scholarly journals New Insights into Sulfur Metabolism in Yeasts as Revealed by Studies of Yarrowia lipolytica

2012 ◽  
Vol 79 (4) ◽  
pp. 1200-1211 ◽  
Agnès Hébert ◽  
Marie-Pierre Forquin-Gomez ◽  
Aurélie Roux ◽  
Julie Aubert ◽  
Christophe Junot ◽  

ABSTRACTYarrowia lipolytica, located at the frontier of hemiascomycetous yeasts and fungi, is an excellent candidate for studies of metabolism evolution. This yeast, widely recognized for its technological applications, in particular produces volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs) that fully contribute to the flavor of smear cheese. We report here a relevant global vision of sulfur metabolism inY. lipolyticabased on a comparison between high- and low-sulfur source supplies (sulfate, methionine, or cystine) by combined approaches (transcriptomics, metabolite profiling, and VSC analysis). The strongest repression of the sulfate assimilation pathway was observed in the case of high methionine supply, together with a large accumulation of sulfur intermediates. A high sulfate supply seems to provoke considerable cellular stress via sulfite production, resulting in a decrease of the availability of the glutathione pathway's sulfur intermediates. The most limited effect was observed for the cystine supply, suggesting that the intracellular cysteine level is more controlled than that of methionine and sulfate. Using a combination of metabolomic profiling and genetic experiments, we revealed taurine and hypotaurine metabolism in yeast for the first time. On the basis of a phylogenetic study, we then demonstrated that this pathway was lost by some of the hemiascomycetous yeasts during evolution.

2015 ◽  
Vol 197 (23) ◽  
pp. 3626-3628 ◽  
Larry Reitzer

In this issue of theJournal of Bacteriology, Chonoles Imlay et al. (K. R. Chonoles Imlay, S. Korshunov, and J. A. Imlay, J Bacteriol 197:3629–3644, 2015, show that oxidative stress kills sulfur-restrictedEscherichia coligrown with sublethal H2O2when challenged with cystine. Killing requires rapid and seemingly unregulated cystine transport and equally rapid cystine reduction to cysteine. Cysteine export completes an energy-depleting futile cycle. Each reaction of the cycle could be beneficial. Together, a cystine-mediated vulnerability emerges during the transition from a sulfur-restricted to a sulfur-replete environment, perhaps because of complexities of sulfur metabolism.

2013 ◽  
Vol 79 (23) ◽  
pp. 7360-7370 ◽  
John Seip ◽  
Raymond Jackson ◽  
Hongxian He ◽  
Quinn Zhu ◽  
Seung-Pyo Hong

ABSTRACTIn the oleaginous yeastYarrowia lipolytica,de novolipid synthesis and accumulation are induced under conditions of nitrogen limitation (or a high carbon-to-nitrogen ratio). The regulatory pathway responsible for this induction has not been identified. Here we report that the SNF1 pathway plays a key role in the transition from the growth phase to the oleaginous phase inY. lipolytica. Strains with aY. lipolyticasnf1(Ylsnf1) deletion accumulated fatty acids constitutively at levels up to 2.6-fold higher than those of the wild type. When introduced into aY. lipolyticastrain engineered to produce omega-3 eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA),Ylsnf1deletion led to a 52% increase in EPA titers (7.6% of dry cell weight) over the control. Other components of theY. lipolyticaSNF1 pathway were also identified, and their function in limiting fatty acid accumulation is suggested by gene deletion analyses. Deletion of the gene encoding YlSnf4, YlGal83, or YlSak1 significantly increased lipid accumulation in both growth and oleaginous phases compared to the wild type. Furthermore, microarray and quantitative reverse transcription-PCR (qRT-PCR) analyses of theYlsnf1mutant identified significantly differentially expressed genes duringde novolipid synthesis and accumulation inY. lipolytica. Gene ontology analysis found that these genes were highly enriched with genes involved in lipid metabolism. This work presents a new role for Snf1/AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) pathways in lipid accumulation in this oleaginous yeast.

mBio ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
Bradford Becken ◽  
Lauren Davey ◽  
Dustin R. Middleton ◽  
Katherine D. Mueller ◽  
Agastya Sharma ◽  

