. Wistar rats consists of 24 head and divided into 4 groups consist of control and treatment group. The control group was distilled. The first treatment was of Nigella sativa oil everydays as much with dose 150 mg/kgbw, 250 mg/kgbw, and 350 mg/kgbw, for 16 days, . Statistic test for motility and count of sperm wistar rats use the Kruskal-Wallis followed by Mann Whitney test. Avarage value of motility in the control (21.67±9.832) its lower than treatment. In dose 350 mg/kgbw its highest (52.33±13.292) compare in the treatment 250 mg/kgbw (40.67±17.512) and 150 mg/kgbw (30.67±8.165). avarage value of count sperm in the control (130.83±41.877) its lower than treatments. In dose 350 mg/kgbw its highest (199.67±23.480) compare in the treatment 250 mg/kgbw (187.50±74.538) and 150 mg/kgbw (140.83±32.568). Administration of Nigella sativa oil occur to enhancement motility and number of spermatozoa wistar rats.

2011 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-16

Ocktarini R, Prasetyo DH, Sjarifah I. 2011. Effect of herbal extract of anting-anting (Acalypha australis) on blood glucose level of Balb/C mice with induction of Streptozotocin. Biofarmasi 9: 12-16. This study was conducted to determine the effect of herbal extract of anting-anting (Acalypha australis L.) on the decrease of blood glucose level of Balb/C mice induced with Streptozotocin. This research was an experimental laboratory with pre and post-test control group design, conducted in Laboratory of Biochemistry and Histology, Faculty of Medicine, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta. The test animals used were 16 male mice, about 4-6 weeks of age with approximately 20-30 grams induced with Streptozotocin in 0.02 M citric buffer solution, and a dose of 65 mg/kg body weight. Furthermore, the mice were divided into two groups (Metformin in a dose of 1.3 mg/mice/day and herbal extract of anting-anting 1000 mg/kg BB/day) randomly, each group consisted of 8 mice. All mice were observed for GDS level after 14 days treatment period. The data obtained was processed by using the Independent-Samples T-test statistical test (unpaired t-test) with SPSS for Microsoft Windows Release 18.0. Mean of decreased GDS levels on Metformin group vs herbal extract of anting-anting (145.87 mg/dl vs 144.62 mg/dl, p=0.965). The treatment of herbal extract of anting-anting in a dose of 1000 mg/kg body weight/day could decrease blood glucose level of Balb/C mice induced with Streptozotocin that equal with Metformin.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Aji B. Chandra ◽  
Alex Pangkahila ◽  
Wimpie Pangkahila

Abstract: This study was aimed to prove that oral administration of ALA and moderate physical exercise decrease body weight and abdominal fat more than moderate physical exercise only in obese male Wistar rats. This was a true experimental study with a post-test only control group design. Subjects were 30 Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus), male, healthy, aged 4-5 months, and obese with minimum weight of 250 g, divided into 3 groups, as follows: 1) P0, the control group with no treatment; 2) P1, given moderate physical exercise (swimming for 20 minutes/day, for 4 weeks); 3) P2, given moderate physical exercise and ALA per oral 15 mg/day for 4 weeks. The results showed that the average body weight after 4 weeks of treatment of P0 group was 279.10±5.84 g; of P1 group was 257.90±10.31 g; and of P2 group was 213.90±8.92 g (P < 0.01). The mean weight of subcutaneous abdominal fat of P0 group was 0.96±0.45 g; of P1 group was 0.63±0.31 g; and of P2 group was 0.40±0.23 g (P < 0.01 ). Moreover, the mean weight of visceral abdominal fat of P0 group was 1.23±0.37 g; of P1 group was 0.83±0.24 g; and of P2 group was 0.39±0.25 g (P < 0,01). Conclusion: Oral administration of ALA and moderate physical exercise decrease body weight, subcutaneous abdominal fat, and visceral abdominal fat more than moderate physical exercise only in obese male Wistar rats.Keywords: alpha lipoic acid, obesity, body weight, abdominal fatAbstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan bahwa pemberian ALA per oral yang dikombinasi dengan latihan fisik intensitas sedang menurunkan berat badan, lemak subkutan abdominal, dan lemak viseral abdominal lebih banyak daripada latihan fisik intensitas sedang saja pada tikus Wistar jantan dengan obesitas. Jenis penelitian ialah eksperimental murni dengan post-test only control group design. Subjek penelitian ialah 30 ekor tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus) jantan, galur Wistar, sehat, usia 4-5 bulan, dan obes dengan berat badan minimal 250 g yang terbagi menjadi tiga kelompok masing-masing berjumlah 10 ekor tikus, yaitu: P0 (kelompok kontrol), tidak mendapat perlakuan apapun; P1, kelompok perlakuan 1 yang diberikan latihan fisik intensitas sedang (renang durasi 20 menit/hari selama 4 minggu); dan P2, kelompok perlakuan 2 yang diberikan latihan fisik intensitas sedang serta ALA per oral dengan dosis 15mg/hari selama 4 minggu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rerata berat badan setelah 4 minggu perlakuan pada kelompok P0 ialah 279,10±5,84 gr; pada kelompok P1 257,90±10,31 gr; dan pada kelompok P2 213,90±8,92 gr (P < 0,01). Rerata berat lemak subkutan abdominal pada kelompok P0 ialah 0,96±0,45 gr; pada kelompok P1 0,63±0,31 gr; dan pada kelompok P2 0,40±0,23 gr (P < 0,01). Selain itu, rerata berat lemak viseral abdominal pada kelompok P0 ialah 1,23±0,37 gr; pada kelompok P1 0,83±0,24 gr; dan pada kelompok P2 0,39±0,25 gr (P < 0,01). Simpulan: Pemberian ALA per oral dengan latihan fisik intensitas sedang dapat menurunkan berat badan, lemak subkutan abdominal, dan lemak viseral abdominal lebih banyak daripada latihan fisik intensitas sedang saja pada tikus Wistar jantan dengan obesitasKata kunci: alpha lipoic acid, obesitas, berat badan, lemak abdominal

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