ABSTRACT The mucophilic anaerobic bacterium Akkermansia muciniphila is a prominent member of the gastrointestinal (GI) microbiota and the only known species of the Verrucomicrobia phylum in the mammalian gut. A high prevalence of A. muciniphila in adult humans is associated with leanness and a lower risk for the development of obesity and diabetes. Four distinct A. muciniphila phylogenetic groups have been described, but little is known about their relative abundance in humans or how they impact human metabolic health. In this study, we isolated and characterized 71 new A. muciniphila strains from a cohort of children and adolescents undergoing treatment for obesity. Based on genomic and phenotypic analysis of these strains, we found several phylogroup-specific phenotypes that may impact the colonization of the GI tract or modulate host functions, such as oxygen tolerance, adherence to epithelial cells, iron and sulfur metabolism, and bacterial aggregation. In antibiotic-treated mice, phylogroups AmIV and AmII outcompeted AmI strains. In children and adolescents, AmI strains were most prominent, but we observed high variance in A. muciniphila abundance and single phylogroup dominance, with phylogroup switching occurring in a small subset of patients. Overall, these results highlight that the ecological principles determining which A. muciniphila phylogroup predominates in humans are complex and that A. muciniphila strain genetic and phenotypic diversity may represent an important variable that should be taken into account when making inferences as to this microbe’s impact on its host’s health. IMPORTANCE The abundance of Akkermansia muciniphila in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract is linked to multiple positive health outcomes. There are four known A. muciniphila phylogroups, yet the prevalence of these phylogroups and how they vary in their ability to influence human health is largely unknown. In this study, we performed a genomic and phenotypic analysis of 71 A. muciniphila strains and identified phylogroup-specific traits such as oxygen tolerance, adherence, and sulfur acquisition that likely influence colonization of the GI tract and differentially impact metabolic and immunological health. In humans, we observed that single Akkermansia phylogroups predominate at a given time but that the phylotype can switch in an individual. This collection of strains provides the foundation for the functional characterization of A. muciniphila phylogroup-specific effects on the multitude of host outcomes associated with Akkermansia colonization, including protection from obesity, diabetes, colitis, and neurological diseases, as well as enhanced responses to cancer immunotherapies.

2017 ◽  
Vol 83 (6) ◽  
Abdelhakim Msaddak ◽  
David Durán ◽  
Mokhtar Rejili ◽  
Mohamed Mars ◽  
Tomás Ruiz-Argüeso ◽  

ABSTRACT The genetic diversity of bacterial populations nodulating Lupinus micranthus in five geographical sites from northern Tunisia was examined. Phylogenetic analyses of 50 isolates based on partial sequences of recA and gyrB grouped strains into seven clusters, five of which belong to the genus Bradyrhizobium (28 isolates), one to Phyllobacterium (2 isolates), and one, remarkably, to Microvirga (20 isolates). The largest Bradyrhizobium cluster (17 isolates) grouped with the B. lupini species, and the other five clusters were close to different recently defined Bradyrhizobium species. Isolates close to Microvirga were obtained from nodules of plants from four of the five sites sampled. We carried out an in-depth phylogenetic study with representatives of the seven clusters using sequences from housekeeping genes (rrs, recA, glnII, gyrB, and dnaK) and obtained consistent results. A phylogeny based on the sequence of the symbiotic gene nodC identified four groups, three formed by Bradyrhizobium isolates and one by the Microvirga and Phyllobacterium isolates. Symbiotic behaviors of the representative strains were tested, and some congruence between symbiovars and symbiotic performance was observed. These data indicate a remarkable diversity of L. micranthus root nodule symbionts in northern Tunisia, including strains from the Bradyrhizobiaceae, Methylobacteriaceae, and Phyllobacteriaceae families, in contrast with those of the rhizobial populations nodulating lupines in the Old World, including L. micranthus from other Mediterranean areas, which are nodulated mostly by Bradyrhizobium strains. IMPORTANCE Lupinus micranthus is a legume broadly distributed in the Mediterranean region and plays an important role in soil fertility and vegetation coverage by fixing nitrogen and solubilizing phosphate in semiarid areas. Direct sowing to extend the distribution of this indigenous legume can contribute to the prevention of soil erosion in pre-Saharan lands of Tunisia. However, rhizobial populations associated with L. micranthus are poorly understood. In this context, the diversity of endosymbionts of this legume was investigated. Most Lupinus species are nodulated by Bradyrhizobium strains. This work showed that about half of the isolates from northern Tunisian soils were in fact Bradyrhizobium symbionts, but the other half were found unexpectedly to be bacteria within the genera Microvirga and Phyllobacterium. These unusual endosymbionts may have a great ecological relevance. Inoculation with the appropriate selected symbiotic bacterial partners will increase L. micranthus survival with consequent advantages for the environment in semiarid areas of Tunisia.

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 407-452 ◽  
Eugénia Pedro ◽  
João Leitão ◽  
Helena Alves

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to determine the predominant classification of intellectual capital (IC), in terms of components, using the literature of reference on the relationship between IC and performance and considering multi-dimensional analysis axes (MAAs): organisational, regional and national. Design/methodology/approach A systematic literature review (SLR) is presented focussing on empirical studies on IC published in the period 1960-2016. A protocol for action is defined and a research question is raised, gathering data from the databases of: Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar. A social network analysis is also provided to determine the type of networks embracing groups, IC individual components and performance type. Findings Of the 777 papers included in the SLR, 189 deal with the relationship between IC and performance. The paper highlights the greater development of empirical studies starting from 2004; the organisational MAA is the most studied. The most frequently used groups of components in studies dealing with IC’s influence on performance corresponds to a triad of human capital; structural (organisational or process) capital; and relational (social or customer) capital, which determine positively the performance of organisations/regions/countries, but their influence is not linear and depends on various factors associated with the context and surrounding environment. Practical implications This study has wide-ranging implications for politicians/governments, managers and academics, providing empirical evidence about the relationships between the components of IC and performance, by MAAs, and a global vision and better understanding of how those IC components have developed and how they are related to performance. Originality/value Due to the high number of references covering a wide range of disciplines and the various dimensions (e.g. organisational, regional and national) that form IC, it becomes fundamental to carry out an SRL and systematise its MAAs to deepen knowledge about what has been discovered/developed in this domain, in terms of empirical studies, in order to situate the topic in a wider theoretical-practical context. The paper is exceptionally wide-ranging, covering the period 1960-2016. It is one of the first clarifying studies on systemisation of the literature on IC, by MAA, and an in-depth study of IC’s impact on the performance of organisations/regions and countries which may serve as a guideline for future studies using the taxonomy proposed.

2016 ◽  
Vol 82 (15) ◽  
pp. 4613-4627 ◽  
Garrett H. Wheaton ◽  
Arpan Mukherjee ◽  
Robert M. Kelly

ABSTRACTThe extremely thermoacidophilic archaeonMetallosphaera sedulamobilizes metals by novel membrane-associated oxidase clusters and, consequently, requires metal resistance strategies. This issue was examined by “shocking”M. sedulawith representative metals (Co2+, Cu2+, Ni2+, UO22+, Zn2+) at inhibitory and subinhibitory levels. Collectively, one-quarter of the genome (554 open reading frames [ORFs]) responded to inhibitory levels, and two-thirds (354) of the ORFs were responsive to a single metal. Cu2+(259 ORFs, 106 Cu2+-specific ORFs) and Zn2+(262 ORFs, 131 Zn2+-specific ORFs) triggered the largest responses, followed by UO22+(187 ORFs, 91 UO22+-specific ORFs), Ni2+(93 ORFs, 25 Ni2+-specific ORFs), and Co2+(61 ORFs, 1 Co2+-specific ORF). While one-third of the metal-responsive ORFs are annotated as encoding hypothetical proteins, metal challenge also impacted ORFs responsible for identifiable processes related to the cell cycle, DNA repair, and oxidative stress. Surprisingly, there were only 30 ORFs that responded to at least four metals, and 10 of these responded to all five metals. This core transcriptome indicated induction of Fe-S cluster assembly (Msed_1656-Msed_1657), tungsten/molybdenum transport (Msed_1780-Msed_1781), and decreased central metabolism. Not surprisingly, a metal-translocating P-type ATPase (Msed_0490) associated with a copper resistance system (Cop) was upregulated in response to Cu2+(6-fold) but also in response to UO22+(4-fold) and Zn2+(9-fold). Cu2+challenge uniquely induced assimilatory sulfur metabolism for cysteine biosynthesis, suggesting a role for this amino acid in Cu2+resistance or issues in sulfur metabolism. The results indicate thatM. sedulaemploys a range of physiological and biochemical responses to metal challenge, many of which are specific to a single metal and involve proteins with yet unassigned or definitive functions.IMPORTANCEThe mechanisms by which extremely thermoacidophilic archaea resist and are negatively impacted by metals encountered in their natural environments are important to understand so that technologies such as bioleaching, which leverage microbially based conversion of insoluble metal sulfides to soluble species, can be improved. Transcriptomic analysis of the cellular response to metal challenge provided both global and specific insights into how these novel microorganisms negotiate metal toxicity in natural and technological settings. As genetics tools are further developed and implemented for extreme thermoacidophiles, information about metal toxicity and resistance can be leveraged to create metabolically engineered strains with improved bioleaching characteristics.

2019 ◽  
Vol 40 (3) ◽  
pp. 1237 ◽  
Luiz Felipe de Melo Santos ◽  
Allan de Marcos Lapaz ◽  
Rafael Simões Tomaz ◽  
Maikon Vinicius da Silva Lira ◽  
Adônis Moreira ◽  

Sulfur deficiency in soils has become a worldwide concern for agricultural production. This study aimed to evaluate the concequence of variable sulfur source and dosing on the nutritional status and production of Piatã forage in a dystrophic Ultisol. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized block design with four replications. The 4 x 5 factorial treatments consisted of four sulfur sources (elemental sulfur pastilles [ESPA], gypsum [GY], gypsite [GI], and elemental sulfur powder [ESPO]) and five sulfur doses (0, 50, 100, 150. and 200 mg kg-1). The sulfur applications resulted in similar maximum shoot dry mass (SDM) production (16.66 to 17.69 g pot-1) with all sources. However, Piatã grass achieved maximum production in the treatments with 112 mg kg-1 of GI, 118 mg kg-1 of GY and ESPA, and 146 mg kg-1 of ESPO. The number of tillers, the leaf:stem ratio, and SPAD increased with increasing sulfur dose. The greatest increments of root dry mass (RDM) and of the tiller number were obtained with the ESPO source. Macronutrient concentrations in shoot dry mass tissue were in the order K > N > Ca > P > S > Mg. Low sulfur supply resulted in decreased Piatã grass growth with all sulfur sources tested. Differential responses were found with applications of different sulfur sources for SDM, RDM, and tillers number. The sources did not alter the leaf:stem ratio or SPAD index.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Thomas M. Deere ◽  
Divya Prakash ◽  
Faith H. Lessner ◽  
Evert C. Duin ◽  
Daniel J. Lessner

Abstract Background The production of methane by methanogens is dependent on numerous iron-sulfur (Fe-S) cluster proteins; yet, the machinery involved in Fe-S cluster biogenesis in methanogens remains largely unknown. Methanogen genomes encode uncharacterized homologs of the core components of the ISC (IscS and IscU) and SUF (SufBC) Fe-S cluster biogenesis systems found in bacteria and eukaryotes. Methanosarcina acetivorans contains three iscSU and two sufCB gene clusters. Here, we report genetic and biochemical characterization of M. acetivorans iscSU2. Results Purified IscS2 exhibited pyridoxal 5′- phosphate-dependent release of sulfur from L-cysteine. Incubation of purified IscU2 with IscS2, cysteine, and iron (Fe2+) resulted in the formation of [4Fe-4S] clusters in IscU2. IscU2 transferred a [4Fe-4S] cluster to purified M. acetivorans apo-aconitase. IscU2 also restored the aconitase activity in air-exposed M. acetivorans cell lysate. These biochemical results demonstrate that IscS2 is a cysteine desulfurase and that IscU2 is a Fe-S cluster scaffold. M. acetivorans strain DJL60 deleted of iscSU2 was generated to ascertain the in vivo importance of IscSU2. Strain DJL60 had Fe-S cluster content and growth similar to the parent strain but lower cysteine desulfurase activity. Strain DJL60 also had lower intracellular persulfide content compared to the parent strain when cysteine was an exogenous sulfur source, linking IscSU2 to sulfur metabolism. Conclusions This study establishes that M. acetivorans contains functional IscS and IscU, the core components of the ISC Fe-S cluster biogenesis system and provides the first evidence that ISC operates in methanogens.

2010 ◽  
Vol 77 (4) ◽  
pp. 1449-1459 ◽  
Marie-Pierre Forquin ◽  
Agnès Hébert ◽  
Aurélie Roux ◽  
Julie Aubert ◽  
Caroline Proux ◽  

ABSTRACTIn this study, we combined metabolic reconstruction, growth assays, and metabolome and transcriptome analyses to obtain a global view of the sulfur metabolic network and of the response to sulfur availability inBrevibacterium aurantiacum. In agreement with the growth ofB. aurantiacumin the presence of sulfate and cystine, the metabolic reconstruction showed the presence of a sulfate assimilation pathway, thiolation pathways that produce cysteine (cysEandcysK) or homocysteine (metXandmetY) from sulfide, at least one gene of the transsulfuration pathway (aecD), and genes encoding three MetE-type methionine synthases. We also compared the expression profiles ofB. aurantiacumATCC 9175 during sulfur starvation or in the presence of sulfate. Under sulfur starvation, 690 genes, including 21 genes involved in sulfur metabolism and 29 genes encoding amino acids and peptide transporters, were differentially expressed. We also investigated changes in pools of sulfur-containing metabolites and in expression profiles after growth in the presence of sulfate, cystine, or methionine plus cystine. The expression of genes involved in sulfate assimilation and cysteine synthesis was repressed in the presence of cystine, whereas the expression ofmetX,metY,metE1,metE2, andBL613, encoding a probable cystathionine-γ-synthase, decreased in the presence of methionine. We identified three ABC transporters: two operons encoding transporters were transcribed more strongly during cysteine limitation, and one was transcribed more strongly during methionine depletion. Finally, the expression of genes encoding a methionine γ-lyase (BL929) and a methionine transporter (metPS) was induced in the presence of methionine in conjunction with a significant increase in volatile sulfur compound production.

2016 ◽  
Vol 82 (6) ◽  
pp. 1734-1744 ◽  
Yanmei Chen ◽  
Yuanqing Chao ◽  
Yaying Li ◽  
Qingqi Lin ◽  
Jun Bai ◽  

ABSTRACTPlant-associated bacteria are of great interest because of their potential use in phytoremediation. However, their ability to survive and promote plant growth in metal-polluted soils remains unclear. In this study, a soilborne Cd-resistant bacterium was isolated and identified asEnterobactersp. strain EG16. It tolerates high external Cd concentrations (Cd2+MIC, >250 mg liter−1) and is able to produce siderophores and the plant hormone indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), both of which contribute to plant growth promotion. Surface biosorption in this strain accounted for 31% of the total Cd accumulated. The potential presence of cadmium sulfide, shown by energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis, suggested intracellular Cd binding as a Cd response mechanism of the isolate. Cd exposure resulted in global regulation at the transcriptomic level, with the bacterium switching to an energy-conserving mode by inhibiting energy-consuming processes while increasing the production of stress-related proteins. The stress response system included increased import of sulfur and iron, which become deficient under Cd stress, and the redirection of sulfur metabolism to the maintenance of intracellular glutathione levels in response to Cd toxicity. Increased production of siderophores, responding to Cd-induced Fe deficiency, not only is involved in the Cd stress response systems of EG16 but may also play an important role in promoting plant growth as well as alleviating the Cd-induced inhibition of IAA production. The newly isolated strain EG16 may be a suitable candidate for microbially assisted phytoremediation due to its high resistance to Cd and its Cd-induced siderophore production, which is likely to contribute to plant growth promotion.

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